Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1958, p. 7

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THURSDAY, DEC. lIth, 1os# T!~ CANADIAN STATI~MAN. ~OWMANVTLL!. ONTARTO PAGE M~V!~1 Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees has been visiting her daughter. Mrç. Ivan Ellicott, and Mr. Ellicoti l' n Peterborough. Mrs. Geo. S. Paterson, New wm*1~ck, is visiting her aunt, i HEva Hellyar. and sister, is' Harriet Bartlett. scout Mothers' Auxilia-y meeting will be held Thursday, December llth (tonight) at 8 .,P.m. in the Lions Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Saun- ders and Bobby, Toronto, vis*t- ed on Saturday with his pa- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Saunders, Waverley fload. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Roenigk were Miss Alleyne Clark of Waialui Oahu, Hawaii, and Mr. and Mrs. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Third Advent HOLY COMMUNION 10 and Il- CHURCH SCHOOL * MORNING PRAYER 7 - EVENING FRAYER 5 Beverley Small of Toronto. Mrs. C. A. Wight was calleà *to Cn."cago on Tuesdhy by the sutiden illness o! her sister, *ÎMiss Carlotta Courtice. Mrs. Wight flew f rom Malton air- port. The account o! the Brookls- Cale wedding sent in to Ta Statesman and which appearea in last week's issue stated in error that Miss Rosemary Mor- nill was at the organ. Mis s Mary Fagan was the organist for thý! occasion.4 We have been advised of an error in last week's sports column where the over 400 bowlers were liste(:. The namne of Bill Polley shoulti have read Walt Polley who rolled 405 wayl back in the days when the late ICasey Martyn was operating the alleys. Dr. G. E. Reaman, who is Ipreparing a history o! the Hu- Iguenots in Canada, has been elected a Fellow o! the Hugue- not Society o! London, Englanti. The Statesman joins with his many admiring friends in Bow- manville in offering congratu- lations to Dr. Reaman on tuis well mrerited honor. Mr. Charles Carter, Sr., slip- ped on the sidewalk in front of Wright's Smoke Shop a week ago Tuesday and suffered a splintered right shoulder anti bruises. His arm will be in a sling for f ive or six weeks an.d he willl have to take it easy, always difficult for an active man like Mr. Carter. Miss Lynne Bagneli of the Siipstatis anti Johnson Ice Fol- lies will be home for Christ-, mas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bagneil, fromn Dec. 15 to 24. She will be in Philadelphia -for a show on Christmas Day. And if you want ta make plans aheati. tne show will be in Toronto froni Feb. 2 ta 6 inclusive. Major John W. Foote, M.P.P. for Durham, visited Bowman- St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Minister, Rev. A. G. Scott, B.A. Organist, Miss Leta Bragg, A.R.C.T.M. You are cordially invited to attend a CANDLE LIGHTING SERVICE SLLdeay, Dec. 21sf, 1958 7 p.m. The music will be under the direction of Miss Leta Bragg, A.R.C.T.M., assisted by Mr. McCoy. St. Paul's United Church Minister, Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist, Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. 11:00 A.M. - White Gif f Service Regular Sunday School Cancelled 7.00 P.M. - C.G..T.Candie Lighting Service -i pJ' J SociaI & f/)ersonaI Phone MA 3-3303 ville this week when he called on many friends who were de- lighted to see him looking hale and hearty. He advises that he wiI have good news to report next week concerning a problem with which he has been struggling in the north end of the county for. many months. There seems to be quite a list of.- sick people and those Who have suffered fails recent- ly in town. Mrs. Harry Free- nman and Mrs. R. Hutchinson are both in Memorial Hospitýi man in her home, and Mrs. Hutchmnson on an icy sidewalk. Other well known Bowman- ' ville residents who are in hos- pital just now are Mrs. J. il. Johnston, Mrs. Milton Jamie- son, Mrs. W. H. Carruthers, and Mr. A. E. McGregor. AIl arc making good pragress and hope to be home before tao long. Captain Norman Coles of thej !Salvation Army_ is graduallv Enchant her with J'a.4Iionat & HAZEL BISHOP Co.4metics4 b eT EED PERFUME LASTING ULTRAMATIC ULTRAMATIC byLnhrC STICK LIPSTICK COMPACT LIPSTICK PURSE PERFUME Solid la stylish Mirror, puff One hand, !,à oz. viol wîth perfume git andcl cick-in, one fîick jewelled in goîd jumbo click-out smort and Ir cap ... .... $3.25, colour case, case. refill. quick. '1 COLOGNE $2.50 $1.50 $3.75 $1.75 $1.50 $2.00 ( JEWELITE ROLL-WAVE HAIR BRUSH Il TOULT WATER A oift that will last fo amnnv a Christma.Nlnti, MIST .... 5. 2.50 SETS $2.50, $3,25 brikI.s in crystal, ruby or sapphire ..nîoured bcicks . ..... ..$4.00 wJu#fl~~}~ Young children, Birthe, Roy andi Lise.i aIl help in the greenhouse or!) with the housekeeping an week- ends to assist their parents. The Statesman joins wit!l Willi*am Arthur Deacon in hi.; literarv feature "The Fly Lea"' i in Saturday's Globe and Mail i in extending congratulations '.a a native son of Bowmanvil'le., Frankivn Davey McDowell on his election as an honorary ife member of The Canadian Au- thors'Association. Mr. McDow- elI is best known bv his histor- cal nove], The Champlain Road i:w (1939). which is published in both French anti English, but ' his Forges of Freedom (1943>, a navel of the Peasants' Revoit: is in Mr. Deacon's opinion andi in that of many others by far his ranking aciievement. Mr. j McDowell serveti as chairman j of the Governor - General's Awards Board 1949-52. The number of ionarary member S may not exceed 10 at any time. warming up --the_nmachFiey The fine article written by increases wihalways results in many Captain Norman Cales, heai families enjoying Christmas foodti the Salvatian Army in Bow-_ and tays who would not other- manville, wiici appeared lii wise be financially able ta do the Corps News Letter, basB 2 l6 'sa. At the moment, he has ask- been reprinteti in the Dec. 13 Building in Bowmanville dur- ed The Statesman ta reminti issue af The War Cry, the offi * ing the first 11 months o! 1958 Bowmanville andi district folks cial organ of the Salvation Ar:9 that the Army would be happy my, in CanadaaniBru. showed an increase of $2,016 tareeiean nmbrofgaesCpt Cle a rnganticr.' * over the figure for the same atriv ay nureasofableco-su ati Coliquos rivte no.the peniati in 1957. and oysin rasoabl con isue f th liuorvoteon ov.During the past il months the dition which coulti be includeti 19 andi the Suntiay Sparts vote Recently, we mentioneti that total value o! building amount- in baskets which will be sent an Dec. 1. In his article Capt. Daviti Breslin, son o! Mrs. anti ed ta $517,461 as comparedti t aut~~~~~~~~~~~~ beoeCrs-a.I a Clssii1'islq 'rthte late Morris Breslin, had ap- the 1957 figure of $515,425. have any af these suppliesl'as been the means o! b-i ngîi i peareti several times on CBC About 90 per cent o! the 1958 please leave themn at the Salva- j rany Christians o! variaus de- itelevisian during tie past few figure resulteti from the con- tion Army Citadel or telephone nominations tagether . . ,.'Tlhe montis. This week, mare news struction o! 27 new houses, 35 Captain Cales as soan as passible. resulis clearly disproved trie o! his triumpis in the acting garages, andthle new St. Joseph's statement that 'a selfisi mi1n- fielti has been receiveti. On Dec. Roman Catholic Churci, valueti Mr. anti Mrs. Lykke Knuid- orit *y were impasing their will j 14th h ilb lvn mi t$500 s en nio ae he what mst -ont'n th tpope oSundway Spart part an the Ge neral-Motars pro- June led the way in building len reehoue hve wat ustOnt'" n th SudaySpots gram andi on Dec. 2lst he nat with construction o! five new be ane of the tallest poinsetti a question, Capt. Cales explaineti I onîy wiîl be acting, but alsa houses andtihti churci, a total plants in captivity in Canada. the actual issue at stake, arîd Idancing anti singing on Ger-'ral building value o! $214,140. Next The plant is 66 incies higi, anci quoteti from n The Canadian Electric's Showtime. was August with permits valueti was grown fromn a four in;chi- Statesman editorial wiici sa; ___________ at $73,850. cutting taken in June o! this in part. "At the fast pace w. Lowest month was February ya.About' twa weeks ago it are living through the weekç, i with only $200. January re- produceti ane bloom which me*a- most people need Suntiay t,) îîrdi ported a figure o! $4,200; March, sîtreti ]5 inches across. Thle tiink o! atier thingis tian the Surplus Peas $40.850; Api-il. $31.321; May, Marci, 1957,an weto aaine geto ake a living." $47.200; July, $23,1 25; Septem- monthsin T57,anto, rtie haire srggee tber, $31,600; October, $35,825, monh3in ornto ten anc ý * IVlt arket anti Nvember, $15.150. ta Enniskillen in June ta he:p Economv is in itself a source The number o! permîts issuedi win h t geeue busines ! greInallt revnue-S1eaThere are 2,500,000 cases o! during 1957 was 96 in compari-1 wiic thy tak verhem InaIlthigs il is better ta: Ontario peas in storage at pres- son with the 102 permits issued selves in October this year. Tiie hope tian ta despair.-Goethe. ent, anti the Ontario Vegetable during the past 11 months. Perfect Gift for Beauty Ca re . . . ail new Ldy f c/ekk ELECTRIC SHAVER The Ultimata in Feminne Shoving She'Il love the new J desig n and boudoir colours ..and the eciges for underarm and legs, zoc ~o'~Sweets Wn Nuls as a gifi .. or for your own fablef ! zt i 'l/F7 BABY BUNNY NUTS CADBURY'S MILK TRAY CHOCOLATES f 0ttýzncLu GIFT SUPREME BOX of finest quality nuts $1.95 A real toste treat! Deliious creom, VISUAL PÂK 7 oz. 95e 14 oz. $1.75 nut, crunchy and caramel centres 1 7î,&ý generousiy coated wth Codbury's TO N1 A tempting assortment a-' deflcious famous Dairy Milk Chocolote. Home ~~~~~~cashews, pecons. filberts and ai-'/ on85 1pud$.6 ~~ Permanent mnrds. (llustrated leftl. /pod85 ipod$16 $2.00 , Our Candy Deportnient olso includes a big voriety of other W tI, applicotor qualuty candies la decorote your free and stufi children's siockings. $2.29 eGIFTS for BABIES e FISHER e0 MRtAPite PENS e NewCIAET IHE $19 creomy HANKSCRAFT BOTTE WARMER CGreTo moTEdLGHER mell9 NORTH.RITE "98" Chroma or nssortad onamelledBALL POINT PEN $20 4andtom s oy 'as finishes n var;ous .designs. \'98c $ OOmilk at keeps babys n giftbox t g G ::::. CONTINENTAL SET r OB perature. Elernent is wthevt teed for Continental ball point replaceoble. Model n 10 years Pi pen with matching -.-.~ permanent shown has vaporîzer Plasktic iILon .d A fully " lead pencil n gift box. $2.O0 ~cap - $4.25 I l $.0Warmer only :. $3.45 flint pack. lightr North-Rite Conodian ADON . JOHNSON Retractoble-assorteck ADORNtwa-tone colour%. stAig BABY TOILETRIES SETS EXPORT CIGARETTES 49e S hoir spray Assortments of the famous Johnson 03C 25s4 5082 Paper-Mate witii bookiet bnly-crare praducts attractively pack- DURATONE BALL POINT PENS showing 10 oge i n grît boxes. s hoir styles PLAYING CARDS with retroctable action yo cn oBaiby Care Set "SKIP FREE 33" -wth the $1.75Pla stic $17 *5150coated Single famous skip-free point, os- .. b Happy Baby Set for pack sorted colours ....$1.29 $2.50~ N long \.~ $1.45 TU-TONE -............ $1.98 TONI * rsryesSe ingDoubles CPIMAKII- skip-free $12 Gift 97C $1.25 Sa..a......$2........ p.gg$2.4c f r' I P c' L TOMETTE Chil.dren's Permanent $1.75 FROSTY SNOW Sry it on your ,,P.r.- tao giv e it a ->real wintry op- lO-ounce size >ui with stencils for decorating windows .. $1.29 * -oL 89C 'i).ire the wrappings on your gifts the fost, sure way. . . uçe Scotch Brand GIFT WRAPPING TAPE Choice, of colourful decorative designs i n coftinuous pattern. Smcill Roll Dispenser Rol 1 oc 25C Growers' Marketing Board is Thes iani"The national consumption of 1 canned peas is only six tins per Sy ear per person,"I J. A. Howard, '1secretary of the board said re- cently. "There was a large surplus of peas in Ontario in 1957, and, conseciuently, the growers cut back their acreage by some 4(1 per cent for 1958. Even so, we stili have 60,000,000 tins of peas stored, and this is just the stock in Ontario. There are plenty of peas in storage elsewhere in Canada. "There was a record tomato crop in Western Ontario," Mr. Howard said. "Otherwise, 1938 1 has been a good crop year ail round-apart from the redua- 71tion of acreage for peas." Building While thie committee resolu- lion is aimeti primanily aI help- ing underdevelopeti countnies wiich are the source o! much o! lie warlti's raw materials, it applies ta Canada as well be- cause o! her x'ast resaurces. Dr. Vivian, a former Ontario healti minister and now Pro- gressive Conservalive member o! Parliament for Durham, said during cammittee consideration of thie motion sponsoreti by Canada, Britain, Australïa, Pak- Canada Leads! UN Bid ta Win Trade Stability Unitedi Nations, Dec. 9 (CP) -Canada joineti today in a cali for stabilization o! internation- al trade, "'on which the welfarel o! the Canadian people de- pends." Dr. R. P. Vivian, Canadian delegate on the UN Assembly's economic committee. urged pas- sage o! a motion calling on UN members in effect, ta think twice about taking restrictive mea- sures which might have harm- fui repercussions on the trade o! countnies producing basic agricultural and minerai corn- mocities. (Continueti from Page one)1 vers anti Dolbeau anti two ini Ontario at Redi Rock anti Nirai- gan. They ship newsprint to 400 newspapers throughout the world inclutiing the Unite.d States, Unitedi Kingdom, Aus- tralia, New Zealand, India, South Afnîca, Cuba, Brazil and the Argentine. Their pulpwoosl cames fram 9,600 square mihî"s of farest area wiici the corn- pany operates under licence from .the twa provincial gov- ernimeits. Tiey have apprax'- mately 3,000 emploYees work- ing in tie milîs with another 6,000 in their woods operatian. President o! the vast organ- ization is Mr. P. M. Fox, wel knowis in financial anti busi- ness circles. The best wishes o! bis mari v friends here will go with Mr~. James in bis new field o! en. deavaur. For HUSBAND . .. FATHER . .. BEAU! A mon who "has everything" still shoves every doy BLUE BLADE GIFT PACKS . .... .. ... 50 blades 100 blades $2.50 $5.00 Super Speed Gift Set Razor with blades in dispens'er plus shaving cream and extra blades-......... $2.20 Other Gillette Razor and Blades Sets $3.79, $5:00; $6,00 Popular MENNEN Toiletries Skia Bracer .. 69c, $1.00 Afta - the soothing, no-sting shaving lotion for tender skia .. .. ...... - 1.25 GIFT SETS Skin Brocer and After Shave Talc $1.10 Menthol Lather Shave, Skia Bracer, Tolcum and Spray Deodoront $1.98 so nice +o give ... sa nice Fa get! Famous by Shulton After Shave Lotion, ... $1.35, Shoving Mug $1.50, refUil Pre-Electric Shave Lotion Smooth Shave in pressurized bomb Cologne ,. $1.50; Takcum Stick Deodoront....... ...... pi l= Giffs thal' save Christmas fun for years to corne g ore Perfect Christmais gift for onv 'n hccrr.e-,o faon. BROWNIE STARFLASH CAMERA OUTFIT (right> ...$11.45. Includes everything for taking flash pictures. Camera now in colour. Takes calaur slides, block and white and colour prints. BROWNIE STARLET CAMERA (Ieft) - budget-priced camera for ail kinds of pictures. Cornera .. $6.95 Flasholder $.. 4.15 BROWN 1EFSTARFLEX. . -$12.45 Flosholde, ..$4.15 Uher camneras and outfits, movie camneras and ail types of film re ia stock. Conne in to select your photo supply gifts now. SYLVANIA Blue Dot FLASHBULBX Give cartons of 12 bulbs M2-$1 .68 carton Press 25-$2.04 carton $2.00 85C $ 1.25 $ 1.25 $1.25 $ 1.25 OLD SPICE GIFT SETS Lother Shave, After Shave Lotion $2.10 Sha ving Mug & After Shave Lotion $2.85 Smooth Shove Bomb and Affer Shaving Lotion.......... $2.60 Other Sets at..$1.50, $2.00, $2.75 Favoo rite Williams Shaving Needs * Ice Blue AQUA VELVA ;Aeý Refreshing, invigarating after shove Vt~N~lotion with a clean masculine scent. f~ Heill like the woy it cools \. '~i razor bur .......... 79c, $1.25 LE .. CTRIC SI4AVE ...79c. $1.25, $1.50 ~~ New Convenient Push-butt or WILDR OOT CREAM.OIL He'll be able ta groom his hoir quickîy and easiîy with push-button Wildroot. It relieves dryness and removes $ , lacse dondruff, too ......... .... TIMEX WATCHES zwibS Models for Men andt Boys -Vliat ai thrill hell get wlien hoe open% a gi, wrapped Timex otu Chrisimas morning. Timex wrist woîciies are mode by one of the world's largest wotcis manu- facturer% and ore guaraniefdt for one yeor. MARLIN MODEL - shock restsmonr, woter. Proof, *weep çecond hand $ 12.95 I III' vil1, r; '<t 1*.. ~Is >4 ~J '~1 "~i k j- A SPECIALTY Store Phone MA 34e 68c j or istan and a group of South American countries that it had won support from the United States as well. This. achieve- mnent was regarded as sign4ficant in view of restrictive U.S. regu- lations in the past which have had an adverse influence on Canadian trade. The key paragraph of the motion pushed by Canada today asks member governments to "«increase their efforts to pro- mote conditions favorable to the expansion of international trade, and in relation to their com- mercial policies and trade practices take intoý.account any harmful repercussions which, they might have, particularly on the trade o! underdeveloped countries." It was understood Canada had ,most in mind her own resources of copper, lead, zinc and wheat -which are particularly affect- ed by international trade agree- ments or the Jack of them. To- day's resolution took specîfic note of the discussions stilli taking place on the re-negotiation of 'the International Wheat Agree- ment.-Globe and Mail. New Position DIA ~' reasured gîffs for WIFE ... MOTHER ... .B1EST GIRL! These ore just a few of the fine gifts avoulable in our store. . . see many ogners on dis prsy, et a wade range of prices. REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m.- English EVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.m.- Dutch SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE "Back To God Hour" Broadcast 8:30 a.m. every Sunday, C.F.R.B. Trin ity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. 11:00 a.ni. - INORNING WORSHIP "Let Every Heari Prepare Him Room" 7:00 p.nm. - EVENING WORSHIP Christmas Story "Ben David" 12:10U i. -SUNDAY SCHOOL *A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO ALL PRESCRIPTIONS Alex. McGregor, Drugs Yo ur Local I.D.A. Drug We Deliver ý 1 1- TM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWNtANVnýL& ONTAPM PAGE SEVEM 1- 3-5792 cir h ci

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