?HT3RSDAY, TEE. IOtli, 1059 TW2 ~AWAMAW RA~VAN. E6WMA!rvffLI. OIITAMO - PAS! ft'~ Csh awa Flying Club ilhs Five of Six Tiffes ln Badminton Tourne y The Oshawa FlyIng Club dominated play in the Central Ontario Badminton Champion- ahips, held here last weekend. Oshawa swept to victory ini five of the six titie events, ini fact it was an ail Oshawa final ini three of the final matches. Four new champions were crowned, with only Doreen Red- dloch and Lil Beamish, and Ralph Charlton and Grant Hen- ry, retaining their tities in la- dÏies doubles and veterans' mnens' doubles play. George Long came on strong In the third game to wrest the xnen's singles titie away from Ken Smith in an ail Oshawa show. Smith broke a ten ail tie DRAPE RIES BROADLOOM DRAPERIES By The YARD VENETIAN AND CLOTH BLINDS CUSTOM MADE DRAPES DRAPERY RODS AND TRACKS INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE Howard Vice Proprietor TELEPHONE OSHAWA RA 5-3144 926 Slmcce St. N. Oshawa Specia Is in PERMANENT WAVES Waved by: MARGARET SMITH JOSIE DEMAINE FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY Reg. $10.OO ( For_'p7.95 Reg. $12.50 For___9.95 Reg. $15 *001.5 SPECIAL COLD WAVE c-11$5.95 Mr. Huyck wilI be here on Tues., Wed. and Fr1. to do ?e s?,am and regular waves Phone MA 3-5703 FOR APPOINTMENT Huyck's Hairsf yling 6KngSfudio 6KigSt. W., Bowmanville to ram home five straight points to win the first game, but Long bounced back to do the same thing in the second game. Long énded Smith's two year reign as singles champ with a 15-8 third game win. A serve which went out on match point by Doreen Reddoch gave Lii Beamish the opportun- ity she needed, and Miss Beam- ish grabbed two consecutive points to win the ladies' singles titie fromn Miss Reddoch, with an exciting 12-11 win in the third game. Beamish won the opener 11-6, but the defending champ took the second game by an 11-3 count. This was ail Osh- awa too. The upsets continued as Bow- manville's Gary Tighe and Bob Gallagher relinquished their Men's doubles title to Oshawa's Smith and Long. Tighe aud Gallagher opened up a 5-0 lead, but could neyer seemn to get un- traded from that point on, as the steady Oshawa duo won ini straight games 15-6, 15-6. The Ladies' Doubles affair produced a lot o! excitement as Marg Baker and Maurice Charl- ton of Peterboro tried and came close to pulling the fourth con- secutive upset. The defending champs, Beamish and Reddoch came from behind in the third game to tie the score at 13 apiece, and then swept the next five points to give the Flyir.g Club a perfect four for four re- cord. It was 15-7 for the win- ners in the first game, and 17-15 in the second, for the Peterbora pair. Don Allin and Keith Slemon o! the host club, put tip a ter- ri!ic battle before going down to defeat in the Veterans' final a.gainst the more experienced Grant Henry and Ralph Charl- ton. The sc ores were 15-6 and 15-8 as the title went to Peter- boro, breaking the Oshawa monopoly for the time being. Defending Mixed Doubles champs Reddoch and Long, de- cidedly way off form. were n.o match for the powerful Beam- ish and Smith pair, as another turnabout from last season was written into the books, by scores of 15-5 and 15-3. Men's Single3 Final-Geore Long,,(0) def. Ken Smith (O) 10-15. 15-10, 15-8. Ladies' Singles Final-Li Beamish (O) def. Doreen Red- doch (O) 11-6, 3-11. 12-11. M.eý-n's Doubles Final-Smithi and Long (O)cdef. Bob Galla- ,gher and Cary Tighe (B) 15-6, 15-6. Ladies' Doubles Final-Beam- ish and Reddoch (O) cdef. Marg Baker and Maurice Charlton (P) 15-7, 15-17, 18-13. Mixed Doubles Final-Beam- ish and Smith (O) def. R-ddoch and Long (O) 15-5. 15-3. Veteran's Men's Final-Ra1 h Charlton and Grant Henry (P) de!. Don Allin and Keith Sle- mon (B) 15-6, 15-8. Consolations Mens' Singles-Lionel Owns- worth (P). Ladies' Singles-Gerda Smith (0). Mans« Doubles-Marsh Sies- sor and Bill Ratz (O). Ladies' Doubles - Marion! James and Anna Strike (B). Mixed Doubles - Marion James and Gary Tighe (B.). Men's Doubles B-Bowmanville; O-Oshawa; Ban.-Bzincroft; P-Peteeboro; Pic.-Picton; P.H.-Port Hope; K-Kingston. First Round - Ownsworth and Woodhead (P.) de!. Leddy and f Carswell (Ban.) 15-9, 15-6; Gus Long and White (0.) de!. Lyons and Lohnes (0.) 15-8, 15-7; Ba- ker and Legge (P. and O.) def. Jennings and Seeley (Pic.) 15-1, 15-1, Charlton and Vivian (P.) de!. McGrath and Turreli (P. and O.) 15-5, 15-9; Frank and Parkhill (B.) def. Beaumont and Publow (Pic.) 5-15, 18-15, 17- 14. Second Round-.Gallagher and Tighe (O.) def. Culver and Dul- mage (Pic.) 15-2, 15-5; Owns- worth and Woodhead (P.) de!. WVhite and Bell (O.) 15-1, 15-0); Gus Long and White (O.) def. 29 King St. E. Bowmanville Baker and Legge (P. and 0.) 10-15, 15-10, 15-11: Burgess and Burgess (B.) dei. Hunt and Me-I Mechan (P. H.) 15-6, 15-7; Geo. Long and Smith (0.) de!. Ven- ton and Mikios (B.) 15-7, 15-1; Charlton and Vivian (P.) dei. Slessor and Ratz (0.) 15-2, 15- 9; Whitley and Kellar (O.) dei. Lawrence and Harlowe (O.) 15- 9, 15-10; Ayre and Henry (P.) de!. Frankc and Parkhill (B.) 15-4, 15-6. Quarter Finals - Gallagher and Tighe (O.) dei. Ownsworth and Woodhead (P.) 15-5, 15-2; Burgess and Burgess (B.) dei. Gus Long and W'hite (O.) 17- 15, 15-7; Geo. Long and Smith (O.) de!. Charlton and Vivian (P.) 15-12, 15-8; Ayre and Hen- ry (P.) dei. Whitley and Kellar (O.) 15-13, 15-12.- Semni-Finals - Gallagher and Tighe (0.) dei. Burgess and Burgess (B.) 15-7, 15-5; Geo. Long and Smith (O.) de!. Ayre and Henry (P.) 15-4. 7-15, 15-9. Ladies' Doubles First Round - Christie and Davidson (O.) de!. Ownsworth and McFaul (P.) 15-6, 15-2; Kel- lar and Smith (O.) dei. Burgess and Walton (B.) 15-3, 15-3; Woodhead and Foster (P,.) def. James and Strike (B.) 12-15, 18-15, 15-12; Hopkins and Jen- nings (O.) de!. Hamilton and George (O.) 15-2, 15-3; Lobb and Lucas (B.) def. Paterson and Nesbitt (O.) 15-2. 15-2; Frank and Hutchinson (B.) de!. Greenwood and Ness (O.) 15-0, 15-2. Quarter Finals--Be-amish and Reddoch (O.) de!. Christie and Davidson (O.) 15-6, 15-2; Wood- head and Foster (P.) de!. Kel-' lar and Smith (O.) 15-1, 15-9;I Hopkins and Jennings (O.) deif. Lobb and Lucas (B.) 15-5, 15- 3; Baker and Charlton (P.') de! Frank and Hutchinson (B.) 15-2t 15-3.1 Semi-Finals - Beamish and Rgddoch (O.) de!. Woodhead and Foster (P.) 15-5, 15-11; Baker and Charlton (P.) de!. Hopkins and Jennings (O.) 15-3. 15-4. Men's Singles First Round - Larry Wood-: head (P.) de!. Jerry Holmes: (Pic.) 15-3, 15-5; Bill Burgess, (B.) dle!. Gus Long (O.) 15-8,1 15-10; Bill Kellar (O.) dei. Bob 1 Leddy (Pic.) 15-4, 15-4, Dick1 Lawrence (K.) def. Bill McMe-! chan (O.) 15-5, 15-7; Marsh Slessor (O.) de!. Don Venton' (B.) 18-13, 15-1: Mpl Burgess (B.) def. Lion:I Ownsworth 1 (P.) 15-12, 18-15. Quarter Finals-Ken Smith (O.) def. Larry Woodhead (P.) 15-5, 15-9; Bill KeTi-UF(O.) def! Bill Burgess (B.) 15-2. 15-10;'1 Dick Law-ence (K.) def. Marsh' Slessor (O.) 1.5-5. 15-7; GQo., Long (O.) def. Iv-c1 Burgess' (B.) 15-8, 18-15. Semni-Finals--Ken Smith (O.) de!. Bill Kellar (O.) 15-2, 15-10; Geo. Long (O.) de!. Dick Law- rence (K.) 9-15, 15-0, '15-7. Ladies' Singles First Round - Pamela Guy, (P.) dei. Gerda Smith (O) 11-1 5, 11-6, Donna Davidson (0.,) de!. Betty Ownsworth (P.) 11- 8, 8-11, 11-3. Quarter Finals-Doreen Red-i doch (O.) de!. Pamela Guy (P.) 11-5, 11-6; Doris Jennings (P. H.) dcf. Joan Nesbitt (O.) 11-9, 11-4; Kay Hopkins (O.) der. Donna Davidson (O.) 11-3, 11-3; Lii Beamish (O.) de!. Betty Woodhead (P.) 11-6, 11-4. Semi-Finals--Doreen Reddoch~ (O.) de!. Doris Jennings (P.H.) 11-0, 11-0: Lil Beamish (O.) de!. Kay Hopkins (O.) 11-5, il- Veterans' Mens' Daubles First Round-Slemon and AI- lin (B.) de!. Legge and Baker (O. and P.) 6-15, 15-9, 15-11; Henry and Charlton (P .) de!: Hattie and Carswell (P.) 15-8,11 15-9. Semi-Finals-Slemon and AI-' lin (B.) de!. Harlowe and Jen- nings (P.) 15-1, 15-5* Henrv and Charlton de!. Miklos and' Venton (B.) 15-9, 15-7. Mixed Doubles First Round - Reddoch an dl Geo. Long (O.) de!. Britton and' Culiver (P.) 15-4, 15-4; Strike and Lawrence (B.&K. dei. Bates,! and Hunt (B.) 16-18, 18-17, 15-9; G-eo. Long (O.) de!. Strîke and 1 Lawrence (B. and K.) 15-3, 15-1 12; Lobb and Slemon (B.') def. Woodhead and Woodhead (P.) 15-10. 15-9; Charlton and Charl- ton (P.) de!. Smith and White-' ly (O.) 15-11, 15-0; Foster and' Gallagher (P. and B.) de!.' Brooks and Gus Long (O.) 15-. 10, 15-18, 15-8, Beamish and Smith (O.) de!. Ownsworth and, Ownsworth (P.) 15-3, 15-12;: Hutchinson and M. Burgess (B.)I de!. Davidson and Harlowe (P.) 15-,9, 15-10; Frank and B. Bur- gess (B.) de!. Hopkins and White (O.) 15-10, 8-15, 15-4; Baker and Henry (P.) de!. Kel- lar and Kellar (O.) 15-12, 15-9.' Quarter Finals,--Reddoch and Geo. Long (0.) de!. Lobb and SlemQn (B.) 15-10, 15-9: Foster and Gailagher (P. and B.) d et. Charlton and Charlton (P.) 15, 10. 15-4; Beamsish and Smith (O.) de!. Hutchirison and M., Burgess (B.) 15-10, 15-10: Ba-ý ker and Henry (P.) def. Frank and B. Burgess (B.) 15-11, 15-; 7. Semi-Finals - Reddoch and Geo. Long (O.) de!. Foster and Gallagher (P. and B.) 15-7, 15-: 12. Bearoh and Smîth (O.) d2f. Baker and Henry (P.) 13- il& 15-6.j BURKETON The Hi Tryers C.G.I.T. group met at the home o! Mrs. H. Ab- bott on Wednesday evenmng, Feb. 18, with il members and three leaders present. Tte worship service which foflowed the ser- vice for girls, for the World Day o! Prayer, was taken by Alice Stephienson, assisted by Marie Irons. Atter the business session a couple o! games were enjoyed. The girls aU broke up into their respective groups and compiled -whatever matenial they bad ga- thered on the three churches they are studying for Mission Study. Happy Blrthday was sung to Alice Stephenson wbo is just entering her teens. The film that was to have been shown was not available at the time o! the. meeting. It is hoped it will be showri at the next meeting, whkh wihl be held in the church hall Mardi 4. 'The, Social evening held at the home o! Mr. and Mis. ROY Bone on Priday, Feb. 20, was a fair success. The evening was very coldy but a goodly'nuniber o! stouthearted seuls bravedi the cold weatber and attended the event, which took the form o! a Pie Social. A good varlety of pies were presented for sale and the bidding, which. began slowly, soon became quite spirited and before'long thé pies bad ail been disposed of. Mrs. Leslie Taylor donated two dozen fresh eggs which sold éasily along with the pies. After a late start the even- ing was spent in playing euchre, bingo, and a variety o!foCher games. The eucbre winners wîere Mrs. Harold Larmer, Mrs. Mary Dean, M4r. E. M. Adamns, Mr. Ed- gar Strutt. Miss June Turnbuli was the winner o! the bingo. The next Social will be a "liard Times Party" and will be held on Friday, Mardi 6, et the usual place. Everyone is invited to corne out and enjoy an evening of fun. Mis. Esther Carnochan Is in Memorial Hospital, undergoing treatments on ber back. She will be confined to hospital for a per- iod o! three weeks. Her many friends hope she will soon be well and back. home again. Mr. Joe Hogervorst was taken to Memorial Hospital on Sat- urday evening after sufferlng a heart attack. Mrs. Pearl Avery and Mr. Jiin Glennie visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allison, Oshawa, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wotton and family, Purple Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston, Tyrone, were Sunday visitors will Mr. and Mrs. John Wotten. Mr. ançI Mrs. Raymar, Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. Hammond and Lynn, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Dean and>boys. 0 Sizes 4 to 6x Usually 3.98-4.98 Each 2.99 There's hardly a littie girl tI-at won't want ane of these lovely dresses . . . colorfully beautiful in spring pastels and in styles designed for sizes 4 ta 6x and 7 ta 12 . . -. and many wilI get one since they are priced 1.00 ta 2.00 below usual . . . ail because they were purchased f rom a Ieading maker in his off season; n-ode witl, infinite care of American woveri fabrics including "Don River's Dri-don"-aII guon- teed washable and knows no season . . . see these today . . . here are better dresses priced within reach of everyone's pocketbook . .. f ive styles, ail with short puff sleeves and full skirts with 2-inch hemns. (o) 0f Americon woven fobric . . . Peter Pan coller, bow et bock in Red, Blue, Pink or Block on White groundi , Sizes 4 ta 6x or 7 to 12. <b) In Amnerican woven plaid styled with popular sollor coller end frontbow . . szes 4 t6x or 7ta 12. C) 0f Don River woven fobrlc ...trlmmred bodice, short puff siceves .. . Aqua,, Pink or Blu.,. Slzes 4 ta 6x or 7 te 12. Mr. Brie Marchand entered Sunnybrook Hospital this week for observation. Mrs. Raymond Davey visited her daughter and son-in-iaw, Mr. and Mim. Samn Grant, Osh- awa, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Ailison and family were Sunday visitors at thehome o! Mr. and Mns. Eanl Walker, Janetville. Mr. Leslie Argue attended the Father and Son b5anquet held in Blackstock, Saturday evenin'g for the Cubs and Scouts, with bis sons, Floyd and Allan. Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson and childîren, Markhamn, were weekend visitors with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bone. Mis. Susie Van Felkenburg, and Mr. Ted Van Luven, Peter- borough, were Sunday visitors o! Mr. James Curran. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Vickery, a recent bridai couple held open house for their relatives and friend on Monday evening o! last week in their apartment in the home o! MNI. Len Gatcheil. There was a simali fire in the home o! Mr. J. Hogervorst, Sat- urday evening when a newspa- per on top o! a trilight lamp ig- nited. Having been tossed of! the lamp, it ignited a chester- field chair whicb was destroyed and part o! the chesterfield was daniaged, before nei.ghibours wbo came to the rescue got the fire under control. MANVERS STATION Nine courageous women and one baby baby braved the 8 be- low zero wsth a strong forth- west wind to attend the W.A. meting held at the home o!Mrs. Harold Thompson on Thursday afternoon. In the absence of the Pres. Mrs. E. Cavano and Vice- Pres. Mrs. A. Johnston (who are holidaying in Florida) the secre- tary Mrs. Murray Logan took the chair. The meeting opened with a hymn and prayer. Bible read- ing by Mrs. Fred Youngman. Mrs. Thompson took the topic "A New Commandment". Mrs. Alvin Olan read a chapter from the study book on Japan entitled The Christian Sage. Mrs. Logan read the minutes. Mrs. Thom-p- son conducted a very interesting contest. Mrs. N. Porter gave a reading on Friends-hip House in Ottawa where newcomers to our land me-et for social activities. A bake sale was held and a deli- cious lunch served by the hos- tess. The freezlng rain a week ago which ice coateci the trees and wires and turned everything into a fairylan.d of beauty is stiil with us, the heavy ice coating put the telephone system out o! business. The lines were broken in many places causing considerable in- convenience. Some of the trees with their heads hanging like Tom Dooly will need more than Geritol to revive them. Mr. and Mrs Sam Kisman, Miilbrook, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rupert and Peter, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Horner. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thomp. son were Saturd'ay dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boggs and Madeline. Mrs. Robert Baker, Oshawa, visited with ber mother Mrs. W. Bradley on Saturday. ELCRICAL CONTRACTINGI ffl WIRING - REPAIRS k 0F BOWMANVI LLE i -s of Bowmanville WALKER'S Specially Purchased for Special Savings! Spring Cottons for the Young Miss. *Ail woven American fabrics *Guaranteed washable 0 Sizes -7 to 12 Usually 4.98-5.98 Each 3.99 - .Only Bridai Beifgives yoit &ciguaratced value plau for your ext aaaurancequaity Hooper s, lewellery & Gift Shop Friday-9:15 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.1 -Eau MA'". no. 2m, if5o "M eýANAID" STATESUM, BOWNL4N7Z=, O"AU" 1 PAM Pm