Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1957, p. 13

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I VWDAY. DUC. !ht~. 1*5T <'HZ CAI4ADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV!LLE. ONTAIXO Solina W. I. Plan to Entertain Husbands at 'M~eir January Meeting SeUnhl-The Ch.ristmas meet- Ing of the -Women's Institute was h.ld on Thursday afternoon, 'e~ 2 President Mrs. E. R. T conducted the opening. and business discus- A-rpr of the 4-H Club pro- Ject eith Il members was pre- aented by the leader Mrs. B. lHooeY. Jan. 14 and 16 are the dates. of the short course on the thfrd meal. Ladies wishing to attend are requested to contact th'tir group leader. Jan. 4 is tl* evening the ladies wili en- tertain their husbands. The is- sîstant grcup leaders will be In charge of this evening's pro- vmam. The letter from the sister W.!. la England was read by Mrs. B. Rlooey, sec'y. Members answer- ed the roll caîl with "the longest distance I will be sending Christ- mas greetings". Gifts were also presented for those in the County Home at Cobourg. Mrs. Roy Langmaid, leader of the East group, took the chair for the splendid Christmas pro- gram which followed. Comments were given by Mrs. E. Vance on the motto "I wiil honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it through the year". Mrs. Frank Giibert's interest- ing and humorous talk was on "Christmas, Then and Now". Everyone jomned in the sing- ing of carols with Pearl Leach leading and Mrs. Murray Vice at the piano. Mrs. Bull of Zion explained how to maiçe candy canes, pea- LIANDER HARDWARE lettopw withth fou oMerry Christoisl Virtue's Texaco Service Bud Virtue, Prop. J- o, A -t-.--.' D P l um B.B. ngandHat ingNEWCgandTL e'atin NEWCASTLE /ÀV L 4$cf ' A no therjoy ou sho Another joyous holiday season is here e . . and another opportunity for us to wish all our good friends and patrons every happiness and success. CARVEIN NOTORS NEWCASTLE Our Garage will be closed all day Christmas and New Year's bdammmamaa&M millillah"iheqe - - - !Bills Returned !,Manvers Work Il ot Ordered Marvers Township Couricil met Dec. 10 with all members present and Reeve Earl Argue presiding. Clerk Poss Davidson read communications from the Dur- ham and Northumberland i Health unit containing monthly report; froni Peterborough Ci- vie HcLspital concerning an in- i digent patient; several sheep i claims-; department of munici- pal affairs re procedure for en- gaging a new auditor; from Magistrate Baxter of Port Hope, enclosing cheque for Manvers share of fines for October 1957. David Masters reported on his work as weed inspector. On motion of Robert Brown and Henry Jakeman, the two 'àèeounts 'sbmitted by Law Construction Ccmrany are t(i be returned unpaid oq the grounds that the work being claimed compensation for, had not been authorized by the road superintendent. On motion of Henry Jake- man and Lewis MeGill, Ralphi'l Malcolm was to receive $35 for his work in connection with the court of revision session for i 1957 and an allowance of $9 for a trip to Cobourg attending an assessors' meeting. Insurance On Shed On motion of Lewis McGill and Harvey Malcolm, it was 1. decided to place $4,000 fire and wind insurance on the newly built municipal shed. Moved by Harvey Malcolm, seconded by Henry Jakeman, that Allan Bazinet receive a refund of $1.05 in connection with warble fly spraying as the account had been paid twice; also that Andrew Heaslip re- ceive a refund of $7.29 to amçiid i. an error in the assessment no- tice. On motion of Harvey Mal- colm and Robert Brown, the fence recently erected on a strip of land purchased from Andrew Heaslip, be turned over to Mr. Heaslip, on the approval of the road superintendent. It was moved by Harvey ,Malcolm, seconded by Henry Jakeman, that the rates of re- muneration in connection -%vith Ithe recent election be: deputy- i returrijng officers $7.00 per day; 1 poll clerks $6.00 per day; mil- !q cage in connection with secur- i ing and returning the ballotil, boxes 10e per mile travelled, and hall rents to be $6.00 per place where balloting was held. 1 On motion of Robe-t Brown and Harvey Malcolm the fence 1 viewers will receive $5.00 each for their work in the vicini . ty of Fleetwood. On motion of Harvey Mal. colm and Robert Brown, I. Bernstein and W. MeCabe are to receive refunds of $4.70 and $12.00 respectively for loss of use of buildings due to*fire. On motion of Henry Jake. man and Harvey Malcolm, Reeve Earl Argue will receive $10.00 to eompensate for long distance phone calls made in 1957 in the interests of the township. On motion of Henry Jake- 1 1 man and Lewis McGill, ]ýoxing 'Day, December 26, is declared la public holiday in the Town. ship, Moved bv Robert Brown, sec- onded by Harvey Malcolm thaýt Russell Kerr receive $300 being the surn returned which wab deposited in connection with the gravel contract for l95ý,. Turn Old Furniture inio Cash 1 with STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone NIA 3-:1,303 Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of Dec. Admissions ---- - ý - ------ Births, 7 male, 2 female - 9 Discharges --------- 641 Major 'operations 7 Minor operations . -------- --- 22 Emergency treatments, ------ 21 Visiting hours 2.30 to 4.30 p.m. and 7.00 to 8.30 p.m., C. G. GOULD Warm Air Heafing a Specialfy EAVESTROUGHING Free Estimates Phone Newcastle 4331 -ni nut crunch and peanut brittle. Pleasant music was provided vocally by Pearl Leach; on the piano and #uÏtar by Mrs. Chas. Langmaid and Mrs. R. Frazer. respectively. Their selections were "Christmas in Killarney" and "There'Il Always Be a Christmas". Mrs. R. Langrnaid gave a fine reading "Enthusiasm in JulY is cooled by December". During the social hour re- freshments were served by the group in charge. ENNISKILLEN The Enniskillen correspon- dent wishes all the readers of The Statesman, all the staff and Mr. James the editor, a Very Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New Year. Mr. E. Wright, Master Laur- ence Wright, Misses Doris Wright and Linda Yeo visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spryi Rochester, N.Y., and attended the All-Star hockey game, when the Canadian and American All-Star teams played in hopes of winning the huge Rocheste Challenge Trophy donated b Messrs. Harold and Glen SPW. Master Laurence Wright Was mascot for the Canadian A11- Star team who won the e4me. Mr. Harold Spry is the prcomot- er of this series, one gaMe of whielf is to be played in Bow- manville on Jan. 28th.-,. Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin, Donna Gail and RQdney were Sunday visitors at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Irwin and Mrs. Milton Justus, Bobcaygeon Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Irwin anâ June, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trew boys, BIizýkstock, with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lead- beater and boys visited. their family in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore and Keith were Sunday visit- ors of Mi. and Mrs. A. Lead- beater. f ý -- ýNmý (A-7eà ýj0- WISE MEN Ap the Township school area. Let- ters were read from W. E. Bon- nerville, Q.C. who has been ac- quired by the Port Granby area, as their couneillor. R. Osborne and G. Morton approached the couricil for ten- tative appý-oval for a new two- room. public school in No. 9 sec- tion at lot 30, concession 3. Ap- proval was granted on the con- dition that cost of school did not pxceed $20,000 per class- room. Following the discussion of the publie school problems it was decided by couneil that they meet with the Minister of the Dept. of Edtication to clarifv and diseuss the with- holding of approval last year for the withdrawal of three school sections from. the School Area. At the saine tîme they are to discuss the problem, of the scho*ol area now operating within the township in certain areas. In the correspondence the township received the resigna- tion of Ross Dickinson as Roýdý Superintendent of the township ý of Clarke. Resignation was ac- 1 cepted and the Clerk was in- structed to advertise for a new Road Superintendent. Mr. Dic- kinson is now operating a ga- rage in Newcastle. On request 1 by Bruce Hancock his hourly wage rate was increased. H. Poster requested a raise in his salary as Township Assessor. No immediate action was taken. The township also received requests for road work projects, incIuding a request for the sanding of Hamilton's Hill and improving the drainage at, Ron Paige's. Sidney Hallowell ask- i ed for the return of agreement between himself and Council on the drainage through his property. Couneil gave their as- surance that it would be look- ed after and corrected. A letter was received froin the Pire Marshall's Office sta- ting that the township had the authority to set up the town- ship as a fire area and to set the dates that open fires could be lit. Township is to obtain a drafb by-law in order to have one passed for the township or at least a certain area of the township. Approval was granted for the paying of $7.25 per hour for the renting of the Burley Snow- plough for coming season. Town- ship also, guaranteed a mini- mum payment of $500. Carlos Tamblyn was reap- pointed às a representative of Clarke Township to the Dur- ham County District High School Board. Reeve stated that a brief had been submitted to the High School Site Commit- tee in an endeavour to have thern build the new proposed High School in the township of Clarke just north of Orono. Clarke Township Council again became faced with prob- lems from, School Sections from within the Township School Area. They were met at their regular meeting by delegations from two of the sections, Port Granby and Antioch. The meet- ing was held Dec. 16 with the session çontinuing into the evening. John Kimball and Harward Elliott representing ratepayers of Port Granby area presented a petition requesting that the section be withdrawn from the Township School Area. The petition was signed by 52 rate- payers in favour of the with- drawal and 22 against with- drawal. Neil Moffat, Don Evans and Alec Moffat representing the Antioch section presented a petition signed by 69 ratepay- ers for the withdrawal of the Antioch section from the School Area. Four signed in favour of remaining in the area. This problem was discussed a considerable. length by the Township, representatives of the two school sections, and R. Os- borne and George Morton of CH RTRAN'S. and STAFF extend to ail our customers TEE CANADIAN STATEBUAN. BOVrà&AM=. ONTARIO 1 immnoway. VEC. ZMI 1857 L "BEHOLDj TMERE 'CAME Clarke Schools Request With'drawal From Area ,Road Supt. Resigns Vere - 71lerry . Christmas and a Y r, -(appy )Ieip Year

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