'1'fltTR~flAV IAw Ifli ¶6~O ~MY E~ANAflTAW MAW~MA~t UOWMANVB.LK ONTARTO ~Ccattîe, Crops Destroyed 1,,A Born Fire ct Bethany ' - lrge barn, an1 Ijfing. two-storey hen house1 apig pen with ail theiri te'nts were totally destroyed1 tire early r5aturday morning1 on the farm of Donald Lowes,1 on the lth Concession of Cavan( 'township, one mile east of! Bethany. ýAn early estimate set damage At more than $35,000. The cause s flt known. Lest in the tire were ail Mr. IL'iwe's farm machinery, inlud- iga tracter, combine, potato planter and digger, milking1 tiachine, manure spreader and bý-y elevator; 70 head of cattle, iÎiostly Shorthorns; 500 high line layiiig hens; 140 pigs, including zeveral brood sows with litters, 4,000 bushels of grain and a barn Iull of hay and straw and some totatoes. .Mrs. Lowes was awakened by 1 êhe lire about 2 a.rn. She woke 41r. Lowes who ran to the barn, about 150 yards from the house and tried to open a heavy door into thé cattie pens. It was frozen shut and Mr. Lowes trained himself trying to open f.He was treated by Dr. Stew- art Speller for injury and shock ai'd ordered to bed. Only eight sows, kept outside the main barn, were saved. The _gs were Yorkshires. Mrs. Lowes sent in the alarm %Ihich was flashed over the ru ral telephone line by Addison Co Scott, nigbt operator. Neigh- bors rushed ta help, but were unable to* stop the fire. When first seen, the flames had con- trol of the entire lower floor of the ba-n. Several cars were damaged in minor collisions on the icy roads while travelling to the fire. The portable tire engine fromn Bethany was flot taken out, for it was realized as useless, the tire had gaincd too much headway before it was discovered. The barn, remodelled and en- larged just a year ago, was one o! th~e landmarks in the country- side, the main barn being about 40 x 100 feet and the attached efl about 30 x 60 feet, with hip roof. The flames tromn the burning building could be seen for many nilies and people came from far and near, but had to stand belp- less to do anything. Wind was not a factor in spreadiiAg the fire and at no timne was the bouse threatened. The damage is partly covered by i-isurance. BURKETON Mr. and Mrs. George Wattam Toronto, Mis- Irene Brown, Scu- gog Island, were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oliver. Rev. R. B. Green, former pastor of Burketon, Ennîskillen and Enfield circuit, now serving at Brighton, called on Mr. Alden Hubbard and other friends in the village on New Year's Day. Mrs. A. J. Trick, Lindsay, called on friends ini the villagé over the weekend. 1Mr. George Carnochan and Jimmie, Port Perry, were Sun- day visitors with Mrs. Esther Carnochan. The funeral o! Mr. Bert Dean who passed away suddenly in Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday, Dec. 28, was largely at- tended. Floral tributes in bis memory were placed on the communion table on Sunday. Aferwards the flowers were taken to the homes o! Mrs. Al- bert Hughes, Mrs. Gatcheil and Mr. J. Curran. The W.A. will meet on Thurs- day, Jan. 8 at the home of Mrs. A. J. Turnbull. A large at- tendance would be appreciated. The Hi Tryers C.G.IT. held a very successful Christmas party at the home o! Mrs. L. Bone on Dec. 23. There were 14 members in attendance and thc four leaders. The girls iewellery & Gift Shop 1Young Citizens The future looks bright be one year old on Feb. 14, ari three years on Feb. If, sonsc Bowmanville. The prpud gra Cecil R. Breen of 'Oshawàa ar of Caesarea. North Nestli Elect New O Ne3tieton United Church W. A. and W.M.S. held the Christ- mas meeting at the home cf Mrs. A. Wilson with 22 ladies and st-vera1 ebidren present.i Meeting opened with carols, followed by Scripture reading by Mrs. R. Sadiezr, devotional by Mrs. W. McCoy. Roll caîl was answered by a cup and saucer shower for our church meetings. Rev. Rom- eril installed new officers for 1959 as follows: President, Mrs. Vic. Maicolm; lst vice, Mrs. W. Leyland, 2nd vice. Mrs. G. Campboell; Secretary, Mrs. J. .Hedge, Treasurer, Mrs. B. Heas- lip; Missionary Sec., Mrs. K-ýn Samelîs; Fruit and Flower Committee, Mrs., G. Bowers, Mrs. G. Johns; Pianist, Mrs. Lawrenice Malcolm.. Group Leaders, Mrs. R. Sadler,- Mrs. E. Mairs; Mrs. W. McCoy, Mrz. G. Bowers, Mrs. W. Jackson. Mr. Romeril spoke to us ',jn formed two groups and under the direction of Mrs. Argue and Mrs. Turnbull, they entertained the village folk with Christmas carols. Upon their return to Mrs. Bone's home they partici- pated in a variety of games and contests, while lunch was pre- pared by Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Bone. Rev. W. Logan mnadea brief appearance and expressed bis pleasure in the progress be- ing made by the group under their leaders. He also convey- ed bis Christmas greetings, with a wish for continued progress in the New Year. After lunch Was served their names were drawn [and each girl drew a small gift from a "Christmas Pie". Carol Abbott moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Bone for the use of ber home for the party. Taps was sung and with a Merry Christ- mas to everyone, the girls took their leave. Mrs. Simpson, Lakelield, was a weekend guest a. the home of ber son, Mr. and Mrs. Erie Simpson. Mrs. Edna McLaughlin is spending a few days with ber daughter--and son-in-law; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson, Markham, were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone on New Year's Eve, returning home early New Year's Day, taking their children who have been visiting theïr grandparents for the past two weeks. Later they enjoyed a goose. dinner with frends at Uxbridge. The cold weather and drifting snow over the weekend bas dis- rupted'school bus scbedules and other vehicles have been aband- oned on the roads. Quite a num- ber of men who work at Gen- eral Motors and other places to whicb they travel by car, were forced to remain at home until the roads could be cleared of snow. 4 emr~rrwspent New Year's wt r n -of- Tom rrow Mrs.Cecili Semon. . . .. . .Mrs. Anne Phillip of King- -ston, who has recentiy return- -'ed fromn Florida, has been visit- ing her daugbter, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burrows. - Miss Florence Werry spent *.a few days with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rowan, Bethany. Mr. and Mns. J. A. Warrack, 'Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. -. .- -.Doug White, at Christmas time, Mrs. Warrack remaining with 1 ber daughter for a while longer. Mr and Mrs. Merwin Mount- 0~jywr guests at a New Year's gathering at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samells, Nestle- - ~ J tnv. and Mrs. Ted Kersey Sand fanihy, Scarboro; FIL Reg Y reMrs. Kersey and fam- i, ly, Ottawa; Miss Grace Ker- -~-sey, Oshawa, Mr. Len Player, Bewdley, wiere with their par- ents, Mr. and Mns. S. Kersey, for- New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pooler and family, Oshawa, visited the 'Kerseys on Sunday. First. Off icer Gary Chant, Malton, spent the weekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Chant. Her many tniends wilhi be glad to know that Mrs. Niddery is improved trorm ber recent il1- ness. Sorry to report Mns. G. Ad- cock is under the doctor's cane and confined to bcd at time o! writing. Her many frlends trust to Craig Marshall who will she may have a speedy recov- id his brother Camneron Ross, ery. Blo a h ifr of Mr. and Mrs. Cal. Breen, tune to break his leg, on New andparents are Mr. and Mrs. Year's Day, whihe tobogganing. ,id Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bruce Congratulations to Mns. R. J. Hodgson wbo on Monday reach- -Photo by Bowmanvllle Studio ed ber 80th birthday. She was flic recipient o! expressions of x ood wishes fnom ber many friends- who trust she may lie eton G oups sared toi enjoy more happy etnGo sJbirthday anvrais The Ashton family of Ennis- U cers killen beld their New Year's if icersgathering in the new Municipal differer.t Christmases he had buflding here. known. This was very interest-1 Friends were sorry to learpi ing and made one think how o! the passing in Toronto last fortunate we are bere in C an-lweek o! Mrs. John Wilks wvho ada. w as widely and favorably It was voted wc give Bibles know"i bere (the former Mabel to our new Chunch membens. A Colwill) and extend sympathy motin byMrs.Samels, ec-to ber famlly. motion y Mrs. Seaelîs, st e- Mr. Malcolm Rced left on Fnl- onded$2.hy M. H&asip tht weday afternoop for Halifax, N.S., give $25ie.00 t sM &M.Fd, aften spending Yuletide with was. Vcadlmtwseovded by Ibis parents, Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Mrs. Vime Mlm, ecoded$0.0 1Reed. thM hr orsdSm .iw gaive $5.00 Women's Institute meeting the hui h bard.Carn d. this Thunsday in charge o! the Extra copies o! the, Upper Centre gop i omnt Roo, fr or sckand shut- ladies welcomc. ins have been ordered. Proceeds __________ frmorbinthday box t go Mmoil opia A rielicious lunch was served e oilH s ta 'klr lir ý1VVeeKIy cyepinrr YELVERTON Jan. 4: 1cko e.2 o Admissions _ ____-46 Despite icy conditions Of Births, À male, 1 female__51 noads New Yea's celebrations Discharges --50 were cannied on as pen achedule. M ajor operations 4 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stinsoni Minor operations .___17 celebrated their 4th wedding I Emergcncy treatments ---17 anniversary or. that date at the Vstighus23 e43 home of their câaughte'r th- iii. ors23 a43 Walter Wright's of Blackstock. p.m. and 7.00 ta 8.30 p.m. Also in attendance were the Morris Walkers of Lindsay and N sl o tto the Floyd Stinsons of Yelver- e leo Stin ton. Als.3 combining the two Mrs. Mihdred Colley and girls events, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. were irn Toronto with the PhiliP Wilson aelebrated their 53rd' Langfeld family. Patricia and weddiing anniversary with their I Lynda stayed for a visit ai-id familier, the David Wilsons andj Janice Langfeld came home Jack Wilsons at the Norman with Virginia Colley for a bol- Wilsons. Also present were iday.. Mrs. Annie McQuade and Miss Mr. an.d Mrs. Jas. Hanris were Emma Henders. Congratula- visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Rus- tions to bath Mr. and Mns. Wil- sel Sornley, Port Perry. son and Mr. and Mrs. Stinson Mrs. Nelson Marlow spent on these happy occasions. the New Year holiday with the Congratulations are in order Alvin Marlow famihy in Toron- for on-- of Manvers Township's to. oldest residents, Mrs. Elizabeth Mr. William Philp and Mer- Brown wbo celebrated litr lin wpre in Toronto with Mr. 94th .birthday on Jan. 6. and Mrs. Ross Philp. Symaty l etenedta he Sympathy is extended ta Dona ow e familty th Mrs. Carl Adams in the loss of Betnayd in e nfo l near ber mother, Mns. Dingman of fiehwyihnsto theifrubarriOshawa, hast week. ande mosto h erondtets-barn We are pheased ta report that and mst o thecontnts- iv- Mr. Fred Jobhns was wehh enough stock er.d implements. Ita leave Port Perry hospital the Mr. and Mrs. Ray Malcolm; day before New Year's and is o! Janctville accompanied the, staying with Mn. and Mrs. Da- Ralph Malcolmns ta the city of vid Johns. Toronto this week ta enijoy a Mrs. Jack Marlow, Johnnîe vst ihthe Royli Wrig h t an and Jane of Lively, Ont., are the esli Wrihts visiting hier parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mal- Mrs. Grant Thompson. colm and family at Malcon;.a Mrs. Wesley Campbell enter- on New Year's Day. tained the ladies o! the neighi- Many from this district en- bourh:)od ta aftennoon tea andi tered inito "the spirit of things ubr nbr eycmfral ta bicl au revoir ta 1958 and trailer home. welcone in the brave littie Sympatby is extended ta the New Vear at the dance in family and friends of Mrs. G. Bethany on Wednesday even- Prautt wbo passed away on ing. Friday with interment in Nes- Mr.__and Mrs. David Wilson tleton United Churçh cemetery and iVrs. Annie McQuace en-j on Monday. joyed a visit withi their Archcr Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Herron relatives in Port Hope di-strict, and family bad a most interest- and due ta the fog remained ing guest at the Presbyterian overniglht M anse over tbe Christmas vai- cation. Mr. Calvin Didian is a Pre-Theologicai itudent, an A:- HAMPTON nenian, bornin iLebanon, are living in Jerusalem. New Yean's dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. James Hedge, the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Km1IStewar't and David, were New Caveriy were: M1-. and Mrs. J. Year's guests o! Mr. and Mrs. D. Caverly, Linda, Mark and Matthew Kenmuir, Toronto. Gail; Mrs. Lydia Sudds, Mn. ar.d Misses Gwen and Eunice Mrs. J. A. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson neturned ta teaching Don Cale, Mr. L S. Caverly. positions in Scarboro after Bawmanville: Mn Howard Pye. spending the holidays with Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs . Bruce itheir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ce- Caverly and son Brent, Oshawa. cil Wilson. Mrs. Gladvs Brookin g, Part Miss Chrystai Fallas, Port Bitain. is visiting ber daugh- Hope hospital supenintendent. ter, Mrs. Cecil Shemon and Mr. visîted Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Brad- Siemon. burn and Mr. and Mrs. Don Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cunning- Thampson. ham, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gra- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- i-am. Alana and Kevin. Fene- son, Mrs. Jack Manlow, Johnnie !on Falls, spent New Year's and Jane, were guests o! Mr.Y Day wilh Mr. and Mrs. Harland and Mrs. Neil Bailey. Trull. Fricnds ane pleased te knawlv Miss Nina Hodgson returnei~ that Mrs. Malcolm Emerson is ta Washington, D.C.. on Mon- gaining strength eveny day day after spending several dava since getting home tram hospi- includng New Year's with ber tal thoi day before Christmas. parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. eaewsigtharbl Hodgon. er new's o! Mn. Leonard Job- Visi'tors daring the hoh*iv l:n who bas been ili in Port season with Rex'. and M r;. Penny hospital for somne time. Reed incided Mr. an.d Mrs The cold spell has interrupt- Clarente Fusee o! Westhill, M.Icd mail and school bus serv;c-c. an.d MrS. Donald Reed and Ca- Church services were cancelled olYn nof Scarboroueh, Rev. and at North Nestîcton and Bally- Mrs. Newton Reed. Paul a dduiff but Nestleton Presbyter- Stisan, Stinderland. 1 ian enoed a fairly good con- Mr. ,-nd Mrs. Reed and Mal- greaùon on Sundav. Truý;t colin, isunt New Yeafs i).ý%-y warnier wealher is !,O>ý corn- wîth 11ýe;r dau-iiter, . A-jing and folk confined ta bel thur Leighton and family, at or in the bouse with colds and Ransomvill,-, N.Y. 1 'flu will show much i.mprove- .Mr. Charlie Briggs, Toronto, ment, HERE ARE BARGAINS THAT NO ONE ELSE DARES OFFER' B.RESLIN'S JANUARY CLEARANCE STARTS Misses" CRINOLINES 1 lReg. $4.98 0ON SALE $20-00 Misses' Ski rts Flares - Plaids Straight Lines - Bey. ba $9095 O N SAÀL.E $5.00 TO-DAY. CARDIGANS By Helen Harper and Grand-mere Reg. $7.95 O N SAE 5.00 I Misses' Dresses Bey. ta $25.00 O N SALE $5.00 NYLON HOSE Reg. $1.00 pair ON SALE 2 Pai For .00 BLOUSES Ail Colors and Styles Reg. ta $5.98 O N SALE $2,900 Misses' CAR COATS Eeg. Io $16.95 O NEI000 SALE Misses, CAR COATS Reg Io $29.95 SALESI50 FULL SLIPS MANY OTHER GREAT VALUES! BRESLINS LIAIES 50 WMAN VILLE. v E? i M LOST A DIAMOND FROM YOUR RING This cauld happei tIo you ...i you -have nat had lb checked laiely! Nowv is the time to have your diamond checked. We will be happy to check your rings FREE, of charge., We will check the claws, mounting and clean your rings while you wait. On inspecting many rings. we have found the dianiond to be loose in the setting. In having thèse clams repaired at a small cost, ive fl we are saving you the cost of a new diamond later on. Be sure . Have your diamond checked today at our "Piamond Inspection Centre" Hoop er's ALL SALES FINAL NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS 29 King St. E. Bowmanville CHANGE 0F OWNERSHIP Mrs. Joan Munday, proprielor of Joan's, Beauty . Centre wishes to announce thai she has sold her business and as of ihis date it will be owned and operated by MARION HAYES ever the years and hopes the new 61wner will receive your continued -patronr.ge. 'Marion Hayes is no stranger to this business, having- been employed here fur the past tiree years. BETTER DRESSES Reg. ta $35.00 SA0 N1,000 Crepes and Nylons Reg. $5.95 O N SALE '.00o mwm_ TRUPMAY. JAN. sth. 1 oso TFM CANAZ)" STATESPI". BOVrSCARVnlj& ONTAM