T trDAY, APIR. th, 1959 ýA Weekly Featu re TBE CANADIMI STAT~MAN. DOWMMIVILLU. ONTA~ CARTOON CAPERS CONTEST Twenty-Fourth 1 - jWeek *$1000 WEEKLY UN MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES $1 00.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE AT FINISH 0F CONTEST Advertisers Mercha nts. on ,This Page, They wîll at al be awarding. Weeks, they times give you the best value possible at the someone wiI award $10-00 someone in Merchandise $100-00o1in Certif icates merchand ise Lowest Prices. Ea ch Week Patri and DO ROT NEGLECT TO ASK, FOR SALES SLIP WHEN DOING BUSINESS WITH ANY OF THESE FIENS - READ THE RULES CAREFULLY onize your Home at the End'of 26 -YI Each week there wilJ be an extra word inserted In a few of the ads appearing on this page. Read the ads, f(md the. extra words, put them together and when properiy arranged they wili give yoD the titie of the cartoon. Write these words on a plece ef paper and list the firms tu whose ads you found each word, then se. if you ean write a better titi.. Send ln Nour entry to CARTOON CAPERS. c/o THE CANADIAN, STATESMAN. 'OT LATER THAN MONDAY O . 1 UBER SHEPPARD m ANDO 0111 LUMBER 1 96 King Si. E. Bowmanville ummer activities --We carry a complete selection of MO VIE EGUIPMENT lue Kodak, Bell & Howell, Etc. Cameras, Projectors. Screens, Films, Etc. HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 29 King St. E. Bowmanville For The Besi t Famous Reading Anthracite stovi. -Nut - Pen - Briquets end fInest Quality Stove and I"urnaee Oit Cal * 4 COMPLEE SET REGISTERED CLUBS, OAG, BALLS AND CART -$6~5.95 1 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5774 *DON BROON GENERAL CONTRACTOII "'No Job Too Big... . 0No Job' We Do Them Ail! PHONE MA 3-5602 EftJOY a Treat! GOOD ASSORTMFRNT 0F PEAK FREAN COOKIES SEVEENS BAKERY M Kin& St. E.. Bowmanville Phono MA 3-5654 MArket 3-5715 EXPERT SHOE R EP AIR S Guaranteed Service Qualitv Materiais Used We Aiso Repair ALL LEATHER GOODS 49 Klug St. West gowmanville "SERVES vois WELLI" MA 3-5778 11SAVU/E voti M0ONEY!» I Too small'f For the New Best i n: or Used Cars - PLUS - Service SEE UNTIE ROBSON MOTrOR.S Ltmited 166 Kig St. E. MA- 3-33211 The winner of last week's contest- MIrs. Shirley Maiso. R.R. 6. Bowmanville, Ont. Correct titie: "I want the pong end of table" Winning titie: "That's to bit the bail with, flot swat fluesl" Advertisements ini which words appeared: Higgon Electric Ltd., Abernethy's Paints and Wallpaper, Watker's of Bowmanville, Vanstone Flour & Feed, Marres Jewellery, Peter Kowal Real You Can Now Purchase a As Low as McGregors 95 King St. W. Limted Knots Ph ~ MA 2-22R8 PhonA Mi 2~S444 I I - CHECK! OUIR IVINDOW DISPLAT FOR BARGAINS PAINT Abernethy Paint & Wallpaper 83 KIng St. W. MA 3-5431 PRESCRIPTIONS Phone NIA 3-5792 W. Deliver Expert Wafch Repairs Au thorized BULOVA Distributor 40 King St. West Phone MA 3-5463 Ivoi- ths Best Values PETER KOWAL Real Estate Broker Residential *Commercia Ilndustrial - arina 99 King st. a. MA à-"«8 "%~f ier I E.. Raudio & Television bales sud Servies Deaici for RCA VICTOR Radie snd TV MA 3-M42 Plumbing à Division St. - eating Phono MA 3-5613 FREE ESTIMATES ON MODERNIZING YOIJR PRESENT PLUNMING AND I*EATING INSTALLATIONS (7fe 15 King St. E. "Cloihes of Quality for Bowmanville SPRING TIRE DEAL ALUMINUM DOORS and WINDOWS and AWNINGS CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES Cowan M3 îrin st. E. --hon-e. MA-- -MS -- 1 D i £U ooysi WIÇear Howmna nville Young Men 6 b 16" USE ANYONE ECLIPSE FLOUE For Cakes and Pastry Manufactured by Vanstone Flour and Feed 116 King st. W. NIA 3-5777 The best one selected each week will be awarded $10.00 tu rnerchaniidse certificates, good st 8fly of the'stores partlcipating. IF TOU WISR TO COMPETE FOR THE MEATURE PRIZE 0F A $100.00 CERTIFICATE TO BE AWARDED AT THE END 0F THE CONTEST TOU MUST ENCLOSE A SALES SLIP WITH YOUR ENTRY or sornethlng t. prove yen bave don. business wltb any of Lthe'firms participating, as the best titi. sent in during the. content that bas proof of purchase attached. wili win the $100.00. Winner wili be published each week. If You Have Seen the Resi . . . 1 Now See Now on Display ai ROY W. NICHOL4S Oldsmobile - Chevrolet Cars - Chevrolet Trucks BOWMANVILLE COURTICE MA 3-3353 MA 3-3922 " THE CHEV"t ['heBET Featuring The New - X Quiet Flit. Corne ln and look over Our selection. 6 Modeis frorn which to choose 18" to 21" eut. PALMER Motor Sales Cities service station PlYnIouth - Chrysier Cars Look Ahead! Save on food costif thus summer HOME FREEZERS $249 up or rent a LOCKER at leu. than 312c per day BOWMANVILLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM PH9NE MA 3-5578 King St. W. Treat Your Home to "Moore Freshne.ss" The Best Money Can Buy for Both Interior and Exterior 36 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5408 FOR WOMEN ONLY.. * We eater to the women and young ladies witb clothes that are fashion-wise, flattering ... and oh, so easy to wear. We have the loveliest and beat hn COATS -SUITS -DRESSES -ETC& right here in Bowmanville 7 King St. W. Ladies',Wear The Phone MA 3-5854 WÇE CARRY A FULL LINE OP MOFFAT and GENERAL ELECTRIC A PP L 1AN CE S L IMILK - CREAM - BUTTERNMTLK Cottage Cheese, Skim Milhc, KrfNo Chocolate Flavor In "If It's Glen Rae It's Good" Fresh Daily to Your Door or at Tour Favourite Grocery Store BRAKE SHOES Equal or better than original equlpment. Savings up t. 50% 2 WHEELS INS77ALLED__-$6.95 likii &Auto IurpPL O. AISOCIAUMtITO King St. W. Bowmanvile MOTHER'S DAY CAUDS AND GIFTS Large selection from which to ehoose Wear a Carnation on Mother's Day . . . they look so reai. White - Red - Pink Rickaby's Limit*ed - CREOPHOS 16 los. $150 0 Audience Cowli ng's DRUGI TYRONE FEEDMILL Custom Grinding - Rolling -Mxing SHUR-GAIN FEEDS General Wood Worklng Shop TYRONE, ONT. . PHONE Mi~ 3.5310 LAST 3 DAYS FOR TARGET S AL E Sec back page for bargaiji. These Town Rules Dependable 1 TIM CANADUN STATEM«N, DOWNAnvni..& ONTAUM Certificates. DIS 1 36 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5408 Phone MA 3-3386 Young Men 6 to 16 #0 phme MA a_àm