Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1959, p. 18

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s v ~,t'Ž-r. s?Ç t Canvassers Ready for Mothers' "March -of Dimeso Drivek Next Mndi Turnon AIliP To WeIcome Between 7 Club 15 met at the home of Ms-s. Ralph Mcntyre on Thurs- day, January 22nd ta make final plans for the forthcaniig March of Dimes on Mondav evening, Febs-uas-y Znd. AUl rnembers renorted excellent s-e- gults in obtaining canvassers for the one haur blitz, and the Club wishes ta thank ail who have volunteered their services for next Monday's Mothers' Mardi of Dimes. The response of the women of Bowmanville bas been wonderful and if the rest Of th.e cammunitv shows anythinglikeU the same 'enthusîasm when can- vassers visit their homes, the 1959 campaign will be a s-e- soundini success. Campaign headquarters for the toxvn of Bowmanville xvill be at the home of Mrs. Russelli Oke, 6, Loyers Lane, 3-5938. Be1 Eure ta leave' vour porch lig:it burning on Monday next, Fs-b- ruas-y 2nd at 7 p.m. in os-der ta welcome ane of the canvas- sers listed below. Captains and Canvassers Ms-s. E. Banting (Capt.), Mes- dames N. Bus-ns, J. Cuddahei', J. Fair. R. Hay es, A. Lobb, S. Mur-doch, R. Patfield, T. Rehder. Mrs. P. Chant (Capt.), Mes- dames J. M. Rowe, T. A. Harri- son, L. D. Goddar-d, T. Turner, M. Oke, G. Elliott, E. Fairey, J. Barclay, J. N. Cartwright, J. Hayman, N. B. Ands-ew, G. Hughes, F. Cowle. Mrs. J. Crombie (Capt), Mesdames A. Lunneman, F. Hol- rayd, J. Large. Ms-s. J. Dunn (Capt.), Mes- dames F. Crowe. B. Hancock, A. Trewin, J. McMullen, L. Van Driel, A. Syer, R. Shackeltan, A. Sleep, R. Hawthorne, M. Mc- Donald, C. McDonald, M. Slute. Ms-s. T. Gatcheil (CaptI, Mes- dames C. Henning, V. Jeffrey, F. MacDonald, K. Ni ckes-son, J. ]Buttanshaw, G. Clark. Ms-s. D. Gilhooly (Capt.), Mesdames M. Cann, C. Hockin, G. Pipes-, L. Goulah. A. Lobb, L. Rundle, K. Jackson, L. Pres- dation for Poliomnyeities and the~ COs-thapeadically Disabied at the' Dorch LighLs head office in Toranto. Th-s voluntary os-gaflizatiosi cas-ries out a broad programme aimed I "M ot bers at bringing rehabilitation ses-- vices ta disabled adults regard- ___ iess of race, colour, creed or p em cast. and 8 0* Basically, the Fudto seeks ta remove financial ob- tan, J. Pas-ker, F. Muttan, P. stacles sepas-ating the disabled CpMiss A. Hodgîns. from rehabilitatian cas-e. On the Capp, advice af its medical advissas- Ms-s. G. E. Mann (Capt.), commîttee, it buys services and> Mesdames K. M a g ui re.M. equip ment for patients Who caîx Moore, B. Milles-, C. A. Kelly; benefit tram them. These n H. L. Allun, B. Semple, G. Ste- clude physical and vocationai phen, K. Sumersfos-d, M. Las-- assessment, physiotherapy, bra- - mer, T. Milles-, G. Lena, A. Ca- ces, wheel chairs, s-acking beds verly. and portable iran lungs. Th-e« Ms-s. D. Marsden (Capt.), Mes- Faundation also provides trans- dames S. Adams, J. Stutt, W. partation ta and fram treatment Whitehead, W. S. Morrisan, J. cents-es. And if the pationt's Lander, G. Landes-, T. Dustan, famnily is having ecanamic diffi- M. Vanstone. culties while -he or she is undes-- Mrs. R. McIntyre (Capt.'), going ts-eatment, it stands ready Mesdames A. A. Merkley E. with financial aid ta see them Wessels, D. Anger, H. Saun-. through the emes-gency. ders, S. McMus-ter, A. Laird,, R. Establishes New Centres Mutton, J. Elston, Miss M. Jew- Recentiy. the Foundatian bas ell. struck out in two new dir-ec- Mrs. R. Oke (Capt.), Mes- tions. It has spansos-ed and as- dames G. McMuIlen, L. Deweil, sisted citizens' cammittees in a E. Osbornc, J. C. Burdett, B. haîf-dozen major Ontario ci- Ledd 'v, A. Sylvester, R. Schlin- ties to establish modern Rehab- gensiepen, H. Goddar-d, M. ilitation Centres. The anc in Brock, J. Bowman. Ottawa was opened only lastl Ms-s. L. Parker (Capt.), Mes- Fali. Simultaneously, the Four.- dames S. Candier, C. Befttes. H. dation bas initiated the fis-st of Kelly, M. Marchant, A. H. Spi- a series of industries for the es-r, E. Brock, D. Taylor, D. disabls-d, located in North West Stutt, G. Gui. R. Kerr. Tor-onto and known as Oper- Ms-s. P. Passmore (Capt). tion Reliance Ine. Their pur- Mesdames C. Hall, H. Wither- pose will be ta provîde a con- iy, 0. Plummer, G. M. Goheen, crete demonstration ta employ- E. Tomlinson E. Stephenson, R. es-s that ohysical handicaps E. Laird, L. Ays-e, G. Brown. need not ýnterfere with the Mrs. G. Vinish (Capt.), Mes- work potentiai af an individual. dames A. Mas-jers-ison, D. Rack- Each of these developments s-e- ham, 0. Murphy, W. A. Ste- presents a tremendous step for- phens, C. Breen, C. Vanstone, ward in building a thorough- G. Dilling, C. Shred. G. Cawker. going and effective rehabilita- Mrs. G. White (Capt.), Mes- tion programme for the prov- dames A. Grant, G. Sturrock, ince. L. Lucas, F. Coty, A. A. Strike, Turn On Pas-ch Light M. Wood, R. Parker, C. Taylor, These new undertakings in- T: Anderson, J. Meachin, G. valve heavy additional expen- Vice. dtur Tht is whv the overaîl Mrs. G. R. Webster (Capt.), ii-s Mesd mes R. mes, L. cFe objective for the 1959 M as-ch of tersamB. Milne sW. LRundie eT Dimes is higber than ever be- De pe, . M Gre enfi. ldN . ' T. fore. Let's sec ta it that we in Depe, P GrenfildN. 1--B:owmanville are also ready ta borne, S. .James, O. J. Presson, do aur share. It's very simple- Miss M. Dustan. betweeen 7:00 and 8:00 p.m., Rehabilitates Dlsahled Adults turn on the pas-ch light, and Ahl funds roliected dus-ing the give as generously as passible. ane hour blitz will be tus-ned You wan't regret it. and the over ta the Rehabilitation Foun- disabled will neyer forget it. The- Orono News Telephone 127 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hadgson, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dent et- ]Bradford, M.r. and Mrs. Stanley tended the funeral in Orillia last Taylor, Oshawa, Mr. & Mrs. Ai- week of his brother Lionel Ar- bert Garden, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- thur Dent of Cochrane. ger Hladki, Lindsay visited Mr. Mrs. R. A. Forrester spent the and Mis. W. L. King and family. weekend in Toronito visiting her Miss Catherine Power, Toron- sisters. to University and James Power, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryder- Oshawa spent the weekend with man, Solina- visited Mrs. Fred their parents Mr. and Mrs. Gor- Tamblyn on Sunday. don Power. -Mr. James Armour and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Tennant, Jack Hudson have returrxed Blackgtock, Mr. and Mrs. Har- home fromn Memorial Hospital, vey Ginn were in Toronto ]ast Bowmanville. ,week to attend the funeral of Congratulations ta Paul Ru- Mrs. Ginn's uncle the late Mr. therford who headed hds class of Harry Jackson who passed away 53 boys at the Christmas term in piddenly in Florida, Jan. lSth. the Faculty of Medicine, Queens Mis. John Morris is visiting University ,Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jones, Port Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reesor, 1Eope this week. Markbiam, visited ber sister Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E'dward J. Hen- M. Sherwin. dersan and daughter Leigh, Osh- Mrs. Chas. E. Miller, Mr. end awa, Mr. and Mrs. O. Chapman, Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn ettendeci Kirby, were dinner guests or the funreal of the late Mrs. G. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chatterton Edgar Van Horn, Brooklin, on and Carol. Monday, Mr. and Mns. John Forrester Mr. Lawerence Dack who bas and family were dinner guests returned ta Peterborough after of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton, 10 weeks at the Orano Branch of Newtonville on Sunday . The Canadian Bank of Com- Mrs. Harry Mercer spent Fr1- merce was presented witb a pen dav with Mrs. Chas. Sbaw. Osh- by the Bank Staff on Friday. awa. The Orono Horticultural So- Mr. and Ms-s. O W. Relph, Mr. ciety held their Annuel Meeting and Ms-s. W. L. King attended last Friday evening et the 1.0. the Motor City Choir in Simcoe 0.F. Hall. Mr. Everett Brown Unsited Cburcb, Oshawna, Mon- showed some exceptionally fine dey evening. pictures. Mrs. Gordon Watson Ms-s. Wm. Jordan, Mr. and and Mrs. Neil Porter were the Mrs. Lewis Jordan, Ajax, visited luckv winners of the Door Pri- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell on zes. Refreshments were served Tuesday. followed by a Social Hour. Annual Vestry Meeting HeId .af St. Saviours ORONO-. The Annual Vestrvy Meeting of St. Saviours Angli- can Chureh, Orono. wsas held January 20tb in the Parish Hall, with the Rector 11ev. D. R. Dew- dney in the cbair. The meeting ,vas opened with Hymn 359 follovýing with The Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Herbert Murray, was ap- pointed Vestry Clerk for the ev- ening and the minutes of the lest meeting were s-ead and ap- proved. jAir, Rail or Steamnship T TIC KET S TO EVERYWHERE I Consuit JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 I Bnwmanvllle 190NUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY P4ARKFRS t" ..& hv au& W.%y.m 0 - MauFFO-@u Siallord Bros. NuaumsalalWorlu 818 Dunda. St. E., Whttby Phone Whitby MObawk 8-3552 The Chus-ch Wardcn's finan- cial statement wvas given by Ms-. George Mos-ton, followed by the Womnen's Auxiliary repas-t given hy Ms-s. Murs-ay. a report on the Sunday Sehool funds was given by Ms-s. John H. Mos-ris and the Envelape Secs-etary's Repas-t. Rectors Warden- Ms-. Robes-t Mos-tan: Peoples Warden- Ms-. George Mas-tan; Lay Delegate to Great Chapter- Ms-. Herbes-t C. Fletcher; Lay Delegate ta Synod - Ms-. G. Mos-tan; Rectos-s Side- nmen-- Ms-. H. C. Fletcher and Ms-. Chas. Stapicton; Peoples Sidemen- Ms-. C. Grant and Ms-. Wm. Tomiinson; Envelope Sec- s-etarv- Ms-s. C. Grant; Audit- os-- Ms-. C. Grant: W.A. Secs-e- tary~-. Mrs. 'H. Mus-ray: Ps-ess Reporter- Ms-s. Wm. Mitchell. With the completion of genes-al business Ms-. G. Mas-ton moved the meeting be adjous-ned. The ladies ses-ved s-efresh- ments and an enjoyable evening was spent by aIl. SOLINiA Several litile playmates of Dean Knox wes-e entes-tained at a bis-thday pas-ty given by h4s mother, Ms-s. Hiarry Knox on Satus-day aftes-noon. Dean was five years aId on Jan. 27th. Bs-adley Community Club will meet Frsiday cvening, Jan-. 30. Miss Louise Hartman -wl show pictus-es. Ms-s. S. E. Wer - v visited Ms-s. Percy Langmnaid, Oshawa. M.". and Mrs. Tom We-stlake and sans of Mflbrook visited on Sunday with Ms-. and Ms-s. Fr-ank Westlake, Ss-. Sauina Good Neighbaus-s Club met Wednesday night at the school. The main feature of the progs-am was the showing of beautifuil colored slidcs, scenes of Switzes-land, Portugal, Ger- many, France and England, by Ms-s. A. G. Stocks -(farmerly Eunice Leask) of Brooklin. Dr. tStocks accompanied bis wife ta the meeting. Ms-s. Wiiiard Gos-s read an intes-esting lettes- fs-rn a missionas-v in India, which rdescs-ibed thgir native customq. Ms-. W. Lycett, teaches-, spoke briefly on scbaoi wos-k and 1lunch was scs-ved. The Congregational meeting was beld on Thus-sday night, Jan. 22. Due ta the icy condi- tion of the roads the attend- ance was somewbat down fs-rn' previaus yeas-s. Rev. Reed ps-e- Ssided and Harvey Yellowlees was secretary. A bymn and 1prayes- by Ms-. Recd'opcned the meeting. Reports of vas-bus committees were mast gs-atify- ing and the M. & M. givings were incs-eased this year. Mur- ray Vice, secretary of the Sun- day Schooi, repos-ted a balance of $34.00. A new projectos- was pus-chased last yeas- and films as-e found ta be vcry interest- ing for missionas-y and tempes-- ance education pragrams. Don- ald Taylor, treasus-er of the IThs-ee M's gs-aup repos-ted a sub- .stantial balance with the salei jeo f ct of 9 p8 at Ms -s.h B rucen Tino - of chus-ch95plates.thBrmainps-o leader of the Explorer gs-aup, repos-ted a veas- of interesting activitv with seven members: Lloyd Broamne, secretary of the Sunday Schooi repos-ted Sun- day Schoooi was held 41 Sun- days with an aver-age attend- ance of 85. Offices-s for 1959 are as fol- lows: Congregational Representa- tive-Ms-s. Bruce Tink. Auditors - Ross Crydes-man,i Cha.s. Langmaid. Fiower Committee-Ms-s. R. Davis, Pearl Leach. Trusts-e Boas-d-Wes Werrv, IWes Yellowlees. flac Pasco' '2, Gos-dan Leask, Fr-ank Westlake Jr. Board of Stewards - Ewart Leask. Lloyd Broorne. Wes Huis. M'es Yellowiees. Ralph Davis, Stan Milîson, B. Montgomer-y,, C. Langmaid. EIders-Gardon Leask, John Knox, Ms-s. Wes Yellowiees, E R. Taylor. Ushers - Ewart Leask. Rac Pascoe, Hasrvy Knox, Wes Huis, Har-vey Yellowlees, Raiph Da- vis. A vote of appreciation was extended on behaif of, the con- gregation bv Stan Mîison Io the caretake-rs and the flower 1 committee-Ms-s. R. Davis and Pearl Leach and also ta thec os-ganist Giadys Yeliowlees. Ms-s. Wes Yellowlees exprcss- ed sincere thanks of the con- gregation ta Mr. and Ms-s. Reed ý faor their willing assistýance at ail times and for theis- frequent visits ths-aughout the commun- ity, especially-, remembering the. sick and shut-in folk.i Glad.ys Yellowlees led in the was-ship ses-vice with the theme of "Beginning Again". Ms-s. Don Taylor favored with a rousing piano solo and foliow- ing the benediction by Rev. Reed lunch was ses-ved b y la- dies of the Adult Bible* Class. Friends of Chas-les Shos-tridge werc sas-sy ta Iearn of bis accl- dent last week when he slip- ped and feu aon tie ice and his hip was broken. A patient. in Oshawa Hospital, he is wishcd 1 a speedy s-ecaves-y. Ms-. As-thur Moore met with a paînfuil accident, while plac- ing a support against the bas-n door dus-ing the severe gusts of wind. last Wednesday night. Hc slipped on the snaw-cavered ice WiII Live in Peterborough .. .n dMr s.Al anEd wardRi chardssi gnth er rgister following their marriage in TrinityUnitedCh urchO emmee,onnSa turdayafternoon,Jan.22.r s.Richardss the eformerJJdithMa rianMc Quade,da ughteroofMr.a adMr s.William A. Mc Quadeof Ommeme.Thegroom, as sn of Mr.adMrs.GeorgeE.. Richards,Bo wmanville,is o otereporting staffof th ePeterboroughExaminer,aadt Dir" the ker Parity -Prices lýý 1 Mi or v OPO di vastetýng ef fect l"i àtq ""M u'st" for tegr t on to th MI He ci týhat p' riées je Ï0 eiri1ée:ý1, ideli paym are a mu Family Farm il t family farm, is going sur ive. The Ontario FaM!m The Cartwright Local No. 73 Un' n is also endeavouring Èc re government assistance of the Ontario Farmers' Union er lhe value of farrh atilini on Thursday eveninx, Jaý,.222 d t e1as a esult of rableg'*i efi y had as guest speaker, the inoculatlon of aniiný verne Morley of Middlesex aýt ans who have been à County. Mr. L. J. Wood, Coun- pos tolhe Aisease. and Jean, Bowmanville. Mrý>nd Mrs. Wu Werry v Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and ited àt loyd Metcalf's in 09 family were Sunday tea guests awa. of Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales and Pat ook part In family, Harmony. Sim L cital of his el Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis dents in acco dion at- the E. were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lovell school Oshawa, Mc Ed Davis, Oshawa, on Sunday. day night. ý1 1 SAVE on-QUALITY, BUDGET YOUR WORK IMPROVEMENTS HERE - lst PAYMENT APRIL Oth McGREGOR H RDWÀ&RE LTDJ 95 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3m3386 TM eAWADIM STATESMM, SOIVULAItVff= CMAM ,inother, Mrs. W. A. Ormiston af Broôklin. 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. Terpstra, "Hampton, were Saturday even- ing guests at Bruce Tink'à. -Lois , and kenny. Ashton, Bradley's, spent the weekend at Charles Langmaid's. Mr. L. Squair. Éalem. visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langinaid. Mrs. Rae Pascoe visited at Mrs. Ron Templar's and Mrs. J. nyer's ln Osl3awa. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Peevp.r ,and Mr. C. McPherson, Oshawa, were at Rae Pascoe's on Satur. day. Mr. and Mrs. I-felmer Freitag and sons and Carolyn Frietag, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at E. Cryderman's. Mr. aýd Mrs. Ross Crvdermari and ehildren visited Sundày af- ternoon with Mrs. S. Rundle FIRSTý OF YEAR CLEARANC of ALL RECONDITIONED All Privately Owned Cars READY FOR THE ROAD Mostly One Owner at the close of the meeting. The Explorers met Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Bruce Tinic read a story from thp study book, "Ten Pairs of Shoes'ý" The, worship service was presented by Mrs. Bruce Taylor and Peg- gy Millson read the scripture lesson. The roll call wae ans- wered with a place ln Alaska. The roll call for next meeting will be "Name a Canadian ri- ver or city." Several C.G.I.T. girls and their leaders attended the Fire- side Hour at King St. Church Centennial Hall, Oshawa, Sun- dav night. Mrs. Bruce Tink visited her and fell, dislocating his shoul- der. After receiving medical at- tention at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, he was able to re- turn home Friday afternoon * 1 We wish him also, a speedy re- covery. The Solina Woolettes held their sixth meeting in the Com- munity Hall. The girls answer- ed. the roll call with "How to remove one kind of spot from woollen material". Leaders showed how to do invisible darninx, exolained how to stor2 wool and put in a zipper. The next meeting will be held on January 28. Lunch was served R% TRU IPAT. - M. X914 lu If you are in the market for a good used car . . . here is your chance Io buy at clearance prices. 1957 Olds Sedan, Super "88" 1953 Pontiac Sedan 1956 Olds ""88"" 2-Dr. Bardtop 1955 Chevrolet Coach 1956 Olds "98"" 4-Dr. Sedan 1953 Chevrolet Sedan 1953 Olds ""88"" 4-Dr. Sedan 1957 Chevrolet Coach 1957 Pontiac 2-Dr. Hardlop 1955 Pontiac Coach 1952 Chevrolet Sedan 1950 Pontiac Sedan 1951 Chevrolet Coach 1953 Vanquard Sedan ROY W. NICHOLS Oldsmobile and Chevrolet Cars Chevrolet Trucks BOWNANVILLE Phone MA 3-3353 COURTICE Phone MA 3-3922 :9 fý 1 JÀ 1 !à Pioý1À . ego strr i' ýuu WORK UP TO Wl NTER WORK M& M DO MT ..Nowle JoÏn in Bowmanville's "DO IT NOW" Campaign If you are planning Io huild, remodel or repair ý your home ý 0 ' 4 a make McGregor Hardware Limiled your headquarfers for everythi ' nu you'Il need in the way of plywood, insulation, frim, floor and wall file, linoleum floor coverings, chrome frim, hardware, paint, roofing, etc. . . . including a full line of hand and power fools, if you intend Io do the work yourself in whole.or part. We are ready with ideas, suggestions and estimales . q a all free!

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