i k~ TME CANADL414 STATMANM. ROWIKANILE,&ONTAMO Tau RSDAY, JTn&i, nu SPORTOpICS By Frank Mohun MA 3-7234 TRIS WEEK IN SPORTS SOCCER selor - Saturday-Enniskillen at Courtice Zion at Soline Wednesday-Hampton at Maple Grave Enniskillen st Bowmanville (Memoriai> Junior - To-night-Bowmanvifle at Courtice Maple Grave at Zion Hampton at Tyrone EnniskiUen at Sauina SOFTBALL men - To-night-MeNuIty's Ail-Stars vs. Surplus Sales Tuesday-Ken's Men's Wear vs. MeNutys Ail-Star Laffies- To-night-Bowmanviile at Bethany Ail softball gaines at Central Public School BASEBALL juvenfle - Tuesday-Orono ai Bowmanville (Vincenît Masey) t1* it 't t f ONLY A FEW SECONDS A few seconds - that's ahl it took for Sweden's Johannuen to, become the world's new heavyweight champion. Al cf a sudden the sports writers knew why lie didn't throw the right ln training. He had told them why, but it wasn't until after the fight that they knew. Patterson was picked ta win, although bis previous oppanents were push-overs, but after the fight, everyone said that Johannsen was the best he had ever faced, and were ready to send poor Floyd into oblivion. What will they say if he regains the crown in the next meeting? One minute the announcer was telling you that anyone could be in the saine ring as Ingernar, as his punches weren't bard enough ta hurt. I didn't see the fight, but I don't think the champion took a dive. Ail of a sudden he (Ingemar) possessed a tremendous punch. After Don Larsen pitched his perfect game, all kinds of pitchers tried throwing without a windup. I wonder if the boxers won't throw their rights in training bouts now? What a difference a few seconds make. t t. t t ti ONLY A WEEK What a difference a rainfail and a week made ta the Southv'iew Golf Course! This duffer toured the course in 106 on Sunday (8 below last week) and along with everyone else, I was simply amazed at the change over the brief period of a week. The fairways and greens have fiiled in considerably, and the use of a new mower has made a tremendous improvement on the fifth, sixth and ninth fairways, ln particular. Despite the heat over 75 people played the course on Sun- day, which proves the need which existed for a golf course in Bowmanvile. Juvenile Olympias Edge Cobourg. 2.-i1 Pee Wees Close To Port Hiope Three runs i the bottom of the sixth broke up a closely play- ed four-ail ball gaine, ta give Port Hope a 7-5 win over Bow- manvulle, in a Pee Wee contest, last Thursday night, in the hili- top iown. The locals grabbed off a 2-0 firstinhning iead, and tied the score in the fifth, after Port Hope had tallied a pair of runs i each cf the second and third frames. Bowmanville managed a sîngle run in the final session, but it wasn't enough. Baxter led the winners with a perfect three for three record at the plate, and Austin had two hits, as Port Hope collected nine bingles off laser Gerald Hark- ness. Bowmanvilie solved Jay's deivery for eleven, despite las- ing. Guy Parks led bath clubs with four safeties, while Ricky Lucas added a pair. tBowmanville Olympias were able ta manage only one bit off Cobourg pitcher M. Dobkin, lasi Wednesday nightinl a ju- vemile encounter ai the Vincent Massey Park, but parlayed the hit and an error imb a 2-1 wi over the visitera. Winning pitcher Jini Meor-. craft gave Up a mere three hile, while fanning a dozen over the five inning route in the damk- ness sharlened contesl. M. Dob- kin ciaimed ihree strikeouts for the lasers. Grant Wright garniered the Olympias' Iône bit in the sec- ond, and circled the bases on a pair et errors, as the bal weni thmough the left fielder, aind the relay frmm the short- stop went it the dugoul, Cobourg tied the score in the third on a walk and a pair of singles by E. Dobkin and West. With darkness quickly des- oending, Moorcraft talied the winner, when he received a base an halls, stèle second and third, and scored when the shortstop bobbled Ray Twist's hard smash. -M 0 e * customers and the front of our While this work is being carried on we hope you will bear with us and use the side entrance Io the west. BUSINESS AS USUAL. MASON & DALE HARDWARE LTD. MA 3-5408 F m 1 Local Girls Score Win Over Millbroc Bawmanville built up ane 1y 10-1 lead, and went or defeat Mllbrook 12-7, in girls' sofiball contest pla Mionday night ai the Ceni Public School dianuond. Bowmanville c apitallzed Milbrook errors ta take a firsi inning lead, and acI three mare in the second. AJ the first iwo batters had bi retired in the third framne, locais wrapped ihings up an strength cf Eleanor Pickai grand-slam homer. The lasers scored once in third, twice in the feurth, four times in the sixth, on th Bawmanville errars, and hc runs by Armnstrang and Ca] Karen McMurter and Marg1 kard coxnbined ta hold thei itors ta just five safeties, iN the wîn-t going ta starting pit er McMurter. Shortstop Barbara Hug paced Bowmanvulle's 12-hit tack on Powell wiih threeh backed up by Barbara Broi Eleanor Pickard, Sandra Ch kavitch, and Karen McMur each with a pair of base knoc Newly Forme Girls' Teëam Downs Oronc Bowrnanviile's newly farn girls sofiball club gave n ager Bruce Colweil a win their first league encouri coming froin behind to do Orono 12-11, at Franklin Pi Monday night. Judy Paeden earned thei tory with a route going p formance. Nicholson was tagi wiih ihe lbas. The visitars led 6-2 after il frames and 10-6 after five,1 Bowmanville scored three tir in each of the liast twa inn to dlaim a narrgw victory the apening gamêe. MANVERS STÀTI( ear- . a ayed itral on Ided fter been the Lthe 3Lrd's the and hree aine M1. Pic- vis- with Itch- ghes hits, Iwn, lias- rter. cks. rned nan- ater, own ark vie- per- gged hree but [mes ings ri JNI. The Juiie meetink et the Wo- inan's Association was held ai the home of Mra. John Payne on Thursdayagl7.n.,wth 110 menubers, tw visior nd seven. chikiren. The Pre*.dent, Mrs. E. Cavano presiding4, The tapic on "Forgiveness" waSread by Mrs. Alvin Olan and 9 chapter froin the study book 1 ¶s read and explained by Mfrs A. onln Mira. Murray LogÈ'.n read the minutes of previeug meeting and roll oeil. If was d ided ta aend a donation ta Quin-Mo-lac and Five Oaks camps. Gifla were given ta Mira. 'Fritz and Mra. Bonsteel in gratetul apprecia- tion of the good work they have done since coming ta the Man- vers Charge. A very successful bake sale was heid. A social hait hour was enjoyed while a hoveiy lunch was served by the hostess and ber assistants. The community were s:orry ta hear of the death of Mrs. Josh Siaples (Mabel Bradley) on Wednesday ai Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay. The funeral was held frein the Mackey Fun- eral Home on Saturday afler- noon. Burial in Riverside Cerne- tery. Mr. Alan Johnston and Mr. Campbell, Windsor, are spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mra. Alfred Jëhntson. Nathing like few days i the bay field ta build up good strang muscles. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mapili and family, Barrie; Mr. and Mrs. Don MacGregor and Sandy, Hamnilton; Mr. and Mes. Robi. Baker and tamnily, Oshawa were weekend visitors with Mes. W. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Robi. Whealans, Toronto, were Sunday dinner guesîs with Mr. and Mes. Nor- man Parler. h Rev. R. R. Bonsteel preached his fare-well sermon on Sunday marning. The Sacrament of the Lord's supper was observed. The Bonsteels are maving ta Branle and Rev. Wm. and Mrs. Fritz are moving ta Coniston. The best wishes et the Mansvers Charge go wiih ihein when they assume their new duties. ANNUAL "OPEN The Roser y OWNED AND OPERATED BY AL. FLETCHER 73 Queem Si., Dowuanviile STARTING SATURDAY, JULY 4th W. cordially invite ail Flower Lovers to visit our nursery on this date or any trne during the blooming season . .. Roses will b. at their peak this weekend. It's a sight you really wlII enjoy when our roses are iu full bloomn. Kawartha Tennis League Fixtures Saturday, June 13th, Quaker X ai Lindsay Sunday, June l4th -___ Bowmanville at Cobourg-Port Hope Wednesday, June 17th Lindsay ai Quaker Y Saturday, June 20ih Lindsay ai Cobourg-Port Hope Sunday, June 21st Quaker Y ai Bowmanville Wednesday, June 24ih____- Quaker X ai Bowmanville Wednesday, June 24th Cobourg-Port Hope ai Quaker Y Saturday, June 27th Cobourg-Port Hope ai Quaker X Saturday, June 271h Quaker Y ai Lindsay Saturday, July 4th Cobourg-Port Hope ai Lindsay Sunday, July 5th ________ Bownuanvile ai Quaker Y Wednesday, July 8th Quaker Y ai Quaker X Saturday, July 1 th Quaker X ai Cobourg-Port Hope Wednesday, July l5th Cobourg-Port Hope ai Bowmanville Saturday, July 25th ________ Bowmanville ai Lindsay Wednesday, July 291h Lindsay ai Bowmanville Saturday, Augusi Bih -____ Quaker Y ai Cobourg-Port Hope Sunday, Augusi 9ih - _____ Bowmanville ai Quaker X Wednesday, Augusi l2ih __ Lindsay ai Quaker X Saturday, Augusi l5ih Quaker X ai Quaker Y Minor Basebaîl Week In Ontario July 27 - Aug. 8, 1959 "Baffer Up!" Surely the most musical note af any summertirne sport is the staccato smack of willow On horsehide in a sunlit basebal park. Be iA World Series or sandiot hall the ihrill of that electrifying sound wil rivet every eye on the flight of the hall as it soars oui toward the fence. It is the crash of the cymbal in the symphony known as Basebal. Calling Ail Parents Again this year the Ontario Basebail Association is urging parents ta, join with their local basebaîl officiais in helping ta stimulate a livelier interesi in Canada's top sumnier gaine. The O.B.A. wants every interested adulita "go ta bat" in this en- deavor. M'uch has been written about the beneficial effect of competitive sport as it concerris the younger fry. There is no doubt that Basebail wil teach the fundarnentals of sportsman- ship and reliant manhood ta growing youngsters, in a.man- ner that will ensure their in- ,texe.%t, but the gaine needs your support nai only i the way of patronage but in assisting with organizational matters. As Ca- sey Stengel might say, "If the guy in center field amn't bustin' ne fences this teain ain't gain' ne place." Your O.B.A. is ask- ing YOU ta go ta bat. The week of July 27th ta Au- gust 8th, has been designated as Minor Baseball Week in On- tario. The O.B.A. is asking al its officials and affiliated or- ganizations ta, take hold of this venture and help make it a satisfying success. They will need help in every locality. No matter how sports-inactive you have became of late, your local basebail officiais will welcome you inta the lineup ta make a teain effort of Minor Basebali Week. Aid Cltlzenshlp In addition to the possibiliiy of contributing ta the career of a budding Ruth or DiMaggio there la the even deeper satis- faction of having made a volun- tary effort ioward combating delinquency. Juvenile irrespon- sibility is a inodern day scourge. Your O.B.A. believes that coin- petilive sport, well organized and controlled by responsible people, is a practical effort ta- wards rectifying delinquency. Give the kids a gaine ta play, or a teanu te cheer, and you will help set their path taward re- sponsîble citizenship. The Ontario Basebail Associa- thon bas been functîoning for over forty years. Our constant endeavor bas been te keep basebail on a level with the besi ini sporlsmanship. We ahi know ihat tbis effort, la be effective, must be aimed ai fundainentals; which is one eason why IEn- or Basebali Week is urgently important. Frain the youngsters of today must caine the players n SOCCER I HI -LIGHTS Il In hast Thumaday nighl's Jun- lor action, the head met the tai, as undefeated Zion handed Hampton their sixlh bass with- oui a win, by a lop-sided 7-1 margin. Solina defeated Bow- manvile 5-0 te regain the run- fier-up position, wrhen Courtice edged out a 3-2 decision over Maple Grave. Tyrone grabbed off their tirai victery of the season, downing Enniakihlen 5-0 ta meve into a fourih place tie with the lasers. Lasi Wednesday, la the sen- lor league. Tyrone cantinuing a trernendous comeback, defeated Salina 1-0 ta move lie a thre way tie for second. Hampton was held ta a 1-1 standoff by Enniskillexi, but the lie enab- led thein te grab a piece ot the second rung, along witb Cour- tice and Tyrone. Saiurday night's action, saw Zion down Maple Grove 3-0 te continue along the unbeaten trai, and Bowmanville Hoop- er's Jeweilers pasted a 2-0 shut- oui win over Tyrone, te stop iTyronea strea. and officials of toxnorrow. Your enihusiasni and active co-oper- ation wil help ta develop the talent needed ta perpetuate the grand old gaine of Basebaîl. Yeur Help Needed Haw may you help? Perhaps your local basebail officials al- ready are active in organizing Minor Baseball Week. Contact these men, offer your assistance taward forming a teain, see about the probabiity of a week- long elimination taumnament in your bail park, or perhaps you may have ideas about scroun.g- ing trophies. Do anything you can ta promote the kids' own week of Basebail Competition. Perhaps you underate yourself b.y thinking you are nat heavy bitter enough for such a cause but many a gaine has been won with a bunt so jusi dig i and swing. The Ontario Basebaîl Asso- ciation under the leadership of President Pete McMuiler, is sol- idly behind Minor Basebal Week. We ask YOU ta keep the date in mind, July 27 te Augusi 8, -and we ask yau te do something NOW toward its success. Let's ail dig in and be ready ta answer the cail of BATTER UP. YELVERTON On Thursday evening a num- ber of Yelverionians met ai Yelverton Hall te bld "Au re- voir" ta the twa ministers, their wives and familes prier ta their moving ta new locations. Howard Malcolmn capably filled the post of chairman. Follow- ing the showing of slides which involved a number of Yelver- ton ladies, ak short but diversi- f îed prograin was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bristow and Clarence Page supplied several snappy musical numbers; Miss Judy Robinson favoured with a piano solo. Mr. Lloyd Wilson displayed considerable musical finesse with bis guitar selec- tiens accampanied by this moth- er, Mrs. David Wilson. The Rowan sorority-Misses Eliza- beth and Linda, favoured with a piano duel; the "Petites" Pamella Stinson and Mitzi Malcolmn provided a change of pace with their tap-dance rou- tine; Miss Marguerite Wilson favoured with lighi fingered abandon a piano solo; Ted Spenceiy, having thrown away his guitar, displayed his latesi asset-a master raconteur coin- plete wilh French dialeci; Mrs. Ed Lawson, after quile a lime lapse, came back int action wjth solos-real old favourites with own piano accampaniment which were well receîved; Lloyd Wilson returned on his own hook wilh a couple of popular vocal renditions with own gui- tar accompaniment. Howard thanked participating arlists and cammented on the I versatiiity of the community in providing enterlainment with- in ils own boundaries. Rev. Bil and Mrs. Bill Fritz and girls, Rev. R. R.,Bonsteel, Mrs. Bon- steel and family, were called ta the plalforin. In the presenta- tion ceremany Howard mast capably expressed the feelings of the communiiy ai their im- minent deparlure. The commit- .tee in charge made the presen- talion with emphasis an the element cf turne. To the Bon- steels, an onate wal dock; ta the Fritz a cule litle desk dlock wilh bronze wall plaques, (we thoughl ihey were large cigar ash-irays); a signet ring for Mr. Bonsteel and lockets and a ring for the children respectively. Ail and sundmy spoke their appreciation for the gifla with addilional commenta. Lunch and a social tune were enjoyed. The besi wi.shes of the Yel- verton coffimunity go with these folk ta their new charges. What we affeciionaieiy nick-named the "Hans and Fritz" combina- tion is tea be replaced by Mr. Summiervile (student ininister) wlth no one as yet cailed for senior niinister. On Wednesday evening a number tram Yelverton enjoy- ISoftball Star of Week GEORGE STEPHEN Almost forgotten as a good pitcher, George Stephen cae Up with the lawest hits ailowed" effort of the season ta pace Stephen Fuels to a 3-2 win over McNulty's Ail-Stars last Thurs. day night. The big righthander gave up a first inning triple and singe, and then really turned it on, ailowing a mere single over the next six frames, to win the Surplus Sales' Star of the Week Award. George reaily earned the Star, in the fifth lnning, when a walk (only two during the game) and an error put runners on first and second with none out. A one-out single plated a run. and then with the tying marker on third, Stephen got Ted Bird on strikes and forced "Peanut" Jackman to pop to second. Whes you consider that Bird and Jackman collected the first innlng hits, it's not hard to see why George Stephen was the logical choice for this week's award.1 Losing pitcher in the same game, Mel Burgess, was the runner-up, with honourable mention going to Lloyd Hamiilton. Stephen Fuels Take McNulty's Ail- Stars 3-m2 Port Hope Wins 10 -7 Over Pee Wees Bownianville couldn't make an early lead stand up, and Port Hope by gradually pecking away finally emerged on the winning end of a 10-7 score in Pee Wee action Manday night ai the Memorial Park. The local lads spatted the visitors an early 2-0 firsi inning edge, but bounced baclc with four runs in the botlomn half and led 7-6 afier four frames. Relief pitcher Jay held Baw- manville scoreless the rest of the way, while Port Hope scer- ed three limes in the fifth ta take the lead and added a sin- gle insurance mnarker ini the final frame. Rowden paced the winners' altack with a perfect four for four evening ai the plate, while Irv Colwell collected three safeties for the locals. Legionnaires BeIt Courtice To lune of 15-2 Bowmanville Legion n a i r e s broke loase ini the seventh in- ning, scoring 10 runs, te hand Courlice a 15-2 setback in Cour- tice Monday night. The two Bantain clubs were tied 2-2 afier three innings, but Bowmanvile pushed across three fourth inning markers ta regisier the win, and then really went te town in the final. B. Down started on the hiUl for Courtice and gave way to Pickell, who wenl until the seventh, when Parker came ini ta finish up. Jon Hancock pick- ed Up the win in relief, throw- ing f ive scoreless trames after Bob Sleep had given Up both Courtice runs in the second. Paul Mutan clouted a home run and Ted Brown smacked a two run triple to lead the Le- gionnaires' sevenih inning ten run barrage. Doug Lane and Mike Johnson added doubles as Bowmianville only coilected eighi hits, although racking up 15 runs. G. Down supplied half of the four hit total by the lasers. m w Terry Masters grounded out te the pitcher, but Bill Nicholson delivered a single to score pinch runner "Bun" Welsh. Stephea bore down to get Bird on atrikes and force dlean-up hitter, Jack- man to pop to second. Losing hurler, Mel Burgese pitched his best garne of the year, allowing six hits, fanning three, and walking nane. On]y 15 batters reached base in the entire gaine, on fine hbts two walks and one error. THERE'S FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY AT CREAN4 0F DARLET PARK Wlth somethlng new sud different every visittI Feature attractions ibis week are the hundreds ot colourful baby budgles now on dlsplay. Mac and Paul the Scariet Macaws, are ai their brilliant best (for per- fect pictures), and I"siumpy' aur miniature chlmp lu anxlous to make friends wlth ail corners. SHOCK TEST THAT YOU CAN MAKE Bill Steven Ini a recent column, 1 talked about tires and the story they have te tell about the treaiment a car has had by the previous owner. Here's another test you can make on a car that appeals te, you. Most people know that you should test shock absorbers .-.- Almosi all of them know that yeu test them by bouncing the car. But only one ln dozens seems to know how ta bounce and what ta look for. Even a lot of auto people don't go about i right. The job of your shock absorbers is te stop excessive bouncing every trne you go over a burnp. They're supposed ta even oui the ride ... keep the car on an even keel and lei the wheels and springs absorb the burnps. Watch a new car on a rough road. The wheels go up and down like mad... but the body of the car scarcely moves. Let me tell you the right way te test shocks right on the used car lot. First stand firmnly on the front bumper. Bounce down hard ... just once. Then jump off quick. iy. Watch what happens. If the shocks are working properly, the car will go up ... then down . . . then stop. That's ail there is to it. Why net try it on severai cars,.. until you get the knack of it. If it bounces, the shocks areh't doing their job.e Testing shock absorbers is jusi one test you can make on cars before you buy. Frorn urne to, time, 1,11 tell you about more tests you can make yourself. When it cornes to buying a used car, one of the firsi things you should check is the reliabil- ity of the dealer. We stand behind the cars we seli ...because we intend ta slay in business for years ta corne. Why net see us first? Bill SLsuaa COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR USED CARS - have the car for you. And Rentember . .. il pays Io buy Iront a certif led dealer, where ail laie model cars are guaranleed, Rem ode Ilin g We wish to inform our friends that we are remodelling1 store. 36 King St. E. HOUSE F George Stephen camne up with a fine' three-hitter last Thursday night to send McNul- ty's Ail-Stars down to theiri sixth setback without a win, as Stephen Fuels edged out aj close 3-2 decigion ta take overi undisputed possession of second place. Stephen gave up a first in- ning triple to Ted Bird and a single to "Peanut" Jackman, as the Ail-Stars tgok a 1-0 lead, and settled down ta tifrow a one-hitter for the rest of thel game. The Fuels knotted the count in the bottom of the first on a lead off single by Don Gilhoo- ley, followed by Paul Chant's single. John Stainton singled and circled the bases, in the second, when usually reliable Bird, let the bail go through hum for a three base error. The eventual winner came in the fourth. Laurie Garbe led off with a three-bagger off the school and soored on catcher Bob Abbott's single. McNulty's threatened in the fifth as "Sammy", Piper drew' a lead-aff walk and Mel Bur- gess was safe on firse baseman Jim AlIn's error. Pinch hitter Cet Cash To-day For OId Applîances through STATESMAN CL AS SI1FI1ED S Phone MArket 3-3303 i Blackstock Cammunity Hall with the Pegg family and others as guest artists. Court Manvers Na. 553 met Court Brîdgenorth on homne ground on Thursday evening and Dame Fortune smiled a vie- tory 5-4 over aur guests. On Sund>ay afternoon the five C O.F. Courts in this area held their annual picnic. at the Emily Provincial Park, a lovely spot if you're flot allergic to people. Court Manvers representatives more than held their awn in the racing events. Dale Stinson won hi s age group and i other multiple events. Dale's parents -proving speed must be hered- itary-won the ihree-legged race-the Floyd Stinsons. The ladies' race was won by aur own fleet-footed fiily-C-rorrie Malcolin; the men's race. was awarded to Hot-foot Harvey- yaur local correspondent, who won by a nase. Bathing, play- ing at bail, gossiping, etc., fil- ed in the afiernoon agenda fol- lowed by picnic suppers. On Sunday mornmng a large congregation turned oui for Rev. Bill Friiz's farewell ser- vice, baptisin service for Bey- erley Joy McCabe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan McCabe, and communion with Rev. Fritz pre- siding for the first turne in his new capacity of inducted clergy- ihan. Mr. Gardon Walters is spend- ing the suminer holidays at the Art Rowans on Art's labour force. Sympathy is extended ta Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton of Cart- wright Township on their sad bereavements. Mr. and Mxs. Keith Thorn- dyke af Toronto, were recent callers at the Floyd Stinsons. M.rs. W. H. SIn-son is spending a few days with Mrs. Dalton Brown of Fleetwood. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mal- colmn and farnily speni Sunday afternoon visiÂing with Miseî Betty Whittaker and friend of Toronto, week-ending ai the Jimmy Sheckletons. The Archer family of Port' Hope were Sunday visitars at the David Wilson-s. Mi,. and Mirs. Peter Glasher- gen and Hans of Holland, are spending a few days with his brother, the Frank Glasbergens of Yelverton. Mr. and Mirs. Jack Wilson, Kenny, Marguerite and Brian, attended the Eastern Ontario Aberdeen-Angus f ield day ai E. P. Taylor's Stud Farm near Oshawa on Saturday. Kenny won himself a place in the sun (also showed up his old man) by tying for first place in an Angus bull weight judging cor.- test. In the second class to break the tie Kenny emerged the winner. Congratulations Ken. Mr. and Mn. Sanimy Adamns, Mr. and M.rs. Murray Malcolmn and Garry MeMullen, motored to Detroit, Midi., to attend the wedding of a cousin there. Mar- leah and Darlene stayed with the Howard Malcolms. Many Yelvertoniaria attended the garden parties ai Bethany Friday evening and at Janet- ville an Saturday evening. These garden parties sure aught ta help ta eai aur way oui of the hog awrplual . Il PAGZ TWELVE