Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1959, p. 14

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-t i PAGE TrOURTEEl Points Demerit System Explained to Rot ary by Saf et y Representative An impressive address on "Safe Driving" was given by Dennis Hilh, Toronto, at the luncheon meeting o! the Bow- rnanville Rotary Club, hehd at the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel, Jan. 23. Guests present were Stan Evenson, Oshawa, past district governon; Jack Landen, Bowmanville, D. Hill, Toronto, E. Gardner, Engle- hart, and Roger Canant, Ajax. Mr. Hill is the field repres- entative of the Transportation Safety Association o! Ontario, Bob Stevens stated in introduc- ing the speaker. The Transpor- tation Safety Association is au- thorized by the Workmen's Compensation Board, and has oerformed valuable service in inspecting safety devices, and the eimination hazards, Mr. Stevens said. The appalling toîl in human life taken in unnecessary acci- dents was emphasized by Mr. Hill. He also told o! suffering from injuries sustained in mo- tor accidents, an-d the large arnount o! property damage caused by them. In speaking o! accident pré- ,vention he stnessed the impor- tance o! the right example be- ing given. He urged bis hear- ers ta preach sa!ety, and ta enhiance their advice by them- selves demonstnating the best driving methods. Mn. Hill explained the new drivers' demenit systemn that vwill become effective in On- tario on February lst, 1959. He stated that every driver will be given 12 points at the start. For every infringement o! driv- ing negulations a driver will ne- ceive demerits as follows: Criminal negligence, dnunk driving, impaired driving, :fraudulent possession of a dri- ver s license, a conviction on sny o! the !oregoing charges will result in a loss of all 12 points. Nine points wilh be de- ducted from a driver guihty of faiing to remain at the scene of an accident. The penalty o! a five point demerit for cane- less diving, nacing, or driving more than 30 miles faster than the speed limit. There will be a three point demerit for a conviction o! exceeding the speed limit by more than 10 miles per hour but less than 30 miles per hour, or failure ta yield the right of way, failure ta heed stop sign or signal, or failure to report an accident. For exceeding the speed limit by 10 miles an hour and for al other moving violations two points will be deducted from the driver's total. If a driver builds up a hoss o! six points he wilh receive a warning letten, Mr. Hill ex- plained. If he has a nine point loss he will be called for an in- terview, but if he bas lost 12 points bis license will be su3- pended for three months. Helj added that points are effective1 for two years from the date o! conviction and will be deduct- ed from the driver's record a!- ter that time. The dangers o! improper driving were vividly presented by a motion picture "The Case o! Officer Hallibrand," shown by Mn. Hilh. It pointedly exem- plified that while roads are bet- ter today, and cars have been made safer, there is urgent need for safer drivers. Dr. Slemon moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Hill for bis in- formative address, and for showing the fine film. Rex Wal- ters, the president o! the Bow- manville Rotary Club, present- ed Mn. Hill with a copy cf "Bowmanville, A Retrospeet," the Centennial history o! the town. .Recreatlion £kevîews By:Dougla:sRijgg Minor Hockey Peterson were the goal scorers This coming Saturday, Jan- for the Cubs. Fred Schackleton uary lst, will mark the end accounted for both the Braves of the Minor Hockey League's goal in the final period. Ralph regular schedules. The league Cole of the Cubs collected the playoffs will get underway on only penalty of the game for February 7th. The semi-finals tripping. will be in the form of a round- In the second Bantam game robin series where each teamn of the morning the Lions defeat- will play every other tearn ed the Huskies 2-0 to hand the once. The two teams with the Huskies their f irst defeat of the rnost points at the end of the season. Talbot Thompson and round-robin will advance tO Rod Taylor (Bob Hellam) were_ Minor Hockey Night to play for the goal scorers for the Lions. the league championship. Thne John Depew (tripping), Bryce remaining teams in each league Adams (elbowing) both of the will pIayôff for "~The Mug" on Huskies collected the only pen- March 2lst., alties of the gamne. Bantam Leaigue In the, third and final Ban- In the first Bantam game t4m garne of the morning the played last Saturday morning ira tes defeated the last place the Cubs defeated the Braves Tigers 3-1 to move wîthin two 3-2 to move into fourth place points of the league leading in the league standings. Don Huskies. The league leadership :Rickard (Glen Clarke), Ralph will be decided this coming Cole (Biayne Flint) and Paul Saturday morning when the Pi- Wanted by Students... Usd by tii ontiro family The Remington RW 4 imr2h't 6u 66 King St. W. MA 3-3303 . 1 TOM CAMADIAS STÂTESMAN. EOWICANVIILLE, ONTARIO TEUREDAT. AM 2804 lm . 1959 Palestine Chapter 0f ficers Are Installed Officers for 1959 of Palestine Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, No.Sutton, First Veil. Second row: A. Blanchard, Scribe N.; J. Abernethy, 249, G.R.C., were installed in a recent ceremony. They are, front ro, second Veil. Top row: V. Cookson, Principal Soi.; D. Deeley, Fourth Ieft to right: C. Allun, I.P.Z.; B. Tink, Second Principal; R. Osborne, First Veil; M. Stacey, Junior Soj.; L. W. Dippeil, Scribe E.; D. R. Alldread, Principal; R. Dillîng, Third Principal; W. Teeple, Senior Soi.; Harry Outer Guard. Absent when photo was taken, Harry Freeman, Treasurer. -Photo by Rehder rates and Huskies play in the 5th game o! the morning. Larry Pernis (Wayne Harrison) Bil Buday and Bill Depew (Peter Werry) were the goal betters for the Pirates. *Bradley Yourth (Ted Brown) saved the Tigens from being blanked hate in th2 final period. John Hughes o! the Pirates collected the only penalty o! the game for tripping. Pee Wlee League In the first Pee Wee game played on Saturday morning the Giants defeated the, Leafs 2-0 to move into second place in the league standings. John Cunningham and Garfield Webb were the goal scorers for the Giants. No penalties were handed eut during the gaMe. In the second Pee Wee game af the morning Hawks came up with their first win o! the sea- son by de!e-ating the fourth place Bruins 2-1. Paul Lucas (John Ballantine) and Je!! Gil- hooly (Michael Bothwell) ac- counted for the Hawks' goals. Ivan Milîs scored the Bruins' lone goal. Na penalties were handed out in the game. In the third and final Pee Wee game o! the marning thEý Rangers sconed four first per- lad goals to defeat the Cana- dians 4-2 in a four point game ta clinch the league champion- ship. Wayne Dawn, Jim Kitney and Donald Murphy (2) were the goal scorers for the Ran- gers. Bnian Forsey and James Mclntyre (Forsey) accounted for the Canadians' goals. Ron Hooper o! the Rangers picked up a total o! seven minutes in penalties, 2 minutes for slash- îng and 5 minutes for high sticking. Brian Forsey o! the Canadians picked up a shashing penalty hate in the first peniod. Atom League In the Atom eague game played on Saturday morni.ng the Rams scored in the last min- ute o! play ta defeat the Hor- nets 1-0 ta assure themselves o! second place in the final standings. Phillip Manduck (Paul Parker, Paul Charbon- neau) ivas the Rams' marks- man. Paul Charbonneau o! thc Rams picked up the only Pen- alty o! the game for slashing. In the Atom eague game played ast, Monday afternoon the Rarns and Barons played ta a 3-3 tie in their final game o! the league. Donald Rogers led the Barons' attack by scor- ing all tbree o! their goals. Paul Parker, Don Jamieson (Paul Parker) and Dan Nowhan were the goal getters for the Rams. No penalties were handed eut in the hard faught game. Lions Midget League In the first game o! the Mid- get league played hast Saturday afternoon the Cornets defeated the Dodgers 5-3 ta break a BUFFERED PAIN RELIEF Fast, Effective Relief from: Headaches . . . Cold Sympioms Neuralgia . . . Minor Muscular Aches, Etc. INTRODUCTORY OFFER 100 Tablets JURY AS Plus a 50e ed49 (24 Tablet Size) I FREE & LOVELL Your Rexali Drug Store 15 King Si. W. MA 3-5778 Hawe Crashed into Net During BOC Poor Show Against League Leaders Napanee's Ontario Cham-1 pions, again proved their mas- tery over the Bowmanville-Or- ono Combines, taking the first game of a three game series 8-2. The league-leaders increas- ed their margin over the Com- bines to nine points, as they won their third game in four starta îith the locals. Each club lias lost five times. The Combines, who turned in one o! their poorer efforts, were able to stay with the homesters, only in the second period, when Syd Arnold not- ched the only goal o! the ses- sion on a pass from Junior West. Keith West scored the other B.O.C. tally in the third three way tie for third spot. David Kerr (2), Graydon Col- ville, Andy Mathews and Rae Pickell were the goal scorers for the Cornets. Michael Dick- ens, Andy Mathews, George Kennedy and Jim Coyle collect- ed assists on the Cornets' goals. Grant Flintof!, Gord Rundie (Roger Meadows) and John Twist were the goal scorers for the Dodgers. The Dod-gers col- lected three o! the five penal- ties handed out during the game. In the second Midget game o! the afternoon the Raiders came up with their best effort of the season to defeat the first place Generals 6-1 to move into a third place tie with the Corn- ets. Larry Piper (3), Ray Crom- hie (2) and Blaine Pickard were the goal getters for the Raid- ers. Larry Piper, Ray Crombie and Lee Rackham collected as- sists on the Raiders' goals. \Val- ter Gibson (David Werry, Rob- ert Blackburn) accounted for the Generals' lone goal. The Raiders collected ail four pen- alties handed out in the game. Games scheduled for this coming Saturday are as follows: Pee Wee League 7:00 a.m.-Bruins vs. Wings 7:45 a.m.-Giants vs. Canad.'ns (Clean Ice) 8:40 a.m.-Hawks vs. Rangers 9:20 10:20 11:05 Bantam League a.m.-Bnaves vs. Lions (Clean Ice) a.m.-Huskies vs. Pirates a.m.-Tigers vs. Cubs Atom League 11:50 a.m.-Hornets vs. Indians Lions Midget League 3:30 p.m.-Raiders vs. Cornets 4:20 p.m.-Orphans vs. Dod- gens Atcm League Playolt Monday, February 2nd 4:45 p.m.-Barons vs. Indians Little N.H.L. At an executive meeting held in Port Hope last Sunday after- noon the final arrangements for the East Central Zone o! the Little N.H.L. Tournament were made. The Tournament will be held in Trenton on Saturday, March 7th starting time is 11:00 a.m. A total o! twelve teams will take part in the Tourna- ment with three entnies each from Bowmanville. Port Hope, Cobourg and Trenton. The Bowmanville entry un the Junior A (Atom) senies wil play Port Hope at 12:00 noon. The Amenîcan League team (Pee Wee) are scheduled t, meet Port Hope and the N.H.L. <Bantam) team will pflav their first _-ame against Trenton. A complete scbedule will be published as sean as it becomes available. The wvinners of the tourna- ment in Trenton will advance into the Ontario Little N.H.L. playof!s ta be held in Welland on Apnih 2 ta 4. Çhildren's Theatre The activities o! the Chihd- nen's Theatre held at the Lions Centre eveny Fiday at 4:00 p.m. have been cancelled until funther notice. Home Nursing There are stihi some openings in the Home Nunsing class be- ing heldl at Memonial Park eveny Wednesday evening at 8:1.5 p.r-n. The class is under the dire7- tien of Mrs. Phil Wither sp0oen. Anv one interested ini this class as invited to attend. period, after the winners had bulit up a 5-1 edge. MeKewen fired three last period goals, and McAllister scored twice, also in the final stanza, to lead the Napanee at- tack. Goodfellow, Douglas and White had given the Cornets a 3-0 first period edge. Ross Hawe, the victim cf ia lack o! back-checking by his forwards, turned in a magnifi- cent game, with some of his saves bordering on the fantas- tic. Joe Maracle took a shot, and af ter Ross had made the savc, the Napanee player crashed hlm into the net, in a vicious attack. Manager Frank Jamie- son called it the worst example of sportsmanship he has ever seen. Usually the Napanee team can be counted on for a good, clean game, it is too bad on2 player had to lose his head. Atom Stars Drop 6 -1 Loss To Port Hope The Bowmanville Atom 'N. H.L. Ahl-Stars apparently be- witched, bothered and bewil- dered by the huge Port Hope ice surface, were handed a 6-1 trimming last Thursday night. Tommy Carter bagged the lone Bowmanville tally on a pass from Jeff Gîlhoolev, as the locals trailed 2-1 after one per- iod o! play. Port Hope, holding an edge on the play, continued to score at a two goals-a-period clip ta wrap up the 6-1 decision. The teams b attled ta a 2-2 draw in a previous encounter here. Teenage Bowling The teenagers were in fine form Saturday afternoon, as fourtee3n bowlers rolled up 600 or better triples. Bob Richards 726, Jim Moorcraft 724 and Al- vin Masterson 710, al bit over the 700 mark. followed by Don Oke 692, J. McKnigbt 688, Ray. Twist 639, Ben Thompson 633, Brenda Oke (624-tops fan the girls), Larry Piper 622, Lowell Highfield 621, John Clark 606. Doug Shirk 605, Don Bagnel 602 and David Milne 601. Higb single honours went ta Don Oke 284 and Brenda Oke 261. Hazel Vanstone had 228, Connie Osmond 222 and Jean Alison 205. In the boys' division, Jim Mooncraft's team defeated Low- elh High!ield's outfît 5-2 ta re- gain possession o! first place. Ben Thompson's cnew dropped a close 4-3 decision ta Ray Twist's bowlers to slip back inte the second spot, one point bebind the leaders. Bob Rich-1 ards' team edged Larny Piper's squad by a 4-3 count ta mav e into a tie for fifth place .Only* six points separate the whole league. Barbara Brown's bowlers blasted out a 7-0 shutout win aven Virginia Brown's team, tr maintain their ten point mar- gin atap the girls' section. Con- nie Osmond's outfit moved inlo the runner-up position, bY vir- tue o! a 7-0 decision over Lînda Brooking's cellar-dwellers. Boys' Tearn Standings Pins Pts Jimn Mooncraft - 11231 17 Ben Tbompson 11367 16 Larny Piper- - 11625 15 Ray Twist------ 11088 14 Lowelh Highfiehd 10997 il Bob Richards------ 10693 11 Girls' Teamn Standings Pins Barbara Brown----9113 Conni? Osmond 8433 Virginia Brown - 8293 Linda Brooking- 8005 Pts 26 16 Ban tam. Ail -Stars Edge Whitby 3 b 2 The Bowmanville Bantamn top performer for Mike's Imi- Ail-Stars downed a visiting prlm s got his Wrhitby club Whitby club 3-2 here SaturdaY rolling in th*2 final period, when night 'n a good, fast game play- they outscored Bowmnanville 2-1. ed beIfore the Lakefield-B.O.C. Graydon Colville and George exhibition game, Saturday night. Kennedy fired unuassisted tai- The locals scored once in each lies, and John Hancock scored period to lead 2-0 heading into the other groal, with assists go- the last stanza.1 ing ta Colville and Paul Mut- Coazh Tod Lintner, a form2r ton. Town League Hockey The revamped Front Streeters went tbrough thein third stnaight game without defeat, playing ta a 3-3 tie against Brooks Construction in the finst game o! Thursday night's doubleheader. In the second contest, the Dept. o! Works, who hed the league befone Christmas, dropped their third straight game, this time by a decisive 11-4 score ta the front-running Murdoch & Wehsh Blockbusters. The acquisition o! Bnian Hughes, and a newhy formed forward ine o! Bob Sheridan, Clint Ferguson and Hughes, bas sparked the cellar-dwehhing Front Street crew along the c o meb a ck trail. "Squeak" Brooks took a pass from Larry Chant, mid-way through the opening peniod, and Dan Ginardi blinked the ned ligbt with the belp o! Don Masters and Lloydj Hamilton ta give Brooks Con-i struction a 2-0 lead. Don Prout fired an early second period marker, assisted by Sam Thamp- son and Masters. Then the 'big line went ta work. Hughes scored at 12:32 ta cut the head ta twa goals. Fenguson and Sher- idan drew assists on the play. Hughes notched his second, from "Jiggs" and Barry Cowl- ing, little aven a minute after the third period got undenway and then fed a pass ta Ferguson for the tying goal at 6:35. In the nightcap, the league- leading Blockbusters got away to a 3-0 first period edge, led 6-2 at the end o! the second and outscored the slumping Dept. o! Wonks 5-2 in the final te take an easy win. Phil Gilmer paced the Bhock- buster barrage with four goals and an assist. Calvin Blake banged in tbnee goals and cal- hected two assists, and Howard Quinney scored twice and pick- cd up one assist. Bob Fairey and Gary McCulhough accounted for the nemaining markers. "Buck" Cowle assisted on four "Chuck" Kihpatrick fined a pair for the lasers, with single IPee Wees>:. Down Co Ali- Stare6n' k A goal by Cobur~aes dale in the last spl P nd of the game, was toc lIt1e.tQo lat. as the Bowman vi è Plee W»e N.H.L. Ahi-Stars edged the hometown team 4-3, in a Fri.. day night tilt, before the Coe. bourg-Napanee Int. %'" Lame The teams phayed to a 3.3 tt, here hast Saturday, as Stevenson scored ail three goals, when Cobourg came trom behlnd i 3-0 deficit. On Friday the Bowmanville squad, playing much better than in the Scarboro game. jumped into an early 2-0 head, and wers neyer headed. as they held the starry Stevenson to one goal. Harrison and McMurter scor- ed hess than a minute apart, mîd-way through the first per- iod, ta give Bowmanville 'a 2.0 edge. Stevenson fired the oriiy tally of the second Period, but Me- Murter and Gay sandwiched miarkers around a goal by Kelly to make the score 4-2, before Ravensdahe's late lamp-lighting effort. Juveniles Win Four Pointer ln Cobourg The Bowmanville Leglon.- [naires were held on even terms by the hometown Cobourg Ju- venules for one minute in a four point game Monday night. Both teams traded goals in the first minute of play, but th*e Legionnaires took over to coTip- pletely dominate play for the other 59 minutes, as they s*ept to an easy 12-2 win. Bowrnanvil]e led 5-2 at the end o! the first period, and add- ed two in the second and five in the third, as Mike Murphy held the inept Cobourg crew off the score sheet. Gary McCullough led the goal-getters with four, to bring his total .to 17-high on the team. Brian Hughes, Bill Cros- sey and Everett Lake each scor- ed twice, with Bll Osborne and Eric Carleton adding single markers. Carleton picked up a eut OIn his arm, to go along with his broken nose, in Lindsay last Friday. Enic's goal put him in second place among the goal scarers with 15, followed by Bill Osborne and Bill Crossey, each with 9, and Brian Hughes with' eight. tallies going ta Gord Sellers and Jim Richards. Team Standings W L T Pt. Murdoch.& Welsh 8 4 2 18 Brooks Const. - ->7 ô i1 1 Dept. of Works 1 13 Front Street t Turn Old Furniture liaCash, with STATESMAN C L A SS1FIE D 5 L Phone MArket 3-3303 You CAN'T, Af ford Not To Advertîse Sponsored by (;thp >uaiu 'aru 1- > * *1 - - *--,^->-"

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