Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1957, p. 5

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i 1AY ~W ~. OI N A~D4NSÂ~SAI"MAI.f~L~CTAOPAUm Mrs. W. H. Brown Gives Convention Highlights â;ewtonvjlle W. I. met Wed- rdy aternoon, Nov.20,at t e h o m e f M r s . H . O r m i s t o n Bowmanvile wih anat indaceeof 22, ad two chld- ren. In the absence of Mis. Milli- gan, Mis. Ormiston conducted the business of tbe meeting, after which she called on Mrs. Cox, tbe convener, for ber pro- eroll eaUl was, "My fav- TUrte apple". Mis. W. Wood gave a reading, "Like Horses". Mrs. Cox then introduced the guest speaker, our district president, Mrs. W. H. Brow;n, wbo gave an interesting account of ber four-day visit to the Na- tional W. 1. convention beld re- cently in Ottawa. These are a few tboughts from ber talk. "Don't grumble about the dark, instead, light a candie". Tbere should be a library in every community. There were 60,000 vîsitors to the Peace Garden during tbe year. Some of our new citizens bave learn- ed in their own land, to dis- obey. We must try to changei their viewpoint. Charlotte Whitton, recenti mayor o! Ottawa, urged that1 we should bave conservation,' rather than conversation about it. Simpsons - Sears put on -a fashion show, with models wearing styles o! 60 years ago, and others in today's latest, the sack dress. A thougbt from Lester Pear- son's ta]k was that no man can live to himself in our modern world, and be felt that we should keep our women's or- ganizations strong. Other speak- ers were John Diefenbaker and David Fulton. By their weaving, the New- foundland delegates paid their expenses. New Brunswick han- dicraft supports a borne for the aged, Two hundred Saskatche- wan delegates wore lilies made by their president. The next meeting of the W. 1. will be on Dec. 11, one week early, and the roll cail, a gift for the Children's Aid. The hostess and group serv- ed a dainty lunch, while ahl en- joyed the social hour. Dr. Cannon 0f ficially Opens H.S. Additions Many in Attendance Crowds thronged to Bowman- flowers from S. J. Jackman and 'Ville High School on Thursday Son, Bowmanville florists, John night, Nov. 28, to attend officiai aknAscaeTrno opening ceremonies of the twoBPainAscteTrt, additions to the building, in spite the architect, and Bradford-Ho- of a steady downpour of ramn. shal, Port Hope, the contractor, The program which preceded were on the tables. a tour of inspection of the sch- H. Bruce Tink, Chairrnan of ool took place in the new gym- nasium situated on the south side Durham County District High of the old building. A platform School Board, Mayor Nelson E.- Iiad been erected bankedwt Osborne, Prinicipal L. W. Dip- cedars and beautiful bouquets of pell, Dr. C. F. Cannon, Chief Di4 rector of Education for Ontar-io, Dr. W. S. Turner, Secondary School Inspector, Rev. A. G. WANTEDScott, Chairman of the Mînister- Dead, Old and CrippIed ial Association, Edmund Park- FARM STOCK inl and W. Burgoyne of John B. Parkin Associates, Carl Smith Plcked Up Free of Charge Bradford-Hoshal, W. B. Reyn- 24 Hour Service olds, Sec. Treas. of the Board Phone Collect and representatives of local or- Cobourg FR 2-3721 ganîzations making presenta- Peterborough RI 2-2080 tions to the school were seated NICK PECONI on the platform. Peterborough Ont. Some idea of the great in- ________________________crease in school population in On- __ tario was given by Dr. C. F. Cannon. "Children are on the march," he said in his address. ci "In 1944 there were 600,000 in elementary and secondary sch- ~1k err'~~ ools. To-day there are 1,200,000. Since 1944 3,500 new schools and additions have been built in this province. In 1956 alone 425 new Ï E E buildings or additions were com- pleted at a cost of approximat- ely $55,000,000, making places for 74,000 pupils. Grants have in- creased in proportion, being $8,500,000 in 1944, and in this fis- cal year, $103,000,000." Dr. Cannon said that children reflect the uncertainties, tensions and hostilities of the age in whi- ch they live, the community and Actual Size îieplica Cut -O ut the home. "tis our sincere hope that fea rin g wasses this ,school may be a place where students will work and learn to by MAICO make wise deisions; learn to PIscl rhwwlIucnl friendships, to respect the rights in the all.new, slimi Maico Hear-, of others and develop a spirit of ing Glasses. Get FREE replica tolerance; wil earn not only and folder showing styles for whtsrgtbtdwats both men and womecn. No obli.- hi right,butdosaid.i gatio, ofcoure. ~The Bowmanville school is an MAICO example of the realîzation of the HEARING SERVICE aim of secondary education in 850 ong St. Tornto Ontario; larger secondary school 850 ong St. Tornto districts, opportunity for more WA 4-2317 diversified programs and organ- ized transportation for the rur- Please send me your Free ai areas. Educated men and wo- Hearing Glass cut-outs. men are at the source of our ec- Name_________ onomic secùrîty, Dr. Cannon sta- ted, and added that he thought Address the public was willing to pay _______ ________ the cost of education to ensure Canada taking bier proper place City ~ Prov. in the world. BS/MV/5/12/57 "Schools should be placed ______________________ where teachers stretch the minds of students. School is a place where we seek truth in the coin- pany of our friends," Dr. Cann- on declared. f~joY J A former teacher in Newcastle and inspector in West Durham and Oshawa, Dr. Cannon said hie had fond memories of this area. It was 35 years ago hie Dr. Cannon brought greetings from Hon. Dr. W. J. Dunlop, 0 Minister of Education. He con- gratulated Mr. Dippeli and the staff on their devotion and skill, and expressed pleasure in de- clarrng the school building off- icially open. À Dr. W. S. Turner, one of ten 1 resident inspectors for Ontario, a fairly new innovation in the system Dr. Cannon explained, introduced the speaker of the evening. Dr. Cannon wbo was born in Leeds County is a grad- uate of Queen's University and received an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws in 1953 from the Xy University. In 1945 he was app- ointed Superintendent of Elem- entary Education, in 1951 Dep- uty Minister of Education and in 1956 assumed bis present post. congregation enio 'ved a vrrv fine address hx- Rev. R. B. Green. who chose as bis sub- ject, Christian Farnilv Relation- ship. Next Sunday, Dec. 8. MoIiz- sionarv Maintenance Se'wîcec will be observed at 11 ar. Dont forget the Social Even- igt o be held at the ho-ne of Mr.andMrs. Burt Dean on- Mr. ndav Dec. 11. Corne and bring a friend and help support a worthv cause. Sorrv to report that MaI.rgar- et Argue is suffering from a sore throat. Hope she will soon feel well agaain. Mrs. Kenneth Cargill. Toron- to, was a Saturdav visitor at the home of ber mother, Mrs. Johni Carter. Miss Coulter, Toronto. is viz- iting with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Ira Argue rpturned fro.n Leaside on Satu rday whr're Slie was visiting ber daug-hter and bas gene to Blackstock for a few davs where she %vill visit ber sý'ster, Mrs. Diircev. Mr. and Mrs. Ei rl Vvalkn-r, Janetville, we-e Sunda.,v visit- ors of Mr. and Mrs. George AI- lison. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cochrane. Raglan, were Sundav visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. 'M. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Murra.v Abbott and baby. who recentlv rnoved to Bowvranville, spent Sundav with his parents3, Mr. and 1\rs. Howard Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allisor, Oshawa, visitcd with Mesi. Pearl Avery and MVr. and Mes. George Allison on Sundav. Mr. and Mes. Caiiirnac', Whitby, are visitînng t heir son Mr. and Mrs. Lawrr-ncc Caîn- mack for a fcv cl-ns. Sundlay visitors of Mes. Ri,.- mond Davey werec MI- . and iîs. Sam Grant, Oshiava. Mr. anc' Mrs. Howard Dacîve.v. Bonrn- ville, and Mr. Don Daev B- rone. MVr. and Nrs. John Prcntiý,c and children, Johnnv. Debh:).ý and Michael, Agîint-ouet, ve Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mis. R. Bone. Mrs. McFayden Us New President Cadmus W.A& The regular monthly meeting af thc Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. xvas held at the home of Mrs. John McFavden, on Thursday evening, Nov. 21 Nineteen members, five visitors were prescen, also Rev. and Mrs. Fioreril who conducted the an- nual election of officers for 19-58. President, Mrs. Milton Gray was in charge of the meeting. The roP eall was answered bv a Remembrance thought and the minutes of the last meeting were adopted as read. The Christmas meeting is to he held at the home of'Mrs. Ken Gray on the second Tues- da.v in December. The retiring president turn- cd mý2oting over to Mr. Roeril. The officers for 1958 stand a folloxvs: President, Mrs. John McFayden; vice-president, Mes Tennyson Samells, secretarY, Mrs. James Gray; assistant se- cretary, Mrs. Lloyd Passant; treasurer, Mrs. Evelyn McKay; Pianist, Mrs. Kennedy Gray; assistant pianist, Mis. James Melton-, missjonary convenors, Mrs. Milton Gray and Mrs. Kennedy Gray. Devotional comniittee, Mrs. George Jobnston and Mrs. James Melton; quilt committee, Mrs. George Jobnston, Mrs. Russell Larmer, Mis. Gordon Stînson and Mrs. Tennyson Samelis; parsonage committee, Mrs Lloyd Passant, Mrs. Geo. Johnston and Mrs. Marwood McKee; auditors, Mrs. Roy Phayre and Mrs. Norman Roh- rer. The leaders for the groups are, 1--Mrs. Norman Rohrer; 2--Mrs. Leslie Johnston; 3- Mrs. Lorne McKee; 4-Mrs. Roy Phayre. A lovely lunch was served by Group 3 and a social time spent. Lakeshore A ssociation Report New Industries Located in An officiai of the Lake On- tario Dcvelopment Association announeed today that 22 new industries have located in the Region representcd by the As- sociation since January Isi, Itt.JtJ. It is estirnated that these indâustiî-s represent more than S,'4, O00,000 i capital expen- ditutres. This arcs includes the eighit cominies of Haliburton. Victoria, Duîrham,. Northumnberland, Pc- tcrhorough, Hiastings, Prince Edward, and Lennox and Ad- il-on, and 36 urban munici- paîtîes. The Association is sponsored volun tarily by t1he, the Region municipalities in the Area and a Grant is given each year by the Provincial Government.' The industries located in the following communities:- Fenelon Falls -------------i Port Hope ------------------ -2 Bancroft ------- ---- Belleville --------------- 4 Deseronto--------------- , 1 Peterborough --. - -----2 Bowmanville--------------I Picton------------------------i Lindsay ---------------------- 3 Campbellford -------- i --- Cobourg----------------------- 3 Trenton---------------- ------ 2 Fourteen of these manufaie- Fabulous Fsh« os und c ok Ac .~~, dvantage CI ,: ll Spectacular . . s eHere i the 5 on 5 M'OSt ULDURUR ON SALE ON SALE ON SALE $39395 10 > ON SALE $47095 Ladies' " Better quality winter coats " Beautiful, luxurious wool fabrics " Exciting selection of newest styles " Every coat bandsomely tailored " Big, wonderful choice of colors " Sîzes for everybody . .. take your pick! " Soine with fur, fake-fur trims, linings STop values at amazingly low prices *Hurry . .. be early for best buys! e - Bowmanville - Whitby BRESL1N'S Bowmanville - Whitby Lt 't ,Wear j 1 TEM CANADIAS ETATESMM. BOWMA147=& CNTAPM ý "-VRSI)AT. Dw. sth, 193Y PACI rf" -

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