Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1959, p. 14

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* "'M "M F AINADIANe WPA'PVAN, BOeLqAMrIL, ONT'%?ARIO .-.---.----.---------.--------.--.----- B E The (>rono News Do you have shoe- fitting problems?. corne in and discuss lhem with Mr. 0. A. McKerihen, fitting aulhority and consultant for OR. SI4OC THURSDAY, MARC H 5th froni 9:30 to 5:30 Evesy year, hundreds of men and women with fittfng problemus take this apportunity ta get help by bringig thera to the apecialized attention cf Ms. MeKerihen. F'or a linited time enly, titis national authority will ho in aur 8hoe department ta tudy your ahoe needs. He can show you the exact Dr. Locke last (based an years of careful research) that will give you the fit and camfost you want. And-you'll find the new Dr. Locke shoe8 for this yeag handsomely styled. DANCY'S 18 SIMCOE ST. 9. Lorne Tink Takes Top Seed Judging Hon ors ,ln County Competition Qqe.- with Gift Duet ofSoap Lotion for the handbag S Both for only tRIIN giant 17 oz. size-4.50 value) Now with leak-proof toc-top that releases one precious drop at atime ... Biended with ail Miss Arden's renôwned skilI - one drop of this famous hand lotion actuaily does the work of ten! It conta irs a secret ingredient that makes the hands softer, whiter, lcss likely to chap! Scented with JWIcCGeranium or Blue Grass. JURY &LOVELL YOUR REXALL STORE PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMNI LLE_ 1 belleve the West will event- ually win the world ta its side, because afitis belief ai the fsee- dom and the dignity of the bu- man personality.-Arnold J. Toynbee. -,jMr and Mrs, E. J. Hay, Is] tc'.n, '.%r. and Mx,. Norman À ânât daughters were dli ïuests of ',%r. and ?4n. R. E. i4an, Saxur'ay and afler Attrn t-he 0ro~no Skating Carnivai. Nliss Rubv Virtue, Toro Mr and Mrs. Ralph Virtue, iLiskitten. were supper gu - Suday vof Mr. and Mrn. Jai Nli, and MN ýW. 1q*Yot 0'i Ugteno~rth, ralled on Mr. '%trï hasWoodt An Sunday prtngMr Ch&a.. lnhn.q \ temo~rtat Hocspital, Bowir MrsMargaret C w~'--ifta Jcre Gay, passed&N oit !Mtilat5 foIICtwing ant ope ttoit, l"tniral la this aftern<i Imetrnrent ln Oronci Cemete NIrs Gesyrv ùt dby 12 cl drrn tw married and 10 homie. Congratulations t*, Mr.i Mrs. Len Prarq who celebra their l5th wedding anniversi last week. Mrs. S. B. Rutherford and 1 George Collins attended the tt eral' at Brighton of their au. the late Mrs. E. R. Ireland Smithfield, on Monday. Mr. Herbert Duvali andi John are stayiny with Mr. à Mrs. Wmn. Miller. Mr. and Mss. Jack Davis à daughters. Bowmanville, spi Sunday with Mrs. D. N. My and LeRoy Myles. Mr. and Mrs. George Mitch and family. North Oshawa, spi Stinday wîth Mr. and Mrs. W Miller. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Lunnri turned home last ThursdayE ening f rom attending the fung il ot her mother. Mra. H. Phillips in Lubbock, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Harry CrydE man, Bowmanville, Mr. and M Russell Van Horne, Whiti visited Mrs. Fred Tamblyn Sunday. Mr. Sam Allun left Memori Hospital, Bawmtanville, on Su day and is canvalescing with N and Mrs. Narman Winter, Os awa. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lanmb ai Karen, Scarborough, were wee end guests of Mrs. Tharnt, Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hoot Baw'-manville, visited Mr. ai Mrs. J. C. Gamey an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hanr Sca.rboraugh, spent the weekei wifh Mr. and Mms. D. S. Ha ness. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Stapl( Bowmanville; Mr. and Mi Frank Werry and grandson, Go don Werry, Tyrane, visited lm and Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Mrs. Harvey Ginri and hi daughter Mss. Glen Tennar Blackstock, attended the funer of the late Mss. Lloyd KenneÉ in Bethany United Church la Thursday. Mr. Ellott Dunibar, Lando: visited bis grandmother Mr Wesley Elliatt. Ms. John Allen Wallace- f. ther of Mr. Asnold Wallace paý sed away in Edinburgh, Sc land, on Feb. 12th, 1959. Mr. Frank Harris, TarantÀ visited lis mothr r.C, Harris. terMr.li Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisi Newcastle, were supper guesl Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Wn Miller. Rangera Heather Rutherfor. Marilyn Major, Connie Tyrrel and Marilyn Cobbledick, wit Rangers f r aonm Bownavýj spent the weekend at Doe Laci Mr. and Mss. Harvey Gini niskihlen. Isn't that just liRe aMail? er- 1 On Thursday momn!Ing Jim'my R. Kerm of Lotus was granfed final 1 release from pain. Jimmy, the ýer- twinkly-eyed Scot with the .ss. quick wit, that seflected his keen by, brain will be sadly missed in on -this vicinity. He was an em- ployee af many years good stan- ial ding wifh the Warren Paving1 an- Ca. and resident for many years 4r.' af the hamlet of Lotus. sh-. Our first memory of Jimmy w as that he owned and aperated ind the local mobile circulas sawing k- ou tfit w'hich served this neigh- ton bourhood back in those "good old days" when evesyane burn- 'ty, ed wood andi had a waod-pile nd sanging in iength not only in proportion with the need ai do- rimestic sequirements'but refleet- ndg ta a considerable extent the "r zeal and ambition of the parti- ecular fanmer in bis woodlot. rs. Warking superintendent of r-these "wood-bees", Jimmy pul- l.led, or should we say swung, the saw which he previously had ier sharpened ta the keenness of a st azor blade (mare or iess) which aI was driven by a large station- dy ary gasoline engine. Woe unto jt the feliows who were backwarci in getting their load of poles )n up to the outfit and ieft the out- rs. fit whirsing idie, was ta lieth target of the little Scot's un- !a- maliciaus biut barbed wit. For Is Jimmy, typicai of bis race, lie- )t lieveti in givîng as weii as get- ting good value for the money Lreceived- so different ta the IS ida prevaiiing in some groups S~to-day in this age af more mon- ýk ey for iess wosk. ; s Our tireicss Scat was also a n.firm believer in the aid adage "Ail work and no play etc." In ihis younger d'ays Jimmy cantri- i, buted bis talent ta numeraus so- th ia%, in Lotus and adjoining cen- eltres. Gifted as a violinist a singer eof Scots sangs (another Harry mLaudes in effect) lis services -were ini sonstant demand, his presence at a dlance a consider- able asset. When things started ta slow down, the evening ta drag it was then Jimmxy went into action. There are few cf us in this part who haven't en- joyed ta the full, the antics of Jin-amy the Comedian- his bro- omndance apecial and ether in- describable cralisthenic&-.- a sa- ber gnome but witli dancing eyes contributirg ta the "bonhomiie" cf his fellow man. "4The old order di.angeth ylel- di.rug place ta new" an overwor- kedl quetation still apphies, but with the change we lose nime- tlings valuaile such as Jmmny - the little man with the big heart- a sad fasewell. Deepest sympathy ta Mss. Kerr. Mary and Clifford. . Yelverton Family Club met Thursday evening In Yelver- ton's igloo- (trhe new furnace was i an uncoopesative mood). Art Rowan under the guiding eye of his wife, presided oves the meeting. A short uneventful business session. Joyce and Mur- ray Malcolm provided the de- votional with theme "Buckets af Faith" followed by lunch with "lbuckefs" cf sandwiches and coifee. Sorry to learn another Yel- vertonian htas been adtnitted ta Peterborough Civic Hospital tI person cf Mrs. George E. Wil- son. Happy te report W. H. Stin- son is rapid.ly improvn.g amd hopes fo be released sean. Congratulations ta a former fellow student of eus aid Alma Mater (Blackstack High Sehool) Misa Jeanne Coulter of Ponty- pool for hîgh marks accorded her vocal effort at secent examina- tion in Lindsay. Musical gaI! .Most Yelverton farinera at- f ended Durham Caunty Hog Producema Meeting held ti Or- orta on Tuesday. Congratulations ta Murray Malcolm on winning the door prize, a Yorkshire giif. On Monday and Tuesday we took aur annual holiday (bus- man'% that is) te motos to city to attend the Ontario Associa- tion a! Rural Municipalities an- nual Convention where with Clerk oi Township, Ross David- son of Bethany. we sepresenfed Manvers. Our thanks ta the "Pa- ter" for donnningr the ovesalîsq 1 ing- 'Ulin nnrer .Lo- id ed nto, En- lests mres and af- nan- va y )ital non. fry. nt and ted ary Mr. .un- int, >of son and and )ent les tell cnt Vm. se- ev- The first annuai Durl County Seed Judging Coir titan was held on Friday, i ruary 20th in the Parish1 'in Bowmanville under the du tion of A. O. Dairymple, A cultural Representative. Those taking part in the e petition wvere required to ji two classes each nt, wheat,o harle *y, red claver and alfa giîving official reasans on class. In addition they wi Rsked ta identifyr 20 w maunts and 15 grass mounts1 small seeds. The high man tI the con tition was Lorne Tink, Hampt with a score of 787 out ci possible score of 855. The r ner-up in the competition - John Sanderson, Bailieboro,xw 785. TÏhe coach of thé wini were in Toronto an Sunday pay their respects ta the 1 Mr. Walter Day. Orono Scouts, Cuba, Gui< and Brownies, and their leacq attended Sunday mornings vice ait Orono United Chur Mr. Melvin McCoy, Scout Mi fer af the lst Bawmanvi Troup was the guest speaker. YELVERTON rhamn Tipe- Feb- Hall liec- om- .xdge rats, ýalfa, one were v'eed and ripe- ton, >f a run- was vith ning late ides ders ses- rcrh. [as- 'iie C OU TICEtroduced apecial guests present Charter members inciuded Mrs. A fais number atterded the Peul Antil, Mrs. Lloyd Cour- last euchre held at the school. fie, Mrs. Harry Gay, Mrs. Rus- P.rize winners were, Ladies' sell Gay, Mrs. Roger Crooks. High, Mrs. Sydney Worden; Se- Mrs. Nairman Hinds. Oshawa; cond prize, Mrs. Conlin; Ladies' Mns. Clarence Hockin, Bawman- Low. Mrs. fliffe, Men's Hig. ville. Carmen Thompson; second prize, Mr. Les Coombes, Chairman Paul Antil. Men'a law, W; .of the South Darlington Area 5Brown; door prize, Mrs. Gordon School Board brought greetings. 9Chartran. Mr. Mervin Hobbs. Secretarv- Miss Christine Gayne celebra- Treasurer of the Board. alsa ted her birthday on Sunda.v, spoke a few wards af congra- >aisa Miss Margaret Muir. Bath tulatians. 1girls entertained several littie Mrs. J. T. Gaskell, Oshawa 3girls at a birthday party. Home and Schoal District Pre- 1 Anather Young People's re- sident, brought gregtings. Past 1creation night %vas held at Presidents for the past vears 1Hampton Communif y Hall. The were introduced: Mrs. Norman Courtice Orchestra pravided Hinds. Mrs. Clarence Hock1'n, the music. Square dancing was Mss. Lloyd Courtice. Mrs. Ger). enjoyed with Mr. Jim Holtby Goddard, Mrs. Garnet Tubb, calling. Mss. Harrv Gay. Visitors with Mrs. A. Wil- Miss Reva Tiers a! Cousticp. kins on Sunday were Mr. and favaured with three lively Mss. Cecil Jeffery, Maple Grave, numbers on the piano. Mss. and Ms. and Mss. Gardon Os- Harsy Gav presented the story iborne and Linda, Hamilton. of aur fiffeen years in Home Coustice Home and School and School. Reading the first Association met Tuesday, Feb. minutes of the meeting on Jan. 17. to celebsate the lSth birth- 24, 1944. and cantinuing with day of their Association. Presi- the highlights down thsough thé dent Mss. Jack Gay welcorned years. This was well prepared the large numbes present in- and presented tin a most inter- cluding Charter members, past esting way' . presidents, guests from Oshawa Four members af the Associa. Home and School Council and tion, Mss. Gardon Vinson, Mss. members of the Area School Thomas Gladman. Mss. Gordon Board, also former members. Cha-tran and Mrs. Jack Gay, Business was brief. A lettes were presented w'ith gifts for of thanks was read from the their perfect attendance the Oshawa Kinette Club thanking past four years. To close fthe ail who helped canvass for the meeting, this also being Found- Masch of Dimes. Total collect- er-s' Night, four members of cd in aur area was $405.11. Next Home and School Council, pre- euchre will be Feb. 27. Mss. sented a skit. Mss. J. T. Gas- Harold Grahiam, Mrs. John Nos- kell read the stosy of the foundl- ris, Mrs. Gerald Peterson. Mrs. ing of Home and School, and Sydney Worden in charge. lighting the candle in memory Health clinic for children at the' of Mrs. Courtice, the founder, church Mas. 2. Home and was Mss. Mabel Mass: for ail School Convention will bc Apr. Home and Schools. Mss. V. Hut- lst and 2nd. at the Roy' al York chins: for Federation. Mrs. E. S. Hotel, Toronto. Two delegates Hoy; and for aur local Associa- xviii attend. tion, A'lrs. Jack Gay. Room count attendance ban- At thxe close of the meeting ners xvere won by Mrs. Lenore refreshments were served in Hoar's raom at the Highway and the next class roam. Mrs. Nos- Mrs. James Aldaus, North man Hinds and Mss. George School. Goddard poured tea. Mrs. Clar- Mss. Jack Gay, president, In- ence Hockin cut the large de- But after ail, it's nioe to know the familv looks forward to your meals. f And that modern automatic electric range 1 What a help it is! Its timers and temperature con trois supervise the cooking automatically -electricHy ... leaving you with tùne for other important family activities. And a modern automatic electric range keeps 'vour kitchen cool and clean. Cooking electrically not only adds special pleasure to preparmng family meals-it offers real economy as well. You get more out of life when you get th&e niost out of electricity. live better .. ELECTNICALLY j.) t'. "i Y .A, *,. ,_ - - - --- 1 - - - £ U carated birthday cake and sev. eral members helped serve. f 117 when Mrs. Gordon Chartrarj will be in charge of the HeaIUi program. Oxygen plus fuel plusï equals f ire. More people die' smoke and fumes (and lackof oxygen removed -by the tire) than by the actual flames. A classic example of this was thq Cocoanut Grove fire in Bostonr in 1942 when many of the nignt club's 492 victims were found suffocated, unburned at their tables. 1team aof four contestants; was Lorne Tink, and the members ai his team wese Don Welsh, 1Ron Welsh, Harold Yellowlces, and Bill Tamblyn with a score o! 3056. The second prize team was the team of James Coombes with a score af 2969 and third the team af Roy McHolm with a score of 2836. The coach af the winning team will receive a silver tray donated by A. O. Drymple, Agricultural Repre- sentative. Those who will represerit Dus- ham County at the Central On- ta.rio Spning Show are Lamne Tink, John Sanderson, Harold Yeliowlees, Ron Welsh, William Tamblyn, Pat Knox, Don Welsh, Bruce Bowman, Carias Crydes- man, and Marie Kent, with James Coombes as a spare. The standing in the Senior Team was as follows: Lamne Tink, John Sanderson, Harold Yellowlees, Ronald Welsh, Roy McHolm, Ken Bragg, William Tamblyn, Donald Welsh, Bruce Bowman,. Carlos Crydesman, Marie Kent, Helen Knox, John Boughen. Doug MeCool, James Rawan, Frederick Hoskin. The standings in the Junior Team are as follows: Pat Knox, Bruce Stainton, James Rickard, Ken- neth Knox, John D. Allin, Abra- ham Hoistede, Don Boughen, Murray Brown, Walter Verley- sen. Those assisting with the judg- ing campetition were LeRoy Brown, Agricultural Representa- tive, Victoria County; Sidney MacDonald, Agriculttural Repre- sentative, Hastings County; Herb Norsy, Associate Agricultusal, Representative, P e t e r boruh County; Alvin Blades, Assistant Agricultural Representative, On- tario County; Bruce Taylor, En- Sump. Pump wtth 25 fee't of i~j l atcpp $48-50 IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA PHONE RA 5-1833 r- - - - - - - - - - - é TrluffluAy, TrýB. 25th , ign Be Prepared for Spring Thaws JACK DROUGH PLIJMBING and HEATING DivIsin Street South MA 3-5615 BOWMANVIILLU 1 - B-H.OR7 I. ELECTRICITY DOFS SQMl UCI-. . . COSTS -SQ LITTLE wlth with a 1

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