I N ?AM IMMI? TEE CAIiADLMi STATEEMAYt EOWMAIgVTLLU. fMCY'ÂW..Tfl W'UY¶DOfl A V A~UW. *A4~ lama .. ~ c a. .w.~ ~~Xfl% br XL&M CALAUTHM SLUNNET BARTH REBORN How the spirit ieaps to meet the spring! The greening fields,l the first haze of colour on the willows, the first flowers of the garden, the birds as they re- turn te us and sweep in ioy- eus flight, ail seen througb a haze of sunshine that la like a rnist of silk-it is almost too beautiful for belief after the seeming death that is winter. But it is here. on every hand. This is the season when no onc shouid miss an hour, a min- ute of the day. Alas, that work exists in this season. To make the warm da" com-, plete. now cornes à ionged-for shower, pattering softly in the sprin.g night, and tbat fragrance which is like no other, risesi from the earth. UNUSUAL BIRDS IN TRIS LOCALITY1 Wc wene interestcd to receive a telephone call frorn Miss Mar- gai-et Henn 'v today. The Hen- rys live on the Sauina Road be- tween Bowrnanville and Cour- tice. and tbey maintain bird feeding stations wbich attract a good many visitors. They were rul.v amazed by a pair which alighted there this afternoon. They werè Turkey Vuitures, huge black bairds with red ncck and head. It is this unfeathered red bead, somewhat resembling a turkey's, tbough witbout wat- tics, wbich bas given them their name. Members o! the ]Hcnry family were only about 40, feet from the birds which flcw awav in a few moments. Acconding to oui- bird auth- ority, P. A. Taverner, Turkev Vuitures are birds o! warmer climates and onlv enter Canada along tbc soutbern boundanies. We believe they are quite un- common in this ai-ca. Vultunes eat oniy camrion, they do not kill for themseîves. Tbey there- fore are net barmful birds, and , should not be shot. Taverner tells us that in tbc south, theirI scavenging is an important safe- 1 guard te bbc healtb of the more canelcss communities. Tavennen gees on to say, "The Hire New A For Manvers At a special meeting o! Man- Vers Municipal Council on Manch 14, at wbicb Reeve Argue pnesided, wanble fly spraying was discussed at iengbh and two inspectai-s were appoinbed for 1958: Cecil Bulmer, te transport thc township sprayer unit at $2.25 per heur, and Walter Neals te be an inspecter at a rate o! $1.25 per heur and 10c a mile travelling aiiowance. lb wasi JACK PLUMBING Division MA 3-5615 A u thorize Comm iftee To Talk fo Archifecfs On New Hos pitai Wing fiight of thc vultures is one of remembered when people gath-1 The chairman, Ivan Hobbs. the wonders of the physicist. ered round the piano and sang' prcsided at the meeting of the They hang suspendcd in the thein.: board of directors of the Mem- air or even rise beyond the But, oh the pleasure of hean- onial Hospital held on Wednes- limita of buman vision, without ing a pure voice filied with ex- day evening at the hospital. visible effort. On motionless, pression sing the haunting songs Other directors present were outsprcad pinions they glide in o! Scotiand, and the other old A. M. Thompson, Dr. H. B. Run- great ascending spirals. mount- sosngs that are part of our beri- die, Mrs. Bruce Mutton, Mrs. ing bigber and bigher. and then. bage. This genenation, in the Howard Gibson, Lou Deweli, still circling, maintain their main, is growing up without Gienholme Hughes, Jimn Stutt. positions for hours at a ime, them. They have something as and 0. J. Presson. without a single apparent stroke important te say in their own The question of entering a o! the wing. The act o! thus way. as the great sonRs of the float in the Centeniniai Parade ising in the air without visible concert stage, and the operatiC was discussed. It was decided expendîture o! power was for arias. Heaven knows the aven- te refen this te the Women's long regarded as one of thce age person is littie exposed te Hospital Auxiiiary and bbc mysteries o! bird life until man, these cithen. If evenyone, chiid- Nurses' Association. obtaining mastery o! the air i-en and aduits, wcne as much Open Rouse In lune bimself, found that he could exposcd to what is good in mu- I aanoceth M - do approximately likcwise with sic as they are every day via I a none htMn soaning and giiding planes bv television and radio to the bad, day, May l2th. wiii, be National taking advantage of bithento what a difference there wouîdi Hospital Day. It is expected bareix- suspected upward cun- be, in time, and penhapa fnot that a tour o! the hospitai by renta o! air." very long at that. Bowmanvilie Higb Sehool stu- The Henrys have had a flock * . dents will be anranged during the aftennoon. Open House wii] of 25 te 30 Grosbeaks anound THE FESTIVAL ACROSS be held by tbe Memonial Hos- for seime time. They are keep- THE WATER pital one day duning Old Home ing track of migrat.ory birds Week, June 28tb te July 6tb. seen in their locality for the A programn of the Edinbungh Th ucaeoanwstr records of the Maryland gov- Festival fbr 1958 reveais that ilTe purase o! a rew sther-e ermn.This is an exciting Canada will be represented hviie ascnieed h e time of xYcar for ail of us who the Montreai Bach Choir and recanusea typ tis rcuied are interested in birds. A Tree the contralto who bas won s ecas xr aaiyt ed Swallow has been to inspect much acclaim for herseif, Mau- cd. Prices were discusseci, and our bird bouse, as usuai, but our reen Forrester. News of tbe Fes-i it was dccided to defen action little bouse is for Wrens and tival neleased by tbc Britishunifnte ifominn- we are afraid if we were to Travel Association, 90 Adelaide gai-ding costs and makes arc make another. large enough to St. W., Toronto, through which obtained. admit the Swallows, the pesky arrangements te attend can be The chairman of the build- English Sparrows would take made, tells of the bneatbtaking ing committee, Hanry V. Cry-ý oven. About five of them bhave sigbt, and sound, of the Mili- derman submitted a report on been peening into the Wnens' bary Tattoo with massed pipej the proposed wing at the south bouse off and on for thc past 'bands, presented on bbc Espla- side o! the hospîtal. The com- week. nade o! Edinburgh Castie, This. mittee were authorized to talk * *by ancient decree, is Nova Sco- to architects and have them A WISH ian property. did you know? sulbmTit their ideas. A WISHWhat a tbrilling expenience Mrs. Bruce Mutton gave the Mrs. Norma Martin's beau- this would be. The Castle js Women's Hospital Auxiliany tiful renditibn of the poignant f]oodlit foiN' the performances, report reganding tbe success- Scottish song. "Mv Ain Folk", The Festival also presents fui Bintbda.v Part,.i Teà held- at at last week's Choral Society sucb wondcrful artists as Yeh- concert made us wish for a re - udi Menuhin, Irrùigand Seefried - t'1fi1 vival of this type o! song. But and Claudia Arrau, as well as Lakce Shore, larke there. It wouldn't be safe in six symphony orchestras. twoj the hands of todav's ententain- opera cornpanies and ballet and (Intended for last week) ment mongers. They would dramatic presentations. Dates- Mr. and Mrs. Reg Woodhams likely rock and i-oll it or some- Aug. 24 to Sept. 13. Last ycar and Ma rie, Toronto, Mrs. Fred thing equally murdenous. Noth- Canada's famous Mounties tookj Couch, Mrs. N. Samis and Mr. ing is sacred today. It is better part in the Militai-v Tattoo, and' Les Allun, Newcastle, spÇnt perhaps, at ieast safer, fo Canada was repncsented in mu - Sunday with Mn. and Mns. Rob- these old songs that speak o Sic and drama by Lois Mai--in Alld.red. the heant te lic in the duso shahl, soprano, and Anna. Rus- Mrs.. Nora Cutting, Calgary, memory aieng wibb thedasesli, worid famous mimie. Alberta, spent a week with Mn. 1 and Mrs. Chas. Alldred and mercial News, tenders ai-e also Mrs. Paul Hobson. te be called for bbe suppîying Mn. Glen Poliard and Joyce, ssessor of a new 115 h.p. moo rdr tetvlie. spent Sunda *y with snow plow and wing; a No. 512 Mi-. and Mss. W. Holmes. Mn. " r i eAdams grader. snow plow and Holmes returned home from, ~ I V1fSflf~ wing to be offened in rade. Streetsvilie with them. 5 Tow shipMrs. Wallace Holmes spent Mr. Ai-chie Ward of bbcDe a fe w days lasb week in Oshawa. aise decided that a charge of 5c pantment o! Higbways, Municip- Ms. and Mrs. C. Avery and a bead wouid be made for in- al Branch, Port Hope, interview- family visitcd Mr. and Mrs.1 specting cattie coming under tbc cd thc council regarding bhc Lloyd Bradley, Brookiin. Miss Wanble Fly Act that are nlot punchase o! a new grader. Joyce Avery remained for a sprayed, bbc charge for spray- Authorize Payment few days' visit. ing to be 15e per hcad. The following accounts were Mr-. and Mns. Keith Mitchell At this meeting aise lb was authonized bo be paid: Township and family, Lotus,- spent Sun- decided te petition bbc Ontario of Clarke, relief chargc-back, day wibh Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M4unicipal Board to grant per- $23.06; Thos. Whilliîer & Sn Bedw:n. Mr. Frank Parker was misin e xbn bc aimctassessing supplies, $110.49: Pet-i a visiter on Friday with Mn.« for a rnd grader over a tbree- erborough Dist. Co-op, warblc, and Mrs. Bedwin. year period.' fly powder, $51,45; Toronto! Miss Biaficile Taylor, Oshawa, Stamp & Stencil Wonks, dog spent the weekend with Mi-. and 1bags, $26-65; R. J. Dilling. audit- Mrs. Ai-thun Bedwin.j ing: schoels, township and bele- Mns. W. Adams spent a few phone, $425.00-, Herh Neals, 1 days wibh Mn. and Mrs. Bob cord of light Wood, $12,00: R. E. Rutherford, and family, Orono. Edmunds, oil, $20.00; N. W. Misses Donna and Sandra and Porter, relief, $60.00; Road Masters Floyd and Dana Coul- Vouchers Nos. 4 and 5, $3096.90:. ber, Downsview, spent the Eas- Lindsay Daily Posb, ad., $1.8,3;,ber holidays wibh their grand- Federation o! Agriculture, part1 parents, Mr. and Mns. Sam payment, $300-00: Treas. S. S. Powell. No. 7, scbool money, $500.00;: Mss. Nornman Allun, Millet, Treas. S. S. No. 4, scbool meney, jAlberta, Mrs. J. Bigbam, Drum- $400.00; Treas. S.S. No. 14,1 ho, Ont., and Mr. Peter Big- school money, $600,00; Treas. ham, Toi-ente, werc visitons on S.S. No. 2, school moey, $800,00; Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Treas. S.S. No. 9, $1,000.00; R.j Alldred and Mrs. Paul Hobson. Davidson, -on sal. acceunt, $150. Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams and The !ollowing communications 1Mi-. Ross Adams spent Sunday wene received and read: Dcpt. of in Toronto. Highways, Port Hope, ne pur- Mrs. Samn Powell and Miss chase o! new township grader; Dorrene Powell spent Sunday Peterborough Civic Hospital ne ,Aith Mrs. Don Coulter, Downs- two indigent patients: Ontario 'iew. Municipal Board ne purchase of iMi-. and Mns. Fred Hender- new grader; Dept. o! Municipal son and family. Newtonville, Affairs ne bbc opcning o! a new were Saturday evening visitons Municipal Assessmcnt Office in with Mn. and Mns. Robin All- Peterborougb; Wesbeci Products drcd. i-e new price IEst for culverts; Mn. and Mns. Arnold Wade Ganaraska R.C.A. minutes o! and Grant, Newtonville, and bbc last meeting and bhc 1957 Mn. and Mrs. L. Laverty, Osh- financial statement; Northum- awa, spent Sunday witb Mr. and berland & Durham Healtb Unit IMns. Bey, Jaynes. monthly report; Dept. o! Public Mn. and Mrs. Bnian Caswcl Weifare, cnclosing cheque as and family, Newtonviile, and suhsidy for the maintenance of îMn. and Mns. Newton Selhy County Home for the Aged; and family, Newcastle, bad din- Freepent Sanatorium, Kitchener, ner Sabunday cvening with Mn. ne an indigent patient and bbc and Mn., Alec Marib, Conq.urnew' Gao Ce. ne bbc 3rdi readling of bbc By-L,4w granting bhc franchise ta bbc said Cern- pany.I1MAPLE WAUVr - I. At bbc regular meeting o! 'er ýo your council on Apnil 7, a by-law Save you giving bbc Consurnes' Gas Co. bbc exclusive franchise for nat- ural gas distribution in bbc - e - ye r Township o! Manvers rcceived third readîng. A by-law appoint- ing a cierk and treasurer, te re- placé a former by-law, aise ne- ceivcd bbe thi-ce necessary read- ings. The clerk was instnucted te contact bbc new assessmenb of- fice in Peterborough and ascer- tain whcthcr thein services werc available te make a spot check survey o! assessments in Viec- toria County and Manvers Township in connection witb bbe high school ares proportion o! assessmenb for maintenance ~ , 1~yvv Tenders are heing called for,1 tbrough an advcntisemenb in bbc * OUG ] Daily Commercial News, for1 B AI U H crusiU and cW~liiiWing I. 00è eithic yards o! gravel anywheci-c auj REATING withipi bbc township on a flat1 rate basis under the supervision1 Street South o! bbc Road Supeintendent. Thei BOWMANVILLE Township is te supply tbc grav-t ci.1 Tbrough the Daiiy Cern- 1i VIGOR OIL CO. LTD. PRICES REDUCED ON PREMUM QUAL1TY STOVE CIL 2()c gPer FUEL CIL 17c gl FOR DELIVERY Phone Oshawa RA 5-1109 the Lion& Community Centre in March. She said the Auxil- iary drive for funds would be held in October this year. The following items were considered. and estimates and further information will be oh- tained before a decision is made. 1. Additional cuphoards for hi- nens: 2. Drainage in the area around the hospital; 3. Check of Lthe blight, Dutch elm disease, !in the trees in front of the hos- 1pital. Report for March Stanley Wilkins, the hospital administrator, gave the hospi- tai report for March: 1958 1957 1,551 patient days 1.225 7 deaths 4 47 births 44 49 major operations 34 72 minor operations 72 55 emnergencies 47 50 average patients dailv 39.3 There were 232 outpatient visits to the hospital during March, 1958. Harry V. Cryderman gave a report on the meeting of the Regional Council of District No. 8 of the Ontario Hospital Asso- ciation hèld in Port Hope on Mondas', April l4th. The On- tario Hospital Plan. which be- cornes effective January 1, 1959 was the subject of a panel dis- cussion. The pane] was compos- ed of two men from the Ontario Hospital Services Commission and two from the Ontario Hos- pital Association. F. M. Abrams, chairman of the District Coun- cil was the moderator. The next meeting of the Re- gional Council of District No. 8 of the Ontario Hospital Asso- ciation will be held in Bow- manville in June. family attended the 85th birth- day celebration of Mr. White's mother, Mrs. E. White at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Sta- pies and boys and Mrs. Cephas Staples, Bethany, with Mr. and Mrs. D. Trimble. Miss Susie Laird and Mrs. Fred Stevens visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hornby, Highland Creek. The choir of Maple Grove Churcb presented Mr. Les Col- lacutt, with a piano iamp at his home. A social time was enioyed. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milis andI family with Mr. Charles Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shunk Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kubnke and Bette Ellen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Samis, Bow- manville. on Monday and wvithI Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stokes, Oshawa on Wednesdav. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kuhk Rire New Ausessor On Saturday evening, April 12. a special meeting of council was held in conjunction with appointing an assessor to re-' p lace the former assessor. Ralph Malcolm, who resigned to take employment in Peterborough. Mr. Alfred Johnson, farmer, of Manvers Station district, was chosen from the four local ap- plicants for the job, and on Mo- tion of McGiIi and Jakeman was hired at a salary of $1,200 per annum. The next regular meet- ing will he held on May 6 at 1 Pi. ONTARIO OPPORTUN ITY! Why Giambie on the Future? Here là a Proven Plan, Offered by an Ali-Canadian Compauy. No Selling luvolved. No Provions Experlence Neessary. No Credit Rlak.s WE WANT- SINCERE applicants who eau spare et least 2 hours per week. and are lnterested iu ownlng a fuli-time business in the future. If aceptod, muet ho able Le start inimedlately, servicing ostabilshed aeconuts. WE OFFER- Complete Individuel, ManuellInstruction Perlode. Complet. Nanu Brand Inventery', Liberal Company Finance Plan. Immediaf,. Weekly Income. Repurchase Agree- ment AlLer Triai Perlod If Not Satiafied. NOTE: onT EXISTING obligations prevent %a froni accptUng applicationg iu: SUDBURY, SOU Y: NORTH BAT, SARNIA, GODERICH, OTTAWA, KINGSTON. i PLEASE! No triflers! If you are sincere and desire a Comnpany interview, please write gving age, past experience, addresu and phone nuniber to Advertiser 798, rdo The Canadian Statesman, P. O. Box 190, Dowmanville. Ont. <Intended for last week) 1 Mr. and Mrs. Royv Topping 1and family, Oshawa, visited twith her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens. 1 Mrs. Willle Pearson, Lake- fild, spent a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Laird and sister, Miss Susie Laird. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Os- borne, Toronto, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mns. Harold Cooney and famiiy. Mr. and Mrs. Ron McDonald, Paul and Kathy, visited witb Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mundav ]ast Sunday. Mn. MacDonald and chiirden remained for a holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ken- nedv and family. Milford Bay. were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munday. Mrs. A. Kerr, Miss Mary Kerr and Mr. Gerald Brinning. Cob- ourg. were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mi-s. Jack Hunnie. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Loweri, Kirby, were Tuesdav* night vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Stewý- art Morton. Mrs. Li11ian Allison, Susan and David, Bowmanvilie. visi- ted with Mr. and Mrs. S. Mor- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mun- day and farnily were iguests of Mn. and Mrs. Theodore Wil- kins, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech and family wîth Mn. and Mns. Orval Ashton. Enniskillen. Mr. and Mns. Charles Evans, Oshawa, with Mns. L. C. Snow- den. Mildned and,» Bob. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence White, Ted and Elwin, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bu-geai and famnily andi Me.a~ s M 8X 4wr* aMd 1 and Bette Eflen v1ilted wîth Mr. and Mn. Gordon Bonter, Carrying Place on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright and famiiy visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jan Zawisiak, Oshawa. Very pleased to report that Mn. Chester MeGrath is home ai-ber a mnonth's stay ini Oshawa General Hospital. Master Johnny McGuirk is in Sick Children's Hospital, in Tononto. The community wish- es him a speedy necoverv. Aiso to Mn. Letooze who is in Mein- orial Hospital, Bowmanville. The first Sundav of chunch and Sunday School in the morn- ing was very weli attended. A reminder- Sunday Schooi is at 10:15 a.m. and church at 11:30 a .m. Sunday callers with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman were Mn. and Mns. Walter Lord and Donna, Millbrook, and Mr. and Mrs. George Lord, Peterbor- ough. Mr. a.nd Mrs. D. Laverty, Mary Jane, Thersa and Michael were Sunday visitons with her brother. Mn. and Mrs. T. Han- nah, South Monaghan. and sis- ten, Mrs. Ernest Boyles, Wall- ace Point. Mrs. Sam Mann, Mrs. Cecil Mann and Mrs. O. Moffatt at- tended the Home and School Conference in Hamilton last Wednesday. Fourteen young people gath- ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Geddes on Saturdav night to belp celebrate Jobn's birthday. Randv Snowden entertained a umber of bis little friends on Thursday afternoon to cel- ebrate bis eigbth binthday. Mr. and Mrs. John Aitchi- son. Blackstock. visited ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Snow- den on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Dick Flendeli. Belleville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shearer during Easter holi- days. Miss Isabelle Towns and her fiance visited her sisten, Mrs. E. Dobbs on Sunday. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Whalen on Sunday were Mrs. D. McCIellan, Mrs. J. McCellan and Mrs. AI Ackford. Ajax. Pupils of grade 5 and 6 gave a surprise party for their teacher Mr, Wm. Blezzard on bis birth- day in thein classroom recently. Mrs. Charles Hesten is home from Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville after ber operation. The first meeting of the Ma- pie Grove 4-H Homemaking Club was held at the home of our assistant leader, Miss Mil- dned Snowden on Wednesdav evening April 9th with six girls present. Mrs. Ronald. Brýoks our lead- er explained the nequirements of the club to us. The course we ar takng is l"Being Weil- Dressed and Wel1 Groomed". The following officers were elected. President Sandra Gib-' son, Secretary Mary Budia, Press reporter Carole Green- bam. A dainty lunch was ser- ved bv Mildred and ber moth- er. The next meeting will be aRt the borne of Mrs. Ronald Brooks onThursday April 24th at7 p.m. Miss Beatrice Craig spent Iast week visiting with friendsi at Maple Island. Jim Coliacott spent Easter hoiidays with bis grandparents, Mr. and Mms. W. Chatterson, Brighton. Miss Stella Blackburn, Mrs. Nettie Cole, Town were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ger- aid Shackleton and Mrs. M. Blackburn. Mn. and Mrs. W. Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Reynolds and Cnaig. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Le- Craig, Mn. and Mrs. Bob Craig and famnily were Sunday visi- tors witb Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leham. Brooklin when a birth- day party for Miss Gerda Craig was held. John Twist enjoyed camping SALEM Save time and trouble! Avoid wrong numbers!~" e~ Look them up! * Jot them down! a Dial carefully! Be sure to bring your Blue Bok of Telephone Num- bers up to date! If you'd like new <~bookiets-regular or pocket size- (. give us a cail at the Telephone Busi- qness Office, or drop in for them. They're free. S THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Theres aiso a wea US of informoAid 'Ayh introducfory pages of your Téit,--..e Boo.k What truck buyers can Iearn from the big Fargo fleets... Look behind the icones and you'I1 soon disoover why more and more haulers are maklng the swing to FARGO. When succesoful fleet operatois such as Kleyson's Cartage Company, Limited, Winnipeg buy forty big Fargos at once, you know Fargo's got something special to offer!1 Kleysen's Cartage typifies the truck fleets that find real day-after-day, year-after-year satisfaction with Fargo on the job. There are plenty of reasons for that satisfaction, too. Take economy, for instance. New Fargo V-8's pack up to 234 horsepower, yet their unique combustion chamber design wrings bonus miles from every tankful of gas. And no other engine has the famous-for-thrift reputation of Fargo's efficient Six!1 Ruggedness is another reason. Fargo rear axies in ail models are heavy-duty engi- neered, specially treated for fatigue- resistance. Rear springs on high-tonnage D700's have been increased to 3 inches wide, are extra long and resilient for greater strength. Prames have double-width fronk crossmembers, and extra-deep centre and rear crossnienbers. Fargo's a better deal for the driver, ton, with shorter turning diameters, smooth, super-responsive steening, an independent parking brake that adjusts fron, inside the cab. So why not follow the Iead of successful truck opera tors like Kleysen's Cartage Company, and check into '58 Fargo Power- Masters now? Corne in ight away--see how you're farther ahead when you hau1 the FARGO waý 1 You get more of the future with ]PAqR G O POWE R-MASTERS 4,250 LOS. O.V.W. TO 63,000 LOS. .C.W.-BUILT TOUGHER FOR TOUGHNST JOBS Palmer Motor S 20 King Street E. Bowmanville Phone q - ~* - - "r APPLICANTS sel.ted mnithave a minimum et $«S for complet* stoak. . . %, - %.P *.F -W THE CANAD" STATESMAN OMAPJO qWTTt-qnAT- APRIT, 2419L IM 9 r.ear Newcastle for several dayus last week with a scout troop from town. A number from here atteL- ded the Little N.H.L. hockey games at the arena last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mms. Fred Twist and Miss Nellie R.idehalgh,4 Whitby. Mr-. and Mrs. Art Par a and familv' Toranto werle day visitors s sister, , and Mrs. M~.cant. Air, Rail or Steams9l T 1C K ETS TO EVERYWHERE Consuit JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. -MA 3-5178 Bowmanvill.