Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1957, p. 8

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PAGE MOTX THEi CANADIAN STATES.MAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTA1RTO THtURSDAY, DEC. 5th, '193T r- PROUD DAY IN 1890 The officiai opening of the additions to Bowmanville High School which took place on Nov. 28 make a few notes en the official opening in 1890 of the first high school on this Queen Street site of interest. The land was "expropriated" from Mrs. Raynes, it is record- cd, who agreed to accept $1,000 for it. The total cost of the building which had four class- rooms, cleak and reception rooms (one of which was used as a library and had a fire- Place, giving a cosy appear- arice). an assembly room up- stairs to hold 400 and the en- tire attic or third floor to be used as a gvmnasium, cost in the neighbourhood of $15,000. A large science room on the second floor was counted one of the classrooms. This seems a modest suri flow, but there was opposition to the building of a high school in 1890. The high school board mnade a requisition to the town counicil for $8,500 and a by-lav was dr awn up on wbich rate- -payers voted, favourably as it turned out. Union sehools were -nio longer allowed by the prov- ince and temporary quarters xvere being rented for the high school following the destruc- tion of the Union School on Wellington St. by fire in Sep- tember, 1887. The gala day came on Dec. 12, 1890 when both the new Central Public School complet- cd in 1889. and the new high school wece officially opened. The Minister of Education, Hon. G. W. Ross, xvas the guest of honour at afternoon cece- nionies in the bigh school, but as his train did flot arrive in b7 MaLmI CAIRUTHERS LUNNEY time for morning ceremonies gifts to the new seat of learn- at the public school, Hon. Ed- ing, for many were presen2ted ward Blake, M. P., and local on this occasion. They includ- officiais took charge there. cd Sir John A. Macdonald, The building committee for Hon. Alex Mackenzie, Hon. the high school was composed George Brown, Sir Walter of Col. F. Cubitt, Messrs. Jon Scott, Shakespeare, Robert Rice and J. B. Fairbairn. t:e Burns. Rev. Egerton Ryerson, latter being Chairman of tule and .,everal more-ail of which Board. Other Board members have now disappeared or beer were W. B. Coucb. P. C. Trebîl- banislied from their places, the coçk and F. F. McArthur. Mr. fashion for this sort of thing Fairbairn presided at a ban- having gone out. The architect, quet that evening at thne A. A. Post, was one of the don- Bennett House. but Col. Cubitt ors and the list of those giving acted as chairman at the cece- statuary, pictures or other gifts monies in the school. It xvas a contains many familiar names full day, for there werc fur- -,such as W. R. Brock, Thos. ther speeches by the Min'ster Binigham, W. P. Prower, John of Education and others in the MecMurtry, Charles Tod, J. II Town Hall that evenin.g. Thc Jury. menu of that banquet was ex- It is interesting to note thal tensive, literally from souP. the Minister of Education in oyster or oxtail. to nuts-val- bis evening speech said thal nuts and almonds. Many toasts ipractical education was the cry were drunk-in cold water. of the dla y, and much more * * *time was being devoted to com- THE HONOURED GUESTS mnercial subjects. In his opin- Among those seated on or ion,~ however, the best practi- near the platform at the hkih cal ,vay to educate a child was school in the afternoon v-' to teach it to think. some distinguished gradu ates Mr. M. M. Fenwick, the prin- i n clIud ing Professor Johin cinal., gave a history of the higb Squair of the University of TFo- school in Bowmanville which ronto, Dr. John Hoskin, QC, we will flot enlarge on now, as Toronto, and W. E. Tilley, Phi. it is intended to include in the D. Others so honoured i icluduc! hi 'torical bookilet beingl prepar- W. W. Tamblyn, principal o W(, for Bowmanville's Centen- Whitby Collegiate who hiad ary r.ext vear. a histocy of pub- been principal of the Union lic and high schools in the town. School from 1883 to 1883 and It is a strange thing that no returned to B.H.S. in 1897 a- mention in ail these festivities a teacher when James Gilfil- wý's macde of the new South ian was principal. J. J. TilleY, Ward School built in 1889 at a graduate and former public the s'ime time as the Centrai school inspector in this areci. School. It \vas open to the pub- then inspector of ?\Id'li lic foi- inspection in August, Schools, could not be pie- V. 19, but perhaps it neyer hadi Busts and statuary mnust an "official" opening. have been considered the cpi-* * tome of appropriateness aý VIERSATILE ARTIST competition scores for you 1~ 'Il-j There's competition when more than 10,000 men representing mort than 300 companies match their skills ln the search for new oil fields. Resuit: more Canadian oil for Canad.ian consu.mers. o' Theres competition when CanadaBs 2nore than 30,000 service station operators vie for your business. Resuit: yprioes held down, and butter service. There's competition when the skille<c, workers in each of Canada's 42 oi1 refineries must strive night and day to improve the quality of their piroduots. Besuit: today's low-coist, better gasolines. Competition calls the turne in every phase of the oil business-in f, exploration, refining and sales. Resu.lt: benefits to yoii as the consumeér. AIPERIAL OI.L UMITED( i. -'-j Another enjoyable event which we attended last week was a concert by Ray Dudley in Pete-borough. Cbatting af- terwards at the very pleasant ceception given by the Univer- sît *v Women's Club of Peterbor- ough xvho sponsored the con- cect, Ray said that ho is enjov- ing bis teaching work at the University of Indiana in Bloom- ingctuîitreînendously. Thougb combining teaching with concert engagements h-n Canada and the U.S. keeps hlmi x'ocy busy, ho finds bis associa- lien witb others of the music fcty at the university and with the pupils very stimulat- ia.This school of music at the University of Indiana is con- sidlered one of the best connec- ted xith universities in the States. Ra -v xas unable ta find an apartment and so rente \vholr' bouse. Who doeth dustiîig and cooks the meals? Ray. Dusting and cleaning are doue about once a week, un-, lr'ss company is coming. Hz likes to eutertain and often bas friends in for dinner, which ho cooks himseif. He received some early train- ing lu preparing and serving food when ho worked on the Great Lakes boats Whihe study- îng music in Toronto, and bas alxvays enjoyed preparing thiugs ut home. We welce- member a lovely tea tcay Ray brought in on~e evening when Xve %ve- e visiting at bis parents' home a few years ago. Add this accomplishment to bis talent in oul painting which be pursues for relaxation, and bis talent as a pianîst, bis chosen profes- sion. and you bave a very ver- satile and interesting person. Also. he is as modest and eager- lY interested ln people and things as when ho won bis first prize. This outlook is genuine, a~nd a great asset in bis career which bolds stihi greater things %Ve ar'e sure. ZION Intend ed for ]ast week) Mr. and Mrs. George Hilts, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott, Douglas and Linda, Ke- di-on, visited at Mrs. Alex Mc- Mastcr's. Mr. and Mrs. John Gerry and Phillip. Toronto, visited at Mrs. F. B. Glaspell's. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Peterborough, bas beep visit- ing at Tom Sobil's. Mrs. N. Potter, Mrs. A. Du- chan, Toronto, Mrs. F. Richard-' son, Massachusetts, U.S.A., vis- ited at Henry Dart's. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach visitecl at John Kivell's, Solina 1\11. and Mrs. John Monahan and family visîted at Robert Everson's, Port _Credit. .Mr. and Mrs. Nelson- Fice cisited bis mother, Mrs. Wil- liani Fice, Oshawa. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Be.rt Beckell on the ar- rivai of their second son. Mc. and Mrs. Henry Dart visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Dart, Woodville. Miss Rubv Morris, Peterbor- ough, visited at John Mona- han's. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young- man and sons, Tyrone. visited at Norman Leach's. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sobil, Mr. and Mcs. A. T. Stainton. visited at Allan Werry's, Enniskillen. Mc. aind Mrs. Douglas Skin- ner and famil.v, Oshawa, visit- ed at Jim Stainton's. .Mr. and Mrs. Percv Flintof! and fainily, Maple Grove, vis- ited at W%ýes Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stain- ton visited at Albert Balson's, Solina. Allin Glaspeli and Eddie Thomipson attended the Royal W~inter l'air at Toronto. The \V.A, ladies quilted two quilts at the home of Mrs. Hans Geissberger, Jr. The men are brisý, working ut the church on the new kit. choun and basement. IMc. and Mcs. R. C. Stainton and Laucie vî.sted at Harry Poloz, ()shawa. Mr. and Mcrs Fred Ward and P. c don. vi-ited at Goodmayes Club, Eng. SALEM Visited By Rotary Club (Int. Eet ffcr Salem W.A. held their Nov- Bowmanville Rotary Club satt Historically speaking Good- ember meeting at the home of in on a regular meeting of the irayes dates back to the loth Mrs. S. Buttery. President Mrs. Goodmayes Rotary Club of Essex Century at whicn lime a mon- E. Twist opened the meeting England Friday by mneans' of a astery and abbey were estab- and cohducted the business. It 'tape recording made cachier by. lislied. Goodmayes was the namne was decided to send $25 to tbe the English club. of the abbess (head of the nun- W.M.S. Mcs. F. Blackburn and This interesting program xvas nery) at that time. ber group. were in charge of arranged by Charles Carter Sr .,~ The Goodmayes Club is part the meeting. Mrs. L. Welsh gave cb airman of the International )f the Greater London area which Bible reading and devotional. rContact committee and Donald lias a membership of 4,300 Ro- Readings were given by Mrs. Smith who holds a similiar pos-1 tarians. There are a total of 46 M. Marchant and Mrs. E. Darch. ition in the Goodma.yos Rotar.,. members in the Goodmayes club A missionary story wvas given Special greetings w'eýrc sent to and these men represent a good by Mrs. G. Shackleton. Rev. F. ,i the Bowmanville Rotacians by cross-section of the trades and Jackson took charge for the LIiGomyspresd(ent Tomi Johil- Professions. clection of officers. Lunch was qston. Greetings o as sent; Club prsdn et lmnserv'edd a social time enjoy- fron amemer f he eIront 1thanlked Charles Carter for ied Australia club., vho xvns in Good- I contribution to the meeting and Election of officers resulted mayes at the tà*e and asl:"d Ihat rl.so AI Witherspoon for hand_ as follows: President, Mrs. E. sgreetings be M'ont on to the Ii- lng the tape recorder. Tws, ie-racktMs.G Sterborough club xvho have A ten-year perfect attendance Shcleton; secretary. Mrs. il.. contact with teBelmont Rotar- cm iwas presentea Lto Ab Darcn D Re volds r asu retr, Mrs. L îans. bv George Hacking, chairman ofD.Ryodtesr, s L Goodmayes accorcling to th,ý'che Atte'ndance committee. Welsh; pianist, Mrs. K. Shack- moderator is on the ýcastc,"o Bicthday celebrant at the meet- eton; assist pianist, Mrs. S. tontskirts of London. It is son-' in g vas Ken Morris. Hockey Buttery; flowcr committee, Mrs. '8 miles square and is we]ll' draw was wvon by Lou Dippeil L. Richards, Mrs. W. Werry: tup with sbops, fautoric.. chc- and AI Witherspoon. Visitors auditors, Mrs. M. Marchant, homes, sports facilitics and cul- -I \cce Eric Joncs and Stan Lov- Mrs. R. Craig; grÔup leaders, tura ineress. Ilof te Ohawaclu. jMrs. W. Craig. Mrs. S. Butterv, tura intress. cl o theOshwa cub.Mcs. F. Blackburn, Mrs. G7. Shackleton. Next meeting wil] ~O . be held Dec. 17. GovenmeLit Ideciion H ome and School Govenmegý,ý,ý ldecsion TheNovember meeting of the Salem Home and Schoal bo% 0 Club was i-id hast Wednesdal,. U nelE E p -Zn C n U (2 Nov. 131h. The pWesident, Mr. R. 1 ' Craig, op.-ned the meetingý and conducted the business. It was c dlecidcd to criquire about pro- ILiberc#I PI ' 1 Declares. 1 curing feU b omake attendauce Unemploymnent i.s ci -me th i:"c rt Kent, Bowmauville. have s ouwre socae Mrs indecision of the Di-rbsle t wus moved bv Harry Mec-r yn.pstpidn f1lo governiment, WV. J. lsne.Snc"_- Orono, secondced bv Gien- St. HomeadShonlb M.P., chaîrged when scai al ut iolne Hughes, Bowrnanvilie, Ohawa. Mrs. Goyne, xvho was well atterided miceL i nQ-tmu -lcin ognzaim a delegato to the regional con- ono on Mou. eveninusï Nov. 25th. ho startcd ut once. This waýs fe:-cnein N o r t h m i n s t c r Ho predicted that unerol r ca-ried unanimously. Methoci hrh uOh1a aeu ment ibis xinter m:h u 'c disc-iissed, andi 1pro a inv fine ideas on Home and 700,000, the hi;' b i%"mcdoti the plans outlincd bv - Sehool wock. Next meeting will people Out Of wom k wuce Il e la lC.Ilionev. Port H1-bac'l be Dec.11. Conservatives . weri*e n..i The meeting of theC'iu, Miss *Bea Craig cvas a week- power. Mr. Hendcceson )ii i ri- Ontario Liberal Association end visitor with Mr. andW Mrs. Êd lhat secondar' Yocobc-wii oheld'ut the Quint2 11<)- Benjai, Listowcl. besitate to empioy fleuri, \Vd lel in Belleville on Deceibur' Mrft. and Mcs. E. Twist and the future polic'e of 1h -,C-mn- 7 ut 2.30) .mi famýilv vmý,sited Miss Nellie Ride- servative governniem. L aun a-1 Johni M. Jamnes expressedi the halgh lu i Oshawa Hospital and known quanitit'.'. svriîpathy of the orgiinizatiou were supper guests with Mc.ý Mc. Hendiersan. M.P. forc1ta thse presidieut, Bob Kent. on~ and M's. Fred Twist, Wbitby, Kingston, xvas the sue-m ker a t! the dent h of biis father, Cal-1 lat Sundav evenin«. the annual meeting ufthe1wDUr- i 1-cnt, w-ho had been the Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Thor.p fham County Libi cal Associa- 1 iinvm'ile Postmaster l'or niany son returned home 'fcom Flor- tion in the 100F Hailllu Orono. veca--s prior 10 bis retiremient. ida last xveek. jThe president, Robo,-t Kemîit, Mr. James Introduced the Don't forget the pot-luck presided. Every part of t;ýe. speaker, WV. J. Henderson, M.P. supper ut the church on Satur- county was reprosented uat the who arrived from Ottavwa 1on1day~ evening. enthusiastic mceling. Diilenrday a fternoon and returu ____________ Officers electcd for thc coin- cci 10 the capital after thse ing year bv acclamiaticua"e meeting. president, Robcrt Lient, PJ" Tisie Conservatives are bu. - ENFIELD manvîlle: lst vc-~~ i power with you- inoneyN Elmore Scott. Hope b'o'.n>1,h , Mc. 1-Icderson stated. Ho al- (Irîtended for last week) 2nd vice-president, Mis.( m' e ,e that the Diefenbaker gov- Mc. and Mrs. Robson Bow- Young, Bowmanvil]e: 1' J \ Iericnît wants to avoid brin,- mari, Barrie, \vere visitors at president, Lloyd Fall1 I ing clown a budg-et befoce an W. Bowman's. vers Township: 4th vic o'e elctioni is called. He predicteci b/Jr. Edwin Ormiston, Eben- dient, Mrs. George H-al 'r1-ct o't the cloction xill b ho hld on ezer, \'isitedi with Mr. and Mrs. Hope; secret ary -treu s î r, îtos i\pril 14, herause if the ee- W. Grav. sell C. Hone « , Port Hope. The lien is held b 'v Iat date thse Our WV.A. held their meeting honoracy presidents areXV Couservatives could get aivay at the home of Mrs. Wilfridi Riekard, Newcastle'. J. DLï%-d '..illîmiot presenting a budgct Bowmnan Thursday night with Ford, Welcome, andi Gc'uc'e A. which '.vould show the troc a large attendance. Mrs. George IWalton, Newcistleý. ci riiion of Canada's ecouomiv. Bowers and Mrs. Godfrey BoýW- Delegates a r C a -mna Ie contrasted Liberal and mari rend the devotional and chosen to attend the IbclConse-_'vative aimis. Thse Liberi- Scriîpture selections. Mrs. Clif- Leadership Convention to b--ais mce- expression froni th- ford N'aylor of Columbus, gave beld in OttaWa in Jom:"-,ýiiý' of peuple remzacdiiug self atlko oosadtldf were as follows: DMr. and i ýLuverinent, education, inclus - a1wlectn gookor ad reading JohnM. ame, Buniax', ; ire. n l a ramifications of lias )n blidren. She encourag- Mr. and Mrs. J. lIav.ici I'e,rci, so cial services. Thse Conserva- cd înother.s to try and rea.d more Welcome, Ted Wcodyard, .0- tives are interested lu conserv- ni b supervise their children's ono; W. F. Ri karci. Neo:istl,.l :m in-, vested rigbts, contraliza- reading. Silo distribut'd pro- Elmore ScottCapblfu1d lion of goverriment within a grams presented by the Ki,,wpan- Mr. and Mrs. l-larcv X W",_. M 1 certain class, and putting brakes is clubs lu their "Crusade 'for tonville. and Mr~. ad ic rs. l{oh- im social progeress, hoe said. botter reading". with a pledge câmY, Chevrolet m Oldsmobile Cars COURTICE to be signed and sent in. Don't forget mothers. Laura and Bruce Bowinan entertained with piano solos. The meeting was followed by lunch. Marion Presc ott is spending a few days at Hamnpton with ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith. Mrs. 'R. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Smith and familv, Colum-, bus, visited at F. Samis'. Mr. and *M~rs. Allan Taylor, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs Hoskln Smith, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harris. Linda and Marlene, Almonds, were vîsit- ors at the E. and D. Prescott home. Mr. and Mrs. F. Aberflethy, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Abernethy and Ellen, Manilla, were with Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis and Miss Elsie. Mr. and Mrs. Will White and Lawrence, Whitby, were Sun- day visitors at E. Lee's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mc- Laughlin, Bowmanville, were at F. Griffin's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Prescott vis- Tuesday. ~----.-_________ j ited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Gib- son, Taunton. Mr. and Mrs. Les Cochrane, Ralph and Ken, were et S. Cowling's, Oshawa. Mvr. and Mrs. W. BowrMEUl and family had Sundaýy lek with Mr. and Mrs. MiltonTan blyn. Orono. Mr. A. MacRae, Sha.ron and Ken were with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gray. We are sorrv to report that Mrs. W. J. Ormiston is in poor health and is staying at ber son's home in Bowmnanville. Our W.A. beld a succm," bazaar in the school recer7 Mrs. Elmer Lee enterta14 Norman's schoQlmates Frida-> evening, on the occasion of his birthday, also present were Ken and Ralph Cochrane. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. R. Davey of Burketon, and tnm family, in the death of Mr. R. Davey who wvas wvell knowii here. Several from this coin. munity attended the funeral, rich in the food values you Enjy lts need to keep fit and on A of milk go, too! Serve it with meaIr, every day! with snacks . . . use it for cooking and baking. Glen Rae Di 98 KING ST. W. BOV ILOWEER. SLEEKER, "RF:OOKETr AGE"" STYLE THAT SPELLS EXCITING ... DISTINCTIVE ... IN EXCELL1 ENT TrASTE. NINETY-EIGHT HOLIDAY SEDAN OLD SMO0B 1L E FORt In every new feature and gheaming Unme fromn the Four-Beamn Headhamps to Twin-Blade rear fenders, OLDSmobility is ever-obedient to your comfort and safety. Oldsmobie's New-Matie Ride* (a true air suspension) takes surface travel off the beaten path and raises it to a sublime new level of smooth flight. Such exeiting new convenience features as the Trans-Portable Radio* and Dual-Range Power Heatec* provide motoring that's care-11 free and comfortabhe. And OLDSmobilityî means the safe, sure response of the new fuel-saving Rocket Eni~ne ... delivering al tbe power you cani use-greatly improved economy, too! Join the r.trend of travel. Get acquainted with OLDSmobility -.-at your dealer's now i Optional at extra Codt. SUPER 88 CONVERTIBLE 58s VALUE o-sas-c IHOLS -Chevrolet Trucks BOWMAN VILLE SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER A GENERAL MOTORS , 1

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