Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jul 1959, p. 15

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PAGE MTrE -.-.u. -w *tVI? $1T~A Uf TWURSDAY. JTJLY Znd..1959 TH1E L.A1'4ALiiA1TATEA IIUf. I OW 'V ALN.1VULL-n WI. JU - f . is JJCÂonfal L*est, af .c, f -,. reed E.P. 1 kept thein for ye-s SOLINA tied up with a pink satin ribbon! flarai the s"2k cord from mvy au- The Stinday Schoel picnic - - 'I aV Igraphed dance prograrn. ai will be held on Tuesday, July ahe the lb o hd l7, with spe in the Commun-j - k' lien out of the cigarettes and, îty hall at 6:30 p.m. Kindly .~~jthere was a king in my own. bring your dishes along withi household plus two young heirs, your picnîc basket. Following 1 reluctantly threw the box and supper thene will be a programn V LU,(,H(JftJ,,its contents away. Now 1 won-1.Of sports for ail ages. derwhat souvenir I shail keep The tutuh meeting ot the 4-H for yeans as a reminder et this Club project "Dressing up Home1 By DotOTHYB^otK1959visit to Canada of his niece,î Grown Vegetables" was held at + ceen Elizabeth and the king in' thc home of Evelyn Heckaday 1had almost forgotten Iiow. that a-wydyAs1e-1hrll(i nyhrcnottonJe2.Fute glsee children feel while they are trained for thle trip from Cal-'j hr subjects), Prince Philip. present. The meeting opened wafting for Crsmst a-grAbra eFed .. ihte4Hpeg n un pen. Thtisuti raiz ?thtwa rOZ:W ZRAte slte <f oilther sOt t of tmeig Queen Elizabeth adPic neta a oigdw AI O ihImd thm"wsas Phflip had set foot on Cana- with a "goid id 'by head." Be-1 wered iby the greup. dinsoil and I ol onb foew'ece udetnto MrDogaMorshwa r.M Vielaedsr- givng the royal tu ne yee eerniglk aldo r.R cel u-btdsbetmte Sld" oe.In my hot itehn I onanbokadm oedy SltinadPprtô f cutched my accreditation card beamed like a tai] day.r isMr iruTrntSldIgrdet" "aa rs wt.a reasonable facsimile of chapenone told me 1 wouldn't Mis ar Vrue Tont, aadngeinsSldDe- mymug stamped wîth the seal be ailowed te meet the prince is vistting Mr. and Mrs. Walter sing", "'Adding Dressing te Sai- o approval. 1 knew it would unless I shook my cold. Dead- Loveridge. % ad", "Garnishes", "'Appetizers", bthere, but wondered if it line was only twenty-four heurs Sgt. and Mrs. Bernard Hou- and " Relishes". would look like a picture of one away. seman, Wayne and Sandra, Cal- Mns. R. Cryderman gave help- ofthe ten most wanted persans. Somehow she concelved a gary, are visiting her parents, fui hinta an the preparation o! The Tsile is a iikeness, Se I, torturous cure. It was sniffing Mn1n Ms . arrdfr aGlden ehl Salad" an aso sniess 'IlU be able ta get through. straight nrye whiskey! 1 had menfli. Sgt. Houseman is being VeWealor Saladý'. ande"asedw a those security guards whenl neyer tasted any spiritous îi- transferred from Calgary te w egetaie SalacF.Themast twnc the tour reaches Ottawa and quor and between what I con- Petawawa. Dressing. 1 join othen press people and sidered a horrible taste and the Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rahm and Three groups then prepared photographers covcing this Na- agony of dragging hait a cup tamily attended Libby's Corn- the three salads which were tional event. et beaze up my nostnîls, my pany picnic on Saturday, at later samp led by thc girls feri The ciuiver ef excitement 1 desire te show off my courtcsy Pine-Ridge Park. lunch. experienced when I opened the before a future rnonarch was Mr. and Mrs. Bon Rahm and The next meeting was held envelope and feund this bit o! just about dampened forever. tamily spent Sunday with Mnra on wmn 9 t h hmeo.Lu identification enclosed. remind- The cure, drastic as it was, and Mrs. Walter Rahm at theiïra on un 2 a ic oeo!Lu ed nme et the swoony feeling of worked and I was in fine fettie cottage at Four-Mile Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yeliow-, ycars ago, when I was told I to see the± idol at that time of r.RtTentootlesadfmyvitdonS - had been chosen as one o! thnee al single females in Bitain sna. te eTend ant, T r.to, lees Mdandy vsitE. on Su- yaung girls ta be present when and her possessions, walk up taentteweedwt ndywt r n r.E a- H.R.H. the Prince o! Wales vis- the chalet through the s u ii'd Mrs. Jini Aikenhead at' mer at Blackstock. ited Emerald Lake in the heart drenched woods that surround- h ctag.Ms W. A. andistonBrook- ofthei Canadian reckies. I was cd the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton lin, vstdM.adMs rc and Ronald called on Mrs. Mil-! Tink and famiiy. teenager but mature for my If I saw him corning UP nmy ton Wenny, Oshawa. Mss.Dane MS. o .odn, sand years, due ne doubt te four driveway right at this moment MisDaeSooin saa years et wanr when 1 had been as he leoked then. I would Mn. and Mrs. Peter Singer, 1 i eSna iioswt r beaued ta parties. far tee adult probably double up in a fit o! Swansea, were Sunday visiton s ne SiJ.aY yisiorls ihan. tor my tender years. by army laughfêr. I would undoubtedly at Mn. and Mrs. D. Cameron s. GadyMs. J. eloesan friends ef an olden brother. Un- consider it a mascjuerade gctup.i Sunday School will be closed' Owing te Decoration Day lUke the present tour, I did not But in those early poat war until September. Service next Sunday, JuJy 5, have te produce proof of age daya, his attire was considened Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read, at Zion there will be ne Sunday and I arn sure aur chaperone verv amant. He had insisted on Lynne. MT. Henry Ashton, vis- jSchool or Church. service here. hadn't an inkling of how young walking fnom the train stop at ited relatives at Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marks, 1 was. Field te Ernerald Lake and had Sunday. Scarborough, were Saturday I hope I have better luck this accordingly donned his walking Mn. Lloyd Thempson and Ter- tea guests of -Mr. and Mrs. Wes tine, when once again 1 cone outtit. This consisted ef plus y Toronto Mn. and Mrs. Ro. Yellowlees and sons. cloie te royalty, than I had on fours that hung almost ta bis land Thonipson, Heather and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis 1 ankies like a oain ef potate Dawn, Hampton, at Mrs. M. and Pat attended a family ga- sacks over heavy knee-high Thomipsons. Dawn remained thening at the home of Mn. and CaIlugAi YongPeole woolen stockings. They uaed tae îi e nnmte for al Mrs. Walter Davis, Kedron, rom Gr ades Yound PoHleb lthe type of coat .he woe hliday. moherwhen 1%U. Ed Davis of Oshawa fromGraes and8, igh a Nerfolk jacket. It was very Chunch Sel-vice as usual on was guest o! honor, having ob- school, University. tweedv and belted in the back. da at 7.30. enrved his cightieth birthday The p rince was a srnall penson, S on June27 Adults. Young and Old! net rnuch taller than we thnee; (Intended for lâst week' girls who had been chosen to, Congratulations fo Ray Ash- SUMMER SCHOOL meet him. That is possibly why ton on hvn bandAsa- CLASERSH the cap hie wore loeked like a, ding in eavînotineiA thlan-: BETHÂNY CLASSES examinationsdinatee tac dinerplae nd am wel'ulty ef Art. At the TB cllnic here on Mon- at the down anound bis cars. Neyeri Mrs. Norman Caîlacutt, Mns. mnd hew it looked, I just want-! Emma Tabb, Bo w manville,1 day by Uic Nerthumberland and cd te die, die, die, for my heart'pn at ekn wt n Durham Tubenculosis AXssocxa- Oshawa aîmnst pounded eut etfniy body setls ekn ihM. r,35wr -ae n 2 whcn he handcd me a memento Uic George Tabb and attended tiOn,35wr -ae n 2 teAnnivensary Sunday Ser- others who neturned tor read- ofte*e apetdyo yvcs ing of their prevlous tubercu- Business College lite. It was a long red box hand-li kntsddno reue somely embossed with the Roy- Mr. Kenneth Graham and Mr. x-ray. wlll commence on al Coat et Arms In ricli gold John Grahamn Bowmanvllle, at- Local assistants at the clinie leaf. Inside were 200 cigarettes tnc lcGaanpcu at were Mrs. Hughi DeGeer, Mrs. Monday, .uly 6, 1959 alse nonogrammed in gold with! Lndsay on Saturday. William Mark, Miss Laura Mar- aud continue until Ms E. A. Werry, accompan- ton, Mrs. Earl Argue, Mrs. Man- Frlday, August 28, 1959 e Mrs. K. Cowlin1g and-, Mrs. sel Finney, Mrs. Margaret Whi- - - * George Tabb and Lily Tabb te 1 te, Mrs. Hazel Ryley, Misa Judy Onl 2te hurspe da. urn Old Funulr Toronto on Wedinesdav' and were DeGeer, Miss Dianne Bigeiew, e arn typnt and other use- dinner guests et Dr. Clark Wer- Mrs. Dou glas Smlt, Mrs. Ralpli , silis. Act now! Enrol- 1110 Cash ry. Preston, Mrs. Ross Davidson, lment la Ilmtted. Get Free Mrs. C. Raiskine, spent a tew Mrs. Addison Scott, Mrs. Leon- Summer School Bulletin. with days with Dr. and Mrm. Wm. ard Driver and Mrs. R. Carr. CorrganToroto.Donald Scott was invested as DialRA 53375STAT SMANMr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp and patrol leader and Garry DeGeer 10 Simeoe St. N., Oshawa C L A S S 1 F 1 E D S daughter, Ennilskillen, w er e as assistant cub master at the Phone MArket 3-3303 Sunday tea guests at Mn. and f inst Investure et thc recently ___________________Mrs. Clem Rahm's. organized Boy Scouts Traop on ** -Monday. The cenemony a con- 1-ceiioy .oafun f.,I0ýWLUI Mfenu lumbo Shrimp Cocktail Reltsh Tray Soup du Jour or Choice of Juice Pineapple Grapefruit or V-8 Flying Dutchman's Salad of the Day Assorted Dressings Roast Hait Spring Chioken, Crabapple JeIly Baked Virginia Ham, Pineapple Sauce Broiled N.Y. Cut Sirloin Steak, Fried Mushrooms Roast Prime Ribs of Red Brand Beef, Yorkshire Pudding Deep Fried Sea Scallops, Tartar Sauce Broiled Loin Cut Pork Chops, Green Applesauce Roast Leg of Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce Breaded Milk-fed Veal Cutiet, Mushroom Sauce Sliced Cold Roast Turkey Plate, Cranberry Sauce Assorted Cold Sea Food Salad Plate, Celery Heart Choice o Two Fresh Vegetables Oven Brown - - Boiled Roils 16 Assorted Fruit Pie Mint Partait 1 - Whipd _Potatoes M uffins Butter Fresh Fruit Jello,, Whipped Cream ChoeeseTray Coffe A LA CARTE FROM OUR BROILER Porterhouse, T-Bone, Filet Mignon, Steaks, served with Mushroom Cap* and French Fried Onions Milk of Peterborough who lias been acting as scout nmster. Mr. and Mns. Melville Sedge- wick of Beetoxi were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Jordan. Mns. Ina Gsibble, Lam.beth, spent the past wcck with Miss Laura Morton. Randy Longtield, Flint, Midi. is vlsiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Wright. Mrs. Bertha Preston and Miss jHazel Preston ef Balmioral, IMitn., arrived on Wednesdây te remain for several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Emory Smith. Mrs. Preston, wl» is 82 years of age thonoughly enjoyed lien first airplane trip from Winniipeg ta Malton airpont. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wheelans,I Toronto, are visiting with Mrn.1 jMay Webb. Miss Mpnie Carr apent the *weckend with tniendo in Tor- ento. Mrs. Winnitned Spencer enter- tained the members of Uic Wa- Fmen'a Missionary Society et the United Church on Thursdayj and the menibers prcsented a gift of bath taweis teo Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel, who is leaving thMs week for her ncw home in iBronte. Mrs. Gayle Moftatt spent the Iweekend in Torento with lier siaten and, bnothcr-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. Ted. Laidley. Thc pupils of Bethany School accompanied by their teachens, Mrs. Belle Smith and Mrs. Lar- aine Smith and some et Uic Mo- thers enjoycd a trip te Bowman- ville on Thursday, visiting a Dairy, Uic Pepsi-Cola plant, etc. and winding up with a pic- nic at thc Cream etf Barlcy Camp. In a ladies.softhall game liere on Tuesdiay night, tic viuîting tean> trom Courtice deteateci thc locals 22-5.1 Miss Ada Staples, Oxbow, Sask., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr on Saturday. Mrs. Charles Reynolds is ne- portcd as making a good rccov- ery tollowing sungery at Cîvic Hospital, Peterborough, on Wed.- nesday. Dennis Challice, Rosemant, is home for vacation with liii mo- ther, Mrs. R. Challice. Fnicnds will be pleaied t. know that Mns. Fluena Davis, wh wi a patient in Civie Hos- pital, Peterborough, is now Imaking good progress. fThe Garden Party helci at thie IUnited Church on fflday everi- lng was a declded success with many corning froru distant peints to attend this annual event. A sudden ahower of rain causcd the pragrain te be trans- terred tram the Churci lawn ta the Tewn Hall. The Bethany fBand directcd by Mr. Ernest IVictors et Peterborough was the teature attraction etffthc pro- gram with addled ongs by Mrs. IRuth Jennlngs and Creighton Carr with their ewn gultar ac- companinent; tap dancing by Càaiwm speloe a"d Wood 1 Preston; colored slides shon 1h tures taken locafly. which wereHo urG a e c r much enjoyed. Ross Davidsonj% chaired the porathankingLtv en Ppl ail who had contributed in an y and ening .ilM usic Exams As both ministers are 1eaving . Pf at the endi of the month. thel The foilowir'g is a lst Of suc- joint congregat.ions of Bethany, oessful candidates in examin- Pontypool and Manvers Station ations held recently by the Roy- H( took this opportunity te express al Conservatoryv of Music of To- dithi their appreciation of their work rente in Bowmaflville, Ontario. Banl Ini the parish and gift of money land were presented to Rev. R. R. Wentworth, manager of the lo- P Bonsteel who bas resided at cal branch of the TorontoiDom- annE Bethany for the past five years inion Bank, gave a talk -onyen. and now moving to Bronte "Good Reasons for Using the where he will minister at the Saiety of the Bank". He ex- Hl Walton Memorial Church, and plained that a bank was an in- ert] to Rev. R. R. Fritz, who has stitution for keeping, lencbng, (equ been the student minister on exchanging and issuing money, Pi thecircuit residing at Janet- as well as a place for stoning ville for the past two years and securities. At the conclusion of now moving te Coniston. Mr. his talk, the young people joined Hi Fritz was ordained into the min- in a discussion period concern- Bria istry this month. Addresses ing banking methods. son. containing the good wishes of Following the devoti o n a 1 Pî the parish were read iby Mxs. readings, prayers and the bus- Wiil Eanl Argue and John Payne, iness session, the group present- Mc1l with Earl Weatherilt and Henry ed the Rev. R. R. Bonsteel and' Jakemnan assisting in the pre- Mrs.' Bonsteel with a Lazy Su- Hi sentation of the gifts. Mrs. Ruth san and three-tiered serving ICa Jennings also presented a gift plate, prier to their departiure P to Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel fromi the at the end of the month for Women's Association at Be- Bronte, where Rev. Bonsteel as thany. will be minister at the Walton, Hai Bey. Bonsteel, Mrs. Bonsteel, Memoriai Church. Rev. Fritz and Mrs. Fritz each; The president et th eclub, H expressed their thanks for the Bruce Wright read the accoin- Ph gif ts saying they wouid aiways panying address, expressing ta jef treasure the happy years spent Rev. and Mrs. Bonsteel for their in the Manvers parisl. organization of this club. their At the High-C Club meeting' continued leadership and active IFi heid in the United Church base- interest. Lynda Davidson pre- c( ment on Monday evening, Glenn' sented the gifts.H Peter T. Sol,!]. Pas%-Eizabeth Braden. Grade fl Piano Honours-Dareen Wright. Grade 1 Piano Brian Peters, Lorraine White (equal). l -l nd- .o r1o u I Weh-nert, cn\be yourrs jj Fergu - with a * \ I ýackleton II %WAT ER\\ _ M Cole, SOFTEN -R Sandra Herbert;JAicK DROUGU Stephen PLUMBING and HEATING Olvisl3n Street South -John M.A 3-5615 50 WMAN VILLE Herbert' loin-4G - - - - - - - THIS WEEK 1 CHICKEN FRI $62! VALUE- NhI - - - - - - OYTTANO VMU Afi NSTANT, COFFR 2-0o W 3 51 8 5 NWd a Mkw.- Cvdou~m o 8 o'cLocK COFFM 1-41 s-& bff 5c11059 ~ER291 with ecb $7MO ý 4nnfrersary Specials! #tor#"ake ht r... A&P lIA BACS Monarch R.gular and Quarters MARGARINE A&ROGhol.. Quality WHOLE BEETS Choise QuahtyHalvOeu A&P PEACHES BIACK CHERRIES AaP Asparaguss Roc, pho 40.--AVU 4a %a pkg lm>-BAVE 10& A". 2A Me 3-SAVE "W 2e«#27c R.u. Mb 31.-BAVE Me4 3sM 3 S QRce" 3 12 cAV l Dupoe4ight QRAli~Me eaue COTTAGE ROLLS sM -mt "mo b49C MINCED BEEF DUCKS amed blacaroni aMd CHEESE LOAF DiCIA LOAF uGo"d, amoked Rindest, skeo SIDE BACON sakery Felétoee mloed la PA#P% o'u f.h..v Materak*e Jus. Pariw floe. Il-BAVE Sm CHERRYPIE "~49c STOGC UP VOUR FUEZER AT R1 LOW PR#CE 1 Jus. pmrk.r Ounosmeo 8h-4V£104 MHu Cak e e-49' Jas. PmrlurCintumem s flou.pq U-4AVE ce Breakfast Rois .o33 c Jasa PaW**P ne .b~ o .-a V Brea 2«6»083 Jas Pa~ssUe. po U.*abE (soldes e Super Murk'v et. GALAA. ~4WMAY 4 'PD 5£M ANUAo Craunspom as~~m5c BOLOGNA CHUS La" aErie, HeodoeO maS0"M"s Im pg5 c SMELTS Se. Seaild Mb W 59c COD FILLES o43< "43< ib49e imbPfl49 lE&pkg2.7c ~wwr VEÇ,A al i SPicÎALyi CflBp NE"COP, PASCAL CELERY STALKS Ifor 1l5c Nai, r.w, o.¶Grd, wst Su. liu, udm , CUCUMBERS' each45c New Crop, No. 1 Graes% aêv &,, W .d,41 e. CABBAoe uàlOc Native Grow, N. 1 Grade, IBlimec 1.,im An. Ld WAX BEANS 23 Arizona, No. 1 Grade, A&p Lab.W . S,.w COOiUNCONIONS3*bceoba 2 S j '- \>. .ý ,1 BO WMAN VILLE ou ~ Stut.d nt RESTAURANT ut:ff4o Wee#ýendc cDi)nner Fresh Lobster Cocktail Tomato rTea names are arranged in or- o! menit. A.R.C.T. Piano Solo Performer's .nditioned in Performance Ear Test-Frances J. Billett. Grade X Piano ess--G. Lois Hiousiander. Grade Yul Piano lonours-Fred Graham, Ju- ann Sparrow, Lynda Potts; ,bara Brown, Gary W. Hous- der (equai). asas-Joan M. McMI&aster, Di- ie Tink (equal); Barry Ste- iBerta Higgon. Grade VIT Piano oneurs--Dennis Gay; Rab- L. Hamilton, Neil McGregor iual). )ass-Patricia Thompson. Grade VI Piano ioneurs - Robent1 àn Hancock, Canal .A >as- Margaret Shi liam E. Watson,] Nair. Grade V Piano fonours - Donna1 rolyn Stacey. )ass - Lillian Iiller S. Worden (equal). lett. Grade IV Plano onours - Mary yllis A. Emmerson, 7ery, Gamey Lycett. Grade 111 Piano ?irst Class Honours ,Guirk. [onio,,rs-- Elizabeth don 40

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