Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jul 1959, p. 2

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- -..-~-----~.--. -. r---, PAGE TWO tU AADA TAMM DOUA1tUVUflLu ONTARIO TRU SDAY,, JULY 2d, 19», Information Con Unemplome Ir Clainantue ePW4 Day EXPlalned A booket entitled, "'Direc- tion to Report and Information for Claimants" lu aupplied to applicanta for benefit at the time laim is filed. Mr. Norman liodgson, Manager of the Osh- awa Office of the Unemx!o- For service thas out of this world... Il you wauit service that wlIl put you (and keep you) on Cloud No. 10, we're the peoletialla. We heip you choose sound protection fora your bomne, car, family. businest. MTART S. JUNES1 INSURANCE M43-3681 Elnt St. IL RECAL ESTATE Realdene MA 3-5493 Dowmaavill jment Insurarice Com~miussion stresses the need to foilow the instructions carefully ini order ta prevent tmisinderst.anding and dela>' in payment of bone- fit. A report for eéch week musi b. comýpleted before benefit cari b. paid. If requlred to report only once ever>' two weeka, aa report for ech vnwek nmust ne- vertheless be madle. To avoid delmys ini paynient, each forni must be fiiled out correctly. The fol)owing instructions are to be observed In fMing out the form: (a) Week Cominencing Sun- day-Write here the date (day, month and year) of the Sunday at the beginning of the week for which the report is madle. (b> Employment and Earn- inga-In the columns below Item (2), write the dates work- ed (from and ta); the amount earned <see paragraph 15 of the bookiet) and the name ond ad- dress of each employer for whom worked that week. If self-employed, show your own naine as the employer. Remember, it is the. grossý earnl.ngs that must be declar- ed, iLe. the earnings before de- ductions for income tax, etc., are made-not the take home pay. (c> Availability and Capab- ility-Any day on which a per- son is flot ready, able and will- ing to immediately take a job should be reported on the forin. (d> Dependency- If being NONEY AVAILABLE FOR NGRTGAGES RALPE S. JONIES Barrister and Soilcitor es Slmcoe St. S. Oshawa Ra 5-3525 fleros the best ln hsating comfort *IED TRADIEMARKED FAMUSREADI1NOa ANTHRACITE Y.. con 1b.M s «re y..areg.ng 8h. wodd's nesi bard c"eu Rmember lb.,.s .onomy ln quality.. Ask fSr le 8dayl ITOVE *NUT *PEA *BRIQUETS SUMMER PRICES NOW IN EFFECT - BUY NOW AND SAVE - STEPHEN F.UELS PHONE MA 3-5410 w. wufj[os uu Office at C.N.R. Yards L LI Town of Bowmanville AUl motorists are requested to be extra eareful while driving on our streets during the summer monthsasa a child may dart eut front anywhere while playlng. PARENTS - Please advise and warn your youngsters etf the danger of playing on the r oad or- darting eut front between parkéd cars and ebasgingballs. If yeur girl or boy is a swlmmer please b. sure that sh. or he does net go swimming alan.. Have their swimmlJng properby supervised for a happy holiday smson. sliaed, Bernard R. Kitney, Chief of Police. Thoe taxes are pad b> the Canisi consumers oi farm li Ar e tn icernîng = ààV WSuter tnesses Relig * e coireaaâng star Bowrnanvllle Congregation af .Jehovahi'isWitnesses Iearned at isu ra n ce yearu m«o there wus a week ot a Jhoa 'Wtnesae ~iuaOutcry against the bura- in >Jgeflina have been denied i pad bnefi attuedepedeny' féd producta in arder ta their constitutional rights oi rnte d ft t tcondnespeect- create a uhortage and thus free assembi>' and worsbip. A erat n the cndiintarhavecn- maintain market PrHcOs. And vote of proteat was taken and r Ig te mpedts avhag what in the différence betureen plaa -dlscussed . to Petition the - ite 5 etthe frm. tinga shortage by withholdlng the restrictions laid on the r Change of Addresa-Any and hoarding good food and Christian group's activities. tchange of addrcss must be re- rendering It valueless? Far Mr. M. Hiollnaty, the local con- i Doted, givlng the new address better- that it be destroyed out- t nitein 6. Remember that fail- right in the là-nt place, saving aure to notif>' the local office of the xnue of hoardlng and a -a change of address might reý- presevIg pfishabe commod- O ntario Ivd J suit In disqualification. ties for no useful purpose.N (f) Insurance Nuxnber - lu. In the case of grain, the surance numbers should be western fariners forined Wheat Nuc lear Ani Dshown in Item 1,2 and 3of the P0ol9 In the belle! that they formn if not already conipleted. could get more for their grain Trhe announcement made An Insurance books must be pr.o- by holding it and thus creating the Federal House recently was *duced fo examination ever>' an artiicial shortage that would recognized as being a major trne a persan reports et the increase its market value. But step forward in Canada's nu- *local office unless speciicll the market refused ta pay the clear. power prc>grami by W. toîl bthe lca +ffceta thi gherpicsasked for Canad- Ross Strike, Ontario Hydro's by lo n cal ffce thsan wheat and the Pools wiere First Vice-Chairnian. In Otta- iS nt feSai->' left with large surpluses on wa, the Minister of Trade and Reprtngtheir banda. In order ta pay Commerce stated that Atomie * Clainants may be required to the farinera for. their crops and Energy oi Canada Limited will treport at their local office week- meet the costa of storage, the begin lnunediately the final de- > y, or only once every two Pools borrowed froni the banks. siga and construction planning weeks, depending on the n- That landed themi into financia! for a large-scale nuclear-electric structions given. It la most im- difficulties, with the result that station, estimated to cost $60 portant, however, that dlaim- the govermient had to back the million, at a site, ta be determin- ants report on the days, and at bank loans and eventually estab- ed. the times they have been given. lish a Wheat Board, which as- The decision ta proceed fol- Instructions for filling in sumed full responsibility for1 lows an.agreement between On- Claimant's Report are given.i marketing and storîng the sur-'taria Hydro and AECL. It will *paragraph ý9 o! this bookiet. pe. ensure that fuil-scale work will In addition, a sample is shown1 If it wasn't. so financially be pressed forward on a plant on the center page and thisiserious, this idea of t he gov- of some 200,000 kilowatts with sample should be studied be. ernmerit's buying and storing the object o! having it in service »fore completing the report, surplus products would be in 1964 or early 1965.. * Th folowng nstuctonsfunny. Imagine what would When ini operation, the sta- Thlyeifliatly t acimanthappen if the system were to tion will be staffed by Ontario al reortsll to a loa ofice b extended ta ather industries. Hydro, which will purchase the in prs- theslcl fie The manufacturers would be power generated. After it has relieved of the anxiety af being been established that the sta- <a) Completee report, ex- unable ta market all their pro- tion can be suitably operated as cept for signature, before re- ducts, and the govermient part of the Hydro system, the porting at the office. Siga' it would be swamped with surplus Commission will purchase the only. when asked ta do, so by goods ai all kinds, fi-rmmatai- plant. the interviewer at the local o!- s cars to tooth brushes, for which O! prime importance, stated fice. Remember also that eachgIit would require acres of ware- Mr. Strike at a Toronto press time the report forin la signed'bouses in which ta store thcmn. conference, is the fact that the a claimanrt is declaring that heî 'bas read the Information Book- let.I (b) De sure to write out the report correctly. A mis-state- ment,. although quite innocent- I P R A T A ly made, niight cause acriausIM RT T AN inconvenience and dela>' ln pay- ment o! benefit. If an errer is madle on the lai do not tryS ta correct it. Destroy t and take a new foi-m. If not available on an>' report day, report on thc first day possible. Do not wait until tbc next report day. A clainant *ho finda a tein- priyjob lasling less than a week, and in working on the report on the fir# day that he is agal.n unemploytd. lb la bot- ter not ta wait u14il the next report date. If a job ls found that willl last à weck or mre and thus prevent the claim t reporting on the regular reçrrt day, such ç1lairn'ant aboul[d ii bis re-f o tfi hen b Mon ay follawlng t'le day ar » hi ie returzied to orlc. Ngte: If the claimara;t dela>'. benefit will not (be paid. *If the report 14 being mailed as mentioned above, persans should make sure that the An- surance numbcr/and full namne la shown in the, spaces 1, 2 and shown the local office will not know from whom the foi-m cames and the claimant, there- fore, carinot be paid. Be sure that the form. la sign- cd before mnailing and that the envelope la addressed ta the lo- cal office witli the requîred postage affixed. Note: These forma çannot b. mailed free., 1. u 9 ob iants Who Report By Mail The instructions are the saine In regards ta completion of the fori, ihteecpinta befre ailngta Uic local cf-. fice the form must lie signed *C M A E H C S R IE W T and the date signed must e C M A E H S R I W H shown. Also the report must ha n.aile .mmeiate. -fo.a.i.g I THAT 0F roTHER LENDvING gi% The End 0f Communism B>' Lewis Milligan If thc govcrnment continuesi ta, buy up tbe surplus productal a! the farnis-such sas grain, eggs, butter, park, etc. - at prices that bbc farmers cannat get on tbc open market, there cen be only oncei-esult af that economic folly: governinent bankruptcy. In buying up those agricultur- al products, Uic governaient bas itseli gone inta the grain, cggs butter and park business. fis abject was ta help thc farinerai b>' maintaining mar-ket prices; but already the governinent basi enormous stocks o! those pro-, ducts an band, whicb lb ma seil- 1 lng ta other countries at low-erl prices than those cbargcd ta thc Canadian consumera. Thus' Uic governinent la entcming into competition wltb Uic farinera, by cutting prices in Uic ioreigni îniaiket, upon wbicb the farm-I ers bave ta depend for Uic sale ai a large portion of their pro-. duets. The woaist icature of this foal-' ishness is that lb is the thin end ai communisin, wbich eventuail>' would bave to ha adopted Uii-ough thc govemcent's ap- pi-opratigaU f arin praduca and marlketing thein, as An Russa. That la a more sensible and businesslike sytein than, ic epresent nc af subidizing over-production and freezing vast surpluscs at the cost of millions of dollar& imn taxation. PAYMENTS CompaMre *lie xof HFC payments on blgger bans wllh what you would be paying els.where. HFCs simaller monlhly payments fit yowr budget botter. BANKABLE SECURITY NOT RIQUIRED tike many Inondoi Insti- tulions, HFC requires no bonkobi. security. OFFICES OPEN LATER, LONGER, OFTENER WPC people work by your dock Io serve you better. ADDITONAI. CASH AVAILABLE As on HFC ostomer, you ay arrange for extra cash Ce any thme-even uhogb yoa owe a balance. INCOME INTERRUPTED? If you'can't moa a pay. ment Yeu gel heipfuln.s cncl undersndhe Every day, HFC cheerfully re- arranges payanents for falu Who are tompwory unab4 hIot pay on «udidue UAP! INSIJRANCE ON '<OUR LOAN Low group rate. No medi- cal examinaion. No ego lirnit. "PASTEST LOAN SERVICE IN CANADA" Household Finance prides "lef on giving the fastest loan service avoulable any- where in the Dominion. SMALLER bOANS, TOO Whetber you borrow $50 more, you get the same prompt, understanding service that's mode HFC Canado's most recom- mended instalment cash anCompany. BACCED BY S1YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Un i*emost bending institu- tions, HFCs only business is making Instalment cash loans, Thats why HFC is bot .quipped ta serve your kamedlat.owanlsad needs. ie Denies ;ious Rights 1gregationa presiding minister, tsaid that ln spite of man>' lib- erel adivancements made by the present Argentine governient that ousted the dictatorial Per- 1on regime. a few religioua egroups that were declared il1e- tgal by Peron have yet to be re- cognized b>' Argentine's consti- tutional president, Arturo Fron- diat. lro Welcomes rouncement tbasis on which. the plant will be spurchased wxll permit produc- tion of pow er at a cost coin- petitive with that produced by modem coal-fired, plants of isiniar size. Ontario Hydro will thus fulfill its obligation to, pro- vide power at the lowest pos- sible cost, he aaid, and at the 1saine time will have contributed to, nuclear pioneermng work in Canada. Apart froin providing a furth- cm market for Ontaria uranium, the decision will also decrease Uic Commission's dependence on fuel brougbt in !rom elsewberc. The new praject, ta ha known as CANDU (for Canadien deu- terium uranium), will employ natural uranium as a fuel and will be cooled and modcrated by beavy water. Operating principles wil be similar ta the 20,000-kilowatt Nuclear Power Demonstration plant under con- struction on tbc banka o! tbe Ottawa River, saine 150 miles fram the Capital City. Ontaria Hydro will pi-avide tbe new site and place at tbc disposal of AECL tbe services af its engin- eering and construction organiz- ation. Ontario Hydro has been close- ly associatcd- with- AE'DL on an NOUNCEMENT FROM HOUSEHOLD FINANCE» ~er today's ter ) to needs ~25OO Surprisingly Iow payments! Take. up to 36 months to repay HFC's blgger boans! AvailablenfOW! HFC'sg». bigger boans let you borrow up ta $2500 cash and take up to, three whole years to repay. This nevi service la another example of how H-FC people underatand the needs of modern families. You'll find the sanie considerate under- standing when you first arrange a boan .. . and when you need . additional money or tinie ta. repay. Understanding-that's the big difference you notice at HFC. No wonder more people borrow at Household How much do you need? Every day HIFC makes thou- sands of boans to hebp people buy things they need, make home im~provements, consobi- date bills, pay taxes. See pay- ment table for amount you need. You can choose froni a wide variety of boan amounts and repayment plans. For prompt service, phone or drop in at your local HFC office ta- day. Finance each year tdm from any other company of its kind. It's Canada's largest and most recomxnended cornpany specializ- ing in mraking instalinnt cauh ans. For fast, courteous service on a loan- large or smal-phone or visit HFC today. You'll like the warm, frieidly atmoephero . the smoothness and, sed of HFC's e- perienced staff . .. the w dechoice of sein. ble repayment plans that fit your -budget, You'll wonder why you never caine ta IIFC before. AMOUNT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 0F 1 LOAN MONTHS MONTHS MONTHS MONTHS $100 $.- $..- $ 6.11 $ 9.45 su .. ...,> 30.01 46.72 1000 ..+ 41.45 5à.10. 91.55 lm0 .. 66.62 93.19 140.68 2M0 72.30 83.27 116.49 183.35 2M0 79.53 91;.60, 128.14 201.09 2500 90.38 104.091 145.61 229.19 lei Above paymentm Ihckad. pri6l paiwItfflst end us based on p#ompt r.paynuot but'do n«l Inchide the castofe kfsinwianmb. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 84 King Street East Oshawa Shopping Contre Telophono RA 5452 Telophone RA. 5-21» OSHAWA CANADA'S LARGEST AND MOST RECOMMENbED COMPANY SPECIAUZING IN INSTALMENT CASH LOANS incremlng moe mince 1954. whenj: ý prlmnrdesign af the NPD' plnt waa fiut undertaken. This station will lie operating ln 1961. Lest year, a nuclear porYOplant division ai the Cwnagency was established in Toronto and thec Comnmission asaigncd ta thia group a nurnber af engincera and certain facili- ties. Primne responsibillt>' ai this division bas been ta under- take Uic preliininary design and develapinent work for Uic CANDU praject. Kernr'eth Staples To Succeed Sidney Little Kenneth Staples, Scarborougb, Ont., has arrived An Bownxan- ville ta take over Sid Little's duties at Uic Goodyear plant on Mx. lttie'retirýemnenit mter U î yes' serNîm Holie ltaking O'Ve Ur-. Litblc's .W<*as fare- man Of thc power bouse and bolier room. M.Staples wOrd for On- tarie Hydro in Toronto for neari>' i0iyMs.at R.L. ,flearn Generating Station. Duruag thia period he secured hi. 2rd -and lst, dlas engineer papers. -Prior ta his work for Ontario Hydre b. wumsemployed b>' Uic Long Lac and Marathon Pulp *and Paper Comipany'. .Aithough he w-as bora in Winnipeg, Man., Mr-- Staples mnOved ta Ontario w-îth hi& tam- il>' at an carl>' age, and w-as educated lh this province. He is married and la bbc fathet Of a girl and boy. Mr. Stapfles -!j cammutinx ta and front Scar. berOugh. but hopes -te Iccure accommodation anid mov4 b: i& farnil>' ta Bowmanville -uoba. Edison Invente the feah light An 1914. Cliffcrest Cleaners. n1 ING ST. EAST BOWVMANVILLE Dry Cleaning Storage - Shirts -' Repairs 4~. PHONE MA 3-7061 I PICK-UP ANlD ELIMER LORNE McQUARRiE, Prop. loans s.. ! 1

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