Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1959, p. 17

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?HURDAY.APFtL 3Db. 159 TE CAADLA STAESMA. UOMANVLLE.ONTAIOPAGE S5V51'TKU and gales of laughter. Comnrade TDrc rwn Ca pers'S o Rena Bathgate was convenori ~IEU~for the delicious lunch. hwa a&itdin serving by mem bei s -leases Visiting Ladies of the local uia'. Coinraiie Ed' th Ward, presi- * re than 1ào gue-s- f ýe czwI stakit gpatas a iei - den-, o, he Ajax Auxiliar,-v. _wmavile Lai .ei' LI:1:!:ar oe oi e cst.Coinra i-e tdith Brabazon pr.- F Wmnvile adi4' Li ,ry cr x te cst.sident of the Sunderland'Aux- c the Canadian LEcg-ofl PfI0Y I Cornrade Wallis and Conrade M1ary~, Comnrade Elleen Sower-: e, the presentation il' Da-.k G2org;na Carter were in chagKe, by, Ist vice-president of tie «I wn Capers," the Aiixiiiary's of the draw. The attractive *Duilbarton Auxiiary, Comrade v iual spring shlow. at the- Le- prieswcre won by Comrade2 G. Wýhifield, presidnt of the ). n Hall last Tuesday eveniin'. Sir Sunderland; Comrace u2 !ay and Cornrade la bel MVembers of the Ajax. Dunhýir- Irere Redshaw. Claremont, 'u 'LI, *eietofteCae ton Sucerand Uxr~de, n ordrIe Dobbin. Dunbarýton: mont 'Auxiliary. thanked Pr'ý- Ciaremont Ladýes' Auxiliai-, Comrade Edith Langstaff, Ux sident Florence K.night and the Wre entertained. bridge, Comrade Glover, Sua_ ebr fth omnil ComadeHeln alis, erand: Comnrade Jean Reid, Auxiliary on behalf of their' vce-president. received and1 Uxbridge, Comrade Marg La. ow embers for the delight- welcomed the guests. Comirade, pan, Bw nile n otln inm Florence Knight the president,1 rade Allan, Ajax. was unable to do this as she 1Thp e uince lovr] the çh+ was a member of thecsf and rewarded the singing, the show. Comrade Milliîe Bates, dancing, clever comic skits, anc the director and producer of rhythm music presented by the the show, announced the acts, cast with rounds of applause ANNUAL MEETING 0F PRGGRESSJVE-CGNSERVATIVE COMMTE BALMORAL HOTEL BOWMANVILLE FRIDAY', MAY lse 8 P.M. ELECTION 0F OFFICERS - EVERYBODY WELCOME - F or the Best in Interior and Exterior DECORATING SEE W.e H. Rowe ROXATONING- FURNITURE REFINISHING BARN SPRAYING - INDUSTRIAL SPRAYING Free Estimales GIadIy iven FIRST QUALITY PAINT GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP 1957 Oids. Super "88" 4-Dr. Sedan Hydramatic transmission. Custom radio. One owner car. 2-tone ini corai and ivory. In ioveiy shape. 1957 Chev. Coach Dark green, very dlean. One owner car. 1956 Dodge Coach V-8 with Power Flite trans- mission, custoni radio. One owner car. Reconditioned and very clean car. 1955 Olds. "88" Sedan Hydramatic, customi radio. Very clean car. ALL RECONDITIONED Ail Privateiy Owned Cars I "I KEDRON e Commencing with May l7th church services at Kedron Un- ited Church will be at 10 a.m. Sunday School Hour will fol- low at Il a.m. It is the plan to follow these bours continuously. Church and Sunday Scbool will be combined on May loth for a speciai service to be held at 2 p.rn. Children's service ar- ranged. Parents wighing to have children baptized are requested to contact the minister or the eider for their district at the earliest convenience. Kedron congregation were privileged in hearing a fine message Sunday afternoon and at the 7 p.m. service broadcast over the Oshawa radio station Rev. Love was the guest prea- cher. The flowers in cburch Sunday were placed by the Wil- bur farnily. At the Sunday Sehool ser- vice announcement was made concerning anniversary Sunday, June 21. The service will be at 2 p.m. with our minister, Rev. JR. H. Love, B.A., B.D. Anni- versary speaker. A cordial wel- corne to former residents of this community, new familles of our area and relatives to be with us for this Special Service. Mu- sic by the Sunday School girls and boys. All couples of ouir Doubles Club and any who can go bowl- ing at the Shopping Centre note that the usual nigiht has been changed to Friday, May i at 7 p.m. or as early as con- venient. Lunch afterwards at the church. Mr. and Mrs. E. Parks. Mr. and Mrs. W. Snowden, Mr. and Mrs.- G. Glover, Mr. and Mrs. B. Hitchens were placed first in the Square Dance held at New- castle Hall Friday p.m. The same group were in first place at the air port recently. Mr. and Mrs. D. Love, Mr. and Mrs. W. Woodward and Mr. and MIrs. W. Rosnak also attended at Newcastle. Mrs. W. Woodward, Mrs A. Spencer and' Mrs. E. Mountjoy attended the ahl day meeting of Presbytery W.A. held at Ty- rone United Cburcb. The Christian Education Cou- ncil of East and West WhitbyE Township will meet for a Rallys on May 17th, at 7*30 p.m. in e the Sunday School roorn of Ke- dron Church. Ail interested in Christian Education are invitedt to attend. Bring your friends.1 A happy gathering on Satur- day evening was at the home of Mrs. Harold Werry when the bostess with Mrs. Lawrencer Allen and Mrýs. Percy Fletcher, Osh'awa, arranged a shower inc honour of Miss Joanne Moffatt, daughter of Mr. and Mirs. M. Moffatt, Oshawa. Misses Marie and Helen Cole, Markhami and Mrs. G. Gibson, Miss Olive Luke and Mrs. Bert Luike, Toronto, were guests along with Ked- ron relatives and friends. Mir. B. Luke and John enjoyed a visit with John remaining over- night guests o! Ron Werry. Mr. and Mýrs. E. Norton and . here is your chance 1954 Plymouth Sedan Dark blue, in A-i shape 1953 Dodge Sedan custom radio. car. Beautiful and out. One owner shape inside 1953 Pontiac Sedan Black with white wall tires, 1953 01dm. "88" 4-Dr. Sedan 1953 Pontiac Sedan 1950 International Truck 4-ton, complete with hoist and dump. -READY FOR TIRE RO"D - Mostly One Owner NICHOLS F Looking Ahead to 12,000 People We commend to the attention of our readers the story appearing elsewhere in thiis issue on the report of the Ontario Water Resources Commission concerning our community's water works and sew- age disposai system. It is readily apparent that the day is flot far distant when our town must em- bark upon two costly but necesary pro- jects - - a water filtration plant and an expansion of our sewage disposai facilities. The program of storm sewers must also be extended. These are expeieditures that nmust be borne, initially at 1eàst, by our present taxpayers. The extension of water and sewers to new developments will be covered, in whole or in large part, by the new tax revenues resulting from the de- velopments. Sizeable thoughe these expenditures Stedman Stores Hold Merchandising Meeting Keith Jackson, the" District Supervisor, was inx charge-of the District Meeting of the man- agers of Stedman Stores held at the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel on Wednesday evening, April 22nd. The managers of the Stedman Stores in Oakville, Streetsville. Stouffville, Brigh- ton, Ajax, Cobourg, Newmar- ket, and Victor Miller, manager of the Bowmanville store were present. The managers of the five Stedman Stores. in Toron- sons visited Sunday at Mr. andi Mrs. W. Mountjoy's. Mr. and Mirs. D. Magahay, Mt. Horeb, visited tihe latters brother Mr. E. Parks and fam- ily, Suniday. The sympathy of thie com- munity is extended to Mn. W. Pari-y, in the passing of his fa- ther. Sunday guests of Mir. and Mrs. R. Lee and Brian were Miss Lynn Farrow, Port Credit, accompanied by ber grandmto-- ther, Mrs. L. Simpson. Toronto, and uncle, Mr. J. Ellsworth, Verdun, Manitoba. Mr. Frank Lee, Oshawa, at- tended church service and la- ter visited at his brother's. NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gist and Mu. and Mrs. R. Davison atten- desi the Shell Dealer's banquet in Peterborough on Tuesday ev- ening. Mir. and Mus. E. E. Wood spent a day inx Toronto visiting their family. Mr. andi Mis. Max-vin- Nes- bitt visited Mr. and Mirs. Edgar Horn, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Langfcld and four daughtcrs o! Toronto, spent the weýekend )with .-;r and, Mrs. T. *G.-ÉLangfcld, Mrs. Colley and family. Mr. Stanley Malcolm has re- turned from Florida andi visited Mr. Elmer Nesbitt. Mn. and Mis. Chas. Gist vis- itesi their granddaughter Susan Gist in Peterborough Ho*ptai rccovering from an appendect- omy. Mus. Wesley Campoell retuxn- ed from Port Perry Hospital where she spent the past week. Trust she will benefit greatly by ber new treatment. Mr-. Bruce Heaslp entered Oshawa Hfospital on f'riday ev- ening and friends are hoping he la home soon and feeling much improvesi. Mr. and Mus. Russel Francis, Allan, Shirley and Lois, and Mrs. Jas. Thompson o! Beaver- ton wene Sunday guesis of the Grant Thompsons. Mrs. Thomp- son remained for a visit. Mrs. John Dickey reurned te her home in Nestleton after spending a couple of weeks in Toronto, with nieces. Mrs. Ivan Robrer ansi Mr. and Mirs. Morley Ross, Uxbrid'ge, were Saturday cveniing guests with the Carl Elliots'. Mu. and Mrs. R. Davison, Margaret, Carl and David El- Liot were in Waterloo on Sun- liay vlslting Deug Davison. Arthur Huibert had his grand- daughter Gloria and her hus- band and baby daughter of Peterborough, visiting bim on Sunday. Norlh Nesilelon Several local ladies attend- cd the Wornien's Auxiliar Rail at Tyrone United Chunch iast Thursday, Mesdames Sasiler, Emerson, Sammels, Bowers and Malcolm. Mrs. Reg Titcombe andi Cyn-' thia from British Colunibià, with Mrs. Talmage Taylor, cali- ed at Mrs. Ralph Sadler's en Fr.iday and Mrs. W. E. Reid, Orone, was another weekday visiter, Mr. andi Mrs. M. Emerson were home to their f amily on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bird, Mr. andi Mrs. Bruce Wi- thculy andi Edgan Emerson and family. Mn. Leonard Joblin for the weekend at Mr. and Mn,. Lloyd Hunter's, Port Perry, also te Rae Malcolm's, Janetville, for a few days before be returni home. Min. Ray Gilbank caflesi at Ed Williams' te ist ber aunt, Mac Reynolds. Master Glen Malcolm was an overnight cempanion te Mýark and Vernon Malcolm (same sur- name but diffement family). Victer Malcolm family at George Kcrn's, Yclverton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henb Vine were unappucciative hosta tô a flash chiminey fire the othex- morning, which caused a couple hundred dollars damage by smoke etc. The Cartwright Vol- unteer Fire Brigade (their newl titie>, previously Caesarea fine brigade, were am usual -on theI button.I may be, we have two good reasons for self-congratulation. Firstly, there are many towns, some larger than Bowman- ville, that have no sanitary services what- soever and so must start from scratch. Therefore, by comparison with other, less progressive communities, our problems are relatively small. Secondly, we can be thankful that our town's credit is- A-i s0 that there should be no difficuity in sellîng new debentures under favourable terms. The Ontario Water Resources Com- mission report and, in particular, Mayor Carruthers concluding remarks, have caused us to reflect once again on the capable community management being provided by the town's elected and ap- pointed officiais. welcomied the ladies and con- ducted the business. The devo- tional was conducted by Mrs. J. Bowm.an asslsted by Mrs. S. McAllister. Mýrs. Ross Stevens who la leaving May 7 on her trip to England was presented with a diary as a littie farewell gîf t. The Explorer grbup, with their Counsellors, Mrs. K. Wer- ry and Miss Marjorie Somer- ville, met with the W.M.S. for their affiliation service. In the absence of Chief Explorer Gail Hobbs, Ann Ferguson conduct- ed the service. Brenda Virtue, Gai 1 Sellers, Heather Moore, Heather Purdy and Sheila Al- lin assisted. Keeper of the Trea- sure, Jennifer Purdy, present- ed the Treasure Chest which the girls had donated during their Missionary Exploration for support of Miss Muriel Bran- dou in Trinidad and "Sunday School by Air and Mail". This was accepted by Mrs. Edgar Leask, Port Perry, Presbyter- !l Secretary for Explorer Groups. Mrs. Leask expressed ber ap- preciation for being present and presented the girls with a seal for certificate received last year. Ray Rundie Moves -.Fa mily To Deseronto Mr-. Rae Runsile, who was transferred recently to Napanee as manager o! the A & P Super- market there, will move his fam- ily te Deseronto, six miles djistant, this week. Rae bas been with the company for 16 years. Seven years ago he took over the management of the Bw manville store alter the retiwe- ment of Mr. Percy Wfiamai. Rae, with bis, friendUy anid courteous mannier, bas made mnany friends and will be mss- ed by them. He is a son of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Rundle, Argyle. 1St. His wife was the former' HeIen Petre, Oshawa, and they BELLE to aLso attended the meeting which was held in the Cadillac Suite of the Flying Dutchman. During the morning Mr. Jackson einphasized the prin- ciples o! merchandising. A com- parison of sales ideas was made, and mutual problems were dis- cussed. In the afternoon Mr. Jackson and the managers tour- ed the Stedman Stores, King Street. where displays were, shown, and methods of man- agement were demonstrated. Explorers Affiliate with St. PauI's WMS On Tuesday, April 21, St. Paul's W.M.S. held their Sprýng Thank-offering meeting at the home of Mrs. Harold Fcrguson. Mira. S. A. Cawke'r, Port Per-y,i gave a very interesting and in- formative review of the cbap- ter on Hawaii from "Concerns of a Continent". She was intro- duced by her sister, Mrs. Otto Bragg. As a means of introduction to that group of islands, whose attractive climate and beauty are an ever increasing tourist attraction, Mrs. Cawker sang two songs from Ha.waii, accom- panied by Mrs. S. Ploughman. Because o! racial background and the influence of visiting soldiers in World War 11, this group of islands bas every form of religion whic-h bas led te confusion and disunity ini fam- ilies. Protestantismn. faces many difficulties and obstacles in Ha- waii's East-West crossroads. It la imperative that Protestants read rightiy the signs of the tix»es as Hawaii approaches the statchood that nxost o! ber pg- pie desfre* President Mrs. D. Armistead VAN THE OPENING 0F THEIR NEWý G AR CE (Just East of Solina Rd. on Hwy. No. 2) WEDNESDAY MAY AFTERNOON 6y 1959 AComplet e Line of the Fines f Garden, Supplies wilI be Han dled. PERENNIALS ANNUALS SHRUBS EVERGREENS FRUIT GARDEN TOOLS* LAWN MOWERS TILLERS FERTI LIZERS PEAT MOSS AND SHADE TREES -ROSES ASPECIA LTY- have three sons, five-year.old Dean, Scott three years old and Gregg 18 montha. Before Jeaving Bowmnanvllle the A & P staff, their wives and husbands, surrpised Mr. and Mms Rundle wîth a farewell party at their home, 4 Edsall Ave. They presented them with a pair of matching table lamps. On Tuesday, April 2lst, Mrs. Alan Strike entertained tbe ladies of Frederick and Edsall Avenues in honour of Mrs. Rundie, and presented her with a hammered aluminum revolv- ing cake plate. AU enjoyed a very pleasant evening. The Statesman joins their many friends ini offering their congratulations to Rae on his recent promotion. Limited 95 RING ST. W. Cla rke TeacFîers Meet at Antioch The Clarke Teacher's Asso- ciation held their April meet- ing on the 2th at Antioch Scbool. Jack Hood Supply had a large, interesting suppiy. o books on 'dîsplay.% Arrangements were made for the annual Field Day to be held at Kendal June 5. This evenrt is sponsored by the Newcastle Lions Club. Mr. C. A. Holmes, Inspector, informed the teachers that a set of standardized tests would be given Grade 8 pupils. Instruc- tions were also given on the administering of these tests._ MA 3-3381 Buit to seli at a much higher price, you get extr savings and enjoy new work savmng conveniencq with this 18" cut, 2 h.p. engine, 6" wheeis, staggeret wheel arrangement, adjustahie from 1" to 211. AND SAVE - ONLY -- 374 McGregor Hardware 45 Concession St. E. Bowmanville MArket 3.7087 DARDENS wish to announce [f you are i the market for a good used -car.., to buy at clearance prices. Outstanding Vailue!!' 1958 Chev. Belairs 2-Dr. Hardiop 2-tone Cay Coral and Dover White, padded dash, custom radio. One owner car, ver~y low mileage. LROY. rw w. Oldsmobile and Chovrolol Cars DG WNAN VILLE Chevrolet Trucks COURTICE phlae MA 3-3353 Phono MA 3-3922 1 TEE CANADIAN STATICSMAN, BOWMANVffLZ. ONTAPJO YITURSDAY. APIRIL 30th. 1950 in A ffiqm e r e a e LI I e B I I

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