Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1959, p. 2

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- t -r ,'. - - » 7. PACI y"o TflZ CANADIAN STATESMAN. DOWMANVILLE. OUTA~O THURSDAY, FEB. 12th, 195 Durham M.P. Speaks During Throne Debate ln House of Commons Tie foflowiug excerpts were baken tram a speech given by Dr. R. P. Vivian. M.P. for Dur- hamn wio spoke lu tic House of Commous duriug tic Tirone speech dehate rccently: Traditiouaily lie gracions tirone speech itself sets forth the intent ai the geverument of tie day with respect ta its actions lu tic ensuing parlia- ment and describes what il proposes te do for lie people of Uic country. Aithougi that !s Iraditionai I believe tiaI on Ibis occasion tiere la more than tradition involvcd. I feciliaI Ibis particular tirone speech dees muci more. Tiç werds of the graciaus speech are quite clear to all tiose who wish ho undcrstand. These are the posi- tive words ai a goverument liat knows tic problema aif hie Canadian people and la taking, effective steps ho meet Ihose probleras. The govcrnment is doing for thie people cf the cotinhry', hie verv best that il is possible ho do at tiîs time. Tiere bas been criticism of aTT sorts from thc opposition benches aud in tic particular instance of tic criticism haunci- ed by thc Leader aithie Oppos- ition (Mr. Pearson) thie criti- cal comment has been lengthy. Such comments, iawever, bave not brougit eut anything of wvhichthic geverument la not aware, as far as I eau dehermine, nor bas il been oi a type that could be eonsidercd construc- tive. I migit alse, say il dees net give ta bbc Canadian peo- pic tic impression liaItith Leader ofthti Opposition or bis Party conhd do anytbing better than la being doue. Iu tact, in my opinion a great dca! of tic crihicism bas been woctully weak aud althougi bon, gentle- men opposite have spoken aI great length an a variety of ta- pies some very important mat- tera 'have been barciy men- lioncd. I refer particularhy te tie subject oi agriculture. Agriculture ls oi lie great- est importance ta Canada as a wiole sud h is fparticuhar im- portance te large sections ot aur population tram coast ho coast, nat exchuding lie county oi Durham. Iu contrasî la lihe lack ai constructive critical comment tram tie apposition benches Ibis gaverument bas been prepared te state ils re- cognition that whihe lb bas doue a great'deal for agriculture lu tic last 18 mentis a great deal more needa tG be donc te give tie agriculturl.ats, our farmera, a fairer uiare of tic national Freel!9 Vigor 011 SERVICE STATION CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Double Slamp Day Every Tuesday - Corne Out and See Our Display of GUits- Complet. Lubrkcation at a Reasonable Price ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUA.NTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS IFor Those MEATLESS GLEN 98 gING' ST. W. incarne. In chier words, much bas been donc te improve tie lot of the farmer compared witb wbat was donc under tic fer- mer Liberal regime but furtier stcps are needed and some wilh now be taken, I should hike ah Ibis lime ta quote the intention eft he gev- crniment with respect ho agri- culture as expressed in the words of the speech trom thie tirene: "Additional legisiatian in tic field cf agriculture wli be re- commended. A measure wili be laid before yen ho instihute a system of crep insurance lu ce- operation with such provinces as se desire. You will aise be invîtead te make a comprehen- sive review and revisian ot thie legisiation eoncerning iarm credit, in order tiat credît may be more effective in assisting in tic developmien, and ina 'i- tenance of ari e-Îfficient and prosperous agriculture." Surely thus is a real advance in wha t I consider ho be tic very long rond liat must bel travelcd before our farm-ers are really lu receipt oi their fair sLi.-re efthie national ineome, a goal wbicb ah heast we on Ibis ide et tic bouse hope will be atained. While hon. gentlemen oppos- ie did net reter te agriculture witi any great irequeuey tiere were closcly related matters wiici were touched upon su- perficialy-and I gatbcrcd tic impression in seme instances, ratier insincrly-and on tie odd occasion lu contradiction to thic words et heu. gentlemen spoken other tian iu Ibis bouse. Howcver, muci et tic comment made by tie Leader oi Opposi- tien bas been and will be re- futcd by ministers efthie crawîi wien dealing witi their own departmenhs and by cther hon. members lu relation ha Ibeir own constihuencies 1 shah!, therefore, limit my observations on tiese criticisms hothie com- ments 1 have made sud com- ment faveurably ou certain in- tentions aithie goverument as conhained lu tic gracieus speech. One important reference lu thie hbrone speech was liat to tic commonwealth trade sudi econemie eontcrenoe hcid lu Moutreal hast September. I no- ted withi nhereat tie rcmarks ai tic Leader of lie Opposition on Ibis subjech and aise wbah be said about a net altogetier unrchated mather, tial ai Can- adian-*Uuited States relations. Tic speech from thie tirone contains tic faliowing words: "In response te suggestions Freel w RAE put forward by my gavern- ment, a camrnanweaith brade and econorpic canference was hehd in Montreal hast Septem- ber. This meeting, one cfthie most important ini the history ai the commonwealth, 'was at- tended by ministers represent- ing the self-governing nations af the commonwealth and the countries now looking fcrward, ta obtaining full sovereignty.1 A large measure of agreement was reached on trade and econ- omnic matters. This bas led to far-reaching decisions on the part cf the United Kingdomn and other countries ta restore convertibility af their curren- cies and ta remove restrictions on imports." Mr. Speaker, this was not just another conference of the kind held frequently since the l1ast war under the Liberai regjmc. This conference was probably the most carefully prepared one of its kind ever held, in the opinion of experts who have attended many of them. In the scope of its represçntation aTone there was a breadth which had flot b2en equalled, because there were cielegates flot only from the United Kîngdom, Canada, Australia, New Zea- land and South Africa but also from India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Ghana, the Federation of Ma- laya and Nyasaland. In addi- tion, a number of colonial ter- ritor'es were represented to the United Kingdomn in an ad- visory capacity; Nigeria, the West Indies, Kenya, Tangany- ika, Uganda, Sierra Leone and Hong Kong. Incidentally, this was the first conference at which new members of the commonwealth in As:a and Africa outnumbered the older members. The conference deait with an unusually wide range of topics as it conoerned itself with more than commonwealtih inter-relations. Its themes in- cluded the role of an expanding world and, with this, there was a realization of the crucial role which the commonwealth is playing in fostering world econ- amie prosperîty and in promot-. ing the prçgress of its less de- veloped member countries, In spite of the words of the Leader of the Opposition (Mr. Pearson), 1 submit that this was a conference unique in its assembly. There were other words used in the course of critical comment whieh I thînk have been overdone, and I re- fer to the somewhat quibbling attitude toward the words "led"' and "foreshadowed". The fact remnains that after- long periods of discussion and consideration prior to this conference, cur- i rencies have been made con- vertible, and 1 suggest that a major contributîng factor toj this event and to other matters of great importance wvas (Lte large measure of agreement which was reached at Montreal I on the widest possible range of top ics. This cenference, however, did not limit its interest ta cçmmonwealth co-operation but sought the participation of other countries. In section II of the report of the Montreal confer- ence 'iealingf with cornmodîty prqblems and agriculture, par- agflaph 45 of the whole, it is- stated, and I quote: "'We recognize that, for the most part, effective action wîi require- the participation of thc important producing and con- DAYS DAIRY NA 3.5444 suming eountrles throughout the world." Then I wish to underline lhe iollowing, which, Is sti].1 part ai tic quotatian:. «It is aur hope Ihat countries outside tic commonwealth wili accept aur objectives and be prepared te join with us lu our work." We know that bwo of the great powers outside the Com- monwealth are tic Soviet un- fion and the United States. Wa can be done with respect to trade relations with the Soviet union is a mystery, but il h cec- tainly ne secret.- that the co-operation of the United States la esseiatial te the succesa of mnany ot the commonwealth endeavours. I wouhd point out that aiter the commoiiwcalti confercnce an event happened in the second cominittee of tic United Nations during the thir- teenth generai assembiy wbich is an exampie ai improved re- lations net only with the crn-, rnonwealth but with the United States, because at this point lie Canadian delegation was able te obtain the full support ai lie delegation ai the United States for the acceptance et language in a resolution on international commodity trade which went farther than the United States has ever been prepared te go before. T'his, I bubmit, lsaa real result, and it is only ane example ai the benefits whiciî have flowed from he Montreal conference. 1 do net understand, in the ligit of this and oth-er exam- pies, how the Leader of thc Op- position can justify the position he teck in mînimizing the value of this hast conference ou trade and economnie matters in Mou- treal. On tic basis af iact tbe Mon- treal conterence was unique, and I use the termn "unique" iu the sense ai the definition ln Murray's Englisi dictionary jwhere the word is detined as meaning net only alone of ils kind, but more particularly in this case as meaning "standing alone in comparison wlth others", This conter2nce wvas Iunique in a number cf ways, of wl icih I shahl cite thrce. First of ail lie representa- tien frcm tieCcommonwealth in- eiuded ahi tie eider inenbers plus many new cnes irom Asia and Atrica with representation to, and therefore througb,the United Kingdom, af Nigeria, tie W est Indi-es, Kenya, Tangany- ika, Uganda, Sierra Leone and tiat the new members outnum- bered the old. It was aIse unique In tiat the agenda was not himited. 1h in- cludcd tic widest possible range ai subjects in keeping witi an expanding commanï- Iwealhin a world with a grow- ing hiat af new states. Furtier- more il was unique in regard te the wide area ai general agreement dififcuht which was reacied iu these limes. As ha the results of this Con- ference, I believe they are aise unique. This opinion la based' ou occurrences immediahely atter tie conference, laat au- tumn, at lie general asaembly ai the Uuited Nations, which. if they Aile brue indieato.-s, asI believe tiey are, foretefl a new spirit and a new desire te deal withthe problema of interna- tional brade in a way more beneficial than Iu the past te the world cammunity as a whoie. Again I make speciic reference le the fact that lie United States delegation te tie United Nations general assem- bhy committee ou ecanemie and tinanciai maltera accepîed and supperted lie language ai a re- solution ou international cein- modity trade wbîch was sub- sequentiy adopted, the word- ing ai wbici was baken direct- i lY irom tieCcommonwealth re- part. This is the farhhest tie United States bas ever- been preparcd te go lu suci matters. 1 maint4in liat tbe resuits of lie Monitreai conierence, are aiready unique, but ioure continuity ai bila kindmuIh maiutained. T muaIpoineu tat acion tention rcgarding Canada's pos- ition in world affaira, lu res- pect of economie assistance ta underdeveleped counîries and expansion cf thc resaurces oif the international bank and tbc international monetary fund. Economie assistance te less de- veloped countries m-ay be pro- vidcd in a varichy cf ways. rime wilual permit me ta deai extensîvely with tbi. subject, and il would be better deait witb anthe estimates of lic Deparîrnent ai Externai Ai- fairs. I shouid like, howcver, ta .ndicate the nature' and purpose of Canada's participation. Our participation in econamie assistance bas been maluly ;irough tie Colambo plan and the United Nations. The Coi- ombo plan, as yen wlU recail, is a malter of country ta cou,,- try assistance, aud lu Ibis in- stance muci oi the mouey pro- vided by the donor country may be spent in tiat donior country ln herms of malerilisupplies or for tie salaries ofttchrxical assistants, 'whereSas through the United Nations aur aid aiid thé uid ai ther cauntries la giveri on a multilater-al bts. rufidà are donat.d tb projecta tln whkbl ail the. dorior oouritrieshaare.. a wlthout any direct country to conty eatonhi.National li< The tquestlo!n rqight be asked if the finanicial *,itance pro: vided through the United Na , i e b R v lions and Colombo plan couldT m o R v be classed as a glve-away pro- 1 gram. In thie opinion of mnany Canada', ar.nual Health Week experlenced persans, an opmn- is art occasion botli for review- Ion in which I wish to joîn., the ing health progress and for see- answer is emphaticaIlY no, be- lng where possibilities for fur- cause the well-being oif each of ther ImProvement have been the countries of the world, now openqd Up by advances lu me- se lnterrelated with the well- dicai s-Cience. Somne of the most being of ahl, is a vital matter far-reaehing of these advances upon which satisfactory pro- have been made ln the preven- gress must be made because it tion and, treatment of mental i h really necessary for the peace disorder. of aur time. One major factor in this de- There are now vast areas of velopment ia the attainment of the worhd emerging into na- a deeper understanding of' the tlonih6id, many with strong psychologieal strains and stress- anti-colonial feelings, that tijeir es that, at uome lime in most progress concernsalahiof us. The people's lîves, gravely affect rate cf growth from dependent social and fa1nily relationships terrîtory ta sovereign state lusud the lndîivldual's capacity very rapld. This, cf course, la for work. The aid hopelesa be- accompanied by local pressures lief that mental disease la from domestie, eeonomic and largely determined by heredlty social demands. In many areas and theretore more or less In- the situation la one vihich cati escapable has given way before best be described ln the words evidence that environmental oi the Prime Minister cf India, factors can aiso exert a great Mr. Nehru, as the revolution influence, partlcularly ln early cf rising expectation. This la anj childhood. This underlines the exhiharating and possible dan- importance cf a heahthy family gerous time, Mr. Speaker. lite and a stable social struc- Canada la looked ta as a ture as safeguards againat later friendly country, without any troubles. New knowledge bas aspirations te dominate the de- aiso b2en gained about physical velopment cf others, saoaur re- ailmen4s in whlch psychohogi- putation is exceedingly high. In 'cal factors play a part. Studies part this niay be due tea ur re- of out-patients at large general lative generosity in helplng hospitals in saime countries have others less fortunate than aur- revealed that one-third or more selves, but it is also due i., attend for complaints traceable large part te the regard for ta psycnolegicai causes. Canada in aur own evolutionary The efiectivenesaf psychia- nrogress from colony te state- trie therapy-physical, psyehol- hood. Under these circumstan- ogicai and social-bas increas- ces Canada's help la needed bY ed ta a point where nowaday. the hess developed countries, if treatment is begun early these new emerging states. Il enough,* seventy taeieghty per ha not only needed, Mr. Speak- er, but it must be provhded ha the best ot aur abillty. This laSs ' not a malter merely of econ- H W amie assistance, it l ise soa question, I think ai equai im- A very successiul card party portance, cf aur understanding was heid aI the schooi on Friday ai the problems of the less de- evening when 16 tables of Five veloped countries. In this mat- Hundred were piayed in the ter Canada is li a position te senior room. Prize winners were: îî~.high lady, Mr.Af rhm I mxht point out here, sir, man, Ernie Gilbank; low man, that w.iile we might we williifg Lloyd Ayre. Prize for playing to give help It is &ornething which miost "8 hearts" hands, Mrs. E. Imust be requested. I refer again Browes. ta the feelings ai the people of There were 35 children enter- many *of these territories now tained ini the junior raoom with emerging into statehood. They a pragram ai films, crokinole, twish ta do those things that binge and square dancing. Prize they consider te be necessary winners in crokinele were: high for their own weli-being and ta score, James Lane; low score, increase their own standard of Fred Graham; inast 20's scored, i!ving by themseives, in se far David Werry. Convenors for as possible. Our watch word in the evening were Mr. and Mrs. this connection should be, not Gerry Brown, Terry Price, Ken only should we do unte athers Bragg, Mri. Margaret Killeen, as we would have them de unto Glenn Prout, Mr. and Mrs. B. us, but we should do unto others Ripiey. Alse assisting were John as they would wish us la do Killeen and Bryan Rabb. for themn. The objective ot ail A deliciaus lunch was served this is te stand by and be ready by Mrs. A. Prout, Mrs. W. Ru- te help se the less developed deli, Mrs. D. Foulds. Next meet- countries may achieve the full. ing will be held Wednesday, est possible measure of their March 4. potential as responsible slates in the worhd. I welcome again tbe wards 4 the graclous speech that ap- ply'to the underdeveloped cunitries of Asia and Africa, î and particularly at Ihis timec Africa where new states wil soon face tbc heavy responsi- bilities that came with Inde- pendence. Our aid, in ail Its forms, là dependent upon aur awn stability and our awn cen- tinued economie progress. Can.- Sêe anci test-dfve thie ada, like the rest of thie warld, about car in Canada!l bas had a bit 'ai tough golng re- .4mlsprglo cently. Ini this connection, hew- 4mlsprglo ever, we are more fartunate a 4 doar convenience than many others. We are for- 0 ample Iuggage $Pace tunate in a variety cf ways, under bonnet but at this particular lime we are exceedingly fortunate in e dependable and having a gavernment lu power om that recagnizes Canada's prob- lems, 'hat acts an thase prob- lems with expert advice, and is prepared te look beyond aur awn now improving ecenomic situation, ta the action we wili be calhed upon ta take lu worid affaira.Local Sales Representatîve 1 t la i theretore my privilege, STEW. D. PRESTON M. Speaker, ta support whloe. heartediy the maver and sec- RA 8-1370 ealth Week ýew Pro gress cent. of mental patients can be restored tO a useful place ir, societY. In some countries the average hospitalization time for patients is less than six Months. Large numbers of men- tal hospitals in diferent coun- tries have been converted into $.open door"I hospitals. More and More patients enter psy- chiatrie establishments on a vOluntary basis. Very often At is Possible for patients ta con- tinue living at home during treatment These advances, towardi whose ottainiment Canada has made many valuable contribu- tions, Opened up new Perspec- tives for improving the health and happinesa of people every- where. it la my conviction that during and after your Health Week 1959 the people of Can- ada Will continue te co-operate in the steps being taken ai over the world to meet these Men- tal health Problems which ap- pear te grow particularly acute in periodS like our own of ra- pid economnic and social change. A anecial effort towardsaa better understanding of these problerns will be made during the coming months and parti- cularly in 1960, wvhichwilb World Mental Hclailh Yearb2 sponsored by the World Feder- ation for M2nta1 Health and its member societies throughou, the world. This wil] b2 a nev opportunity te enhance the fui! meaning of health as it is de- fined in the WHO Constitution, that is: "a state of complete physical, mental and social NE WTON VILLE Congratulations and best wi- 1shes te MUrs. Gilmer-Smnith wmho on Saturday, Feb. 4 will reach the wonderful age of 90 Years. Mr.* and Mrs. Melville Jones' took ln the Ice Follies at Toron- to on Wednesday. Mrs. Wiilis Farrow recelved word of the pessing on Sunday of ber uncle Mr. Chas. Trigg of Treherne, Man. The Triggs for- merly iived at Port Granby. Messrs. Roy Smith, Willis JO- nes, Frank Gilmer and Tupper Johnston attended the boat show held at the C.N.E. groundls on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Giover ai Detroit, werc guests cf Mr. ar!d1 Mrs. Murray Porter on Sunday. Mr. sund Mrs. Melville Samis suffered a nasty fall. Wben get- ting water ah tic pump he slip- ped and feul across tie water trough, frachurin.g several ribs. H * wus in Port Hope oità for several days..u Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glairer, Joanne and Billie, Oshawa, vr evening dinner gucsts m, i"iâr. and Mrs. Melville Jones M n- day. Visitors with Mr. anjjWs. P. Vaneyk ôn Sunday Wr and Mrs. Geo. Yeo or Hawn, accompanied by their grand- children, Paul and Dawn Van- eyk, who sper.t the past week with them, also Mr. and Mýrs. Glen Smith of Hampton and Mr* and Mrs. Sid Reynard, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stapleton, Mr. Keith Stapleton and Miss Dorothy Stapleton, Kingstonl, at- tended the officiai openiing of, the Allen A. Martin Junior Higli. Sciiool at Port Credit on Satur-, day. Feb. 6. Mr. Martin a former resident of Clarke Township in now Inspector of Public Schools for South Peel. Air, Rail or Steamabi T I C KETS TO EVERYWHERE Consult JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 B.wmanville a Confused by insurance ternis? There's a gaod reason fer 4k these tcrms . .. but it la otteiop hard ho distinguish between them. And that's why we'rm here .. . te give you straight- forward advice on planning sound insurance protection for yeur homne .ena.. business. Cal! us any time for friçadlyo efficient service. STUART 1. JAMES LNS URANCE Office MA 3-5681 Ki" stE. REAL ESTATU Residence MA 3-5498 Bowmanvllle PlWVî$1 e8 4 5 Dlv VAN HEUSEN NOTORS LTD. 149 King St. IV., OSHAWA RA 5-3557-t di Sales, Service and Spare Parts Outlets la OntarieY j ...go bothi are building up bank a.ccoun% Anl sorts of popole ... wae earncru. farm- buvina monev orders.. nurchasina forci» ers, businessmen, houwvu. .. do their saving, and other banking, ah a chartered bank Day in and day out, In every onelo f 4500 branches, bank cuahomers are makiaz de- posits, arranging loans, casliing cheques, cichange, using safety deposit boxes, talk- ing over financial preblems of a personal or business nature. And the list gees on and on.. Only a chartered bank offers a full range of banking services under oue roof. THEi CHARTER ID BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY is f BILACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas .DURING LENT PINEAPPLE SALAD 2 pkgs. Lemon Jell-O 2 cups Hot Water 1/2 cup Mayonnaise 2 isps. I-orse-radish 1 8-oz. pkg. Collage Cheese (GLEN RAE DAIRY) I No. 2 can Crushed Pineapple Dissolve JeUl-O ln hot water, add mayonnaise and beat well. Combine remalning ingredients, mix welL Pour into mold and chilL '~-4----- 77-7:ý -.àà- --- - THE CANAMM STATEMM, BOWMANVnl..& CMAMO Dr. R. P. Vivian, M.P. Acz

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