1* - --------- '1' ~ -. -7 - 7 Or= CANAD!N BTATISIMAN OMiT, ONTAMUO THUSDA, TE.2Mbleu SPO RTropICs By Frank Mohun MA 3-7234 BADMINTON The Central Ontario Badminton Championships played here Friday and Saturday are over for another year with Oshawa grabbing off most of the prizes. Over 200 entries were received for the variaus events, played before a large number af spectatori. Although the Bowmanville Club didn't win any major tities, the local group did show that they were able ta host a very important tournament, and run things smoothly for the second year in a row. It's quite an undertaking, and the people who were largely respansible deserve a lot of credit. Without meaning to leave anyone ouf, this reporter noticed people like AI Osborne, Carl Schwartz, Don Venton, Anna Strike, Bob Kent, Everett King, and of course many others, pifching in to make the tournament the success if was. The only rap we have against one of fhem, AI "Goose" Osborne, is that he didn't play. After watching Jack Brough and "Goose" batti.ng the bird around ater the finals were over, if looked ta me that with a little practice the two former perennial zmen's doubles fifle-holders nught have done all rigflt. Next mfonth will see over fwo t t t t t hundred and fiffy visiting hoc- LEGINNARESkey players moving int the LEGINNARESTrenton Community Garden.s The Juvenile Legionnaires wrapped up the Eastern Ontario when i e Little NHL playdown.s Juvenile title last week, wifh convincing 14-2 and 10-2 wins over are heid here an March 7fh. the Trenton Fiyers. Before this paper cornes ouf, the locals wiil Teains fmai Bowmanvillle, have played Thornhill lasf Monday and Tuesday in the second Port Hppe, Cobourg and Trer- ton wili iock horns in a sudden round. If they won, fhe Legionnaires will be weii on fhe way death series with ane loss mean- ta the Ontario tifle, and richly deserving af a large crowd here ing eliminatian froin thc series. for the next gaine. If they iost, let's give them credit for a fine Representative Squirt, Pee Wee season of hockey, but Thornhill wilI have known they were mn aniid Bantain teams wiil be forin- edby each of the four towns, a hockey gaine before it's over. This reporter picks the locals ta making a total of fwelve teains win, so when this is being read, jusf remember I told you s0. in ail. Bwavle otHp n GOODYEAR HOCKEYf Cobourg and Trenton make up the Eastern Ontario zone in the The Hase Room, last place finishers over the last two years, litIle N.H.L. playdowns and trounced the Fan Beifs 10-4 Sunday affernoon ta win the Good- winners froin tiese playdowns year Hockey League Championship ini three straight gaines. The will meet in Welland, Ont., dur- i n g the Eastcr halidays ta de- Jasers had ended up in first place, at the end ai tie regular termine tie Little N.H.L. Chamn- scheduie, whiie the Hase Room were second place finishers. pionship. Ontario is the only The Goodyear League's Al-Star team which will play in New Toponto on Mardi 22nd, was announced this week by Manager Jin Coyie and Coach Jack Baker. In goal, Vince Van- ja s atone and George Heath will share the duties, with Dan Girardi, M ixed Leu Terry Masters, "Bufch" Cale and "Jiggs" Cowling forming the defence corps. The forwards are: Lloyd Hamilton, Fred Cowle, Don Masters, "Mort" Richards, Ted Fairey, John Mason, Arche For the second straight week, CroseyClit Fegusn ad "Hnk"Lan.fie two top teains lost and the Crosey, lin Feruso and"Hak" Lne.second and third teains won, as t t t t t three clubs wound un tied !ori MIDGET HOCKEY Probably this year's Bowmanville Midget Hockey Club Is the best balanced team in town, and for that reason should go a long way in the playoffs. They defeated Lindsay 7-O and 4-2 to advance into the next round against Trenton, Don't forget to get out and support thîs teain, who are playing a high calibre, crowd-pleasmng brand of hockey. B. O. C.'st t t t t The Combines clinched second spot last week wlth wins over Kingston and Cobourg-Port Hope, while Minden lost twice to Napanee. The B.O.C.'s journeyed to Bobcaygeon last night for the first in a best four out of seven series with Minden. The second gaine is here Saturday night. A complete play-off sched- Ule follows: Feb. 25th (Wed)-B.O.C. at Minden (in Bobcaygeon) Feb. 28th (Sat.)-Minden at B.O.C. Mar. 4th (Wed.)-Minden at B.O.C. Mar. 6th <Fri.)-B.O.C. at Minden (in Bobcaygeon) *-Mar. 7th (Sat.)-Mnden at B.O.C. Mar. 9th (Mon.)-B.O.C. nt Minden (in Bobcaygeon) Mdar. 11th (Wed.>-Minden nt B.O.C. Hose Room Wins .Goodyear Tiffe A Hoge Room team, determnin- ed to win, after finishing ln last place over the last two seamons, blasted out a 10-4 win over the Fan Belts Sunday a!- ?ternoon ta win the Goodyear SLeague Championship in three *straight garpes. The new champion., seemedi Sta improve w;th each gaine, W while the favoured Fan Beits, Swho wound up in first place, cointfind the hale in goalle IVince Vanstane's defensive play. The Hase Rom scored fouir turnes in each aifie firsf two peniods la roar mbt a coinmand- ing 8-0 lead, before the Fan Belfa came ta lufe in the third when lhev bagged all ai their goals. Lloyd Hamilton paced the wtnners' attack with three goals with Mort Richards and George Sellers each scoring twice. Single markers went ta "Buck" Cowle, Jerry Marjerri- son and Clint Ferguson. AIex Alexander, Gary Cooper, Bob Sheridan and Johin Mason shared the Fan Bell scoring. MEMORIAL ARENA j Bowmanvillei F n day, Feb. 27 PUBLIC SKATING 8 - 10 p.M. Admission Aduits 40c Children 25e SATURDAYI FEERUARY 28 2nd Garne of Playoffs Intermediate "A" HOCKEY 8:30 p.m. MINDEN VS. DO WMAN VI LLE ORONO COMBINES ADMISSION Aduits - 75e ' Students - 50c Childyn 12 and under - 25e WEDESDAY, NMAICE 4th 3rd Carne of Playoffi wilh Ninden Rire 8:30 p.m. J irst and the therý held'secondi, o nly a single point behind. Ar- nold Sleep's ouffit moved out loai the celiar after puiling a 4-3 upset win over Jack Bond's bowlers. and Art Spicer's crew edged Morley Etcher's teain 4-3 ta move into a tie with Bond and Etcher. In fhe other attraction, Bob IMitcheli's pin-droppers smashm- ed ouf a 7-0 shutout victory over AI Hickling's last placers te move into fie second siot. If Sleep and Hickling were ta win decisiveiy ncxt week, the stand- ings would be tightened up even more. Mvorlev Etcher grabbed off Friday nighf's higi triple, with a 679 total, followed by Art Spicer 667, Pat Vea 634, Onie Etcher 625 and Joe Nowlan 623. High single honours went ta Art Spicer with a fine 313 gaine, while alther high scores were .egîstered by Len Eldridge ?45, Bill Charles, Paf Yeo and Mor- ley Etcher aIl with 243 gaines, Morlev Etcher again aI 237 and Onie EÉtcher 227. It was braught to my atten- 'tion that Friday, February 13th was far froin unlucky for Ruby Spicer who rang up a 218 ta ive Ruby ber higiesf single for this schedule. Congratula- tions Ruby. We had a better showing In the scores this week, although everybody couldn't get 313 like Art Spicer, fiere were only two lemon leaguers this week, Marg- Hickling 94 and Ruby Spicer *92. Do you suppose girls if we hired Art at a sinail fee he would show us how it is done? Team Standings W L Pts Bond ______ 12 9 29 Etcher ____12 q 29 Spicer 13 8 291 BO9C's Clinc province which holds Little N.H.L. competit ion and as a resuit winners at Welland, wiil, in effect, be Canadian chamn- pions. At the conclusion of the first eliminafions at Trenton traph- ies will be presented to the best goal keeper in each division as weli as trophies to the most valuable player in each division. Rules for the playdowns have been set out and will be advised to Trenton coaches weli before gaine turne. Some of the more important rules are: Gaines must start an time and if any team is more than fifteen min- utes late appearing on the ice that team will forfeit its gaine; in the case of a tie gaine over- turne will be played, with the first goal deciding the gaine; the home teamn is to be the last named teain and the home tearn jue Bowling 1 Mitchell _______12 9 Sleep-- 8 13 Hickling 6 15 Averages Gaines Arnold Sleep 21 Pat Veo---- ---- - ---20 Joe Nowlan 21 Art Spicer ----- 21 Morley Etcher 21 Onie Etcher------ --- 21 Bob Mitchell -- 21 Jack Bond ----- -21 Bud Edmondson -Il21 Len Eldridge 21 Cecil Mutton 21- Essie Cox--------- 21 Jin Richards 159 Gond Stringar --15 Carole Oke . 21 AI Hickling - __18 Joan Brunt 21 .1 Jire Cox ___21 Dot Bond ____21 Bill Charles 21 Cliff Evans ----- - 21t Duke Brunt __-21 Rick Gouid 21 Fred Luxton ___~21 Paf Bartels - -21 Dorc Mutton --21 Mary Nowian ___21 Audrey Sleep 21 Amy Winýacotl ____18 Jean Evans 21 Em Stringer 15 Marg Perris .. 6 Marie Yeo -_____20 Ron Mutton -____21 Muriel Holroyd - 21 Ruth Mitchell ---21 Doreen Charles --21 Kay Luxton ----___18 Joan Eldridge --21 Marg Hickli ng - 18 Ruby Spicer ---18 EveretWinacotf -.-15 Ave. 205 203 202 200 200 199 194 191 189 187 187 180 1801 171 17;") 175 114 1741 1-14 172 172 172 171 170 169 164 163 162 162 161 161 160 159 156 15~6 155 146 143 140 13 5 123 106 Ladies' High Single- Pat Barfels ----------231 Men's Higli Singie- Art Spicer ------ - 313 Ladies' Hîgi Triple - Onie Etcher - --625 Men's Higi Triple - Morley Etcher ____679 ch Second Beat Pt. Hope -Cobourg Comîng from Behind The Bow-manvile-Orono Corn- bines turning in a* fine ail- around effort. came from be- hind a 3-1 first period deficit to win their first game on Co- bourg ice this season, 11-6. The B.O.C.'s skated hard and check- ed weIl to nail down second Place in the standings, with one gaine remaining in the re- gular scheduie against Minden hpre Monday night. The Raye lWest, Art Rennick, George jWestfall line turned in a top performance, with Rennick scoring four times and West twice ta pace the winners' at- tack. Doris and Rennick matched INA 224 Uii17421 goals Il seconds &part, early ln the apening perîod and Free- man and Campbell scored for Cobourg-Port Hope af 12:50 and 13:30 fa make if 3-1. Goals came in rapid succes- sion in lie second stanza, wifi Rennick scaning froni Raye West and Ted DeGray, and Raye West again ten seconds later ta fie tic score on passes main Rennick and Westfail. McDou- gaîl fired an unassisted manker witiin a minute but Dean West again knotted lie count on a pass frorn Don Mercer at 6:29. Freeman put Cobourg-Port Hope ahead for fie third lime litîle over a minute later, but Keith West compieted a pass -piay wifi Syd Arnold and Junior West aI lie 8:40 mark la lie il Up for fhe last fume, as bath teains lit tie red ligit six fumes in five and a hall minutes. Dean West nofched lis sec- ond ta give fhe Combines tie lead in fie gaine wifh five minutes to play in fie second period. Rennick completed lie haî-trick and Mercer bagged lis second aifie year, alIlire goals coming in 2 minutes and 12 seconds. Gary Copeland returned ta action In the third period for fie fir-sî fine sinc'e us înjury. [and promptiy fed Arnold ta rua fie caunt ta 9-5 at tie 1:20 mark. McDougaillgaI liaI one back almost immediatlyh, but Rennick blasted home his faurf h and Raye West banked his second tally in off fhe goal- ie ta end fie scaring. Rugged Keith Montgomiery returned fa action but appeared ta be more beip ta tic B.O.C.'s than he was tq tic home Combines. Mon:- gomer\- was off for variaus m;s- derneanors while lie iocals scar- .d fliree of their goals. has choice of end.s ta sfart the gaine: should there be a simil- arity in feain sweaters the home teain must make a change in sweaters. Squirts will play two fwenty minute periods gaines:- Pee Wee3 three fiffeen minute periods and Bantains three fifteen min- ute periods. In ail cases the last five minutes af the final period wiil be considered stop time. Officials have decreed that there wili be no rest periods except in the case af overtime. Referees have been notified of ice ruies which will conforin to Canadian Amateur Hockey Association play with one or two additions such as body checking will nat be permitted in centre ice area: boarding will constitute a two minute penal- ty; any players who might get involved in a fight during t 'e gaine will be expelled fram the gaine; swearing on the ice, on the bench or in the dressing rooms will also resuit in expul- sion. Saturday, March 7th will be a long day for the young fel- lows, especiaily for those visit- ing players who must drive up frorn as far away as Bowman- ville. To help pas.s the time and to keep the players up ta par, sandwiches, cokes and dough- nuts will be served af fthe arena. The playing achedule hs as foliows: 11:00 fa 11:50 a.m.-Squirts- Cobourg vs. Trenton. 12:00 to 12:50 p.m.-Squirts- Port Hope vs. Bowmanville. 1:05 to 2:00 p.m.-Pee Wee- Trenton vs. Cobourg. 2:10 ta 3:05 p.m.-Pee Wee- Bowmanville vs. Port Hope. 3:20 to 4:15 p.m.-Bantam - Bowmanvilie vs. Trenton. 4:25 ta 5:20 p.m.-Bantam - Port Hope vs. Cobourg. FlnaIs-.-Evening 7:00 to 7:50 p.m.-Squirts - game 3. Winner game 1 vs. Winner gaine 2. 8:00 f0 8:55 p.m. Pee Wees - Winner game 3 vs. Winner gaine 4. 9:1,5 p.m.-Bantanis--Winner gaine 5 vs. Winner Gaine 6. J uveniles Win Opener Down ThornhWl 10 -4 Juvenile Playoff Statistics Vp To and Ineluding Monday, February 23rd. Scoring GP G A Pts G. McCullough -5 in .91l; B. Hughes 5 6 7 13 B. Osborne ___ 5 7 5 12 1. G i ----- -- 4 4 7 l i E. Lake 5 3 5 8 ' P. McCullough ..5 7 1 8, B. Crossey 5 3 3 ( R. Pollard __ 5 3 2 511 J1. Clark - __5 1 3 41 E. Carleton 2 1 3 4i D. Cattran - --- 5 0 3 3j F. Westhauser 5 1 0 11 Goaltending1 GP GA Avg.1 Mike Murphy- 5 17 3.401 >The Bowmanville Juvenile Legionnaires, held to a fwo ail first period tic, rammed in four goals ta Thornhill's one, in each af next two periods ta take tie opening gaine ai a two gaine total goal senies 10-6, Monday night in Tharnhuill. John Clark and Everett Lake matched a pair ai Thornhill counters in the first'period, and afler battling past the mid-way point aifie middle session, the McCullough brothers 'look aver ta give the Legiannaires a 6-3 lead. Gary scored fhrceelimes and Paul notched the other. Frank Westhauser, Bill Os- borne, Irv Gili. and Paul Mc- Cullough witi ils second, shar- ed four third peniod goals, as Bowmanville turned if on la take a big six goal edge. The feains play again thc foliowing night in Bowmanville. w'ilh the Legionnaires strong favourites ta advance la the next round. USED S A The TemDeratL 1 - - - a - 0 0e Be O0Ce Star, of the Weekt", RAYE "GUSTY" WEST Raye 'Gusty" West, has been one of the top performers on the Bowmarxville-Ororio Combines roster over the last couple of weeks, reaching his peak with last week's efforts and being seiected as the B.O.C. Star of the Week. Raye didn't play until late December, but the late start appears flot to have bothered him at ail. "Gusty", a heady type of player, has corne into his own just at the right time-with the playoffs starting this week. The new line of West, Art Rennick, and George Westfall, a fast, hard-working unit, should play a big part in future B.O.C. games, with Raye West always ready to put forth that extra effort when needed. Just to point out how well this line is playing- Westfall and Rennick were runners-up in the ballotinq for the Bowmanville Surplus Store Award thîs week. .~SPECTACULAR - TI1RILLING - AMAZING ~ JOHN HAMIET and his Birds cf Prey PAUL HAHN - Wizard of Golf 9 BILL NEFF -Mostar IllusioOnst a C.ANADIAN AI<MY with multiple trampolines * RUDYNOFF'S BALLERINA HORSESB Lf~) THE SLICKERS - Amazing Seul Act e CHAMPION RETRIEVERS - TOPP & LAUREN e LOG ROLLI NG -TUNA FISHING - CANOE TILTING - INDIAN ,,~ SONGS AND DANCING. Pe#eones Twioe 004iy Except Sundey> 2.18 p.M. end SA1S P.. Prkes - Evenisgs end Saturday affernons - AliSats Nserved Reserved Seat, $1.25 - Box Seat, $1.75 Plus Admission ta BuiIdiîng - Adults 509 (on odvanced sales only) Children 25g Admission to Buildings Only - Adults 751, Children 25e Admission ticket Includles America'sfinest Springtime Exhibition-Seven great shows in one - Buildings open frorn Il a.m. ta 1l p.m. (Daiiy Except Sunday> Wc combination ticket$, write, <enclo.ing choquae or mon.y entier) te:I THECANADI*NA IONL SI . .0. SHO CAk O! ire is Down. 0So are -Prices1 * EXCELLENT SELECTION. *b LOW DOWN PAYMENT. * GMAC TERMS UNTIL APRIL * IMMEDIATE APPRAISAL. * IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. WIN A 19591 30P00 MILE PU NEW CAR GUARANTEE ROLBSOE@ Pontiac a 0NO PAYMENTS VAUXHALL FREE LIFETIME LUBRICATION N MOTORS LIMITED- Suick un Vauxhaîl 166 King St. E. Cars -GMC Trucks MA 3-3322 "WHERE CUSTOMERS SEND THEIR FRIENDS"I Big Day March 7th Littie N.HL'. Playdowns Wl! Be HeId in Tren ton t I i Bowmanville L- 1 PAM qmw.qm