?HURSDAY, SEPT. lSth, 1055 T CANADIAN STATAN, DOWMANVLLE. CUTARTO ~Aft'U~ 'W1W~vbw B et han y W.I. Learns About Canadian Music BETHANY - Mns. Ross Da- vidson and members cf hen graup had charge cf the pro- gram featuring "Histonical Re- Ssearch on Canadian Music" ai thie Wom.<qis Institute meeting beld orfjcav evening at the home,,O~'~ Caren ce Rowan. Mrs daEson gave informa- tion concerning Alexander Muir, co mposer of "The Maple Leaf". Mr-. Muir whocops ed both the wards andmui cf this sang emnigrated ta Can- .ý.>ada from Scotiand and became Principal cf Leslie Street School, Toronto, He died at the age cf 76 in the year 1906, Mrs. Preston Neals gave items cf interest regarding Si- Adolph Basile Routhier, orig- inal author of "0 Canada" and Calix Lavelee who opsl the music. cmaei Mrs. Rass Carr gave items] on the life of Joseph Sciiven Who wrate the hymn, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus". He was bai-n in Dublin, Ir- land, coming ta Canada at the age cf 25 and living near Rice Lake. There is a monument erected in his rnemor.v an High- wav 28 near Bewdiev and a second monument in the Town Park at Port Hope, each inscrib- ed with the wai-ds of this hymn d 'which is sung in unoounted chunches throughout the worlé and translated inta many dif- fenent languages. Miss Mary McKenzie gave the evening's motta: "Happines5 adds and multiplies as we di- vide it with others", citing the wark of the Women's Institute as being a typical example. Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel led In singing a new French-Canadiar sang "Bonsoir Mes Amis" cam- posed by S. L. Osborne. Mrs, Han-y Ryley discussed cunrent events. Mrs. James Fraser was the prize-winner in a musical cantest. Mns. Thomas Jennings pre- sided for the business sessior welcoming the members after twa montha holidays. The roll caîl was answened with "My Favorite Sang" by 27 members. Mns. Hector Moiton and Mns. Mansel Finney were appointed as delegates ta the annual con- vention ta be held in Toronto in Navemben. Mns. Addisor Scott gave an accaunt of the Girls' 4-H Club Achievemeni Day held at Sauina, at whîoh a local member, Miss Dianne Bigelow, received ber caunty honora. Mns. Clarence Rowan ex- pressed thanks ta Mrs. Scott Makes Decorating Easy and Economical ... A&LATINT THE MODERN CASEIN PAINT Easy ta Apply - Quick Drying 8 Standard Shades and White ALLATINT is a dry powder casein water paint for econornical decoration of walls and ceilings. It is ready for use by simply rnixing with water ...it drys quickly providing a durable finish, without odour. 5-lb. package (will caver 300 ta 400$1 5 sq. ft. of surface) - Easy mixing and brushing, also can be sprayýed. Cornes in Tusk Ivory, Devon Creani, Desert Buff, Peach Bloomi, Aqua Green, Birch Grey, Horizon Blue and Shell Pink. ABERNETHY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 King *W. MA 3-5431 BOWMANILLE ORDER NOW * a a and Mrs. Ralph Preston who are the club girls' leaders and this faîl will conduct the courte "Working With Wool". The Ontario Hospitalization plan and the Durham co-opera- tive insurance wete discuaaed. Nin. Ross Carr was appointed public relations representative. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mmt Pres- ton Neals, Mrs. Ross David- son, Mrs. Walter Rowland, Mns. Harry Ryley and Miss Eleanor Rowan. Mrs. James Fraser expresaed the thanka af the members to the hastess group. The next meeting will be heid at the home of Mrs. Mon- sel Finney, featuring home economics and health. Qur Service I s Topic at Bethany W.A. BETHANY-l"Our Reasonab: Service" was the toPlc of th .i program at the meeting of th eWoman's Association cf th tUnited Church, beld at th ahome cf Mns. Clarence Rowal a"Our talents have been give j us net ta use seltistiy butt fai-ward God's purpcoqt. An - talent cari ha consecrated1 tHis service, wbet.ber largec s mali. Gad bas a place for th abilittes of eaoh crie cf u, said Mrs. Rowan and close ber remarka with a poei "How Mucb Shahl I Give'. Mrs. W. Rowland and Mr C. Cummiskey each read a poer ti keeptng with the topic ai Mns . arl Porteous read th Scripture lessan. S Mrs. R. R. Bonsteeei toldc a week spent at Quin-Mo-La Camp, whicb Is under the di reotion cf the United Chuni cf Canada and where her hus band, the Rev. R. R. Bonstee is a dinector. She spoiçe of th work donc by Miss Margare Lowes cf Peterborough an, formenly cf Bethany, in leadir, the teenage girls, and regret ted the fact that only ane girl Miss Dianne Bigelow, had at tendcd froni this district. Mrq Bonsteel boped that othe: parents wouid ha interested li sending their childrerr nex year. Mrs. Preston Neals presidec for the business session and thi devotional period. Letbcrs o appreciation were read froi Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Graham Omemnee, Mn. arid Mrs. Fnani Bigelow, Mr. and Mrs. Heri Coppins, for catening to wec. diriga and anniversary; ais from Mrs. William Fritz, Mns Stewart Spellen aand Mrs. Ear' Weathcnllt for glfts receivec duntng ilinésa. - Plans were discuss.d for ca. tering to the Peterborough Preabytery meeting later In th( month and it was also decideÉ to bave a f owl suppen in cor. nection with the Cburch ani. versary in Octoben. A commitl tee was appointed ta enquiri about oasts of havlrrg thc churck redecorated. Following thc closing devc. tions lunch was senved by the hostess and members of Gnour Two-Mrs. C. Cumnmiakey, Mn, T. Jenningi, Mrs. Arthur Wright, Mrs. John Clark, Mrs. Car] Porteous and Mrs. Earl Wea. therilt. Mrs. Lloyd Kennedy express. cd the tbanks of the members ta thc h.ostess group. OBITUARY PERS. ELLEN ALUIN The death occurred at the Memorial Hospital,- Bowman. ville, on Wednesday, Sept. 10 of Mrs. Ellen Allin. The de. ceased who was ini her 72nè year, was the wife of Sam E Allin, of Orono. Mrs. Allun had been a reoi. dent of the villa ge ail her lite She was married50 years ag< in Toronto. Besides her huaband she leaves two daughters, Mrs. Nor. man Winter (Ellen), of Oshawa and Mrs. H. Taylor (Lillian), o. Napanee, and ane son, Norman of Orono. The funeral service was held at the Barlow Funeral Home, Orono, at 2 p.m., Friday, Sept. 12. Interment was in Oronc Cemetery. he he ,e to 4y te or lie 15,11 led eni nd lie of lac vh a-j ie *et id ng .t- '1, New Personnel Carrier Developed for Army Ottawa, Sept. IO.-The de- velopment cf an armoured per- sonnel carrier for the Canadian Army was announced bere today by Army Headquarters. The new tracked vehicie is essentialiy a troop carrier al- though it has been designed with a chassia capable cf being con- verted to several other raies, one cf them being self-propellcd artiliery. The first of three prototypes being buiit for the Army by Canadian Car in Montreal were delivered this month, and are now undergoing engineering trials at the Army's proving grounids near Ottawa. If the prototypes prove successfui, pilot vehicies wiil be ordened and subi ected ta user trials by Army unîta at training centres acros the country. This is the usuai procedure of aaaessing new types of equipment. Speed arid mobility are two essential factons which will en- able the modern soldien ta exist on the atomnic battlefteid cf any future war. The new vehicie ta the outcomne of cansidenabie thougbt given to the deveiap- ment cf a vehicie which would meet these requirements. The aides of the armaured personnel carrier, which are constructed cf1 anmour plate, will provide pro- tection against the usual battie- field hazards cf samail arma fine and sheil fragments. The arm- aur will also afford complete protection fromn the thermal effecis cf atomic exploÈions and, in a lesser degree, againat the blast and radiation effecta. Being amphibious the vehicle can rapîdly transport its load cf fighting men acrossaial types cf terrain and deposit tbem at their objective fresh and ready for battie. Eleveri fuily equipped soidiers can ioad anto the car- rier in 10 seconds and on arnival at thein new location cari dis- ei!bark in eight seconds. The unique track design of this Canadian deveioped vehicle ta the nesuit cf many years ex- gerience with tracked vehîcies y the Army iri the Canadian nortb. For stmplictty ti con- struction many commercial parts have beeri used. The vehicie ta powered with a modifted com- mercial truck engine. The chassis, bcing capable cf conversion to vartous roles, wiii maie the pnoblem cf suppiy much simpler by greatly reduc- irig the variety cf reserve stocks of vehicles anid spare parts. It wtll aiso mean a saving ti trans- port maintenance anidti the traininig cf service personnel. g fKE RO Mr. and Mns. Harvey Cosa er KEDRONhad a motor trip ta Syracuse, ln Flwr from the funeral of N.Y., and other points of in. Kt the late William Parish, Brook- terest. -lin, were placed at the altan Mr. and Mrs. Earl Batty d by his daugh'ter, Mrs. Percy were tea guests on Thursday ie Mountjoy, for the regular of Mrs. F. Werry. of morning service. Walter Davis Mr. and Mrs. L. Bruce, Lake M and Mrs. Ross Lee sang in duet, Worth, Flonida, Mrs. Everard, ri and the sermon was preached Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. ik by Donald Lowery. Pierson and Mr. Edgar Pascoe, b Gail Hitchen was pianist for Oshawa, were Friday dinner à' the Sunday Scbool hour which guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Wal- 50 was led by Albert Wood. ter. 3. Among visitors at the ser. Mr. and Mrt. William Mac- rl vice were Mr. G. Henderson, Gregor, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh >d Toronto, of the Oakwood Col- Gannon and family, Oshawa, legiate staff, and Mrs. Hender- were Sunday guests of Mr. anc Lson, who were spending the Mrs. E. Mounltjoy. le weekend at their cottage. TeC .Lv aiyhl ed tKedron Young people plan aTeC oe amily the m d ameet on Wodnesday evening o o. nSurs.daroatdthe hom LSept. 24, at the home of RonadMn.farlWey Land Jeanine Werry, wben Don Lowery wiil address the gnoup.M 7Al Young people in the dom- M NVERS STATION muniy wil bewelcome. Officers and teachers of the The Anniversary service was '~School met in the Lower Hall well attended on Sunday night, le on Wednesday evening. Ar- with Rev. R. R. Bonsteel in [P rangements were made for a charge. The guest speaker, Rev. 's- special Rally in the Sunday R. J. Campbell, Bailieboro, ,t School hour, when Mrs. Noble preacbed a very interesting ser- rl and Mrs. Thomas will ha the mon. The Young People's chai! cammittee in charge. This Rai- from Mount Horeb, providec ly service wiil be held on Sept. the music. with Wm. McAl- 121, immedîateIy following the pine at the organ. Great credil 7s regular church service, and will is due Mrs. Fred Hart for the be held in the church auditor. splendid training she has giv- ium, with pupils requested ta en these Young people. sit in their class groups, with Mrs. Sydney Fairbairn, Pe- their teachers. Anyone wishing terborough, spent the weekend ta donate fiowers is asked ta with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Argue. have them at the church by Mr. and Mrs. L. McKinley 3 o'clock on Saturday, s0 that were Sunday guests with Mr. ýe the committee may have tbem and Mrs. Alfred Johnston. *arranged. The sympathy cf the com- A, APromotion service was also munity is extended ta Mns. *planned for the Sunday School Vance Ailan, on the death of d hour on Sept. 28, when annual her father, Mr. Mercer, at Ken- C.Promotions wiii be made. dal. Members of Kedron choir Trinity Anglican church at -were pieasantly entertained on the Marsh was nicely decorated Thunsday evening at the home with grain, fruit and flowens Sot the choir director, Mrs. Ross for the Harvest Home service Lee. Foliowing a hay ride, a wbich was held Sunday night, e barbecue lunch was served. with Rev. G. E. Meades in .. Choir president, William Wer- charge. a ry expressed appreciation ta Mr. and Mrs. Murray Porter, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lee and Brian Sandra and Donna, Newton- a for their hospitaliîy. ville, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and, Mrs. Perey Mount- Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Porter. a joy were among several from Mr-. and Mrs. Wm. McGill Kedron who attended the fun- and family, Barrie, are spend- eral cf the latter's father, Wil- ing a few days with Mrs. W. o iam Alfred Parisb, in Brook- Bradley. lin on Sept. 10. * Sympa-tby has also been ex- pesdta Mr. and Mrs. Ger- B R E O aid Stinson and famil'y, on the B R E O death cf Mr. Stinson's f'ather, at Blackstock. Mi-. and Mrs. Frank Allison, Mrs. C. F. Werry and Mrs. W. Oshawa, spent Saturday visit- Werry attended the trousseau ing Mrs. Pearl Avery. tea of Bernice Lazenby given Mrs. Beatrice Taylor accom- by ber mother, Mrs. George panied by Mr. and Mrs. Flem- Lazenby at their home in ming, Haydon, enjoyed a mo- Brantford. Mrs. W. Werny pour- tor trip ta Niagara Falls last cd tea during the afternoon. week. Kedrori guests at the Lazen- Mr. Ken Vickary and Mr. by-Werry nuptials and recep. Lawrence Cannochan, spent the tien on Saturday in Sydenham weekend in Sharbot Lake. United Cburch, Brantford, in- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Turnbull cluded the groom's parents, Mr. and girls were Sunday 'supper and Mrs. C. F. Wenry, William guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Werry, who was an usher at Harvey, Oshawa. the wedding, Mrs. W. Werry, Approximately 15 acres of Donald and Dennis, Mr. a nd property owned by the God- Mrs. George Scott, Mr. and, son Construction Ca. was dam- Mrs. Ray Scott, Mn. and Mrs. aged by fine on Sunday. Thanks Albert Tregunna, Mrs. F. Wer- to neighbouns in the Cartwright ry and Wilma, Mr. and Mrs. H. land Darlington areas, the f ire Werry. Ronald and Jeanine. was soon brougbt under con- Parents in the Maxwell 'troi Heights community are remind- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor cd that the negular meeting, and family, wene Sunday vis. night for the Home and School'; itors at the home of ber par- Club wil.l be the first Monday ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Ash- evening, each mnonth. ton. Mr. and Mns. Howard Farnn Mr. and Mrs. Albert Trick dale enjoyed holidays on Lake and Mrs. J. Trick, Oshawa, Simcoe and at Dwight for two visited with Mrs. Esthess Carn- weeks. ochan, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Flett have Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Carter just retunned from a mnotor bol- and family, Whitby, visited iday through Easternntania their parns r.Jh atr and Qubec. and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adams' Mrs. W. Pari-y Is attending, on Sunday. Teacber's College in Toront'o Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard durîng the school termn. were Sunday supper guests of Jeanine Werry bas begun alMr. and Mns. W. Knantz, Osh- Laboratory Technician's course, awa. in Oshawa Genenal Hospital. 1 Mn. and Mrs. Bei-t Dean Mrs. Alec Camneron bas bad visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ai-- anr extended stay as a patient1 chie Lurin, at Kirby on Sunday. ln Oshawa General Hospital. Sorrv to report that Mns. AI- Young friends cf Manie Par-- bei-t Hughes, who has been ry pleasantly sunprised ber with ber daughter Mrs. Rilda with a party at ber home Stevenson, in Toranto i.s quite the occasion of her l6th bul-Iii n r.Q-illeGe Mr. and Mrà. Harvey Pascoe, 1 and girls, Oshawa, were Sunday visitots of his mother, Mrs. Ethel Bryan. Mrs. John Sinclair and fam- lly, and Mr. Wm. Hoskin spent the weekend in Ni.agara Falls. Mrs. Kirby, Rochester, N.Y., who has been with Mrs. J. Car- tqr for a few weeks, returned to her home on Monday. Mrs. Edna McLaughlin was a supper guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mcl.4u- ghlin on Sunday. Our local bail club seemns ta be in a slump at present. In their contest with Nestleton on Sunday they were the losers by a big margin, but cheer Up, boys, another season may be much brighter. Who knows? The Jolly Worýcers met at the home of Mrs. Helen Alli- son on Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs. Beare, Toronto, who was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey, returned to her home on Wednesday of lasit week, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ribey. The section men were out patroiling track on Tuesday night of last week, during the heavy rain storm. The W.A. met in the church hall on Thursday afternoon Sept. 11, with ten members present. After the opening hynrn, with Mrs. Ribey pre- siding at the piano, the pass- age of Scripture was read by Mrs. Bone, and the remainder of the devotional was taken by Mrs. Davey. Arrangements were made to hold a wiener roast, and short programn on Friday evening Sept. 26. A committee consisting of Mrs. L. Taylor, Mrs. L. Argue, Mrs. A. Turn- bull and Mrs. R. Bone, was cho: sen to organize a Girl's Asoc- iation and it was decided ta include ail girls from. il ta 16 years of age. The abject of this group is to form, a group where the girls can be instructed in crafts, sewing, cooking, and include some social activities as well. Any girl who is inter- ested may contact any of the aforementioned ladies. Further details wili be made known at a later date. Members of the W.A. were reminded ta bring any articles they were preparing for the bazaar ta the October meeting. At the close of the business portion of the meeting, refresh- ments were served by group 3. Mrs. Lois Archibald spent a few days in Toronto last week, visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Albert Hughes who is iii P' ýhe home of her daughter, MiJ da Stevenson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strong, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Wotton. FE$TIV %f ai, . a . A. W., RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE Everyone Welco me.. Official Grand Opening of the Garden Festival ai 2 p.m. FR11 DRAWS1 GRAND DRAW PRIZE SAT. AT 6 P.M. *lst PRIZE Deluxe Model ""TORD" Rotary Mower Value $99.50 *2nd PRIZE Beautiful Stone Barbecue INSTALLED IN YOUR GARDEN Value $3,500 Other Speclal Free Draw Prizes, FRIDAY, SEPT l9th at 4 & 6 ...... SATUR- DAY, SEPT. 2th at 10 a.m. ... 12 noon and 4 p.m. (Note--You must be on grounds ta win these speciai prizes) EXHUBITS and DISPLAYS " Faîl bulb display .- over 100 varieties of new f aîl bulbs. " Rose display or eut blooms and demonstra- tien of budding methods. " Christmas tree exhibits. " Fruit tree displays. * Evergreen display. " Power equipnrent displays. " Stone work display including patio and wall matenial. *So-green fertilizer and soil builder display. *Many, Many Other Exciting Displays We Will Have Experts in the Different Booths to Help You. FILMS: Colour and Sound Films "Garden Pleasure" and "Landscape for Living" will be running continuously during thse festival. SEE PROFESSOR "NIAGARA" The "Professor" will answer your questions on Sprays and Insecticides. Gar den Centre ý A. W. RIUNDLE 05KIST.E.A fPARKINGI RA 5-1764j BETHANY FUEL ShepV~çrd &1 Gi!! Lumber 96 King St., E. Bowmanville 1 Prompt Delivery OIL 24-Hour Service Stephen FuelsI C.N.R. Yards Bowrnanville Phone MA3J41 Co. Limited Phone MA 3-5715 'T 'r r Mr. and Mrs. Craig Nesbitt and James Nesbitt, Pônt Ar- thur, were guests this week with Miss Winnifned Nesbitt. William Shean is on balidays this week, travelling tbroughl the United States. Mrs. Cecil McGill, Toron- to, spent several days thîs week wîth lber parents, Mn. and Mrs. James McKinnon. Cameron Rowan and Wil- liam Rowan with the R.C.M.P. at Nova Scotia and Prince Ed- ward Island are home for a month with their mother, Mns. Walter Rowan. The Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's Churoh held a success- fui sale of home baking ln Watson's store on Saturday atternoon, with Mns. Carl Smith and Mrs. Mervin Smith as salesladies. John Padgbam, Oul Springs, visited with numenous fniends in the village on Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Ina Palmer wvas in Pe- terborough for the weeekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. McMahon. On Tuesday evening, Mn. G. A. Spicer of Millbrook showed mnoving picturea cf bis recent trip to Europe. The proceeds went to the Mothers' Auxiliary of the local Cub Pack. W.M.S. Meeting Mrs. Edgar Beer entertain- cd the members of the Wom- en's Misslonary Society of the United Cburch for their Sep- tember meeting with Mns. Winnifred Spencer presiding. Mrs. Oscar Jobnston had charge of the study period, giving al bnief review of last year's a pics on Japan and a preeview Axnerican continent, discussligo t.he West Indies Islands ana their need of the Gospel. "Much has been accomplish- ed, but so much more is need- ed. We are ail co-workers with God anid must do our share to spread the Gospel". Mrs. Johnston also gave.an interesl- ing account of a Women's Mis- sionary meeting which she had attended last winter while bol- idaying ln St. Petersburg. Fla. Mrs. George Waddell had charge of the worship service with the theme "The Earth Is The liord's" and was assist- ed by Mrs. W. Rowland, Miss Mary McKenzie and Mrs. Hen- ry Jakernan. Mrs. Spencer read a letter of thanks from Korea for knit- ted garments sent to that coun- try. Plans were made for send- ing another bale of clothing in the near future. Severai quilts are being prepareat for quilting and when completed will also be sent to Korea. Following the closing devo- ions, Mrs. Beer served re- freshments and a social hour wus enjoyed. PRE-CAST CONCRETE - Sepiic Tanks- -Sidewalk Slabs- - Coloured Patio Slabs - - Unit Sieps - Railings - -Barb-B-Q's- - Curbing - Birookl*n Concret. rdut LIMinTED PHONE BROOKLIN 155 I and assure your home of having a steady supply of heat all winter! USE THE BEST LIQUIFUEL QARDEN Finest Quality Stove and Furnace Oji for safe, economical heat Metered Deliveries FRIDAY SEPT., l9th tram 2 p.m. Io 8 p.m. SATURDAY, ~ SEPT. IOth ~ 9:30 a.m. Io 6 p.. -w NATIONAL SUWER PRIPU e...~ ~TV StW aLUo9ppOU-#OO uUENSTRNU? wANSA, UUAMU 1 1 m THLMSDAT, SEPT. 18th, 1958 "M CANADUN STATMOMN, BOWMANVUI,.& ONTAMO PACM TAntTIMW 9 % 0 à ýr OSHAWA 1015 KING ST. E.