Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1959, p. 7

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w;_*- Il-- .J. --.>--ê _ -* _ »-.- t-6 * ,- '. .- - b- - ý- - . - .- -- - t - - - -- -- ?MUR8MAT, lPM. l2th. I1M Tm! CAIiAnAN MTATEMMA?# OWMAVTLý O!NTkRTO PAGE SIEVEi; Ready for Carnival Shawn Leddy is shown in the Danish costume she wi Mke during the Bowmanville Skating Club's Carnival on ings, February 2th. and 2lst, at the Arena. Local star skaters will take part in the colourful ice show. octea/ &(Éersonal PhoneMA 3-3303 Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nicks and daughter are vacationing in Plorida. Mrs. W. Holmes attended the opening o! Allan Martin School et Port Credit Friday evening. Dr. Dorothy James and Miss McDonald visited the former's znother, Mrs. N. S. B. James, last Friday prior to leaving for Fhorida. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Suggitt, Regina, Sask; Mrs. T. G. Suggitt, Uxbridge, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Reynolds ast ~MS. Keltie Jones wbo came leBowmanville to attend the funeral of her aunt, Miss Mar- garet Allen, has returned to her home in Saint John, N.B. Mrs. Lorna Fletcher Tremble, Oshawa, spent last weekend with Miss Sally Ott. and her mother, Mrs. E. Ott, Montreal, formerly of Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. R. Shup.ak and family, Mrs. Dr. L. Fallis, Tor- onto; Miss E. M. Holmes, Osh- awa; Mr. and M\rs. Harold Skin- ner, Tyrone, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hohmes, Simpson Ave. Don Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gorge Jackson, Oshawa, who won tbe North American men's singles skating titie last Saturday, is a former mnember of the Bowmanville Skating Club. Mr. D. A. Gorrie. Municipal Engineer of Port Hope distc for the Department o! Highways, ,FREHO)BOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville MORNING SERVICE- 10:00 a.m. English EVENING SERVICE- 7:30 p.m. Dutcb SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE "Back To God Hour" Broadcasi CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.ni. every Sunday 8:30 a.m. every Sunday, CFRB Trinity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE 0F DEDICATION 0F THE DELLS "Hisiory and Ifs Meaning" Carillon Recital From the Tower at the close of the service. 12:10 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL p.m. - EVENING WORSHIP "What About a Day of Judgment?" AFRIENDLY WELCOME TO ALL ll wear in a duet with Mary Friday and Saturday even- s and outstanding visiting -Photo by Rehder bas retired after 25 years' ser- vice with the government. Mr. Gorrie had been with the Port Hope district sànce 1954. He is well known in this area. Mr. and- Mrs. Howard Grills, Oakwood; Mr. anid Mrs. Royce Naylor. Cameron; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Short, Lindsay; Mr. Sam Allin, Mr. Lorne Allun, Toronto, attended the funeral of the late George Aluin and William Allun, formerly of Bowmanville. Dor't forget World Day or Prayer services in St. Andrew 's Presbyterian Church to-morrow (Friday) at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. The women of aIl Protestant churches in towrL are joining in these services. fternoon speaker is Mrs. J. D. C. Jack of Cobourg, and Mrs. A. Collison of Bow- manville will speak in the even- ing. Oshawa and District Movie Club meets tonight (Thursday) at the Lions Cornmunity Centre at 8.15 an mnteresting evening has been planned and visitors are most welcome. A film by a Tor- onto club member will be shown and as many short films by lo- cal members as there is time for- these for comment and discussion. The degree team of The Can- adiian Order of Foresters, Court Bowmanvllle No. 964, will tra- vel to Whitby to instaîl new members on February 12. This samne degree team îinstalled new members in Courts in Peterbor- ouhg, Belleville and Kitchener last year and is looking forward to installing many more out-of- town members in the coming months. Social and personal items are fewer than usual this week. Blame it on the weather. Few people are visiting or travelling unless their destination is Flor- ida. Comment most frequently heard that is printable is that this is a real old-fashioned win- ter.' If x'ou do have visitors, are going to take, or have returned fromn a winter vacation, give M 3-3303 a cail won't you, and help us out for next week? March is campaign month for the Red Cross Society through- out Canada. Your local Branch must organize at full speed to ensure a successful campaign in ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Firsi Sunday in Lent 9 and il - HOLY COMMUNION1 10 and Il - CHURCH SCHOOL 7- FVENSONG Revlsed Bell Maklng Craft Church belîs, ringin'g from the belfries o! our communities, IN tbreatenied to become a lost tra- COL dition until George J. Scbulmer- PIN ich revised the bell making craf t YILLC in 1930. A young ehectronics eni- u gineer at the time, Schulmericb concentrated on solving the bell proble mwhen his church con - tacts revealed the pitiful state of belîs in this country. Hearing fc clergymen lament that they could not afford the great cost of cast belîs, Schulmerich deter- mined that there must be a new and better way to create the be-- lovd music of bel]s. Spurred on by his own per- sonal love for bell music, montbs of research were spent in his laboratories applying the know- musicof ias to therobanem o! A edg of ias etgite r and noe creating the sound of a perfectly tuned ibell without using the great mass of metal required to mold a cast bell. At ast- a sol- ution was found in the field of electronics. The instrument which was fin- ally produced- 'Carillonic Bel- Is"-- consists of small bronze bell tone generators w h i c b wben struck by metal hammers, produce pure bell tones which are barely audible te the human ear. The resultant minute bell vibrations are then picked up el- ectrostatically, amplified ta any desîred proportions, and repro- duced from the tower or roof of SANIT a building. The final bell tones are just as ricb and deep as the finest bell music produced by the world-famous European car- illons. ARTFUL DODGE Playboy. New York. At modest cost, vou can pur- chase one o! those rubber gad- gets that enables you to cradle the telephone receiver on your shoulder. By fastenîng down the j phone buttons with a piece of tape, vou cao keep your shoul- der to the phone ail day while vou write letters, or read.Thit _AI technÎque also enahles vou ta VYe 1 wave away bosses who cornebY J with "what are yotu doing?. this community. AUl proceeds from this first campaign are re- tained by the local branch for their projects, therefore the more successful the campaign, the more projects undertaken for your benefit. The Executive of your local branch is meeting with Service Club representa- tives in this area on Friday Feb. 13 at 7.30 p.m. ln the Legion Hall te organize ahl committees. The help of any interested per-' sons from Bowmanville and the outlying villages will be very1 much appreciated. Many talents are necessary to make these pro- jects a success .Show your inter- est iby attending this important meeting in the L.egion Hall. Memoriam -o' Mrs. Beliman. Ai Trinity WMS i Trinily afternoon Auxiliarv of the W.M.S. met last Tuesday, with the ladies from St. Paul'à IChurch, as guests. Mrs. D. R. Alldread's groupI was in charge of the worship servica. Those assisting wern! Mrs. W. R. Strilce, Mrs. W. Woolley and Mrs. Robertshaw. The offering wvas received by Mrs. E. Markle and Mrs. H. Hardy. Mrs. Hodgert sang a beauti- fuI solo, accompanSring herseif at the piano. An interesting col- oured film, concerning the lifz of an Indian family, was shown by Rev. W. K. Houslander. In the absence og the Presi- dent, Mrs. S. R. James, Mrs. D. Alldrcad took the chair to con- duct the business session. Re- ports irom the various secre- taries were heard. Mrs. H. Capp read a very in- teresting letter from Miss Elsie Bunner, stationed at Mdola, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Mi,ýs Bunner is well known to many of our members. Mrs. A. G. Brooks conducted a "memoriam" to Mrs. C. Belîman, a value.i member of our society. who passed away recently. More Books Ordered for Town Library :A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Bowmanville Public Library was held on1 Tuesday evening. Those present were the chairman, George Vice, Mayor Wilfrid Carrutherz;, A. M. Thompson, Miss Apha Hodgins, and Glenholme Hughe3. The librarian, Mrs. P. W. Bower, also attended. Authorization was given for a large book order including 64 fiction and 40 non-fiction booke, also 25 books for the Junior Library. The board decided to have the library hours paînted on the glass panels of the doors at the entrances. The librarian's report submitted by Mrs. Bow- er showed that 1,953 books had been in circulation during Jan- uary. The total for January 1 1958 was 1,269, so the increase for the month this year wau 684. Mrs. Bower also reported that there were 40 new mem- 1bers including eight rural mem- bers last month. Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson's report for the Junior Library stated there were 807 books issued in Jan- uary, a slight increase over De- cember. Dediccite (Continued from Page one) would be impossible otherwise because of the great weight and COMPETITIVE PRICI SPECIAL VALUES ANI -ToutR DrUGsT RECOMMEN DS leM ilA MULTIPLE VITAMINS Each table? contains 7 essontiol vltamins. Costa leis thon 44 a day. , ! . ýMULTIPLE DUR AYIAMN ef wr é* &'NI., "ES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE I IRE iD REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK VALENTINE GIFTS Cadbury's Milk Tray Chocolates -- ------ 85c, 1.60 Compacts 1.50, 3.75, 4.50 Hazel Bishop Ultramatic Lipstick- 1.75 Hazel Bishop Perfume Stick *---------------- 2.50 SHULTON Friendship Garden Bubbling Bath Saits 1.50 Desert Flower Toilet Water 2.00 Sunbeam Ladies' Shaver - - - - 12.95 Tweed Cologne ------------------- -----------------2.00 Twveed Toilet Water Mist ------------------ -~----2.50 Drop into our store; we'11 be glad to help you in your selection for that "SPECIAL" someone. Money-Saving Specials! I.D.A. Brand - Pink, YeIIow, White Reg. 2 for 27c Toilet Tissue - - - - 2 Fr,25c- I.DA. Brand - 300's - Reg. 89c IDASAL - - - - I.D.A. Brand COLD CREAM SOAP 2Rfor 29c ý---- 2 For 27c Reg.Fo7c 6 for 85c -- --- -- 6Fr 9 I.DA. Brand - ,4 grain- Saccharin Tablels, - - - 59,- 89e size PEPSODENT TOOTH FASTE Plus your ehoice of cither a Ladies' Deluxe or Club Hairbrush. 8c Both for ------------ 9 500's- Reg. 55c - - - - 39C Giant lO-ounce Noxzema Skin Cream HALO SHAMPOO -1.25 .HINDS Honey and Almond CREAM Reg.2Fo98 Reg. 20 65ec -- - 2 n 9 C 165C ---------_ - Fr98 Reg. 69c size Brylcreem plus Free Comb "Utility" - Reg. 1.98 Hot Water Boitte 4 8 Rjula Sue63e site *CONOMY 1 COLGATE 48 PACK DENTAL CREAM IARY NAPKINS FER PACKAGE!l plus 45e size of Liquid LUSTRE 3 y»P BéeCREME *tRADEliki Shampoo PRESCRI PTIONS Both B - for 69 1.491 2 Jars CUTEX HAND CREAM 1.08 value for 89C____ ' Reg. - w 'LO 1.50 98c m»lý M j1v 1/3 more spray A SPECIALTY Mlex. McGregor,, Deliver Your Local l.D.A. Drug Store Dýru! Phone MA EX rode Mark c ý R c 3-5792 - .,.--*----- ~ - Clarke Trophy for newspaperà under 1,500 in the general ex- "Chickc" Richards Marks Many cellence contest was the Win- chester Press representing East- Quarer entry ervie A cid ntsern Ontario. The Rodney Mer- Quarer entuy Srvie Acüde t4i cury, from the Western area of (Continued fromn page one) the province was second and the Hosen Room, BoRicarvdse odthe hose macohine asre obond heivetiain ffce.B s and, w a tchtol Aon "Chick" Rmiarods-f the eturemohie formeodte oetgtigofce. lndGore astch , antoi year Tire & Rubber Company man. He moved up to first man Bad weather conditions we-e The Albert V. Nolan Trophy plant, completed a quarter cen- shortly after and bas remaineà also the cause of an accident for centresof 1.500 to 4.500 popu- tury of service with the corn- on this job ever since. on Tuesdav evening at 7.23 lation wvas won by the Port Elg- pany recently. A married man, he bas one o'clock. There was a collisiOnl in Times whose publisher is a He was presented with his child, a girl, on No. 35 highway, haîf a mili f o r mi e r Toronto advertising 25-year pin by Plant Manager Chick is very fond of pîaying north of Trickey's Corner. A agency executive, Kenneth Pet- Charlie Cattran, before a gath- an accordion. For years he has 1958 GMC stake truck driven tis. The Stouffville Tribune wvas ering in the Conference Room, enjoyed playing so much that by Robert Farrell, Acorn Ave., second and the Strathroy Age- and accepted the company's he bas worn out three and is Islington, and a 1948 Ford, dri- Dispatch third. $100.00 cheque from his fore- noWv on his fourth. ven bv Miss Juanita Downer-. In competition for the Aurora man Laurence Goddard. During the faîl and winter 42 Landsdowne Street, Peter- Banner Trophy for towvns of Chick joined the company on months when he isn't playing borough, were the vehicles con- 4,500 and over, the Canadian December l5th, 1933, reeling the accordion, he spends some cernied. This accident was in- Statesman of Bowmanville was wraps. He worked on this for of bis leisure time in his work- vestigated by Constable Jini first, the Midland Free Press three years and then was put shop wvhere he has set up a fexv McDonald, O.P.'. Herald second and Leamington on polling up and rerolling cov- power tools for xvoodworking.Pothid er operations. Back in those When the spring and summer The J. G. Jobaston Tropby for years just about everyone wvha rolls around he goes outdoorâs S « bn typographical excellence was worked in the Hose Roomn had to work la the garden and flow- . a N sh l n awarded to the Port Elgin Times. to work on wrapping, curing er bed.Th rneWodrpyfr and stripping hose. Chick did A quiet, easy-going person, theflS awar edito te ilpandeFre bis turn in 1938, moving to the he is willing to co-operate at Press Haread wi the Tilîson-re hose making machine in 1939. all times and is anxious to turnlPesHrl ihteTlsn He joined the Army in 1943, out good workmanship on the <Continued from Page one) burg News second and Leamîng- and on bis discharge in 1945, he product he is handling. advertising for the Thomson ton Post and News third. newspapers gave many worth- An award for the best use of while tips on "Retail Advertis- pictures, by the Fairchild Cam- ing" Inthe venng te goupera and Instrument Corporation, Sinow Renio a Il C osts wenguest fthe thoie of was wvon by teMdadFe Ontario when Hon. Fred M. Case, Press Herald. Mînister of Highways, gave de- The E. T. Stephenson Trophy' A lre dy earl $9 0 0 0 tail ofthe ecod-beaki'g oýdfor Best Front Page was won by _______________________*Men of the Bowmanville Convention visitors were tthehe avillesounlsthirdan Iok Department were out at guests of the Canadian Bank -he _________Joural______ Liberl Woks . ers Association at an Early Liber l 13.5 a.m. on Tuesday mornîng Birds breakfast Saturday morn- busy at snow removal from th2 Limited played host wvhen Greg- k t n M eetng trees ad alo sltedandory Clark, well known Canadian Ive t gstre the andealks sa the ndfeature writer, was the speaker. C a vi va siwdewalksoftheAssocia- Thurdaybusiness section and sehool dis- tion include: President, George (Continued from pa3ze onel It is expected that there wilî tricts to make walking possible. Ellis, Goderich Signal-Star; lst Local Ctars will also have prom- be a good turn out this evening , Snowv removal costs this win- Vc-rsdnEgn .Mc etprsi oopis n at the annual meeting of the ter so far have amounted Io Donald, Alexandria - Glengarry dance numbers, among the!yn Bowmanville Liberal Associa- $8,910.26. This total is made up News; 2nd Vice-President, Her- will be Paul Huehnergard, Gail tion to be held at the Lions as foilows: November $1,297.31 bert C. Campbell, Dutton Ad- ArstogsoneAnncs k Community Centre at 8 o'clock. Dcme 4340;adJn ac;SceayaaeWr Shawn Lediy, Mary Oke, Dor- The election o! officers for uary $3,248.85. Snow removal den Leavens, Bolton Enterprise; Past President, Barry Wenger, een Yeo, Diann2 Goheen, Carol the comingy year will be hield, for 1958 cost $9,875.68. A sub- igAvneTms o- Finnigan, Sylvia Capler, Lor- and the special speaker wll be stantial portion of the cost of îowing directors were elected: raine Brock, and Linda Yea. Arthur J. Brown, Toronto. Th5I snow removal comes in subsi- Bert Smith, Port Credit Weekly; Johci Wild, the club's profi- public are invited to attend. E. dies from the provincial gov- Lynn Lashbrook, Rodney Mer- cient pro, will skate two solos. R. (Ted) Woodyard. Liberal ernimerit. cury; Carl Manore, M~rr1---- The group numnbers wi]l be candidate for Durham in the Bowmanville bas a lower ac- press; David Dilîs, Acton Free memorably entertaining. Therc* next Provincial election will cident rate than other munici- Press; D. M. McQuaig, -nen ý,v wwl l be The Danish Tots, Dan- also address the meeting. paiis n hst ag x dvance; John M. James. ow- ish Ballet. Danish Soldiers. Dai- Mr. Browvn is president of tent is due to the good workc manville Canadian Staemn ish pa-ndies, the Spellbound the East-West Subway Asso- do ne by Warks Foremnan Lloyd John Morris, Prescott Junl Ballet, Mexican Holiday, Hula- ciation. Quinton and his crew. Winner of the Joseph-T.I Hoop number and others. r I ~ I 'k -z S7: 00 a ,a- --e-, - j 1 ý,

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