Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1958, p. 8

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r~u oexr TEE CA2IADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVLLE~, OP~TARhO TRURSDAY, DEC. luth, 1158 Orono Police Trustee Hatve Busy Session' On Sidewalks, Bridgi Orono Police Trustees met last week whon Planning was the Main topic for thc evenlng. The Trustéee gave thein approval"for two trenifers cf land withln 'the 'Villge and al»o noted, ln the correspondence that thée Depart- ment Of PlAxMlntad Develop- MeAt bas w1tWMd aproval on Free! the, transfer which hud ,sought; a month ugo. R. C. Forrester polnted that a plan of Sub-division being pi'epared for the. arei tween Cobbledick Street Somnerville Drive. Word f fected on the plan i the future. In connection wlth seci furtiier Information on thei nlng of a common well to ice a block o! homes bath1 Mercer and S. B. Ruthei were authorized to make tacts In securing this in!< tion. A meeting will be1 ned if necessary, with e who have beeri int'olved In sehemes. R. C. Forster pal out that such information sh be available as soon as pos as it may be needed to cari the registering of the division.. Mn. Forrester l write ta the Ontario Wuter sources seeking the. capacit certain drilled wells in theo o! the village. R. C. Forrester stated tii: County Road Engineer hùd cussed the proposai of consi ing a sidewalk on Cob Hill stated that the Counties w give their approval. It said the engineer, a costly gram and suggested that YO first year the bed be set ani extension ta the bridge be m The walk woulc' have ta hi the east side of the rond. Free I BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at Vigor 011 SERVICE STATION CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-29Y9 Double Siamp Day Every Tuesday -Comme Out and See Our Display of Gifts Complete Lubrication at a Keasonable Price ASK AIBOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES BTOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITI AT THE STATION ýe bea d. oul ea be- Land La ex- &near plan- se- H.M. con- rrna- plan- ersons ksuch àdnted hould, vsible riplete stab lu t< [ty of South t the 1 dis- ;i'uct- 1and vould was, pro- r the ,d an riade, e on The Lr 9 L- d engineer would establith the. grade. Forre.ter said that a considerable amount of f lU would b. required and thut the 4ngineer had uàeted that a gravel base be which could .b. uséd, for a year- a» a walk. This would elow It to settie properly prior to laylng the. cernent. A subuldy for thii walk of 30% caon be obtained providing the. Department of Hghways will approve the ex- penditure. In connection wlth the. village dump which ha: been cleaned up, It wa: decided to place signa statlng where to dwnp refuse and where riot. The use of the dump is to goverti whether on not a gate la to be erected. Il those uulng. It tend to keep it clem it wiII remmin open as i the. past, however If refuse is scmttered wlde and fer', the dump wifl be locked and opened only at certain hours.-Times. STARK VILLE à Intended foi' luit week) eMr. and Mi':. Ewai-t Robin- eson and son: were gueta mi -Mr. Orme Falu' Sunday. Mr'. and Mrs. Llew lilow- rehl, Jlm Maurice, Mies Gwen Stark and Norma Hialloweil, had cinner wlth Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reid, Orono. Mr'. and Mn:. Bill TrIm, Mr. anmd Mi:. fB. Coulson, Oshawa, 1 ut Mr'. Gardon Trim's. Mr. and Mrt. E. Robinson and fammly ut Mr'. C. Yuie's, Oshawa, recently. Mi'$. A. Martin and sons, Newcastle, vlsited Mrs. B. Cas- *well. * Mr'. Hugh Wetheuser ha returned to Terrace, B.C., ai ter a holiday ut home. Miss Stewart and pupils have been preparing their con- cert for Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robin- son and Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson were guests at the Boughen-Gordon. wedding in Kendal last week. Sunday afternoon Rev. White gave a fine message at Shiloh with the heading "Chirstmas- the Anniversary o! the World's Greatest Broadcast" and the messages o! good news by Matthew, Mark, Luke a-id John. Mrs. White sang "How Great Thiou Art" and it was greatly apprcciuted. Mrs. Bert Trim wu: hostess for the ladies of Siloh W.A. for the December meeting. There was a fine attendunce wlth the president, Mrs. Cari Todd In charge. Miss Stewart nead the scriptui'e lesson and Mrs. White gave a fine Christ- mus message and ending wlthî three Christmas legends. Rev. Whiite siiowed a film. Aiter the ticasurer's report by Mra. Trim and business discussion, Mrs. Dobson read two poems for this season. "LIght o! Bethlehem" and "The Christmas Tree". Mr. White took charge o! the elec- tion of officen: a: follows: Pre- sident, Mrs. Jim Stark; Vice- ries,,idents, Mi'. Carl Todd anid ri Orme Falls; Correspond- ing Secretary, Mrs. Brentz3n Farrow; Recordlng Secretary, Mn:. Brian Caswell; Treasurer, Mrs. Gordon Trim; Fiower com- mIttee, Mesdames Gardon Trim, John Stark, Harold Souch and Ewart Robinson, Parsonage Committee, Miss Norma Hal- loweli, Mn:. Orme Fals, Mrs. Brenton Farrow and Mrs. Carl Todd. Aften the Christynas hymn and benedIction, gifts were dis- tributed firm Mrs. Trim 's beautiful tree. Lunch, inciud- ing Christmas cake und ice creum, was served by Mrs. Lamne Todd and Miss A. Hal- lowell. Mrs. Carl Todd express- ed the uppreciation o! the la- dies ta Mr:. Trim for the fire evening at hier home. OBITUÂLRY O. MILTON WRIIGHT Ormond Milton Wright, aged 74 years, died suddenly i Cvic Hospital, Peterborough on Fn-. day. Decem.,er 12. A son o! the late Mr. and Mi':. Wesley Wright, h. was born near Enterprise and in early years he farmed nean Lifford and juter ut a farm close ta, Bethany. Some years ago he retired ta live in tue village and became an insura'nce agent. Mr'. Wright will be greatly mnissed bY a wide circle o! friends and relatives. Re was aiways active in the work of the community, senving as an eider and steward in the Unit- ed Ciiurch for many years; a memer of the Loyal Orange Lodge No. 1022 and the, Cana- dian Order o! Foresters, in which h. held is fifty year pin. He was ulso keenly inter- ested in ail sports and was a loyal *upporter of the Betiiany Bail Club. Mr. Wright wms married twice. Hi: first wL!e, the for- mer Amellu Eddy dIed in 1942. Surviving are their family, Or- mond Wright, Waterloo; Man- sel Wright, Bethany, and Mn:. Ralph Whetiauf!er (Bernice) Toronto, and us Second wl!., the former Ivy Hamm.. Fellow members of the Loyal Orange Lodge held a service ut the residence on Sunday and on Monday the funeral service was heid from the. Unitei Church. with Rev. R. R. Bon- steel oficiating and paying tri- but. to hisyears o! sci'vice in the work o! the. church and in the community. Mrs. Preston Neals and Harry Preston sang a duet "Good Nigiit and Good Morning" accompanied ut the ongan by Mn. Clarence Rowan. Palibearers were Allan Tham- paon, Taunton: Ernest Wrighit, Lindsay; Melvin Wright, Jan- etvlle; Arthur Wright, Beth- any: Walter Axteiland Fred King, Oshawa. Burial was in Orono Ceme- tery. 3. You help proteet the dri- ver behind when you keep weil back from the car ahemd. The driver behlnd. commnçnds tue Ontario Safety League, can usuallv be neiied upon ta start punchinit the horn to show his indignatiOn a t Us treatmnt. Further A ccom odation. iveecieci ar Lrono (Fromn The Onono Time:) The. Durham District High School Board -on Thursdsy of lait week voted on two amendments and a motion which were designed to start the. building of two achools for the. district, placed ln varlous location: ln the district. Ail three went down ta defeat leaving the question o! pi'oviding needed accommoda- tion îtiflln hieicair., It was apparent from the voting that Uic Board wa: not ready for a motion to choose a site Cher than the one which they chose a year àgai Orono. As a result of the meeting the chair- mian has been authorlzed to appoint another site committee made Up o! one member from each municipality. The committee Is to be further augmented by Uic Inspectons of both -the publlc and high schools. The cornnittee Io to restudy the problem and the figures.' lnortunately, the delay in building the. new school ta provide accommodation la going to affect the. students thnough oveitcrowding which la evident thus year and will b. much worse next yean. Aiso unfortunate i: the fact that the problem created is ane whlch la flot the maklng of the High School Board but nather the Municipal Councils. The Orono school Is presently overcrowded, bath ln the elementary and :econdary level. The Public School must have a further noom this comlng yeur and thus means the loss of one roomn for the lgh School whlch could even now use more space rather thun lose some. It ha: been rumored that the High School may take the two top grades fnom Orono and bus them ta Bowmanville. Such a scheme seema flot feasible since already the Bowmanville school Is awuy overcnowded and it la wondered where the students cari be put thus comlng year. Funther, the taking of two grades from Orono leaves ln Orono only two grades. This would only b. the first move ln closing the Orono High Schooi completeiy. It would increase thie burden on a decreased staff and would be most difficult ta provide a proper curriculum and course o! study. The coît ta the Board, considering furtiier transportation and a rismng per pupil cost, would flot be sound business. As a muatter o! fact the Orono School should b. increasing its grades rather than decreasing for in the term o! 1959 the. school could have a grade thîrteen o! at least eighteen students. Presently, grade thirteen is taught i Bowmanville. There seems only one solution and that is thq erection o! a portable classroom, or even two, in Orono. This would supply the needed accommodation at Orono. The project ls the responsi- bility o! the Hlgh School. Let us not have the students studying in overcrowded classrooms, and under adverse conditions. Rather, thei'e should b. adequate accommodations, facilities and oppor- tunity for oui' young students. Interesting Pro gram On Christmas Theme Features W. A. Meeting ORONO - The W.A. Christ- mas meeting was iield on Thurs- day a!ternoon, December iith, with President Mrs. H. Allen, presicling. There were 27 la- dies in attendance. Mrs. Staples gave the devo- tional message. She read a poem "A Little Bit of Christmas" whucii was most appropriate ta the Christmas season. Mrs. Drummond sang a solo "Mag- nificat" which was in keeping with the Devotional message. Mrs. Wood, Mrs. W. Robinson and Mrs. Irwin assisted by read- ing passages of scripture. Mrs. Staples in closing read a poem. Mrs. Hooey, jeorresponding secretary, reported sending out ten cards to sick and bereaved and read a note o! thanks !rom Mr. and Mrs. C. Frost. The treasurer, Mrs. Cornish., reported after paying bills, a bank balance o! $675,14. The fol- lowing donations were made: M. & M. Fund, $150; March of Dimes, $10; Scott Mission, $10; caretaker of church, $10; Mis- sion Band, $5.00, Literature se- cretar, $10; corresponding se- cretary, $6.00, Dominion Coun- cil, fees, $15.00. Mrs. Long, convenor of the pominating committee, read the siate of officers as follows: Past President, Mrs. E. R. Rainey; Season rs work at its Best W. ]Pascos, Mr. R. Kno ton; school with Mrn. Walter Logis Lunch Committee, Mi':. W. Pas. conductingi the electIon of o!., coeb. It: . Knowlton, M . E. ficers. PsCott, Phoning Commtttee, Mrs. W. Wright and Min Elsie A golfer le one who Sell Samis. "fore", takes six, and puts dowfl The meeting was held at the five. it Vi... Prea.. Mrs. Fred Ly- cett. 2nd Vice Pres., .Mrs. S. Rutherford; President, Mr. Harold Allen: Roc. Secretary, Mi'.. R. E. Log an; Cor. Secre- tary, Mrs. W. Irwin; Treasurtr, Mn:. J. J. Cornish; Visitlng anid Christian Vellowship, Mr&:. M. J. Tamblyn; Devotional Secnie. tary, Mn. B. Long. Christian Stewarduhlp. Mi':. Ieil Ralrwy:- Christian CItlzenship. Mi':. R. AllUn; Christian Education, Mr%. J. C. Tamblyn; Christian Lead-* ership. Mza. V. Robinson; Par- sonage Convenons Mn. S.]B. Rutherford, Mi:. 4W. Irwln *and Mi':. Chall:; Literature Secre- tary, Mrs. Cari Billings; Plan- it, Mn.. George Carson; Press Secretary, Mi':. Logan; Kitchen and Property, Mi':. W. Hoar. Mi':. L. Bowins, Mi':. W. Mll- er, Mi':. Tebble, Mrn. Hazel Ro- binson, Mi'.. H. Goode. Mii. Drummnond and Mi'. Carson sang a duet whlch was ln keeplng wllh the Christmas season and much appreciated and Mi':. Long read a Christ- mas Story "Why the Chimnes Rang", which wa: an Inspir'a tion to ail. Th* Pi'e:ldent thanked Mi':. Staple:, Mi'. Drummond, Mi':. Carson and Mi'.. Long for their part i making the meeting vei'y warth whiie. She also thanked ail the ladies for their help and co-op- eration during the year and ex- pressed her pleasure ut 10 many ladies attending the Christmas meeting, lt was very encoui'ag- ing. At the close of the meeting Mrg. V. Robinson and her corn- mittee served deliclous refresh- ments wlth Mri. Long pouring tea from a lace covered table. Sandwiches. mincemeat tarts and Christmas cake were tho- roughly enjoyed by ail present. -Times. ENFIELD Election o! W.A. officers:- President, Mrs. Fred Samis; lst Vice President, Mrs. E. Pres- cott;, 2nd Vice President, Mrs. W. Bowman; Secretary, Mi':. J. Sprackling; Assistant, Mrs. G. Bowers; Treasurer, Mn:. D. Prescott, Pianist, Mns. F. Grif- fin; A.ssistants, Mrs. G. Bowers and Mrs. D. Prescott; Mission- ary superintendent. Mrs. G. Bowman; Treasurer, Mrs. R. Qake; Parsonage Committee, Mrs. F. Sami:, Mrs. R. Simp- son, Mrs. W. Bowman; Conifort Committee, Mi'.. F. Grills. Mi':. UONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITI MARKERS 0F aSTAFFORD a ua Stafford Bras. Monumental Works 318 Danda: St. E., Whitby Phone Whttbi MO0hawk 8-3552 Milady Shoppe BOWMANVILLE NEW TERN CGMNENCING January 51 h, 1959 at thrà OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE (Enroiment X 'ery Limited) Choose frorn following courses: CLERK-TYPIST STENOGRAPHIC SECRETARIAL JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PR1 VATE SECRETARIAL Individual Instruction mplete Modern E4uient -Placement Service to Candidates - Act Now . . . Register by phone or in person Dial RAndolph 5-3375 111 Sirncoe St. S., Oshawa -4 .4, J- 4 ~4 'j. I e t Phone MA 3-56021 a a 'k To One and Ail the Citizens of Bowmanville and Area I take this opport unit y in extending Greeti ngs ury- Love!! Bàmanville and wishing you and yours Happiness and Prosperity in the New Year Sincerely yours AND N BR KMPLOYEES General Contractor The contractor to consuit about ail your building needs. NEW AND REMODELLING A SPECIALTY CONTItACMG fflnuýE WMnqG- ÂMIES "M CAVAMM STATESUM. BOWIL&UVnlt ONTAWO 71 KING ST. E.

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