UI~U~AY APRL 2th,1958THI ~ADAD 1W ýA'I1 MA D% i y WlmATl v TT.?.W flil%'Ti PAGETWl Mr. and Mrs. W. Stephens Honored With Reception On Fiftieth Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stephens, 40 Brown Street, celebrated Wr5th wedding anniversary rTuesday. *i 15, with a r*ception a th-Ibbiime of her sister, Mrs. Roýper, Car- lisle Ave. Manmýénds called > i the atternoon and evening to offer congratulations on the happy occasion. Mrs. Hooper wclcomed guests at the door. Receiving in the living-roomwith Mr. and Mrs. Stephens v&je their son Aus- tin and his wife with their two littie girls, Margaret. 5, and Janet, 3. Mrs. G. Joncs was in cha1'M of the guest register. Daffodijs, with a three-tier weddmng cake appropriatelv iced for the Golden Wedding anniversary, graced the tea ta- blc which was spread with a pretty Madeira cloth. Bouquets ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Murray Pres- cott and Susan, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and famn- il-, N~~ate visited with the D. and E. Prescott familles. Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Brantford, spent the weekend at W. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grav and Bobbie, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Pettitt, Mr. A. MacRae, Ken- ncth and Sharon, Taranto. were WLtl) Mr. and Mrs. W. Gray. ~rs. F. Swallow. Mr. and M93s. Clifford Swallaw. Maie Grave; M'-, and Mrs. L. Barra- ball, Orono: Mr. and Mrs. W. Cet Cash To-day for OId Appliances tbrough STATESMAN CLASSTFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 of snapdragons and yellow 'murrns were lsewhere in the rooms, adding a festive air. Mrs. Cora Allun poured tea both afternoon and evening.ý Assisting in servihg the dainty refreshments were Mrs. Keith Jackson, Mrs. Allan Brown,ý Mrs. G. B. Dilling, Mrs. Floyd Bradd, Mrs. Rena Snowden, Mrs. Verna White, Mrs. Ken- neth Hooper and Miss Mabel Jewell. Mrs. G. Alîchin also as- sisted. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens were married in Port Hope but have lived most of their married lîfe in Bowmanvillc. Mrs. Stephens is on the staff at Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. Stephens also worked there until a few years ago. The couple received a purse of money and variaus lovely gifts from friends and relatives. Barrabaîl, Prestonvale, visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis and Miss Elsie. The ADril meeting of our W. A. was held at the home of the president, Mrs. Fred Samis. The rail cal! was answered by 11 miembers and there were si children and faur visitors pres- ent. Easter was the theme of the scripture and devotional selectians read by Mrs. G. Ir- wln and Mrs. R. Simpson. Mrs. G. Bowers read an Easter stary and Mrs. I. Spracklýn entertain- ed with an assortment of hu- morous verses. Lunch was served. Our littie community will be enlarged by another dwelling. Mr. and Mrs. Joncs of Toronto are digging a well. and have the excavation prepared for a house an their lot beside the Catton praperty. Mem bers of our congregation. were favorably impresscd wth Mr. Logan's message, Sundav. Wc shall look forward with pleasure ta aur church services for the next two months. v. Reg. $1.19 79 POLISHED COTTONS 28 Ring St. W. Phone MA 3-5551 IPECIAL Bowrnanville Golden Wedding Celebrated Wl.. Heurs Fine Reports - Bethany Annual Meeting ...BETHANY- Officers were M elected for' the coming year at the Women's Institute meeting hcld on Manday evcning at the home of Mrs. Addison Scott. Mrs. Thomas Jcnnings con- tinues as President, with Mrs. A. Scott clected as first vice- president; Mrs. Han-y Ryley second vice-president; Mrs. Ralph Preston, secretary trea- surer, with Mrs. Preston Neals, assistant; Mrs. Emory Smith, district director, alternate Mrs. Mansel Finnev; Sunshine Gift Committee, Mrs. Earl Wcath- erilt and Mrs. Vincent Jackson; auditors, Mrs. Mansci Wright and Mrs. John White, directors, 1 Mrs. T. Jackson and Mrs. Clara Armstrong. Program convenars are: Mrs. A. Scott for citizenship and 1 edu3atian: Mrs. M. Finney, home econamics and health with Mrs. Hector -Morton as assist- ant: Mrs. Glen Wentworth, agriculture and Canadian in- dustries: Mrs. Ross Davidsan, historicai research and current events. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stephens, 40 Brown St., Bow- Reports were heard from al manville, marked their Golden Wedding Anniversary last Icammittee convenors noting a Tuesday, April 15, with a reception at the home of Mrs. vear of progress and interest- Stephens' sister, Mrs. Roy Hooper, Carlisle Ave. Many in studies. The secretary, Mrs. frieds nd nighour caled o cograulae th copleRalph Preston, stated 10 meet- frieds nd eigbous clie to onçratlat th copleings had been held during the on this happy occasion. They received a number of loveil, 'ear with an average attend- gifts and bouquets. ance of 29. Total of $212.79 Ihad been raised throughoutth vear with expenses of $179.25 whîch were mainly for spon- Couple M a rid 5 Vearsarship of the Junior Girls 4-H o U ~~_er club, sunshine boxes to sick and and Mrs. Harry Mcbaughlin and Lawrencc. Mr. and Mrs. R. Davison and 1Mr. and Mrs. G. Thompson vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Byron Ma- diii, Orillia. _______________Rev. and Mrs. R. Campbel were in South Monaghan, where Mr. Campbell conducted Sun- day service. and Rev. Wilson Of Bowmanville, occupied the Ipulpit in the Presbvterian church Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hedge, Stewart and David, Oshawa. were at their farm home for the weekend. The young people of St. John's Anglican church, pres- ented interesting and amusiilg entertainment in Farrester's Hall, Nestieton, an Friday even- ing. Proceeds were gratifying. Home made candy was snld during intermission, and after lunch was served to the cast, the young folk enjoyed danc- ing. 1"A littie ovcrwcîght, dear?" inquired Mr. Henpeck of his wifc as she stcppcd off the ma- chine. "No," she rcplied, "It's just that according to this chdît I should bc six inches taller." Lent S MAIt T O5TESS! She knows today's trim moderns prefer light refreshment. She serves today's Pepsi. Neyer heavy, neyer ton sweet, it refreshes without filling. Plan to serve it at your party. Buy it in the handy 6-bottie carton SMITH REVERAGES LTD., 124 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson of Hampton were married 55 years on April 8. Owing to Mr. Balson's illness, there could be no celebration of the day, but the family of seven children and inlaws, presented them with a p urse of money and they received many cards and telephone calis of congratulation. Mr. and Mrs. Balson have 32 grand- children and 24 great-grandchildren. 25-Jewel CORNELL Gent's Automatic and Calenia" Gold finished case and bracelet ___________$49.50 R'S JEWELLERY <w. Bowmanville Nestiefon Station Mrs. Jemison of Uxbridge, spent a few days wîth Miss Rose Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris werc in Toronto attcnding Mrs. Jack- man's funcral. Recent visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt were Mr. and Mrs. E. Horn, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Nesbitt, Q.C., Toronto, and Mr. Stanley Mal- colm reccntlv returned from a winter in Florida. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ehi Mairs were: Mr. and Mrs. George Windsor and Billie, Ballantrae, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph !Cooper, Mount Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Farrow and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Long, Uxbridge. Nestleton Women's Institute members attending the Exeeu- tive meeting in Maple Grove were Mesdames R. Davison. M. Emerson, C. Wilson, H. Vine and Miss Ruth Prautt. Mrs. J. Shwartz and Nadia of Cadmus and Mr. and Mis. Jas. McMullen and Carl, Peter- borough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Larmen Hyland. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grie J and Sandra, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Harris, Belleville, and* Mrs. T. M. Nicol of Madoc, were at Mr. and Mrs. Jas Har- ris' on Sundav .The Harrises I returned ta Madoc with them for a holiday. jMiss Muriel McKee, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barber, Brian and David of Courtice, Ivisited Mrs. S. McKee. SSyrnpathy of the conirunity and Mrs, J. Watson in the loss of their brother, John Poilon of Manitoba, hast week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Naylar, Pefferlaw, spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gist spent Sunday with the Francis Gist family of Lang Mr. and Mrs. Jack DeLong, Port Hope, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elliot and David and the Elliots rcturned the visit ta, Port Hope on Sunday. Dinner gucsts with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Williams to hon- our baby Steven's f irst birth- day were his great-grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Mc- Mullen, Oshawa, and grandpar- ent.s Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wil- liams, Part Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rohrcr, Warren and Douglas spent the weekend in Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. Orland Rohrcr. Miss Eleanor Rand fl(ew home ta Nova Scotia alter ffendÀng tvo weekâ witii Mr* Ofsl% n ur deaiI sambe aMatUM of CU.ilmfauhios ulylt Lou Lonr Su aahes se"atcl.e 190R ALL THE PASHION NEWS READ THE TO RO NTO STAR luS ItouS ai~ wmu rg <t*,NTO Dmu VPI80 mu IsltEEITwu& IMOTOa Announcement.. We are pleased t. announce that we have installed the new Pittsburgh "INFORAMA'" Floor Stand for our customers' convenience This cabinet contains information pertain. t. ail phases of painting ... inside and outside. You are lnvited to corne in and make use , of this new service ... You are under no obliga- tion to buy. You'11 find ALL the answers i Pittsburgh "INFOKAMAU" ABERNETHY'S' PAINT & WALLPAPER 38 King St W. BOWMANVILLE, MA 3-5431 SPECIAL! STORE HOURS Opep. 9:30 arn. to 6 p.m. Closew-~Il Day Wednesday BUTTERICK PATTERNS IN STOCK Çoodts . 49a"' Gwon -Cowley-ý :fkrst to piinp oinit fasb'0 fie poi lits!i "Ta ve-letu y.ar for Canadian fashion," a" Gwen Cowley, Toronto Star Fashion Edito. "This yer for the first time we arc hlx'eat of th.e mes.Mie, Chemise àiasa promient hart as in the. New York collections.U And you can bot your bottom pattern that Mise Cowley knows, because sho has oover.d the fashion capitals of the world for 13 y.mvs., She and lier staff are experts nt kooplng you informed about what th. world ia wearing. They are one of the. reasons why so many women agre. t oomploe. coverage of the woman's world, Thec Toronto Star is Canada's gr.at.at newepaper valu. IRUMMAT, AMIL 24th, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVrLtIg. ONTARTO m shut-ins, Christmas cheer, bank books for new babies. member- ship in the Canadian Associa- tion of Consumers, flowers sent in cases of bereavement, fees sent to provincial board,: sending delegates to Toronto conference and to the. Officers' Conference at Guelph. Mem- bers had also contributed new and used clothing for children to be distributed by UNICEF. Eight members had perfect at- tendance records were given candy dishes as prizes. Plans were made tciL cater for the Women Teachers' Federa- tion banquet on May 28. Mrs. Mansel Wright conduc- ted a quiz "You Be The Judge"* citing several court cases, with the members giving their opin- ions on the judgment to be passed and Mrs. Wright giving the final verdict. Mrs. Thomas Jennings read a poem "The Cremation of Sam McGee" by Robert W. Service. telling something of the poet'sr if e. Lunch was served by the hast- ess assisted by Mrs. Hector Morton and Mrs. Mansel Wright. Mrs. T. .Jennings expressed the thanks of the members ta Mrs. Scott for the use of her home.