PAGE KIGHTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV!LLE. ONTARIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . £1UX~.Jft m zmt. W D111115AJ ADAMS-Sam and Lois Adams are happy ta annaunce the birth ai a daughter Lenore Anne on Feb. 2lst at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvillo. A sister for Lynn and Lee. 9-1* BINGHAM-Frank and Joyce (nee Martin) are happy ta an- naunce . the arrivai ai their daughter, Colleen Joyce Ruth on February 5th, 1959, at Western .Hospital, Toronto. 9-1* 13ROWN - David, Danny and Richard are happy ta announce the arrivai ai their baby sister, Robin Marie Shirma, 7 lbs., 10 ozs., on February 9th at Memor- ial Hospital, Bowmanvîlle. Proud pa"rents are Walter and Eleanor. M2any thanks ta Dr. Hubbard rnd hospital staff. 91 MOFFAT-Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam S. Moifat (nee Quantrill) %vish ta announco the arrivai ai a son at Memorial Hospital, 13owmanville, on Feb. 16, 1959. 9-1 MOHUN-Frank and Shirley (nee Hall) are happy ta an- ,nounce tho birth ai thoir son William John, 6 lbs., 9% ozs., at l4emorial Hospital, Bowman- eille, an Wednesday, Fobruaryý 25, 1959. 9-hf SMITH-Keith and Betty (nec Carruthers) are happy ta an- riounce the birth ai their daught- er, Kimberley Anne, at South Waterloo Memorial Hospital, Gaît, on Fobruary 25, 1959. 9-1 * 'ERRY-Mr. and Mrs. Kon Terry (nec Jackson) wish ta announce the birth of their son, Roy William, 7 lbs., 1½% ozs., on Feb. 2, 1959, at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. A brother for Douglas and Grant. 9-1 Engagements Mr. and Mns. Harold W. AlUin, Hampton, wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Marilyn Dianne, ta Mr. Edward Qoms, son ai Mrs. Peter 'Van de Velde and the late Mr. Jan Oomns, Araterdarn, Holland. The wèdding wili take place on Saturday, March 28, 1959, in Hamnpton United Church at 2:30 p.m. 9-1 ,Mcariages COWIE * ROBERTSHAW-On Saturday, February 21, 1959, at Trinity United Church parson- age, Bowmanvi]le, by Rev. W. K. Houslander, Mrs. Mlton Robertshaw, (n e e Florence Wideman), to Dr. Russell Grant Cowie. 9-1* Deaths FORDER-Suddenly at Hospital for Sick Children, Monday. Feb. 23, 1959, Kimberly Ann, belov- ed infant daughter ai Norma end Harold Forder, Port Porry, dear little sister of Gale, Anna and Rhonda. 9-1 LEETOOZE-At R.R. 3, Bow- manville, on Friday, February 20, 1959, Alfred Sydney Lee- tooze, in hîs 64th year. Beloved husband ai Olive Leetooze and dear father ai Betty (Mrs. Wil- liam Wilton), England, and Rag- er at home. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Monday, Feb. 23 at 2 o'clack. Interment Bow- manville Cemetery. 9-1 ROBINSON-Suddenly at 44 Hunt St., Bowmanvulle, on Sun- day, Feb. 22, 1959, Reginald G. Robinson, aged 49 years. Be- loved husband ai Beatrice An- drews and dear son ai Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson, New- castle. Service wvas held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- mianvihie, on Tuesday, February 24 at 2:30 p.rn. Interment Bow- manville Cenetery. 9-111 WORKMAN, Sarah-At Memor- kil Hospital. Bowmanville, on Saturdayr, February 2 lst, 1959, Sarahl-i in--on, wite of the late loch Workmian, dear mother af Mrs. Morris (Alice), Port Gran-1 by, and Miss Lilian Workman,1 Iv2wtonville. Service xvas hl tThe Georgec Funeral Chapel, i Wvalton Street, Port H-ope, Mon- day, February 21rd at 2p.m.1 Intcrment Lakeview Cemetery, Newtonvilhe. 9-1 Work Wanted CONCRETE and masonry woik ]Dox 1083. L. Turner. Phono 3-5820. 9-tf P-.UMBING, heating, caves- troughing: free e s t i m a t c s. Harvey Partner, T.vrone. MA 0-"240 or Orono 1782. 6-tf EXPERIENCED cleaning wo- mran, Dutch arigin, wants work, thrce days a week ini Bowman- ville, Courtice or Oshawa, King *East district. Phono RA 8-6059. 9-1* ?lastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 8-tf Anger Construction Co. LTD. COPLETL BUILDING SERVICE BRICK WORK -BLOCK CHIMNEYS -CONCRETE j AND APNR __DOUG - MArket 3-3375 R.OY - MArket 3-2273 %JAAAJ.A.L J VtCIALb Dance ta Clara Nesbitt's Music Makers, Solina Community Hall, Saturday, Feb. 28. Admission: gentlemen 75c, ladies 50c. 9-1 Bingo every Thursday - 20 regular, two $25 jackpot games. No game under $4.00. Admission 50c. St. Joseph's Parish Hall. 4-tf Join your fricnds at the euchre party, Tyrane Community Hall, Saturday, Feb. 28th, 8 p.m. sharp. Prizes, refreshments. Ad- mission 35c. 9-1l Euchre and bridge. Everyone welcamo at St. Joseph's Parish Hall, Tuesday, March l7th, 8 o'clock. Good prizes, refrosh- monts. Admission 50c. 8-4 Olde Tymne Dancing: Friday, March 6, Coldsprings, Ont. Jim Fisher and Orchestra. Reserve Irish night, Saturday, March 14, 9:30 sharp. Admission $1. 9-2,: Trinity United Church Arnica Club presents two one-act plays "Twelve-Pound Look" and "The Happy Journey"~ on March 2th and 2lst in Town Hall. Admis- sion 50c. 8-4 Goodyear Employees Recrea- tion Club Dance, Saturday, March 7 in Legion Hall. Danc- ing 8:45 p.m. - midnight. Recrea- tion members 1.50 per couple, nan-members 2.50 per couple. Couples only. 9-2 Breslin's Ladies' Wear pre- sents Spring Fashions, Wcdnes- day, March 11 in Bowmanville High School Auditorium. Spon- sored by Club 15. Tickets 75c, available at Breslin's and from club members. 9-1 Woodvicw Community Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games1 -twenty dollars; five games- thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Ncxt Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Lions Club Bingo, Monday. March 2, i the Lions Commun- ity Centre at 8 p.m. 20 games $5.00, two special gamos, two jackpots af $25.00 each. lst jackpot, 13 numbers; 2nd jack- pot, 6 numnbers. Admission 50c. 9-1, Durham Caunty Junior Farm- er's Annual Banquet, Friday, February 27th, 6:15 p.m., in New- castle United Church. Guest speaker Dr. I. J. Woolsey. Ban- quet $1.60 and danceeto Fisher's Orchestra, Nowcastle Hall, 9 o'clock. 8-2 Ontaria Farmers' Union will hold a meeting in Kendal Hall, Friday, Feb. 27 at 8 o'clock. Mr. Laverne Morley, a farmer from Middlesex County, guest speak- er, with Mr. L. J. Wood, County Director, Durham. Everyone welcome. 9-1 The Annual Meeting ai the Childron's Aid Society ai North- umberland and Durham is ta be held on Tuesday, March 24th, 1959, at 8:00 p.m., Doctor Pow- or's Sehool, Part Hope. Speak- er, Doctor Harry Hutchison, Peterborough. 9-1 Ontario Farmers' Union are holding a Special Caunty Meet- ing in Blackstock Hall, Thurs- day night, Feb. 26, at 8 o'clack. Mr. Lavern Morley, guest speak- er. His subject will be "Protect the Family Farm". Everyone welcome. L. J. Wood, Caunty Director, Durham. 9-1 A St. Patrick's euchre and dance sponsored by Bethany Cub and Scout Mothers' Auxiliary will be held in Bethany Town Hall on Friday, March 13 with Olan Leahey's Orchestra. Ad- mission: aduits 75c, children 25e. Refreshment booth. Prizes. Jr. and Sr. Euchre, 8:00 p.m. Dance 9:30. 9-2 Cards of Thanks We wish ta thank the iriends who thoughtfully remembered us during the bereavement ai aour father. John Purdon. Margaret and Dora. 9-1 Sineme thanks ta aur friends who watehed at the scene ai the fire and shovelled snaw. A special thanks for food, clothes and furniture given ta Mm. and Mrs. Sterling Swemdfiger and family. The Ashton families. 9-1 We wvish ta thank aur fr'iends, relatives and neighbors for the mnany acts ai kindness at the time ai aur sudden sad bereave- ment, with a special thanks ta the Ladies' Auxiliary ta the Canadian Legion and Molly Mairs. Robert Finnigan and Carol. 9-1' Repairs RADIO and television ropairs Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. i E. Phono MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED television and radio service, toalal makes. Same day service. Television Service Ca. Phono MA 3-3883. 49-tf REPAIRS and rcwinding, arm- atures turned, toa ah makes ai electric mators. Higgon Elec- trie, 38 King East, Phono MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIRS ta alniakes ai sew- ing machines. Froc pickup and delivery. Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King W. Phono MA 3-7231. 44-tf £ ALILS £'I& OULU WATER for sale. Delivered. Phone Cliff Pethick, MA 3-2736. 45-tf THREE-burner heavy duty elec- tric range. Phone MA 3-5443. 1 9-1 * QUANTITY of cob corn. Mrs. N. Zekveld. Phone MA 3-2038: 9-1 'HAY for sale, 40 cents per bale. W. Eymann, Courtice. Phone RA 5-8288. 8-tf ONE thousand bales of cdean threshed oat straw. Telephone MA 3-2086. 9-1 MATTRESS ta fit crib, 27" x 51", with plastic caver, $5. Phane MArket 3-5198. 9-1 HAY, 1,000 bales, 30c a bale; Imanure pile. On 401 Highway. Phone MA 3-5183 after 5. 9-le OIL stave, Quebec heater, twa ail barrels with taps. Phane MA 3-3205 or cail at 7 Victoria. 9-1 QUANTITY af standing hard- waod. Phane Eber Milîson, MA 3-2645, between 3 and 3:30 p.m. 8-2* SAVE on lumber, direct from mili ta you. Phillips Lumber Ca., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. 13tf KEYS cut automatlcally, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf SAIL boat, 14 ft., complete; sail area 118 sq. ft. Apply H. Olde- ions, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, MA 3-5313. 9-1* 500-GALLON drum with pump that filîs tank in 15 minutes, $160. Hoskin's. Phone Black- stock 2. 9-1 WATER, hard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service ta clectrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r ee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf BALED hay for sale-Alialia, Brome Grass and Timothy, 40 cents a bale. Apply M. A. Pick- ering, Highway 2, Newcastle, Ont. 9-1 THIREE-piece matched walnut bedroom suite. Dressing table, dresser, chiffonier. Reasonable. Telophone Mrs. E. Laird, MA ,3-5908. 91 QUAKER ail space heater, large sizo, nearly new. Complote with pipes and hundred gallon tank. Lloyd Snowden. Phono MArket 3-2381, Bowrnanville. 91 DO your own floors and rugs- Ront a sander, floor polishor or rug cleaner (shampoo method) from Lander Hardware, 7 KCing St., ,E., Bowmanvillc. Phono MA 3-5774. 20-tf USED washer parts, 1/ h.p. mators, $5.00 and up. Repaîrs ta all wringer type washers. Guaranteed reconditioned wash- ers. Paddy's Market, Hampton. MA 3-2055. 9-4 TREATED gladioli bulbs for sale. Ail mixed varioties. Largo, 60e a dozen; medium, 40c a doz- on; large, per 100, $4.00; medium per 100, $3.00. C. de Mooy, R.R. 1, Orono. Phone 18r8. 9-2'* BOWMANVILLE Home Im- provements features aluminum doors, windows, awnings and railings. We aifer a variety ai iloor and wall tiles. For fre estimates Phono MA 3-2753 or eall at 22 Division St. 6-tf ADDING machines, typewriters, cash r e g is t er s. calculators, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture. Newv and used. Renairs toalal makes. Frank Office Equipment, 177 Church Street, Bowmanvilie. MArket 3-3986. 3-tf KELLY Ryon Spreadaway, power takeoif, 100 bus. spread- er; large ail bath gear box; 15" wheels; detachable beater mak- irself-unloading trailer, with high speed bearings for highway travel, priced at $559; bale con- veors $99.50. Hoskin's, phono Blackstock 2. 9-1 TILEWORK CERAMIC WALLS Tiled Floors of ail description Vinyl, Plastex, Rubber, Jaspe, Marboleuni. Flexichrome, Mastic Red Quarry - Ceramic Supplied and Laid H. G. HEAL R.R. 1 Hampton MA 3-2902 25-tf FUEL OIL STOVE OIL Automatie Metored 24-Hour Dellvery Service A. H. STURROCK AND SONS EIMPERIAL ESSO DEALER PhoneoNMA 3-5516 Sturrock St. BOWMAN VILLE ZILI leb lur. za. .ke 1 GOOD quality niixed hay. Tele- phone MA 3-2403. 8-tf GOOD quality baled hay. Frank Krolewski, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. RAndolph 5-5085. 9-1 SIX wood doors, good condition; one combination door and sev- oral. screens. Cheap for quick sale. Phono MA 3-5813. 9-1 SCOTCH Pine seedlings, 2-0 stock, $10.00 per thousand. Ap- ply Sam Manetta, Pantypool, Ont. Phono Bethany 20 r 111w. 8-tf HEARING aid service. Tostîng service and complete stock of batteri-es and cords at Higgon Electric Lin-ited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-3305. 7-tf MANY attractive giffts an sale- Silverplated flatware 25cý each and many pieces of glassware and crystalware ta choose £rom. Sec them taday on aur special sale table. Haoper's Jcwcllery and Gift Shop, 29 King E. 9-1 TO introduco the ail new Sow- mor Portable Sewing Machine, the Royal Theatre will award the holder of the winning ticket a now portable sewing machine for $1.00. Draw March 7th. Theso machines can be seen at aur store anytime. Trade-in chesterfiolds, sink cabinet, Find- lay coal stove, washer and ro- frigerator. Murphy Ca., King W., Bowmanvillo. MA 3-3781. 9-1* Livestock for Sale TWENTY chunks of pigs. Phono 41-30 Clarke. 9-1 TWO bred Jersey hofers. Tele- phone MA 3-2032. 9-1* THIRTEEN seven week old pigs. E. Hockaday, MA 3-2985. 9-1* LANDRACE sows, due in March,1 second litter. E. Cryderman. MA 3-2265. 9-1l SIX vaccinated Hereford heuf- ers, due ta froshen in five weeks. Telephone MA 3-2885. 9-1 TWO grade cows, two purebred cows, due March and April; ac- credited and listed. Telophone Brooklin 615r5. 9-1* EGG producers - Dekalb Chix are bred for more eggs - less doath loss - mare eggs per hundred pounds ai feed - more profit. Buy Dekalb Chix now. Orchland Farm, H. J. Brooks & Son, Bowmanville, Ont. 7-tf Wanted ta Rent SEVENTY-FIVE ta 100 acre ranch. Phone MA 3-2885. 9-2 TWO rooms for single man, kitehen or kitchen privileges and bedroom. Phono MA 3-5512. 9-1 * Cars for Sale 1953 METEOR, two-door, now paint, $795 full price. Caîl John Stutt, HA 3-4683. Res. MArket 3-3174. 9-1 1950 PLYMOUTH in good run- ning condition, with snow tires and block heater, $175. Phono Clarke 5r03. 9-1* ALLSTATE Auto Insuranco.1 Save 205,v. Six months ta pay.1 For persanal service at your homo caîl Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf '48 FARGO truck, three-ton, running condition, suitable for water truck or farm use. Phono MA 3-5825 or apply 85 Duke St., Bowmanville, aiter 6 p.m. 9-1 NONV-Run your car Without Spark Plugs Buy and try the ail new SA FIRE INJECTORS - At ART'S CAR MARKET' 194 & 196 Church St. Bowmanville Ontario FOR NEW FORDS and Guaranteed Used Cars Call JOHN STUTT SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. RA 3-4683 Oshawa Residence MArket 3-3174 Dt Rcpossessed Vehîcle For Sale 1952 Olds. Sedan Serial No. 2366900044 1958 License Plates No. A17104 To ho sold by public auction to the highest bidder at the STIRTEVANTS Auctiori Room 33 Hall St., Oshawa, Ontario, beginning at 7:30 p.m.. on Mardi ihe 5th, 1959 ART'S CAR MARKET 194 & 196 Church St. Bowmanville Ontario We - Build - Better - Customers 9-1 * Repossessed Vehicle For Sale 1953 Meteor Sedan Serial No. 0173H53-28786 1958 License Plates No. A17197 To be sold by public auction to the hlghest bldder at the STIRTEVANTS Auction Room 33 Hall St., Oshawa, Ontario, beglnning at 7:30 p.m., on March the 51h, 1959 ART'S CAR MARKET: 194 & 196 Church St. Bowmanville Ontario We - Build - Botter - Customers 1 9-le I SINGLE man for dairy farm. M. H. Pedwell, Newcastle 3851. 9-1 PART-TIME baby sitter. -Tele- phone MA 3-5542.before 3 p.m. 9-1 WANTED: Man for steady trav- el among consumers in Durham County and Bowmanville. Perm- anent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler cansidered. Write ta- day Rawleigh's, Dept. B-140-131, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 9-1 ATTENTION! Make more * money than you thought pas- sible. Scîl at high commission aur guaranteed necessities, well known, ta bz used daily in: Hampton, Kendal, Leskardl, Orano, Tyrone, and surround- ings. A customer i'i every hom±ý. Start now in a profitable bus- iness of your awn. Free cata- logue on request. Mrs. T. Gard- ner, C.P. 58, Station C, Mont- real. 6-4 A Texas 011 Company Wanfs Man Over 45 for Bowmanville Area WE NEED a good man at once and we are wllling to pay top earnlngs. We prefer someone between 45 and 65 . . . who can make auto trips for about a week at a time . .. and can cali on smali town Industrial and rural property owners. Worlh $12,000.00 Our top men ln other parts of country draw exceptional earn- Ings up to $12,000 la a year. This opening ln the Bowmanville area ia worth Just as much to the rlght man. We take care of ail deliveries and collections. Pay earnlngs ln advance. Write a confidential letter to R. J. SWALLOW. President, P.O. Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas 9-1 Tenders Wanted SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUM TEND- ERS will be received by the Tenders Secretary, Roam 6630, until 4 p.m. E.S. Time on WEDNESDAY, APRIL lst, 1959 for the Demolition ai existing Building and Tanks and Con- struction ai a new Sewage Dis- posai Plant and the Installation only ai the Plant Equipment at the Boys' Training Sehool, Bow- manville, Ontario. n itei Lstate zor ziaie 1 rteai Estate for Sale1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appralsed L. M. Allison Real Estato Droker Phone 2566- Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks forth of traific signal Newcastle 5-tf 12-ROOMS Income property. $1,200 down will purchase large double hause, each side cam- prised of six rooms and bath. Located on a large lot close ta town. One sîde now rented for $70 per month. For further in- formation caîl Henr*y Stinson, evenings, RA 5-0243, Oshawa; daytime, RA 3-2265 at Scho- field's Insurance Associates Ltd. 8-2 Leask îIeal Estate 6 room brick house, verandah across front, 3 bedrooms, dining- raam, living-room, kitchen, ail furnace. Garage. Roomy lot an Scugog St. Terms. 6 raom new bungalow, brick and stone, circular drive, paint- ed recreatian raam in basement, 3 bedroams, extra cuoboard space. On Frederick St. Terins. This is a beautiful home and first time put on the market. Im- mediate possession. List with Leask. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville MA 3-5919 9-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members ai Oshawa and District Real Estate Board $4,000 down buys 120 acre farm with 110 acres workablo, only 6 miles ironi Bowmanville. $3,500 full price for 107 acre pasture ranch, 16 miles from Bowmanville. $8,150, full price for 3-year- old modern bungalow with al city conveniences an 1 V4 acres iof scenie land, near Tyrone. Don't miss this anc. Easy terms. $3,500 full price for 34 acres with stream, near Tyrane. Terms. $3,900 full price for furnished cottage at Lake Scugog. Terms. $2,000 down buys 8-roomn brick house in Bowmanville. Large summer resort near Peterborough. Excellent build- ings, fully equipped. Shows very gaad profit. Must be sold at once due ta owner's health. Very reasonably priced. WVALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 Bowmanville 9-1 A Bid Bond made payable ta eW ôi cn*o the Honourable the Provincial "-Wih Re l EsalL Treasurer ai Ontario in the 300 Acre DAIRY FARZM with ainounit of $5,000.00 lTlust ac- open quota, 250 acres workable, company the tender. barns with steel stanchions, A Performance Bond made out water bowls, silo; brick homes by an approved GuarantY Camp- with ail modemn conveniences. pany on the Department ai Pub- Seli with 60 head ai Guernsey lic Works form in the amount milk cows. Price and termis ai 100% ai the tender will be arranged. required from the successiul 20 Acre farm on a highway tonderer. with 65' x 36' bank barn, mia- Plans, Specifications w 1 t h chine shed, silo, etc.; 7 roomed tender form attached and tender home with running water. Ideal onvelope may be obtained by place for nursery, market gard- Contractors only, on application ening, chiekens, etc. Price ta the Department ai Public $9,000 with terms arranged. Works, Ontario, Room 6436 East 100 Acre iarm, suitable for ta- Block, Parliament Buildings, bacco, 95 acres workable, stream, Toronto 2, Ontario, and may be L-sha'ped bank barn, drive shed; viewed at Room 6436, and may 10 roomed house, heavy duty also be viewed at the Builders wired. Price and terms arrang- Exchange, Toronto, Ontario. ed. A Deposit ai $50.00 will be 100 Acre farm, close ta Rice required per set ai Tender Lake, 75 acres workable. 2 Documents taken out. This barns with running water, drive amount will be refunded when shed, pig pens, etc.; 8 roomed documents are returned in good home with furnace, bathroom, condition but will be iorfeited running hot ~and eold water. if not returned within thirty Askçing $17,500. Terms. days aiter above ciosing date. 145, Acre iarm, 120 acres work- The lowest or any tender not able, 20 acres wood, 100' X 40' necessarily accepted. bank bari, machine shed, pig Note: The Contractor will be pens, etc.; 9 roomcd brick home required ta show that he has had with' furnace, water on tap. Ask- exporienco in building simîlar ing $ 14,000. Terms. plants. 5 Roomed bungalow at New-, Parliament Buildings, castle with modemn conveniences, Toronto 2, Ontario. now ail furnace, etc. Asking February l7th, 1959. $8,500 with $2,000 down. DepuDy Minitr, 16 roomed new brick homo on Deput Minster ý10acres ai land with fumnace, Department ai Publie Works, 4-piece bath, kitchen cupboards, Ontario. 9-2* electrie water heater, etc. Ask- ing price $ 14,000. Terms ar- Notice ta Creditors ranged. AND OTHERS 10 Acre lots, located 6 miles from Oshawa on paved raad. IN THE ESTATE 0F CeRRIE !Price and torms arranged.ace AGNES ARTYNlate a the 4 Roomed house on5ace TonESa Bowm anvte on the 1 an d, east Newcastle with garage, Caunty ai Durham, Spinster, heavy duty wiring. Price $4,000. Deceased, wha died on or aboutt Terms. the 27th day af Deceember, 1958.1I 7 Roomed home with ail mod- R..Oern convoniences with 5 acres THE TRUSTEE ACT, î... and located on a highiway.1 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Pie$,0 ihtrn rag Croditors and others having red $,0 .htem rag dtaims against the above esat 5 Roomed home east ai New- are required to send particulars castle with ail fumnace, heavy and full proof thereof ta the uywrnkth cpods undersigned on or before the 2nd duy iring4,500 ithen1,0upboard.t day ai April, 1959, aiter which ,6PRice S4, hom it n $100 avn- dat -he assets ai the estate \will 6iRoome homieebth in Bowan- be distributed having regard to a vilewith 4-pece bath, teanI the Will and the cdaims that wihardw o ors, hltargedichen have then been received. wt ubadbtadci DATED at Bowmanville the 2th ,running water. Garage. Pricea dayaiFeruay,199.$9,000. Terms.i a f ernee C.1Maso.,9 Roomed cottage south Bow-a BareisteC.& soio, manville with 2-piece bath,1 30 King SlWcst, heavy duty wiring. Price $3,00 P.O. Box 29,wih$0dwn Bowmanville, Ont. Contact: Solicitor for the Executars. JonF.D0W t Realtor and General Insurance Mortgage Funds Newcastle Phono 3341 IMMEDIATELY available for Salesmen: firt mrtagcanimpavd twnDonald Mountjoy. Bowmanvile or rural property, $4,000, $3.000 ,A330 and $2,000 in separate mort- Rosa Davidson, Bethany gages. Five ycar open, întercst Phone 21 r 6E 6'2.%, payable semi-annuaily. Dan Boehm, Garden Hill i Leroy Hamilton, Broker, Oronn Phono 6 r 111S 1 r r- A- -1_ 1 à lu. bq Pedwell Real Estale Large and small farms, hous- es, service stations, general stores, etc. Salesmen: Maurice B. Phdwell Phone Neweastle 3851 Wm. A. Heron Phone 12, Brooklin E. Jeffery Phono 238, Colborne B. C. PEDWELL, BROKER Newcastle Phono 3856 N , 9-1 Peler Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 200 acre dairy farm, 9 raom frame hause, large steel barn, implemont shed, garage, bulk tank, 450 lbs. quota. Price $28,000.00. Down payment ar- ranged. 20 acres near Orono, 8 room house, large barn i excellent condition, hydro; 80 rods iront- age on. pavemnent. Price $10,000. Easy torms. 14 acres noar Newcastle, 6 room irisulbrick house, noeds re- pair; good garden soil. Price $4,500.00. Easy torms. 1 1 acres with frontage on Highway, 2, good gardon soil. Price $4,00.00. Torms. 189 Scugog St. Bowmanville Phone MfA. 3-3644 9-1 Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 4 -or 5 room bungalow ln or ncar town. Must have basement. Act at once. .$1,500.00 down will buy 100 acre farm with full line ai build- ings. $13,900.00 buys you a 6-room 2-storey ncw *home in town. Consider trade. Two almost new bungalows with basement apartments. Terms. We have several other good properties. $2,000.00 down will buy a 4-room bungalow. Garage. Large lot. Near town. Only $7,000.00. 9_1 Notices PONTYPOOL BARBER SHOP OPEN Tues. Through Fr1. 9 a.m.. - 8:.30 P.m. Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. CLOSED MONDAY Men's Haircutiing 75c (Any Style) Shaving - - 50c Boy's Haircut - 50C1 ALF. MITCHELL, Prop. Notice is Hereby Given that the Corporation of the Towr. of Bowmanville wlll apply tr the Legisiative Assembly of the Province of Ontario at its ntxt session for speclal legisla- tMon validatlng and confirming By-Law No. 1709 of the Town of Bowmnanvllle, being a by-law to provide for the borrowlng of $46,640.01 upon debentures to pay for the construction of certain works on a local lmi- provemient basis and deelaring the sald by-law to be legal, valid and blndlng upon The Corporation of the Town of Boîvmanvllle and the ratepayers thereof. The vaid works constat of sidewalks on High Street, Prince Street, Third Street, Simpson Avenue, Jane Street, Albert Street, Liberty Stýreet, Flett Street, and Orchardview Boule- vard, watermins on Frederlek Avenue. Rehder Avenue, Third Street, Prospect Street, Waverly Road, Concession Street, King Street East, Saint George S treeti and Edsall Avenue, and a sani- tary sewer on Prospect Street, lu the Town of Rowmanville. The exlsting debenture debt of The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanvllle ls $1,041,203.68 and no part of the principal or lntcrest Is ln arrears. The rate- able property -of the Town of Bowmanviile accordlng to the last revised assesment roll in $7,219,000.00. Dated at Downianvllle, On- tarlo, this l6th day of January, A.D. 1959. The Corporation of the Town of Bownianville, By Strike & Strike, Its Solicitors. 4-6 Lost BLACK and tan hound in vicin- ity ai Nestîcton. Please contact Sam Cawker, Part Perry. Tele- phone Yukon 5-7994. 9-1 Auction Sales e Due ta weathcr and road con. ditions the sale of the estate -of Mouissa Archer Thompson has been pastponed until March 'th. On this date the sale will en. tinue as prc-advertised on the sale bills posted. The Executor. ai the Estate, Eldon Thompson. Margaret A. Honry. $- The undcrsigned auctlon.eet will sell by public auction t *0 store stock ai Hampton General Store on Saturday, March !th, hardware, gracerios, drugs, the pro erty ai E. De Luca. Sâlo wilbe inside. Doors open 12., Sale starts at 1. Terms caâh. No roserve. Cliii Pethick, auc. tioneer. 9-2 Postponed Auction Sale, Sat- urday, March 7, ai Angus cattle, sheep, hens, tracter, implements, hay, grain and furniture; the proporty ai Mouissa Archer Thompson Estate, Lot 21, Con- cession 4, Cartwright, five miles cast ai Blackstock. Sale et11, a.m. Furniture ta be sold firet. Terms cash. Ted Spenceley and William Weldon, clerks. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 942 DURHATVICI)UNTY SHORTHORN CLUfl 38th ANNUAL SALE at Blacksiock Thurs., Mar. 12, 1959, 1:30 p.m. 8 BULLS 32 BRED AND OPEN FEMALE8 Government Bonus ta apply on bulîs. Accredited - Vaccinatecd Inoculated Lunch Available at Sale For Catalogues Write Secrcta!ry Roy Philp, Pres, Port Hope, Ont John Rickard, Secretary Newcastle, Ont. For Rent FIVE-roomed house, ail hea1 central location. Phone MArket 3-2335. 94f BUNGALOW in the country on pavod road. Available March lst. Phone MA 3-2904. 9ý-1 BRICK house, six room, vebr central, immediate possession, $70 per month. MA 3-3986.:_ MODERN three-room, bath. Suitable for %jr< double occupancy. $55,.a 23 Temperance St., Bowm? IN Maple Grove-One two-room apartment; aone three - roam apartment; aIl conveniences. Phone MA 3-2944. Ask for Mrr. LaBine. ý SMALL apartmcnt, iirst floor, over Stedman's Store. Thi'ee rooms and kitchen, lights, water, no tub. Reasonable rent. Pýq. session immediately. Apply. Le C. Mason, Barrister. 91 Room and Board' ROOM and board available for two girls or elderly lady. Write Advertiser 921, c/o Canadln Statesman, P.O. Box lig manvillo. u~ Mortgages Morigages AND Agreements of Sale First and Second Mortgages and Agreements of Sale bought, sold and arranged on City and Faiýa Property and Summer Cottages, $2,000.00 and up. OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE CORP. LTD. 112 Simncoe St. N., Oshawa Phono RA 5-3568 6-tf Piano Tuning ARTHUR Collison. Telophone MArket 3-3900. 36-tr CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT « HELP WANTE CARS FOR SALE LOST " FOUND - ETC, Cash Rate - - - 4c per word wiih a minimum o 0c Muet b. paid by date of inserti.n If charged. an additjonal 25c will b. added. A chre of 2 c wili be mode for al repflesa directed ta thîs office. NOTICES - COMINO EVrKTS AND CARDS OF THANKS 4c ai word wiih a minimum of $1.00 for 25 words or lets. DIRTHS . ENGAGEMENT MARRIAGES .DEATHS $1.00 par insertion IN MEMORIAMS $1.00 plus 10c a lino for vers' Dispîay Classifîed i S$1.50 per, ith a minimum of on*.faut. Addjtionaliinsertions ai the san,1r- rates. Al Classifid Ad. muei b. in this office not later thon 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. and save monoy. Clip this out for handy rater.; OFFICE NouRi Monday through Frlday 8:30 a.m. to 5 P.m. Saturdoy 8:30 a.m. to 12 Noos The Canadian Statesman Dial MArket 3-3303 for Ciassilied Ad Service REPAIRS toalai makes aiofme- frigerators, domnestie and com- miercial: mihking coohers. Hig- cen Ehectrie Limitcd. 38 Kinci St.E. Phono MA 3-3305. 7-tl D 1 f 11