Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1959, p. 10

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PAGE TEN E CAHADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE. O?~TAMO b. made by representatives of cords-200 Points; AttendanoeI with the assistance of the cl b the Department of Agriculture et meeting and i terest in the leader. Rn Brooks, by theEl and the club leader, and scores praject-0O points-, 1 tension Branch, of the Ontario will be given on the general The prize money is provîded I)epartmnent o! Agriculture in sanitation and care of the flock." by the Ontario Department of Bowmanvîlle. The. basis o! awards is as fol- Apriculture, the Canada De- lows: Exhibit-200 points; Judg- partment of Agricuflture, anid ing Competition - 100 points;I the lobai sponsoring organiza- 1 Use o! daylight saving Questions-l00 points; Super- tion. wav rf-st advocated in EnglMd visors' Report-300 points; Re- The club is being organized in 1907. Officiai Hligh School Bd. News Release Board Decides to Build Third School Near Orono A regular Board meeting of the Durham County District High School Board was held March lth in Port Hope. A full Board was present. Under Correspondence were: (1) Letter from Oshawa Board of Education confirming arrangements for acceptance of up to 150 South Darlingtan pu- pils at Donevan for the next .schoo1 year. A lett,;r is to gao to ail parents concerned. (2) Resignation from two teachers, Mrs. R. W. Goheen atid Mr. John Inghiam froni MilIbrook, Mrs. M. St. John ftoni Orono and Mr. Walmslev from Port Hope. The resigna- tion were accepted with re- gret. Under Principals' reports, Bowmanville asked for addi- tional Boy's Dressing room s'-ac*e. The Property Committee is ta investigate and report at th- next meeting. Accounts amounting to $5,- CARRUTHERS uSOUR TABLETS FOR VETERINARY USE ONILY DOSE FOR SCOURS Gilve cal! 6 tableti every 6 hours for 3 dome. PREVENTATIVE DOSE <Mve 3 'tabiets daily for tirst 7 te 10 dayu. f0 I'BLETs $2.25 lu. TABLETs $4.00 AT FOLLOWING DRUG STORES Jury & Lovel Alex NcGregor P. B. Cowling BOWVMANVILLE C. B.Tyrreli ORLONO 236.87 were approved for pay- !and on a completely voluntary ment. The usual Burrowing By-1 basis as set forth in Memaran- Law was approved. Mr. McGre- dumn 1956-57:40 of the Depart- gar presented the final budget. ment o! Education. The new grants having been Regarding Teachetr Salaries received it was possible to low- the Committee had been corn- er the request from the Muni- paring the Board's sciiedule cipalities by $10,000. The levy with that of other Boards is to be $275,000 rather than nearby and found that in some $285,000. p arts aur schedule was below The Management Committee: the line. recommended that Mr. Douge- A Chanfge i the schedule as las Hodgson be engage-da follows was approved. The Principal' of Millbrook High Non-spiicialist Maximum was Schco~l to replace Mr. Goheen. I raised ta $7,500 and the Spe- The recomrnendation was ac- cialist minimum to $5.000 and cepted. maximum of $8.000. Following another recam-' The Building Committee re- mendation af the Management ported that aptions had been Committee, a motion was car- secured on three sites li Mii- ried that the Cadet Corps be1 brook. Regar'ding options in an extra-curricular activity j Dariington, the Committee wauld have a repart Inter. R.egarding the location of a school east of the Clarke line, cansiderable discussion took place, and aiter an amendment had failed to carry, a motion was carried that a school be located just south o! Orono on the Staples property or as a second choice the Hooey pro- perty north af the Village. A suggestion was adopted to the effect that ail the Munici- pal Councils be invited toaa meeting April lst at Orona and hear facts and figures an the need for the thrce schools, and ta consider the apprnval of de- bentures. The meeting adjourned at 12:45 ta meet next in Bowman- ville, April lSth. Farm Forums Report On Immiaration Policv Canada should continue ta aour grounds, but the general exercise discriminatifi against trend of thought among the for- immigrants on the basis of col- ums appeared ta be that ex- aur, nationality, education e treme care must continue ta be lig«ion and health, is the ug exercised an môst grounds.,1 mnt of the majoritv aof farmn "We cannot be against im- 'forums across the province re- migration and be consistent" parting their discussions on the said one forum "since most o! March 16 broadcast an the sub- us are fromn immigrant ances- ject aof immigration and emi- tors. But iudging by the cali- gratian. bre of new Canadians who have A substantial number o! for-! he lped remake Canada in re- unis would not have discrim- cent years, we feel Canada's inotion on the basis of calour present poiicy must be gaod."1 and nationaiity, but think some Sa far as nationolity was con- firmness should be exercised cerned, some forums emphasîz- with respect ta, charocter, ed that more British stock health and educotion, and an- should be encauraged to, came, other substantial number of the as well as those fram the mare forums thought discrimination northern Europeon countries, was most important from the 1 who were more likely ta adopt healh - tanpoint. There was very littie bigotry evident in the reports as ta dis- crimination on, religiaus or cal- WANTED D ad, OId and Crlppled FARM STOCK Plcked Up Free of Charge 24-Hour Service Phone Colleet Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough RI 2-2080 NICK PECONI Peterborough -Ont. We DON'T Give You a $100. Cheque but 0 a 0 Give You More Value for your money plus an . . 0 INTER-COM SYSTEM (Valued at $150.00) on any major purchase over $ 1,000.00 Save steps between house and barn Instal this FREE Intercommunication System.. Speak both ways. W. H. Brown ,Case Dealer *l a-a-MOI themnselves readily t a Canadian ways. Asked as ta whether or not aur tight contrai ai immigra- tion was a good thing, the great majority of forums said "yes." Some forums stressed the need for contrai in the face af rising unemployment, others men- tioning the need ta be able ta number of forums tho!uelt present policies were working w ell. A few forums thought pres- ent contrais were nat tight enough, while others recognYiiz- ed a need for mare people ta help in deveioping Canada's fu- ture. erative basis, thus providing a1 500 B shelcontinued suppiy for the mar- Potato Club growers had foliowed this set- up and it had been to the ad- vantage of ail concerned. Reorg nizesThere was also considerable Reor aniz s discussion regarding the types of frtiize an itwaspointed The Durham 500 Bushel Po- out that the suiphate fom did tato Club met in the Township seem to give better quarity. Hall at Bethany on Tuesday, It vas decided ta continue, March the l7th ta, discuss the with the 500 Bushel Club in, programn for 1959. The meet- 1959 and anyone interested,1 ing was chaired by the chair- should enter by sending a dol-1 man of the club, Mr. Delbert lar entry fee to the Ontario De- Olan, Millbrook. The highlight 1ateto giutri of the meeting was an address Bowmanville. by Mr. R. E. Goodin, Associate Mr Charles Weatherilt, Beth- Director of Field Crops Branch, ý aùý' *was selected as presidenti from the Ontario Department for' 1959, and A. 0. Dalryrnple of Agriculture in Toronto. Mr.asectryraue. Goodin in hîs remarks discuss-asscerytaser ed the past and the future of the potato industry. In his re- marks he brought out the chan- Home Bred B l ges that had taken place and B l pointed out that quality was of prime importance today. He Heads Class stated that the 500 Bushel clubs 'have proven that yieid could increase. Now the big problem Sells for $850 was ta, not only have quality, but have continuity of supply. Honors were brought to Dur- Hie stated that at the annual ham County when a home-bred Crop Improvement Conference Shorthorn bull headed a class in Toronto this past year that of 26 at the Ontario Bull Show they had had the various grades and Sale. This was a polled on display. 0f 900 cards that bull, bred by John Rickard, were filled out on the variaus Newcastle, and sold in the sale grades at present, appraximate- at $850. ta Ben Rothwell, Ot- ly 72 percent indicated that tawa. they preferred the new Ontario Quite a number of the Short- No. 1 grade. He said he felt that horn bul]s fromn this sale were this was important for it bar- purchased by local breeders: rowed the fact that the consum- Chas. Robson, Oshawa, pur.. er did like the present quality chased a son of the Perth as indicated in the No. 1 grade. Champion, Caîrossie Prefect, Some discussion also took from the herd of S. G. Ben- place on the possibility to try nett, Georgetown, Lloyd Skin- to maktptaoso co-op- ner, Tyrone, Purchased a Per- formance,, Teted bull .a tn, Cet 'Your Price For Your Livestock through STATESMAN C L A SSIFIED S Phone MArket 3-3303 Quinte District Catt le Breeding Association mnc. letter Cattte for Better Living, iurmnce restct uli. Irom L. J. Pimmett, Peterborough; C. Ronald Mann, Baltimore,I alsa a Pe;'farmance Tested bull from the herd af Roslyn Flett, Oakwood. Others went to a l Morton, Covan: Leslie Taylor, Buiketan; and Dr. D. Zimmer- man, Trenton. Top prîced Shorthorn bull of the sale was shown by S. G. Bennett, Georgetown. The price was $2.075 and the purchaser, Harold Sime, Sheiburne. Other price tops, Grant Campbell, Moffat, receiv.ed $1.600 for a Polied bull, and another Benî- nett entry brought $1150. Bath o! these bulîs went ta the Lambton Cattle Breeders o! Wyoming, Ontario. The Grand Champion af the show was produced by W. C. Gardiner, Fenelon Falls, and the Reserve Grand Champion by M. J. Jenkins, Little Bri- tain. Average price paîd for 88 Shorthorn bùlls was ~98 ($36 higher thon the 1958 figftre). ELIZABETH VILLE On Tuesday evening about a ciozen of the members ai the North Hope Home and Sehool attended South Hîope's Home and Schoal meeting at Canton Sehool. We had been invited ta hear their panel discussion on the "Pros and Cons of Home- work." The meetin.g xas opened with 0 Canada followecl by the Home and '»-hool prayer and the Lord's Prayer. Mr. Holmes our school inspector conducted the quest- ionaire. The panel consisted of tawn school teachers, Mus. Ehl- iQtt, Welcome, and Mr. Sinsier, Dale, and two parents, Mus. Drie- Isma, Canton. and Mrs. C. Ell- aott, Garden Hill. Il xvas a very nteresting discussion. Broken paper shamrocks were passed and when we matched the pieces four people had an Irish song ta sing. No. 2 won the prize. The men from the Hope Town- ship Planning board came near the close ai the meeting. Reeve Victor Wilson spokçe and told us af a meeting of the board, Mar. 24th, aiso he introduced a speak- Mr. end Mis. Ray Goode and Susan, Orona, were Sunday vis- itors, wit&i Mr. and Mns. Jack Holmes. The LakesIiore Ladies KC. S. and C. Club met et the home of Mis. M. Gartshore, March 18. The next meeting wiil be at the home of Mrs. Bill Lake, April 1. Mr. and Mis. Robin AlidTed and Bruce spent Fridày evening with Mr. and Mis. N. Rainey and Sunday evening with Mr. and Mis. Les. Alldred, Orono. Mrs. Jack Holmes and Betty Jean visited on Tuesday with Mis. Lawrence Crydermnan and Miss E. Holmes, Osihawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. Adonis visi- ted Mrs. Bruce Whitney at Osh- awa Hospital. .IPouitry Club .Makes Plans For '59 Activity Members D! the Durham 4-H Poultrv Club met on Wednes- day, Morch the l8th in the Board Room, of the Ontario Department o! Agriculture in Bowmanville ta make plans for the 1959 poultry club. This is a new 4-H Club for* Durham County and considerable inter- est bas be.en shown in the club. Those present at the meeting decided ta, purchose Dekolb chicks. Th-e DeKalb Company bas very generousiy donated 50 percent of the chicks up ta the maximum ai 50 and the club members feel that it is an opportunity ta get the best ai quaiity et a reasonoble price. The abject ai the 4-Hl Pouitry IClub is ta develop a more gen- erol knowiedge ai the best methods ai poultry manage- ment and marketing. Aiso ta create a dloser study ai produc- tion costs in the cammunity and show what cen be done with good quality stock in the cam- munity. Boys or girls may beiong ta the club and they must be 12 yeors of age on May the lst and must not have reoched their 2lst biîthday an the November the lst ai this yeoî. They w'll be asked ta look aiter the chicks and they must have a minimum of 50 chicks. An ochievement day will be held this faîl, at which time they will be asked ta, exhibit three ai the birds from their iiock. In addition periodic visits will efrom thie depertment wlio gave us a few minutes on the value of future planning the ad- vantages and diiadvantages of increased building i a township. Lunch was served. On T'uesday Mrs. Clarence Beatty held a quilting, Mns. R. White, Mrs. Walters, Mrs. H. Muldrew, Mrs. Thickson, Mrs. Quantrili, Mrs. O. Mercer and Mis. Peacoek anid Mms Beatty attended. Mia. SIiepç.rd hms retumed froen the hospital wlth her arm in a cast. We hope she will soon be weil again. Mr. and Mis. H. Muldrew vis- ited Miss Eva TIrew at Millbrook recently. Mr. and Mrs. Lewko, Mr. and Mis. Thickson, David Lockwood, Toronto, andI girl friend spent Sunday eveningwtih Mi. aned. Mis. Lockwood celebrating Mrs. Lockwood's birthday. 'Mhe chorus from oui' local schools that sang at Peterbor- ough obtained second place with 81%. Congratulations students! Lake Shore, Clarke 00 & e s e e e e s e e e s B. e e e e o o o o PLAN PROFITABLE CROPS WliTH SHUR-GAIN DREAMING IS "0KV but i's mucli more practical to plan profitable crops with "NEw PRocEs" SHUR-GAIN... the fertilizer that provides greater plant food value and gijarantees worthwhile savings in lime and labour. Three years ahead of the field with "NEW PRoCEss". SHUR-GAIN is granular .. . is the original free-flowing fertilizer . . .18 backed by 40 years of fertilizer ex- perience. It lias been proven, the finest fertilizer for your good earth. Here's whyr When granular fertilizer is mixed with the soil more of the phosphorus in the fertilizer remains readily avail- able te ot or;dlvering greater plant food value from every ton. PLAN NED SAVINCS ALL TH4E WAY! "NW PRýocmss SHUR-GAIN with its con-. trolled low moisture content, and granular texture assurcsfree-flozing. .. it drills well, and there's almost a con,- plete absence of dust. SHUR-GAII4 retains its smooth flowing consistency despite long storage. After using SHUR-GAIN, equipment is easily and quickly cleaned MAKE DREAMS COME *ltI'.... PLAN PROFITABLE CROPS with "NEW PRO- cEss" SHUR-GAIN, the fertilizct scientifically processed to provide greater plant food value... guaranteed handling ease. CANADA PACKERS LIMITED ""New Process"L SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer1 Toronto e Chatham ~ HEREIS HOW to 848,000 EXECUTIVES 1IN -INDUSTRY AND BUSINESS IN THE U.S..A.,, UNITED KINGDOM, COMMONWEALTH AND OTHER COUNTRIES by INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT DIVISION ~onuiers (J1as PROVINCIAL GAS - OTTAWA GAS - BROCKVILLE GAS ln wrI Gor ..plionoélit ton - t VERYTHING P 'an for Industry ù * o! WITHIN CANADA'S q III GREATEST MARKET P year. the Ifere are well serviced communi- c ties offering exceptional facilities 'Easter n ta industries that pion ta share in month.q -Canada's great morket. Central od lasi Ontario has 1/3 of Caaada's In- .8hlp- dustry and buying power. There me a% are grectoppartunitiea fori- ~hileIelu dustry! Natural gas available at r t irenffi attractive rates. present For juil intormratlop, about this be In- ace %Ilh and allher areas contact: tion and Industial Dnolopmeut oDIvIsI ding îli'e - iwus aw --ag e ry eauî. @ e j ýý nofing le TorontoeSt R11.00 TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA orne va.et liteior lireaq orrenlial rhl.eI .1 ex Naturol Gas is a vafuable asset ta Communities se.king new industrie. 0 Because Naturel Gas lu few ta your communlty, Th. Consumera'Gos Company Io publlcizing its cival- obilify fbrough magazine advertis- ing ta aftroct U.S, British end ether industry ta your aroca. 0 This odvsrtising is part of y@ur gus utilily's efforts f0 work withi you i developing the healfhy and con. tinuing economic growth of your comrnunity. f i We CAN Your future in the dairy and beef business depends en the sires you use. OUR GOAL: To enable every caille man in the Quint e District fo own betier caille. FOR INFORMATION OR SERVICE CALL:- DURBAN COUNTY KEITH WOOD - Orono 17110 JAAN TAAVET .ý- Welcome 2231 DICK WOOD - Bowmanville MArket 3-3405 e G e e e e s e e e e e e B e e e G e e e IFSHUR-GAINqi PACM TZU TM IE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWIL&NVMIX. ONTARIO IIIURSDAT. XAR. .2M. li» ,Ü;, ýe ,

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