Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1957, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN -~ T~ CANAD!AN STATESMAII. EOWMMqV!LLE~ O~ITA~O T~TTR~DAV. NOV. lUth. IRE? SPORT NOTES By Doug Glynn Rusla'u touring hockey ambassadors, the Dynamos, might not have been as spectacular in theËr performance as Sputnik, but the visitors certainly gave us a more down to earth example cf good sportamanship, both on and OFF the ice, than have many of our own hockey clubs duning the past month. One cf these stalwart lads even went out cf his w.ay te assist a Dunnie player te his feet after the visitor had delivered the body check that set hlm there. This in itself was one of sportsmanlike moyes by the Russians that won them the approval of the fans, if net the game. Dunnies Do Well Under Olympie Rules Whitby's squad aise proved something which we feel should have received more comment. Dunnies played under Olympic rules and despite the rather unfavourable conditions that would flot allow them te body check at centre ice as they were accustom-1 ed to doing, they put on a brilliant exhibition te win. Which only gees te show that GOOD HOCKEY can be presented without unnecessarily having te clobber each other. Maybe it was the International aspect of the game or the fact that the more than 14,000 fans were seeýng something new. Whichever the case they seemed te thoroughly enjoy the style of hockey, and reaffirmed our belief that Canadians can enjoy their national sport, without having te see brawls.11 * * * * * Plan Exhibition Games Bowmanville-Orono Combines, who haven't met any stif f resistance te date in their cwn leop xiii have an opportunity te see what they might be up against if they defend their Eastern Ontario Titie this season. Coach Ticker Crombie tells us that B3.O.C.'s have scheduled aomne exhibition tilts with Napanee's Intermediate "A" squad for the net toc distant future. Napanee are loaded in the talent depart- ment and boast a host cf ex-Senior "A" beys. Stacked Team Defenceman Tommy Goodfeilow and Bob Lendry, forwards Gabby White and George McGreger are just a few of their more widely known staff. Aise on the line-up are Les Douglas, enetime playing coach with Detroit and three cf Gananoque's outstanding hockey men. Should be some thrilling games. Ticker says there Ia a chance B.O.C.'s might bost Napance Tuesday. Combines are aise negotiating with Coach Jerry Brown cf Hamilton Tiger Cubs for exhibition games. Cubs are a crack Junior '«A" organization and tbey also shouid provide some fast anoving games. Dean West In Infirmary With Dean West in the infirmary for a six week stretch we'll prebably see Junior up front for awhile again. Dean bas te be operated on for a dislocated cartilage received in a game a week back and will be out for six te eight weeks. Canadian Football's Spectacle The eyes and ears cf Canadian football fans and the once a year fans wilI be in the direction cf Toronto this Saturday as' the Canadian Football Ciassic cf the Grey Cup gets under way-. To the surprise cf many, many football fans, there will be an entirely new cast in the spectacle this year. Hamilton Tiger Cats and Winnipeg Blue Bombers *ill be the battlers and they both have carned the privilege the hard way, Winnipeg upsetting the tbree time Grey Cup Champion Edmonton Eskimos and Ti-Cats getting a long awaited chance ta dump what the westerners must have thought was our oniy football club, Montreal. Both clubs have arrived at their spots with a brilliant, rugged defence system. Ti-Cats werc fortunate in having few Injuries In their finals, while Bombers were net se fortunate in their climb te the threshold. Maybe this xiii mean the difference. ]But, whatever the resuit you can expect a good and memorable Grey Cup on Saturday. AROUND THE TOWN .... The Men's Major Bowling League ended its first schedule last Wednesday evening with Murray Tighe's first place team breaking an ail time record with a triple of 3887. They also won the high singles game with 1343. That's really bowling .. .. In the Ladies' Major League it's stilI Bernice Budai with high single, high triple and high average. Vive of the gals bowling in the league have averages of over 200 anid a host of them are well above 180. . . . The Lions Midget hockey group gets under way this Saturday afternoon with four clubs In action. Game time is 3 p.m.-- One coach is sthi needed te aid with the league and anyone wishing information can contact Rec. Director Doug Rlgg at MA 3-5761 . .. . Re those tickets on the Robson Pontiacs car draw. It was mentioned to us that several persons were of the opinion the ticket only gave themn a reserved seat and a chance on the car. What it really is, is a season pass entitlîng you to aIl home games of the Juniors free, and the chance on the car is yours for helping to support Junior hockey . .Remember those tickets on the Pontiac draw are available at Robson Motors and the Arena. Aise, for those who have tickets, if you haven't as yet exchanged them for tickets to the games,j better get a move on, you're missing some good hockey .... Thisj is National Badminton Week and we suggest anyone interested in the sport should drop by the local clubs hall and see themn in action. You are always welcome and if interested in learning, you will be given every assistance . . .. Goodyear Rod and GunI Club is stili showing some fine films on the outdoors and sport, Saturday evenings at the Goodyear Recreation Hall. They begin sharply at 8 p.m..Bowmanville Revolver Club members were guests cf the Northumberland Revolver Club Thursday last inj Cobourg. Only five of the local shooters were able to make the trip, but they report having an excellent time and have extended an invitation to their hosts to visit themn in the near future . . . . Goodyear Hockey Ail-Stars xiii be hosts to their counterpart from New Toronto in an exhibition Ail-Star game here, December 8 . . . . Best investment of the week - Christmas Seals. The finej work done by your contributions is reward enough ...Winnipeg in the G rey Cupj Bowmanville Basebail Club Issues Financial Statement Fînancial Statemeat For Year 1957 Receipts ]Bank Balance, 1956 --------- Bank Interest, 1956 __ Gate Rcceipts, 1957 __ ___- First Draw - -----___-_______ Second Draw ----- -- - -- - ------ Cobourg Bail Club Expenses re Forfeit Game Expenses Umpires --. -_ __ Advertising Travel Expenses ------ Bats, Bails and Equipment -_____ G round3 ------- --- ----- Lakeshere League Bond __ _______ Lakeshore League Meeting ---_------ Lakeshore League Home Game Tax -______ Lakeshore League Play-0ff Tax _________ O.B.A. Certificate Tax______ Telephone -__________ Flowers Cleaming Uniforms _____________ First Aid Kit-----___ _ ____ Split Gate te Port Hope Board of Educat.icn (Broken Windows)-_____ tantk Balance October 21, 1957 Profit For Year 1957 -. $ 161.08 2.46 911.20 88.75 56.00 22.00 $1,241.49 $ 241.31 125.55 130.80 284.26 83.85 10.00 6.00 22.00 21.54~ - 8.50 "4.75 7.00 23.00 5.00 45.25 30.00 $1,051.81I 7 -- ------ ------ S 189.68j H.l COWý%LE. TriLa s urer. $ 26.14j A. IL. OSBORNE, President, "la Whitby Edges Pontiacs With Last Minute Goal Whitby Hilcrest edged Rebson Pontiacs 4-3 te take their first win of the season Wednesday of last week in the Junior C hockey league opener at Mem- orial Arena. Jerry McClean scored with just 22 seconds remaining te give the County Town lads the vic- tory. Mel Brown was their big gun as he brought them from behind with two goals in five seconds, tieing the score at the midway mark of the second period. Goals by George Lawrence and Don Patton had put Robson ahead during the first frame. Mort Richards scored just 36 seconds after Whitby tied it in the second te regain the lead for Bowmanville. Harvey Wilson managed a breakaway and went in te tally the equalizer before the period ended. B. Budai Maintains Lead Ladies' Major Bowling Stili tops is Berni -ce with high single, high high average. Averages E t. Name Games, Bernice Budai 33 Hilda Brock -- -- 33 Onie Etcher ------ 33 Lydia Bates -------28 Ena Etcher ----- - 33 Lii Hooper --------- 33 Peggy Haines ----- 33 Larraine Martyn - 33 Ol011e Patfieid ----- 33 June Baker 33 Nerma Gay -____33 Vi Ceole - 27 Ev Sweetman 33 Myra Cooper 30 Jcyce Major 27 Joyce Tennent 33 Lola Wright ----- 30 Shirley Bickel--33 Saliy Bissonette 30 Mel McNuity- 24 Lii Phiilips 30 Viv. Coxvan ___ 33 Dot Crombie 33 Helen Corden 30 Emma Bromel - 33 Eleanor Larmer- 30 Helen Giihooly- 33 Louise Lyle---- 30 Lucille Moffatt --33 Audrey Bickeii 33 Mary Harrison 27 Betty Westlake 24 Kay Beauprie 24 Sadie Buckncii 33 Elleen Hclroyd 33 Alyce Hodgson 26 Elia DesJardines ---- 26 Budai triple, Ave. 230 204 202 202 200 196 193 188 188 187 187 186 184 184 184 133 183 182 181 180 178 1-7 174 174 172 171 169 169 168 168 168 168 168 167 166 166 166 Donna Preston - 30 165 Jean Luxton 33 164 Del Vinson 33 164 Essie Cox 13 164 Em Stringer 30 161 Wiima Bates --- 27 161 Ruth Barclay --------- 27 161 Games Over 200 B. Budai 263, 245; O. Etcher 244, 208; J. Tennent 244, E. Etch- er 242, 212; J. Major 241, M. Cooper 240, 217; H. Corden 238, N. Gay 237, 207; D. Palmer 235, 218; E. Larmer 235, S. Buckneii 234, 218; O. Patfield 228, 227; B. Westiake 226, 209; S. Bissonette 226, V. Codle 225, J. Baker 222, 214; E. Sweetman 216, 201; L. Phillips 216, E. DesJardines 213, 200; M. Harrison 211, L. Martyn 210, 209; D. Mutton 207, H. Sim- nick 205, D. Vinson 204, D. Crombie 202, H. Dunn 201, D. Preston 200, E. Ccx 200, P. Haines 200. High single-Bernice Budai 263, bigh tripie-Bernice Budai 680, high average - Bernice Budai 230. Standing of Teams Name Pins Pts. Budai ______ 30257 26 Bates -_____ 28729 22 Patfield 29455 17 Mutton--_ __ 29014 17 Etcher _____ 28377 17 Crombie ___ 27919 16 Beauprie 27705 16 Court.ice 28177 14 Dunn 27715 14 Brock ____ 28355 13 Bucknell 27762 13 Cole ------ 27740 13 Murray Tighe's Team Wins First Schedule ,Men 's Major League Frank Hooper won high sin gle game this week with 33i for bis best effort ta date. Peti Dobbins was night behind hi teammate with 331. Jim Levet had 328. Norm O'Rourke bac twe big games 318 and 310 Wiid Bill Oke iinally came int< his own with 312, Carl Leslii 308, Dr. Howard Rundie 304 Dick Little 301 and Ted Bag neil 300. Pete Dobbins walked of: with high triple 838, Nomn 0'Rourke 815, AI Osborne 795 Jim Levett 792, Bill Oke 778 Carl Leslie 765, Eiton Broci 756, Frank Hooper and Davi McKnight 733, Ross McKnigh' 727, Phil Cancilla 717, Dr Howard Rundle 708, Russ Hall. man 705. Murray Tighe's team brokE the ahl time record with a tri. ple cf 3887 or an average cf 25M for 15 games. Tighe's team aisc won high single game 1343. Jack Lander's team broke a]] records for iow scores winning the iow single game of 807 and low triple cf 2641. Another record was broker and this was donc by aur treasurer, Fred Cale, &~hen hic bowled a single game cf 100, Morlev Vanstane had low tri- ple 470. Aile y Chatter Weil the first schcduic is over and ail teams have thci'r cyes set on the big prize in the phaYoffs. Each tcam wiii bew1 6 games with the team baving the most pins declared tne w inne rs. Murray Tigbc's team bas been declared champions of the first schedule and now wiii bc entitied to pla ' the winner of the second schedule for tile John M. James Tropby. In a statement te the press Captan Tighc stated bis team wouid not have any trouble winnîng the second scbedulc. Pete Dobbins wvon the high averagc with 256 for 27 games and Pete is ta be congratuiated o na terrific display of bowl- ing. His nearcst appenent was AI Osborne with 243 for 33 games. Dr. Howard Rundle finishcd third xvith 233. Fred Cole's 855 went ail the wav for higb triple for the scbýedulc and Pete Dobbins bad the high single game 353. Bvron Vanstone was deciar- ed champion fer the lst sched- uic with a how triple cf 424. Following is a cemplete list oft averages for aIl the bowlers in the league. Men's Major League Final Standing lst Sehedule ream W L Pts Tighe - 25 8 25 Osbo-ne - 21 12 21 Brock 19½ 13 ½. 191/2 Bagneil -19½ 13'.à 19V Rundle ~. 17 16 17 Y'Rourke - 16 17 16 Willianis 16 17 16 B. Oke --- 15 18 16 Daho 14 19 14 Lander 14 i9 14 R. Oke __ il 22 il Bates 10__23 _10 t- Averages 5Name Games e Is Pete Dobbins - 27 t, AI Osborne __-___33 1. Dr. H. Rundie - 33 0 Bill Westlake 33 e Elton Brock ____33 Russ Hailman- 33 Ted Bagneli 33 Dick Little 30 Jack Lander 33 Norm O'Rourke 30 Jim Levett -- 30 Mel Dale ---- - 30 eGeorge Piper - 33 t Carl Leslie 27 Matt Harrison ___30 Jim Calian 30 Ed Leslie 33 Reg. Hearle --33 Jack Parker ___-33 ;Don Bishop 33 Deug Taylor - -33 Morley Vanstone- 33 Dr. K. Siemon --33 Frank Williams- 33 Bill Poiley 33 Ah Piper-.---- 33 Ross McKnight- 30 Bill Bates -- - 30 Hank Janzen -___33 Bruce Mimne 33 Bill Oke---------- 30 Frank Hooper - 33 Pat Yeo ___33 Jack Gay 33 Gord Sellers ___30 Murray Larmer --33 Harold Bennett- 33 Walt DeGeer ~___33 Norm Cowle . 33 Dave McKnîght 33 Phil Cancilla 33 Hap Palmer 30 Ed. Rundle 30 Murray Tiebe 33 Kari Bickeil 30 Bert Engley- 33 George Poules ___33 Glen Lander --30 Frank Samis 27 George Stephens- 33 Jim Murphy 33 Russ Oke - -33 Ross Wright 33 Raiph Kelly 30 Fred Cocle _____30 Russ Lane _____33 Dan Gilhooley- 33 Frank Lewins ____32 Dr. C. Austin ____33 Paul Chant ____30 Ted Phillips 18 Si Trewin ---_____33 Bob Martyn 33 Tom Cewan 30 Dick Patfield 1.___33 Frank Blunt 30 Rae Rundie 33 Bah Kent __ 1_ 0 Charlie Disley 33 Ken Luxton ____33 Bill Shotter ____33 Clarence Oke ____32 Cecil Osborne ___3.3 Bud Moses ---33 Cecil Mutton -____33 Lloyd Hamilton- 30 Ted Miller ---- 33 Jack Brough --- 30 Byron Vanstane --32 Garf Clarke .-. 33 Dr. A. Sylvester- 30 Rav Fr" .10 Bil Oliver _____33 G1en Fry 1 Ave. 256 243 233 23o 227 227 226 21- 224 224 222 221 219l 218 217 216 216 216 216 214 213 213 213 212 212 211 210f 21f 210i 209 209 209 200, 208 207 207 207 206 206 206 204 204 204 203 203 203 203 203 20, 201 201 201 200 200 100 199 198 197 197 197 191 191.1 193 19i 19o 190 190 189 189 188 137 187 18n i1P6 184 183 17",9 179 177 1761 175 172. 36 3 1) ý7 7 ý6 2 Combines Take Top Spot Defeating Lindsay 12.2 flowmanvile - Orono- Com- bines trounced Lindsay Regents 12-2 Saturday night at Memor- il Arena to move into undis- puted possession of first place in the Lakeshore Intermediate "A" loop. The short staffed Regents (they had only nine players) displayed strong determination in the fray. After B.O.C's had counted seven unanswered goals the visitors bounced back in the second and third periods to keep fromn being shut out. Bill Cherry Grabs Flrst Two Bill Cherry set the bail rIl- ing for Combines with two goals in 14 seconds at the midway mark of the first period. He grabbed a rebound of Syd Ar-1 nold's for bis first and spear- headed an attack xith Wally Samanski to net bis second. Berwick let loose a bristling slap shot as he scored the win- ning goal at 12.23. Raye West clicked for another after bro- ther Junior managed a break- away and they xvent in to coin- plete one of their brilliant passing plays. Linemates Score Goals by Art Rennick and Lloyd Hamilton put Combines ahead 6-0 before the period ended. Rennick poked one in from the side that even the alert Joe O'Brien failed te see until the light was lit. Hamil- ton scored after pickîng up a deflected puck 'on a shot by Gerry Robinson. The 400 odd fans hadn't set-I tled comfortably in their seats before Junior West talMied the first goal of the middle frame at 35 seconds. It was one of the nicest passing plays seen this season, executed in regular West fashion with Raye West and Chuck Armstrong getting assists. Break Scoreless Streak Grant Green broke the score- less streak for Regents when he fiipped a backhander into the cage fromn seven feet in front during a scramble. Syd Arnold nabbed a rebound fromn O'Brien to put Combines into an 8-1 lead, just 28 seconds la- ter. Junior West ended the second period scoring at the midway mark when he and Armstrong completed, a sharp.. passing corn- bination. Raye West counted his second of the game at 5.15 of the third when he tipped a pass into the corner. Bill Berwick scored his se- cond goal less than a minute later when his shet deflected in off O'Brien's skate. Gerry Robinson, playing defence ilu this one, scored another for the locals during a scramble in front cf O'Brien's cage. Bud McDougall counted Lindsay's final goal at 13.45 when he managed a breakaway and went in with his wings te score. The hard working for- ward was eut for the second peniod action because cf a cut that required five stitches. Ross Hawe and Joe O'Brien both turned in stellar perform- ances in the nets for their clubs. OBrien stopped 31 shots, while Hawe turned aside 29. They each made three or four great saves. Mats on Top Goodyear Lge. Bill Lyle scored four goals as he paced Mats te a lopsided 12-3 win ever Fan Belts in Goodyear Mercantile Hockey League action Sunday at Mem- criai Arena. The win leaves them in undisputed possession cf first place. Office registered a decisive 7-2 win over Hase in the other end cf the doubleheader te move into a second place tie with Fan Beits. Don Childs netted a hat trick as Mats snowed the opposition under. Terry Masters and Frank Mohun ceunted a pair each, whlle Irv Brooks contri- buted a single goal. Ted Fairey starred for Hose scoriA'g both cf their goals. An announcement by the league this week will mest certainly give the winless Hase squad a stronger club. Ren Burgess, Bob Sheridan. Al Stacey and Yearwood will be added te their line-up in an effort ta even the four clubs. Bud Perfect tallied three goals as he led Office te their win and second place. Don Masters remained at the top in the scoring as he collected a1 pair and Jiggs Cowling scored one for Fan Beits. FI I Masters Bros. Big Guns' In Town League Hockey Miler's Taxi swamped the Courtice Rockets 16-1, to move back into a first place tie and Murdoch & Welsh Blockbusters downed Front St. 5-3, in Town League Hockey Thursday night at Memorial Arena. Don Masters led the Taxi- men with seven goals. Jack Whiteman and Irv Brooks scored two each. while Archie Crossey, Guthrie, Tim Cox, Mort Richards and Luke Prout scored one apiece. Sam Thomp- son scored the lone Rocket goal in the second peniod. Blockbusters ran up an ear two goal lead in the first pe iod and neyer relinquished it Terry Masters was their big gun with two goals, whiie Johnny Mason, Bun Welsh and Bert Perfect added sù>In'ýs Chuck Kilpatrick pace~ losers with two, both lîl the second period. Clint Fer- guson scored their* final goal at the midway mark of the final stanza. Etcher's il Points Ahead In Mixed Bowling Group Team Standings Team W L Etcher - 26 7 Spicer 21 12 Brcck ___ 17 16 Bond -- 14 19 Bremeli 12 21 Mutton 9 24 Averages Games E. Brock 33 A. Spicer 33 H. Brock --33 J. Bond --33 O. Etcher ___33 J. Richards --33 M. Etcher 33 H. Bromell - 33 A. Hicklîng 24 G. Stringer 27 L. Eldridge - Ô B. Mitchell 30 D. Reynolds- 33 C. Mutton ___33 J. Ccx - - 30 Pins 30487 29788 27769 27535 27280 25631 Pins 7681 6962 6756 6746 6641 6504 6474 6337 4588 4940 5467 5463 5817 5814 5169 Ave. 233 211 205 204 201 197 196 192 19, 183 182 182 176 176 172 R. Mutton___ 33 5459 163 E. Bromeli 27 4367 162 E. Ccx _--- - 33 5231 159 C. Evans -___ 32 5091 159 E. Stringer - 27 4274 158 P. Gould ___ 33 5121 155 D. Bond-___ 32 4901 153 A. Winacott - 30 4550 152 C. Reynolds - 30 4507 130 J. McKnight - 24 3552 148 D. Mutton - 33 4835 147 B. Charles - 27 3950 146 C. Oke ---- _ 33 4692 142 D. Charles - 30 4126 138 J. Evans --__ 33 4452 135 R. Mitchell 30 4049 135 P. Bartels___ 30 3650 122 E. Winacott - 30 3571 119 J. Eldridge - 33 3904 118 M. Hickling - 21 2439 116 R. Spicer -- 33 2522 76 High Single - E. Brock, 370. High Triple - E. Brock, 745. High Average - E. Brock, 233. The - - efreshment' Pepsi-Cola, Trodo Mark Regslrd Smith Beverages Limitt$ Bowmanville ë AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR 1 - -- - Il ,ý é 3 DAIS SALE 9 8 6 Listed below are just a very few of the many bargains 6 BOS3E N Las! Chance Io Stock Up on 2 IBoth lined and unlined good quality denin, Gift Neck W~ear DValues to $4.29 DU T~ $239 Vlet$25 $1000 2For $4.75 Vlet25 U T2 For $ 1.75 Boys' Sport Shirts Men's Dress Socks Plains, patterns and ivy league Ail wool, nylon and wool, in plain A nice gift at Christmas ribs or in patterns Value to $3.95 $ 5 Value $1.50 DTA 12 DUTAT2 For $5.00 2 For $2-.50 Boys' Winter Caps Yes.. Buy now for the cold weather We are offering a 10% Discount on Value to $1.95 DU T AT ' 9< goods thai have just arrived. Boys' Ail Wool Sweaters SPORT SHIRTS These V-neck pullovers are in four rich shades Men's plaids, plains and fancy patterns. in sizes 6 to 16 A wonderful Christmas gift. Value $3.95 DT T $2*,79 Value OTA OU T2 For $5.50 $695 and $7.95 DT T2 1r $11.Le, NO REUNSBruce Minns' Clothing L OR GryVnig g.SALES EXCHANGEs 29 King St. E.aryVngMg. Bowmanville CASH PR.E*CHRISIMAS TZURSDAY. NOV. IM. - 1967 -Pffl lvuarm ' TMC CANADUX 8TATESBUN. BOWMANVffJ,& 019TARIO

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