PAGE !TGR? ?i~H CANADIAN STAT~MAN. EOWMAKVTLLE. O!~TARTO TmmSDA?. SEPT. 1ftt1~. imu by ]ELSIE CARRUTHEXI LUNNET TH E TOWN PUNTP fact. Around 50 years or more iety then designeti a tank trucki Remnember thie old diukziz ago. a man coulti put bis borseta go arounti town praviding a founitaîn dcwn from the ToweIl and rýg in the hotel stables drink for thirsty horses-a won-1 Hallon Tmpernre viiwere an osier wauld care for' derful thing ta do. for horses Onl the steniet siLdc- 11w hehorse andi the awnec en- get vers' thirsty, especially on On he n ret îî adc îtg b< f-. i )ia meai in the hotel -ail a sweltering day. shoe bass f an b ti' h o-vUforie cgrand total of 25c' Diti The job is done b1 ut or basn fromwhich he.ti oti' av that tUnies 'have versitv student in summer, es used to ge*, îh" i'.k )f a Ve"Nwtex xe xOuLIeac.h one naming bis successor fresh, cooalv waiem So:uîc of 'o fecýd the hitchîng post on *the for the following year. The wa- thi wa fist~niai!d.1' x o I cet foc the privilege of park- termobile tank is filleti Up wiih be. xx'e ,uPPo.c ý' . im e t r"'xoi a.advumx a hase at a certain garage, and wate:'works lauf i.d ow* aiîxthýiîw ram $1.00 (ver-, cea- awav go driver and truck with whîch Aa5; 191"2 id13 ýorî ,iffî b $2.00 or $3.00) for bueket. iooking about in the Prir a ta'ant \oui duinner, depending on where area still frequenteti by dei- estaoîshti tha a * , t \ou locale. Let us add. how- very wagons and junk cacts. If estalishd 1h, V\eie. that the 25e of the gooti ihorses could speak, and thev flot from ouac mct:ii )rv t' lOii- oldki tas tit not inctude feeti nearly do. how they must cail oc.,, of oihc-"s. .îînt'iii c e~ fr the horse- -vou brought that blesseti that truck and driver xvhich carne ui 1 a .eneîwîhvnbutl the horse was anti the Humane Society who niai t:me, 'ee A \. .103 WzItered. blanketeu in colu wea- thought of tîteir neeu. Tan IDLiinp .ni " ir ni tareti for. Goti for some goati. decent, same 'ocit:. o:: \'n"d t'IO>- lluhing posis wece about kind people in the worlti. ched he moWL'"oo' .1 the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i f cm.<. :i ~nuîerous on King Street as*** the ten . . ohalO' ':n tht' pa-king mefers are now, AND BRIEFLY -was ih1e:ho 'l"11) )f,. ationaihr,,ret. smere'- Diti vou see Lotta Dempsey's dnshat i qte fancy ones :ouni h GoeadMi tox'.. w'th a carved horse's head in nin e th3?IGlobse andtiaof Cia* ýc 1-v, !3ý-i, n en- front of their homes. While Dickson Kenwin, the fine acter p~cv cn' ' ion: onGega x'siing Kitchener market ir~ ni"etea fte Ot ant P.:'o~ ~o,Ž~~ ~sumor wegaia ickoutofSchool." whom we were pi tcxvn cama 'xx .~' a dcx &~i eeing sevel'aî barses anxd rîgs vsileAt eri omni da\.anibelon ging ta Mennonites who va ged oha n omnil brin z back c of:le xater t 'a dete oneru podceafe w vears ago. Al too fewi quenich the ours f .ne work- peoxie e waneu pro uce wer h ers thce. jfor the market, tieti up ta park- e1rsn fteeeigb ers here ingm efers. We don't know if!gave in the Lions Centre. Hizq We eotstar'eti cn hs u b- onc aiptavmn readîngs andi portrayals f roîn jeicftte c'aus thcfwnan hzdpcal of Sh'V jnet f wqcrv bout h of 'an inor flot, but when we sawr severa fSakespeare's plays,i iiores un New Y.-\-akot ov thet h > na ciig ieaiteplus some other verv humor- lire irn moew cfrthat tvbgalmo rnret te e frcoin iers adtex ous pieces, wece wonderful. a d-ýjk-nio'p f hatin mm- make, te mtes sid-x-Some of you have seen hlm an ent. So ouri' uouighis tmmcd t i pired". TV. but we wish yau hati been faciliies bere vhèn there weî'e there ta see anti hear him in mranv Thoiigh peopie A BUCKET 0F WATER person that night. He has bati can reiiiembei' the town pump- Now. after that long anti' a long anti fine career, anti anti there are pictuces @[rounti roundabout preamble, we have j this vear marks his 6tb anni- of if-;t would s;eeim that therel finally Mot arounti to those versary of life an the stage. was ;no xatrn trougýh for i horses in New Yack. There arej Andi speaking of Shakes-î heorses besie it. ln those dav-. araunti 2500. with around 1,100j peare, Sic John Gielgud's ap- farmers wha came in ta town in Manhattan. Fifty years aga lpearance at Stratforti SeaDt. 20. for several hoîîrs. or the da ' , in the entice city there were ant ini the Havai Alexandra ail put their hoî'scs in the stables aroîînd 60.000. the follawing* week are out- of cneecf the boteis. The Ben- 1Inl former davs there useti 1 standing events. We cati ima- nett Hfouse wýaq oine cf the iast. to be horse troughs canvenient- gine no mare wonderful even- ,%vith stables, te survixve. but 'lx located arounti the city. but ing than lstening fa bis ceati- there xxeîe many others wavj these gratiually disappeareti. tilt ings from Shakespeare whichi back v.hen. about seven vears ago there be has groupeti accortiing ta Anti here's an outstantiing, were nane. The Hlumane Soc- "The Seven Ages of Man". Suifs shape-up nîost impart- ant]y 'on fali's fashion scene. They are laxished xxifh a "saftl bandeti" fabric fpeetanti an ex- citiug and infinite variety of 'tvles! Silhouette,,;iuclude the ira- peze . . cacoan . . . smar't uex xalking-suit . . . relaxeti 'littIe suit . .anti coordinateti costumes. Tiiere are nianx' others. too, %v'hich achiex'e the", individual- il',' y flîcur'stunning jacket rhapiiig. collar iîîterest. fur trim, andr attention fa dcess- inaker details. Jackets ar'e gcuerallv ea. linfitlerl. antipogo tealilIcis ta please' Skicts ver v tram ziau'eoxv sIfncess te icose fla- ing fullness. One of the maost popular jacket styles is fitteti in front, baose anti raundeti in back for the -scythe .* . blouson, or bubble" look. This jacket shape is shown lu waisf. hip-bone or thcee- quarter (waiking suit) lengths. Back-bnterest is achieveti bv unpresseti pleating. or gathers celeaseti from neck-or-shoulde-r line, anti tapeceti-in at the jacket hein. Most often. the skirt is slim bn this silhouette. The frapeze suit wears a jacket that is narrow af the shoulders. anti gently flares out just above or at the waist! The fullness continues with - - ~ - n"--,r a~ --arn-W rri TAxi Phone MA 3-5822 .STE VENS' TAXI "Safe, Satisfying Service" ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Bowmanville A. H. Sturrock saYS.... 'A /1 APPY PAPPY /5 A C/hIPPY P//O 's 1WCK(Y ENOUGI70Tt/' /8 A hOT/ f rA T'S /tI E. elC9ý C)Thire's extra comfort ... for w'orkin.-... or for relaxation atra day's work is done . ... ashes are just a memory ini a home that's oil heated. EýIery nook and corner can be kept "hospital" cleaxu. We carry top quality Esso heating ails for space heaters, floor furnaces, ai! burners. hot, waier lîeaters. sto-ves, stock troughi heaters or chic'ken brooders. They're tops for economy and delivery is fr'ee. Sa if v'ou xant ta be a Happy Pappy get your fuel tank fîlled weIl ahead of time. Bu Y 9440 Furnace and Stove Oils IETERED DELIVERY SERVICE WooI Print New anti beautiful is the hand-scceeîïed wool print of ibis bhantsom-e toxx-uand ti ravel suit. The feather anti fe'n tdesign i the soft, txvilleti-xxeav.e xvol combines rcsx' toues wt lv green touches. Semi- fittet inl style. thiîs suit is gixen a fem- Imine air wvîuh soft sceerf îeckline and flot peeket delails. -Wool Bureau Photo D3y Atiele cf Califarnia 1It's Nzew! a witiely flarin% skict. The avec-ail effeet is a girl- bs.fe-swinging triangle1 'i The hip-bone-length jacket ' creates an easy-flawing, re- laxeti look. If is often shown in rich thick suiting. iu plaids or ~ checks, witb cantrasting colors 4 The walking suit jacket is i- three-quarter long. with a sli'n skirt beneath. It is very smarf, ver new. anti prophesied for impressive papularity. The walking suit bas an easV look. aften slightl * yaval or ai- manti in feeling.,tiepentiing an ' the jacket shaping The wonderful "tittle suit" h as a jacket that gentl ' bleus- es. anti is fitteti at waist or hic--i liue. The skirt can be neetileI i slim. or knife, or box pleafeti. Very new anti xery smat i looking is the bigh-waistline .- Empire-lo suit jacket thal t ttops a siim or somewhaf ce- laxeti skiî't. ' l 1 Many newer jacket style.s carry ail the magnificent dress- maker details that go ia bet- L.~.-------..~---- lier blouses . . . such as tucking. I shirri'ng. tiraping. bows big Thexxaikiiîg suit . theflooTek anti little) and banding. .fbat's uniug axxay xiih popix- The lavelY. versatile costume larity--x'tes acî'oss the countr'y. suit stavs on for fait in flatter- It's more than a leugth, if's a ing new versions, versatile anti flaitering styvle. This fail, the costume suit is heeiînofî'cbk motic spoxin eften shown with a collarless tee~ fre ielait li clippeti jacket avec a skirt anti w'01. As axva.ys iin ibis nexv- overblouse ...a sîeeveîess look, ietaîls aurc dcffli decl shea - o .a ardgnde with. A pcep cf hemn is 'pretticr! shebo ahecardianudess. a- By -Monie-Sano anti Piuzan tur vets.others blauses Or 1 jacket linings that match thei in Deutcircnon-x'. In hercornm- jblouse. Many are shoxvn in con- t meufs Mrs. 'flîbb statedti he tcasting but barmoniaus colo-s. study cf ncighboui'hood lu the The collacs are a wonderfîii stuiti cf nman un hîs relations anti important focal paint of xith cilie mcin. lu ccci Bib- fashion. Hece again. they are lirai tlnmes Ilhu' peopfle of Isî'a- shown this season in endless ei acknýowiedgeti God.s seve- jvariety. jreigu cxx uersiiip of ailt tlin,*s. j Most papular anti etegant in It fclcwýs the!i tuai prcpcriv i collacs are the new "long- 's gooti. Frorn another peint cf baireti" fur trims. jxiliî r cis tiiet matou-lai jThis seasan. coilars of sof, thin-s c t ~-hie fart cf Goci*s fluffy black fox, ced fax anti eternil getfax 'mc te marn. lynx, excitingîx' atitispice to jHcxx-cx-or xxe nmust lxvavs s'e- 5iits. imemlxii'jesus teaiching as Other collacs shown incluidelfoundind"lite Sc'rnon on flic the shawl, cowl. anti the cardi- Moîuiîi xvherc lie sai:*Se ,gan. Collacs are also witie ori ve first the Kiuîgtim cf Ced naccow, intricateiy drapeti or anti all ci-ce shah b' atdeti 10 fcinged. it." ', Tubb clc,e txih pra- The fabrie sýaî'v, bu keeping ver. Mcs. Hacrold Staînton fsý- wifh tbe "soft" feeling of the v'oured xxith a !ex-elv sclo an- silhouette. is lbght, sitkv, anti 'comipanietei iii' pl pana bv suptuous. j Miss 1cîîcOsborne. Laîing the fabric parad-?'l T he Stuitv Bcolk-. 'Conceruis are xxooens biendeti wifh fu" cf a coiitiiieu'iixxiis uu trcduc- . sitkv mohair iaops anti curý1icd liv M~ R. R. Gax- aasstel plus bu'ushed. sîtkv textures. b v Miii::. H. F. Osberne, Mcs. G. T4ere are tane-on-tone tweeds Éick,,1,iU, M:-E'. Oke andi ss .flne fianneis . . . novel bier- A. Dcxi. B\ x.ev<i inteeduir- ringbones. . . anti checks .-.I.lien xve'teck a *brief glimipse excitingly rubbed. ribbed oi ' cf the ceunitirs anti arcas crînkleti. ibe studicti, viz. Alaska. Cana- Paisleys... stripes . . . prints !daUnitîed States. Mexico, Ha- plaids . . anti haiespuns . .v-uai anti Car:b'bean Area. Scm- are animatet i wth calor, bcash interesîîuîg geuigraplîeai f arets with surface interest! i 1c c-exe at 'ca îr Cyosvr, from mufed '4an- r,îijeîi, problenîs mentianeti tique" mooti hues, to a vibrant 1iai xxiii be our ccncern foc spectcum of brilliant shoc'K tiîe ccring ycac. toues___________ Suits are above-all, relax"rl anti elegant. So varieti that -- each womnan wili findti te 'e-v oo '.0,os t suit that looks the smactest anti or G es t fiaiters ber own personal si-l. À *IIfs ea hj uiiaays1Head Ebenezer W.M.S. Meets In Pastel Wig "Who is tbat woman wi*h the green hair:'1 maxvxxell be- came a common question th:s Ebenezer W.M.S. met. in S.S.î1 coom Sept. 9 wvith 21 present. J Aiong xx'th tîie chic. chýc Presitient Mcs. Car'i Down 1 feather ha!Is thia' ccmpletelx- bcougchf sanie t ho u ghtq from !caver tlie haie, theî'e are nov; the discussion on finance a, pastel costumîe wigs! the School for Leaders anti cf- Tie5e xîgs. most of which fecei paxe-. nx- loming~;"came Ironi cueatcrs of xigs for oxer.reas relief max' be roag't ix-ox iiiaiîîîequin;1-. are worn ta tue 0Oc'tobei: mcci ng M . -a'ts ;: -conar.x' Month!s- subserîpti o I-ý TI- iliO otatt are due in October anti Set',,- o! a'.ih1ci- out' i andt M~ Ln:e Osbornîe .skî 'o afahnîaieuf~'at ricin bers ta bDe ecamptiîn rr- aNEVER itended to look lk uewung theirs. Fat RalIxv m-iI.: be helti a' Nextonx-îlle. Oct q1.i Cois binate a fuit scape of The worship service was eauon-Ck antci natural fanies. ducteti bv' Mts. Gamnet Tuba Bqc- s alons !have acrepteti vho gave calli texorship fa1- t»he :dca ari'ixce il lowed bx praxcr, Mrs. E. theii. s: s -ed -n the buyer's fa- ISnowden 'read Scripture founti vouri'e, coifure. SOLINA Fabrics Express Mood ý (ntededfor last week) i The Women's Institute wil aet n Thursday night (to 'OfFaIlSilhouettes night) when the 4H Club girls Fashion in fabrics for the 1 in paisley orinis, Persian mro- wiIl assist on the program with new scason ibis fail reflects tifs. houndstooth checks, and a skit based an their recent pro- sumnptuous beauty in soft, silkv fou lard types. ject. There will be a specialdep'etrs rhont I desyfbi-Lkfr collection for the C.N.I.B. 1deepteue s .. m rnifcene O Church service next Suinday, coorand a profusion of prints silk jacquards, matelasses, Sept. 14 will be at 9:30 o'ccck and pat terns. c.repe de chines, miracle fab- with Sundav School folwig 'hcv are a perfect fait for wriend sren ritsinsh R.ev.0F45 eed wslocthe the graceful simplicilv of the wrtd1XOi Re. . ed asi te u- new mobile silhouettes.1 Siik, long a wvarmn-weather pit Sunda.v morning preachîng, Texlured surfaces are bouncv fabric.i rdmntin ih a splendid sermon on Labour and ligh t in iooped, lacv, curled . sis polredmiat i r IDay. andi rappv surfaces. Silk patterns appear in ele- .,Rally Day service wiIl bc, There are rustie \"eaves such gant medallions. graceful cur- held on Sunday afiernoon, Sept.;aS sackinc, homiespuns and bas- veci lunes. andi highlv textureti 1 21. ket wc%-aves. Thick and th' I patterns, such as panels of fil- The Women's Institute ladies varns combine iii exciting pat- tires afoot, or on horseback. were entertaineti by Mapie terîlis, spaced by delicate floral tra- Grave. WlI. on Mondav night.i There are hounic. v ools i5er- cery. They are oflen high- Solina ladies presented the pro- ringboincs. plaids, and also dJ gram. i agona 1 pattern treatments. Mrs. J. Yellowlecs spent sev- 1in casual fabrics - Mohar eral day s last week with lier worsted wn.ools, tweed, jerse sisters. Miss Ida Revnolds and corduro.kuiits. and brushed Mrs. Mabel Westlev in Toronto Cotton predomninate. Mr. andi Mrs. Hlarvev Yel!:1 Mohar lhasits own snecalj awlees, Karen, Brenda andi place i the fabric picture. It' Janice. Mrs. J. Yellowlees andi useci again andi again for it,3 Miss G]adys Yellowlees were uonderful affinitv for viv i I Sunday guests of Mr. ant Mrs. color. Stan Hodgson andi familv, Boxx cc nk appear hi th4 manville. so11ffl:,. twxcedi. bouicle. andi bulki Mr. and Mrs. Frank W'c_ý--look. lake, Sr., Mr. aîîd Mrs. Fralik Twýo diei.coisniv becomi Westlake Jr.. anti Shirlev xvere h neci 1er a leriliter11oor aba guests at the wedding cf Bettý - strac.t motit as i n 1ee('x 'Klls. Lou Westlake and Mielvilie P r lW'el jerseY i oc. n a tvwecd ker in Millbrook United Ch-uruls1< .*clin ý. or appears wxith a dccp on Saturday afternonn. Shirle\y r1hkut was the charmîng little flowv- Twcocls. ilieieselves,, are kit - er-giri. ten soft, and cftciî open andi Mrs. Charles Scholi of Cha-~ lacv. lotte. North Carolina. vsi]le c Pn cai ordliîrov pc;pu i ir her sister Mrs. Ros'Lema - __1_____ andi Mr. Langmaid. Othe-ér xis includeti Mr. and Mrs. Rex' ;d'cei Mis. Stailley Co\ln, s Gi, anti Reva, Mr. andi Mrs. Keith Mc-Gill and Dale. Eenis- Mr. and Mr. Robert o i kîllen. Mr. aînd Mis, 0. Liiînn goîneî'v cf Bexievý. are visitiuig and childi'en, Peterborough: Mer at Br-Lce Mugmrs and Mrs. L. Preston anti sonOs. Mr. and INMrs. Ken MM>me Bowmanville: M r. a n ci M:'s,. <11 cidreM r. unl ci MVis. Charles Langmaid and childreîi. (,1ha:sietll, Osaw, isiteti at Mr. and Mrs. Brian Creion ectCîdrxii, and familv cf \Ve1l1ngtcn Mrý . S. Rmjiil id 11\uf M-s guests of Mr. anti iVrs. Wes i1 Jean ]uutl.Bowiaeville. Mr. His and fainilv. 1 lan d M "s. F. Crvtiermian wcî'c Mr.and Mrs. Bruce Morîtgo-Sita'V uot e.y, M r. and Mi's. Bru- Tex- Mrs. Ross Cî-ermen,ý loir and sons visitetie n r.GmaeKe Hunter*s, at Grand Vallcv )i r.GncKo Sunday. antci eh~idron tenit a galh- Mr. and Mes. Ceci] Pascoc ei'in'4 utftheimmiiiiediate, famil\- and Gardon were guesîs of Mr. of M-. anti Mrs. 11. Farrow cf and Harvey Crossman cf Tau'i- Sta-rkx',Ille whc obsçr\veti their i neyer c ton and not Norval Crossman's, 351mb. wý,ctdin,- annivcrsarv on as appeared last week. Suilda.. as long a Mr'. Elgin Taylor attentied ic i Mr. andi Mr-. Wrn. Knox. lavmen's Conference at, Albert, BroLughý!am, x-î.îted al, Harry TatstevwFdSi Collegle. Belleville. Knoxs. Ta' h o rdSi Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ceaw- Mr. D. N. Spirecs cf Toronto, the youngstcr he had run fordi and sons, Whitby, viite i;tdiM.E prs fteijre.Fe o at John Koox's. vst Mr. an:I d aMr . Spire ls. ftoijres rd' o Mr. and Mr,;. Rac Pasce anti souis \es, Stan îîe the feeling that a child ho xxctions.uHe aorv uitois andi chiltiren were Suirlav Va xvilh Mrs. Elle. Tay\lor and San- atis.H toeu hs guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dyer, j tra, Scarborough. neyer been behind the wh( Oshawa. Mr[. ancd Mr-. Harold Pasco- There's only one way to a- Mr. ad Mrs Stancv Colin' ii~e nsts; aithie Speers-Pea- rmarish situation. That' Oshawa, visiteti Mrs. Sid Hock- -ce wetitin,' in Lansing Unitedi aday. Chueich, Wiiicwdalc, on Satur- children on the road. Mr. andi Mrs. Lloydi Broon-' c av. Your Ontario Department and sons were tea guesîs on Mes. L .A. McDougail and ospor h uretC Sunday at Walter MLVlrpliy's. Miss Mildred Wilimcti, Bcwman- ospottecretC Tyrone. ville vikit.ed Mc. and Mrs. N. 8049 Mcs. Sid Hockadayr visifet M.-. C. \ctlciu. lighted with the wonderful non-tarnished gold and silver threads. New. spun orlon 'broadclotli bas an almost velvetv touch. and lends itself ta a really liquid drape. The color story in these fab. ries is brilliant. and quite ofteni several hues are coupled to. gether. For instance, a candy Pink may be surrounded bv apricots. 4-i or orange witlh ez ~of eggplant purpie. Gr z~ and blacks appear with a sted look. Apple green with gold against bronze. Black on a bripht China blue, or a paie terra-cotta tone. The selection is endless varied. . . luxuîrious. and Nyou'l be choosing vour wardrobe for- eve-appealing fabrics as well as silhouettes this fall. drive again Ls 1 live!" ith took when he Iearned over had died as a resuit iscience was tortured by td died as a resuit of bis rlriver's license, and has lei of a car since. void Fred Smith's night- Ys always to watch for iof Transport utes you lild Safety can?ýwn. le smart' oc sciioplil ci] C. AMotrilent or mad ne,,,, Or a ,ty le that's here to stay?... Fashion is ncxt nprtatucx~ o the tîhousandý of faslion-conscious Star woman readers. 1i xc siaf! xx iliers i reportiic: ilil'on the latesi lasýli onisCorrespondent s .in ituc xx!doî l'tahjion ccrutu:vll hi lic ncxx . about the xii dsgreai couturiers. VW iii oti un- as xx u eN cxxand sorand cuii tiomeni- you get more coxeraLe un ic Toronto Star. More ne\%x, columns, more artice-;s, more pleîures. Pecnny for penny.,ae loi- paLc, the Foronto Stari 'i Canda'b hesi newspaper \,alue. IVHATLVLR YOUR INTFrRrST ---[XSIIIO\ OR 1 001), \M0Rtt AI! AIRS OR Sl'OP.IS-IT GETS MORE COVERAGE IN'THEý 10'RON0 STAR Fabulous Color, Line Make Suits Excîting. 100 King St. E. AUTONMATIC FOR HUME DELIVERY TELEPA'INE. ZENITH "-900 OR WRITE THE TORONTO STAR, il CELIMA STREET. OSHAWA & I lie PAGIE EIGITT TM CAMADIAN STATESUM. BOWI£ANVff,..M ONTARIO 1 TffuRSDATI, SEPT. lm. loot.' M