Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1959, p. 15

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-. .. - - - - s.................. M C fANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAXIO a>II Goodyear 25 Year Pin I*eserited O. J. Presson J ressn Personnel then returned ta New Toronto blan rr, f the Bowmanville in 1938 on Interpiant Relations 1ant of the Goodyear T ire & and as Squidron Instructor. H2 eubber Company, who came ta was promoted ta foreman of the Bowmanville in Dec2mber, 1943, Squadron in February, 1941, and has completed 25 years witi for the past 15 years bas bee'i Goodyear. He joined the Goad- Pernao'nel Manager of the Bow- year family on Jan. 8, 1934. manville plant. having trans- - Mr-. Presson was presented ferred here in December, 1943. wlth hiu 25 yean pin by Plant Mn. P-esson bas two interest- Manager Charles Cattran wh', ing hobbies, collecting stamDs also made the presentation -if and guns. His collection of guns ýthe company's $100 cheqjue be- has been much edmired when fore a gathering in the Good- shown in museum dispbivs ir, year Board Room. Details of the town, a'nd ilis stami, collection cvent and of Mr. Presson's ce- is well known ta philatelists. reer wex-e given in thepan' Mr. and -Mrs. Presson have x publication, the Wingfot Cla. son attending hi.gh school and Since coming ta Bowmanvil a daughter at public school. ln 1943. O. J. (Jim) Presson ha-' taken part ln community activ-.f ties. He bas entered an bis third O IU R y.a a a Town Councillor, is O IU R Bowmanvi.lle representative an the Central Lake Onta*ria Con- In failini health for somne servati)n A'ithority and on the time, Mrs. Robert Morton. egd executive dl that organization. 81 years, died in Civic, Hospi- Me. was for several years tal. Peterborough, on Wedne.- ident of the Boys Scouts here, dy eray4 Io a mernber of Jerusalem Lodge Born near Valentie, she was and of St. John's Anglican the former Ada Nesbitt, deugh- Church. ter of the late John Nesbitt and BQrni in Toronto and e grad- his wi5e Thomasine Willand, uate af the University of Toron- and had lived et Bethany since ta troin which he received his hen marriage. B.A. degree, Mr. Presson taught She was a member ot St. high scbool for a year an-d Pul's Anglican Church and -eworked at other jobs befor.c active in its Woman's Auxiliary joining Goodyear in Januany, until her illness. 1934.Surv;vin are her husbenri,ý Before starting what is Robe-t Mortan: one son, Charles, known in Goodyear as Squad- and two granddaughters, Kathi- nron training, Mn. Presson sperit Ileen and Eli7,abethi Ann: also a two n hi oth er iýster, Miss Winnifred Nesbitt, how- to build tires. He gradua!t- ail of Pethany: and a brothpr ced from Squadron training in Lloyd Nesbitt of Port Arthur. May, 1937. From then until tht i The funeral service was he!d end of that yean he wonked frmSPils hrho at with the Goodyear Sales-Staff tfram S tt. aî h rch o.SG. inMontreal an tire adjustments, ra ihth e.G . ______________________Meades officiating and n3avn'X tribute ta ber yeers of faithful North Nestielon Mrs. Ivy Hoaey neturned home lest wtek frora Part Pcrry hos- Mns. Eva Campbell was Frnl- day night supper guest et Mr-. anct Mn. Grant Campbell's. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bird mè7d family wcne Satunday din- tlirguests o! Malcolm Emer- son. .Mn. end Mns. Bruce Wither- Iy, Whitby, Mn. Frank Emer- son. and Paula, Peterbanaugh.1 Mn. and Mrs. Dan Black, Cour-1 tice, were Suniday visitons at1 Mn. -and Mns. Malcolm' Emer- son.* Master Danny Doreli visit- c-d Vernon Malcolm Wednesdev evening. Miss Canal Rahm visitcdà Brenda Malcolma for the week- Mrd. and Mrs. Grant CampbeI and family visited ber people l n Toronto, Mn. and Mns. Stew- ardi and Mary. Sorryta hear Mr. à.nd Mns. Graers 'r:hompson wene.in e car aci.~- "eaturdav evening. Mrs. fip0-al - rOpe sle wilsoan be * Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Johns visited Mr. and Mrs. David Johns Friday evcning. Mt. and Mrs. Victor Malcon visited Mn. and Mrs., Bruc2 Ashton Saturday evening. service. Pal1bearers wpre Marvin Nes- bit., John Nesbitt and Maunici Neshitt, all of Nestieton: Harold Nesbitt and Ross, Nesbitt, Bnw- manville: Robent Doak, Oililia. Burial was in Rivenside Cem- eteny et Lindsay. TYRONE The seventh end lest negular meeting of the Tynone Tip Ton Tailans was beld et the home o! Mns. A. Youngman on Feb. 3. Plans were mqde for Pchieve- ment Day which will be held on SaturdPv Feb. 28 in Cevan, et wvhich Spndrn Gibron and Anne Moneland wlill cnresen.t a demnon- stnatian, "The How's and Whv's of Pre-,sing VWool". It w?,; el- ckiCed that cach member should clesigl ber oiin book caver Fo fl'at epch will be &4fferent. Mns. 1%"r'-La.gçrpn led n diesission or "The storpç!e of -%oo0l". Sev(-rpl cirl.5 nccived hein -ttheir .be .complcted by Feb. 21, -e7i. and 'Mrs. K xvo visitcd ber mather, Mrs. K. Sid- jîcr of Belleville et Princess Margaret Hospital, Tananto. Mn. and Mrs. James McQuinn, Oshawa, visited bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. C. H. McQuinn. congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Gable on their 20th wcdddng anniversêx-y and ta ber parents, Mr-. and Mx-s. Fred Part- ner on their 4Mt wedding anni- versary mnd to Mns. Goble who also celcbrated ber birthday. Friends and relatives met et the hom of Mr. and Mns. Harvey Paxtner Saturday evening. Tyrone Young People cci oyed a trip to Oshawa Monday even- ing and toured the Bell Tele- phone Company building. Several children in this dis- trict have had the measles. Mn. and Mrs. H. Hall, Wilfred and Joan were supper guests of Mn. and Mrs. Ross Hall, Bow- menville, an'd als-o visited Mns. W. T. Worden, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. G. Byam, Bow- manvilie, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam were dinner guests of Mx-. and Mrs. Walter Park Jr. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gable and Bruce were supper guests Sun- d-ay of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Mar- tyn, Oshawa. Club 49 quilted a quilt this week in the Sundiay School room. Hampton Club Aids Many IWorthy Causes Albert Cole. Completes 40 Years with Goodyear Albert J. Cale, promincnt in very praminent part in the the wark of the Town Planning purchasing and installation of Board and et present its Secre- the heavy manufacturing equip- tary-Treasu-er, has completed ment throughout. the factory. 40 years of continuaus service He was born in Hamipton, with the Bowmanville ýplant ot Ont. Mis wife, the former Mary the Goodycar Tire & Rubber Souch, is a well knaovn musi-, Company. cian in Bowmanville, and they The Wingfoot Clan, montbly have one son, Donald, who publication of the plant, gives works in General Matons O! an interesting biagraphical Canada at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. sketch o! Mn. Cale in its Jen- Cale a-e active in. Trinity uany issue. Presentetion of bis United Chu-ch where Mn, Cale 40 year pin was made by plant 15 an the Board o! Stewards. manager Chanles Cattran in the The Cales have a cottage on Confe'-ence Room, and Mn. E. W. Little Hawk Lake in Hialibur- Crawford, Engineering Depart- ton County where the family ment head, delivened an accamn- make weekly visits in summer. panying addness. Th2ir Eowmanville home ià at Prior ta stanting with Good- 88 Scugag St. year on Dec. 23,'1918, Mn. Cale wrked on a farma for twa year andwas one year with E V R O GnrlMatons. With the En-YEERO gneerng Department from the beginning, Mn. Cale first hed Jimmy Kern's many friends clenical wonk and being inter- regret ta hear that he has en- e:ated in drafting, toak a five tered Peterbora hospital this .year correspondence course in past week. Mechanlical Engineering duning Mn. and Mrs.. Norman Wilson his eariy yeers et Goodyer. in and girls wvere Friday evening 1921, ie gained valuable ma- dinrier guests et the Ralph Mal. chine Shop work procedure by colms of Peterboro. Glad ta hear spending a yeen there. thet Isabelle's mothen is im- During the years of plant ex<- provinc in Peterboro hospital. pans-on, Mn. Cale did the leV. On Thursday aft9rnoon the out work, design, and deta il Februany meeting o! the W.A. _j_ was held amý the home onf Mrwq HAMPTON- A n n u al reports work on 19 bui!dings and su- were given at a meeting of the pervised their construction. The Service Club, showing aven newest addition, the BeIt De- $1000 raised. The club which partment and tank lining de. began some ycars ago oiginat- D)arnmLnt, was complcted in ing with a Sunday Schiool class, 1957. Mn. Cale also has had a has aided a number of onganiza- tosand individuels. Business Directary The club has canvassed for the March of Dimes which aid polio patients arnd thase cripp- ouni l ,ed and handicappcd framn other _____________________ causes, and through literature RY~ ILN put out by this orgaflization RACentiied Pu li cntan learned o! what could te donec er93 Ch ublench tretan for sueh people. About two years M3Ankeh tr-38t aga they wnote to the Rehr-,bihi- Akt380 tation Founclation for Poliomy- IVM. J. H. COGGINS lctics and the Orthopaedicaliy Chartercd Accountant Disabled and suggestcd that Second Floon sarne aid might be given Mns. New Libnary Building A. W. Prcscott ofa! Hapton. Th-e iCon. King and Temperance Sts. Foundetion responded with vis- , Phone MArket 3,1612 its and equipment which bas greatly helpcd Mrs. Pncscott. YALE. FRIEDLANDER, The club also cenvasses for the HUNTER & Mb cancer fund, Pr.oi cur lic 1958 Account'ýnts and Auditons donted$25to idretarded Chil- icensed Trustee in Bankruptcy daenet $25 ta aid mto B i 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 ding Fund, $25 ta MirsionsOsa , nFri through Hemptan Sunday Scho- B. L. Yale, C.A. ol. ollwin- a usto ofman F. Friediander, B. C3m., C.P.A. years. they !illed 50 Christmas MONTEITI- - MONTEITII stockings with gift3; for the- Frede RIEHL & CO. Victor Mission, Tananto, and Chartered Accaunitants pnovided gifts for several ladies 1135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa staying in thic village who arce RA 5-3527 out-natients o! the Ontario Ho- Partncrs: pital, Whitby. Thev scrved lunch J. W. Manteith. M.P., F.C. X ta the local football team !ollow- A. B. Monteith, B. Comm., C.A. ing games. G. W. Riehl, C.A. To raise money for these pro- (Licensed Trust"e) jects. the ladies catcred to foi- G. E. Tr2thewey, C. X weddings and the apening of R. F. Lightfaot, C.A. the new Township Hall. 1 Officers for 195D are, Presi- C hir oq r a c t i c Vice- Mrs. Wm. Axfond; 2nd G.E INM N DC Vice- Miss Mary Niddex-y; Ce-h. D INA Nct C. retay- Mrs. J. McNeil; Assist- Office: Ciorco ant Secretary- Mrs. Chas. Ter- 15 Elgin St., cor. of Honsey St. pstra; Treasure- Mrs. Ted Phone MA 3-5509 Chant; Membership-- Mrs. R. Office Hours: Dy Appointment Farrow; Cards- Mrs. Wm. _______ Whiite; Lunch- Mrs. Jack Rice. TIn ~- gfhillIIIBIIIBlIHIIIIDwIlIhIItIlIDhIlaIullIlIII uw e- i lt M e ts LAMB SALE Short Cut Shankc LEGS Flank On LOINS Produvce Specials Goldlen Ripe. Neo 1 Grade - The Most Dotectable Fruit BANA&NA&S 21b 33C Frp.h Cuban, No. i Grade, Red Spanish, Geod ixe PINEAPPLES 4t,» 99 Cac2iu5 c Mdxicmn, Mand SoIeoteil, Ne. 1 Grade TOMATO ES c tube 19C 49C 1629C Full Cut FRONTSlb19C Rosat, Chopa, Stew LAMB in BASKET 1bl9- lOOth ANNIVIRSARY SPECIALS' suces Heavy Duty Reg. tin 1.19-S5AVE 20c LIQUID WAX Quart tin 99c Clark's with Ment Sauce Reg. pkg 49o--SAVE Oc SPAGHETTI DINNER pkg 43c Ann Page Cream Reg. jar 35o-SAVE 60 PIANUT B1UTTER 16-azijar 19c Temato & Vegetable Reg. 2 tins 25c-SAVE 13c- CLARK'S SOUP 9 10-oz tins 1.00 160 Off Deal BLUE BREIZI King Sizel.33 Jane Parker (S",, 24-oz Pie) Reg. 49c-SAVE 10e A&PPLI PIE eact, 3 9c Jane Parker Reg, box 590--SAVE 10c POTATO CHIPS 12-oz box 49C Faney Quality Reg. 2 tins 33c-SAVE 6c A&P PEAS 2 20oz tins 27c A&IM Choie Quatuty Reg. 2 tins 37o-4AVE 7o CREAM STYLE CORN 3 20-oz tins 49C Prices in This Ad Guaranteed Thraugh Saturday, February 14th, 1959. DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. 515 SON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Haurs: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Phone MA 3-5604 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Clased Sunday DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. 1 Office 23 I:Ing St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Le gal1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. .- Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. -. Bowmianville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA 1. HODGINM Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public 1Temperance St. - Bowmanville E. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 tConsultation by appointment t only. WV. KAY LYCETT, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices of R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Orono, Ontario Friday, 7 p.m. ta 10 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. ta 5 p.rn. M ori1g a ge s LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r Ir) First Mortgage Funds Residences - Farms Business Properties Op iom eir y KEITH A. BILLETT Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: By appointment Telephone MArket 3-3252 Manday ta Saturday 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Wediçsdpys: 9 to 12 XIurdaY evdnIigs James Sbeckleton witb a good attendance despite blizzandy weathcn. On Wednesdày even- ing Court Manvers No. 553 CanadLan Order of Forestenr took the initial.step in reecti- vating their court and emba-k- ing on a pragram of progress. Prs*nt to, prnduct the flec optn of officers and ta instali same- were Pro. Bill Hawkshaw ai Kitchener, Fraternel Supervis- or of -' .0.F. for Onta-ia; and Ena. Sterling Silverthorn, Dis- trict Siipervison from Peterboro. Officers installed were: Pat Chie! Rang,- - Ena. Norman Wilson; Chief Ranger - Bro. Uarvty M"lcolm; Vice Chief Rangýý. - Bro. Jimmy Gra,, Chaplan-Bro. Rav' Robinison; Financial Sect. ýR, Treas.-Fro. John Bux-a; Recarc'ing Sect.-- Ena. Wesley Jord1an: Sr. Wood- ward-Bro. Fred Porter: Jr. Woodward-Bna. David Wilson; Sr. Beadle-Bro. Howard Mal- colm; Jr. Beadie-Bro. Floyd Stinson: Conductor-Bro. Clar- enca McGill. Directors of Durham Count: Federation o! Agriculture, Da. vid Wilson, Lawrence Staples, and Ha-rvey Malcolmo, attended a mectingan Tliursday ev-2nini et the home o! Mel and Don Staples of Onono. Agenda deali wîth, (1) Success in havlny Hy. dro compensation rates naiseé ta a rmo.e realîstic levaI; (2) Chaosing and sending o! dele. ,gates lo a Pouitry Conventiar where a Marketing Board foi pouitry p'-oducts is ta bie con. sidered; (J) Reports af del:! gates ta a Cream Producens' cor. ventian, (4) Considenatian o financial status of the local ar ganization. We commend thý Federùtion confrere for fanu ers-The Cartwright Ferra Un ion !orthein necent active inter est in Rabies and in spansonin an educatIonai evening in cor junctiarl with Dr.- Woalsey Such activities of mutuel inte.: est toalal fax-mens could go; long way in liason bctween thesg rival ongenizations in promot ing harmony and mutual un derstanding in juxtaposition z past "heel-snapp1ng"'. We ni gret aur inabiiity ta attend bc cause of conflicting dates. We are glad ta relay the garý news that Mrs. Wiia)ert Mal coîr is home egain after beir, in Oshawa Hospital sincze las October with a broken hip. W understand she is able ta navi gate with the aid o! crutchei Welcome home Lulu! ENNISKILLEN' Miss Mary Griffin spent the weekend with Miss Mary Has- kmn, Blackstock. Feb. W.M.S. meeting and Val- entine Tea wiil foilow World Day o! Prayen service, Friday l3th, at 1:45. Enniskillen Service Club lad- ies heid their second o! a series af care parties Set., Feb. 7, in the comnxunity hall. A jolly crowd enjoycd an evening o! euchre, lost hein andt crokinole, cnding witb lunch, supplied by the Service Club ladies. Prize winnens wene: Euchre- H.L.- Mx-s. L. Lamb, H.G.- Mr-. O. C. Ashton, L.L.- Mns. O. C. Ashton, L.G.- Mn. G. MeGili. Lost Hei- H.L.- Mrs. M. J. Stainton, H.G.- H. McGill, L.L. - Betty Jane Wcrny, L.G.- Kathryn Sleman. Crokinole- Neil Yeo, Lawrence Wright, Lorna Yco, Gail Staintôn. We thank all for caming and help- ing us with aur cbunch window projeet. Our next gathening is ta be Fcb. 21, sarne place, saine tume. Hope ta sec youoell tiien. The ladies o! the Service Club held a cleaming hece t th coni- munity hall on Feb. 4, înstcad o! theix- negular meeting, when ahi hainds wcre busy scrubbing cuphoards, clcaning windows, andt floor. Our regular meeting wilh be held et the home of Mrs. Stewart Lemb on Feb. 18, at 8 1). Mn. end Mrs. Vern Scheli, South River. is spcndîng e !eW deys with Mr. end Mrs. E. Mc- Nain. Mn. and Mrs. Ed Coombs. Chanlene and Dianne, Miss Clara Page, Toronto. werc with thein mather. Mrs .E., Page. Mn. and Mrs. Carniern Oke Oshawa, were witlu Mn. and Mrs. Albert Oke. Mn. pd Mr.s. Gardon Gettins. and Patti. CpeFax-ca. were Rat. pni.eritc guestLso! Mx-. and Mns. P. Fhis. Mr. and Mrs. Ray LFngm«aid. Saline ,with. Mr. and Mrs. RPY Mrs. Gea. WMite, Mr. andt Mxs. Aifie Pandle. Heimetan, wêre wiph Mn. an-' Mn,. Wait5ý- Oke. Mn. ard Mx-s. E-ýc?r Wri'uht, wcne with Mn. and Mrs. W. San- derson. Columbus. Misses Joan and Annette La- it takes "New Process" SHUR-GAIN in your plans for profitable crops PROFITABLE CRÔPS ARE PLANNED with PLAN NED SAVINGS ALL THE WAYI the fertilizer thet delivers greater plant "NEW PROCEss" SHLJR-GAIN, with savings ini time and labour. Three years ahead of the field with 'çNEW PROCESS", SH.UR-GAIN is granular ... is the original frce-flowing fertilizer . . . is backed by 40 years of fertilizer experience. It has been praven, the finest fertilizer for your good earth. Here's why: Whcn granu- 1er fertilizer is mixcd with the sali mare of the phosphorus in the fertili- zer remains readily available to go ta work; delivering grcater plant food value from every ton. and granular texture assures frec-flow- ....... it drills well, and there's almost a complete absence of dust. SI-UR-GAIN reteins its smooth flowing consistency, despite long starage. After using SHUR-GAIN, equipment is easily and quickly cleaned. DON'T DEPEND ON LUCK ... PLAN PRO- FITABLE CROPS with "NEW PROCEss" SHUR-GAIN, the fertilizer scientifi- cally processed to provide greater plant food value .. . guaranteed hand- ling ease, CANADA PACKERS LIMITED Manufacturer$ of -7 UàR-. AN "New Process"* SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer = EfRTIrLIZERS I TQrntoe i1ala - i t, - il "MSDAT. ÉrÉ. 12th. long PAUI7 violette, miss Jo Collins, and ry, was a Sunday guest at Mr. brother Bill, Port Perry, werc LONG SAULI and Mrs. McLaggan. with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fergu- Janet and Heather MeLaggfl son Mr. and Mrs .John± Archer were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mr. adMns. Ross Lee. Ked- and f aniily, Burketofl were Mrs. Norman Woodley, Tyrone. ron, were Thursday dinner Sunlday visitars et Mr. and Mrs. Mr-. a.nd Mrs. Bill Johnsof'i and Bill Johnson. fanxily wcre Saturday evenng guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson and visito rs at Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Werrl'. San~dra wcre Sunday visitors at Stroflg, Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Flctt, Fen- 'Mr andi Mrs. J. R. Parkinsonl Saturday evening an enjoy-. elon Falls, visîted Mr. and Mrs.i.*Cbu, altmewspn tMrad Lorne Lamb. Jr, Cboug.Hbaeriey wa rspet tMx.nd Mr. and Mrs. Pat Tresisie and Mr. and Mýrs. Fred Camneron, Mrs Haboute 5 rPates, Tand, ,daughters, Oshawa, Marguer- Hampton. wcrc Sunday supperwhnaot3 retisad ite Wright, St. Catherines. %wcrc 1 ~s tM. and Mrs. R. Cam- foerien a nihoursfgMtheand visitors with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. cran,. tgte nhnu fMr Wrgh.Johnnlv Wood, Tyrane, spert Mrs. Fred Partner's 4th wed- Mr-. and Mrs. Wm. Gigr Saturday nîght with Raymonld dn nvray and Mr. and ich, and family, Oshawa, Mr. Crmeron.Mr.StneGbe'2Ohw - a.nd Mru. Cifford Pethick and Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk were ding anniversary. Mr-. Clarence Ruth, were visitors at Mr. and Suda dinner and supper gue- Woodley gave a short speech Mrs. P. Ellis. t at Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pen- after which somne Iovely gifts Mr. and Mrs. Allanl Werry and warden. were presentd ta both couples. girls were recent guests ofMr Mr. and Mrs. E. Penwarden An evening of cards and crok-. and Mx-s. Perey Werry, T rc and Anne were Sunday supper ihole wvas spent, then a delicious Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick gue sts ;it Mr. and Mrs. Harold lunch was serveŽd tpped with were with Mr -and Mrs William Murphy. wedding cake made by Miss Chester, Oshawa. Mr. John Needham, Port Per- Helen Partfler. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey, Miss Grace Kersey, Hampton, Mr. and Mx-s. K. Poaler and family, Oshawa, Mr. and ?&s. J. Lyans 1and family, Hampton, were withA .Mr. and Mrs. Harald Ashton. n a e t n Mrs. G01idon «Yeo, on the loss of 1their baby daughter, and ta Mrs. .Fred Toms on the passing of .her sister Mrs. w. Weatherilt at o 7Bowmanvile Hospital. Saturday visitors of Mr. an,-Ï BOWMANVILLE Mrs. Orr Jeffery, Port Perry. . Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn andi iSusan were with Mr. and Mrs W A. M. Wearn, Claremont. f Mrs. H. Stevens visited with 3 Hospital. 3 Mrn.e-d Mrs. Ollie WeRtherilt, 'Tmpa, Flonida: Mr. 0 Wilfrc! S OI T O , Weatherilt, Caesarea; Mr. anc. S O C A T O i Mrs. Ralph Sadien, Mr. Wilfre wllb hl P'Williams, Nestleton, have been wl ehl frecent guests of Mr. and Mr-. -Fred Toms. s g i Congratulations ta Mn. Donaild )Wearn on passing his exams for T H" 4R S e m-aF a mechanic. B t Mran r.Floyd Beckett sPM n and family wvere Frid-~y evenîn- )tea guests of Mr. and ?Ivrs. 1:()- 8 P ýf ward Stevens, being theo'- ith ,-casion of Mrs. Beck'ett's and i h '. Gardon Stevens bithida*S. C N R - *ihMr. and Mrs. H.'AhtonLIO N S C N R 1- Saturday evening. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton Beech Avenue, Bowinanville iand family were Stnday visitors I- with Mr. P.nd Mrs. Bruce Ashton. GETSEER d Purpie Hill. G ETSEKR ,Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLru- ghlin and faily were re-Znt Yvisitons et V.Ir. and TVrs. F. Tor. A r hu . r w - Mn. and Mrs. Poliert Tl-n'-.c n s, Niaeara Falls, with Mn. and MrS. of Toronto ýd S. Pethick. SMrs. E. C. Ashton, Yraie Pres*dent of the East-West Subway. Association 1 Grave, 13 sper.dîng a few dayss t with O. C. Ashtan's. n- %n-: se )t- ig TAKES V eMORE s. THAN Tgronto - Chçitý--am

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