U&GE TW~V~ T~UIE13DAY, APBIL 301h. 1551 CA.n AmAU 5'1 AI ~ lu - ~r>w v~, .& n vii i ..u' rw,- a n~ - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SPORTOPICSI Bay Frank bMobun I" $-nu 1 LEGION BOWLING Jim Fair's teamn captured the Leglan Bowling Champion- ship last week over Jack Getides' second schedule wnner. Faim, who capped the first schedule on the inal night, rebounded framn a 26 pin loss ta sweep the next two gamnes by 9n> and 101 pin margîns. Members of the winning club ame: Jim Fair, Morley Etcher, Dick Pattielti, Murray Grant, Sid Murdoch and Jton Johnson. The banquet, origu.nally scheduleti for May '2rid. wulI utow' be held on May 30th. If you plan ta attend, please contact ,Jackj Knught. Leion Sports Officer, or Ron .lohnson. Price ofaduissioni us iwo buckui. t t t. GOODYEAR BOWLING Benny King (75.) and lion MAaynard (752i) paced the;4 Combines to a tbice-game sweep over the Hase BomIa give thei wuinnersq theur second Goodyear Bowling Champîonship ln three; years. The Combines have tever mi-sseti being in the finals, but; were deteateti Ian yeaî- b ' vhe Office. The first schedule winners,; look the fitle over their second scheditie couinierpaits by mnargins, nf 119. 51 and 87 pins. The chamTps averaget 2.34 apiere iu rolling sjp a line 3511 total. Membeis of the îvinniteai are: Ben!King. Pete Bath- gale. Roui iianard, Jack Poits, Dave Park, Mfike Koîval, Bill; Holroyd anti Jackr Bond. Don't forget the batiquier ai the iMeniorial Park Club flouse., hils Saturday, May 2nd. Top Bowlers Receive* Awards Home & School Bowling T . Lyle led ini today's bowling, Iwith a high ai 249. O. Patfield hiat a n.ic'e 236 anti E. Etcher followed closely with 230. H. Simnick 220, K. Stevens 220, S. Davis liad a double 202 and 210. as also titi A. Sleep witlu 202 and 222. M. Wisemnan 209. Can- aries have 23 points ta lead the league, follawed closely by the Sparroiws witlî 21. Bluebirdts have 13. Robins ll ½. Bluejays 8, andi the lowly Wrens7> Average% 0. Patfield - -190 S. Davis----- 188 E. Etcher 1841 A. Sleep------17d S. Bucknell 172 A. Hadgson _____166 NIIXED LEAGUE BOtlLING -geetS present. TeifedLeagtlers became thie tird group le decide a H MPO rhampionship last week. when Jack Bondsq bowIers defeated Jim*T 1C K Richard's tearn to take the titie and the George Elliott Traphy. icJAWratkTon OEVR The champions dropped the opeiier by over 200 pins, edged out -pn at~dy' ai eek writh ou :8 pin decisïori in the econd gaine. ai-d took the deciding SMI-. and Mri; Dong. Wilite and f u R y & 1 Irnrcounter by 1U6 pinsý. Wiiiiing teant nueînbers are* Jack Bond,!I fILîh15 Kint St. W. Cec Muttori, Len Eldridge. Bill Charles. .Josii Brutit. AmY Winnuott .1 dugtr.SuaneJoes Ti and Kay Luxtoîi IJurîîîg the arinual Mens Major League bowling banquet at the Legion Hall OIonto pette ekn<wt In addition te the lanupiotiship vlash. the teains ail partici- Saturday. these three top bowlers, along with others received-awards for their efforts ! Mr. and ?&s. Harald Allun. pated in a roll-off for indivdual trophies xvîirhî was won by Atj this seasoni. From lef t to right: Ed. Leslie who rolled the top single of 379 for both Mr. and Nirs. Jas. Spicer and PLAN TO Spicers crew with a 2902 mark. Other ttals were: Arnold schedules; Pete Dobbins who counted the high triple mrith 950 and Tom Cowan who 'Mrs. Walter Rich.ardson. Toron- Sleep, 2849: Bob Mitchell.,2M41; JIack Bond. 2751,, Moriley Eteher. îook the high single in the second schedule with 366.ta e Sna vstos ih 2749; AI Hicklung. 2675. - --~___- - - - -._______-Mr. a-id. Ms. Laenzo eIl. The Spicer teamn is coniiprised af: Art Spîce-r. fixn Cox. lion Bnj ~ jMr. and Mrs. Norman Edd, 1\1r. Mr. ste and b oenotu àWttttton, .Joe Nowlari, .Xait Ls Ieri Eldridge and Marg 1-ekhrîgBow lein g Banquet DL ecides adMs rci VimeM itelam s si7t.and s ber- and 1Mrs. Sid Loscomb of O0h-il-b.M.adM.GietQfI TO N LAGESFTALfawad Mr. Lau. Goddard, Bow Wilkinson, Toronta. rn Sunday H o m TOWN rEAext OFeaArLrnanville: Mr. an4cf mrs. F~ree- Mr. anid Mrs. Mel McCune.t We hope ta have a late flash regarding the s,-otbal stu r1 Ed orooan 1.Cer, KathyadCnOi tion, tollowirig Tuesday righlt*s meeting. Howevpr. ai the lime 'le Vcfs Mt LeueJrk dî'îleledon 'lon nd rs.Me Morisn a T R-jacka.Mr.and LMrs. ougas this wvas written, the pictuire looks bright with possible erîtries boxvle'xs held tiieir animîal ban-l Broî'k ta accepi the A'ggregale aolie. RchmadLna om Pxpected fram the Goodyear, Tawn- Dept. of Works, George quLet at the Bowmalnville Can- Cpio i 23 owet nte od rw were prsn jvle:M.Lnayer Bwdi Stephen Fuels and Bill Leask TV. adian Leg-ion Hall on Satlirda ao egeTuuaei o h ac nStriye-ly eeSna -sitors with TUS inight.. Î Johni M. Jlames called the: ening with Clara Neshtis Or- Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey.A :: : ~ - : Egîybowlerk; sat. do,.vin b championship tearnto the head chestra in attendance. They w'll Mr. arA Mis. mu Dewel~ a dliics lure~dinerpi- abe atdcogrtulte echbe back be back with us on. Sal- were Saturday dinner guests o p i WESLE VILL ih~theNl-erIanide, Aiter inter- pared and served by the Leogioti lxwler on their victory. Cap- ur1,My9h r n i.Gog ae n . .Ladies, Doctoî K eith SIeo ai L.ý Haliman accepted th Tree planting îvas in full in the evening with Mr. and WES EY ILb !i reo a er paresenotmucal iioved a vote of thank.s. John 'M. James Bowling Trophy sigtàiis week. Mr. Roy'Hin- Mrs. E. V. Hoar. Oshaw Deepes from le 4minbeis utfle Chr. Vocal Pasi re..ident. fc adrIo eafo i em ahke0 ko.Oi.adM. M.adMs ibr d Dep st mapathl riy ureserbrý;ofte hi d.eVocaer Jake meeting n ieber recef i eam. a ro-eIgin Aknd Oio aredsM-.coMr.spnt d ay i Cilber uiett P.ommunity is extended I pes0 Mr t- metn.i, solorreeve asml iu-EgigBid fbiico resu onnantSinayiOugbureJui-t ydnaBarroclugh i thpa trd. onntnaîd Carolthe absence off President Bill 1phy. The champs i.\ere Capt.. pei'visiiug planting on their with Mr. and Mi's. W. Harrison Thrdya sing f hermothe. Mrk. lili U. hoý ýBates. Seated ai the head ta- îRulS. I1lalnari, Dave NliKiit, plantations here. Local growers andé family. Oing of heremnie, Mîs. îU. th r nd f.ohen w re nvelîg b ie er Jack Larider. Vice !ap Palmer, Pal e. Doin1ae also busy on ne planta- Mr. and M s. Sam Keane and Saturday On riay~vnig.April 214,,Maii niJh renedjPiesident Jack Gay,. Treasurer Bishiop, Pauîl Chant and Carl f ions. son Douglas, Oshtawa, were Smusical concert was ~ and Mrs. . Clark and Johnm 010 Fred Cole, Si nTrewin. Seenretarv Raihy. We extend best wishies ta Mr.I Sundav iitr tb erp- ~e hurh y the Choirh nv. ai îî îd.hIAI Osborne and -;peria1 gîest The riiiiiiere tup received asIýi and Mrs. Laverne Curtis or ents Mi. and. Mis. T. Wray- diso ,igronvl ] dpaosls John M. James. trays pu'esented by .Jack (iar. jtiheir receuit marriage. Miss Grace Keisey, Oshawa, etingr in . ofme vathoems sîVile A vieindut wasplayeci by, Four of th» old-iniens were They wee Capi. Murav Lar- L.O.B.A. 1314 held heu- re- sent the weekend at homne. ga.Mis. G. Frederick aiDonaOîghtred. andi Marie Ion h auid ta take part in 'the mer. Pete Dobbins. Mý/orlex guulai meeting ori Monday even- Mrs. Jack Macnab is now re- Par oýt Hope showed ce oluxed Austin bconaidiy Join event. M1anager George Eiiott . Vanistone. Phil Canceilla. Hank ing and lbeard art excellent re- ceiving care ai Memorial Hos Slides of Hollaci, wic'h she t.ook Groeneveld on the piano. A 1-1. C. Osborne. Sid Nicholi; and Janzen. Clarence Oke, Dr. AI port fu-om Ver.) Wor. Sis. Kay ________________ ________ duighrsa f3little ' l;ientiied "Go oil-with JckCale. Sylvester. Yotugman -w-as on ofthe - ith Weddn.g a &ted out by ThFle electian a t filceis for 4Las, x'ear's Head Pin chaun»,Lde eeatst rn o 1Mr. and Mis. Allais Clark and th,. 1959-60 seasoîî was lield anîd Si Trovin turnied oi-er tlhe fia- ge in NaDaiiee. HL IT Jolhn CGronevel& îi Morle,;, "Wild Bill" Ol<e wîts .phy ri»1Enie Perfect ai H1ank DY GEN AE AIR Suniday Sehool waî; belci as electeci Vice Pîesiden.t. ".!ack j anzeii. Bath bowlers finishiet 'usual Suaday mrnîng. Marie GaY alitoimaticahly stepped Lup te tow-nameni, with 16 each.(1AT'T Austin read the scripture tahcen to Presîideuit. Two directors Fred Cole anm AI O.,horne.t LONG A L Sfrom Exodus. wiece electéd, MrrvLarnier lhaniddtecash avrds qan Ma.i-idlear S Cliurrh ,service .i Sidym t weegai Trea:suurer Fred Cole gave fi he 4 noney was distribitet among der Bow-mnil.vstc Mr. ' 'ut' i ~ . It see Reverend Harding bacl 1 financial report and also pre- the bowlers. Rbi i udyation " iin i%. pclpit afier kuvirig the js-entt h ab rizeF for i, ow Aftèr the dirner lte boîvestMS oetMCelnMs scores bowled tuchring the >sP-a- adjouriied Io the Badininlon ,asYoung. Tara: Mx-s. James son.. Club for a soeial evening. M oe.Oe Sand spent s t Jack Gay piesenited the high The Mer's Miajor League.~j the meekendi with Mr. andi Mis. TA K IL E itgle Lr-ophy ta Big Ed Leslie be bowling at. the niewf Liberli f1 Orme Miller. STARKV for Ls 37 score AI OborneLtd. next vear and plan's!1\1. Stanley Fletcher. Tor-onto,. WM t. and Nis. ,Orm-e l"all and paît in »pre, untin.g the higli tri- the league. Any bondher xishing parents. famnuly spent Sunda with mk.i-.pie t.ropby, ta Pète Dobbiuis. tO bowl shoti appl--Iot th-ýc !\,r. ard Mis. F'. G. Smîith anud ardMi.Fonai.Caaaxk Pete bowled 9,30 anti tieti Dr secretaîv. Alan H. Osborte s isGac M Aliwr Sud Mrs. Beit Trint visited pi Rundle's seore bowled in 1947. seoti as pos;sible. dinner guest.s; of Mr. and! Mis. Toronto recently. I J. C. Cook. m., M. n Ms .irai aweil ympathy of the coinmun-itY and farndy, weîe recent visitors b lI s extended ta thee families of ai Mr, lxMr.ns eeaieI~ ( ~ lthe laie Mis. Lance Plain. Bow- Mr. and i rs. Albert Rogers c eamiig anville, and Mr. Edgar Strutt.r KI U îqpoe. i se.. nd Sby uia. "edaiDý cr at"<1.9"vi wsjBurketon. intheir recent s- 'Cusheid'tulifapMr. and irMs. Grajit SyLvester By Douglas Rigg the fîmeralq l'elui in Bornan- On c diet of mooý and Jittie. Sari a. were recent ville._____ ____ weekend visiter.s withi hei- par-- enIs. M.>-. and NMis. finiu Stark. 1,41 iamodqanikual 1P1rovinrial Confereuicer an- sd Mu-s. Llew I-a1ow- Ap£lyoie requesting te use ofj varion,- groups of peoplo inter- IS E R V ~I C E elL Maurice and Jim speni Sun-i Bail Dianiondis ai art\ of the1 estet i n simîihar recreation ac-Te n e Pblic Sc-hool graunds or at; tiviftws. sOat ieaeuny e ipbelIford. Me1morial Park are i-quieestf-dl exehi.îged and newid iras dis- IDA 1-ON MA. 35444 Mr.and fMis. Leoaurci lFaIk: te nake application bIoh lieRi-l eusse~d. B wln _________________day istng Bobab ,o -wýas cahie The i fthie sciîcîul seuno -rviee o<f iuterest andcocen SAFET CHECK te enjoy a drive Iwith tifhlit: for ball gaines antd practices orIola ïuanzî juitutiîîî,andi aigan- Second schedule penriant dii ing the artenon. - otiet- activitiez, will lie regulat-.Iiaous . voluntary, o'îvate, 'iiiners were decided in batnh 1. Steering. - play a.nd adjustment* 1 - çd b lix-te foliowirng ruhes. . muniicipal, inclustrial andt r-ni- divisions Saturday afiernoon, 2. Rear Lights - operation 1Ta reimibuise the' Bow-mn- mereial- f-lic Conicu-ence therme with Connie Osmond's team. re- 3. *Front Lights - operation li lie Public School Board f'oïr"Sliariiug Our R e cüie o an peatiing their, fiîst sehediule I 4. Brakes - adjustrnent* 1 is' daunage toehool properti W1ýea1f,!I COIînuInitîrPlannîîg u', hampiouu.Àuip. and LarryPi Club~ whihe grouuîds au-e being used foir u(cr-eationl" is 1*articuilarly? per«ý- out.fit gîabbing off the 1 5. Hor - clear signal liv ahi or part af the Club for Itney A distingisei oerby'guptte 6. Tires - wear and breaks 6îîsprâct.ice.s.01,or acti- j il urkessdpanr list.s u. wi. With oiw more ii-eek- reinaîn- 7. Exhaust System - leaks and noise SU PER CA R viiîeýý. ,i~riîî et the stage for profitale di. ing in the regular schedude, Pi- 8. Glass - clear vision oIecsi vhti - . .isi nýop nercofpe e-bane e h igh- .s, 9.Windshield Wipers -operation ta lie useti by the Board tu re- ,Liil>ortant 5tibjei . tieldJ's runner-up .3quati teed off and condition B . N G Opa2i"'diae aig ce1ine ofthe hýllgisotti.4 1 ay Twisule Laweby the Io. Rear View Mirrors eleur vision b the yQ Club, 1li? sane Io be! gî'oup- on such >subiL-cts as: tke evnpnfsf Ppe' iene\ved b h Club asuer ah Pr.an Open SîI'aues nothiiug Lhis Satituda. the sec- E H U T ~ ~ L' P ~ ~~~~breakage. anti ans'surplus to Standards: la1 Esd evlo- ndplaer wul le orth be returneti ta the Club ai the< ment, administration: ativatce'ilal u ie' hpigISE TO enti ai the season. planning; relationship betwe ead, butpinmarin eis uneatableNSPE TIO M EM uRIAL CEN\TRE 3of'To supervise the activýities! Planning Board and Recreatian I ii Moorcraft's team defeated ofopposing leains anti specta- Authority; functions. uses. Bob Richard's bowlers .5-2 'Ln lInspect exhaust manifold and o011 lr ors Fo as to forestaîl auîv dam,- Facilities -- rhio sets stand-t the other attraction. age ta school wvindow-, or other antis: joint use. financng: de- I arrv Piper behteti out. scores engine connections for leaks ~- -school property. sign. managemeiit: staffing. of19, 344 and 224 for a 763 FR ID Y , A Y q 4.TInmake ail applicationis comnuity neetis. itriple. while Don Baguiel w"' Check niuffler and resonators FR D T fl T P ' for kJ,e of the groun&ts fa Mr. j Leadership -Valunieers andi j aiso ani the bail at 710, corn- for leaks and breaks 8.:30 pau. sharp Douug. R'gg. Revreation Direc-. paid recruiimeuît: selection. i prised af gaunes of 299, 146 and for. jtrainîing, ieragnitIon . sisfae- 41265.- Othier high totais weîe re- * nspect tailpipe Ivt iuluiing Satet! v: iins. 1 gistered by Lowell Highfîeld Th#~0DI?~I'le Ontario Departm-ent of' Financer, - Who paNlç foi'.: 63.5, Mike Charles 630. Don Oke and rckt 85 aa'Lubantis and Foi-est have annaulic. whai: W7hy,. 623 anti Doug Shirk 612. 1 ldigeti a New Hunier Safets- Train- Comntunity Planning For- Re- The terrifie bowlinîg of L]inda icuiging Cour-se ta bc in ffet un creation - Methoti: agencies in- Brooking featureti the girl.s u ormda lh rvnet ias e bee c o-pea tiro: Leticaupla-ut n exellet 75dtrile t se 12 gaines for $150 cash each gaine Amatee luol avli nee i, nhu ri as it reaten sca ln h 'crdfrtu er e ihii pil., owmanvifle,ate n- ing a while a-t the PiaePt jents' Pavilion. Tororto Gener- al HosPital. Hem friends are pleased to 1earne i lacorival- escing favorably. Mr. Earl Luke has a.lso, been a patient in Memorial Hosptl since the end of last week, hit ing undergone an operation. His friends are glad to know he is making fair progress tow-ard recovery. CommuBIty Shower A connunty miscellaneous shower was held i the Sunday School roon of lte cburch on Friday evening last wheui Miss Grace Kersey bride-to-be wasi the honored guesi. The room ,%as very attractively decorated inPikaind white streamers, 1 white belhs which hung tram the ceiling. Tiny white umbrel- las and simnilar decorations gra- Iced the Iatge table %rhich held the gifts. To the strains of "Here Counes the Bride" she was escorieti ta a prominent dhair accompan- ied by, her mother. They each were presented i wth a preity corsage. Mrs. W. Cowle. Bow- manville, assisiet inl the pie- sentation andti n-wrapping ,of the mnur ovehy andi useful gifis. Grace expressed hler appiec-1 j atia anti invited her frientis ta irisit hem in her house haler. IDainty refrealiments .xere ser- veti andi a social hal? hour was enjoyeti. There were seventy GOES BiTrTER WITH YOUR MIOAV MAKES YOUR BOAT GO SETTERI lgN grat Son-Hors$for 59- nsw inside eouTtd0.1hi Io o~ iotS 0 o eswa .- moothrunning4 dop.edobI.. qeu@& $WEUTHffMPivowl Palmer Motor Sales 20 King St1 MA 358 ATTEND . Oshawai e Builders' Fair to be held ini the Oshawa Armouries )AY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY 130J*May 1& 2 wSponsored annually b- aJunior Chamber of Commerce ewiIJ be present April 30 at 8 p.mn nd Fridav 6:30 to 10.30 pi. 1:00 te 10:30 p.m. LUCKY DOOR PRIZES Children Free .king directly across the steet Lunouncing a Modern mncepi în Educaied INTENANCE FETY SPECIAL'e COMPLEE LUDRICATION While YOU're Bore Lubrîcate chassis and body Check level of engine oit Check air cleaner andi and oil filter Check fluid level in transmixsion andi differential DRAKE INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT Remove Wheels - Inspect brake linings and drums tnspect hydraulic line.- Check brake fluid ini master cylinder Adjust brake shoos ors Limited. KS & VAUXHALI DEALERS hne MA 3-3321 & 3-332? wt i Steamshilp ET S N"VHERB L~ 0 V E L L MA 3-5778 ",a7vp A@%c »%= TWILVU eAMAISIFIpla 5ow»ÈL"Vii.Lý- clrçrrAon Aduitr. 25c 1