Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1959, p. 13

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-e- ~ ?UPSA'Y,' JAN. ShM.19M K3.~ ~ZIJ~1WIlI.I~ O £ Il L~A~OIYIA1~. *tJW MAJ~ V ILLè~. ~JIWifLI~AÇj FA~U T~M * - A ~ A a'. a a m~ * a a . ~ a *~ r a a - llk.e few"al lipowe Ediior capacifty Crowd Favors Waterworks'insÉtal lation AtLarge Public -Meetini 3fM WCASTLE-With the hall Ontario, spake briefly,. outlining water as they wi I.dta apctyai onday the ativantages of a mnicipal creaseti tire prate, e~nncitizensof! the vilaewaterworks system, saying that b.e eigible, for l diexsdwlth niembers o! the the ativantages supplieti by reai- - sunance premiums 'vI3a. ouci, epesentatives ily available'wateu- compare fav- In tiscussîng.t- efti Wter Resaurces Commu'is- ou.iably withather caminodities fits of the system .i,, anti Kilboi-n, & Associates, without excessive expense anti et htDr i cogin enineers, aIl aspects ýnaming fire protection and out o! 30 wellsj e"ni cipa wateî supply pro- health protection. He sait no that hat been te ~ - municipality can guow very hati been fiee af j~eve . J Cuninhamwasmuch without municipal waten was explainedti ti chatt'maru, outlining the reasons services. He saiti also that it corne fiist anti for the-meeting anti introtuing was next ta impassible ta at- waulti b. adequz b.- Stewart -o! Kilborn andAs- tract indiustry ta a community time with the in, sSises ho ave tak o th without a gooti wateu supply supply, then sewe pouiotedsteho gave a tl o thebath for the intustîy itsel! and l1ter. When aske .etv.that portion o! the village for teh mus cs mployees. present wes aie Iy4 nQrcrth o! the. C.N. Railway He sait most munIcipalities coulti a conimunit ..s4 south of the C.P. BailwI untentake wateu-works when better. The answ from-' the top of the bll on the they reach a population o! 500 munity weîl wau West ta the C.P. Subway on:the people. drllet well on pi eat.- Tme*water- Ull jJUIIAjJ- I oin, LDr. Brr xpai- sac o luthona, edfrom dieep wells in the vicin- et that the Provincial Govein- taly andtie ay it.t-to a 15,000 gallon storage* ment, through the Water Re- apardwouît be tl andi distnýibuteti bu 6" wateî- sources Commission would give theue ofceti i thlr6ughout the aiea anti every assistance in setting up a tem. use o! chlon stiepe frorn watenmain ta the systemi which would be tinancet la"Vio! bringing the w~ street lun each householti, byth provincefoa 30-yeaî si- cet line ta the an.d - to1 instal fic hytinants perioti anti woult supervise the e appioxîmately throughout the ai-ca at an ap- systeni. It was explaine prbxlmnate cost o! $253,000, ou nteqeto eidta ol aet a t$20,950 aninually. It has talla te aquest eios htw oulmtiho av t t iue wedhnay qesion wee mthti !thea gie this woulwti a $t the answereti by the vaniaus officiais lecting the mone3 reaeaingehataxpayareenvewitth wao$2,000r assesaent ony aot18cnsforim o ayin 10fa the piojeet en ta the Ontai p*i day for waten services anti witho ey lt~hùbee .sttet tat uc a age tax on pîopeîty or a work coulti begir B3t. àb i w auld ttir isurhacepercentage o! the general tax welattenteti and pen us by apprximae20on assessment. Faimer's will b. lastie meeting wit p;rnums y aproxiatel 20taxet, pîobably on a frontage tissenting voices ai p 1cenlt.- basis whene the mains front the ing vote the pro r.Bei-ny,. chairman o! the property. Bveuyone wîll benetit auret by an overý e~t r Resouçes Commission o! whetheî or nat they use the ijority. A Tlewca st/e Social anc1 £/,ýp&esonal Mr. anti Mis. George Walton Bobby of Oshawa spent New left last Wednestiay to spenti Year's Day visiting with her the re'nainder of the winter in parenis, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coi- their winter home in Florida. lins, Bobby stayed on until Sun- Mr. andi Mrs. Chas. Collins rf day. Severn Falls are* again spend- Mr. ind Mrs. M. E. Swan of ing! the winter months in the Rexdaip visiteti with Mr. and Walton home. Mrs. Gordon Agnew on Sunday. NeW Year's Day guests with Mr. James Moffat of Napanca M.a4 Mrs. George Kimbailibas been holidaying with Mr. ant ~ywere Mr. and Mrs. -and Mrs. George Allin and Mr. I4c ~ ~. ball and family and and Mis. W. F. Rickard.-. Se", onv lto Kial Mr. and Mrs ndMs. Harold Couch I~i ~etonill, M. ati rs.andi Betty were in Wallbridu.a I<~T~e: ooerandi family of îast Tuesday where they at- Uh4<wa andc Mr. and Mrs. Al- tendeti the 50th wedding Anni- fred. Grahgm and family. -versarv celebration of Mr. and Dr. anti Mis. -S. H. Witzel and r.n-kHam S~ Mr. anti Mrs. P. F. Haie spent ;«~ ~ the Chiristmas holidays in St. Thomas where they visited with their son Dr. jack Ha'e anti family. Mr. and Mis. Philip Veitch -jand Susan of London have re- 'j~. ~ ~ turner home after spendi- l- .Iý days with her parents xmo*,ànd SMrs. Clarence Allîn. S-~ '~' New Year's Day guestq with SMr. and Mis. Stanley Powell ~. *~ and family were Mi. anti Mrs. PalShetier anti family of Osha- w;Mi. and Mis. Cliff Flintoff Why? Uiteandi family and Mr. and Mis. 714w00 MotoristS ' Edwaîd Powell. dhoo. Se Farm Holiday guests with Mi. and IMrs. John Voutt and family WhyI Miy enoy op- weîe Mi. and Mirs. John StempJ notch Ve'otection and of Uxbridge and Mi. Reg. Pel-I inauance Do ou? ali Mis. A. Pepper of Whitby vis- insuance Do ou? all iteti reeently wlth her sister and f e ,DIE BRINKM brother-in-law, Mi. and Mis. Bull -.St. N. Edward Powell. Telephone 3671 Mi. and Mrs. L. Adair af Newcastle Toronto spent Christmias at the - Rectory. W~mb' k9waw Imm Clam His many friends will be Canadian Head Office: Toronto pleased ta learn that Mi. Robert N1 Walton is makîng good progress wvcastIe United ChL rc Rev. M. C. Fisher, B.A., Minister Mr. Norman B. Williams, Organist 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL I 1:9 r. - MORNING WORSHIP ~Do you hold a grudge, or Christ?" NEWCASTLE Now Under SNew Management 041O DEPENDABLE 24-HOUR SERVICE PROIE NECASTIIE2051 ALL PASSENGERS FULLY INSURED Driver has certif icate frorn NeN g tui icceive ln- uction anti will îower fine in- Is. he health bene- ait was repaît- bs at sait that in the village ustet only ane >f.pollution. It hat Waten must 1septic tanks uate for some mcreaset water rers caulti corne cet why, if the 'e unsafe how ity well be any ver-The cam- ýu b. a deep prapeity where Swould be dis- ten testeti reg- pollution that be controlleti by ine in the sys- imatet the cast water tram the be ouse woult e$2.00 per foot. iet the counicil work out the ncing anti cal- ey neetiet anti 7woulti be tak- rio Municipal ppîoval betore fn. It was a id very enthus- tb a very !ew and on a stand- jetwas tav- rwhelming nma- NE WTON VILLE- Mr., and Mrs. - Wilbert Han- cock of Peterborough- spent the holiday with the Jobnston's. Mr. andi Mrs. Gordon Clys- dale, Hastings, with his mother, Mrs. Ruby Reid. *Mrs. Stafford Hickey and- Mr. J. Barnard, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Léindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Marchant and famil, Bowmaxwille, and Mr. and Mr. Fred Graham, New- castle, were holiday visitors with Mrs. Win. Milligan at Miss Berniece Milligan.' Mr. Allan Jones, Miss Bertha Thornpson andi Miss Alice Nes- bitt, Toronto. spent New Year's with Miss Arme Nesbitt.' Mr. and Mis. Harry Wade spent Suntiay with Mr. andi Mrs. Wm. Brown, Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hall en- tertaineti New Year's Eve. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isteati,Port Hope; Mr. andi Mrs. Mark Marchant, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkie. Mr. anti Mrs. John Seigsworth of Regina who have been holi- daying with the Nesbitt's, leit for home on Saturday, accom- panieti as far as Toronto by Miss Anne Nesbitt. Mrs. Cecil Walkey spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. How- ardi Ormiston, Bowmanville. Mr. anti Mrs. Carman Corn- ish, Cheryl anti John, Orono, were New Year's guests with Mr. anti Mrs. Melville Jones. Mr. anti Mrs. Murray Porter, Sandra anti Donna anti Mr. and Mrs. Albert Donoghue and fam- ily s pent the holiday with Mr. anti Mrs. Stan Brown, Oshawa.. Mr. and Mrs. L. Beaulieu anti family left on Sunday to visit friends in Queber. Mr. and Mrs. Buti Jones anti douglas, Burlington, andi Mrs. Zena Carlaw, Whitby, who have been holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones, left for home Skating Classes Be gin For Various Age Groups lncluding Pre -School' NEWCASTLE - Figure skat- ing classes are now underway at the local arena with Wallac~e Couch, Walter Eibler and Chas. Gray as instructors. Everyone is includeti in these classes with an houi- each Saturday morti- ing from Il a.m. ta 12 noon when Charles Gray is in charge of instruction for pîe-school age chiltiren and beginners. After, sehool on Tuesday even- ings, children from 6 ta 10 yeavs are put through thLeir paces by Wallare Couch, while those Il years and over are instructeti by Walter Eibler each Thurs- day evening from 8 ta 7.30 p.rti. thus giving aIl an apportunity ta get in on these figure skating classes. Club Forined A club bas been formed ta) supervise the chiltiîen's skatingi The Canadian Statesman last week carniet an item about a gentleman in Bowmanville be- ing Santa Claus ta chiltiren in this neighbouîhood. Thi.s gooti spirit also exists in Orono andi we have a Santa Claus on one of aur streets. Just before Christinas along ths gent comos with his shopping bag full o! treats :.or quite a hast o! chul- tiren. He wins a smile, a shy 'Thank you'", and a happy heart and I'm sure an unfor- gettable kindness fram bath kitities anti parents. Nearly every boy andgil big or small also know about the slemýgh-riding hill andi whati a marry,ý tinle many have had the past few weeks. Tramping, pulîing, sleigh.s and taboggans: a parent taking thein chilti for its first ride over this same man's property and everyane welcorne. The rewaud is laughter andi screams o! delight caming fuom Cowan's Hill. New Year Visitais: Mr. anti Mis. E. G. Hay andi sons, Islington, Mi. anti Mis. towaiti îecovery in the Memor- ial Hospital. Mr. Alan Lockhaît of Toronto spent Christmas anti New Yea's witb his sister Miss Ethel Lock- hart. His frientis will b. gladti t know that Mr. Haroldi Brown bas retuinedtota us home from MXemonial Hospital. Miss Olive Thoîne entertain- et at tea îecently for berget -Miss Lillie Dalton of Tocno Miss Ruth Hancock spent' Christmas in Bowmanville wheîe ber mother, Mis. Chai-les Han-. cock. is spenting the winter months with Mn. anti Mis. Mresl5. Bradfonrd Kay has left ta spent the winter mosths in New York anti Florita. Mr. anti Mis. Stewart Wil- liams of KinX Street East are, spentiîng the Christmas Season with their daughter anti son-mn- law, Dr. anti Mis. Brodie at Et- monton. New Year's Day guests witb the Bey, anti Mis. M. C. Fisher anti family m-ene Mr. anti Mns. Sidney Gillespie anti taughten Susan: Mu. and Mirs. Henning Von Biedow; Miss Elizabeth r Johnstone ant irM. Barruy Hicks, I i ail of Toronto. periods andi assist them withi thein changing, etc., with Mrs. Jean Riekanti as chaîrman anti Mrs. Mary Wallace secretairy- treasurer. j Mis. Margaret Brereton is convenor of gnoup 1 with Mrs. Mari o-ie Paterson. Mis. Judy Miklos and Mus. Velma Parx- er: gra.up 2 bas Mis. Helen Atiair as- conv--nor, with Mis., Myrt]e Pearce and Mis. Jacob- son. Mrs. Edna Darling is con- venar of group 3 with Mrs. Ka.v Powell, Mvrs. Betty Brown andi Mrs. Bessie Ferguson. Conven- or of group 4 is Mis. Barkhou.e who, La date, does not have any other membens in her groui). It is explaineti that one of these jgroups will be mn charge of each of the skating periods to as.sist with the supervision of the chiltiren. Nanman Allun anti taugbters, witb Mr. anti Mis. R. B. Logan. Mu. and Mis. Chas. Taylor witb Mn. ant iMirs. Llôyti Tay- lor andi family. Mr. anti Mis. Russell Van IHorne, W.itby; Mr. anti Mus. Chas. E. Miller, Laîry andi Wayne, witb Mrs. Fred Tam- blyn. Mr. ýnd Mus. Marshall Chat- te rton witb Mu. anti Mis. Or- I ville Chatterton and Carol. Mr. anti Mis. Jack Stapletaci anti Bill, Mu. anti Mis. Chas. S tapleton, Walter anti Douglas, M r. Everett Stapleton anti How- aid, Mir. anti -Mis Dean West, Teîry anti Cindy, Mr. andi Mis. IGeriy Dost, Newcastle, with Mis. John H. Morris. Mi. and Mis. Jack Davis anti daughters, Bowmanville, Mn anti Mis. Howardi Myles anti 'Bian, spent New Years wilýh Mis. D. N. Myles anti Mu. Le Boy Myles. Mr. anti Mis. Russell Gim- blett ant Sharon, Marle Gee Mr. anti Mis. Bidon Es~Cry, anti family, Donald Barrabal, Courtice, Mu. anti Mis. Luther Barrabaîl, Mu. anti Mis. Roj., Barranaln, Mu. anti Mus. Mil- ton Adams anti famiîy, wce gu2sts o! Mn. anti Mis. Siti Bar- nabal nti family on New Year's Ev.. Gue3ts at a house party witn 'Mri. andi Mis. M. J. Tamblyrn. NevNew Yean's, were Mu. anti nrs. T. W. Cawk2r, Mu. anti Mus. Jack Leisbman, Bawman- ville, IMu. anti Mrs. Carl Payne, Port Hope, anti Mi. A. J. Tarn- blyn. Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Miller with Mr. and Mus. Onm Miller, Long Sault. Mn. rnd Mis. Neil Woaod, Ge.;l anti Sandria, Laketielti, Mn. anti Mis. Chas. Wood, with Mis. Gea. Crowther and sons, New- castle. Mrs. James dinn, Mr. anti Mrs. Glen Tennant. Bobby ai Glenta, Blackstock, Mu. aînd Mus. Bert Ginn, Peterboroughi, Mr. anti Mis. Arthur Tennanti anti Junc, Leskard. Mr. Aithur Crozier, weîe dinner guests o! Mu. and Mis. Harvey Glnn on New Yeau's. Rev. anti Mis. Basil E. Long and fRmiv. 9uest- of Mr. an-j Mis. Aichie Jones. Enniemoro. on Nrw vYcar's.j Mn. anti Mis. ArchieWtsn Betty Ann and Larry; Water- down, with Mr. and Mns. Alex Watson. Mr. and Mis. Jack Bryion anti"clsghters, Bowmanvillp, Mr &ndMr.T4nc!is Jose, New, cas1tl Mn.-' and- Mis. Stanley Chapnýan anti ClIr,Miss Glej- da C aan .with Ms. M.Sher- win, and Laurence,, on New -Year!s. Mrir E. Evans viiited Mr. andi Mns. Carlos Tamblyn. Holiday visitaisr Mr. and Mis.. Chas. Reesor, Markham. dinner guests of b.cr sister, Mrs. M. Sheîwxn at Laurence. Mr. andi Mrs. G. L. McGae spent Christmas week wItn Mr. andi Mis. Donrald McGee andi chUldreuh, at Richmond Hill. Mr. apd Mrs. Keith Wood andt Char-les, Bowmanville, Mr. Jac'k Wilspn, Dowfnsviewi. with Mr. andi 'Ms. -. C. V. Wilàon. M.T. Btlpitt, Toronto,, vls- itedMr. nd. 1s. Wm. Mitchell. .Mies - Clara Barnes spent .a1 week with Mr. ai ,Mrs. R. A. Musgrove; Islington. MÉnf. M.ý Webber, Bowman- ville, v5siteti Mr. anti Mis. Roy Tennant and family. ' Mr. and Mis. Fred Rigby, Toronlo, visiteti Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Froste. Miss Bertha Cain spent a week visiting at Idia. Mr. andi Mrs. Kenneth Hall anti Elizabeth, Toronto, we-e dinner guests of Mis. Joseon Hall. Mr. and Mis. Chas; Wood visited Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Brooks and Chris, Oshawa. Mr. anti Mis. Brtien Kîamp, Kitche 'nexr, visiteti her sister, Mr. anti Mrs. Carlas Tamblyn. Mr. and Mis. Russ Taylor ant i amily, Ottawa, Mr. anti Mii. Lloyd Taylor anti family, Mr. anti Mrs. aril Taylor andi familv, spent Christmas witn Mr. anti Mis. Chas. Taylor. Mrs. Wesley Elliott visîted Mis. J. Dunbar, Peterborough. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Weury visited Mi. andi Mis. Ted Wer- i-y, Ennigkillen. Mr. anti Mis. Geralti Co, Dean anti Garîy, Bpwrnanvill., spent Christmas with Mr. andi Mrs. Hesper Dean. Mr. anti Mis. W. R. narra- hall and family, Bowmaýnvill.Ž, Lynn and Donald Barrabali, Miss J.Qnet Barber. Mr. anti Mrs. EIdon Essery and family, Me. anti Mrs. Wallace Barabaill anti family, all of Courtîce, Mu. andi Mis. R. D. Baîrabaîl anti fam-' ily, Mdple Grove, Mi. anti Mr'. Sid Baîrabaîl anti family. were Christmas Day guests o! Mr. anti Mrs. Luther Barrabaîl. Mi. anti Mus. Jack ArnotU, 1 William andi Anne. Miss Clara Barneq. visited Mr. andi Mrs. ~TTflHE ~ee~ It's Thuaderbird ilooket The smart, straight-Iine Galaxie roof! anti îamnatic see-it-ail rean window say Thu nderbird unmistakably. Sa tacs the classic sim- plicity of its clean. low-swept body lines. Here is the most perfect match yet of the Thunderbird's o*n silhouette. It's Thuncirbrd in luxuryl New Galaxie appointments-like the plu sh, decp.pile carpets - are so very Thunderbird in [aste. There's Thunderbird V-8 pcnver and performance, ton. A surpasuing Iuxury that tells yau how superbly these Ford newlyweds "GO" together. Yoti want Lo honcymoon again f efl t ft, p ted or mp,,Uonwd art "Standar"u »Me nm.dol. oplienaoet e ni a n For Oshawa & Whitby Districts Seaway Motors- LIMITED 200 Dundas St. W., Whitby For Newcastle & owna,v.ilie District.s*". Ccarveth .Mot or s NEWCASTLE, ONTAkI1Q. '--t "/ .-<- j, *R. A. Mustrove, Iullntton. Mrs. *W.J. Clemence, New- HÀYDON casleMr.andi Mn. Jack Holmes, Bob, Don anti Betty, Mn. andi Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Lakeshone, -Mr.-anti Mis. «Alli Ronald andi Ray, Mr. anti Mn:. Çlmence, B owrnanvill, * Mr. Ross Ashton anti famnily spent .ý<It M 0. Bob Socertý,ICIlt Mi. New Year's Day with Mr. anti _n Mi. Athur Cleunence andi Mis. Gordon Werny, Tornto. Patrick, .3t. Catharines, Wére Mr. and Mns. Don,-Cameéron viuitors with Mr. ani .Mis.,.t.IY at M;. anti Mrs. C. W. Downey's, Godde and Susan.- Shaw's, New Yeaî's Day. Mr. anti MiL Lloyd Myles, Mr. anti Mrs. Alfredi Garrard Arlene anti Sharon, Whitbv, at Mi!. anti Mis. Loi-ne Griffins, were linner guests Suntiay of Blackstock, New Year's Day.. Mrs D.N. yle' ad M. L Mr an Mr. LoydSiernon ait Roy Myles. Mr, anti Mus. Allan Werry's, En- Mis. H. 1. McGowan, Toron- niskillen, New-Year's Eve. ta, Mi. anti Mis. Gainet Gains- Mis. W. Thompson ententain- by, Bill anti Judy, Knigston, ed friendý on, New Year's Bye. ,thMis. CRi o u e turnet Mis. Etina MçLaughlin, Burke- Mrs.Cecl Poersretunedton, -is spentiing a.ý few weeks home on Friday from two with her tiaughter, Mr. anti Mis. weeks' vlsit with Mn. antiMis. Ross Ashton anti fam-ily. Ro-y Powers,. Scarbora. ' nat i Mis. William Cabbîedick -à a nd, i . Alfredi Ganrant M'rs. Howart ash td spent New Year's Eve with Mn. Mt. anti Mis..Loine Thonipson, anti Mn:. Clifforti Reidi, Stark- BIl.ackst .ock. - ville. Mr. andi Mis. Frank Aidron, Mn. anti Mn:. Clayton Reati, Toronto, were dinner guests Of Peterborough; Mi., anti Mus. Mis. J. E. Richards dn Satur- Bei-t Ashton, Eddie anti Lea, Toronto; .Mi, Henry Ashton Mis. Fred Tamblyn. Mus. Wm. spent'New Yeaî's Day with Mn. Mitchell, have been ill. aid. Mis. Arthur Reati, Ina Church services at bath Kir- Beryl anti Linne. by anti Leskaiti weue with- Dr. anti Mis. Corrilgan anti drawn last Sunday due ta the farnily, Toronto,, with Mr. anti weathei- anti blocked roacis.Mis. C. Rankine, New Yean's. The- radio iepoiteti over 200 Mii..M. Blackburn, Salemn,,at cars in the ditches on No. 11.3.Mr.-anti Mis. W. Blackbuîn's, Highway on January 4th.. New Yean's. Miss Viola Gilfillan îeturngd Néw Year's Day guests at Mr. home on Sunday !romn spenr1-, anti Mrs. Lloyd Slemon's were: ing twa weeks with her niece, Mr. anti Mis. Wilbur Toms, Mi-. Miss V. Gilfillan, Toronto. anti -Mis. Courtney Graham, Mi. anti Mis. Chas. Johns~. Brok Hill; Miss Joyce Graham, Bowmaniville. visiteti Mr. and Boolin; Mn. anti Mis. Ban Mis. Chas. 'Wodan PFitay. Tiewin, Dareeni anti Donald, Mu. Mis, Wm. Unglaw, Newton- anti Mis. Fred Toms, Enniskil- ville, visiteti Mr. antiMis$. Ce- Men.aniMsJîGrhm nt cil Jones.Mran r.JmGhmad Mi. Laurence Shenwin has family, Bowmanville, calleti on beenill t hs hone.Mi. anti Mrs. Leslie Graham,, Mr. Fred Trull anti Mr. Eger- Mauda veig. ton Hancock attendeti tht- !ua M. anti Mrs. Alfieti Gainait eral o! the late Mu. Milton H. weîe tea guests a! Mi. anti Mis. Wight in Bowmanville, JanuaîyChile anitStuay te 2nt. Mi. anti Mis. Calvin Hamm, anti chiltiren,1 have mavet iInta Lively, Mi. anti Mis. Neil the apaîtment aven Lunn's Hamnm, Mr. anti Mis. M. Burns Store. anti family, Peterborough, Mt. Mr. J. Milton 1. Morris hus- anti Mrs. Donald Hamm and bandi o! the former Dora Bow- !amily, vîsited Mr. anti Mis. en, Hooey, anti father of Boss, Ernest Hammi. passeti away at bis home very Mis. Eldon Essery aiid Mar- sutidenly New Year's Bye in ion, Courtic2. visiteti Mr. anti bis 49th year. Funeral was !uozm Mis. Luther Barball on Sun- Orona United Church on Satur- day. day, ta Lang Vault, Orono Mr. and Mus. Grant Mo!! at Cemetery. Mn. Morras hati just anti family, Oaki'ille, visited retuineti home fi-rn Oshawa family in thein new bouse oni cently,- a few houri befare his Church St,., passing. Mir. anti Mis. Robert Hani- Mis. 0. Gardiner, Gai-ten cack, Peggy Jane anti Johnny, Hill. anti Mr. Fred Truil, weie vîsiteti Mi. anti Mus. Allan in Rochester, N. Y., attentiing Hancac*k. Port Hope. an Suntiay. the funèral of thein sister, Mrs. Mr. anti Mus. Ronald We&t 'Thomas AlIaîî on Jan. flth. et an'i lunch enjoyeti by ail. (BiF THUE YIEKR y'. 4 I J i '~' Announci ig- ?LH.7IE NDE is7 FCIk N o) Church serviewaz 'Withu tirawn on Swiday evening on ac- count o! roati conditions -and stormy weather. Mr. Boy Graham laspending a few Jiaya in the Ottawa ditrict. - Mis. W. Thompeon anti Gail Thompionbspnt the weekend at Mr. antiMi. Earl Thompson's. Bowmaxiville.t Reva Graham spent a féw.*ýý day: with her grantiparenta, àMr,.- anti Mis. W. Rahin, Tyrone. , Mr. Milton Slemon, having spent the Christmas holiday with , Dr.ý anti MU. Gordion Siemnon, returneti home on Montiay. The. cammunity wàs shocked 9 to hear ,o! the sutiden passing of Mi-. Richard McNeil, earlyFri. day morning. Sympathy is ex- tendeti ta Mis. McNeil in her bereavement..i W.A. January meeting wilî be helti Thuîsday aftennoon ut 2:30 ut the home of Mis. T. Cowling anti Mis. W. Blackburn., ,Cangu-egational meeting Tues--. day evening, Jan. l3th.. - Churcb service Sunday even- ung at 7:30. Sacrament will ho. atiministereti. Pine Ridge Off icers are Instalied Pine Ridige Lotige L.O.B.A.'" No. 1291 helti theur annual anti monthly meeting in Bawman- ville Union Hall on Déc. 19. M2mbeis tram Tyrone Lod-,* wene inviteti for the installation' t a! offizers, which wene as fol- lows: Wortby Mistress-Sister Jean Kennedy; Past Wo'tixy Mistress - Sisten Stella Kaîp; Deputy Mistress - Sister Hiîdà. Henning; Junior Deputy Mistuc.3t -Sister Helen Sbantz; Guard. jan-Sistei Marion Henning; Di. rector o! Ceremonies - Sistcr Arlene Patter; First Lecture-' Sister Mary Brown, Second Ler- ture-Sister Fowler. Recortiing Secretary - Sister Marion Patter; Financial Secrai. tary-Sister Doîathy Bengsma; Treasurer-Sister Marie Scotti Chaplain-Sister Rose Griffini; Pianist-Sister Vera Begley;, In- ner Guard - Sister Westlakt.: Outer Guarti-Sisten White; 2ndb 3îd, 4th anti Stb committea- chairs wene not filleti. General busines-r was cairieti thiougli. Lodige was closet ini nitual fÏou. Gitts vzeie exchang. OPM ÉUAIUAIIAIO «*AýOM««Aw le^qw"atu"w 1 9 Aw$Pll"M - mjLý ý ý JID urch J-Cýrý-C5)- rj-ý

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