THURSIDAY, F'ER. 20th, 1931q B.O.Cs Take Opener ln Semi-Final Playoffs Defeat CoL e.3owmanville - Orono Com- .3ns tok a one g.± lead in their best-of-seven _kkeshore Jtermediate "A" semi-final IiYoffs by trouncing Cobourg bckets 9-1, at Mernorial Arena Tuesdav evening. A crowd of more than 200 fans braved zero temperatures to see the playoff opener. Com- bines took command at the lIidway mark of the first per- jod and neyer ]ooked back as they commenced to outshoot their guests 43 to 23. Goalles Great Goal,*- Claude Sommerville's brillian4 work in the nets was the' Only thing that saved Roc- kets frorn further embarrass- ment. Evervone on the Com- bines squad vas hustling in this one. Ross Hawe lost a well de- served shutout in the first per- iod when Alex McKeen scoredi UnaSsisted at 6.40 to ti1e the score. His shot xvas a slow-roll- er fromn the blueline. And it was one of the few occasions Cobourg had bo get within scoring range. Combines dis- PlaYed a dazzling style of fore- checking that had Rockets hem- zned in most of the time. Wests Set Pace Junior West opened the scor- .ng at 6.06, by slapping Chuck 1 ..timstrong's pass fromn the side *to the right side of the nets. Gerry Robinson counted th~e winning goal at 13.03. as he skated in front. drawing Som- Merville aside and firing into the right corner. Art Rennick got the assist. Raye West opened a five- goal scoring spree for Com- bines at the mid\vay mark of the second period. He tookî Chuck Armstrong's pass from behind the nets and blasted it Jnto the corner in regular West f ashion. ýourg 9- 1 Flrst Goal Defenceman Ted DeGray sparked a two man attack that paid off when he scored 'on a pass from Art Rennick at 12.50. It was bis first goal of the sea- son in league action, and bis second of the year. His oth-er was in the U.S. game. Gerry Robinson 's second goal of the night went in off the pads of Sommerville as thr tgoalie came out to stop the shot. Veteran Maxie Yourth netted the assist on it. Svd Ar- nold fired a 20-foot bomb from directlv in front at 15.48, to >give B.O.C.'s a 6-1 edge. Dean West and 'Mickey Walker were the pla.vmakers. Raye West scored bis Second of the garne to end the frame. 1Brother Junior fed him a pass from the boards and the alert winger whipped it into the top left corner from the face-off circle. Junior West's second goal of the game iwent in off a plaYer at 17.59 of the final stan7za, after he fired from be- hind the nets in an effort to get a pass to Chuck Armstrong-. Has Hat Trick Cerry Robinson completed bis hat trick at 18.44, when hýs shot flew between Sommerville's pads. Chuck Armstrong got his fourth assist of the night on the tall.v. For their fine effort they wili each receive a prive froin local merchants. Robinson will receive a new bat fromn Ken's Men's Wear and Armstrong will receive a $10 certificate froin Chartran*s Men's and Boy's Wear. Second gaine of the series is, at Co- bourg Fniday (tomorrow) even- ing. Combines' next home gaine is Tuesda. Rave West k 1 -À CBC Televise Dunlop-Russian Hockey Game The Canadian Broadcao- Ing Corporation Ycsterday announced it had made ar- rangements with the Dun- ]OP Tire and Rubber Co., 10 film 'and televise the lVhitby Dunlop - Russian hockey game at Oslo, Nor- ivay. ln a teiegram to Cham- ber of Commerce Se cre- tary - Manager, Ken Mor- ris, the CBC said. the game wiil be filmed and sho.wn bo TV viewers immediate- is upon its arrivali n Can- ada. Lindsay Ties Juvenile Series Lindsay Raiders downed Bow- manvihie Legionnaireq 4-2 at Lindsay Thursday evening', to ie their best-of-three Lake- shore Juvenile playoffs at onîe gaine aPiece. Raiders xent int an early two goal lead on' first period %0 y Oi l 1 VY iluii acçiik'--lusT£,.irn4 Lea2ue Scorin' Rr'A Pob,,,+(1',13assist.1 e t e r McÇuouth Grozelle made it 3-0 in the mnid- G A Pts1 John Ford (H) ----- 1i0O11 for thne Beaýrs' lone goal late in S Ile stanza before Ron Pollard Don Masters (0)- 17 12 29 Launie Garbe (O) - the first period. PEEBROG eading Scorer broke the scoreless streak for Bihl Lyle (M)- 16 10 26 Ron Poîhard (H) ___ i 1I In the second Atom gaine of PETERBOROUGH Legionnaires. Lloyd Hamilton (M)- 7 16 231BhOson ( )-1 the afternoon the fiornets de- For RIA Paul Raby fired the insur- feated the Indians 3-O. The lr ForTE \CombL.ines ance mnarker for Lindsay earîy of Steven Burns, Garfield CETEin the third period and Eric Webb and Danny Wilkins each Raye "Gusty" West, versatile Carleton added the final Bow- (I scored a goal and an assîst ta presents forward for the Bowmanville- manville goal. Lindsay had 'X acJ(veis 1. ols for the Hornets' three Orono Combines was their top eight penalties, while Legion *i e r a io ýe ie s 1gas scorer Ibis season. He was one naires Were issued six. Mldget League point behind Port Hope's Ed By Douglas Rg Last Saturday afternoon saw WO YRowe, who headed the league .; - the completion of the Lions H ER M A Nomiesh marksrnen tallied a j,%m.i Junior Stamp Club ner of the Port Hope and Ca- dle. The t e gu il lay shad iEMN oa of h66 goals during theirTh Bowmanvjlhe Junior bourg gaine, round robin playoff senies (that 2 a h in l shedl. loing S amp Club wilI hold its next Members of the Atom Al is pay g e ch ta on ) "Th Jaz Kng th fialstadins:reguhar meeting this coming Stars are as follows: Don Gil- starting on March 8. The two Gp Pts. D r. Saturday, Feb. 22 in the Green hoohy (coach), Doug. Glynn top teams at the end of this and Ris New Raye West -______ 23 53 J e Room at the Lions Community (manager), Bob James. Morris round robin senies will advance Junir Wst ----- - 20 471Centre starting at 10:00 ain. Hone.Vinan, Ron Hooper, Brad- ta Minor Hockey Night on JunorWet - 2 ~Anv chd 9 to 15 ears od ev Lucas, Charlie Evans, Don March 29. T HI RD H ERD Chiuck Armstrong 17 4-1 J O iv)f interes'ed in colecting stainps MrMurter, Wray Rende)), Pe- In the first Midget gaine of Sy rod-- ------1 9i ecm aattend teetrBclr er atn e h feno h Dodgers de- Sryd Robinson)-meetings. Danny Wilkins, Steven Burns, into a second Place tie -in the in b g 2 ho r ho wG e ry Rob ns n 1 - H ockey M others' A uxiliary Keith West -- - ----h----ulr m7thlymeet Jeff Gilhooly, Terry Devitt, final league standings. Bryan Lloyd Hamilton - 2 1he Ilr othyMot- David Pulc. Richard Baihey and Hughes (2), Bihl Crossey, Glen 8.0p.i MceyWlkr __ 1 19 ern' aui eiorHocey ldatRandv Dewell. Blackburn, Robert Burgess. and Fred Cow)e ------- 16 > teCr s' iliay , i benl tr Memnbers of the Poe Wee AIl Don Mihîson accounted for the Dean West ----- 6 14 on Communixy Cen15 tre:0 Stars are as folhows: Ed. Run- Dodgers' six goals. Robert Bur- TUES.,, FEB. 25 *Wahly Samanski__ 9 14on ueay Fb.5at20 dle (coach), Morley Oke (mari- gess. Bryan Hughes, Ghenn Gal ery -ope ---an. ipi.t is hoped a few more mat,- age,, Howard Burgess' Dougý Blackburn, Bl rse n Bil Chrr.- N 1 I ers wil turn out for this meet- Huri, Bill Embrugh, Allal, Gerald Balson al collected as- Tickets now on sale Frank Hooper 1l 10 ing. Anv mothet- who bas a boyv Houper. Ricky Gay, Doug. Ni- sists on the Dodgers' goals. Maxie Yourth ------- 17 91 By Donna Akey plaving. Minor Hockey in Boxv.. (hais. Larr.v Rogers, Graydon Alhin Cole (2) and RichardMc $ 1 . 0 $ 1 7 5 - $ . O B l l e r i c k - - - ~w h o a t e n d d h e d a n e m a v i h e s '1c o r e a a t e d . C o l v i l l e . B o b S l e e p , B r i a n « F o r - L e a n w e r e t h e g o a l s c o r e r s f o r Don Mercer - 19 51Ailill sjecmet ttn.scv, Bill Budai, David Kerr, the Orphans. A total of four Ted eGry 12 ,on leb o7 atnced the dune o Dancing Classes Pat Vinishi. Gene Balson, Brian penalties were handed out in Plioe R S-561_____12__2__o___ teb. dwnceB a t h igofp. 'here are still saine openings Bradley and Scott Rude)). the gaine with each team pick- for particulars proved s0 popular that we plan in the Wednesdav afternon i Members af the Bantain Al ing up two of thein. Every product of genîus must ta have them back in the near and Saturday morning Child- Stars are as follows: Geo. Piper In the second Midget gaine be the production of enthus- futur'e. rens Dancing Classes for an.\'- (coac'h), Ted Bagne)) (manag- of the afternoon the Comets ~iasin. - Disraeli. ____ On Fcb. 28 there wilh be an- one w-ho lias not registered vol'. <or), Dav'id Higgon, Ken Veiten, handed the Raiders théir first - ~ ----IThe-e are classes in ballet,*tïýp Ray Crombie, Terrv Black, Alem defeat of the season by a .1-i xvii eTdaTo n dance h and baton tw'irhing. Wîýlser-an. Scott Essery, David score. Wayne Mavin (Johýn Bo rn n ilewill bceginat:ad tie The amis- If further inforination is re- Werry. Ric'kv Peterson, Leigh Mason), Bob Wallis (Wayne siuxeis a u:3uandAtheIb is ne quired phease cal) thé recrea- Somîners<'ales, Don Kerr, Bruce Mavin, Ken Park) and Fred aom nvles eteton. s s enal tthre dvincebetion Office at MA 3-5761. 0i enBlaine Picekard, Gord- - L b A so iatonas ~ntrta if you teewullike Minor Rockey Rundle. David O'Rourke, John Lâ ra ss citonjta be hypnobized be sure ta at- There xvi)) be no gaines pla -ý Twist, John Bruce. tend, ed in the Bowinanville Recrea- jAil tlhree of Bo%'.mnanville's MID - lio Dpatmnts inr or Little N.H.L. teains will be Mý m M EETIN Ga have been cancele YoungCanada Night ta Teach me Thy way 0 Lod,(- due ta the Sliating C)ub's An-' in Port Hope on Tuesday, Feb.' BALMORIAL HOTEL Psahms 27, il. nual Carnix'ah and on Saturda.v,i 25. au inrHce March 1 the Little N.H.L. East-, own Leau io o-e piI know not where my Lord maY ecm Ontario ('hampionship Io the first Bantam gaine of 'rueser bar.2en plain, orM. i asadTouî'nanentxif be phayed in theinorning the Lions defeaIed ELECTIbNr0FnOFFaCERSoriead; - j Cobourg. the Pirates 5-0 ta move into a Through vaOFey or on mountain The PoenWee. Bantain and first Place lie in the phayoff Thog ale ro outi Midg-'î Towxn League teani.% standings. Don Bagneli '(2), EVERYONE WELCOME crest, xi)l swing ha(* imb action on David Werry, John Bruce and But whE,:e 1He leads, I know, Saturdav', 1Iai-'i 8. Robert Blackburn were the - ____________ - - --- - ________ ______________________- ______is best. _____ .Th'_ Atoin Leacue teams will1 goal getters for the Lions. Da- cari'- on vÀth their Monida x id Werx ., 2) catt Esser\, afternoon gaines as usual. Atoni; ob Oegema, Robert Black- Le~ague gaine-, scheduled for hbur, John Bruce and Robert jthis coming Mtonda, Feb. 24ý Ilagel-man callected assists on are as follo\ws,: the Lions' five goals. Two Pen- 4:30 p.m.-Bears vs. Bisons alties were handed ouI in the A nnouncem en 0 :10pin, Jodians vs. Barons. gaine on~e to eOacBteamr.gae LiteN.H.L. I h eodBna an Saturav, eb ~ t feIll te morning the Huskies dc- Boiwm aranx'e e W 2ees ilfeated the Braves 4-2 ta mo'.e ails of February 22, 19.58 plav i theEast Central On-! Lons. og ae 2,Jh taro ee eeHockey Tourna- ý ws n OwenSct accounit- egnee in Lndsy. hisYea"s:ed for the Huskies' goals. Lax'- 1155 p. . rnmeit was a two-day af-1r Piper and Owen Soto h teais layng astHuskies each collected two as - Saturday and the previaus 'vin- s ists. Alan Cole and Larryy t n tl ners af the tournam-ent playing ' Welsh (John Terbune'l wer offwit laI wek innrs ui goal scorers for the Braves. *Saturday. Bowinanvi)he will RosTre tipn)o h K IN G T A X I ipla their first garne at10 r(ung meo(rip- her 95-7 Wees. Ceonypeatisafhe ane.le .194-53 ...... be ownedi ahndornaenopeeratedealtesornei-ne. Eachtean i th tornaent In the third and final Ban-1 w ill b w e a d o e a e wili play' vaI heast two gaines tain gaine o tai in the Chrsir and 15-7 -due ta the fact a consolation Cubs scored in the hast second ~ iyi sesries bas noxv been started forl fpavt i h ies66.DIoo 984 .... bbc first lime Ibis vear. Ja Bh weltale(the Ties66.Dtol .93-8 byAhi phayers on the Pee Wee Joe 4îhwhl by tani re skedta e attheHughes (2) and Gord Rundie Ddg no ar skdthan 800a te scored for the Cubs. Jame3 ,84S... Arna n r hn :00 A lunchi Rickard (),Terr: -Black (2), do.....19348 .....c.... 4 on SaturdaY onng unh1Toin Stacev and Vern Rowe 14-7 y..l is being provided for the box-s xvere the goal scorers for the Ford......1949-54 ....3 C A Bth 5 0 0sy *Jnr Hcky Tes. Ry rombie and Jini155 -.. iN.Hip EatournOaio ba bee Were issued during the gaine Moto-Master MuMiera - Euk pioshp Turamx ia be e 1one ta each teain. Keilh and Ray Lathangue wish Io thank their many i le Cobourg Arena on Sat- îhPee Wee League cdstomeri for patronage over the past 10 years, and I rv bas been received froîn the inoroing the Hawks eat hopethe wiI cntiue iththenew ownr~.Trenton. ed the R. Wings 3-ü to mnove hopetheywiliconinuewilhthenew wner. Te Bomanvlleentr in ntosole possession o hr the Junior A (Atoin) senies place in the play-off standings. xii) play Port Hope in the op-i Bill Budai, Pat Vinish (David ening gaine of the Taurnarment. Kerr, Bih) Budai) and Murray Keil LafiagueThe American League tearn Brown (Don Riekard, Bih) Cab- Kei h Lahagu (Pee Wee) vil plaoff against ban) aceounted for the Hawks' Por, Hpe or he igh Ioor,-:goals. No penalties -were called Ray Laihangrue i h -ne r.r i <: '.'Ti:ent"cn iand i?- li.f p sc0!rrl Pe, c.' Ve.amp bnurgg mnThe N.i- I. Raii- ni h.' -i'nig r efscr tam> tearn wÀll meet the win- ed tx'mce ini each Period ta de- Mats Meet Fan Beits Goodyear Hockey Fin F irst place Mats downed Don Childs (M) ---- Hose 7-3, and Fan Beits re- Bb Mrerrison (FB) gistered a 6-0 shutout over 0f- Ted Fairey (H) fice in Goodyear Mercantilei West (H) Hogkey at Memnorial Arena Don Bishop (H) ---- Sun ay afternoon. Clint Ferguson (FB) The twin bill represented Frank Mohun (M)>__ the final games of the league George Sellers (FB) 1 schedule. Playoffs begin. this Bob Sheridan (0) _ Sundav with the first place Johnny Mason (FB) Mats and second place Fan Gord Sellers (M)- Belts battling for the God ery Masters (M)- x-ear Trophy. The playoffs are3eBihle M)- expected to be a best-of-thrýe1Jiggs Cowling, (FB)- series, however they may bel Don Prout (0) extended to a best-of-fjlve. Lloyd Stainton (FB) Bill Lyle and Irv Brooks Bud Perfect (0) -.---- starred xvth a hat trick apiece Bob Fairey (0) as they paced Mats to the vic- Mort Richards (FB)- tory. Bill Cole counted their Irv Brooks (M) other marker. Don Bishop was. Bill Nicholson (FB) - best for Hose with a pair and Danny Girardi (FB) Ted Fairey added their other. Jerry Marjerrison (M) George Sellers fired thrre Gary Cooper (H)>. goals as he led Fan Belts to Jim Murphy (H) their lop-sided win. Danny Gi- Joe Whyte (0)- rardi counted twice and Clint Fred Cowle (H) Ferguson had one goal and three Jack Large (M).---- assists. Vince Vanstone turned Ron Burgess (H)- in the perfect net minding per- Larry Yearwood (H) formance. Reg Wiilatts (0) --- - Final League Standings are: Bruce Cole (H) - W L T Pts Bill Ellis (FB) Mats ----- 10 4 2 22 Archie Crossey (0) - - Fan Belts 9 5 2 20 Jim Clarke (0) --- Office-------------- -5 10 1 Il Barney Woodward (0) Hoje .--------- 5 10 1 Il Bob Osborne (M)-- Don Masters won the scorin 'r Jim Mitchell (O) - trophy donated last season b.y Ken. Gimblett (FB) the Good ear Becreation Club. George Heath (M)-- He had 29 points. 1 I Bob Johnson (O) ---- _________________________ * ~~ * * . ~ ., agu Sc-.---Rac - - ---u.l.. - .R--"'n - uu. A- - hJ n( ay e HarionVcc un in ls feat the Canadians 4-3 to move into a first place tie. Dennis Gay (2) and Doug Lane (2) ac- counted for the Leafs' goals. Larry Hately, Dennis Gay, Bni- an Down (2) and David Wo1l- ner aIl collected assists on the Leafs' goals. David Stainton (Ted Brown), Paul Mutton (David Williams) and Tedi Brown were the Canadians' goal scorers. In the third and final Pee Wee game of the morning the Bruins defeated the Rangers 3-1 to move into a first place tie with the Leafs. Rae Pickcll (2) and Bob Sleep accounted for the Bruins' three goals. Alan Osborne (Bryce Adamsi scored the lone Rangler goal mid way through the final per- iod. The Bruins collected three Of the four Penalties handed out in the game. Atom League In the Atorn League garne played last Saturday morning the Barons defeatcd the Bisons 4-h. Larry Perris (2), George Moore and Ron Good (Larry Perris) accounted for the Bar- ons' goals. Don McMurter (Mi- chael Leddy) scored the Bi- sons' lone goal. The Bisons col- lected the only two penalties of the garne. In the f irst Atomn League gaine played on Monday after- noon the Rams defeated the Bears 3-1 to move into- a first place tie in the playoff stand - ings. John Hughes accounted, for all three of the Rams' goals! with Jeff Gilhooly and John' Ballantine each picking up an Vanstone (Alvin Masterson) scored for the Lions. Gary Mc- Culough (John Clark) scored the lone Raiders' goal mid-way through the final period. Vince MOllOY (tripping) and Irving Gili (cross cheking and 10 minute misconduct) of the Raiders collected the only pen- alties of the game. The Midget League plivoff scheduled will be pubished in this column next week. Midget League Final Standings W L T Pts R aiders _ _ __ _7 1 1 15 Cornets 3 4 2 8 Dodgers 3 4 2 8 Orphans 1 5 3 5 Bantani League Pa> off Standings W L T Pts Huskies ____ 2 i O 4 Lions ___ 2 1 0 4 Braves 1i 1i 1i .1 Pirates 1 i1 i1 Tigers 1 1Ii Cubs Pe ee_-Lao 2 1 1 P e s W e L e g u e Piayoff Standings W L T Pts Leafs 2 0 1 5 Bruins -- 0 1 i5 Rangers 1 2 t) 2 R. Wings _ - ------ i 2 o L, - ---- ------------O 3- Atom League Pia %yoff Standings W L Hornets ---) 0 Rams -- - - ------ 2 Barons ---- --- 1 1 Bears --- --O--- ------ I Indians ---------0 1 Atoin League gaines sched- I uiled for next Monday, Feb. 24: 4:30 p.m-Bears vs.. Bsns T Pts 0 4 0 4 0 2 0Il IT'S GOOD BUSINESS TO WEAR AN $85 SUIT Local 189 Donate $50 Little N.H.L. Bowmanvile Little N.H.L. Committee has received a don- ation of $50 from Local 189 of the United Rubber Workers te buy hockey pant braces for the three Bowmanville Ail Star teams entered in the Little N. H.L. Tournament. The hockey pants were don- ated by the Hockey Mothers' Auxiliary. Any money left over from the donation will be used to defray expenses of the Atanm, Pee Wee and Bantam Ail Stars in the Zone Playoffs at Cobourg Marchs 1.s Robson Jrs Newma rket Newmarket Sinoke Rings exploded wvith f ive third per- iod goals to defeat Robson Pan- tiacs 9-5, in Junior "C" hockey action at Newmarket Thursday of hast week. Bob Fairey paced Bowrnan- ville wvith a pair, and Gary Wakely, Hank Lane and Ted Fairey added singles. Pontiacs. wvho had only seven men along for thie fray held their own cail one price r.., CM"Zce mESEC« Ed TuIImd-.-ib.wm Todoy, Tnp Tops 'Values ore greater thon ever-thanks ta our 48 years of toilor- ing experience and huge buying power in world woolien markets. servation -Tip Top %Clothes"-olI at one low price-are Canadas greatest clothing bar- gain every day of t4i /week, every week of the yeor. Perfect Fit and salis- faction uncondition- aIIy guoranteed or your money refunded. Hond-cut ond toî!ored- to-measure only $65. Ken's Men's Wear - ~. .-~. OVINTER SALE 1- or We'iI Instai For You 00-#t C.T.C YourseffI Isoali Sale Pries Saisle Plymouth.1942-48 ...... 6.78 9.63 1949-57, 6-cyl... 6.46 9.31 Pontiac-20 and 22 series 1955-57, 6-cyl... 6.50 9.35 *195... ... 5.91 8.76 *1951-53 ..... 5.65 8.50 *Suprome Quality Only huit Pipes and Tait Pipes - For Every Car and Truek r7COflhDIOflTIRE' 0"- O.T.C. !ffd IntaII.d ils PieSams Prie. 5.08 8.93 6.78 9.63 6.46 9.31 6.78 9.63 6.46 9.31 5.36 8.21 85 RING ST. W. NEIL McLEAN, Propo BOWNANVILL THE CANA1DIANSTATSMAN. BOWMAfVl VLE ONTAItib - PAGE II MA 3.3134 1 'Lose 1