Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1959, p. 8

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Ccrn.a.0.a1Ieefs aînd Cabbagte al a.ma~ uie Ig A STOREY STORY ture in finding things you lea ve with a glow ot triendly Ever find a genuine Chinese1 couldn't bave wanted because 1 enceunter to share wlth the backscratcher in a barrel full you didn't realize they existed. I neighbors back home. ef fly-swatters; pioneer-par-1bti Where else btia enerail Just last week at Burtt's Cor- leur candle-snuf fer in a burlap stoe could you find a gleam- ner, N. B., 1 saw ne bass than bag filied wit.h stove-pokers; a ing new oiectric range beneath fine Amorican cars parked be- ciassy French lace camisole un- and, or, behind piles of hand- aide a large, run-dewn but der a hap-hazard heap of cdean, hooked rugs, boys' knee knick- wondorfuliy overstocked gon- bleached sugar bags? 1 did, al ers, stacks ot woollen work eral store. Inside I saw a lady within one heur et one day. socke, hait a dozen bicycle from Maine pay a dollar and .just to keep the record straight, tires and a couple ot gaivaniz- chanefo anodasied 1 was net pîaying games. I was ed wash tubs? An-d, a tew teet knuc le-knocking scrub board. shopping-for a bag of saited away, under a heap et sim4lar She toid the merchant ahe peanuts and a new toothbrush. sundries, a big, black, iron cook- wanted it as a gag-gift for a But, ini dickering tor a volume steve. Where eise could YOu frlend who "has everything'l. price on the back-scratcher, find a carton marked pork an2d A man from New York City the candle-enuffer and the beans stashed away under a was leoking tor an antique hand camisole, I completely torgot rack et oversize cotton bouse- butter churn. te dlsplay in hîs about the peanuts and the dresses and where else would Early American games room. teothbrush. Cempared to my yf0U tind the perk and bean The preprieter didn't have one discoveries you must admit carton filled with menla ever- but ho knew anothe.r general peanute and.a toothbrush seem ails? Where olse ceuid you buy merchant, just a tew miles fur- pretty tame fare. a can et steve-biack, a shee- ther along, who did. Ho phen- Where diid I find such ad- button heok or a tin otfmus- ed ahead and made arrange- venture? In a country general tache wax? And these are juet ments for the visiter te pick it store, where else? For me there some eft the wonders I've seen up. The New Yorker? He look- ino thrill to equal the heady in rural generai stores from od like I imagine Champlain feelng hatcoms fom un-Cassidy, Vancouver Island te must have looked when he dis- feing that o mes fn ro un- Zealand Station, New Bruns- covered the Saint John River aninglson my on, l treghwick. -downright deiighted! aom whlsteth general stoe. It pleases me te note that 1In addition te seliin, bis For rny money the typical gen- ~am net the enlv one fascinatedî ae n ihn u uhn ru te, smea gll-towneor u by generai stores. Although hole tacts, the general mer- nroute nowikea goricmhe-my ooten overloeked by glad-hand- chant ottors free advice on1 b nertkno bwhat rices arnay ing h est agencies, the country treatment et lnsect bites andi a nea db a l ittofe darung generai store is a definite tour- weed rashes and 1 have seen1 The avrl lot0f dgg. o ist attraction. While typical some administer "good, old- Theoveailhode-pdgeetgeneral store owners serve as time, sure-tire treatment"' on the average general store may triends, coontidantes, contes-thsp.Anhr ercere be nneingte omebutit' asors and bankers for their re- candy and ice creami for yeung- source et challenge te me. gular custoers they aise tr h wi bl terpr There's a little et the blood- serve as unotticial greeters, etes hunwt urie trare houd n al t u ad jstguides, information cierks a.nd among stacks ot blue jeans,g crossing the threshold et a gen- historians for a seasonal army blankets, homne-made appeie eral store brings out the suIoop ot touring visiters. Although jeliy and aprens let over fromi and search instincts in me. Like his sign may not say se, the the last Wemen's Institute sale.3 the modern city market the average general merchant dis- Idntma egv h m general store has a place for penses goodwill right along prodonthmat c et h eera- eveythng.But unike thewith hardware, foedstutts and stores have ne stock in the r-oeressive urban shop, there's drygoods. In his ewn way hepret.Tyha.Lketos "neplae secil fr aythngmakes more friends for Canada everywhere they otter bone ili particular'. It's fun even than ail the diplomats Ottawa china, imported sweaters, me- -tinding the things yau want can train, polish and dispatch.. dern cake mixes, quick-drink but there's stili greater adven- Right hore in the Maritimes preparations, Fifth avenue bats, ____________________where I amn visiting, away from hair tints and white lipstick. the cities and off the beaten What I de say us that this mer- 25DAY SPECIAL coastal path, the generai store cadise coupled wîth lettovera Ireigns auprenue. Seme have fo chan ermae ptn L W ROUNDTRIP been ad ow thug combination. More Importantý RAIL FARES three and< four tarnily genera.. it usually adda up te a case et carry stock beught by the o ore toctha hr i ei ignlpreprietor- high-button teput t The resultant chaotic, iginai -muddle-type dispiay ot goods h.RIRETIMES shees, mustache cups, ceai-oil onirgei ye ,ane o hous lams, woden washtheslickest sales promotion tubs, tly paper rails and snuff metiueds ever devised. There _____ ~~boxes. Smiall wonder touristsusomvngtiîaigea s. in search et the oftbeat, the pic- iswen hopper whengshe bas turesque and the dewn-to- te moan oî et wencke wir '4earth fiock te these general and ispie a llofack e i stos-like Arabe to, mecca. y Lauder records te get next Here they can browse, bargain to aboit ef pure Irish linon p . ~and banter te their hearts' con-O atwlin.Ad iwud -- £ - tent; pick up aorne oethte local steristhwelllg ndalt woudn't -sports and tolk lere, get advice surprifshe ogn era echaknt on rcads,. terrain and back- wandifhe bout thecicke wood pontsof nteestandand fergot the tea-towelllng. genj07 alreflin OU-i v*Se please, Mr. Wixard-man, ;m" "Dewn EaW this yoaré take our tour wheei drives and Inasxunwe hclidy fer give give us airborne car-pets, take ,~a 25-day Umit w sop K NE our cracked bones eut et splts pmmitecLand stick 'em tegether with AVAILABLE FOR glue; lit our imaginations fromn a( 1earth-reot depths te sky-recket 1, 0 B e N lfT C À% C E S height but, please, dont take wmm~um' ~ away eur country generai ju» to epteber th"storesl Let thern continue te ha. 51h a S.t.mbr Tt *~prosper se tiuat In years te IIALrII S. JUEL S corne, when we are long gene, our children will know the CamS oy oealuPoffeRafwo ogrA Barrister and Solicitor thrill et finding a sack dress; o5s im1coe st. 8. Oshawa an ivy league suit or two% RA 5-3525 ameong the stacks et space hel- mets and racks et pressurized overalls. ...at your fingertips the Afremans'hat ls a symbot of profectie,. Se is your rire insurance policy. When fire strikes, alert firemen ore sean on ffiefr wcv» occepting risks themnsetves toprotect your ife and pre.$p And when lire strilces, tIre insuronce steps in te offset disostrous financicil losi. Every wek, semne 1,400 fires break out acres. Canada. Companies writing fit. insurance puy eut more thon one hundred îmillion dol lars onnually in daims. And y., vktualy ail the fires which fake the. Ilves of more tho. 500 Canadiens each year are preventabe.. Fire insuronce safeguords your property. But anly yeu con guorantae.against loss of rf.. Sofety pays divdend. .. sovéslilves, bolps te Iower yeu kroIsrnce caes. De Coreftd. ALL C1AAINUOURtANiCz FEDIaTion fie. A utobo&bMW dCmualo ue ua 1 Tractors Change Marsh Into Attractive Park A few short months ago, Osn- a". R. Davidson, park super- awa'a Third Marsh was just 'viser for the Lindsay District another large marsh along the of the Department of Landse nd shore ot Lake Ontario. Cattie Foresti, explained the unique browsed along the crest of the! situation that is being met at sloping hilas as farmers turnedj the park. the stubbled ground with glis- The park is within easy reach tening plough shares. of the most heavily populated Migrating ducks and getse set- area in Canada. Therefore, it tled on the Nlue green waters of can be expected the parking rest and feed before contlnuing problem will be a main con- their trek to nesting grounds cern. The department has sur- In the north. It was a scene of mounted the problemn by layingi tranquil beauty. eut a series of hait circle strips Today, the cattle are gone. interlaced with shrubbed bou- Yellow caterpilar tractors levards. The lot will be situat- prowl the his clawing and dig- ed in the middle of the park, ging road beds through the 225 directly in front of the main acres of provincial parkiand.' swimming area. If the early citlzenry et Osh- Camping and the outdoers lite has been the trademark of awa could see the face lifting, Canadian tourierm ever since they would certainly stand awe- the days of the coureur de bois strlcken at the massive excava- and the fur traders. Net letting tiens that are being made. this important part of Canadiana Other Days Recalled escape us, the department wil The building of the park place 365 trailer a.nd camp sites brings back many fond mem- at the public's disposai. orles to the members of the As the citizens ot Oshawa eider generation in the area. probably know, the swimniing For tihem., the marsh was a ta- conditions around the marsh vorite spot te shoot wild fowl are flot of the best. A isand In the fail and to fish in the beach stretching along the spring and summer months. shoreline of the park has been Jesse Truli, one ef the pion- I roposed. Already, soreeof the eers of the district, hollowed a j reakwater has been construct- 16-feQt canoe tram a huge ce-! ed. dar log and used it for hunting This week, a dredge was and fishing in the marsh. erected in the bay area and During the early 1930's, a work was started to transterm group of about 10 memnbers et a reed-fiiied bay front into a the Truil family, gathered at sweeping curve et sand which thie iarsh on a sunny Septem- we ail envy on vacation foiders, ber afternoon and dug the but rarély have a chance te canoe from its resting place on visit. the marsh bottom. It was in a The planting et trees was the state of almost perfect preser- first step in this proposed five- vation. year construction project. This Earl Truli of Prestonvale, spring, more than 30,000 yeung who was in the west at the trees were strategically placed time, recails that the canoe was throughout the grounds. Native .placed in one ot the pieneer Ontario trees ranging from cemoteries near the marsh. It white maplo te cedar were is his belief that it may have planted. rotted away in the intervening Poplars have been planted years. practically everywhere. The de- Big Undertaklng partment explained the peplars This present day excavation wl l grow quickly and previde la a much bigger undertaking. shelter in a short period of The park road is an extension time. Spruce, pine and cedar of the notorieus G'host read are aise planted te fil n the (the read no one knows whoI area. bullt). Branch roads radiate Ready In August fromn the main road te ail parts When will the park be ready? et the campslte. The public will be abile te use Big Deal PALMER 20 King Street E. MOTOR Bowmanville sSnie et the tacilities, such as part et the beach and the 1,90 picnic tables by the first twe weeks ini August. However, the public will net be required to buy a Lands and Forest sticker until such time as the department terms the park as beung useable. This date has been tent.atively fixed for soe time next summer. The public shouid keep in mind that the development ivili net be cempleted for a peried et five yoars. Three Objectives Workmen on the site have three objectives in front et 'tbom for thiz year: the con- struction et a warehouse. a wa- ter pumping systen and a hy- dre system. Sc the work continues trom day te day. More dirt and sand is moved, shoved and pushed. Men cutting grass, building bath houses, camp sites and do- ing rnany other jobs sweat and beceme brown under the surn- mer sun. The landascape le being trans- formed into a picnicker*s para- dise, slowly, ever se elowly, like the slow, steaming sbups on the horizon.-Times. School Resu Its S.S. No. 6, Hope. Mon Promotion@ Grade VII te Grade IX - Mike Szalawiga. Grade VI te, VII - David Gerow (Hon.), Cocile Mazur, Ray Moore, Maxine Sunday. Grade V te Grade VI - Joy Mazur, Biliy MacDonald. Grade IV te Grade V - Hea- ther Best (Hon.), Garry Green, Philip Harness. Grade III te Grade IV- Bruce Green. Grade Il te Grade III - Ran- dy Green, Ellen Harness, Fred- die McBride, Gussie McBride. Grade I te, Grade II - Mary Dickinson, Sandra Moore,, Arth- ur MacDonald, Sharon Szaia- wiga. C. Raby, teacher. Tlhe whoie facuities et man must be exerted in erder te cal I forth noble energies, and ho wbo is net earnestly sincere lives in but hait bis being, self- mutlilated, iself-paralyzed. -I Coleridge. minçltlve th:romtt whloh"e dmaof o iron fi ne simokc, nqsbot, ne fou1ed eombue"oo duse. no wu.d o0& Wîth the Instant don au»e fltcs ae neoflhcks o et o:blowlns froms cljcheney or eapinginàto yo~ undreds of tests nuade with anioke-detectlng insuuents show 4 home that's absolutaly oison frons ë» vur momnw ent '. sundo, qu'o -y4--4 c .u Dow% 0. fldbille - Ope me WIIhoW Ownere rporg remarkaM lfüg<%bm chln.y draft f;t hee sno amokywÙrrnutTheCUSTOM Mark tilfiumat od t fol te frna en pmydisItiownposit1ivnd 0 WiSteOI o.Service cablemIrou fbLa bft wtb prccison Contrty.o 910 VMWSaih point natud chobma.y draft w.quîre&. rL\L. A. Parker & Sons PHONE MA 3-5651 New location: 152 King St. E. Days!1 SALES Phone MA 3 -5487 SAVE NOW- ON A NEW CAR OR TRUCK! GET TOP DOLLAR FOR VOUR TRADE-IN!, COME IN OR PHONE..BUT flURRYI THESE GREAT VALUES WILL GO FASI Chrysier Corporation of Canada, LJmlted 1 ' flnT'~T1nV White ln 1906. ODJ J.UART She was an original member' ef the Queen's Own Rifles Mas.I . ~ *WHIjTE chapter of the I.O.D.E. and a member of the board of the Funeral service was held Fmi- borne for the ageJ on Belmont day, July l7th., for Margareti St. Veitcb Yellowlees White, 85,; Mrs. White wvas a n"iember of wlfe et Melville P. White. re-. the Ladies' Club off Toronto, tired executive ef Canadiari the Rosedale Golf club. and St General Electric Ce. Mxa. White Andrew's United Church. died at hem haime. Hawthorne Survivin« are lier husband; Gardens, Resedale, Thursday. a brother, D. A. Yellowlees, and Born in Bowxnanvile, sheý a sister. 'Mrs. W. H. Rider, bath came bore wîth her parents in, of Chicago. 1882. She was educated in To- Intermient w&- in Presbyter- rente and vwas mnarried te Mr. ian Cemeterv, Weodstock. k«. Fhu CUSTOM MarkIl dbm whl betut d".fmu.. bqubd for à. 1 t lisw elh1.mMd ike fro. wufoMo

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