Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1959, p. 14

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KEDRON Mr. and Mrs. Merle J. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson were received ito membersrnp «)f Kedron Uniteci Church, by transfer. at the Sacrament ser- vie conducted on Sunday inorning, by the minister Rev. R~. H. Love. Music was by Ke- dron maie quartette, Nlrs. R. E. Lee arganist. Flowers at the altar were in loving memory of the late LesliE Brown. Bi:I Snowden presided in the Sun- lay School hour. 'Cloverlea', ho.me of Mr--. Ross Lee, provicied a cool July setting for the regular mionthi' meeting of the Womans Assio- ciation. Mrs. Grant Gloc-er ied a devotional pe-iod wsith Ms.rý4 Starr as pianist. Scripture wu.- read by Lynda Hopkins and Ann Glover. Vocal music %waý provided by a g-irls' trio, Joani Ogle, Ann Glox'er and Lvîu Hiopkins. Presiclent Mrs. Wil- liam Woodward t orued bus- iness briefl. The guest speul:e . ---N. T. }olmes. Harmor: . ren-irncd -411 to seek timc toi- spîritu: I recreation and meditation as plans are made for filling no- i- day hours. A vote of sincere appreciation was tendered Mc,.ý Hoirnes. Other pxogram nun,-i bers were a reàding by Mrs. William Werry 9od a song 1hv Brenda Hopkîîlç and Donna Glover assisted b.\ Mrs. Doug- las Love. Hostesses wîth.U. Lee we:- Mrs. P. Wilson. Mis. R. Green and Mss. G. Slinson.* Frank C. Leec, as been eni- joying an extendeci holiday' with Mr. ai-d Mrs. Andrew;Y Scott, Goderich. and their farn- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Glovec1i and daughters. Ann. Donna, an-d Mary Ellen have returned fromi a motor trip to Pembroke,ý North Bay, and other centres.! M r. and Mî'r . .. Lee. Mr. . ..... ÎÏ, n easpberTy iam is ane ofthe e»a- NI est to make, as well as tht mosi denioos, so why not try Ihis very tE %wpcesfirecipe! 4 ctzps prepared fruit about w Ire prepare truit. Crush cofi»- g>i1etely, one layer at a tine, about M 2 quarts fully ripe raspberries. (If ul de.lired, sieve baïf of pulp ta re- N inove some of the seeds.) Measure ÏM 4 cups into a vertj Large saucepan. ai To make your iam. Tu the meas- ai ured fruit in saucepan. add 6%½"c eups sugar. Mix weIL. Place over bigh heat. bring ta a full rolling l boi]. Boil bard 1 minute, stirring ai constantly. Rexnove from heai. sûr in Certo at once. Skim off w foam with metal spoon. Slir an-d ar sldm for 5 minutes to cool slightly. th to prevent floating fruit. Ladie in-ua in glasses. Caver at once with 14 a' inch hat paraffin. Makes about )0 gi Mediumn glasses. dý Wheu aie meuion "pectui" ra-ngW iromen say "I don't reeIlU undev'- stand îhat it s. Wefl. pectin is Gi >nnpLi the i4ellng ru.berance jound Ný ine aU fruits ini udrying amowit& 0C Certo is pectin extracted from rO fruts rich in this naturai sub- suince, thien Tejined, concentrated and perfurmance-controlled. Sa vatitraity, wheu pou~ use Certo qrud follote the tested Certo reci- pes. pour jamn d jeUV alaisp aeft peujectly! Preserving Pointers: It's a gaod idea ta lemper ail ncw glass jars befare using. in order ta preventi breaking. Sin'ply place the jars an a rack in a pan, caver with cold water. and iluen heat gradually ta thue boiiing point. Keep canned fruits un a cool dark place. The darkness protects the color. the cooiness helpr pre- Perve the flavor. Keep an eye out for tnp next rolue>.n uhieh u'ilIlihave another ,'ecipe Bp the -<ap. if yon Icone urip problerns with pour iane and jellp asakng. 1 ivislmou'd Jet me kuow. 1 maV 6e able tea IeLp Mou. Free!1 un u.1 InoNunjY holiday week at O.A.C.. Gelph, roorn was tastefully decorate Ham to s nty n arin to S nir ocerNestleton, visited with Mr. and ]ast week. in Pinlk and wietsu tem I-'IMs. Merwin Mountjoy on Sunl- Congratulations t> M.r. and;,ers, balloons and garclen flow- -- .,.~ - , . ~ . - . -*..~., - .... .~~,.- . fr fo a icnc. Mrs. Edgar Harrup (nee Cecile ers. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Parker, 1 Petit) whose marriage took After a sincere expression of 4Toronto. were visitors with ber place at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. preeiation was voiced oi' sister, Miss Louise Goodman, Chapman's on Saturday afte Siev a lovclv lunch was onfldy oofl. served and a social haif hour4 Mr. and Mrs. Dalton William- ' Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Trull, was enjoved. son, Toronto, Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Truil. U .Thompson, Mss. Garf. Trevail Wayne, Gave andl Anita, Mr. Mrs. K. Winterburn and Mrs. Murwin Dickinson,1 and Mrs. Harland TruiE, and Dealh chame another of our Oshavva, were visitai-s with the 1 M4r. W. W. Horn attended the esteemed Hampton citizens - o Sain Dewells. Truli family picnic at Orono Mr-s. K. Winterouirn. who pass- Ms. nd rs. iltn Peers Park on SatuirdaN afternoon. daa-tthhoeohr Mr. a d Mrheliltnalonrea n od war. MT re attndace '7 nhalhpr Mhtr. wreadls c.alle-sonSuand rs. R. H. Wurard n er ee-ittedll. aiil baninssd dr.ay ndther var omSle roinesform erside n ofhaeto b'he nihbrsan rin1 Regina. ýFser elng! arn latr onwmtanlle. The lunera seviee nthin Mtors .vistner a tanddaugh- j Soer For Bride-t-b day w- asnd coat iite Moars te, Mr. aW. M.B . Saris, Roddy M. anodly nuni.Bero ai. San saiacvem if -Biand d ind-.ar ejoInadrlasembi e d caler un eral Chapnstel.Boranlle cotag.lfand i-j iams' Pointchuech aesemton fWeds alnd - ondocted by ber as- Baltiforea cupleonee . adaeeni ogauain oteepaongwer cannîîvor evgF . ed Bural Th .Mrs. GCAciLockwooud andMr it bmisceaneus aronWer- deas in the North emetenvHamp- and Mr. . H rrsonan da - erwho wih h r arets Mr at S m atv i exended tawh 7ý ghtMiss Sanra Lo ckwrson Sn- band foris R.Hi arle rie. tero-iterand ist e. ise aa. o ter aoghose i fhobrmderto-esient fHmtnb e egbr n re attenedKth shoerfor Sug hilyjUo er Fr ria e-t-e h'xas erie nT teBradlev .la rvst weck. escortdly o a r onent ; a, a el h Mri T...... Bary had Cnjo. ae tejbus sund irls asdeoratbd an Wýe nd GasCashte y ps tcotte lStattoilliFest iva nt phrsent eedwt on piedetToda Mrs. Ernest.Ad.nJsn RMrd. Ann Baison Luor a ul elun Ms RyKuxL1 eere eaohe un-Fo h orcmtryOlAplace Alec Cc]rr coiiek Ms F . edCok icaneouMacnab and ton.Sv;- thy sough dd o MiVss JohndrLoge M s Ther-cled levis airlead adrleyT. ESM aw. on e nin MonjoMr.Se w-he riesntation ahed displaadv -te eh nddMiseshFowrncforhrley. in o iter a. lvevad C SIFi who wll betinalsts n Da~hnoto's Snior occerLeage Dou Whit, AI tàce, Fre Terr. Dik DenentogbacktoyedthusWmen'sInsttute hîch ccomaniedthem.Tue wîlI~~~ri be dtcded Tts teaofimFamttovaslfgntingrow, on Cleens, ord ChntoAt-RGylldsaCarlie >'at toxi hsya uis noneigpt fo-TrsrGenSih i adl n ory ____________________________________________ t-- ________. - ---.t ' and Mrs. Harold Werry wen among guests of Mr. and Mr- ,Meredith Moftatt at their suin mer home on Lake Ontario whet Mi-. ai-d Ms-s. Lawrenc( Allen, Oshawa, were guestsa honiour, and Mi-. and Mrs. T.C Smiliie, Toronto, entertainec with pictures ot their six, month trip to Arizonia. Califor. nia and other SoLithern States MatrNeil Love has speii several days with bis grand. parents, Mr. and Mrs. LesliE Booth. Oshawau. ai their eattagE -n Crow Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Har-vey Paseüu were guests ai Mrs. W. McCul- och, Orono. Children and -andchiidrer of Mr. and Mis. james Cook- son were guests of Mr. and Mfrs. Walter Davis on Sunday, Kedr4.-,: Junior Farmers al. tended the Inter-Count-. Fiel. Day and Softball competitior, ield in Peterbcyoogh on Satur- lai-. and contributed towarcl winning the Troplîy for Ontario County. who secured the high- st number of points of the ompeting counties. Kedron attenidanits at tie Wern, reunion nienie on Sat- i-tday at Hamiptori Park were: VI-. and Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy, %r. and Mss. C. F. Werry, Mr. nd Mrs. Stan' and sons, -Mr. .nrl Mrs. Williamn Werry an ;ons. and Mrs. H-. A. Werry. Mr-. and 'Mrs. A. Staintoin Wuskoka. Mrs. Adam- Hawley id Catharine. Peterborough, ffiss Lyn Far-ro\%. Port Credit, vere weekend guest.s of Mrý td Vu-rs. R. E. Lee andI wiitl hemn atteiidecl the Truîl pieni< it Orono Park on Saturday, tnd a ramil ' N7gathering as Iuest. of Mr. and Mrs. John ean, Lake Sirncoe, oni Suïn- lay. Recent guests of Mr. and 1/rs. V.ll ountio.v were, Mar\-. race MeDermoti and Beryl vountjoy. London, and Misses Oh-ve Luke and Irene Bray, To. nlito. Bible School "Kights" Days of' chivalî-y were revitr- MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARRERIS (i%\4 le" i#m MLW. Pm 0F) STAFFORD M 5 BROS. jfutorid Déia Stafford Bros. Monumental Works 318 Duildas St. E., WhitbY Phone %Wbitb.y MlOhawltk 8-3~552 Free! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at Vigor Oil SERVICE STATION Under New Management - Don Juard, Prop. Assisted by "Chick" Richards of Bowmanville 25 years' service with Imperial Oil "We Specialize in Personal Service" CORNER 0F ÏMANVERS ROAI> AND FIFTHI CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Double Siamp Day Every Tuesday - Corne Out and See Our Display oi Gifts- Complete Lubrication at a Reasonabie Price ASK ABOUT OURSPECIALPRICE ON TIRES STOVE O- IL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITV AT THE STATION OPEN EYENINGS AND SUNDATS e -'e 'S. n- e af C. Record Crowd Attends Durham Hoistein Meet At RusselIl BesI's Farm e A record crowd of neariy 300 1 leading the haltered cattIe noted with interest 1mr'e eranging in age from infants to around the ring for con testants. ments made at Fai-winds sin,ýe aduits Thurs2day night attend-!I o view and judge. the Best family camne to Dur- e d the annual Durham county Explains Jtsdgingr ham county from Yark town- --Holstein Breeders' Association hp twilight meeting at F1i Ass e opinions were being iormn- Farm R.R. , Hmptn. per edandi recoî'ded on score cards National Holstein Breeders arm R. MR. t amptonir.Roper- prepaî'ed by ag-icultural repre- Association second vie.-presi- ,d aet byM.ndMs.Rsl sentative A. OlIver Dairympie, dent. G e o r g e McLaughlin,- y.Bst Gerry Nelson, Holstein field MeLaughlin. brought greetigs t-The association sponsared a'man for the east central On-lfroin the national association ýd two-ciass cattle '.iudging coin- tario Holstein Breeders' Asso- I and from the Ontario caunty >petitioru, and prizes were ciation. expiairied the princi-' association. hîe mentioned 'he -Iawai-ded for laisjniors-,' pies of good cattle judging. unfortunate absence of Durham Iand men's divisions. lI eachi He dealt with botte str'-c- past president. James Brown~. of. the three sections the top' tores, poise, veining, and other who1 is in Toronto General Hos- cvînnes's scored the maximum leaertadlspa-pifai tecovCiing trom an operý tvssnig points. H ationald il pu et 100 Points- cings ini both classes, and vi-ain As the 'suti wssii be- ed reasons for his selections. The Orono Brass Quartet, ehmnd a large elr tree in the Winner in the ladies' campe- composed of Carlos Tamblyn. -northwest corner o! the large tition was Mrs. Francis Jose. his two sons Grant and Bil and carr-ai in front of the bai-n. as- i wîî set a record wif 100pe Orono Times editor. Roy Foi-- ,sociation meinbers took turnaj cent at both the Durham corn- rester providcd the musical en- petition Thursdav night and the tertainment. ed a KeronUnied llueilcoiipettio th- precdin niht. Roy- Barker Woodbridge. a di- edast edron euneit jCuicrcomnynpetitio thpedingnighl.rector of the national associa-,- lsu. tswee whîî ight unbi count. optto tepee-tion, brought grcetings fromý studntswerefoimailt' ubbe ixg niht.Yaork county ai-d told the ga-î y "Knigihts" and "Ladies" mt the Lois Ycllowiees piaced sec- thering Mi-. and Mrs. Best be- end of thei- seven days stuay ond with 98 per cent. Third ga heir careci-s as Hosti ut Bible vacation school. prize was won hi- Mrs. M. Mac-brdrso bifam Ineetuprograms -wre weredei7e b nube pi Mi-. Bai-ker last year with'ait; 2 an kidergai-en epatmc i n- between Mrs. Me] McHolm. 1iri- wit sonisgares cîa fs edPearl A. Gilband m ad Mary I1 aw. visited Europe and Isi-ael I tsoregans ca ori' six-week tour, and show- musie.Tamblyn, who eàeh scored 94 per cnt. d sùides of bis traveis. Seve-ty-ix childi-en wer*ej The junior section whuch ini- ennolled. Friday night. the stui- cluded ai] contestants 20 vear. - dents precittinsand rogyt ol nH PO prsete aanogd under vas tvon entirely - hHAMT- songs, reiaiosad nhttu boys. Agaîn the first prize wir - jband music. tuer scoî-ed 100 per- cent Edwa?-d M is s Ruth Shackleton, Salem, hdirwaft o adue by toefoloed n topped the juntiors. is spending this week with ber - s haidiraf wor doe b theý flloed loseli- by Ken KnoN- 'grandparents, IVti-. and Mrs. R. childi-en aI the ,-chool. who placed secord tvith 99. Shackleton. Kindergarten Section Douglas Broomie took third JMrs. H. Holm-es. Vancouver. place with 96, and fourth and B.C., has been visiting lier bro- The Kiuudeî-ganîeu section for tifth place liad ta be decided! luer, Mr-. James Smia]es andi pre-sebool childi-en was direct- bi- a number picking contest.1 Mrs. Sînales. cd by Mss. Alan Wilbur. as- Harold Yellowlees. Grant Taiin-iMi-. Jim Sm-aiei and daugh- sistcd hi- Mrs. D. Barnett (ston - blyn, Douglas Jose, Don Welsh1 ter Laura Lee, Oshawa. were les), Mi-s. Ronald Love (mu- and Bryon Beattie al tied fri-FridaNr visitors with bis par-- sic), Mollie Johnston (crafts) the last twe prize winning posn' ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales. and assistants Joan'Hli, Donna itions witb a score of 95. Mr-. and Mrs. Robt. Shields, Forbes. Mrs. Jcbn Tregunna A fit-st place tic ai' 100 per' West HllI, Ontario. spent Sun- and Jean Ward. Students en- cent each between Johin Cruick- day with Mr. and Mss. Harland, I ioed werc: Debbie Bauni- shank and Francis Jose headed -Tr .uli. bour, Janet Ogle, Rutb Bishop, the mnens contest Third place Miss Beth Ar-mstrong, Agîn- 'Flnia Mounîai-. Susani-son- i , aswon hi- A. Ki-ommenacher court, was a weekend -guest of I uInlor Baonet, Dianne Bar- with 98, foui-f b b J. H. Jose Miss Kola Reynolds.e Iut Ca anett, ni Wodward, Shar- with 96, and Stan Reeds 'W Miss Mary- Moyýen. Kitchener. Ici, Tregnna, LinodwardHihi, S- Bowman and Bruce Tink tiêà is a guest of Miss Wunnie Horn TrgnnLnd i ,S-for fifth with 95. and Mrs. N. E. Doidge. tanTreunn, ett An Cht- Following the ludging. the, Mr. and Mrs. B. Killens and' ten. Barbai-a Lambert. crowd mo'ved into the lar.ge famiiv visited relatives at Weil- Dorothi Walter, Gail Mit- equipment shed for the rernain-j ington on Saturday. Master cheli, Sandra Mitchell, Honey drothprra.AsctiDouglas Kiliens rcturned homne Cane. Peter Sage, Dennis Wen- president Ivasoin Tamblynex- with îhem after spending a iy Ba-y Bumbhaur. Joh tendeti officiaI gi-eetings on b e ktee Cole, NeiliLove. Gary Snowden,, hall of the association. weeksstherec 'ry svst Dav-id Snowden, David Love, 1He ;aicfit was - a since"e; eMe iss FlrcW'ris lsren- Brian Stan-. Peter Tregunna, 1hlonor and pleasure to be giiest s. Cl adNI. o ar ethe Donald Tregunna. Bobhy Chat- 'of the Bests. who are relativelý- v wuadM-.Rwna eh ten. Gleîî Gagnon, Bruce Mac newcomers ta the countv". 14-le iss Rose Mourntjoy ai-d M. Donald, Rabbie Parry, -aty - Rosnak. Donna Tippet. Primary Studenis lu the primiari- division for then drtGadeMs Grt G o3m ode theldie fiom Gà rades rntaG md en. Glovet-. Assisting her were Mns. Douglas Love (muusic), Mss. J. Star- (piano), Mrs. Earl Hurst (stories). Mrs. W. Snowden andI Jonc Davis (ci-aIls) and Shai-on Wilbur ý and Wayne Parks (games). Attending were Bobby Dale. ~ iBruce Dale. Anne Bishop, Rren ci, -Innin., T nrrv. i'nn. kins. Raiph Barnett. Donald Werry. Rosemaî" Gi-en, Eliza- beth Gi-cer, Bruce Gagnon, Ca- roi Chatten. Gall MeNaIly, Donna Glover, Jimmy- Joncs, Brenda Shaw, Gary Grn, Douglas Wilbu'. Alexis, Bnemnei-. Linda ChUî- -vers. Mai-gai-et Maidman. Wen- fi- Hitcheuîs, Jane Sage, Teddie Ci-aig, Norma Woodward, Su- 1 san Brown, Janîce Hill, Han- vey Wand, Gai-don Coîburn, and Ciare Skuce. Junior Section Dîrecton of the junior secetion was Mrs. R. S. Bishop. Rev. Ronald lave led the woshp and study periods arai accompanied the singing. MIrs. jRobent Dale directed the cratts, and Mrs. Stanley Ogle took charge of the stonies and assist- cd with recreatian. iI attendance were Anne G lover. Joan Ogle. Linda Hoo- fkins, Linda Breniner, Janet Bremner, Gall Craig, Michael Hurst, Tommy Ogle, Ronnie Cnaig. Janice Pa.rîitt and Marie Maidman. If you are in the market for a good used car.. here is your chance to buy at clearance prices. 1956 lPodge Coach V-8 with Power Flite trans- mission, customn radio. One owner car. Reconditioned and very clean car. 1955 Plymnouth Sedan V-8 autornatie with radio. A-i condition. 1955 Nash Rambler 4- Dr, Sedan ln excellent shape. 1954 Ford Sedan Nice clean car inside and oui. 1953 Ford Consul - SmaIl Car Nice dlean car. Cheap transportation. 1952 Chev. Sedan Clean wîth no rust and in A-i shape. 1958 Pontiac Deluxe Coach Low mileage, custom radio. One owner car in beautiful shape. A 1955 Chev. Deluxe Sedans Three froin whicb to choose. Ail have been reconditioned and are in A-I shape. 1954 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan Two-tone, custom radio. A real good car. 1953 Chrysler' Sedan A good clean car, au exceptional value. 1950 Dodge Sedan Custoîn buit radio. A very sharp car. Outstanding Value! 1958 DUICK SPECIAL 2-DR. HARDTOP Dyna-flo transmission, windshield washers, padded dash. One owner car driven by executive of large corporation. We invite you to corne in over the weekend and inquire of our salesmen a to your needs. In our large selection of used cars, we have the one for you. Take the car of your choice for a drive . . . you are under no obligation to buy . . . but afler a test drive we are sure you will! ALL RECONDITIONED AI] Privately Owned Cars - READY FOR THE ROAD - Mostly One Owner ROY W. NICHOLS Oldsmobile and Chevrolet Cars 80 WNAN VILLE Chevrolet Trucks COMRMIE Phone MA 3-3353 Phone MA 3-3922 Go Maturai Gas )CLEAN.. DEPENDABLI .4b. ECONOMICAL.. XCONVERT YOUR HEATINO X Whotever its type ... whatever ils fuel LOW COST... EASY TO DO! gsfred air fwocet M ovesin bumrft including labour end moit fumaces.lndsad.s $1460 =w $ 5 6 a0tm"»' Cfl9't neared xsiquitmIs for "design" furaces. FREE HURNER SERVICE NOTHINO DOWN ... Easy Payments ever 5 Yeurs Your Gos company does not employ door tc door salesmen nor telephone convassers, For information about dealers icensedi by te Ontario Fuel Board ta soli and instalaturai gos equipment cciii or write the. Soles D.partnent of c~oew=.52gFc.~.Iag "45m 3 ie1 --'t - -.'-'*.,. - 4'~-. ,'~ t - - - , - t --%..! ..- S - -* ,~' - - ' -. '-S PAGEFOUTEE TR CA ADIA STTIS ANDOW ANVILE.ONTRIO- p ÂIUZ~OJft, JijI~5F, 1 .nvnn n -- ~Ti PAGE POURTEEN -TIM CANADIAN STATZSIWAN, BOIVMA»Vnd.& OIITAFJO IMTTDQnAw "Tt «qw obe-e tàmeý& 0 W-U 1

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