Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1958, p. 11

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- r TNURSDAy, NOV. et~. 1951 "ME CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILE, ONTAfIO PAGE ELEVEII 7 îlewcas te s'oCsciaI anc1 /ersona/ Mrs,. Jos. Harris of Gore's Landing was a Sunday guest with the Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Fisher and family. Mr..and Mrs. W. Butterill of Smit'hs Fall4 spent last week in the village visiting witb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Storks and fain- ily. Miss Dorothv Weavem and Mr. 'Donald LJgan of Toronto, weme Sunday visitors with Mr. and Urs. John Voutt and fain- ily. IDr. and Mrs. Hare and fam- ily of St. Thomas visited 'me- cently with Mr. and Mrs. Per- cy Rare. His many friends will be pleased to learn that hîs con- dition has improved sufficient- ly to allow Mr. Hare to retumn to bis home from the Memor- ial Hospital, Bpwmanville.. Mrs. Raye Friédlander and Mrs. Harold Deline of Toronto, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Storks and fam- ily. Her friends will be sorry to learn that Mrs. Chas. Finl.2y is a patient in the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, and wIll join us in wishing for ber a speedy recovery. ,Messrs. Clifford Cuffe and Earl Young left on Saturday for a week's deer hunting a', Mad awas ka. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence accom- panied by Mrs. Robt Howsam and Judy, of Port Perry, spent the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Veitch in Lon- don. Mrs. Howsam and Judy emained in London for a week's visit with ber sister. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. McDon- aId of Toronto. spent the week- end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton. Con stable Jack Ricard Now Living in Village NEWCASTLE - Provincial the Provincial Police Office at Police Constable Jack Ricard, MA 3-3385 iii an emergency. who has been policing the vil- lage on a part time basis, is Constable Ricard has been do- now residing in the village and ing a good job for the village has been retained by the vil- since taking over this assign- lage councii 'for off time work ment, and now that hes is living and is on call 24 hours a day. in the village and hired for off- .Constable Ricard's home trne policing, he should be able phone number is 4551 and if no to satisfy the needs of the local answ er, citizens should phone citizens. May Form Badminton Club Here NEWCASTLE - The forma- tion of a badminton club spon- sored by the Newcastle Recrea- tion Association was given a lengthy di,'-siQn at the Octo- ber meeti J&the Association. It seems th 'inatter has been brought up in previous years and certain preparatory work done, such as getting the O.K. of the Community Hall Board, prices and equipment etc. It was decided the -Associa- tion would sponsor the forma- tion of such a club and everyone interested in its formation is in- vited to attend the next meet- ing of the Recreation Associa- tion which is being held in the council chamber on Tuesday, 1Vovember llth. at 8 p.m. At this meeting if there is sufficient interest shown a Badminton Club will be form- ed and arrangements made to start play. As this is the oniy way the Association can judge the number of persons interest- ed in this game it was decided to leave the matter over till nlext Tuesday to find out just how many would àe interested and whether or flot the forma- tion of such a club would -ne worthwhile. YELVERTON Yelverton W.A. observed the !{allowe'en occasfon with a Mas- querade party in Church Hall. The usual assortment of weird characters from various walks of life in the animal kingdom were there in profusion not to men- tion a few shady ones of un- ]nown background and dubioffl futures. In the "Parade of the Stars" Mr. and Mrs. Perey Pr-es- ton were the capable judges. Prize winners were: in Pre- school class -best dressed girl- Candy Malcolm; best comie girl costume- Mitzi Malcolm; best dressed bLey- Trevor Nesbitt , best comie boy- Pamella Stin- son (as a boy). In Public Scho6l Class- best dressed girl- Judy Sisson; best comie girl- Linda Rowan. best dressed boy- Garry Bristow:- best comir boy- Terry Mal- colm.. In the "Free for ail" class: best dressed man's costume- Mrs. David Wilson; best comie man's costume_- Mrs. Jerry Bistow (as a -gentleman of the road"), best dressed lady- Miss Lloyd Wilson, who provided the Dave Wilsons for the nouce witb an unfulfilled desire, a charming daugbtem; best comie lady- Mrs. Norman Wilson, best dmessed couple- Captain (Mrs.) Bertha Lane and Pat Wright. Extra curricular activity was provided wlien some youthful pranksters carried away by the exubemance o! youth and the Hallowe'en mood a penchant for electricity removed a number o! wires, from spark-plugs etc. in nearly every car present, nec- cessitating some *short shift im- provîsng . to get the company motorized before beading homewaxrd. Humble Pie was en- joyed particularly by the vic- ýims of this deviltry as onlook- ers) when the mîscreants were returned to the scene of crime and obliged to find the discard- ed wiring tossed into the field. A safe bet that more than i-ed faces would have been their lot if some o! the sulphurous e- marks uttered hy iate car own- ers could bave ibeen a sound basis for above opinion ex- pressed. Dancing to the music supplied by local talent was enjoyed witb a bountiful lunch aftem. Many guests from neighbouring com- munities weme present. The W.A. grossed $30 before expenses. Sympathy o! the comnunity iextended to Mrs. Lloyd Sta- ples. sons Joseph and Louis. in their hereavement. Mr. and Mms. Norman Wilson and girls were Sunday visitors o! Mm. and Mms. Clarence John- son of Springville. Sunday callers at Malconia, Mr. and Mms. Roy Wright of Tom- onto, the Ralph and Rae Mal- colm 's. Mm. and Mrs. David Wilson and Mrs. Anne McQuade were Sunday evening dinner guests of the Roy McGills o! Oshawa. A speedy convalescence to Mrs. Geo. Bennett who Is presently under doctors came. Mr. and Mms. Geordie Kerr of Yelverton were Saturday et'en- ing guests of the Vie Malcolm's, Nestleton, We are pleased to report that Mrs. W. J. Malcolm is resting more comfortably sinc 'e having a cast put on both legs. Newcastle United Church Rev. M. C. Fisher, B.A., Minister Mr. Norman B. Williams, Organist 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP Sermon: 'TCultivaiing the Ideal of Service" Everyone welcorne at these services A CIVIC SERVICE 0F REMEMBRANCE will be held in Newcastle Community Hall on Tuesday, November llth nt 10:45 a.m. yéVgterans and the general public are invited to attend. D. J. CUNNINGHAM. Reeve, Village of Newcastle. A Il Citizen! To Special Remembrar NEWCASTLE - A committee co-mposed of Reeve D. J. Cuni- ningham, the Rev. M. C. Fisher, Minister of the United Church and the Rev. D. R. Dewdney, rector o! St. George's Church have been busy pmeparing for the annual Civie Service of Remembrance to be held in the Newcastle Community Hall on Tuesday momning Novemnber llth to honour those who gave their lives in the two Great Wars and the Korean confliet. BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- low and Mrs. Harryý Van Camp attended the funeral o! their aunt, Mrs. Walter McGill in Janetville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong and Ralph attended the fun- eral of Mr. John Sinclair in Cambray Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Camp,' Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Van Camp and Miss Doreen. were gutsts at the wedding of Mrs. Stanford's niece. Miss Sonia Purdy and Mr. Jas. Gai- lagher in Toronto Saturday. Sincere sympathy is extend- ed Mr. and Mrs. Melville Wer- ry and family in the tragie death o! their son Allan in car acci- dent Tuesday nigbt. Mrs. Glenn Larmer entertain- ed ber Sunday Scbool class to supper at ber home Tuesday and during the evening thev presentedý Shirley Snooks (one of the girls of class) with a lovely engraved Bible. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snooks, Shirley and Wendy, moved to Pnmt Perry Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow, Mr. and Mms. Ivan Thompson, Mm. and Mrs. Jim Marlow and Brian Hamilton, attended the Toronto Milk Transport Asso- ciation banquet at Seaway Mo- tel, Toronto, on Tuesday even- ing. Mrs. L. Woodward and dau- ghters, Gail, Esther, Sharon, Jean and Joan and Mr. Prosper Murschant, Pte. au Baril, spent Saturday night and Sunday with the Stanford and Richard Van« Camps. Mrs. W. J. Campbell, Tees- watem. spent last week with Mrs. George Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer attended the Thanksgiving ser- vice at Eldad Sunday afternoon and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yeilowiees;. Mrs. Norman Malcolm, To- ronto, was weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Van Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Melville Bradbumn, SaskatoQn, were Sunday supper guests of Mm. and Mrs. Leith Byers. Misses Jessie and Betty Mc- Arthur, Mable Van Camp, Pearl Wright, Toronto. and Helen Van Camp, Oshawa, spent the weekend at their respective homes. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLenachan wbo moved fmomn Toronto Friday into the home vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snooks. Mr. McLenachan is a radio and TV repair man. Mm. and Mrs. Fred Coîbeai and boys moved Saturday into the Martyn apamtment recently vacated bY Mr. and Mrs. Me.- Cormick and family. Mr. and Mrs. E wart Leask and Margaret, Solîna. were among the visitors noticed at the baptismal service Sunday morning. Mms. Eva Banks and Mrs. Ar- thur Palk attended the 75tb anniversary of the United Church in Bensford on Sunday 'and visited fmiends. The Boy Scouts enjoyed a hike to Cadmus Sunday aftem- noon. The bouse on the farm 'of Mr. 5 1~ Sundav -with1 b is-daughter,-Mrs. Williard Cook, Oshawa. Mr. and Mms. Harrv Van Camp and Arthur, attended ser- vice in Port Permy Sunday morning when their grandson, Robert Donald, was baptized and were guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Glen Van Camp and boys for the day. Mrs. John Rahjm also attended this service and Richard Allan Rahm was hap- tized. Mm. and Mrs. John Rahmn were among tbe guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rahm, Cheryl and Richard, for the day. Sympathy is extended Mrs. Jas. Par-, Mrs. H. Bailey and family in the death of Mr. Parr Sunday evening. Mrs. Ena Herron, Mm. anid Mfrs. Leslie Gibson, Toronto ;Invited Service. for ýce Nov, il The service, which starts at 10.45 a.m., will be under the leadership of 'Reeve Cunning- ham, representixig the village ad- minlatration, with the ministers assisting ini the service. Ail veterans of the village and thé ganeral public ate invited to attend this Service of Re- membrance to ion0ur the memn- ory of those young men from this community who paid thc supreme sacrifice that we might live in peace. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston. In the af.. ternoon they ail motored to Millbrook and visited Mr. and Mrs. John Rowland. Mrs. W. S. de Mouilpied, Guernsey, Channel Islands, the Misses Helene and Marion de Moullpied; Mr. William de Mou- ilpied, Mrs. Alexander, Mr. Da- vid Alexander, ail of Toronto, were recent gueÈts cf Mr. W. N. Campbell and Mrs. John Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Gra- hamn andýMrs. Edna Gibson vis- ited Mrs. Henry Graham and Verena in Toronto, Sunday. Miss Emma Hienders, Yelver- ton, is sperding a few days with Mrs. Jas. Parr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Anderson, Teddy and friend, Whitby, were Saturday evening visitors andi Mrs. Wesley Beacock and Mrs. Tarvis Sunday, with Mrs. James Henry and Miss Ger- trude. Mr. and Mrs. Ben.son Dunn, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Forder, Sunday. There were 12 tables of Eu- chre played in the Parish Hall Thursday night. Winners were Mrs. J. Gibsori and Mrs. Fred Bailey who tied for ladies, and Thos. Langteld, first, Osmond Wright, second in mien's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheeler, Hastings, vi.sited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wheeler and family, aleo Mr. and Mrs. E~rnest Swain Sunday. Lake Shore, C1hrke Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jayncs were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Holdaway, Port Britain. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hendersor-, Newtonville. Mrs. Samn Powell and Miss Doiren'e "Pwe11 'sp4nt Sunday with Mrs. Don Coulter, Downs- view. Mr. and Mrs. G. McKnight, Christine and Alvin. Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. With Mr. and Mrs. Ross Adams were Mr. and Mrs. C. Downer and Mrs. A. Duguid and Bobbie, New Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell and family, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rutherford, Orono. TYRONE Gordon Agnow, M ulo Phu@o 3621 BURIETON on spendîng the winter with lier granddaughter, Miss Mary Arnold, Tormnto.- June Taylor attended a con- vention in Hamilton over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. L. Phillips and Steven with Mr. and Mms. Don Cameron, Haydon. Mrs. A. Judson, Glenhaven Lodge. Newcastle, visited Mm. and Mrs. John Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hatherly and family, Aldemwood, visited Mrs. Annie'Hatherly. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moore and Douglas, St. Catharines, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. Jewell and boys. Mrs. Russell Wright is spend- ing a few days with ber daugh- ter, Marion in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue at- tended bier aunt's Sth wedding anniyersary, Mr. and Mms. A. Bolton of Meaford, at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Bolton, Toronto, Sunday. Cecil and David Alldread, Jack Welsh, and Bruce, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. H-. Strong, Salem, M'-. and Mrs. T. Alldread and family, Mrs. Mary Alldread, Newcastle. Mrs. Bill Page and Valarie. Enniskilleri, visited James Alldread and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp, Miss Jean Philp, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Philp, Morganston. Mr. and Mrs. A. Grace and Lynda. Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahim. Preliminaries in the public speaking contest were held at the sehool on Monday after- noon. Judges Mrs. L. Annis and Mrs. K. Davey chose Lynne Stainton who spoke on "Nurs- ing"~, to represent the school in' the Township contest at Hamp- ton on Monday evening, Novem- ber 1Oth. Honourable Mentions were given to Esther Rosevear and Shelagh Murphy. SPECIALS Just Heat and Serve York Brand Beef Stew Serve Soup'N Crackers 15 oz. tin 2 for35C The tirst meeting cf the Ty- Plain or Salted lb. pkg. erone 4-H Homemaking Club was I beld at the home o! Assistant leader Mrs. Younginan on Tues-W es ofl s Sod as 3 day evening, October 28. Eight girls were present to begin the-De licious Fruit unit *'Working With Wool" jii i enley - Choice 28 oz. tin which each member is requir-j ed to make a skirt, jumper or;F for the yeam are: President, ru C c t i37 Margaret Thiesburger; vice- president, Sandra Gibson; se- Stock up - Quick and Economical cretary, Jean Baker; Press Se-j Aylmer - Boston Browned 15 oz. tin cetary, Anne Momeland. It was decided te cali the grou p "yl e n ihP r o 9 roe ip':Top Ta;iloeanr w th I'ork £ fo L meetng s t behel atMrs.; Youngman's home Tuesday, Real Value! Stock Up! Nov. 4, at 7:30. Lone Star Brand Std. 20 or. tin There were 14 Explorers pre- sent Monday evening. They opened with Expîorer's PêurposeG een î e s3 fr35 and song. Anne Skinner readG e n P a3 fo35 the minutes cf the log. Plans Ecnria Ied were made for a hike on Sat- Eooia ped urday. Regular lb. pkg. Mms. N. Collacott. Rowman- ville, spent a couple of days Pihr and lo vsed Mz Nucoa Margarine 2 for 49c Phae ad aso isied r.and Mmi. A. Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glover, Donald and Gail, Oshawa. vis- ited- Mr. and Mms. G. Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. Deibert Bell, Xno ite ery tesBow Farm Fresh PRC)DUCE tue. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Down, Ontario No. 1 Grade - Snow White - Size 12's Lakefield, visited at Russell Virtue's and Leon Moore's Mr ad rs H Mrpy nd auliflower 2 for 29c Mhlrs.edhup. B Onlew t aroN.1h b a Mm Ei. H rHalan Jans ntaroN.15 b the. H.e Hllend h r.and s. Il Chas. Terry, Oshawa. Wilfmed rable rotatoes 99C stayed with Frank Colbary. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tivett. Locall~y Grown 6 qt. basket Weston, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mmm. H. Cameron. Susan Ann Pleasance, daugh-Mclntosh Apples .55c ter of Mr. and Mms. Tom Pleas- ance, was baptized at the Sun- California No. 1 Sweet, Red, Crisp day morning service. M r. andn ro G r p s 2 Ib.29 Mrs.Foser nowenMr. and m e o Gr p s 2 b.29 Mrs. Bill Snowden and family, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden, Solina, Mr. Xnd Mrs. Ontario No. 1 Grade Camman White and family,' Bowinanville. were dinner guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Tom W x T r i sI 5 Pleasance. Jacqueline Rosevear. Camp- j belîford, spent the weekend at'_____________________________ hem home. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear w visited Mr. Harold Mack lin at U OD CS #ï the home of bis muster, Mms. S. Snowd. ,Oshawa. Mns. W, Mughson à lanning Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hooey; Solina, were Saturday eveftlng visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hodge. Plans have been made to hold the aflnual Faîl Bazaar by the Burketon, W.A. It is expécted that there wiUl e a nice dispiay of aprons, pillow cases and other articles for sale. Homne baking, plants, vejetab1es will also be availablC. Therè will be the usual fish pond for the children and somethlnig new has been added this yeam. Our new- ly formed C.G.I.T. group wil have a table displaylng their handicrafts for sale. A cordial welcome is extended to evçry- une. Tea and light retmeshments will be sold. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Slinger- land and Linda, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. . Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Termv and Laurie, ZMon, visited. with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Abbott on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Carter and Pamnily, Whitby, were Sun- day visitors of hem parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adams. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone were Mr. and Mms. George Lawson and children. Mm. and Ms. Geo. Wallen and Nancy, al of Mark- ham. Mrs. Agnes Carter and Mrs. Helen Ward spent Thursday of last week visiting relatives and friends in Toronto. Mrs. Leslie Argue and Mrs. Thos. Hodge attended the eu- chre party held in St. John's Parish Hall, Blackstock. Parish H~all, Blackstock, on Oc- tober 30. The church service was very well attended on Nov. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mc- BROWN'S (Intended for last week> Brown's Home and Sehool Club held their annual Hallow- e'en party on Friday evening, October 24th, to which most o! the neighborbood turned out. Mrs. Dorothy Pickering provid- Laughliri, Bowmanville, visited with Mrs. Edna MeLaughlin on Sunday. Mr. M. English, who lives north of Devitt's Hall, was un- fortunate in losing his house and contents by fire on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Argue and family visited relatives at Ballyduff on, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Woodburn, Park.hill, Mr. and Mrs. George Avery, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Avery and Gilbert, ail of Little Britain, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mii- boum,. Whitby, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pedersen on Sunday. Hallowe'en characters were numerous and various but ail were well behaved. No destruc- tive pranks were noticeable in the village. Mrs. Rilda Stevenson, Toron- to, spent the weekend with ber daughter, Mrs. Murray Archi- bald. The regular round of social evenings which àfforded enter- tairiment in the village every two weeks in the past winters will recommence on Friday, Nov. 14, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone. Euchre, bingo, checkers, crokinole and a var- lety cf other games may be en- joyed. The proceeds will be used to swell the fund to fur- flish the church hall. Donations of prizes will be greatly appre- ciated. C et Cash To-day for OId Appliances through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 Guaranteed Quality MEA TS Predressed 2%/ - 3 lb. average Roasting Chickens lb. 3 3c Caldwell's Sausages Devon Sliced Breakfast Bacon Skinless Wieners 1 lb. celle pkg. M l. pkg. 1 lb. celle pkg. 49C Maple Leaf 6 oz. pkg. Mac and Cheese Loaf 2.9c Caldwell's B3 Beef Bologna ey the piece lb. 39c BAKING SUPPLIES AIl Purpose Five Roses Flour JolIy Good 1 Pitted Dates Australian Sultanas . 15 oz. pkg Seedless Raisins 2.9c Australian Recleaned Curran ts ibag. 41C 16 oz. pkg. 23c 2 lb. pkg. 55C 15 oz. pkg. 2-3c Saxonia Red 4 oz. pkg. 8 or. pkg. Glae Cerries2.for39 c 35c Saxonia Cut 4 oz. pkg. 8 oz. pkg. Mixed Peel lfor25c 21c Values effective in Bowmanville until closing tîme Saturday, Noveiuber 8th, 1958 DOMINION STORES LIMITED ed the music for the marchlng cf those in costume. and the many and varied costumes pro- vided much ente-tainment and hilarity for those present and a tough decision for the judges to make, whose job it was to choose the best in each group. The judges were Mr. and Mrs. S. Wilkins, Courtice, and Mr. 'H. MeWilliams, Brown's, wha did a fine job and chose the following as winners: Girls, 5 and under, Susan Simpson, Gipsy; Boys, 5 and under. Cameron Wilson, Farm- er; Girls, 6 to 8,. Georgie Simp- son, Flower Girl: Boys, 6 to 8, Keith Cail, Piraté, Girls, 9 to 11,- Judy Pitt, Gipsy, Boys, 9 to 11, Rîcky Kichikg, Mexican; Girls, 12 to 15, Marilyn Robinson, Clown, Boys, 12 to 15, Edwin Bailey. Farmer; Comnic, Larry- Herrington, Baby; Best Couple, Tina and Elizabeth Kozub, Tramp and Chinese Lady. Adults - Best Lady, Joan Couch, Fortune Teller; Best Gent, Stan Couch, Mummy; Comnie, Eva, Huckleberry Finn; Best Couple. Kay and Megs Or- ,gan, Japanese Lady and Gun- man. Candy was provided for the children by the H. & S. Club and appies by Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Farrow. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Couch with Mr. and Mrs. Curson on Sunday. 1 PACM ICLX Caldwell's

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