VOLUME 105 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 2nd, 1959 10e Per CopyNUBR2 BOWManVIle Refait erChants Vote AginSt MOndav COSing The possibility of retail strto pass a by-law calling for difficult to decide in esse in Bowmnanville closing all day M tonday closings provided three where merchants deal with two on Mondays was turned down quarters of the Retail Mer- or three kinds of goods what is by a vote at the meeting of thej chants Section present Council the principal type of their Retail Merchantis' Section of1 with a petition asking for such business, he asserted. the Bowmanville Chamber of action, Mr. Morris explamned. Calvin Breen, manager of Commerce held in the Council He stated that he knew of other Walker Stores here gave the Chamber of the Town Hall on, places where a bylaw ca1lng opinion that all merchants want Thursday evening.1 for the local stores to close on one all-day closing a week, but Glen Landers, president of Mondays. In the majority of the question remained as to the -Chamber of Commerce, op- cases the merchants had found what day would be best. Wil- ened the meeting and express. the arrangement unsatisfactory liam H. Tate asked if Oshawa ed satisfaction at the large at. and had signed anotfier petition merchants had been surveyed tendance. He turned the meet- to_ have the by-law cancelled. regarding Monday closing. ing over to R. P. Rickaby, Ilf such a by-law were to be Oshawa Stores open Mondays chairman of the Retail Mer.' passed by Town Council it could Mr. Rickaby informed the chan1ts' Section. include exceptions to the ýclos- meeting that Oshawa stores do K. N Moris Secetay-m n g all day.on Monday for those not close on Mondays. Oshawa ager of tÎldhe ameetingCom- stresdealngmg nlsern cgrsta escoclose onF dnesday al- smee lold meansmeeg ax tions, and restaurants, Mr. Mor- and some also stay open on iou tohav Bomanill stresris said. However it might be (Continued on page seventeen) eac week.He poin tin dutthat the stores remain open here on M any Students Recewve Friday evenings through a vol- untary arrangement. Town Counicil has the power che m ntA a d Honored Local Public Schools School Crests and Bars, the est award of all. It was pres.. awards for high achievernents, ented, one to a classroom, to the have been presented to the win- pupil who is considered by the ners in the three Bowmnanville teacher to have been the finest Public Schools by the supervis- citizen of the preceding year. ing principal, A. M. Thomnpson. Public Speaking Bars were A School Crest, one only, was awarded to all those who have given to each pupil who won a received a high rating in the Bar. The crests are to be worn annual Public Speaking Con- on the left breast, and the bars test. Attendance Bars were Smay De worn on the sleeve, or awarded to all the pupils who omoer suitble place, Mr. were nether late nor absent The Scholarship Bars are The winners for the school awarded, one to a classroomn, year 1959-60 in the three Bow- to the-person having the high- manville Public Schools were est standing in school subjects. as follows• Progress Bars are also awarded Central School to only one in a classroom, the Mr. T. Turner'& Room-Scho. pupil who showed the greatest larship, Patricia Gill; Citi*en- nnprovement dlurmng the school ship, Nancy Woolsey:- Publie year. Speaking, Jeanette Marsden; The Citizenship Bar ls Track and Field, Blaine Pick- *thought by many to bn he high-1 (Continued on page seventeen) Pictured above is the Most Rev. B. I. Webster, Bishop of Peterborough, who officiated at the Solernn Blessing and Official Opening of St. Joseph's Roman Catho- lic Church, Liberty Street South, on Sunday afternoon. The Bishop's assistants were Rev F. K. Malane, Parish Priest of St. Joseph's, and Rev. H. A. Black, Grafton. New S. OSep'S R. C. Curch Offcialy /end ad / B sdOO By Most Rev. B. 1. Webster pei, )v sion taken to St. )arish priest, Mass, which nville Ceme- ted the sad er little lad, )wned at the s have been somneone tun. U.S.A. Richard Forget, age 9, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Forget, Newcastle, lost his life in a tragic drowning accident at Newcastle on Monday afternoon. The young boy was one of about two dozen youngsters who hâd gone swimming at a place known in -former years as Van Duesin's Water Hole. It is located on Mill Street, south of the CNR tracks and bordered by land owned by the railway, and other land belonging to Raymond Shaw, and by George Walton's property• Gary McCullough, age 17 and Larry Pearce, age 16, were diving and playing touch-tag in the water at four o'clock. One of them struck a body on the bottom. The two pulled Richard Forget out and placed him on the bank. Gary McCullough who has had some training, immediately started artificial respiration. Red Cross Resuscitator Used Mirs. Raymond Shaw telephoned Dr. L. S. Miklos, and also called the Bowmanville Detachment of the Ontario Pro- vincial Police. Constable P. C. Harte-Maxwell, OPP, and Constable Stan Rosspond, OPP, rushed to the scene of the accident with the Red Cross Resuscitator kept at the Detach- ment Headquarters. Dr. Miklos also arrivedI almost im- mediately. At Memorial Hospital Oxygen was given to the child from the Red Cross Resuscitator for . iime. Dr. Miklos then ordered that the boy be taken to Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, where oxygen was given to himn for another hour and a half. He was pronounced dead by the Coroner, Dr. Charles Austin. Richard is survived b;y his parents, five brothers, and a sister. It is not know how long little Richard Forget had beeh isimsico,.oe-1w long he had been under the water HA r-tp dnt thd MKrr- iiF lCl Diqn- )iii The Solemn Blessing and Of - i ehre, both in the regalia of theTStee, ie desda m o aringr-whenahe was licial Opening of the new Order; members of the congre- .tet ni Wdedymrin hnh a St. Joseph's Roman Catholice gation, His Worship, Mayor W ifi l F n Joseph's Church. Rev. F. K. Malane, the pz Church, Liberty Street South, frid Carruthers, and Mrs. Car- officiated at the funeral service and Requiem Bowmaiville, by His Excellen- ruthers, and a large number of. was held at 10 o'clock. Interment was in Bowmai cy the Most Rev. B. L. Webster, other people from Bowmanville Q W Qtr. Bishop of Peterborough, tookland the surrounding district Un e w y i ey place en Sunday afternoon. Rev.' were present for the impressive. Previous Sad Accident F. K. Malane parish priest of St. ceremomies. ari O osal akRcrOP netg Graft n, asisted theA.BlackP r hp ebster flankr o'clock Bs- accident. Almost exactly three years ago anothi during the procession for the sistants, Father Malane and Faasi Darlington township firemen David Albert James Meadows, age 6, was droN Splemn Blessing. ther Black, followed by the at- at Courtice, may soon, have a same place. Since then "No Trespassing" signE Many priests from neighbour- tendmng clergy and all the altar air al a ouse their three- ercdbthyhaeenpuld ow by ing parishes, Sir Albert Love, boys of the parish, moved inm a l ietrc.eetd utte aebe ple o b Oshawa, a Knight of the Papal procession from the rectory to Recently enough lumber was known rcently. Order of the Holy Sepulchre, the front of the church, where donated to build the hall on the and his wife, who is a Lady of the .Bishop said the first prayer opening day of a campaign toa the Order of -the Holy Sepul- (Clontmnued on page seventeen) bas u c. oneyand anee d Or e ~ ~~~~~~~~truck is being kept at a localEtfrbidnthha.Tefre Port Hope Expecting ~~~Geriy Estabrooks, acting chief YOI CI39VCTOIGI 75r Wi 5#Sn olneerfre 7 ln l II;1 oqt x à%d. %sadcuzclw4lb akdt ueenntt sueel" e pone,~ i mnben elected resident of could technically be charged- the highest verning body o with breking andenteringthe student o ganization at the O OI e y whenl fighting a house fire. The instituite. i Brooks, nbwi in a fll hrogh rafic illbe ownhipis rowng uiclerhis junior ye4r, is the younger •16 H11thy'* m* ri ° pe26 l E dlr rotetion is a "must," on of Mr. pnd Mrs, H. J. O SSOu C UrSing OmeS|whenngElbeth adThis year he has also been buri. HPriwhnc ee lipaetseviend n Dr a Cu elected to the.oolts a1hn- A new Pension By-law foralpoiesredefren ato tan a te St Mer' h- cth. King Steet, N w M e'r .th'a e°:R r e employees of the town wsJ% 5heeigh.be r otHpe, Ci . W. Gaam criua atvte1a ela passed at a special meeting o ragdJh end The Steering Commijttee of oftePrtHp olc adhigh scholastic standing. HeBomnle Twn CuclothFrkCwaCmpy th Asoiain orNusigyesterday, hc m Gi 8 9as been a junior year repre-1 held in the Council ChamberatLdwh wiprsntere Homes met on June 24th when He told a meeting of the spe-satv on the executivethTonHlonM dae-nwaaddscsalapct it was learned that a charter cial Royal Visit Committee1 At the morning service of 1DurhsamdiCo urnteaintedTh9 olmews.283 1,00 -n oncl n o te ordofe ing che f oereso y o h nurnewthteTw nam beof"Ascanted u rsing nesd ay me ornn Hall om e Jurne 21,nte he follow nrere' year as an above-average mark-| The real pickup began in the tian Fellowship. government anhuities was canaeaes soito Homes Incorporated". Heads ofj people have scoffed at his cal-, ceived as new members• et. !last quarter. Smece then bus- In his freshiman year he re.. celled. Eight specifications wer etrfo h omn nursing homes are requested to culation of a crowd of 75,000 in Mr. and Mrs. Sam Adamns, Despite the facet that the time mness has been movmng forward ceived the .Bronze Award for received regarding, pensinvleRtpyes soito contact representatives named Port Hope on the occasion, he Mrs. Percy Mutton, Mss Kath- was. one of national business re.. and is now setting out toward work on The Reflectór, the plans from various firmis, andwsra sflo:"ttels as to registermng so that a comn- feels that this number is a low leen Shaw, Mr. and Mvrs. Bruce cession, the county was able to nwhg rud institute year book, and later ee edr eesbitd eua etn h omn 1ete list of Nursing Homes may estimate.. At 10 a.m.L through Semple, Mrs. W. H. Webb, Mrs turn in a good performance, A adtc fec omu-wsaaddte SilerKeyas The eAsnde entab y eMuuv il Raeyrs Asoatn W compiled.j traffic will be routed via Wel- Alex Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Dan.' with its income and retail bus- ity s5 rate of busmness activity, write-up editor for the year Lf suac opn a h aeaespeetwr o Representatives are: Ontario! come, Dale, and Rose Glen iel Vivian, Mr. and Mrs. Stew- iness held at a high level. in relation to its full potential, book. He is a member of Gil..1 considered the best, and th1 aife ihyu eotcn anid Haliburton, Mr. Dennis Road, hie said. art McTavish. The local data is contained in is given in the survey throu ggl Fraternity. icontract was awarded to thi enn abg olcin Casey, Anden Nursing Home, The Police Chief said that At the samne service the fol- a copyrighted survey of buying a 'buying power index". Tis The General Mtors Institute fr." oinwa aeadcr King St., Oshawa,- RA 5-2330. there will be 115 Ontario Prov-1 lowing children were received power, just released by Sales (Continued on nage seveu) is situated at Flint, Mich., U.S.A. The town s various insuranc (Cniudopaeeen Peterborough, Durham an d m'ln oieeohepwthta- by the Sacrament of Baptism. Management., veytaro Northumberland, Mr. Frank T. lic. He pointed out that some1 Sharon Jane, daughter of Mr. Canada and te United States, Mace, South Haven Rest Home, of the details have not been and Mrs. George A. Evenden: 1s covered. Newcastle, Phone 4441. Peel, decided yet, but .predicted that Allan Patrick, son of Mr. and Earnimgs were high in Dur-! York and Victoria, Mýirs. Flor. Royal Tour officials will come Mrs.HnyEGaso:Jh ham County during the year, it' ence Watson, Aurora Rest to Port Hope to make final ar- Mark, son of Mr. and Mrs. John shows. After deduction of; Home, 50 Tyler St., Aurora, and rangements after the Queen Nagy; Deane Allen, soifM.personal taxes, local, residents' Mr. Allan Cooper, Mount Al. leaves for Western Canada, and Mrs. Cranston Sco>tt; Tim had03,0,a neasp nalemoe ofe bert Nursing Home, Centre St., The Royal couple's visit to; Charles Edward, son of Mr. and I$70300 anoe h Mount Albert. (Cniudo aesvn r.VnetVntn. .i$3,190,000 of the peiu er (Coninud o paze eve) '1frs Vicen Vastoe.I How much this amounted to, 11MI determined by dividing the total income by the number of house holds. It came to $4,313 per om W yt uchssunit. The income gain in the year. Site for New Village DAmnEo asaREole 7. pE W hcent per household. In the pli lfProvince of Ontario there was e aVen1ISnOnDurham Couny, the public, "W h teh ven M is ionoptimusm that prevailed was of:a benefit to local merchants. Al-'& Mrs. Bertha "Mom" Whyte, new mission site is a six arethough buyers were cautious last Wednesday announced the lot on the east side of the clov. and refused to go into debt for purchase of 86 acres of farmn erleaf, 20 acres on the south1 luxury items, they did not eut. land surroundmng the proposed west side, extending from the, down in the way that people Courtice road cloverleaf at highway to the CPR tracks, and did in many other communities. Highway 401, for the construe- 60 acres on the south east side, Retail business, as a result, tion of a new village "Whyte- extending to and including the was good, with local stores:i haven mission."becalnLkeOtro grossing $29,106,000 in the year. She said the farm was pur- chased from Frank Vivian, of A summer home along the d lakeshore and swimming pools, Trnto, andn10, ballu u s 1!uarincluded in plans forte O aIS n for a down payment.N Having received incorpora- George Tonks, an Oshawaý tion papers for hier present ýarchitect, is preparing prelim- Get, rophieS establishment June 3, she de- maydamsoftenwvl cided to purchase the additional lage. She said much of the land for "greater expansion of credit for the new project is. due l t Con ento hier home for children.» to him. Mom said she applied for the An addition is also underway: The Bowmanville Kmnsmeni .. incrpoatin pper tw yers Mom Whteat the existing mission. On the ý Club was honoured at the Kmns- agcopadnw taptw ehars al- roadway into the property is men District Convention held at! 1y, received them, hier home does; out, but we knew we would in small field bisected by a smnall Clevealand House,ake oueau not have to be registered under! the end," she said. winding streamn. Along thisMukaaswewhni e BorinHme ct astream, "Mom" has planned a was awarded the McLean At-~ 1insteadse said, it will be i tCntucinSo zoo-type park, and so far two tnac rpyfrteya Dona-,itiod ns Acteas aiso"t arl' mo costructhe vilg theand oresit. Thn eawreg cent Efficiency Troh. after 43 years' service with the good job hie had done for the'box of lures.anctvadleigprtn "Tat's At something ihnI.she a pa cnnetr soe imeÂhstatined fin t.heir n w ocaion embers of the B manville Goodyear Tire and Rubber company. Em Crawford, en-, In the lower picture on themncplafir.H]evda have wanted cleared up for; now. Plans meclude two dormi- to chew off the high grass sur- Kinsmen Club and their wives Company of Canada, Ltd., was gineering head, was the spokes-1 left Sid Little is shown holdingMyro omnil o he somietime now," she added. tories, each with a capacity of! rounding the area. who attended the three-da.y honoured recently by a large man for the gathering. Presen-!the two guns with the spinningtrs ev orsvnadas Accorln to Mrs. Whyte, the, 100, and plenty of room for ex- hntenwmsni o- convention were the new presi-1 gathering of foremen, suprvis- tations of several fine gifts reel and hunting licence on thewsamme]fteSho homehas en oeraing s apansion; a n ammttin penalth isrsen facilit dent, Murray Larmer, and Mrs., ors and employees of all te en- were made to Mr. Little. He re- box in the background. In theBad]ei atGado hmesionf ort e pat 1 easabidigmsr ice stration pd-wll e meain ahs rnt fcltheLarmer; the past president, Dr. gineermng departments, friends ceived a zip gun, made by Jack: next pictures Mr. Little has theFoec]ihigl og o anmigion hasee the b10yarse workin shop bkryfcuchtnrere Charles Cattran, and Mrs Cat- and associates,. held in the Darch from the engineering de- box of lures in his hands, and6,dpnetOdro d of its operation. hospi and a small restaurant. n tran; Mr. and Mrs Osborne Wil- plant's recreation hall here. partment. The hourly rated with him, left to right, are: Tom elwadsre sDsr "We erenotrequredto eg. he aidshe ope tobeg n de the new Darlington liams, Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Th op picture.shows a section employees gave him a fine! Lambert, Art Marjerrison, IrvnDeuyGad atrfr inte the hemnt eud r eg.d- constrcion nhe ear ftue, n ocshp-zoning by-law the Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kil- of the crowd wsii Mr. Little 8inning ree . The Supervisors'Brown, Reg Andrus and Clinttrs r iteto Jung theome cuset di a d would apply forn he er uil- u tr ilation has been zoned im- patrick, Mr. and Mrs Arnold good health and a log retire- and Drafting Department Henning. M. Little has beec neetinbsbl o not apply to us. It took a long ing permit Thursday- toth h e sd she hopes Sleep, Mr. and Mrs. Murray mient- gave him a Remington rifle and1 head engineer over the boilersadwspeieto h time to et that traightned The xact loctionafo th aeoat changed when she Cain, and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet: Tribute was paid to Mr. Little a framed hunting licence. The, and power house at the plantsoeBsbl egei tiu t gt ha âragbend Te xat Maio f teapplisfra permit. 1a rài orhis long service record, de-,gift of the Power House and ihere for 41 years.mstfurhigya. tan. un Durham Conty'sr Great Family Journal St. Joseph's Church Officially Opened Durowns in Swiln 1asing Mole ie