Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1959, p. 4

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.- .-.- - -. - - - - - ,-:-----~~~ ~.- - - ~ -~...~r. p~ yo~~ -- -. ~CAI -AmA W1ATumaux, UWAVL xNIWDtAPUSIE ?vela Mvry reason to believe thagt femduevi~r Morris would b. amnazed if h. 9uid attend the dedication and formai 0, ong f the. new Morris Co. Chape! and luneà Home here to-night. Techniques, tkedecr. of the surroundings and many ethi« alterations and improvements have taJm lace ln the esseiqtia1 business of fu&fdirectlng since ne started tis: *irlvlng firm ôver 75 years ago. Ofthurs" 1 an intangible something. bas romained constant over the yeara. It lu the--tradition of quiet dignity, tact, sy~athette underatanding, prompt and =fuet service which hlas been synony- miiàwith the Morris Company'a opera- bi, since t inception. These principles of conduet whicli must be inherent ti any Sucqeulul funeral directing business werc paaad along by the founder to his son, the iatWIF.F-. Morris. Many wiil remember hlm as a fiend who rendered kindly and eom ' fortin# assistance at a time of great UOiTw. Others will recali that lie was a fine, publlc-spirlted citizen who made a Tuis la the year whidli could b. known fl ai eolutionary one in apple growing emçloi. It la the. year wlsen, dge to sur- plus stocks, the apple growers of Ontario, perticularly, joised togetlier i an effort to Merchandise their produce ia compe. tition i wti other fruits. As wllbe noted, a liai page advertisement appears in thi sue'treosulg tue fact tthat you, tlie custemens, can now obtain fresh apples in the Cgrcery and fruit stores of the aiea. W. hpe tuai many of you wifl take udvantage'of this opportunity to taste tiss deliéious f ruit, grown here in Durhiam Couhty. .Just a few years ago, if would have Ibee4 pîacticaly impossible to obtain at this turne, MeIntoali appies which retained al thse crispnss and flavor of fresli, tree- piçked ruit. Only recently, has scientifie development corne up with a sysiem et "Cojsroled- Atasosphere" storage tht eviables prodticers to mar-ket apples that am hlard, brigit and unappy for 10 months or longer every ycar. Even after they have corne oui cf storage and been placed ax Îhelves, their "sheif life" has been We fully expeclcd a flood of protesi Jettera from farm, organizafions and Individuals following. publication of what could be ternsed a controversial speech by Peter G. Newell last week He suggested thut farm supports, subsidies and other artificial braces for tue rural cconomy wei-e net flicanswer fa flic shaky agri- cultural situation, mand wcnl on to suggesi that, flie answer was fer many marginal fanmers to go under and find other occupa- tAons- Surely, sucli statements must have aroused many who refuse fa accepl ihis kind of argument 'as truc logic. Il may be t.Iat letters are now in flhe course of rOver the past few years the means teit as the basic guide for welf are spend- îng lias fallen into disrepute. Welf are ipa.ymnrts on a universal basis are easier for'governmnent bookkeeping, of course, and more popular with politicians. But oceasionally some thoughtful person has theg courage, to question whether universal paymnts do not defeat to a considerable degree the very purpose of welf are spend- Ing. One such is William M. Mercer, a Toronto pensions consultant. I a speech a whiile back he raised points that deserve some thought., It was Mr. Mercer's contention that wÈgJe there are some extensions needed in the field of social security in Canada, the greater need is "to assess the confused jumble of social security proposais and anti-proposais being mnade by labor lead- erg, business leaders, political leaders ând thqir deputies and by that rapidly expand- Ing group, the social workers." In his speech Mr. Mercer laid out one guiding principle: "Society does net owe a l.tvlng to a citizen for any reason other than his inability to care for himself. Soçtety can and should provide a reason- ably decent living for those of us who lose the battle for survival, irrespective of our age, but how can one support social secur- zty programns which, for example, give sup- plm~entary pensions to retired bank presi- den'1s and healthy, active workmeri just IbecÏuse they have reached a certain age anci, at the saine time, allow a young widow with permanently handicapped W» bwhtch in Incorpooetd lie Ebwmanville News, The Newcastle Indep.ndst anid The Orono News iOSb Ymj of Contuinuous Servic, ta the Tqwa ocd o*manville and Durham County SUBSCRIPTON RATES $4.00 a Yomr, trictly ini advance $5.00 a Yom i the United Statua .AWtboel.d cm seconad CaauManl Pm OMM e.Dpbartt.Ottawa ]Nbbiued b,' ?HE JAMME PUBLMSMIG COMPANY LIMITED Elowmanvifl..Ontario 1011 M. JAMES, Ewrou real contributioni t< hi& commninty and at thé agMe tie continud t build hi&s businesç ,mto a nmst ucSsaul establièh. ment. A new ara wlU start this mvning for the Morri s Comipany mas t continues to pile up yeai's ci service and dedication to the. citlsens of Bewm*anville and Durham County. With thse opening of one of the. fnst structures of Itm type enwher, the third and fourth generation oz the. faniily wili launeh their concept of Wmodern fun-' oral service. The. prssent head cf the. firm ls a fornmer mayor et Bowmanvile C. G. "Ted" Morris, a grandson cf tfli1te Levi Morris. He wilI continue te b. capably asâisteci b yhWt wife, Myrtie, andi their som P. Donald Morris is funeral directing in this aiea taicca on an up-to-date appearonce I keeping.wlth the. chanig times. The nsany finonds tlioy have earnod because cf 'their professlona! ukiUs and engaging p.rsonallt4ea will wigh theni every suçcassaua they carry. on their expanded and essential organisation. extended twice as long as orditarily utored apples _ truly an am ---g achievement. Recontly, tue doora ftue, ControUled Atrnosplire room ut fthe Newcastle Co-op Sterage were opened, releasing 21,500 bushels cf apples whlch, literally, had been asleep ince thoy were placed tuer. lait f ail By exact moasurement of tempera- turc, oxygen andI carbort dioxide, their ripenig-rate lad been controlled. It la difficult te belies,., but tise. apples need a few day. itue ordinary storage plant to breathe In more oxygen and become "awake» again. Miter several dtys, their appearance and flavor la as thougi tliey had just been picked from a fi-ce. 1 .We encourage local consumers to assiat oui apple growers in dlsposing cf their stocks by inslstlng en "Controlled Atspliene" apples whieh. will be intheli stores en and after AprAl 25th. Escli bag or bushel will be .1abelled. se ther. can be ne mistakig them.- Certainly, customers will experience a real tunill wlien they sink their teeth i ito ont, cf the. Sleeping Beauties. preparation. W. shail certainly hope se, because -wecacmithinlc cf rany arguments on this subject whtcli we have heard presented forcefully by supporters cf the faim.cause over the years.- We also hope tue efforts cf Bowmaxs- vilhe's Hospital Board, in appeallng for action te the citizen& on tue new and needed wing, will evoiae comment and dis- cussion n te flform cf Letters ta tue Editor. In thc Letters te tue Editor column citizens have a free, readily available rostrumn for discusslng many problema. We urge tliem to use t more freely. childresi fe live in dimmnal poverty and despairn - Yef, this js tue type of tutng we And here was these peakei's conclud- ung point:,- "The means test principle ta t1indamnrtal f0 any sound piamm of social. security.. No nation can afford fa. 9,ive a liMýng of reasonable decency fo ils c iiens whe have lest lic baffle for surviv- ai and, aitue sané ie ie, gAve this same liv- ing as an added supplenient te those who have not losI the baffle. Ail affempîs te do this .must fail. Those wlio crificize flie means test principle should realize they arc crossing swords with a powerful con- cept whidh is found An al cf oui great. religions. The means test is irnpllcit i Buddhisrn, Christianity,' Confuicianisai, Hinduism, Judaisas, Mohamasedanism and Taoism when, ailini their own way, they enjoin their followers te seek and help those who cannai help theraselves, not Ihose who can." If is sound thikiag. Perhmps we can- not apply il te existing weifare spending, but if we keep if in mind for fthe future we could provide really substantial help for those who really need il. The means test needs te be duslcd off and re-exam- incd. CEREMONY AT THE BINGO Bingo players wili b.iterested in a description of their routine by Jiza O'Neill in fthe Smiths Falls Record-News. "There is a litile ceremnony tuat fakes place as soon as a bingo player arrives aI flue scene of baIlle. Firsl, she divests herseif of lier coat, net lier hai:- booseas a few things here and fliere, and settles into a pillow that she hak brought with lier. Then she removes her shees and is mîl selt t spend tue evening .. . and most cf lier meney." CIVIL SERVANTS ASK FOR HELP For the first fiaeinh oui- recollection, there ta aan organized effort on fthe part af the execufive cf Ontario's civil servants te bring their grievances te the public. They have sent lcngthy letters te ali newspapers puttinig forth their case fer better freat-, ment by flic provincial governseat. Wc hope te repi-oduce tueur wcll-prepmred p'résentaton i another pari of flua paper. Howeerhuman nature being wliat it ila, we doubt if if will arouse mucli anger An tue boseais ef ordlnary citizeas. Most cf them are tee busy with thein cwn prob- lems. Sonie will be sympatuetito, chers may write letters te tue Premier urgiag action, but in the main that is about ahi fliaf wîll happen - i oui opinion. How- ever, there is an election coig up and 40,000 votera can't-b. wrong. as tue saying goes. IlTA~ G TnCan !butim n la o on wihCieanup Weqk. Thse chil- 'doen will b. udmitted to the theatre, for ,25 tin oasis on à The GLUITerai (now wlicre the Ontario Provincial Pouce bave thoir office ansd the. Ayr* laras property) lbas been 1,usd by A. D. IKcsa, pted teature writer. and J. G'uernsey Mc- CIUt.Ti*y will breed Sut. fol Puèhhorsés and ihit A süiWcllnous .hower was WdeteidificIosmwof MWu. C. Gatolicll Wfor is Ernest Pet. tee, CobourWiho W*s MWs Aima lu=hid. MW. 14. B. Mort- look read, an àddreu alater which numer'0115giti wero presonted to Mr. and Ms. Per- feet. Nrlq 50enris adbeon t'or Dunliain ounty's thir an- nuui Mlusic eoitival to start ln Bowntanvifle on May lot in U Trlasfly United Churcli. Chef of Police Sydney Voni. ton waziied thers had bien en çpldemic -of bicycle teali- tight had bien stolon ln ton day - witl i a1 baving bien re- cOver-ed, -Bownisnville Badminton Club keld theïrn club c-hampionzhtps. Wiraters were: Men'a Singles, QaiOsbornie. Ladies' Singles, P4rIon ckard- (xow Mrs. ~tufart Jua..): -Men's Doubles, Ris Strike and Alan Osborne; Ladies' Dou4bles, Mgrioft Pick- aid nd bm Il *Goddard-, Mix- ed Publei an Osbornean Mrs. *riao.. Jno sin'gles. K.tty Storey. 1Prospecte looked good for -lic B,H,S. Town League base- baill ntry. Frank "Tony" Mc. Ilveers wluagain b. on -the ne- eeiving end, of the eurves tos.- id up by Boyd Sierron aad Bob Kpn&, Oiqt Dune Willams will ïok etamiar, as will Ted Bagnel at short stop, and Bill Bagneil and Jake AlUin inflic 'Outfield. ý Tyrone-At the Liague meet- Ing Mr. Dave Park was la tharge and others taking part i- athe progrum were Mns. Floyd -Dudley. Mr. Clarence Hather- ly, Mr. Laine Annia, Moses Su- aie Thompson and Mildred Bradley. Mina Loba IRichards acdm mm. R. Virtue. -_Newtonville --Ainother medi- cine show visited our village bast week, the most popular lady tisis finie being Mias Mar. -guerite McKay who received a hansdoome- set of ilverware and ciia teas et. Haydon-Mr. Storey assisted nt 'the church service. He gave a splendid acidreas on. the in- dians of South Amnerica. Many remember Mis. Storey (Edria Tallis) who was boru and rais. ed on the. lat. Richard Slenson's faim and, attended Haydon achool. £ etters o Eviston -63 Churchill. Street Wellington Quay-on-Tyne Wallsend, Northumberland, England, Marcis 2711 1959 7%e Canadian Statesman Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada. Dean Sirs: How fam does Tihe Statesman tiavel? On readlng yaur per dalcd Jan. 22nd I noticedyou ask any reader having a copy af Uic issue af Nov. 131h tb ne- fui-n sanie 10 Bowmanville. I welcome the bundies of "Stalesman" thal arrive period- ically as I like ta have the de- tala of happenings and events ins thse dean old town, £0 I neyer deslmoy onc bundie until t-le next lot arrives jusl bo mais. sure 1,, have nol m-issed a sinsgle copy. Penhaps you will have eceivcd copies trom other iriends. How- even, just la case you have not here is mine. I would like ta taise lisa op- portunity to say how much I enjoy reading your paper with anl ils local news and vanlous interesting items. Kindest ne. gards. Yours sincerciy, Evaiine Pace. 83 Earl Greey Ave.. Tenant-o. 8, Ontario, ,April 20, 1959. DeanJohn: Lookin-g over the current ie- sue et "Bita and Pieces" I note a reader asks "How tir dosa the Stateaman travcl?" This la tise course ai my copy: Mailed from. tise Statesman office t. Uic above address. Afttciperusisug Uic sanie tram the top leit hand corner to the boltoa igist corner, it staris on its travels. Final pont ai call is 82 2711 St. ta Mn.. John Walah (Margaret Con. nons) lIn osu Brandi. Then bacis ta Tonoaifo t. iss Mary Cannons. Then wetwaid to Ke- lana B.C., ta Roger Bird and f inally t. Mns. McPluerson (Elizabeths Cannons) in Vancou- ver, B.C., whichlisl juat a Uittle bit faither itisais rom, yaur home to your office. Voey truhy yours, Hàrry Spencft Re: Eaaler bal Campsigia DearSir: Au Chairnian of tihe B.ew- maaville Rotary Club~s Easten Seil Cumpaigis I would 1ke to thanis yeu for Uic coverage given *ur 1959 campaigs and aie for your co-operation lu plactng aujr advertisements in your paper. Tc dite Uic Ecater Seal Ceam. - Wnbuas rsolzed thc sum ot 49 TUAIS AGO à&.rd IL.OFofaithse Par- lor $boa Stor*, anztpseu léi Buaincos Annivernaty end to celobrate la 1%"ln a big iad Sale 'Obon. boots $3:35. Meno boots $2.05 and A fu*htoss hi tstod s fol- Iown: nef.prly-- erytlsifg la clouded weih toî~i nor net thicugh W ceh polk4a dotsacec, aie arnong tisai. being. f.aturd In todayl'a f4ion woîld). John Varoo.- Elgin Strott wiU ssiiallh4 hJouaohold if- fets, carpenter's tools *ett 1w public auction. L. ýA. 'W.. .oe The. p4no puptîs f Ms Laina M&borc gavé C areaitb.1 ln thc sans& Mo.». BoMisof tiose takisg part wort*, Misa Grave Buboock. Eva Vossatona, Boa- fric. Stacey, Idra Law. Viola Greontre, lAsud Beyrima. Rva James, Delea MeKinnion, Gbadys Morris.,-Viola Aldwortli and Masters Aubrcy Mousset and Harold Gully. Miss Dalsy, Gay was very lu wlth typUoid foyer. !ir. J.W. Johinatori, cutter for Couch., Joliaston end Cry- derman, ia in Toront. boôkitg at the styles Wa connectIons wlth thc lMorse Show &Mi the Cus- tom Cutters Amsciafioft. The Eaton Cup,.tç b. given to Uic Bowling Club making tb. hibhest score ln tfhce Nth Shore Lawn Bowling Léague recently formed is on exhibi- tlan la Thomas Tod'às hop win- dow. (naw Severn's Bakery>. The donor à -W. F. Eat.n, Osh- awa. CIiens wUll sympathize ln bis loàs withi Mr. Fred C. Van- atone, whôsc adfl dam wam damaged t. thse citent of pas- hibly $1.000 by thse flood Tue&- ý'hensenibers cf the "JolI, Stifohers Sewissg Circle" asacai- bled ut the home et Mr. and Mira. N. 3. $ouch, Souch'a Mill, and gave M.ra. Soucis (ne. Shir- ley MorrIson) a plcasant sur- prise. Misn Ada L. Silver read the address and Mins Maud Ot- ton presented Mma. Souch with a f tpretty china fruit and saCdrbows. onise and spoons. Orono--Mi. Oscar Role huv- Ing eompbeted bis apprentice.- sip wlth U tte iras ofGeo, L. Lander and Co., hardware mer- chants, Oahawa,, in home., Congratulations t. Mr. Fred W. Rutherford on pasaing bis final exasnlnations ut Uic On- tario Veterirsary Coflege, To- ronito. Hampt.n-Mr. . - 3 coiwiu. fermer,' feUl down a tced içile rccentiy with paiaful. results. Tyrone--Mias !sie E. Rua- dle, Bethienda. who passed her second class exams at Toron'to Normal School, is. taking a course et the Micdonaldtrzii- tute, Guelph. Jze IEtor $3,869-49 Wlsich is considerably in excesof hast year's figure ot $3,425.86. One hait of Uice total receipla will b forward- cd to The Ontaria Society for Cnippled Children ta b used in ils work while thse oIson half will be spent by thse Bow- manville Rotary Club in con- nection with its wark with crippled chlldmen li Bowmnaa- ville ami. district. Our Rotary Club wishcs te sincerely thanis ail thSe cdi- zens whe have conlnubuled to aur campaign. It la. indced en- couraging la kxuow Iluat the public have supported aur Club and The Ont-aria Society for Crippled Children In its worth- while womk with crippied chiltI- ren by once again carrying aur local campaign aven tise top. Yau-rs veny tru'iy. A. Alan H. Stnike, Chairmnan, Eastcr Seal Campaign, Rotary Club of Bowmanviiie. ENFIELD Mr. and Mis. Rosi 0ke and tamuily visited witls Uic Howe famnilles neor Godericis. Mis. Reg. Tilcombe (nee Pc- selle Taylor) and, daughter Cyn- tliia of Vancouver are visiting with thse Taylors here. Family gatsernnga have been iseid aIt tc RadLourne's and Johnson's, Tor. ont.; and MT. aiad Mrs. Gardon Taylor hcld a famsily reunion at thecr home with thirty-two pue- sent. MT. and Mus. Harold Cech- rane and Stephen, Toronto; Mn. Deug Counîlce, Courtice; Mr. Len Stephuenson, visited atI L Cochrane's. Mr. andI Mis. Edgar Prescot recentIy lied dinsser witis Mn. and Mua. Elmser Gibson, Greens- bonis. Mu. ad Mis. Robent Wilson and Brian, Oiaawa; MT. and Mrs. Normais Avery and family, Salera, vislted aifHrold Av- ery's. Miss Louise Hartnman spesif Sundey wlth lier- tonsly at En- tes-pris. Mis Eveltyn Cunninghsam, Brantford,, was a wcekend visi- tan witis 5cr sister. Mus. W. Nacoe.. Mra. W. Pasoe* visitcd wlth Mus. M. Scanlett,, Taront.. Tsecs-tisat là ta &*y, the fou- esta-provide per capita laerai ln New Brunswick &0 per cent higher titan tise aIl-Canada aver-age. ~oungm an 's Column.i -A New Era for an Olci Business In the Dim. * and Distant 1'ast A MacDuff Ottawa -Report, A Rocid t o the Inlind Seasl .The ligi ubivo aiestarting t. break thru. heUicqe .pacs on flic Great LaIc*, :,mg&inagInto the flocs la théir efforts t.o»pen, the ahippind lanes." The etc . lias bom -thcaie on thce .aico. focrnaïny yearf. Sprlng is i e «sal ici'for us d.neds o of aét a asQ. upsteam in the boiles" g t ,rt haùulln cargoes 'cf w 1e4t, * QiC, - coal, woodpulp 'andi -'a huadred lagser, items etfiglit aro$s i>U land waterweya, This ye&lhtiitere ila a diftpr once. ThÇ $t, ,,LaWrence $eaway.. a drýeam'-two Centuries ol, a a been compblëtid; Ahl :aloig 'the. seaway 1'routîe, f -offi' Montreal t. théta-1kéheêd , UC aire of' preparetion, Rizs - 'quJi éned, there J&-~eie cxéi ent, and enthiusin, ai awgareniess of Uic opealrtrg aff a sew cia. Thei dea 91, tihe SeaW*, 18as old as. tc tfrît 1seslalst expier- ations cf Nôbr i IAmn!ca. whli. the early-day ,-' 'èppters --wan-' dered ini 6 tic 4f. Lawrence in their search for thc legendary Northwest Passage. Thcy ealled, their 11111e ships up the river- poil Ue ic chs cf Quebcc, t. fthc island of Mon- treal. Then they had te turn bock,-, for their way was block- ed by the boiling Lachàie Rp-ý pids. Fui traders who came later portaged over thc Lachine, but found hall a dozen other îapds that prevexsted them, tram pad- dlinig up tue river t. Lake Op-. tarie. As early as the ycar 1100O fhcy started hacking tiny can- ais around the rapida. .- Canal and lock builders have bea busy on Uic St. Lawrence ever since. Ail had but one aim-to, by-pass the dangerous rapids, and enable a free flow of traf- tic up the river to tise.lakes a.nd, bock. The St. Lýw-rence, Seaway, one of the largest construction projects unde rtaken la the world, is the modemn-day cqui- valent of thosé first littie can- ais. Ils seven big locks, -five in Canada and. two in the United States, replace 22 obsolete lock-z that h-ave been in use since thse turn of Uic century. W-hen the. Scaway opens for traffie. (and the first ship is scheduled. t. enter thse locks on Apnil 20) shipa rtrm veiy cor- ner, of Uic worid will b. able t. sgil aven 2,000 miles inland te the htad oethUic akea. Tii. Scaway con hindi. ships driwing 27 tedt, oompared with tse ,old liait ai 14 tedt. This tsew imit enables 75 per cent of. the ships cruislng lthe cciii lanes of thse world le clumb up th#L locks, on thc St. t4awrence ami Uic locs at Wellad aad' S tl Ste. Marie, to bring their cai'goes as far West as Duluth., '802 f cet above sea level. Poi- shbly rcr important, It wilI enable the giant laisere, maay of them over 70& ftd ongtO ruh down the St. Lawrence to Miontreal and fthc ocean perte oW the lower reaches cf Uic iver. . The laker la the. wonld's cheapest and asost efficient foras ef transportation. Unfil thc compilion of thse Scaway. tkese super-carriers wene bot- ftled up in flhe Greot Lake&. When. they lseaded acrs tihe lakes with their loads et grain, they wcre torced t. stop at Prcscott, Ont., t. diagorgi their cargo int. as meny as elght snsall canalers. The aize of the litkerai tise aize tisat akes thiem s o efficient. prevented them from cntcring thse cld locks and channela on thse St. Lawrcnce. The Prescott tran- shipnient was expensive, and prevented full use being made of the St. Lawrence route. Now Uic lainera wili carry on dlowu#. the river. They will b able ta unload directly into) decp sea huils, and then pick up cargoes etfion are trant the big new Quebcc and Labra- dor fields for the rcturn trip to Chicago, Hamilton, Toronto, Cleveland, Toledo, and a dozen other lake ports. Supporters af Uic Seaway daim ail of those cilles, and - Many more, are destined t. be- come great wonld ports with the opening of Uiis highway te the sca. Every Canadian. and mil- lions of Arnerîcans. have a vi- tal stake in the Seaway. For. if it lives up to its advance billing, it wiil mean cheaper transportation, and clucaper transportation means lower pri- ces.11 .There are problesi. acS: m fisea Po4ed by Uic cloaing cfhoc St. Lawrence-Great Luisis - wa- terways for tour or tive nionîlh cf freezeup. Ami thora are doubtua ta, because eftishe tola Iaiposed t. pay fer the project. It will be unable t. eut coass as ils more nabld supporters daimt will. .B-ut fthe air ef cxpectancy and enthuulam on thc water- fronts cf a score of Inlarsd porte, thse new shipbuiid.ing on thse baises and broads, Uic wide spread Intermt shown by for- eign-flag shipowners, are go>od omenutfon these ucese of one cf Uic engineering marvelsa o oui age, Capltil 1Hill Capsules One of Uic uniontunate as- pectacof Uic Seaway comple. tien ltiste fate ofet iccanalers.. Shlpplng meni say 200 of thora art doamed for Uic scrap heap. 7%,rce thcusand men workcd aboard themi Insidens ut Ottawa are trytng to understad Uic reasons b- hJind the, govcrnment's royal conunmlon on nallway frelght rate, Coul4 ,b. Uic govern sot ls b*lng presured td eld~ Crewone st Ps ' grain ric, Uiat were &et before thse turn ot Uic century. A royal connis- sian recomasendation coUld be Uic lever. A cabinet shuffie, et a ississr nature, ila.definitely ilathe cards. Cabinet minislen's staffs are starling t. wonder what jobs their minister will get. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the wcck ai April 1-9 Admissions ........ a Births--4 maie, 9 female _, . Discharges--- Ï72 Major openations 1Il Miner opemations - --- 22 Emergcnecy treatments ...12 Visiting heurs 2:30 te 4:30 p.m. an-d 7:00 to 8:30 p.ntL -*SUGAR and SPICE:-i I started thinking about busts wiiile I was watching Brigitte Bardot, ihe littie Frenchs sex-pot, in a film thse othern1nght. TisaI may seern like a silly thing ta say. It's like saying you started tisinking about music while you were 1xatching an orchies- tra play. But il was merely a coincidence. And just te gelt tsings per- fectly dlean, 1 dont mean buala of fanions mens, donc ln plaster. 1 mciii busta on ladies. Thse horrifying part ofiti was t-bat I starled thinking about husIs in a clear, cold, analyt-ical way. As I saY, I waà watching Miss Bardot ânaking ber way through a movie, lin which l'amour was treated intise boistemeus Gai- lic manner so start-ling ta us fittering Angle-Saxons. Il waa My lirut vie' oi the Fount lady. 1K paderstand se la the second - citizen 'af France, aller -Ganerkl De Gaulle. Certainlir ber piltues appear ln the '- pépr mors often thon lits. And ]Pm hore te tel1 you ah. la definitel,' beller looking tisan lb. Gen- oral. lbouch somewhal aber- ter.- I'nfi net biaming Mlle. Bar- dot Mr my lapse. She was al shc was .cracked up te bi. She wigglcd hen :behslad, aâd jlggled lien befront, t. thc besI aio hen abthity, ami abe lias a lot et abilty alonog thest linc& Ne, thse finit was mine, nef hersAfteg .watçhi« -zber .for- a rew mluutea with mime Dispensed by Bill Smiley Intereit, 1 became first cm- barrassed. then rnildiy disap- proving, thea bored. tlsen just plain sleepy. About halfway through this proces,1 had sens. enough le say le my- self: "Boy, cither you're rea- dy to b. put out to posture, or innced a dam' geod spring tonie". It's prctty disturbing te a chap who has leered luis way through lise burlesque houses of Detmoit's Woodward Ave- nue in the hcigh-diay of Scur- vy Miller, cîten peanuts in Uic pit at the Casino in To- rento, and ducked oul for a drink betwcen rounds ai pure art aI Losdon's Wind- mili Theatre, t. realize t-sut he is biushing slightiy aI tise sigist ef a Young lady who is flot only nat there la person, but bas ail hem clothea an. It la chilllug t. lhtnk that pcrhaps lhe young uap ba& been bolled down toan su .1 fudge. When you know Ibal you're suppoedl tob. sitling boit upright, wide-eyed and electniied, il hurla t. know that you are alumped li your seat, m'outh pursed, hea makiug and longue almosi tut-tuttiug, ln disapproval. Tt us downrlghl disooncent- lng ta find that you arc crav- ing for a smsoke ini the midIdle ef a big pasis scene. If la dis- guating t. have t. give la to t and go to thse beek ai the thei rie tea ligisi up, juil when thc Young tcnsptress an the "enn lalaunching mit aa discreet striptease. 4* * And ilu dmgteleaR tisat yen bave audId ff, and yeun wilo la drtvlng icu la lise nibs, Jmat ot the point where the cclebratcd Mis 9 i. making a monkey ai thse ceusons. * Tt was about this point, rudely awakened and rather crabby, t-hat I st-arted think- iîug about busts. Don't ask me why. Wvhat's with this bust craze, anyway? Maranalians ai maras-ots proportions create headliac every time flsey taise a deep breatis. H-,;i school kids practically break tiseir baciss trying ta stick their chesta ouf an extra lacis. So who's inpressd? Other girls, maybe? Nol mcn. Mcn bave bien marrylng women fer thousanda of years, ande buste bave nothlagt. do wlth l. la fact, bock lu the lwen- tics, when I was a kid, buste were trowned on, and .1111 thîy married Ihetu. Let tentdernes, humeur and sympathy show in your face, let goodness andI pity and love shine la yaur cyca, andI yau'll gel youm man tas- ter tisan if you h-ad thse big- gest hust this aide of Bali. * * 0 Buste cause notbing but trouble. 1 remember a girl 1 lcuow la esilege. Ber namo wa Betsy. 511e had a vat bosons.' 1alwo,'s ealIed bei' Busly te usyscîf. Ons nlght K wus dancing witis ber. Wo wcre lalking aud 1I Indver- tenIl,' cafled ber "'Busly" iu- slesd of "Beta,". Know wbat bappened? You cgel Il. Mac. Sh. busItume. Righl su the And 'r be that's why I've bien o 1111e poyehohogicah about bus *ver &inca. 1¶sIry-,Uble y.«.as.sounds 1Mm. mutob m-. hA ve - en loi- Quito di-frýnt. ?V Wife's ma. tu"e la tfsir. p104, abs gos uP4s and wizoaà at tbe - it tUne cau. apt tP.: 4AP M Peibal, dlowtl1 a* tI ht rein, wiUahy, at almOot ý&n$hinNa;n rogtls, belky. aW W, 0, oIho bit ini My teethu mnd_ 1o ýt -thus. upsetting tlie apple cax¶.- servai n»gFY lin St*,I Et alits, jerk,,s oce ýtheic una, -sud many a cvt of the. wlip, wiol olten ha,.âà dinçy t make mme'kiek 9o r the trace,04Il y body woners boàw autb an 111 m4tchod, tppf iMwiag«l to atay g et-can oply .sup. ;00rt Wos.becouâ>e. we were stuck witli eà0Ii .ther. ahr& n- bcdyr club. -wanid'u4. riother a=gle Ji tbtt .lng er .a cou- p le stay iiartled the more tliey eain t. t*>rie *&e4'Otbè t'a ldionync-ractes, a. odwould lbe lo*th t. tace i nsew, mate'a One Ing«sureloftg befre telrty.nne yarg h4ve pasd, yoi, w1 ettir get to bote the. sigl .f euôh otiier,, or lhve de. vlpda. dtep fieellig of rum- Pect aRd admiratmIon r och other., bu..d on the w i 11W acte of un.clfials devôtion tlhat go :ta mako for a happy. suc. *cessful monita. Taktag * jong look back. Uioero'uno doubt that my wite hms bA. thec worst of the. deel; plie bus alwaya pulid lieraboie 01 the load, medpart of min. It, was she who nursect the chil. digp tlrough illresus, wil dging ber r.giilar houscwerk, b&Ides helping me withlithe bij cores.and soinetirnes, even helping in the. fieldj wh.ft nO -MOneY was available for male hired help. L.1ots of timail, I had a pleas. ant break trra the monotoncug grin4 by attendirig a couii. lo)dge, conservation or ether meeting. whule ghe woul kep thlnsr "tisthei. groove" aund:ie agrée that her efforts ehould .be appreciated, 11ke wlien th. sii, reCently. at supper Urne. "this la our thirty.nintli wed. ding annIversary, let's cele. brate." And me, bling a g.sier. ous. soul, suid "sure let'a g to Tl*bekah Lodge". And th-at's just where we apent the even- ing, wltli a group of nie, pleas. nt, companionable people. It seems to be the ta4hien for long ]îvedi or long married cou. ples: to ponifieate as te wliat conâtitutes such a , suecessful event. About thie only recipe 1- F resh Local Fruit on. the Table Where Are Those L etters?- Dust It Off-. fi 11. l'lin eun tliink of Is, te b. courteu~s to tph teb ave a keen son»~ 61 hmou. m if your wde $ gt4 out of Une-boit lier Otie 0î- tthe kaar. On our thirty-nuntli arniiv et. aaxy, a bird split a bedrOSomft window pane; one bal!tell -o bouaced off the. w*04ahà soof and shattured on thqg coin osIt etoop. Mýr wUfe spent a te- dious hour pietnq up the - pie e, while 1 ducoed into tie lorcut, loter onM whUe trylin te take thec sasli out, the Qther hait of the glass followed the pattern et the. flrst plcce, anid I wai me eoft the team who liad toCkIt up. whieh wu rather ta! X because my wiJe Dad auesoted taking the glas: 'out Thon 1I b.d te have; Mnw pioce put in the aasii. hich maent tiiet paint hid ta 113 pur- Ch.ased. and put on. It was while doing the latter job that -4ome Mfot m* my oye, and on my sPecs", whieh probably ac- counttd for mne mising thse hail. andi hittin.g onge of my Own, wlth the hansmer. wihich msade me sa mad that I forgot to watch where I was putting my dirty boots. ansd got isel trom Butch- for Muddylng up the becl-spreacl. 'hirtu-nine years ago, she would have kiSs- ed me, anid said, "Inover snd, sweetheart."

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