Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1959, p. 10

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PAGE TEN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. 01~TAMO TTW~T~AV Tinvu~ Darington Rate Elec*t Siate of C During First ME More than 100 ratepayers were present in the Commun- ity Hall, Hampton on Saturday May 30, when the Darlingtoln Ratepayers AssocIation was formed. Councillor Alfred Per- fect, Cobourg, was the special speaker at the meeting. He also acted as chairman for the elec- tion of officers of the new or- ganization. Robert Tremble, Zion, wasI elected president. Other mein- bers of the executive elected were lat vice-president, Carlj Colbary, Tyrone; 2nd vice-pre- sident, Syd Burgess, Courtice;I secretary, Mrs. B. Budai, Maple~ Grave; treasurer, Keith Lamb, tARN SERVICE DEAD, OLD and CRIPPLED FABM STOCK Removed Free cf Charge Immediate 24-Hr. Service ASK TOUR OPERATOR FOR ZEnilh 66550 No Toll Charge Nick Peconi - Peterborough Shaw's; executive director. Rev. Fred J. Reed, Hamptor Walter Parrinder, Solina, Joh Piccini, Sauina: Ernest Knapi Salem, and P. Kenning, HamF ton. A ratepayers associationi flot intended to be a hindranc to the Municipal Council bu should be an asset, Couneil Perfect told the gatherinf Mass representation basedo unity is the proper procedur to iron out problems with th council, he suggested. He ad vised the Darlington Ratepay ers' Association to obtain a copi of the Ontario Municipal Acta the Township Council is guid ed by this Act, and every mun icipal coundil in the proviic Make Chin Says Safel An awareness of potentia hazards, and the avoidingo accidents resulting from ther You can SEE it growl F'ast-acting AEROPRILLS* helps get your animais on pasture-the cheapest form of feed- Up to à weeks ahead of schedule. Like anything you grow, pasture needs fertlization to grow thick and high in protein. Sound reason for top dressing with Aeroprill! Applied at the rate of 100-200 pounds per acre, Aeropâils gives grass an early growth boost... helpe get your stock on pasture from 2 to 3 weeks earlier than usuaL. For pastur that's lush longer, 2 to 3 extra weeks of profitable grazing time, top dress now with Aeroprill. See your fertiizer dealer. *YANAMID OP CANADA LIMIT' ATTENTION FARNERS ! USED EQU IPMENT and TRACTO RS CASE VA, with wide front end INTERNATIONAL B-250 Diesel MASSEY "22", good condition MASSEY "30", overhauled INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR SPREADER MASSEY HORSE SPREADER FLEURY 8 ft. DISK INTERNATIONAL 8 f t. DISK CASE COMBINE, with motor INTERNATIONAL 7 it. TRACTOR MOWER INTERNATIONAL 3-BAR SIDE RAKE CO-OP 4-BAR SIDE RAKE, on rubber NEW HOLLAND "77" BALER INTERNATIONAL P.T.O. BALER, $700.00 17-TOOTH CULTIVATOR, on rubber 13-DISK MASSEY DRILL CASE POWER TAKE-OFF COMBINE, one owner, ini excellent condition HOLLAND AUTOMATIC PLANTER MASSEY-HARRIS BALER, with Motor, $750.00l CASE 7 f t. TRACTOR MOWER Special This Monh! International 4-Bar Side Rake On rubber$350 Rteg. $485,00 - For $395.00__ * Kalco Hay Elevalors eo.C Starting at 134 King St. E l, 33.3u MA 3-5«89 p ' ib e m~ee anng. aDurham Cou nty uep yei-s To hot ouresofwhich A ta Effective Speaking." It wasrcu t r l C enr if ic e rs s: ecie o o n s cmxnem5 ouengiherha uirFr decided ta purscmease 50 SO eir Friday, June l2th 8:00 p.m.- Subject, Qils and Lubrication Quen'svist. fte muh ds-tive meeting, Agricultural 0f- Wednesday, July 15--Ganar- cussion the July meeting ist fice, Bowmanville. aska Authority meeting, 2:00 becancelled and the August e ti gpicnic with Mesdames M. Emer- County Hog Producers quarter- Thursday, July l6th - Dur- son, B. Heaslip, F. Bruce and ly meeting, Yelverton, Direc- ham County Holstein Club ýrs, cornes under it. E. Sues a commjttee for same. tors Luncheon, 7:00 p.m. and gMe Reig s, HaofMr- )n; He pointed out that the The Blackstock Fair was dis- Tuesday, June lOth, 8:30 p.m. tond . Rusl tHap , in niebr iartpyr so cussed with. offers and sget - Durham County Pasture1 ~p iainare interested in theiosmdanFaromiteCmpitnmeigPcea July 18th - Quinte District Lp- welfare of the municipality and conrsimd ndrs BFaslomi Mrs. be annoneetnglae Junior Farmer Field Day, Pe- comprising rster.aroughpFair.Grounds andd geerl ri'n'ples of imprave- M. Fisher, Mrs. M. Emerson Wednesday, June 17th-Dur- emborial CentreGons.n met.Th mmer oate do Mrs. E, Herron with power lxam County Shorthorn. Club, July 27 - 31 - Leadership1 ce bourg Town Council told the to add ta their numibers. The Twilight meeting, Gloridale Week, for 4-H members at O. ýut meeting of the West Ward Rail Caîl "State a Rule for a Farin, Port Hope 7:30 p.m. A.C., Guelph. One boy will be or Ratepayers' Association there, Happy Marriage" was well ans5- Wednesday, Ju.ne l7th-Hear selected per county, based on g. and o! the success it has attain- wered. Dr. M. G. McCartney, Poultry total participation in the over- on ed. re Councillor Perfect also ad- Mrs. Cecil Wilson District Science Department, Ohio Agri- ail 4-H club county and prov-i ie visçd that any problems be tho- Director presented a fine report cultural Experiment Station, incial program. d- roughly discussed 'at a meeting on the District Annual held in discuss the subject "'Cutting July 27 - 31-School for Ru- ,y- of the Darlington Ratepayers' Maple Grave an May 21st. 'Dis- Costs in Poultry Production" at ral Clergy, O.A.C., G-uelph. py Association, and pîcayune or trict fees are ta be paid on Life the 1959 Poultry Industry Con- Wednesday, Aug. 5tn, 9:00 as unsubstantiated matters weed- Members and new rulings re ference and Exhibition. West. a.m.-4:00 p.m.-Durham Coun- d- 'ed out before presenting any Life Membership are- 25 years ern Fair Grounds, London, from ty Land Judging Competitian n-. questions ta the townshxip mun- cantinous membership with fee1 June , 6th - 18th. Regular meeting with attend-I ce iipalcounil.of $25. The usual $2.00 will be June l7th - l9th - Annual ance ta count for 4-H Grain and icialconcl.paid ta each Federation af Ag- meeting, Canadian Seed Grow- Potato Club members. riculture and Girls' Work. ers' Association at the Univer- Wednesday, August l2th - Mrs. W. Jackson, Convener ai sity of Saskatchewan in Sas- Junior Day, Peterborough Fair, Citizenship and Education pre- katoon. Peterborough, Ontario. nneys S afe sided for a splendid program. Saturday, June 2th - Dur- Farmn Broadcasts, CHUC, thouliton te dy's motta, Contact directors re further de- and 4th Friday of the month at ry E xpert "You Can Preach a Better Ser-tas125 p.nx.- Report by A .0. mon with Yaur Life than Vour Saturday, June 27th - Dur- Daîrymple, Agricultural Re- Lis.Mrs. E. Sues read "Spri- ham Caunty Junior Fariner presentative, Durham County. f ýaI have become an important part ngatime" and Mrs. G. Metcalf, Field Day. Prepared by: A. 0. Dalrym- of of sound farmn management- 'Frozen Assets." Little Elaine Monday, June 29th-Durham pie, Agricultural Representa- ~bath in the farmi home and on Metcalf accompaned by ber sis- 4-H Tractor Club meeting, On- tive, Durhamn County.-Tele- -the farmn itself, states H. E. ter Cheryl sang two numbers tario Department of Agricul- phone, Bowmanville MA YI3-55 13 Wright, Farm Safety Specialist "Whien Yau Wore a Tulip'" and ture, Bowmanvllle, 8:00 p.m., Box 730, Bowmanville, Ont. wîth the Ontaria Department o! "Peggy O'Neil" and Miss Cheryl Agriculture, who estimates that favoured with an instrumental. one-quar ter o! the fatal acci- Due ta the lateness o! the hour dents in farmn homes are caused Mirs. Jackson did nat present by fire. her prepared paper on "Balan- "Same of these life and pro- ced~ Education." Mrs. H. Sameils perty losses can't be prevent- conducted anoral Flower Con- .-, ed," says the sa!ety authority. test. "Some farmers are too far !ram Mrs. Langfeld vaiced the e neighbors or lire departments,~ pleasure of the meeting ta Mrs. 1 sometimes water supplies run Samelîs and ber co-hostess, to ax -Gordonk Lindsày 'SMnifh- short or poor alarm systems Mrs. Jackson for her program limit contrai once fires get and ail who participated, and No Hurry frorn the weeds anýd get rid of started. But we can trY ta Icor- ta the group leader Mrs. Sues It is Impossible to aver em- the latter quickly. Ail seedlinçgs reet same o! the main lire haz- and hier assistants. Mrs. Samelîs phasize the importance o! the have two sets of leaves, the first ards.'l presented a beautiful orchid gardener taking his time when are seed leaves, simple affairs "Take chi.mneys for instance. which she had grOwn herself ta it cornes ta the actual sowing that usually have no resemb- Many people don't realize that Mrs. J. Farder who we were re- ai seeds and setting out of lance to the pernmanent leaves accumulated soat and creasote minded had neyer missed a plants. There is no hurry about that fallow. By glancing down inside chimneys will burn. A meeting at Mrs. Sameils in this business and the more it the vegetable row or at thel hot fire may cause them ta catch rnany years. is spread out the longer the more or less regular clumps fire and throw sparks out onto feast ai garden fresh vegetables where the flower seeds were the roof. Thin-walled or crack- and the display o! bloomn. sown, one wil notice that there ed chimneys may let enough WE L YVT E In most parts ai Canada one is more or less a pattern of the heat 1hrough ta set fire ta the W S E LE can go on sowing flowers and same kind o! plqnts and these wood o! the buildings."1 Group meeting of the regular vegetables right up ta the fîrst o! course are the ones from the To prevent these situations, W A. meeting was held at Mrs. o f July with excellent prospects seed sown and the anes we want Wright suggests: "Clean the E. Barrowcîough's onTudai o success. And in some a! the to protect and grow. With heavy deposits of soot and, cre- afternaan ta plan the programn warmer areas it is quite passible larger seeds, beans for instance- osote from inside chimneys at me. On that same day Mrs. Car- ta 8w such things as beans, which we s0w evenly two toa least once a year. roil Nichais with several Part corn carrots, beets, spinach four inches apart, the plantsl Make cbimney walls 4 inches Britain ladies, attended the ban-an lettuce every two weeks corne !rorn them came spaced thick for brick, 8 inches thiickI quet at Morrish in celebration well into July. ini this way and we know ex- for cernent building blocks, andf o the 50th anmuversary of the othe manting s a spreadactly nwere ata ook for cuem 12 inches thick fbr chimneys Marrish institute. Mrs. Nichais ou h lnigsaa 0ta hnw tr awe rcl buiit of stone." sang accampanied by Mrs. Re the harvest and pleasure and tivate. That is one very good Other safety suggestions he eve.- satisfaction wifl also be spread reason for straight rows and recomens fo chmney arl Mr. A Ausin ead he orn ut. Sa aiten one sees a beau- careful sowing in the vegetable taomed fine chimneys tdar le ingscripAtur a udaythe ooltiful display o! bloom in July garden. tline antesurth at noueong cJune . M s. E. arowcog and some wonderful vegetabies Watch out for bugs. Next wiead oesureto th hinoy onld a . stoy a r Gilhritsonly tq find a few weeks later week we wîll chscuss contrai. woo prjeTsithe chimney ld aissiory wofrk i la and sthat practically everything is niasonry. Tecinysol isoaywr nAgl n finished. With a bit'cf help for extend at least 2 feet higher she *as assisted by Barbara nature in the way a! watering. Mash Wit.The purpose ofgadenca b mae o pode Gu ard the 'beauty in the world was the an abundance in colour and top NestIeton Station theme of Rev. Harding's evening quality vtals rgt up t G a rden Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ming and was a duet by Mrs. Ken Dinner Transplanting In 1958 2,4-D weed killer was Paul o! Burlington, Ontario, and and John Groenveld. Some people seem te thInk used on some 390,000 acres o! their mothersMrs. Colrnan and Sympathy is extended to Mrs. that there is a mystery about corn, spring grain, and pastures, Mrs. Ming on vacation from Bel- Wm. Masan whose brother pas- transplanting that only those and about 27,000 miles of road- fast, N. Ireland, were visitors sed away last week. with. a green thumb, whatev-~r aides in Ontario. Applied at the at the Manse on Saturday, June The flu is stili finding vlc- tliat may be, are success!ul in'- correct rate and praper tîme, it 6th with Mr. and Mrs. E. Her- tîms and the latest is Arnald rnoving plants 'or trees or causes nia iniury ta these craps, ron, Rager and Kevin. Thorndyke wbo bas been quite shrubs. TVis is a lot O! hocus but does contrai a wide range Mrs. S. McKee left this past ili for the past week. pacus. Ail that. is needed is oOf crop-damaging weeds. In- week via air for a holiday with Miss Anna Grahanm was a keep in nid a few important creased crop yields on the acre- her son and bis wife, Mr. and Sunday visitar with ber màeces points. age as a direct result of weed Mrs. Orville McKee, Calgary, the mesdames Toppin. Mýrs. First, -in rnoving anytbing control would amaunt ta about Alberta. Mary Toppin went ta Toronto whether it is petunias eut o! a five dollars per acre, or an ad- Mr.an Mr. eoge amson Monday ta visit friends there.fatratleeerodmpe ditional $1,950,000 weaith ta the Bomavile vsiedMraEmer, Mr. and Mrs. John Sellick o! or apple tree, don't expose the province in 1958. and mranlvtd Mrs . arvn es- Toronto are visîting the lat- roots ta t>e air for a moment One undesirable side effect biand r ttnded the aviNest ter's brother, Leonard Oughtred. longer than absolutely neces- o! this prosperity is a reparted Anniversary supper. cary. Sun and air will kil roots, $10,000 worth o! accidentai » Mrs Ja. Frrir a Pethat's why nature puts them crop damage. Compared with spent this past week with her blwground.nerytomlindlasgi, mother Mrs. Nelson Marlow who Second, spread out the roots this loss is small. The most re- -and caver With fine soil and grettable part is that even this bas not been well. On ber re- press down firmly. loss might bave been prevent- turn borne Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T.îd, wat-+_well Andue-ped. H4ence. Our titie "Guard the Gran Tbmpsns.j dvidul neci. S. OL 14.Wa Ui n . i e er GatTopos Idulned "yo<i goîng to bave a jungle and flot Sunday visitors with Mr. and Piaiiber or, DtRO delerCi a garden. Learn ta know the TH B STVA U Mrs. Eli Mairs were: Mr. andi for fu information or rt lwravgtbe plants D S A U Mrs. Ted Mairs and farnily, foi' FREIE folder, «Runuiug Farrow, Uxbridge; Mr. and Ifi. L N I H R W .Porter, Stauf!ville, and LON S ULIL ASK OUR brsdg.Becantw sosoUx Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker, Jean CUSTOMERS br dge Mawod e and Anri visited friends at AI- MKer an dayr s aroo d -dersbat on Sunday. Kee ere rida vistorsandMr. and Mrs. L. Gillard and Mr. and Mrs. R91ph Robinson friy saa eeSna and Douglas Sunday visitors ouo frniyosMr.andwersunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hea- g stleWme'sIntiut ge !. adMs.Jm V e are o rga n Nestieton W.I Mrs. F. G. Smnith spent a week with ber brother and family at met June 3rd with splendid at- Mr. Rber.t Sim spent- these vc tendance at the home of Mrs. weekend with Mr. F. E. Alex- H. Samels and Mrs. C. Wilson ander at bis cottage on Big Bob was co-hostess. Foliow:ing the Lake. usual opening o! Ode and Creed, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fletcher and the President Mrs. R. Davisan Mr. Stanley Fletcher attended welcorned ahl. Store bills and 'pjLu the Stock Car Races at Pîne- gaseline ta the District Annual ç~eLt CetStra vnn n LxigiTruD ?pu were guesta o! friendsafater- The Spode evening date will wards. be changed due ta holidays a! L.ONDON - CANAD) Mr. and Mrs. E. Prescott and the speaker. Mrs. Emerson con-.Mrs. Ken Hardy, Tyrone; Mr. tinues ta send in interesting, JACK BROI F. 0. Smith and Bob, Bawman- meeting reports ta the local ra- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- dio station. The Program Plan- stock; Mr. AIN Laghin and fMrs. HenracLU nigmeeting was quite success- srBN n EAIG Ltock;Mr.and fMilyHenrck- fuýiand printed pragrams are Division Street South, Wood, Bob and Marie, Mrs. Ted at hand. Mrs. G. Thompsan re- SI -65 BW AVLECburch and girls, Oshawa, were quested a ruling re SunshineMA351 WANIL Sunday callera at thue Smiîth 96 I yS.E Committee from the. Executive___________ home. gS.E beets, beans, turnips, cauliflow-f1 (2) Don't use volatile ester& er, cabbage. and many ornarnen-' etf 2.4-Dl or 2,4-T for spraying tal !lowers and shrubs arc dam- within a quarter of a mile o! a aged by even small do.ses afi rti>ceptible crop. Amine form 2,4-D. Even though the plant of 2'.4-1) may be safeky used, is not killed, yield reduction jprovided the susceptible crop may be seriaus, or growth irre- is out o! reacb of wind-drifted gularities may make the crop spray. unsaleable. 1 (3) Keep the spray boom or This damage can be avoided xuozzles aà 10w as possible, tt> without restricting thue use o! reduce wind drift. this 10w cost, bighly efficient (4) Use iow pressures to re- weed killer. For instance, On- duce wind drift. taro Dparmen ofHighways, (5) Watch for the red and tpai g Dearment00 mo! sofWhite striped signs reading "2, roadsides, have reduced c rap 4DSsetbeCo" h damage ta virtuaily nil. This signs are available to growers record can bc equalled by other ta ipost their fields to warix road authorities and farmers sprayer operators on roads and spraing heï owncrop. Aneighbouring farms ta stop -the fsplng theironsresneA-jsprayer befare damage is done. !ewsiml peauinsae e They are available fram the cessary:Ontaria Department of Agricul- (1) Don't spray within 1001 ture ta grawers, road authori. feet of susceptible crops, and tics, and, fieidmen, and their then only when wind directioni praper use should further re- is away !roma the crop. duce crop damage. FLASH!1 We Need More Sales BALERS AND Some Power Lawnmowers GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE COME AND LOOK THEM OVER W. H. Brown Case Dealer FALCON EQUIPMENT CO. 299 Danforth Rd., Toronto 13, Ont. 2875 St. Joseph St., Lachine, P.Q. Available at W. H. BROWN CASE DEALER )l King St. W. Bowmanville 41 Y YOU TOO ARE WELCOME TO USE OUR BUDGET PLAN FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN lized to build quality and into your project. ID m« ANOD III IIIm Bowmauville NArkel 3-5715 v 1 i -~--, .-~ 91 King St. W. MA 3-549'Y Cowan Equipment Company Bowmanville 1 e à 1 :,BRA WINC I] RV ýjWMýý BLUE PRINT S S ERVICE 1 PAGI TEN THE CANADL4N STATESMAN, BOWMANvnz&OIRTAIUO THIWDAY. Jurns irm. jrý 91 King St W. MA 3-5497

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