Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jul 1959, p. 13

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PAGE THIRTEM P A -àÀAu nA ébO! A"O5 MUU1IA 1.V'fL . .U lWP f? I'RMMAY. JVLY mnd. 1959 '..JA1t3JLL"~ J~A ~ ~ RètiringI P'raises M mA ccompih Appecation of t-he co-oper- atInadsupport- le lad been glven by all the membens dur- ing his term cf office ws ex- prcssed by Rex Wait-ens in bis fMal presideutial address ut-t-be luncheon meeting af t-be Bow- znanvilUe Rot-ary Club leld at- t-le Flying Dutcîman Mot-or Hotel on Friday. Thc birthdays oi three local Rtaians, Dr. H. B. Rundle Dr. Keit- lSemon, and William Coggins, were observed. Ross Gilbert was t-be leader of t-be rousing siug-soug, and Mr. Ceg- gins"played t-be piano accom- p uniment-. Guest-s present- were W. Dempsey, George Chant-on. Wilbcrt- Charlton, S. Lovell, Geof Andrews, Douglas Lang- znid, Jim McDonald, al of Oshawa, anid Vernon Rowc, Whitby. Bil! Steven, thbe secretany, pncsented lis annuai report,.lie stated t-but- lust- Juiy t-be Rot-ary Club lere lad 47 members. Iu the inteveing 12 months four xnembers had resîgned, and six xiew merubers had jaîued the club giviug a present- member- slip of 49. .Tue secretary pointed eut- that t-be increase in member- slip was due ta t-le direct-ors going thraugh t-le unfilled classification list. He said t-be attendance at t-be monthiy di-. rectors meetings lad been gra- tifying. Mfx. Steven reported t-but- tlré lad been five special di- rjKtors' meetings, and 46 gen- cral meetings,.lie said that-t-le ýatt-edance ut t-he weekiy meet- ings had beèn 87.4 per cent c- I Spe IfeI SERVICE co EQI "WOODS" Ir z 9 Tourist Te *Nylon screenedl throughoul " Poles and Pegs " Sewn-in Floor " Waterproofed Teat Duck " Canopy St-orm Door " Individually Curtoned Reg.$ SPEC I AIR MATTRESSE Full adult ize. heavy dut 12 gauge. SPECIAL __ ci Hardwood caver. Reg, SPECIAL- ARMY I Suitable for the cottage o Grey colon.. TRIS WEEK ONLY - 1 HOBBY Ideal for the cottage and the outdoor man. Ail Colons and Sizes - Bowman 42 Ring St. EL SPCA ___ vsvinc- e atweýrilFaordVn iee RNP COTS LIFE JACKETS Sundiuy visitons wlt-h Mn. and FuitLeanourd Vin RIp.ed Monarch Mns. Gerdon Beecl and famiiy Burns ExtrLanMdCud frame. Sturdy cava Vinll ealed Kapok. Fit, adults were Mr.anid Mrs. Fred Samis NT L U E an cidrà adMm . rffn Efel; Peamealed BACK BACON TALO Margarine $9.9 aA ilen. Reand n d R s. Gfi, Ene ___Beedli andi Deruns, Toronto; Mn.Ju b -$ .9 PCL$24 nid Mrs. Onville Asht-on ami Cryrovac Wrap I.72. S3e55c2 kgs 49C f umiiy, Enniskillen Reverend By the Piecelb7 c ie4s 3L&NKE S ...nid Mr. Harold Stainton, Cour- BLAISKETSlice; Mr.anid Mme. Ross Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmen, r outdoors ., , Bowmunivile; Mn.anid Mrs. $199 yare, Ruth adFrank, oum o. 7"Homne Repair Simiplified" ZACH - $1«99Mr.anid Mis. Leonard Hind- mvisit-ed 1er brother, Mn. Home a k~uers nid Mis. George Wood, Hmil- AH9 PANTS t-on. Tbey also visited tue Rock E C C O E I Now on Sale EAH 69 Mr.ar. Norman Gimb - _______________________________________ lett andi Mis. Frank Simupson, Colunmbus, visitied Mr. andi Mis. .Par-$2,49 '.. Russell Gimblett, ou Friduy. S O N A E A Sunday supper guests wit-h SA ET Mr.anid Mrs. J. R. Met-calf anid Ross wcre MmU. andi Mns. Lorenzo WIM E Hans Geisbengen, Zion; IRever- .BuwmanviIIe IGA M arket DOWANVILL ville S urp lus Store emi and Mns. H. St-aintorn Cour Miss MiOphyM arket NA i3-3211 MCMrpls. Tmawuir T Snid ianiily were dinner guests, of lier brot-ber, Mr. Donald WiI-' A -/ v 9 Alan Ashton of Toronto gave heini, Hamilton, and attended hi& grade 8,a the accomnoda- ig extra benefits from the Blue ail. The penny collection~ was Ia Temperance talk. The choir:1the Wilhelm re-union in New tions are deemed suitable for Cross, what ai we could re- taken Up for cards etc. for the ?o a y P e i e trendered o anthemn. Glad ta Hamburg, on Sunday. him ta use liis chair. ceive from the Durham Co.op sick. Mrs. Martin Manders auc- Zo ta ry P re sid e n t ~~~~see sa man: in the choir again. 1 Sundiay visitors with Mr.'1 Mm. Normnix Therteil, Tor- Medical Services. It appêars toe f h rilso ad Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrill 1 anid Mrs. W. H. Brown were Mr. onto, Mr. and Mrs. N. Elgear that x-ray for diagnostic pur- oeoftearilsohnd visited wit~h Mr. and Mrs. C.1 and Mrs. Russell Best and fain- and fanuly, Oshawa, and Mrs. poses are flot paid for by the Alter singing "The Queen" a Quantrill, Oshawa, Saturday. ily, Solina; Mr. George Marlow Lenia Kxrby were at their sum- gpv't., and that- they just pay t-ast-y lunch was provided by our le m b rs o r o rk Boiby RbinonShilh, s vs- nd arry Rogers, Bowmiaxville. mer homne for thie weekend and for 31 days of hospitalization. hostess Mrs. Cathcart, Mrs. H. Ttn eme s f riokB thon nllMiss L Barbara Brown is at- wt o le teddDe- Older folks, unless speciai care Fse n r.Soe,(h LiiiiJ ~ omnuntyasis-edatth TB.ground instructors at Camp il y of Buffalo visit-ed lier ma- t-o nursing homes or home cane, thanks to Mrs. Cathcant for lier îie~s , " " " ,e a ry auterrytoan ovnin.dIs- Qi-M-aiti eec ther Mrs. M. E. Poster at Roy at their own expense. The Dur- hospitality. We have our picnic EEI~ ay fternonandevnin. I- Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bailey,1 Foster's and lier other brothers ham Co-op Medical Services i July and no meeting in Aug- so on Fniday when the tests rdyadRkysetth an hi faiir hsps aamjoMdcladSu-s. cordmng to figures given him by ie conimended the work done were read. Feddy nd n icaayaset h n hi anle -i atla ao ia n u-ut Tom Palmer, t-le membership, by Bill Steven as secretary , and misses Donna and Ruth -mer' w, ekend În a ar Fas week. On Sunday thie Poster gical Benefit plan and an In- On T'hursday evening Kendal chairinan. He added that 24 also thanked ail the merubers cer, Toronto, wene home for the Ms a3 avn- u e familles enijoyed a picnic at surance policy which f illsisnuB1t~Tspae rn ir n members lad ruade perfect at- who had taken part in t-le weekend. otrf ohrhm i odnCem a Barley Park, Bow- somne of the gaps in the gov't. won by a score of 10-8. The tendance records for tihe year. club's programs. At the begi- Mrs. Knox, Mrs. Woodiey and after a two-week visit with her manyille. plan. Mr. Moffatt answered older team won a game from During the year there hiad ning of thbe year Mr.Wlts Mrs. Thickson atteuded euch-- M.adMs JuLvn-. Misa Jane Poster and Mrs. many questions axfd the W.I.- been num-erous cag, Rxhdofrdt tedalc in-r at tCbugo ens Jo-An Poster are spending a very much appreciated his kind- ing. Walters the president, pointed mittee meetings. This ruade it- day evenàng which concludes the"I~fI few days this week at Green- ness in coming _________ out. He mentioned the move a busy year for him, but he euchre for thle suminer spon- KENDALJJft hurst near Lindsay. A current even>t was given from t-le Balmoral Hotel, alt-er found it- a decidedly worthwhile sored by the Orange men. The O udyMs ereMr yec ayi un r.Tr n15 h oa ftase thle hotel had closed, t-o the i'îy- method which enabled him to Cutholic Association concluded M.adMaGngslakknSndyM.GoreMr y ae ain atung r Tu- pImn15th ri e lc rnsfer igDthaMae oeadkeep in touch with all t-be thein cuchre parties unt-il fail Toronto. were at t-heir summer cenuxnold amfyandOshaa Cura nsygv nuuig ed amnsfomgvrnest reinanked that- thle club bad club's uctivities, Mn. Walters on Saturday eveniug. Lunch home for t-he weekend. and visitiedMnd Mr C at- once." Mrs. W:? Mercer con- money collected through t-axes fouud the latter also teo be an said. He paid tribute t-o the jwus served ut bot.h parties. Mrs. Mary Luxon, Miss Mar- Elsey whlle wuiting for George dce ots,<Tesrm-frrdsrbto - eti excellent place for thbe lunch- board of dinecfors and remark- IMrs. Woolacott, Paul Woolu-1 garet Patterson, Oshawa, and t-o corne off maintenance duty led naines of diseuses," Mrs. R. gnoups - t-otalled $2,628,000,000 eon meetings. cd that t-le business of t-he club cott's mother lad t-le misf or- Mr. andc Mrs. Stan Gray, Perry- ut t-be G.M. plant. Elliott and Mrs. Jim Stark were compared t-o $950,000,000 in Explaining that the original lad been in good bauds, t-une ta get ber band in the towîi, spent t-be weekend ut .Mr. and Mns. Paul Mencer of successful in 'deciphering themn 1949. charter of the Bowmanville Ro- III would like each Rotarian i wninger und 1er land required Mrs. Luxon's cottage on Lake Guelph spent t-le weekend witl tary Club lad been lost saine t-o take- my special tbunks ta bisi fourteen st-t-des t-o close the Kuslog and planned a trip on ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. yeurs ugo, Mr. Walt-ers said t-bat own Rotary Anne." Mr. Wal-.! cut. At t-le tîme she was visit-- north. Warren. fortunatcly t-le club lad secured t-ens reejuested. He said t-bat t-be ing wit-l Paul and bis wife. Master Reid Foster las re- I ne 'Kendat W.I. meeting Frvm eut a copy of thechcartenrccently. work that t-bey do for t-le club, On Monday evening lit-tle Nan- turned from t-be Civic Hospital was held Wed. evening, June eflsReat The club's by-laws were umend- and t-le moral support t-ley give, cy Fowler fell in thle ditcl and Peterborough, whene le under- 24 ut t-he home of Mns. G. Cati- TRY OUR ed by the direct-ors and were thein lusbands in tlein Rot-ary tore alarge opening in ber fore- went anothen operation on his cart i wth Mrs. M. Manders pre- ..IF15A made effective for t-le current endeavors mean mucli t-othle urm, whicl required eigît stit- thurnb. He now lus his land siding. The roi! euhl was uns- ..IE1 NIILID Au tomatic situation, le stated. success cf t-he club. I des. She is t-le daugîter of Mr. and arm in a cust. It is loped wered by naumlng a diseuse and STRUCGLE ,O KUIP MmWI The numben of attendance "IIIbaud t-he business cf being and Mrs. E. Fowlen and grand- t-le new bone put in will gr*W givag lt-s symptorns and wFas COMING IN " mpWRTbT1 meetings beld away from thle. president over t-o your elect-ed daught-er of Mr. and Mrs. H. togeti'er properly t-is time. followed by a discussion of the \'VMWGWI A ASH negular meeting place lad de- president, George Vice, ene of, Thickson.1 A nuinber froin here attended variaits diseuses. ONOH OTCA cneased t-is year, President Rex t-be most conscientiaus and biard- The 4-H Club girls hope t-oý Decoration Day in Onono ceme- lMs. H. Poster read t-le min- ib a abta ie 0 Wultens said. It had been found wonking of aur truembers, who hld their next meeting. July 3 itenv Sunday. ut-es and reponted aven $78.00 t'- ' -itwa fnih t-bat uttendance ut t-be metng as done a terrifie job on aur ut Mrs. McAllister's horne. Mr. -Normun Putton, Mr. and lad been netted on Field Day iht laiig a iih hel awy awas doppd e Lbra-yPnoectan ulo ~ jMost af thle High, School stu- Mrs. Alvin Lowes, Peterbon- which was divided between t-le said. He aise point-ad eut t-bat-t-le piant-ing and pruning of, dents have passed successfully. i augl, uttended Decoration Day W.II and W.A. Mns. TurunskyLURATO tea-1rprt-ad for thOhe ci-(IL CHANGE those who were unubiet-u- trees for our Christmas tree Congratulations are extended t-a and later visited Mn. and Mrs. rp -eCercm tend t-be meetings held in a dif-,ric- "Mr. Walters stated. t-hem.RosPto, mittee and t-le travellingCAbas-S fénent place missed the privil- ýe suid r. Vice had dorie an Mn. and Mrs. L. Muldrew and Mr. and iUtis. Milt-on Low~es ket. For our picnîc Mrs.mc- CA RS ege t-hey slould be uble t-o 2n- ecletjbi i w er daught-en Marilyn, Mn. and Mrs. and flonnie and Miss Joan Low- Mucin lus rmade arrangements. joy of t-le fellowsbip ut t-be re- as secret-any of t-he club, and W. Muldrew. Oshawa, speut t-be es were aiso in crono and then It-o eisit t-le Quaker Oat-s plant ndER gular Fniduy meetings. during t-be last year us lst vice- weekeud ut- Sunnyside. iisited Mn. and Mrs. Eddie Cou- in Peterboroughi on Tuesday,BATRE The East-er Seul Campuign president-, le lad been of con- roux. July 7 ut 2 p.m. A visit will also sponsored by t-le Bowmaniviile siderable beip te hizu, t-be pre- Mrs. Eimer Munford anru ade t-o the Lit- Locks. Rot-ary Club made an ail time sident suid. The ntiing presi- MA T C1fV smali son of McCord, Sask.,ibGes aelowlcmah He~~~~~~~~~ cogaultdA H tîe,'e-Gered i." a lM. n r. s ust r is ecme al bigli record, Mn. Walt-ers stated. dent- stated, "II cun now gay'I spending t-lree weeks witl lien1t-o bnng t-hein own plat-e et-c. t-e Eatn SedA. cHutirm . u,'aLet ege u te.Vs ie. Ago nw uteddtîparents, M.ad r.Speiieianid picule lunch. the Fater Sel chaiman. Te, haned thegavel a Mr. ice: Gardon roaddttothentheelativeadsoin Rumlaurss uneumquit-ee pree ulent-n out-going Rot-ary president- aise The rew president, Mr. Vice, anniversuny suppen ut- Maple Ontario. 't-lut t-le Ont-ario Hospit-uiztion spoke of the $22,000 donation thunked t-be membens for t-heur Grave Cburch on Wednesday Miss Judy Foster went- witl plan is not being curried eut- as t-o t-be new Crippled Childreus spot n ssndte -a evening, June 24t-b. A splen- Mn. and Mrs. Len Falls t-o Ton-' we wcre led t-o expect-. Mr. Ro- TI Centre. 0f t-lis amount- about- le would do ail in 'is power di ngu wspeet-daf-ato Suuday ta see Bobby ut- bent- Moffatt, secretany of the $950 wus collected by the-le .te fi11 t-be responsibilities cf bis t-en thle supper by t-be Barber Lyndhunst badge. They t-ook Durhamu County Ce-openut-ive cal Retarians und t-le Bowman- new office, and assist t-be club Slop Choir of Oshawa icu-hlm down ta thbe beach for a Medical services veny kiudiy ville Rot-ary Club, contributed Iinihuving another successful! ing leader Douglas Chuti adpicnic outing. It- is expected le consented t-o corne and give us t-be rest-, Mn. Waters suid. He yean. He painted out t-bat- lie KnBokMpeGa.GosIi iî attend Starkvilie scîcol inlormation regurding it and t-a aise mentioned t-ele an made1 kuew he would have able as- praceeds tram thbe anniversary satn nSpebe - ewte s woaent eev t-o two deserving students by sistance from thbe vice-presi- $663.00. satn nSpebr-t e elu- h r e eev t-le club, and expnessed the hope dent, R. P. Rickuby, t-be secre- Mnr.and Mrs. Lloyd Wugen, t-bat- such loans would be made tary, 'Ken Morris, t-le treusun- Bryan, Wayne and Dale Osb- in t-he fut-une t- oct-ler scbolurs. er, Stanley Wilkins, and could awa, visit-ed Mr. and Mns.thR . The importance of t-be mes- count- aunt-le compet-ent- board S. Wilton and fumily and ot-er sage given by Clift Randuil, t-be of direct-ors-te be of great lelp. former Mapie Grave ueigbboursi president of Rot-ary Interna- Hie congratulat-ed Mr. Walters on Suuday. tional, "Help shape t-be fut-une on cunrying out bis well laid Mr. and Mrs. Steve DoyleF O UMRS S by fucig t-le present," was plans for t-be club se success-i and family motored t-e Malt-en emplasized by Mr. Walters. He, fly duning t-le past- year, and Ainport on Sut-urday, to meet- remiuded bis audience of t-le t-aid .hlm le must feel greut his sister, Mns. William Doehen- four speeches given once each pnide lu lig Rotury uchieve-, er and Bobby, who were enroute mont-h fan four mont-bs whicb ment-s. Hie t-heu pnesented Mn. j ramn Rochester, N.Y. t-o Prince deait- wit-b different- aspect-s of Walt-ers with lis pust- presi- Edwund Island. Mne. Randall's inspiring commu- dent-'s pi. Sonry t-o report t-bat- lit-tle A2 nication. Tamnmy Rogers, daugîten a0Mn Speaking af the co-openution and Mns. Ron Rogers, is ugain a and support- given i hm, Mr. Wal- T7ItTU T T' patient iu Sick Chiidmen's Has- t-ens also expressed gratitude E LJLIZ IU.VVLLUE pit-ul, Taront-a. for thle t-mie, effort, and even Mr. and Mi. Arthur Scot-- physicai cohtnibutions t-o the Sunday scbool was led ibylionne, Pumela and Paul, Otta-B RA Club's project-s given by thle Miss Sybol Sheppurd due t-o theI a;Mn.anid Mrs. Emil Lingem p c a1 nuaent-y cf t-he iembers. This absence of t-le supernutendent and Udo, -Oshawa; Mrs. T. J. piih eo kt à co-operation gives t-le.Bw- Mr. M. White. Miss Benyl Thick- McGuirk. Sr., Ottawa. wene Sun- al manville Rotary Club an envi,. 1 son gave a t-aik on a fable of day dinner guest-s of Mn. and 0C OK E» NEà,Anu able strength, Mnr. Wlters as- India, most- of t-be teachers wene Mrs. Tom McGurk and family. A c an hes serted. thene. Aten Sunday Scbcol M r. M. and Mrs. Howard Hoge- IG1Ac adCes, Picicie and dr.adfaxully, Pet-ersburg;A Pimento Dut-ch or Chicken La sons, Blckst-ock, were Sunday 9cI~pcg m'"'guests ai Mr.anid Mrs. M Alun 6 o rjERE OI Snowden. DESSING ~<Ail Food Features Effective Mr. and Mns. Ted Arnold. Osh- awa, cullcd on Mr. and Mrs. D. June 30, July 2nd, 3rd, 4th C. Bailey, on Sunday. eveniug. MP IN G fTaront-o, cafled on Mr. and Mrs. Part-y Punch, Grape or Orange - gave 3c Rau Rogers on Fniduy evening. 1\ nid Mis. Alan Snowden, ~D'N4. 8o.tîm Howard Hagedorni, Pet-ersburg, H mBé e as wee Suna dinnen ùsso JP' N TMr.indMr. John Aitchisan, Aylmer Boston Brown - Save 4e 1 u 1 Mr. and Mms. H. B. Kidd, Ajax, f Mis. A. E. David and family e n with Pork wen. di.nn. u sns t Mn. au Mrou Sndy. CalsHse Clover Leaf - Save 9c knts and fumlly uttended t-le St. Gen- yO rge's Ail Doubles Club piec Fanc *..n t2n9 it ut- Orono Park on Sunduy.un Charles Hester leit- on Wed- c nesduy for Taoonto, wlene le

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