Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1959, p. 3

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---.~ A WVA W Imm - Aw t-&AnTA W .BOMIW.WMANVffM M O)AM! AwmuwJz AJJi , *U.NU WU 3A tLNW.S~ ~* ~ *- Nt RICHARDS - McQUADE The wedding took place on Saturday afternoon, January 24, lni Trinity United Church, Orne- <4edical Mirror Q. What type of weight.re-ý duction diet s laIeat harm ful? U. Most authorities say that a qiet for reducing should providc ail essentiel food elements but be low in calories. The mast reasonable diet is ane that sup- plies verious food factors in nor- mal proportions and simply lim.- Lits the total quantity. 4n.sdo not necessariiy reflect the opinion of' ail doctors. The diag- inosis and treatment of' disease Is the luncti on of' the patient's personal physician. Questions directed Io Dr. 1. D. Raliton, Science Editora, P.O. Box 396, Madison Square Station, N. Y. 10, N. Y. will be Incorporaied in these columns when possible. MA. -511 mee, o! Judith Marian McQuade daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam McQuade, Omemee, and Alan Edward Ricbards o! Pe- terborough, son o! Mr. and Mrs. George Richards, Bowmanville. White carnations decarateci the church for the occasion. Rev. V. E. R~. Zu!elt of!iciated et the double ring ce-remony, and Mri. Irvîne Conneli played the wed- ding xnusic. Given in marriage by ber fa- ther, the bride wore a street length gown o! white lace em- broidered with sequins and fea- turing a bouffant skirt. A Pearl encrusted cep beld ber shoul- der lengtb tulle veil and she carried a crescent shaped bou- quet o! red roses and white stephenotis. Miss Rose O'Neill o! Peter- borough was meid o! bonour, wearing a dxess o! canary yel- low chiffon over taffeta with matching cep o! the seme me- terial. She carried e nosegay o! yellow roses and white ste- phanotis. Mr. Glenn Richards of Bow- manville. acted as groomsman for bis brother. A reception followed in the auditorium in the cburch base- ment, the bride's mother wear- ing a dress o! brown and beige paisley print witb corsage ai yellow baby 'mums. The groom's mother essisted, wearing sap- phire blue organza and corsage ai Pink baby 'mumns. For their honeymoon tn p ta eastern points, the bride chose a champagne wool sheatb dress with brown eccessories and fur jacket. The couple will live et 458 Rubige St., Peterboroughi. The groom, presently on the reporting staff o! the Pet2rbor- ough Examiner. is a former member ai The Canadieni Statesman staff. SPECIAL: Towi Just Arrived New Shipment of Engli sh Bone cuPS and SAUCERS Choice of numerous shapes and designs ONLY 9EACH HOOPER'S Jewellery & Gift Shop 29 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-5747 BOUGHEN - GORDON Yellow and white chrysan-.I Celebrates First Birthday themums !ormed the setting iii Kendal United Church on Fri- day, Dec. 12, 1958, for the mar- niage a! Inez Mae Gardon, dau- ghter o! Mr. and Mrs. Spence Robinson Boughen, son o! Mrs. Ralpb Boughen and the latel Mr. Boughen o! Newtonville. Rev. R. C. White per!ormed the double ring ceremony. Her father gave the bride in marriage. She wore a waltzt length gown o! white French,.. brocaded taffeta on princess Il...... lines, !ashioned with three- quarter sleeves and V neckline...........~ A double strend necklace cù f.* pearîs was ber only jewellery. Her shoulder length veil feli 1 from a sculptured tiare o! beads' ~~ and sîmulated pearis, and she carried a cascade o! red roses and white carnations. Mrs. William Jackson played *. the wedding music, and Mr. Thomas Moorcro!t, Oshawa,I sang "The Lord's Prayer" and M .% "O Perfect Love". Mrs. Fred Compton o! Perth Road was matron o! honour in yellow brocaded taffeta with matching bat and glaves and carrying bronze and yellow 'munis. Miss Ruth Gordon, Ken- dal, the bride's sister, was in aque, similerly styled, and the little flower girl, Miss Karen Stec, a niece o! the groom, wore pink nylon. Tbey wore matching bats and gloves and carried yeilow and white 'mumis. The attendants wvore double strand pearl necklaces and the flower girl a locket, gifts o! the bride. Mr. James Bougben, Part Hope, was best man, and ush- . ers were Mr. Donald Gardon, .... . Orono, and Mr. Edward Bau- ghen, Newtonville. A recepticn followed in tbh I Sunday Scbool room, the bride's "> mother wearing a dress a! bluc crepe with matching bat and corsage o! red carnations. The groom's mother assisted ber, attired in blue crepe witb blackI i. bat and accessories and cor- : sage of white carnations. For a bridal trip ta Roches- ter and district, N. Y., the bride chose a brown plaid IBrian Wallace Tink was one year old on Nov. 21,' dress with white bat and gloves, 1958. This bright-eyed boy is the san of Mr. and Mrs. and brown purse and shoes. Walter Tink of R.R. 2, Bowmanvîlle, and proud grand- Her corsage was o! red roses and white carnations. The parents are Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, R.R. 2, Bowmen- groom's gift ta the bride was ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wallace of Oshawa. He is a blue grey borg shortie coat. also fruaei aigagetgadnteMs ebr The bride was entertaineci frueei aigagee-rnmteMs ebr pior ta ber marriage et a Tink, who lives in Solina. shower given by Mrs. Jack Ste- -Photo by Ireland Studio, Oshawa pletan; essisted by Mrs. Law- rence Greenwood, et the for- mer's borne on the Sixth Lin'e 1 Mr. amodTrirn bed a istrict President ville when she was assisted by Mr. . . arowan Mz.Spc s at W. I. Meeting Reid Wood. p a Mrs. C. R.Te Farrowpacs ad fowandnd Mrsro lar meeting o! the Newtonville plen2s on wvbich she travelled. BURKETON W.I. was bheld Wednesday af- The island 'is about twenty- ternoon, Jan. 21, et the home, one miles long, and seven wide. ofMrs. W. Farrow. witb an et-1 The bouses are mostly built Mr. Win. Alloway, Whitby, were weekend guests of Mrs. Esther Carnochan. Al very pretty wedding took pae t the Manse in Enniskil- len on Saturday, Jan. .24 at 3:00 o'clock, whcn Mary Helen Ste- phenson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stephenson, Burke- ton, was united in marriage wîth Morris Wayne Weston. The bride was lovely in a strea-t length gown o! turquoise ta!! e- ta featuring a cape collar of' white fur fabric. Her accessor- ies were white and she wore, a corsage of pink roses. She was given in marriage by her bro- ther, John, who also was best man for the groom. Miss Arlene Neals, Orono, attended the bride in a gown of pink taffeta andi matching bat. The reception was held in the church hall et Burketon, where about 80 guests attended. After a brie! honey- moon the young couple will take up residence in an apartment in the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Eric Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adams were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott who have been living temporar- ily with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Abbott. have procured a house in Maple Grove and have taken up residence there this week. Mr. Sidney Irons went to To- ronto on Monday, where he WALKER STORES LUMITED NEW STORE HOURS COMMENCING FEB. 1959 NONDAT 9:15 a.m. ta 5:30 p.m. TIJESDAY ---v 9:15 a.m. ta 5:30 p.me WEDNESDAY THURSDAY * - *9:15 a.m. ta 12:00 No.. ---9:15 a.m. ta 5:30 p.m. FRIDAT . . . . . . 9:15 a.M. ta 9:00 p... SATURDAT . . . . 9:15 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. These hours are to permit our Staff to operate on a 40-hour week basio. We know you wilI want to co-operate with them. This Store Will Be Closod Ail Day Nonday, February 2 for Inventory. tendance o! 18 eduits and two close ta the street and o! pas- children. Mrs. Ormiston, the tel colours. The newer build- president, conducted the busi- ings, tbough, are built on the, ness part o! the meeting. Sev- hilîs, and there are beautifull eral "'tnank yau" letters were flowe--ing plants. In contrast toi reed. The postponed card par- these, the Negro querters are' ty will be beld as soon as wea. very squelid, and about eigbty- ther and roads will permit. five percent of the population Mrs. Ormistan then called on are Negro.1 Miss Johnston, convenor ai Ris- Ano-ber Interesting sigbt! torical Research and Cuirent which she described was a Events, and she in _turn intro- group o! fifty trained flemin-1 duced tbe guest speaker, aur goes. These birds are g iven speý- district president. Mrs. Brown. ciel food, sa thet their beauti- I Mrs. Brown spoke first o! the ful Pink colour will not fae. work of the W.I., sixty years Aiter Mrs. Brown's talk, andI ega, and now, bath striving ta the rall call tbe bostess and ber make e wartbwbile commun- group served a delicious lunca-, ity. [t was the womnen o! the and all enjoyed the social bour. W.I. who were pioneers in hav- The jelly bean guessing con- ing munic taught and in bey- test was won by Mrs. M. Sam- !na a doctar visit the schoois. is, and the lucky cup prize Tbey, have belped ta bring eux- went ta Mrs. M. Jones. iliary classes for slower pupils, adclasses for retarded cbild-BE H N Mrs. Brown elso gave an In- teresting account o! the five day tnip wbich she and ber bus. Mansel Wright bas resigned band toak ta Nassau, and show- as postmester aiter nine years ed Mr. Brown's trophies as a o! eff4cent service and Roy Case agent. Though pictures o! Je rvis bas been appointed as bis Nassau seemed scarce, she bad successort some sbowing the beautiful Mrs. Mel. MGeand ag 4-rs, ieorA (na l.ab-I, .e u± will enter hospital ta undergo surgery. His friends in this area wish him a swift recovery. The meeting of the C.G.I.T. which was scheduled to take place on Jan. 21 was cancelled due to bad weather. The United Church at Burke- ton will hold is annual congre- gational meeting on Thursdayr evening at 8 p.m. in the church hall. The Box Social held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bane on Friday, Jan. 23, was veryî successful in spite of the incle-1 ment weather. Three tables of! euchre were enjoyed and bing,,à darts, crokinole and a variety1 of other games were enjoyed as1 well. The winners in euchrei were Mrs. H. Larmer and Mrs. L. Argue. Floyd Argue and Mr.c H. Larmer. Carol Abbott was1 winner in bingo. Although the1 number o! boxes was small they sold well under the sales-1 manship of Mr. Bone. Lunch1 was provided for those who did not have a box. The next social evening wil be held on Friday,q Feb. 6, weather permitting. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallen, and Nancy, Markham, were Sunday visitors et the home o! Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone. There will, be a baptismal service next Sunday, Feb. 1, at 1l a.m. The Sunday School teachers met at the home of Mrs. H.j Grace on Jan. 22. Mrs. Ed Cochrane and girls, !Raglan, Mr. Robt. Lindsay, were Sunday afternoon itoswh M.and Mrs. E. M. Adams. Mrs. Rulde Stevenson and grand-daughter Annie, Toronto, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Archi- bald. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. White, McLaughlin Fisheries, were Tuesday afternoon (of last week) visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone. Sympathy o! the village is ex- tended to relatives o! Mr. Wm. Rahm who passed away on Sun- day a.-n. et bis residence in Osh- awa. Mr. Rahm who was a bro- ther of the late Mrs. Russel Spinks lived in this area many years ego before lie roved to Oshawa. Raglan spent the past week. with ber mother, Mrs. George Waddell. Mrs. Emma Cavena is in Lind- say visiting with ber niece Mrs. Jack Gillespie and will remain for severel weeks. Mrs. Arthur Wright is home~ agein from Civie Hospital and making good pragress. Word bas been received here o! the illness o! the Rev. T. S. Gault et Fenelon Falls, who su!!ered a sudden heart atteck and will be confined ta th2 bouse for some time. Mr. Geuit was minister o! the Manvers Anglican Parish before moving to Fenelon Falls end bis many !niends here wish himn a speedy recovery. Mrs. S. S. Speller is the new choir leader in the United Church following the resigne- tion o! Herry Preston. Mrs. Adelaide Sisson, wbo tnipped and feUl on the kitchenJ floor et her home was taken ta Civie Hospital, - Peterborough, on Tuesday where x-ray reveal- ed a fractured bip. Mrs. Sisson, who celebrated ber 98th birth- day lest June was remerkably active, assisting daily with the bousework et the home o! ber' daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Hanneb, with whoma she bas lived since the death o! ber husband. Her many !niends bere hope thet ber stay in bospital will not be too un- com!ortable. Raipli Currie spent the week- end with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Currie, Gananaque. The Cub Mothers' Auxiliaryl met et the hlome o! Mrs. BertI Durham on Tuesday, with ten i members present and a newl member Mrs. Rowland Scolt welcomed by the graup. Ai euchre party planned for th's; month was cancelled due toa starmy weether and bad road' conditions. Plans were made ta cater for a Cubs Fathçr and Son banquet' be held in the United Churcri basement Feb. 20. The Febru- ary meeting will be held anca week eerlier then usuel on Feb. 10 et the home o! Mrs. Preston Neals and it is hoped thet other mothens will «plan to attend and joi.a the AuxWlary, ville Saturday, were: Mr. andI Mrs. A. Low, Mr. and Mrs. C. Therteil, Mr. and Mrs. RoyS m t Little, Mr. and Mrs. L. Glass, S it Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Batten, Reg. and Ross Elliott. The fine tur- key supper, good programi and dancing made for a fine even- il "«FEATURE" Libby's Deep - 15 oz. tin BROWN BEANS 3 For 49c "FEATURE"' Gold Medal Homo - 9 oz. tumbler PEANUT BUTTER 2/49c Fresh Produce Bursting with goodnçss Florida - Seedless - Good size 48's GRAPEFRUIT 10 for 49 c Juicy - Healthful - Good size 150's SUNKIST LEMONS - Doz. 49c MiId, flavourful - 1½h lb. cello bag PARSNIPS . . . 19c Tasty - Mealy ]Rolland Marsh - 5 Mb. poly bag POTATOES - ,- 27e PAGE TNRE to return to Bowmaflville this week. Kendal friends were sorry to learn thet Mrs. Lorne Paeden suffered a heert attack and wvas taken ta Menlorial Hospital, Sat- urday. We ail hope she vill ho feeling better soon. The Kendal lads had a tm*O- hour hockey practice ini Orono rink, Sunday aiternoon. Tues- day evening they arc haviflg game .in Orono. Beverages Limited Bowmanvillie AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR m 4 1kg. 49C BEST BUY Lipton Chicken Noodie or Toniato Vegetable SOUP MIX -- Purex - White or Coloured TOILET TISSUE - 4 ROS 49C m 3 i'icgs. 49c Qua-lity MeatsSweet Treat - 20oztn - ~ Mats ~ CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 2/49c Swifi's Premium Blue Brand Beef "FEATURE" Rose Brand EhAIRITV . Pt.. Blade Bone Removed .. g B L A DE ILb. 0 c Dunhll - 4 oz. cello pkg. RO STLICORICE ALLSGRTS 39c Meaty, tender Sunheani - White or whoie wheat SHORT RIB b6 cDNE OLBl12Fi27 ROASTS l. 1 DINr-RLS~1 n 7 Swift's'- Young, tender PORK LIVER Sliced IL.27c Swift's Premium- Sliced - Cello pIkg. Macaroni& Cheese Loai Duich Loaf Pickle & Pimenta Loaf Veal, Park & Chicken Loaf Your pkgs. Choice2 for1 Swift's Premium Smoked - Ready-to-eat COGKED PICNICS Ti Mixed Fruit, 15 or. pkg.-----4 French Fries, 9 oz. pkg. 3 for 4. Chopped Brocoli, 10 oz. pkg. 2 for 41 49C m iLb. 49c -. I Chubby or Regular KLEENEX TISSUES HERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE - Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grc-ve Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN UNE ORONO - Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Market 1 1 ing of pleasure. KENDAL1 Dinner. guests Sunday no Theweaheragin!Ithn ad'with Mrs. W. Mercer were Rev. Theweahe agin!R:in ndR. C. White, Mrs. Mary Luxon above 40* temperature Wednes-1 and Mrs. Xance Allen. Mrs. day night eettled our snow down, Howard Quantrili spent Sunday somewhat but left the roads'afternoon %vith Mrs. Mercer and again an expanse of ice wvbich Mrs. Luxon. the youngcr folks found fine for Mrs. Ala Swarbrick. "vho skating and hockey. Saturday, was laid up last week. wes with bier son, 'Mr. and Mrs. WIfe another 5 to 6 inches o!f vbite Roughley in Orono, but expected fluffy stuff covered everything again. Mondey morning dawn- ed calm, clear and frosty with temperatures dipping to, -24' atW A.mpleasant time was enjoyedT e at the euchre party held Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux. In spite o! the sub-zero weather six . tables were in play with the prize-winners being: ladies- Mrs. Russel Savery and Mrs. P IMurphy; gents-CarI Langstaff and, on a gent's card, Mrs. H. Foster. A bountiful lunch topped off the evening. Another is be- ing held in same place Feb. 6. Mrs. Eddie Couroux, Ray and Marie and Bruce Mercer and iMrs. Carl Lengstaff and Deb- hie visited Ray Moore's in Toronto, Sunday. Linda Lang- staff, who had been visiting hier aunt, Mrs. Moore, returned home with them. Those from bere ettending the i Lnhhj RniJJ tÂL ,in8,SB.. ma*- m -i -----------

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