- ,"-...-... ~ v - - THE CA!qADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV!LLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, .TUNE 26thi, -1958 Tummy Tingi From OId Ct Mss. L. S. Dumnas of Brighlton, a former resident o! Bowman- ville for 30 ycars, bas sent in an old récipe which originally came from England. It is probably oves 100 years old. Mrs. Dumas stifl makes tbis pudding oc- casionaliy. Beef Steak Pudding 1% lbs. round steak (cut in 1," cubes) 1 medium sized onian (chopped fine> 11/4 teaspoan sait Dash o! pepper 1 tablespoon flour 2/3 cup o! cold wates Method Into a 7-iach pudding dish put the cubed meat. Arrange the be sure the water is bowling. This dish depende on the cooking. The result shouid be a crust iight and fiaky with the flavour of the racat stcamed through it. Mrs. E. J. Barrowciough o! Wesleyville bas sent in this recipe for Lyed Corn. She says, 'I do not know if it was ever used in this locality. Mother toid me she was very fond of it in ber scbool days, which sbould be la the early 1880's. I do not know its origin, but ber people settled in the St. Lawrence Val- ley la early days. She assures me it was very good, espcciaiiy wben tbey came home hungry from achool. Lye was made of hardwood ashes by puttiag them la an iron L twith water. Tbey stood till fye formed. Lyed Corn-Drain and coak corn la lye; bail tilli t bursts like popcorn; drain and bail la fscsh water tbree times; drain dry and freeze. Fry in butter and sugas ta suit taste. Ia another aid cook book wbere recipes were cotributed, the following was signcd, Mrs. Canant, 1913. Thrifty Fruit Cake 1icap sugar 1 cup butter 2 eggs 1 'h cup currants 1 cup raisins 'h cap milk Mix 1 tablespoon baking powder in flour and bake. ROYA kai.A1hil bAT. - N4atinee F R 1I. P.: Ais. "PLMYTIME PAL" Complete shows a 1N-V INn TIWE- li as f o ye a s i w ah d w he 1 L Iing Recipes lisas oo as if ikase n IliDressed Up For te Fair 'Llurary Invies C)ok BC)Oiklaid away when emptied. .f ok DOOKSThe recipes in this book were s contributed by ladies of Toronf- i to sT Se onian evenly over this, add sait' to and other cities, and edited. and pepper. Mix the flour with by Grace E. Denison (Lady Gay N w Q a tr 2/3 cup of water until dissolv- of Saturday Night). N w Q a t r ed then pour over meat. Mrs. John Carter of Burketon BwavU etnilvs ForthePate-14cups o! sent in some leaves from an old flour - sifted, with 2 teaspoons cook book fromn which we have; >itors wfi want to drop in alnd baking powder. 14 teaspoon sait, taken the following. isthe orewrast offi e uilin %cup shredded beef suet. Apple Pie - Pare, core, and,'1Ahecorial nvittofion uldixtng. Mix these well, and make a quarter the apples; bail the cores Ay thediaryviatoard axtndeLi stiff paste with a litie cold wat- and parings in sugar and water; brarheian rs.F WBo erad tai er. Pat or roll out, just large strain off the lîquor, adding 1 ~'-icrei ndisettebih enuht oe he b l.Press imore sugar; grate the rind of aacone attract ie uare rwih enouh tacove te W. 'were furnished and decarated arandth egandcve ro withhe ove t atpe s a foul leaving a ite ro for squeeze h uc natesr by the Rotary Club of Bow- paste ta swell.1 mix haif a dozen claves with the manvîlle. The off icial opening Have on hand a steamer with 1 fruit, put in a piece af butter' tight lid and steamn for 2½- tesieofawant; caver with tcok Place in March tis year. haurs. puff paste. A Visitora' Book has bee.n Da ryot let the water stop bail- (Nate:- With ail the spray 'hoped i the a omresandet s ing. When adding more water used an apples nowadays, it anpd thase vlsfotmrng dunte would be necessary ta, wash them celebrations will corne in and thoroughly befare boiling the sg hi ans h okwl pairings. The recipe doesn't saybeetinheirrysa - what you did with the "liquar" b, meto ofthe ltown' s undet after making it. Perhaps the retdayoanthe iibrr's irdt apples were Starks or same ath- brhaadte irr' is er rather dry apple, and one I' er~ t e oe poured the syrup over the pared ....;ays librarian Mrs. Bower, aplsW h i. occasion by addinig a hundred This old book had the falwmmesduig OdHm ing note. Pies and Puddings iWeme. Membrip cadrd n en Whien much pastry is made in a i cents, thernly c ardBwman- house, a quantity of fine flaur',ethenl o oBwm - shoud b kep onhand indryville residents. Th9se in rural jars, and quite secured from the aesayain for $1 per year.1 air, as it makes lighter pastryTh e lirymak a ad hread when kept a short great step forward which la tini. tlan hen res grond.highly appropriate in Centen- j lime th i e n freshing rou d. niai year. Many new books have AI l)ro k a ruldpuddin ecipe. & aIbec n added. A lEst will appear Albtin P udding - B ea haf a lfin The Statesman shortly. In lilf nIobtter ocrea lmp ddthe meantime, came in and see sugar, hiait a pound of flour, hl o oref Ia notes on Dinner Giving in a 11oînd of chopped raisins, some.....................M'f a cook book publislhed i 11)(4 leiliolI iice. and some candied ive find: 'Tie serving c, SALEMpe sal. Mx o ~ ~ ..* successfuiiy, acconîpflislied îiv a gti beat six eggs, mix and~..,. . . .. butier, a footman and one ll'.id: nto a niouid. Boil thiree and u hydd e hr'Ln ees(r.E. Slm WA edisJn by a butier and a niaid. or, bvya liaif hiours, and serve with Btte intgttee eaKys(r.E. SlmWA edisJn two skilful womian servant1s. For .wiiC esaluce.1 Weekes) and Flarence ge (Mrs. Sam Glanville) got meting at the hame of Mrs. K. adinner of eighiteen covers. at If money, or provisions, were ail dressed up to go to Orono Fair but they couldn't hire E.aTwisto,t presidWendecided least three servants ajre noces-1 scarce. here is one called Haîf a rig from the ]ivery ta take them there. Sa they decided not ta haid meetings in July or sary . .. Candies or smiail lamps, Piuy Pudding - Four ounces of' ut.Pasfrcaeigt with the flame well shiaded, pro- eachi of the foilowing ingred- 1to get their picture taken at Harry Tait's photography ugsPlnfo aei ta duce the softest, steadiest, miost ients, viz.. suet, flour, currants,1 studio, Temperance St. Mr. Tait pravided the corsages the Mrs. F. Blackburn and her comfortable and most becoingi,- raisins. anid bread crumbs; two ladies are wearing. Their pretty autfits were made by gra up were in charge o! meet- light. Gas jets or electric lighits1 tablespoonsful of treacle, bal! a fMs rfiadesae nKn t ie-sm-îg il edn n ea swinging above the centre of-the pirit of rnilk - ail of wbich must Ms rfiI tsmkronKn t im oe,1inaBlwe reagingbandrs. L. table are a tasteless, tactiess be wvell mixed together, and' hee around the turn of the century. ioWelh. Mrgre Shacketon fa means of illuminating a d iniag- boilcd in a rnould, for four voued wiarth Spaoksleonfad- roon. he vur.____________ Tr4r;h, (tr~î r'~ church in the summer manths. ings were given by Mrs. Bob Re te setin of he tble Triity rou The work o! raising rnoney Craig and Mrs. M. Marchant. "Ncariy touching the tips of the for the church bas continucd We ail enjayed hearing Mrs. knif-blaes sandfourglasesdown through the years under iGardon Shackletan's experien- -aeone a smaiior vmer tapr - Pop ular Bride Presents Gifts sortie fine leaders, among whomn ces when she served as aRed ing, vase-iike glass, for she rry; s .AA.1 mentioned: Mrs. Neil Yellow- Northern Ontario. A social time on, h cnenina in-gasE te t in d ai IVila. M"anlees, Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs. Geo.1 was enjayed after the meeting. for claret, and one very taîl or Chase, Mrs. Lord, Mrs. D. W. Everyone la invited ta attend very flaring for champagne.? \n rinity Evening Auxiliary Best, Mrs. D. S. McGregar, Mrs. our Community picnic at Hamp- wer conasered 14ecssarysfor ay Shoviers beld a supper meeting Tues- T. H. Knight, Mrs. Tom Percy, tan Park an July 3. Aeesi d many s 12 ry forses day, June l7th. A most deli- Miss Ida Stephens, Mrs. J. Mse e a ed ri dinner of 18 persons, but six Bvre n rnwaecious supper was convened by Philp, Mrs. W. H. Carruthers, Mse e n ed ri courses were ample for six marriage ta Faster Douglas Her- Group i under the leadership of Mrs. Narman Pingle, Mrs. Ken-a- speIhesleknd wt red friends meeting around a hos- rington of Toronto, took place Lola Cox and Alice Phimmer. neth Hull, Miss Florence Ga- al sad pitable table, on Saturday, June 14th, was Rev. Arthur Morgan said grace. diner, Mrs. Harold ar-i n, M r. and Mrs. L. Welsh and Re cookiag vegetables - much cntertained. Business was conducted by Mrs. W. Teeple. FrR.ergson, iîy were Sunday supper Onions, cabbage, carrots and A naeetprywse- rsdn enMMre.The phens is the president for 198 guests o! Mr. and Mrs. George turnips shauld be cooked inaa AneggmnpatwaenPrsdtJan cMrr Goddard, Cawrticc. great deal of water, boiled ônly joyed at the Jubilee Pavillon in members bad made f ifty-five During the years of World lon ,noghtasufiietl cokOshawa, wben many friends of home calîs and twenty-four bus- War II, boxes o! food were sent Glen Blackburn la staying tbem, and immediately drained. the young couple joined in of- pital calîs. to people in England and also wihM.ad rsGanCmp To keep meat from flics - fering congratulations. After an A short worship service by ta saldiers averseas. The mort- bel,, Nestieton, for the sumnmer put in muslin sacks with enough evening o! dancing, they were Group 3 led by Barbara Pass- gage was paid off on the Manse, montils and Jim Callacott la straw around it so the flies can- presented with a silver tea more and Ann Saunders and and bclp was given with the îwith Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fee, not reach tbrough. Thin mus- service. presented by Ann Saunders furnishing and redecorating of' Blackstock. The members of the Bawman- and Eva McMurter followed. the Manse. The W. A. assists Mr. and Mrs. Jim Castle and ville Choral Society met at the Vera Allun intraduced aur finaacially and la other ways family, 'Courtice, were Satur- h orne o! Miss Darothy Hockin, guest speaker, Rev. A. Morgan with al the activities o! thet day evenin.g vlaitors with Mr. DWMANVILLZ and presented Beverley with a with well chosen words. Mr. church. and Mrs. F. Blackburn. beautiful mirror, and many use- Morgan's taik deait with per- Assisting in providing and' Mr. Gerald Shackleton attend- L BOXA 3-5589 fui articles for bier pantry shelf.j sonal experiences from child- gathering this information were cd the Grand Lodge Sessions at Games were played and deliciaus hood, tbrough college, ia mis- Miss Flora Galbraith, Mrs. J. W. the Royal York, Toronto, lest Clreehmen ered y rIs, sion fields, la Northern Ont., Jewell, Miss Olga Tod and Mrs.1 week - JUNE 21 - 28 1 CarNoHoki. boerwa Quebec and Manito- Gea. Webster. Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn M. islea ai at. arranged at the home of Mrs. J. ranto anid since he bas been lain Shackleton, attended Haydon inta f Si R. Frank,9 Edsall Ave. by the Bowmanville. gSi Anniversary and were supper three attendants o! the bride-to- Lillian Morgan was then cali- iss ~~Jeni guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur be, Mrs. Peggy and Mrs. Shir- ed forward and Jean MeMurter _ Blackburn. ley Frank and Miss Colleen presented bier with a beautiful- I Mr. and Mrs. 1. Cook, Mrs. Hutchinson. Many former school cosgT!rdroe n rc ellIs A bout E. Lutes and Gary, Miss E. friends were preseat and a good Reynolds made the presenta- K na.a p p, Scarborougb, were time enjoyed by ahl. tion of a gl evenin ag and .C,.. Sunday visitars with Mr. and tMrs. Douglas Tapping, 395 a hand goled lat b cmag ct1Fenian .> .a re Mrs. N. Avery. King St. E., Oshawa, entertain-1 rm teaidlatry sc opac Mr. and Mrs. Bill Varcoe, cd over 40 relatives and friends from gte Auiiaryhas a goihg Miss M. M. Jennîngs, who Courtice, werc Sunday visitors aa gft.Llintnkd the h nBwavlefr4 wt r n r.BbCla from Oshawa and Bowmanville. girls and invited aay o! us to tuh aBwavlefr4,wt r n r.BbCla These included many former visit them aay time we might years and is presently a resi- cott. Girl Guides, married and flOw be la Ottawa. Meeting closed dent o! Port Hope, bas con- Mr. and Mrs. N. Avery and RNresiding in Oshawa. Beverley1 with the Mizpah Benediction. trbtdsm eaisadi family spent a day this week RBOS. and Foster were presented with askbued some que isHenod a coffee table and two matching wpusk wiîî bqesgataon. knerow end tables in platlnum walnut W orkersshis rbeturnag forko John ddf. . Movie pictures were taken andflVthat s "Back r tungor Seo P81t1f~j~~rr~ deiicious refreshments served b " Dy".WI Miss Marilyn Turner, Miss Don -WWLDa na apin an Ms.DoCrw-Pa lsDoAouknwshea.s ha B.*AU. O M-IWA ULRIJO- walu qj - Natinee Monday 2 p .m. "Scared Stiff" (Comedy) DEAN MARTIN AND JERRY LEWIS SUNDAY MID-NITE SPOOK SHOW "I was a Teen - Age Werêwo If" and "Meet the Mon sters" (BOWERY BOYS) Aduit Entertainment WED. AND THURS. - JULY 2 - 3 Hegular Evening Shows ai 7 and 9:15 p.m. THEY TAMED A TROPIC WULDERNESS1 in GLORIOUS TECHNICOLOR starring GREGORY PECK 'JANE WYMAN :THE A Special Welcome to ail Senior Citizens, both local and visiting, to attend the Ffee Senior Citizens' Matinee for *'The Yearling" on Wednesday and Thursday at 2 p.m. Corne and nicet Old Friends at the Royal! useful and colorful gifts. o! St. Paul's Presbyterian (la- A surprise party was beld at ter United) Cburch was organ- the bridc's home, wbea several ized sometime la the 1880's. members o! the Christian Sel- The annual report o! the churcb ence Churcb lai Oshawa, preseat- Iprintcd in The Canadian States- cd Beverley with twa silver mari on Jan. 30, 1889, reveals cntrec dishes and a number o! that the Young Ladies' Aid So- articles for ber pantry shel!. ciety earned $189 .64 toward A mîscellaneous shower was the purchase o! a pipe argan, arranged by Mrs. Wm. Kilpatrick which, added ta $86 from a at ber homè- at 76 Scugog St. garden party at Mrs. John Mc- b xhen many beautiful gifts were Cieilaa's home, made $275.64 prcsented by the neighbours. jon band toward that end. Miss Isabel Rabbins o! Osha- Some a! tbe early workers wa cntertained the girls from la the Society were Miss Sarah the Body Tool Engineering Of- Moarcraft, Miss McTavisb, Mrs. fice o! General Motors, and John McClcllan, Mrs. J. W. Beverley seceîved a nuniber of (Dr.) McLaugblin, Miss Mary lovely gifts. Beitil, Mss. Peter Murdoch, Misses Eileen Spices and Myra Miss Maggie Galbraith, Miss 'Cooper wcre bostesses at a mis- Alice Fisher and Mrs. Thomas cellaneous shower at the home Tod. The Tad !amily attended o! Mrs. A. Spices, Queen St. St. Paul's for 93 yeara and are Severai members o! the basket- stili represented by Miss Olga bail team and their coach, Mrs. Tod. 1 Agnes Lewis, were present, and Miss Maggie Galbraithl was along with their gi!ts o!fercd very active ia the Ladies' Aid best wishcs. and used ta raise money for Dept. 36 and the Standards the cburch by ruaning excur- Dcpt. o! Generai Motars preseat- sions ta Toronto evesy week. cd Beverley witb an electsic Ia tbe summer. Money was also floor polisher, electric mixer, raised by a large bazaar la De- stainiess steel Saniboy aad cember, and this continued ta white leatherette TV beach. eapctefomny ers Mrs. Arthur Frank eatertained Tbe ma praedornmahy ears. at a trousseau tea for ber ITemnyrie atecr daughter on Saturday, June 7tb. lier years was used ta help de- Mrs. Shirley Frank, Mrs. Peggy corate the cburcb. Frank and Miss Coileen Hutch- 1 In an annuai report o! i911, J inson supervised the gift and »we find the annual excursion trousseau rooms. Miss Donna' to Toronto mentîaned, and a Tapping was la charge o! the strawberry social beld in June. guest book. Tea was poured by The Society contributed $25 at Mrs. Jack Turner o! StoneyI anniversary time and aiso gave Creck and Mss. Douglas Tap- $10,50 to, the Boys' Guild for ping o! Oshawa, aunts of the the final payment on their lan- bride, in the a!ternaan, and Mrs. tern. Collections at meetings 'R. Deremo and Mss. L. Deremo, amounted ta $55.70. The entire aunt and cousin o! the groom seceipts o! $171,89 were paid out in the evening. Serving were in various ways. IMisses Isabel Rabbins, Shirley It wvas at the begianing o! Hardly, Marilyn Turner, Myra 1912 that the Society's namne Cooper, Dorothy Hockin, Eiieen was changed ta the Women's Spicer and Mrs. Dan Crawford. Association, and officers eiect- Foilowing the wcdding se- I d were: President-Miss Clara hearsal on Friday eveaing, Mrs.I Allen: ist Vice-Miss Fair- A. J. Frank cntertained the brid- bairn; 2nd Vice-Mrs. A. L. Ni- ai partv and friends at ber home cholîs: Sec. - Miss Bassctt; at 72 Scugog St., Bowmanville,' Treasurer-Mrs. Thos. Tod. The Onlt. ladies placed lowersiniithei1 ground, anc tribe on the bill attacking a tribe as it came down the Kingstan Road. My brother and I found several Indian ar- row bcads as we played in Mr. Harsey's Grove or gathered becch nuts under the trees. That a man on a white bosse drove frantically througb Bow- manville, out Scugag Road ta Hampton and north, shouting as he went, "The Fenians have ~ landed at Hall's Marsb." Many jumped on the back o! a bosse and dashed for Bawmanville. t Tbey !ouad it was a boat, carry- ing material for a new building in Bowm-aaville, which la now the Bank o! Montreal. Miss Jenaings recalîs starting la public achoal la Sr. Third grade. She went first ta a priv- ate school. This scbool, ber companions, and wbat tbcy were taught wîhl be found la the booklet on the towa just print- cd, "Bawmanville: A Retro-* spect". Ia public scbool Miss Jen- nings' first teacher was Malcolm McTavisb, then Miss Moorcraft. She took ber entrance under Ms. R. D. Davidson, the principal. Ia 1881, Miss Jenniags witb her !amily moved ta the corner o! Church and Silver Streets. She says, "Dr. MacNab lived at j the Manse. He passed. aur bouse every day, the finest man yau ever saw, a big, strong, wcll dressed man. Hîs wi!e was tiny." This was Dr. Alexander Mac- Nab, rectos o! St. John's Church i wbo built "Dundura" on Con- cession St., thea aoid it ta John Mimne and moved ta the bouse on Church St. now St. Paul's Manse. Miss Jennings is iooking for- ward to seeiag maay o! ber former pupils on the "Back ta Sehool Day", June 30. How ta spot the boy that was ber stu- - dent from the man facing ber and eau hlim by name is wvhat! she is wvondering these days. But f depcnd upon it, ber score willi b. high. BOM wit.h Mr. and Mrs. 1. Cook, Scarborougil. Miss Bea Crai.g recently en- tertained at a shower in bon- aur o! Miss Shirley Pollock, brideto-bc o! next Saturday. A number from here attend- cd Anniversary services at Hay- don and enjayed having Rcv. F. Hunniset, Fred Victor Mission, Toronto. Mr. and Mra. C. Reynolds, Claremont, were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Doue Reynolds. We are ail looking forward to the Centennial celeb-ations this weekend. PURELY POLITICS Edmonton Journal An acquaintance rernarks that the first rule of palitics appears to be to accuse the others of wvhat you are doing vyourself. Or perhaps to, blame athiers for flot doing what yau aren't doing either? Cen tennia! Çreetln«gs to al Our OId Friends Summer Needs Specials Tangel for hurns --__ 85e 1.75 Breck Shampoo -- 1.49 Nupercainal- - 1.00 63c size Coigates Paste and Noczerna Cream - 65c, 98c Pen - Both for -- 63o Nivea Cream - 63c, 1.10 1.50 size Spray Net --:98e Skol ---- - - - - 60c, 1.00 79e size Lysol ____ 69e Coppertone Cream-- 1.50 $1.98 size Halo ____ 1.29 RolitPn*lhinr, CapsNe Deodorant Vam 98c 59e - 79c - 1.29- 1.59 49c- 79e ___________Sun Glasses Ban 25e to $10.00 Brylcreem Deodorant First Aid Kits 43e 1.19 2.75 - 6.95 69e - 89e Kodak Cameras Mum 3.95 - 5.95 - 9.25 - 11.75 Vaseline .Mist Noxzema Sun Tan Oul Hair Tonlo 75e 55e - 75e 65C - 95e New, New Way Beauiy Ice Ton! Tones Skln - Tightens Pores %vith Appileator $2.00 jar $2.29 Johnson's Raid Bug Killer - 1.69 COWLI NG'S PHTONE MlA 3-5695 DRUG STORE WB lIT TRUSSES *1 '~....UU..****U*uuMUUMUMUMMUMMMMUUUUUMMMUUUUUUUI orne... to IMAN VILLE during CEN TENNIA L f rom YEAR LIMITED Estaoîished 1881 Corne in and look over our CENTENNIAL SOUVENIRS CENTENNIAL SPONS with coloured picture of King Street __________ CENTENNIAL PLATES.. ae $190 le Town ' PACM SR 'b--. Ash Trays - Bronze Souvenir Key Io il and many other items fo commemoraie Bowmanville's 1001h Birthday English Bone China Spodes cjý m 'm 1 ïa 4w