MGE WO 'WI~(<AyA~jA%ý*9'A T A I' OWVM AN LL NTRI Judge Miller Gives Impressive Welcome To 64 New Canadians "You are now my fellow Can- adians. On behaîf of Canada and the United Counties of Nor- thumberland and Durham I bid you welcome as Canadian citizens," said Judge M. A. Miller ta 64 new Canadianis after they had taken their oath of allegiance in a colorful cere- mony at the Pnited Counties building, Cobourg, Tuesday afternoon, April 15. Present for the occasion was Warden Ray Bothwell of the United Coun- ties. Flanked by two scarlet coat- ed members of the Cobourg contingent of the R.C.M.P., CpI. Bud Wilson and Const. G. W. Lochhead, Judge Miler said: "It is inevitable that you will retain affection for your native land but the more you see of this your new country the more it will grow ini yaur affections. HALF IT Oe.rv.fresh butter Rich os gold A t.mpting dish For young and old. Free! BLACK DI with e purchase at Vigor SERVICE 5 CORNER 0F MAI AND FIFTH CI Phone MA Vigor Standard (uasoline Vigor Super h High Test Complete Lubrication at STOVE OIL AVAILABLE AT THE SI OP'EN EVENIGS Aiela, Cobourg; Rita and Anna Apsitis, Graf ton; Antonio Bat- taglini.* Warkworth; Adam Bur- aczewski, Martinus Schippers, Franciszka and Stanley Sochaj, Lee Yu Sew, Thomas D. Trag- mness of Port Hope, Eelke and Baukie De Jong, Ne'steton;, Ed.. win and Themla Foster, Ken- dm1; Charles Terpstra, Hmmp-1 ton; Louise Ooms (Sloosn. You are particularly fortunate Hampton, Zita Golobie, ýAzugust i settling i these two coun- and Ursula Kaurnann, Camp-1 tie whch re mon th mst ellord ConelusHyma, Ger- beautiful in the entire cauntry. rit and Margrieta Hoiman of Bible Important Hastings, Paul and Maria Heiss- "You have aUl been present- 1er, Frankiord; Jack Dennis ed with Bibles, the gift ai the Shea, Harwood, Woo See Mar, Upper Canada Bible Society. I Gerardus and Johanna Taisma hope you wil read these for the ai Newcastle, Jack Roffel, Tren- Bible is the very centrepiece ai ton: Huko and Juta Soalepp ai aur civilization. Reading the Morganstown. Bible wiil not anly benefit you spiritualiy but it will mso bring you intimately in touch with E TTC'TKTTT?'N some ai the most beautiful En.g- lish which has ever been writ- (Intended for last week) ten and from it you will lemrn Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLaugh- much ta imprave yaur own." lin and Jimmy had dinner with "It wil be yaur duty," the Mr. J. A. Werry and spent mn judge said, "ta take an intertest enjpyable evening lms.t week. in Canadian afiairs. I mean nat Takofrn evc only federally and provincial- Takofrn evc ly but msa in municipal afiairs A. very fine thank-affering and in the different organiza- service sponsored by the WMS tions and societies which con- and attended by the Explorers tribute sa much ta aur way ai and Mission Band was held 111e. One af these societies, the April 13th, a t Enniskiilen Chu- Business and Professional Womn- rch.1 en's Club wishes ta entertain Mrs. L. R. Ashton, president you aiter this ceremnony. MI, led in warship assisted by Mrs. good wishes go to yau for yaur Roy McGill and Mrs. Rlph future prosperity." Virtue. Mrs. Harold Ashton, Bath Warden Bothwell and Explorer leader read an Baster Mr. Ben Thompson, M.P. for stary. Northumberland, who arrived A very interesting film on later, spoke words af welcomne Japan. "Younger Brother"l was ta the new citizens during the? shown. During the service Missi reception. Margot Rankine, Haydon, de- Club Canvener. lighted l present with twal Acting as conveners af the 1 solos. international relations commit- Mrs. Allan Dean and Fred- tee ai the Business and Proies- erick, Toronto, Mrs. Fred Da- sional Women's Club were Mrs. vidson, Oshawa, were Satur- Anne Kyte, Miss Madeline day afternoon callers at Mrs. Rooney, Mrs. May Baker, Mrs. Harold Milîs. G. Floyd, Mrs. S. A. Cralible, Mrs. Uorne Lamb, visited Mrs. K. Caiger, Miss M. Rey- with Mrs. Roy Dickie and Reta, nar . Hampton. Among those sworn in as new Mr .and Mrs. Jack Holdstock, citizens ai Canada were: Bawmanville; Mr. Oliver Beck- Set Hong Chow, Helen and ett and Arvilla, Miss Maxine Jack DenHollander, Edward Aldread, Tyrone, with Mr. and DeJong, Paul and Ruth Helwig, Mrs. Floyd Beckett. Antoinette Koene, Rudali H. Mrs. A. L. Wearn, spent a Nitschke, Allen Noordstra, Sal- few days with her sister, Mrs. omon and Neeltje Raaphorst, Harold Western, Guelph. Egon and Ingeborg Rietmuller, The W.A. meeting that was Jan and Zwantje Sempionius, ta be held April 22 is changed Jacob and Leona Strikwerda, to April 23, 8 p.m. at the home Gerlof and Aaltje Taîsma, Hen- ai Mrs. G. Trevail, Taunton. drikje and Frances VanderGast, Brian Barrowdale, Oshawa, Dirk and Nel Van Abbemna, l spent a few days with Garth ai Bowmmnville, Jan and Alida McGill. De Groat, Joba Miller, Hen- Miss Sharon Scott, Kedron, drick and Grada Winkelharst, visited hier cousin, Miss Donna Gerben and Andriesje Wiersmm, Gail Irwin. Jan Wiersma, Johannes Wiers- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page and ma, mli ai Brighton; Francesco fmmily visited with Mr. and -Mrs. George Rahm, Saintfield. ~ Mr. mnd Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa,* Mr.' and. Mrs. Emrl STrewin, Doreen and Donald were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Trewin, eased Mimicc CubLdisa Mrs. E Cox was hostess for the SrieCu aiso April 9. Eîght members and twa Ou c ui ~ ~* *N visitors were present. A social evening was enjayed by ll afmter a short business periad. urchase of Final arrangements were made for aur rummage sale. Lunch iwas served by Mrs. R. Lamb, and Mrs. A. Yeiiowlees. Next home ai Mrs. Keith MaGill on April 16. es for your convemienee FIS. and Mrs. Ross Row- lands, and iamily, Londan; Miss Clara Page, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGill, Toronto,' were with Mrs. E. Page. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cox and *5500family visited Miss Carrol Cox, 45 9500 l'who 15 a patient at Bowmmn- ville Hospital. r Mr. and Mrs. Leanard San ton and family were at Mr. C. -5561 Mills and Roy Hope's, Part Rodney Irwin, visited his AU Paenger InmI cousin Bob Scott, Kedron. AU PssegersInsred Mrs. Lloyd Sleman, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, Mrs. Emrl Trewin, Dareen and Don- aid were Saturday aiternoan callers at Wm. Steeles, Raglan, 5 w > and tea guests af Wilbur Van- ce's, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Rabert Sharp, eTED CABS Kenneth and Janice, Camp Bo- rden were week-end guests af tMr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp. LOTluSe HaYne, PMr.. The National Film board pic- tures will be shown iu church ______________________ basement. April 23 at 7:30 -p.m. -Gates Milîs, Ohio, spent Easter week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick and Miss Nancy Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Pethick 'er Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Toms. U Junior Choir concert will be U l9 GAL. given at HmtnFia vn Mrs. Ted Werry, wr 1 * OC tneludint lax Saturday evening guests oair and Mrs. A. Werry's. w Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick, vt-itedl Mrs. W. Smithi, and other * ~ I fricnds, NewtonvilUe. * MU i Mr. and Mrs O. C. Ashton, * - -'cAL. Lais and Charles, accampanied * i by their Eester holiday guests * mU 10 g ta from Ottawa enjoyed a pleas.. 13 1 Queenston Heights. 1 Messrs. Garth McGil, Ches- t a Reasonable Price ler Milîs, Bob Brown and Bert iIN ANY QUANTITY Werry, spent the week-end TATION with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jennings AND SUNDAYS M.adMs l\' iIý enta Mr. and Mr&. M. Stainton, THURSDAY, APRXL 24th, 1988 Mr. Glen Spry, Rochester, N.Y. is with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar Wright, and Misses Linda Yeo. and Doris Wright return- ed home from. week's holiday at Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coates of Shirley were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griff- in, and family Saturday even- ing visitors of Mr. and Mrs. AI- fred Gerrard, Haydon. Miss Winnifred Cole, and Ward Gilbert, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry and f amily, were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Grif- fin, Heather and Dale were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brunt, Bowmanville. The Explorers held a Jap- anese tea party as an inter- esting conclusion to the study book for the year. The children came in Japan- ese costume and were seated at twva low tables, sitting jap- anese style on cushions. There were chopsticks at each place and an hilarious attempt was made to use them. The menu- scalloped potatoes, chop suey, green vegetables, yellow pick- le and cookies with orange-1 ade. On Tucsday March 24, at 3! p.m. the Mission Band andjEx. plorers heid their Easter Con- cert. Seripture wvas read b.y 1 Wayne Beckett, followcd by prayer by Mr. Green. Recîta- tions were gliven by Heather! Griffin. Gail Stainton, Donald' Trewin, Doreen Trewîn, and Tommy Leadbeater. Piano so- los- Beverley Samnis, Laura Bowman, Charles Ashton, Ruth Pethick, Cheryl Ashton, Doug- las Ashton, Marie Beckett, Betty Jane Werry, Clare Ashton, Sus- an Wearn, Lockie MeNair, Mar- ilyn Yellowlees, Robert Slemon and Maureen McNair. Chor- uses by the Mission Band and Explorers. Music by Cheryl Beth, and Glen Ashton. Readings- Laurence Wright and Gordon Boyd. When faith and hope fail, as they do sametimes, we must try charity, which is love in action., -Dina Maria Mulock. Ebenezer Club Entertained by Hypnotist MAPLE GROVE-On Satur- day evening 85 persons enjoy- ed a bounteous pot luck supper at Ebenezer church. Aiter sup- per a business meeting was conducted by President Keith Crago. The worship service was giv- en by Marg and Ron Brooks and Myrtle and Howard Brad- ley. Mr. Kenneth Brooks intro- duced the speaker ai the even- ing, Mr. Harry Ross ai Osh- awa, who explained hypnosis ta us, which means an artifi- cial method af inducing sleep. He explained that we ail in some small way practise hyp- nosis in bur daily lives but do not realize it. Aiter explaining what he was going ta do he chose three oai aur members, Sim Penfound, 'Keith Crago and Betty Mac- Gregor for his subjects. While in a deep sleep these three rod;a a bus, saw a funny and sad show, and xvent fishing.t tWasý interesting ta note that two la- dies in the audience had a very good sleep also. Harold Cooney played sev- eral selections on his accordion and James Cryderman favour- ed xiih delightful piano selec- tions. This was a very interest- ing programn as aur programsI for the past months have been. Next meeting wifl be in the Oshawa in May. fSTARK VILLE Intended for last week) Miss Diane Trim spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George -Clarke who had the misfortune of ai car accident are improving af- ter the shock and their daugh- ter Fern, of Toronto, spent a few days at home. Mvr. Aul Dobson was in To- rorito last week. Bob Robinson spent a feiv days last week in Oshawa be- ing a guest with Mr. and Mrs. C. Yule. Mrs. Grant Sylvester and daughter, Sarnia, are spending i a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark who have returned ta their home, here. A number af young people enjoyed an outing Saturday and aiter their "wagon" ride re- turned to Gerald HallowellVs home. Carol Rogers, Oshawa, spent some of her Easter holidays \vith her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls were Saturday evening guests at Mr. Carl Todd's. Mr. and Mrs. C. Yule, Osh- awa, at Mr. Ewart Robinson's, Sunday.1 Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowelll and Jim in Toronto, Monday. 1 Mr. E. Graham, Third Line, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reid. Shiloh W.A. met at Mrs. Llew Hallowell's last week with 16 members and four visîtors. The meeting wvas opened by the president, Mrs. Carl Todd, with ail repeating the Mary Stewart Collect. The devotional portion ,%vas taken by Mrs. Len FaIls and Miss Norma Hallowell fol- lowed by prayer by Rev. White. Mrs. Gordon Trim gave the 1 treasurer's report. After the business discussion xvhich ini- cluded landscaping at t'ile church, Mrs. Sid Lancaster, Newtonville, gave a talk on their trip to Florida. Her in- troductory was a happy little thought for the Easter season followed by the very interest- ing things they had seen and experienced. Mrs. Clinton Farrow assisted in the information by showing many things that she and Mr. Farrow had obtained on their recent trip also to Florida. Mrs. Todd thanked the la- dies, and also Mrs. Hallowell, for the pleasant evening at her home. The meeting was clos- ed by the Mizpah benediction followed by lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Farrow visited Mr. and Mrs. Widders,~ il Md CHEVROLETe OLDSMOBILE DEALERS NOWI' fe N ICHOLS BOWMAN VILLE)., '~ m i M., ROY Ml COURTICE -, ,i~ . -- ~..,, i We are pi to Ann with the Pl KING we now have two 'phonei Phone either MA 3« 01 MAI3 24-Heurm ServiS. CAB ADIO Equw . year of progress and intere'ut- N ew Off icers i, uis h ertrq W 1I,, had been held during the O f Bethan year with an average attend- BETHANY - Officers were, expenses totailing $179.25 whlch elected for the coming year ati were mainIy for sponsorship o£ the Women's Institute meeting! the Junior Girls 4-H Club, sun. held on Monday. April 14 at! shine boxes to sick, and shut. the home of Mrs. Addison Scott. I ms, Christmas cheer, banit Mrs. Thomas Jennings con-' books for new babies, rrk*em. tinues as president, with Mrs. i bership in the Canadian A. Scott elected as first vice- lof Consur Ilowers s president; Mrs. Harry Ryley,i cases ofubei7aveme nt, fees nt second vice-president; Mrs. to Provincj< Board, sending% Ralph Preston, seeretary-treas- delegates --fô Toronto Canifer urer with Mrs. Preston Neals, ence at Guelph. Members had' assistant; Mrs. Emory Smnith, also contributed new and used district director, alternate Mrs. clothing for children ta be dis- Mansel Finney; Sunshine Gift tributed through U.N.I.C.E.TP. committee, Mrs. Earl Weather- Eight members had perfect et- ilt and Mrs. Vincent Jackson: tendance records arnd were Auditors, Mrs. Mansel Wrighit given candy disW as prizes, and Mrs. John White: Direc- Plans wvere inueto cater for tors, Mrs. T. Jackson and Mrs. the Womens' Teachers' Feder- Clara Armstrong. ation Banquet on May 28th. Program Convenors: Mrs. A. Mrs. Mansel Wright pdu'- Scott for Citizenship and Edu- ted a quiz 'You Be m 'Jude" cation; Mrs. M. Finney for citîing several court cases, witli Home Economics and Health the members giving their Op4n- with Mrs. Hector Morton as ions on the judgment ta b. assistant, Mrs. Glen Wentworth, passed and Mrs. Wright giving Agriculture ance Canadian In- the final verdict. dustries; Mrs. Ross Davidson, Mrs. Thomas Jenningu gave Historical Research and Cur- same interestingr facts about-the rent Events. poet Robert W. Service and Reports were heard from ail read one of his poems "44 he Committee Convenors noting a Crernation of Sam McGee". PRE-CAST CONCRETE - Septic Tanks - - Sidewalk Slabs - - Coloured Patio Slabs - - Unit Steps - Railings - - Barb-B-Q's - - Curbing - Bvoolin Concrete Produets LIMITED PHONE BROOKLIN 155 1 SPRINGTIME Service Tirne! «ç Se MOLGE Tw à Miilbrook, recently.