Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1959, p. 10

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PAGE TEf '1'~!ITRST~AV MAY' 7th seRa ?W~ ~ATWAflTAW ~TA'T'1!~MAt ROWMA1~1V1LL~. ONTAMO 4-H lubsSefTIèwRcod .Membershîp Nearly -74,00 Programs of Caiiadi an 4-H ties, he ingled ot the viit ofi Ifai-R by or ,girl hs pro- Clubs mnust be revised to meecL ien 4-H Club members- fromj dluced 'a champion cal! or -ait the trends anti needs of toda*v 's various parts-- f the. United outstauding esay or dres andi *Young people. James Dý. Moorte, States to the National 4-H Club, has- not becoxne a champion - -Becietary Manager of the Can- Week as a ýhighlight. i himself or herseif, the project *adian Council on 4-H Clubs, Mr. Moore also tçuched on, has not been successf ul in the told the 28th Annua] Meetin.-Y amendments te the Counefi's!.view of two presidents of the. In Toronto Tuesdav, constitution -and by-laffl madie national rural youth moveenft. Famiiy farm-s are growing - n 195&. the preparation o! a Speaklng et the annuel meet- larger as mechianizati*on and 1 leaflet on student aid, the i mg, president C. A. Douglas Specialization of production ex- ]aunching of a national farm I ths year echoed these opening Pend, he said, and the shift in- anti home safety survey, and werds uttered by his pretieces- population between rural andi new 4-H projects.- sor,- Frank E. Wolff last year. urbon areas will cal] for special1 There were U0 club pro- Mr. Douglas said that ail the ~riram. ects lest year. and among the yo gpeople who go through Mr. Moore said tha* despite' new ones adopted in recent 4-H wfll net stay on the farra declining farm population, a years were tractor mainten- but nearly ail will be better recod -smahin 73881m ance, tarm forestry, home nurs. citizena of Canada and will talc. berswer enolld i 5.18 -H ngelectrification. grape, sugar a more active and effective part consecutive year, girls outnunî- Swmzned Up Mr. Moore- "Not ity than if they had neyer ex- bered boys. Average age wai l farm. youth will be able te perienceti 4-1- training. .14. yersand he vWrge1fa rm even if they desired to' Letters from members at the 14e-.1 y earcanibtheavr4.g. do so. Yet there are a host of' local, provincial anti national RevIewin the year's ac oî.pportunities for farm-raisedilevel showeti appreciation of Ing ti- vi-and 4-H trained young people: the work o! aduits in interest- invarious forma of extension Ing thein in the 4-H prograin and business, related, directly and eredited the club with giv-, and NnSEecCEI, tofan ning adiag them a desire for more S R IE 1 omnemaking." Ilearning. AIEA», ULD ana (IFLED .1FAIM STOCK Rtemoyed Free etf Charge Immediate 24-lir. Service ASK YOURL OPERATOR FOR ZEnilh 66550 No Toil Charge NIck Peconi - Peterborough Fears Prices' May Force Fluid MiIk Off Marlket Comrnenting on lthe new dairy price stabilization measures an- nounced by the Fedemal Gov. UREA wauts in the - soil to feed your com! Now, thee's an eonomical rew way to gv. yv~ ornth ii. x l you know it needa tonaea full profitable crop. TIemi.o re- or preplant with »new AEROO 1ù45% DftrOgW> frtlhzer iluidem ifor oorn. C, quwly st the. oeop utarted,.,vyet aàj naf T da to the. oeop whw ih Usêdufood mL Um Amu Urea tbesi two ways, Spior FaIl Plowdown: BWoedt 100-200 poune ofAeo Urea peractesbdore. pkmng. Prqdat. Boadcat 10-2Wround8 Thenworkint thesoilandplant. Sm orferhlze dealer /à-Atm AR SU REJ OVAàAýCMPCàgtdw L&mrVao CORN GROWERSI1 ORDER NOWI1 ECWi Spray ut planting time and eliminate upto 4 culivations this year. Increase yields by as much as 50%. SIFE YOUR LOCAL FARM SUPPLY DEALER. AVAILABLU fIN 3 L. SAGS AND 50 LB. DRUMS. ITracie Mark of Gegy ChemicaI Corpoctýo.. GEORGE WALTON LRIL 3, Newcastle Phone Newcastle MI6 FRANCIS WERRY ernment, E. A. Lewis, PresidemI, The National Dairy Council of Canada, in a statement releas- cd in Ottawa. saiti il would take several montha 10teieter- mine the effect o!flime new price leve2is on production and con- suxuption o! dairy foods. Mn. Lewis noteti thal no change lunlthe methoti or level, o! butter supports had been in- dicated andi statedti iaI wayg anti means of!inc-reasing- butter sales, which aluxpeti 9,000,000 pountis lest ycar, sheulti b. giv- en carc!ul study by Govern-e ment and Ilndustry. Butter stocks -were oome 50,000,000 pounsis ný exceeio!. domestie needis aI the stant e!.lthe new production year andi Mr. Lewis predicted that failure te deal with Ibis problexucopulti mean lthe per- Ianent loss o! a sizeable por-. lion o!flthe domestic market for butter .which now uses -about 50 per cent of the. total milk solti off Canadian farms. .Mir. Lewis also pointed out thstthlie Widening of the price differentiai between whole fluiti milk and instant milk powtier Ihreatened te reduce freili milk .sales which already have trop- peti befiund the rate cf popula-. tion. growth. He stated that fluiti milk might be in danger of bcing pniceti off the market antin ordnter te hclp prevent such a development, hie urgaet limaI a more realistie approach be adopleti by organizeti labour union leaders in lthe milk indus- try. In referring le what lie termn- gd -ùu»realistJc" dernands being -matie -on lthe ixdustry by labour union-s, Mm. Lewis observed limaI "these situations must 4~e viewed with somte alarmu, net oniy by our idustry anti our custoniers. who must luevitably pay more for their proclucts, but. as weli, by every employée of lime fluiti milk industry". MnT. Lewis saidti iaI "if oui' sales fail te kcep pace with milk pro- duction anti population growth- anti if our labour costs out-pace pnoductivity, a vemy senlous, sit- uation.,would h. createti for al concerneti. Mr. Lewis comomentedt iaI. "It shjoulti now be clcar te al l taI even fluit inilk eu h. pniceti out o!flIme nmariet. Consumners have shown stnong resistance te relatively high butter prices -duriiujz.lic past year anti have tumned li ncùtreasing rmnumbers te margarine et a fraction of time cost. Fluiti whole milk co(uli prove equally vuinerable- te lhée inroads cf iower priceti alternatives or substitutes."' Ho g Producers Pleased with Sales Method "H1og pmoducers love 'enm"' This is lime way Charles W. Me- Inonis, president of the Ontario 1-og Producens' Coipenative, descnîibedtihte reaction of farin- ers on how they lire the Co- ope-rative's present asml yards, for marshalling hogs for sale. The Cooperetive is tle sclline- agency for hogs i 42 counties ef Ontario. Il assembles lime hoga at 16 yards locateti stra- tegically lu, protiucing areas in Ontario andti hen through tele- phone anti teletype communxica- tien with the central selling office lu Toronto disposes o! theni te packhmg lhouses. " «Fariera wlmo live within 20 miles or seofo!the various hog assembly yards lu Ontario sim- ply 'love thcmn'" says Mn. Me- Inois. "They have given thern fneedom froin dependence upon lruckers siMdaiso convenience anti ease o! marketing their pro- duce. "Récent contacts wllh ferm- era lias clearly indicatedti e us limat fermers wsut more assemý- biy yards andti iaI they want theai run in the saine way timey are today," says Mr. Melnnis. Poultry Show Da lrymp le Addresses -a u-Gté4itt eiwof CndaspolryùwtyinhslD rkam T adres.tje outh Id strylir Conferenc-,,suid Exhibition onIi Wednesday, June l7th. This bigElects 1 ts Fii ,Eroducera' expogition is being eld at the Western F ajri The second meeting -of the Grosinda, Tueaday, Wednesday Tractor Club was heki at Bow- and Thursdayi- June 16th to manville i the Agricultural of- l8th. fice on- Wednesday, April 29. Egg producers, chieken anti Bill Tamblyn. president, open- turkey- broiler growers, turkey-. ed the meeting, with Ron Welsh, men, tarin flockowners. produ- secretary-;treasurer, readtnig the cer£ of everv descrip>tion wiJl minutes of the organization learn by listening to Professor !meeting. Caversanazd the other speakers Club leader- Lloyd Kellogg on, thé conferene Program.i told the boys he hoped this Surplus Production has soften- year that we would have a ed ail poultry proclucts mar, 100% club.Heas said that kets; from meetings such as the; leirg on timne was ver3' essen- June Conference, producers ca ia nclub work. get the facts which wil help Mr. A. 0. Dairymple Agri. them determine their future Rep.. Durham County, spolie PrOgramis. Professor Cavera' ad- and told the boys that he want- dress wiil be *ne of the key ed everyone te finish their Club taiks, at this three day event work and if they didn't they 1 - - could be barred from 4-H Club De fends Marke t Boards As Trade "Eaualizers" "Sonie big city newspapers biles, machinery parts, fertili- Ca If Club --0- ~ are publishing distorted views zer, insecticides and fencing on the economic problemns o! have price tags on themn long A pep talk on aspects of or- faîxiers and by doing so are before the farinier gets t'O> t0wni" ganîzation was given by A. 0. ijuLrinlg rural-urban under- says Mr. Boynton. Dalrymple, Ontario Agricultu- standing," says James Boynton, "tsesta evbgct raiRepesetatveat he eet secretary, Ontario Hog Produ- newvspapers feel that farmersI ing o! the Durham Dairy Calf : cers' Cooperative. are enjoying some sort o! a Club held at the Agrîcultural: "A few of the city daily ncwrs- bonanza because o! deficiency! offices at Bowmaniville on Fri- papers have bsen outstanding day evening. There are 38 in their attempt to analyse the payments. Deficiency pavments keenly interesteti members Of very intricate and complicatcd are not as yet in effeet for, hog the Durhamn Dairy Calf Club, polésof farm marketing," producers ant ili appiied would and r. i hislalkprobemsnot remain at any incentive adM.Dalrymple inbi al he says. "But'others are not us.'- lv stressed the importance o! plan- ing their talents to explain that lv ning and finishing projects, once the- !armer-through his mai'- I wotld like to ask the large starteti, ne matter how difficult. keting boards-is correcting the financial papers and large city Donald Welsh, president o!. unequal trading power that for- daily newspapers te stop and the club was chairman of th~e meniy uiagiied him."' ask themselves this question in meeting. M.r. Welsh called onr Mr. Boynton went on to point future: Wlhat do they think the Francis Jose, Newcastle, 1Out that instead of throttling far-mer should do to protect his Dairy Caîf Club leader. wh supply anti demiand, more pro- investment andi livelihood with gave an. informative address 0., cessors now have a freer oppo- everyone in this country today "The Management of Cal! a-nd t tnity to compete and buy farm clarnoring for special privil- He.er"producis than ever betore. Tis~ eges. Aniîteesîn otonpîtueis especiafly so unter the pres- Frer ody says Mr.~ entitieti "The -Miracle ofPara-jign Ontario. wcll conceived and forwardim-g, dis Valeyý' as how, b Mr -"Under the hog marketing thinkin.g farin legisiation matie Dalr-ymple. Il dealt with farm! plan hogs are solti in far more available by the Government safety in a dramatizeti fora. Io£ a free market today in On-. o! Ontario, to enable farmers 10 I and vividly derronstrateti thlat tarie, thanl under the systcin sel with a minimum o! govern- many farmn accidents coulti be throuffh wbich nîany -0f the ment interference anti the tax- preventet by conimon sense and produets purchased, by farmer.4; payersý money. This t.hey hope !foresight. Mt. Dalrymnple stateti arc solti. Such items as automno- to continue to do." that the lessons taught by thisý; filmn are particularly appropni- ate in connection with the cur- rent Farai Accident Survey. iK y ROle for 4-H Clubs It was gnnoimed that the Dlurham, County Livestock n F r c i e tS r e JudgÙUn Farm AccidentiSurvey held on May 29th. Il will be an' foti ail day event. andi wifl siart in Cauada's f ilst national survey that a co-operativeefoti Orono. AUl Junior Farmers and Oul fanifl andi tarln home safeLy neededti t develop an effectivei iliembers of 4-H Clubs are cli- will be conducteti over the next. program o! national farm, safty. gible to take part. In fact it was two mtoiths. Although some sectors o! Can- Pointeti ouI at the meeting on ln making the announcement, ada have developet f arm- safety Fniday that al] under age 30 Jack Whyte, Chairman of the programs that have produceti can enter the cempetitiont. Agriculture Committee o! The a lower frequency o! deaths anti Thenex metig o te Dr-Canadian Chamber o! Cein- accidents, much remains te be h nex Dairy Cal!fClub ir- bemerce, said that the 73,000 en -accomplishetinb this fieldi. hýmDiyCl lbwl erolled in 4-H Clubs across Cari-I helti on May 22nd when il wil1 ada wvi11 be playing a keyrI joini ail the sheep, swinle, be e!ftîîrouffii reporting the ac-B R EO and, dairy iclubs in Durhamn dents on their home, f arms. 1 IKE O 00omity In taklng part in -The survey has beenco- c "Coaching Night", when the cratively organizeti and is beig Flowers on the communion. ruembera ill visit John R -crid u vteCanadia table on Siuiday were placeti ards arm' ewcsteant i vi- Couneil on 4-H Clubs. thiL Pro- - ee in memory o!f Wgar so Tm________ tea rolO vnca Departaients o! Agricul- Strutt, by his !amnily. ture,- The Canadian Chamber o! h iTyr CGIT ru ?~mlT~IITw1.Commerce, the Canada Depart- met in thie church'hall.on Wed- WELEJJ IVILLE ment of Agriculture and 'In nesday, April 29. with nine Canadian Federation o! Agri- members andi three. leaders ThisPa-t wek sw « ultre.present. The devotionals wei'e Thî pntwek swa, gmeat c~ue taken by Gloria Oliver andi Ber- run of!snmeit in tihe crecis, so lere are ne adecluate fna- i GaeMr.Ageemn- xnany tihat children could catch tinlsaite ttepe e t he girls of. the Affiliation thern with their hands anysuv on farmn accidents," said c floeks of wild geese are fyn C.A. Douglas, President Cana- service with the W.A.. which noith oosur sin ttlying9 dian Council on 4-H Clubs. was le be helti Wednesday ev- mua son e eatriti orsed However, w'e de know that coing, May 6. in the chu-c ,mus . o ~e ra iedrd se emk farin accidents. in addition to hl, and asireti that each girl bing Y.,r seianlbrdare ma- causing mnuch su!fering and make a special effort to be ing tersniana al hardship, are responsible for present. There was a short prac- We- were hoping that then serious loss o! lime, production lice o! the C.G.I.T. hymn which thme wintcr mioiths were over ;andi income 10 the farm indus- will be uscd for affiliation. Af-, we- would se ne more foxes Iry. Il ishoped that up te date trabifbsns eso h but they are still mwith us. On information on the kind. cause group adjourned after singing Frid1ay, one camne in the bück' andi incidence cf farm accidents Taps.~ odrwl eMli kitchen of tlie Snell homne andi will facilitate the developmeit e s ayai astoat- actin-g in a very peculiar nian- of better fam'm afetv prograins es Do! fis-itel] beofpresetet lier began temring at aci n aaa es tfe Sunas chooi, aprseptd hanging on thme door. In an cf- . Mr. Whîrte saiti ail those c on- the Suniday Schoo]l sson.t fort to eaU Mr. Snell frein lhe cernetiwith the si±rvey appeai- ofthe SW.A xil cl lisn t fieldi, Mrs. Snell ble'w thi Se < d tbthe farm nparents anti le- heh a.wll nMay 4.insh horn anti the fox left. Il was cal 4-H Club leaders for as sist- chhhop l onasMay 1me*mbersI see Iner y agrop o wok-ance anti co-operation in sup- hpdta smn ebr seen bti sater ] a. a rge asf wr- j iîîg atistical data te 4-H as possible will maire an effort as is knowvn. neinhbers. Questionnaires, te be ____ _____tohep mkear Pear Bonie ad Maie If illeti out, would covex' the per- Pear, Bolnie and -'Uaie l otiJanuary 1 te Dece-mber 3 1. Austin -anti Donna Oughtred' 1958. anti it is hopedti have Ment with the bus load cf st'l- resuits labulateti by next au- dents froin Port Hope 10 North tumin. Toronto Collegiate on Satiirdia. Agriculture and busimness have eveiiing te sec theur presenta- long been intere',ted in 'iuch a tion o! Maytime Melodies. survey. anti areiie , agreement On Tiiursday evening of!iast week Mesdames Carroll Nid-- euls, L. Oughti'ed, E. Barrew- YE V R O clough ai-i Mrs. C. Mexeilly of Zion wvcnt to Canton to hear Synmpathy et Yelverton cern- an explariation oflthe coming uiyietneitoMs tuberulin est.Wmi. McCabe iii the death Scripturc -a remid at Su1- lier' brother Bruce Hawkins. day Scimool by Pearl Austin and Suinday School opened for time girls' class was iu charge of thme suomamer months at Yeivcr- Mrs. Harold Austin in thie ab- ton with some 35 children in sençe o! Mrs. Arnold Austin attendance. Mr. Ross Lockw,,ooti wiho hati been ill since the lat- is tlie new Sund.ay Sehool Su-CHC OR ter part o! the week. One day perninlendant.CH KOU at a lime was the text o! Mr'. Spning work takes prece- PRICES Hartiing's sermon, a hclpful dence in this fanmcemmunity guide in these cisys o! higth pre- with several farmers with early ssure. Marie Austin anti John land aîreacîy finismec. THE BEST VALUE Groeneveld sang the duet for On Wednesday evening Mes- the choir's morning athem, srs. Jas. Gray. Norman Wilson, ANYWHERE and lo\,elv diaffodils as well as1 Ray, Robinson anti Harvey Mai- a beautiful brigi geranium colin attendedth ie C.O.F. Dis- matie up for thme lack of sun- triet Couricil meeting in Nes- ASK OUR rst Off icers work the follewmiig year. He introd4seed Mr. Ralph Gregg, Agric. Engineering Ficîdman, Durham County. who explained the rules andi regula- tions of the Tractor Club to theJ boys. Slideg were- then shown Lby hlm. and he explainied.,.the- ignition system -of the -traçtor. Mr. Gregg streased safety -on the farin by showing some more Lslides on how to keep your tractor and implements safe on the road and farn'. Resuits o! the elections are 1 as follows at the organizational Imeeting: Presitient Bill Tamb- lyn, Vice President Jim Rick- eard. Sec. Treasurer Ron Welsh, PesReporter John Botughen,' Club Leader Lloyd Kellogg. For. the best in 9e9. Power Lawn Mowe-rs SEE THE "Lawn Cruiser"r Fires ton e Refrigerators A"N* Deep Freezers CASE DEALER 91 King St. W. MA 3-5497 e int your projeci. RDi -)ANO DILI MBER Bowmanvils MArket 34 5715 FALCON EGUIPMENT CO.* 299 Daiifortb Rd., Toronto 13, Ont. 2875 St. Joseph St., Lachine, P.Q. ILL1, Ennlskillen Phone MA 3-25391 -rngmetsfor the Spring Sup-1 Sunday visadors witl- Mi- and per * to be held in May follow- Mrs. Leslie Taylor. izig the Aniversary services. b1. and Mrs. E. Walker, J4s. The C.G.L.T. held a very suc- etville, speiqt Sunday visiting cessful rummage sale on Satur- with Mr. and Mrs. George AI- day'. May 2. The proceedswhc lison. were, qulte gratifying will go toMs.Jh swell the mlddy fund. Mr.n andi Mr.' and Mrs. E. M. Adams, were Sunday visitors with 1.~ Mr. and Mm~. R. Bone, were Sat- 'and TVMrs. John Archer. II urday evening visitors at the' Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greet. -home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. and girls. Oshawa. spent Sun"' White, McLaughlin Fisheries. day with Mrs. Ethel Bryan. - _Mr. and Mrs. W. Krantz, Osh. . L- n r. ._M.Aas awa, Mr.-and Mrs. P. W. David- Mr. id rs. . BM. Adams, son, Mr. and M.rs. George Da-; Mr. an Mrs. R. of wr. vidson and Pattie. Mr. and Mrý. Sundaý-eeigvsios0 r iCharles Terry and Laurie. al ld r.Gog as ak of Zion, were Saturday evening riam. visîtors with M.r. and Mrs. B. XIr. and Mrs. George Carter, Hubbard.! Bowmianville, were Sunday Mrs. Greta Bailey, Oshawa, visitors with Mrs. John Carter. spent a few days at ber home MVrs. Susie Vanfalconberg and here last week. Mr. Ted Van Luven, Peterbor- Mr'. and Mrs. H. DeMille and ough, wiere Sunday visitors with family, Bowinanville. Mr. and; Mx. James Curran, and Mr. Mns. H. Tric k, Lindsay, werei and Mrs. Jack Smith. BRA WINC #LU£ PRINr SER VICE im--- ý PAGE TEN TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVn£t. ONTAMO TRURSDAY, MAT M. iosib Brown

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