Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1959, p. 3

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THURSDAY, APRIL 3th, 1959 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVflLE. ONTAMO A ~ CLARK - JOHNSON The marriage of Frances May, daughter of Mi1. and Mis. Ai- fred M. Johnston, Pontypool, tc ]Francis William, son of Mr. and ?&s. Wm. J. Clark, Toronto, took place on Saturday, Apri] 18th in the East Chapel of Tim- othy Baton Memorial Chut-ch, with the Rev. C. Andrew Law- son officiating. Given in marrnage by ber father, the bride wore a waltz length gown of white lace and net with a finger-tip veil held by a tiara of seed pearîs. Site carried a cascade of pink roses, freesia and white carnations. Mrs. Knox MacLeod was ma- tron of honour for her sister, wearmng a gown of coral peau de soie, with matching hat and she carried a nosegay of coral j roses, grape hyacinth and cream carnations. M~r. Douglas May ofToronto, was groomsmani and the ushers were Mi. Peter Godfrey and Mr. Allan John- ston. Following the reception which was held in the Recep- tion Roorn, the couple lef t for a trip to Virginia. Upon thein te- tut-n they will live in Toronto. edclMirror Q.1#'la h.. e idIdn.that c eau e ahen b>' mouth for protetbon, egantpoison lv>'?" ;-R.. vA. Iert are seveial preparations that are taken by mouth in drop dosage to protect against poison à.As an example of dosage, "one drop maY bc given daiiy the first week, two drops daily thec second week, and so on, building ,the daily dose up gradually. Ac- zqirlng resistance to poison ivy b so easy as it sounds and the pood effects, if secured, wear off In about 6 months. Some people ýfeact sharply to just one drop of th.., poison iv>' preparations. i3boctors know how to avoid this 100 t i beat not to try dosing ,Yourm.If without niedical advice. Amfrican Indians were the fitst Io do soiething about prevent. i ha Poison lVY Md even toda>' 1001W tribu, 'Protect" themselves ach âpring b>' chewing poison bYlav&Whether Ieaf-chewing iamther question. In any *à fiismethod asnt recom- Auumg de not nvwcmail& te/ed «*".hiio al Udoctori. The dag. m~.d treavinnt o)dieraset i =kvda te 1l.patlent': per. aulPhYuldga. Ouiilonedlreced * Senc. Iditors., P.O. Box 396 *Jadimon Sq. Sta., NM Y. 10, N. il. WivlU à« ncorporated in these to. IsMMwwlmnpoibfle. ""'iiE~s m *wuIL 17 OKE - BOLAHOOD St. Grogony's Roman Catholic Chut-ch, Oshawa, was the scene o f the wedding Saturda>' marr- i, April 18th, o! Angela Do- lares, dagtr o! Mn. and Mis. 1Atony John Bolnhood, andi Ronald Gordcn Oke, son of Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Gardon Oke, ail cf Oshawa. The Voity Reverenci Dean Paul Dwyer pet-formed the double- ring ceroimony and saici the 1nuptial mass. The wedding 1music was playefi by Miss Helen Zoloty andi Miss Irone Zolot>' was the saloist. The bride wns given in mat-- niage b>' ber father. She woeoia long, white gown of nylon tulle and chantilly' lace over satin with a foun-tier skirt trin-meci with chantilly' lace and sweep- ing into a yard-long train. The bodice was styleci with lily- point sleeves and a sabrina neck- lino, trimmed with sequins and pearîs. A rhinestone tiara se- cured iber shoulder-length veil and she helci a crescent of white carnations and golden roses. Miss Theresa Bolahooci was maici o! honor fat-lher sister. She wonoi a sheath dress with sabrina neckline andi short sleeves of white embnidered lace avoir taffeta, with a balloan everskirt o! coral talleta. Her headdress was a bandeau and short veil in coral and iber flowens weroi white carnations and golci rases in a cascade. Mits. Lionel T. Wilson was the other attendant, gewned similarly. Mir. Paul Edmondson was the best man andi Mit. Douglas Glynri ushoired. A reception was helci in the Piccadilly Room o! the Hotel Genosha. To receive, the bridoi's' mathen wore a pcwdoir blue street dress o! nylon erubroider- eci lace avoir taffeta with match- ing lace jacket andi blue hat. The btidegt-oom's mother was in navy blue andi white. Ench haci a corsage of pink carnations. Mir. andi Mis. Oke are mator- ing in the Laurentians for their heneymoon and will return te make their home in Oshawa. Fer travelling the bride don- neci a reci weol suit and, a white pilîbox hat, black accessories and a cet-sage e! white carnations. Mir. Oke Is a gt-andsen o! Mr. Walter Oke, Bowmanville, and a fermer reporter on The States- man staff. ELIZABETH VILLE The tree planting gang are buiy &gain. They a"e rephant- in Dean's hili north o! Garden Hl at present. On Wednseday evening the 4H club held their second meeting at Mra. McAllistet-'s. The girls ceokeci patatoes, carrots, aspar- agus ad broccoIli. Te>'aise made ct-oam-ed sauce, cheese sauce and set-yod the vegetab- les ns a vegetalle plate with 1! 'I FREE MAKING of DRAPERIES [-ARy material $298 Priced from ----up Visif Our New. DRAPERY STUDIO Where you may select from our many new samples of printed and plain S lTu osrrss! 5h. knews today's trin modemse profer liglu refreshment. Sh. or-ves todayj epi..Nyr eavyi meyer tee sycot, it refreshes without jUin6. Plan te serve it at your part>'. lji 1 t( t (i ff r 1 G and Dale and Mrs. K. Cowlîng cafled on Mis. Cole and Miss Blackburr4 Bowmanviile, on Sunday. Mr. and, Mis, C. Rankine were Sunday visîtors with Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Corrigan, Toronto, the occasion being Dr.e Corri- gan,'s father's birthday, Mr. Ro- bert Corrigan. Mr. and Mrs. David) Morrow and d'augh-ter, Mr. Fred Castie, Miss Grace Trewin, Toronto; Mis. C. Abran-s, Bowm'anville, were Suniday visitors at Mr. and Mis. Walter Loveridge. Mr. and Mris. Cisyton Bennett and Susan, Oshawa, spent Sun- day with Mi. and, Mis. Ron Rahm and famnily. Mr. and Mrs. Don, MacKen- zie, Toronto, at Mis. A. MèNeil's Sunday. Mr. and, Mrs. Alfred Garr- ard with Mi. and Mrs. L. Grif- fin, Blackstock. Mr. John Graham, Bowman- ville, called on Mrs. Rd. MeNeil and Mis. Crossm'an on Thurs- day. Several farmers ln this dis- trict are busy on the land get- ting Vheir spring seeding done. Buy it in the hancly 6-bott. carton SMITH BEVERAGES LTD, 124 Church St,, Bowznanviile, Ont -- ---m l-m m W #r ff u @ a 3 New President of C.W.L Mits. Wilfrid MicLean, the president, pt-esideq at the meet- ing cf the Cathollc Women's Longue held hast week in St Joseph's Hall. The secretar>', Mis. J. J. Cuddahee, and the treasut-er, Mis. George Young, presenteci their annual reports. Mis. Young also reported on the C.W.L.'s catering for twe recoint event's, the Legion Ladies' Night and the Court Venture, Canadian Order cf For- esters Banquet. She has boom catering canvenor for bath. It was decideci te cater fer two ather events In the noar future. Mits. Leo Goulah and Mits. Mat- in Malle>' were appointeci con- venars a! the catering for the RaI>' Naine Society' Communion Breakfast te be helci at St. Joseph's Hall on Sunda>', May' 3i-d. Mits. Young wns appointoci catering convenar fat- the Leddy wedding breakfast on Miay' 6th. A number of members donat- ed hand-embroidered ton cleths, andi ail other members were asked te bring ene each te the next meeting. Mis. Tom Shee- MAN VERS STATION Miss Sn-àth and Miss Lots- berry, student teachers fromz Toronto, are at Fallis Sehool this week with Mis. Earl Argue. Mr. and Mis. D'Arcy Proc- ter ,Sheila and girl friend from Toronto, spent the weekend at their sununer home, "Manvers His", D'Arcy had the misfor- tune oft breaking his ankle, his son Btian broke bis arm and their house-keeper broke her hip, their family doctor had a good winter). Soi tis is their fit-st trip down since last flu. Last winter they came down every 2 weeks to eujoy the ski- mng. Mr. Fenton Fallis and Mr. and Mfrs. Ross Wood visited friends in Toronto on. Sunday. The Conmmunion of the Lord's Supper was observed at Man- vers United Qiurch on Sunday morning with Rev. R. R. Bon- steel in charge. Our student as- sistant, Mr. Wm. Fritz, wil graduate on May 6th and will be ord.ained in Hamuilton., May 319st. Mis. M. Baskerville and Mise Leatha Montroy, Toronto, were weekerid visitors with Mrt. and Mrs. W. N. Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Baker and f amily, Oshawa; Mrs. Fred Jackson and Mr. Hart-y MeMas- ter, Toronto, were Sunday guest8 wtth Mms W. Bradley. han off ered to finish a baby quit. Material for aprons wasi distributed to the members. Each was asked to make one apron from this material, and also toi buy an equal amount and make1 a second apron, and to give both' to Mis. F. Lee, the apron con-! venor for the C.W.L. Bazaar. Mrs. Cuddahee, chairman of nominating committee broughti in the siate of officers for 1959- 1960. She said that the com- mittee had opened the ballots which had been received by mail, at a meeting held recently. The spiritual director, Rev. F. K. Balane, was present, also the two other members of the nom- inating comniittee, Mis. Tom Masterson, and Mfiss Loretta Kil- gannon. The members of the executive Speciais. in i PERMANENTi WAVES Waved by: MARGARET SMUIEH JOSILE DEMAINE FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY Reg. $10-00 For $_____ 7.95 Reg. $12.50 Reg. $15.00 19 For 11_____ .95 SPECIAL COLD WAVEC ,1 $15.95 Mr. Hunyck wfil b. here o Tue&., Wed. and Fr1. to de the steam nd reular wavea Phone MA 3.5703 FOR APPOENTMENT Huyck'y S Hairstyling studio 67 King St. W.. Dowmauvlle uPrise :oo. iy IY$6-95 to $24.95 zA%îè%ec Mairr's 43 Kin- St. W. sauce on toast. I rt, Mrs. Wilfrid McLean; the reemd aparau r diesei President,Ms twatCi-A wora Mn nmbe atendayed ning alawa Presbytery W A eý COflh1fl Steware: Past a nu e Weded teening aholmn; lst Vice-PresidentMi.U £ r ~ I John Swerp; 2nd Vice-Preint meeting held at Campellcroft tAtPendance J. , ary,AtH s ia to dterinewheherwe oul 'S ts tte d an e R cor Mrs.J.J. Cuddahee; Treasurer, school or two, 2 roomed shoS ete Mms Leo Goulah, Miss Loretta up Party", of the Hospital Aux- to accoimodate thie children. Mi t4 ,I T , fhIh f/ c ~ iii Klannon, Mrs. James Fait-, and mlary Marathon Bridge a Holmes the inspector was the r24 4 at Ey one MI ~eeing jmcrs.MatUn Molloy. held in the Lions Community guest speaker. The majorit>' 1 The new president, Mrs. Chis- Centre Thursday evening, Apr. favoured a four roomed school. Mis. L. F. Richardson of hied been chosen so long ago holmn, took the chair andf thank- 23rd. The decorative theme of A ratepayers meeting was Whitby was elected president to lead the people lt-cm an old ed the members for electing hier mfauve and yellow, the Aux il-ý held on Thursday concerning of the Oshawa Presbytery Wo- et-a unto a new one, and that is to the office. She paid tribute iarY colours, created a very the by-law recenti>' passed con- man's Association at the ann.ual what we at-ein the process of to the excellent wonk done by spt-ing-like atmosphere. cerning the buying of 10 acre meeting held at Tyrone recent- doing now in our chut-ch withI Mrs.McLean during her two lots only. They were asking to ly. Mrs. Ewart Connish cf Osh- the pt-oposed affiliation of thelterms as president. Mis. Chis- have the by4law repealed awa, retired alter being presi-, wometVs organizations within1 holin prornised te do her very S &t-t-y te hear of the pasing dent for a two-year period. the United Chut-ch. We must; best to fulfili the duties cf presi- Surprise for of Mrs. Eliza Culpack at Co- The new officers were in- have faith, understanding, cour-1 dent. bourg on Fniday. Funenal s talled by Mis. W. C. Ives, age and vision, lorgetting those Following the meeting a de- Kecent Brd vice was held at Il o'clock at Pt-es ident cf the Bay' cf Quinte things behind and nindful of licicus lunch was served by theBrd Elizabethville Chut-ch. Conference W.A. as folows:- those things before us. As Chri- 1social convenor, Mis. Leo. Gou- Arcn rdMs ee Mis Dnn Me-ct- ToonoHonorar>' Presidents, Mis. Clay- stian women we are commfis- lah. (H een Joiner, wasgivener Mis Dona ercr, orototon Lee and Mrs. A. A. Crowle, sioned by God to serve on His Hln oerwagina and Miss Shirley Muldt-ew, Port Oshawa; Vice-presidents, Mrs. behaîf, what we have and what delightful surprise shower by Hope, spent the weekend at Chat-les Naylor, Hampton, we are is dedicated to the work her co-workers at the Goodyear their homes respectively. Mis. H. W. Blakeley, Oshawa; of God Miîs. Rose stressed ho alArw Rubber Company, the girls of Several went to smelt fish on Recording Sceay Mrs. W. ver>' important Visiting hod Sa vaion A m the office staff. She received diffenent evenIngs the Past Bowman, Enniskillen:, Corres- Christiaxi Fellowship wasand many attractive and useful week but were not toc success- ponding Secretat->, Mits. J. C. how far-reaching a simple act Tea ana al gif ta. Sunday scheol an.d church Mi1s. Roy' Cornish, Port Pet-ty. The 'rheme of the annual. home. Gaimes and a delicious services were held as usual. Committee Chairman were meeting for the day was "Love fluOe *)uccess lunch were enjoyed following bliss Linda McAlister joined aise named-Christian Citizen- 'Thy Neighbour" and of thJ the opening cf the gifts. The the church at the Ganden Hill ship-Mis. M. N. Pegg, Clare- Mis.. Rose rematked-we arel aylclpepertn ec ytet briewa is onoredo Confirmation Service on Sun- mont, Co-operatien with Chris- ail members of one family, and tMhe su cal peolea tend ae by thpe eeg lRomemploy- day. tian Education - Mrs. C. M. everyone is our neighbour. Sh eeeessfuiT te alvain bea e w hsoceeteke. wt Mr. and Mns. P. Woolacott Penfound, Oshawa; Christian cemplimen*ted the OshawaCtl, Divisttreevton rm ent auicul Bhadlock. ls ententained a number of friends Stewardship-Mrs. W. Teeple, Presbytery on the remat-kable lyCîthel, iviionStet, ou amrr recent ieBrde>,wha ise- and relatives on Sunday. ,Bowmanville; Devotions-. Mis. increase in membership in the lof b the My eryMkrs reouwsried a resenty was hon- Mis. Gec. Fowlet', Oshawa, W .Jcsn roki ediatyara4%ices a Perfect was the genet-al conven- his fe]low employees in the is spending a couple of weeks ership Education-Mis. A. A. been ncted in one report - or. Mis. Ruby. Garvcck is the Hose Rocin made hirn the ne- with her son and daughter-in- Crawle, Oshawa, Litet-ature there being nearly 3,000 mem- leader of the Merrymakers cipient of a beautiful tri-light law, Mr: and Mrs. E. Fowler Secretary-Mis. Frank Black, bers in this presbytery. Mt-s. Graup. .îm sawdfn ît and famîly. Oshawa, Assistant, Mrs. A. W. Rose answered many questions1. apsaweingit ______________ Bradiford, Oshawa; Nommna- on W.A. work, andi told many.chrs. f h. omeor Basin tions-Miss E. Penfound, New- incidents in connectian with:Bcha cfthe Hme aing csl;Organization-Mrs. E. D. lier trips froin coast te coast BothaMMs. AmyHnryTaiethene- H V : H " HAIL>UL Connish, Oshawa; Press-Mrs. during the terni of bier pt-est- et-s of the Souvenir Table. There' H. E. Grase, Oshawa; Parsonage dency.1 were many interesting scuveinirs Mi. Roy Ashton, Tor-onto, -Mis, W. S. Poigg, Ashburn; During the day Mis. Gardon' on dispiala rn differoint parts Two littie boys were exchanging spent the weekend at his home. Visiting and Christian Fellow- Brent was the arganîst. Mrs. K. of the wanld. Switzenland, and vlews on the fairer sex on their Mrs. G. Trevail and Mis. F. ship-Mrs. P. Wilson, Green- Shakleton and Mrs. E. Twist other Eunopean cauntries, India, way home frein sehool when the Tho>mpson, Oshawa, were Sat- wood; Bursar>' - Mrs. A. A. sang a duet "Corne Holy Spirit" China, and various parts of eider one proclaimed: ut-day calions at Mr. andi Mrs. Dt-ummond, Orono, and Mrs. W. accompanieci b> Mrs. G. Shak- Africa were represented b>' the "' e on eks ayay Lloyd Ashtan's. Sunday visitcrs C. Ives. Bowmanvilie. leton, ail of Salem W.A., and a items, "Im o nectk'ss arty a at their home were, Mr. andi Mrs. A. Hamilton, president quartette £rom Trinit>' United Aiseo on display were relies ofmoe r ekdit. Mis. Russell Ormiston, Mt-. and cf the Tyt-one W.A. weicomed Chut-ch in Baw'manvilie sangiTeyugroeloe uze Mrts. Ivan Sharp and Linda, the membens andi geve a brief unaccompanieci, "The Charteri both World War I and Worid TeyugreeIoe uze Enrskilen Mi-. nc Mr. Rss istr> efthecomunîy.Thecf alvtuo",sette inlndi1tWar IL Viewers remarkoid on a moment and then brightened; Ennskile; M. nd rs Roslito t he cmut-ch Th f ..lato",se . .nania1the large crystal vase whîch car- "Her does." Ashton andi famîly. lite whiecurhinwich b>' Sibelius. The ladies in thisrieci a card stating it had corne Guess boys will just be boys ... Mis. F. Nelson, Oshawa, spent aven 200 ladies were assembled quartette wene Mits. L. W. Van' from Hte' oaiu ie u hyr lsigi~yu the weekend with hier daughten, was et-ected ini 1868, and was Driel, Mits. O. Richmond, Mits. aa.odae(n hyl epyut Mr n r.Ens opeOne Of a 5 point charge-Bow- D. AlIdroid and Mis. Stewart aa.adae(n hyl epyut Mit. ndMi. Enet oplemanville, Hamptan, Zian En- James. Puss>rwiliews and daffodils reach it faster tac) Did you M.acMi.PtrSnensienand Tyoe.Te i- h mmer f h Trn were used effectivel>' ta decanate knaw that ALL fabnics, incluci- Mr.ana wrseerda S isntersitvlle d froe emtathee.A. set-v oflunhen in ie 1the tea tables. The serving table ing drapes andi blankets around Swansea were unday isitor istertraveled fro one t the WAwasecentredheobyi ahe;vel cenrbouquetlothe bhaine thehome live l av longerr lie at M. an Mrs D. ameton' tafer by herse andi carniage. Conununity Hall, at which timecf eatulsng fowsifhet-kpt-a>'enal atM. Bent AshtDCnddern'. She said that in 1832 twe young greetings. wer.e brought lt-em 1o euiu pigforr.i hyr etral la Lr e rt Toro ton, ee u andcl e rieii h te t-u h ...Pebtra > Ms. Howard Corden and Mrs. the time. The tiny abrasion o! LeaTornto wee Snda ca- mn relan -Rh e rt Mc ro tesietM-.M.S. C. Frilits 1 EciWillats presideoi ver the tea- dit-t particles is what wears loirs at Mit-. and Mits. ArthurT- yrone, rln oetM-peiet r.M .Fse fsus hmot Red'.aughlin, and James IvtFee- Newcastle. Rev. Met-vin But-y, I cus thoim eut.i sevin Mianc M. FakOm ,tons. Prosident cf the Oshawa Pt-es- were: Mira. E. Neil, Mrs. Charles Cne ii M.adMits. rank Oshm-cfMicLaughlin clearod 50 acres byter>', spoko briefly, andi Mits. Albin, Mis. George Fat-se>', Mis. Cne lt Mi. and r.RoadThmio land along the bank ef the W. C. Ives brought greotings 'ereTrbll i-.Gro son, Hampton; Mr. Glen ThOmP- mili pond, and that landi is stili frein the Bn>' cf Quinte Cn-Lament, Mi1s. B. Hendersan, son, Canleton Place, were Sun- ownecib>' his descendants to- feronce W.A. Mis. W. Whitehead, Mis. Lais /. day visiters at Mis. W. ThOMP- day--.he was the grancifather cf Before Mits. Cot-nish retit-ed Pellard and Mr.A.Hmm 1~1 '~pKM san's.an Mn. R. S. McLaughlin. Mr. Mc- fromn Office she gave the pre- Mt-s. George Chert-ingtcn was inKI*s Mi. andi Mis. Mi. Srniieyan Feeters buit the mnii, but later sident's report, telling cf the chrg o hetikes famil>', were tea guoists of Mit. selci this to the Vanstones of man>' duties she had petfarm- andi Mits. Roy Graham and Bowinanvile. The mill is still ed on behaîf cf the member- family, Sunda>'.j serving the communit>'. ship, and aise gave a special; Mit. andi Mns. Arthur Trewin During the morning reports wolcame te four piembers of the' and William woire Sunda>' vis- wot-o rend b>' ail the Commit- newly formed Westminsterý m c)t er Sùa tors at Mi. and Mits. J. Potts. tee chairmen, andi aise the in- United Chut-ch Women's Group.! Mis. A. MicNeil returned home teresting Stor>' cf the Year b>' When Mis. Richardsen teek' on Sunday having spoint sev- the secretar>'. Mis. J. W. Bew- the chair alter the installation eral months with her dnugh- man. During the alternoon Mits, cf the new officors she asked et-s in Toronto. K. R. Rose, president of Dom- for the samne fine ce-oporation the woekend with Mi. and Mits. guest speaker, and: was intre- Cornish. The nieoting encdiIT T Glen Thompsen, Carleton Place.' duceci b>'Mina. A. A. Crowle. with the report of the courtes y TTFi Ross Jahn'ke spent the week- 'To Goci Be the Glory" saici committee b>' Mis. Claytorx IA... H I O NW nd with Min. and Mirs. F. Os- Mrs. Rose ns she began a moàt Lee, and the anneuniceinent cf I~ mond andi lamil>', Bowm-anviile. dynamic speech. Thi.s is the an executive meeting te be holci H F S IN E E RY T A Mi. Milton Siemon and Mis. keynote cf al eut- theughts ta- in Whitby United chut-ch on' T EP S IN J W L Y T A . Lloyd Slimon were supe day, we must pt-aise God for June l6th. This was the largest ,'uests ,of Mi. and Mit-s. Russel!l Ris faithfulness, as ne goed meeting of the Proisbytery thW.a owthl ic s .i t 1 er fEc aha a le e ni Gilbernt, Bawtmanville, Monda>'. hnhasH ihedfo u.A.nit12yr f service, !Surprisel ac magnificent jewelry ahohste plus o ni Mrt. and t-s. Arthur Rend, She took hier text and therne when the t-oll caîl added up to Loel bracelets, pins and neckiaces by Coro ... each an importai atier Ahtnouistr- rmtesoyjfPuwo 4 rsn.tel lime! Choc.. (rom cur excitlng collection designed te coord: a>'. yeur fashion Ille. The. price ts a pleasant Mi. and Mm.~ W. Blackburn Nome Mrs.S.Chishalgm Carl Leslie 5pecial! CHES ELLS TIME ,ported Swiss movementf nt fashion accessory that diat. with every hour of Jewellery ENGLISH - BONE CHINA SPECIAL-____ EACH 98 c iy Prizes 1Bridge The Auxiliary president, M Bruce Mutton, opened the par- ty with a few words of wel- corne to the guests. She then recquested Mrs. J. O'Neill, con- venor of the Marathon Com- mittee, to give the rules of play and to cail on the winners of the five groups for the playoff. After a delectable lunch, pri- zes were awarded to the final winners as foilows: two lirst prizes, M.rs. George Young and Mrs. Wes Cawker; two second prizes, Mrs. Alan Strike and Mrs. Rex Walters; two third prizes,-* s. Keith Jackson and Mrs. Howard RuncUe; two fourth prizes, Mrs. Morley Van- stone and Mrs. Stuart James. and prizes to the wmnners of Mixed. Group, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Barrett. The twelve lucky draws were won by Mrs. 0. LaBelle, Mrs. W. Jackson, Mis. J. Trudeau, Mis. D. Bradley. Mrs. A. Met- ley, Mis, C. E. Rehder, Mis. R. L. MVitchell, Mrs. Laurence Goddard, Mis. W. A. Courtney, Mis, W. Quick, Mrs. J. Porter and Mr. V. Mathewson. Let it be impressed upon your minds, let it be instilled into your children, that the liberty of the press is the palladium of ail the civil, political,adre ligious rights.--Junius .4 D H S ON IpArIv. 11,91 VU 9 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL& ONTARIO

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