Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1957, p. 18

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- - -- - .-. -. - - PI I ~.. -......- PAGE WEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMA1NVff.LE. ONTARIO TMMTSDAY. NOV. 21st, 195T O.N.O. WiII Husbands ai BIackstork: ON.O. Cýiih nflW' ai the home of Mrs. Jean K vte ,xilh 36 member-- and one gis Roll 'vas ans\vcr-ed wîth a lov for the Salvation Armv. Thanik yocî notes vere read. The O.N.O.-*are goin.c to spcni- nran Let fîcîenc-:awrrifo Gvade- 9 for the first two lion- our studientssin ibai ciass. Thev will lieprecen'ed -1hfoun-i t a in p n.s. Tho !Club k bIocaleto *,)the ycricrat ion of bgiutr an- quel on Nov. 9,0l vith a bot tui - ]Xcv rîjoinr. A rili ha7 bci! ri-îcbnsed b I lie cilubh for 1! e( Doîl hospital cdraw in Port Per- Bickstock: 'lhle W \IS. mot at the home of l\irs. Russe'l \4nîovon M'ed nesdav ai Ici- non with 15S ladies and] fouir (Icidren preserI. Presidcîîî Mrs. Ernes~t Lai mer opencid Trinity Entertain t Banquet On Dec. 7. the O.NO. wvîll! Prnterfain, their husbands to a, tîîrkev banquet catered to by one of the Womnan's Associa-ý tions. This is the one occasion whna baby sitter m-iil have ,o be hired. The New Year*-s dance wvill bp pliaved for bY Johnn.v Shear- ine and bis orchestra this vear. ih no O. is going 10 help fi- nanciallv to get a Boyv Scout groI p started. A lovelv'-, lunch was serx cd 1wv the hosfecs and herdgroup pnd i ssocial tlie enjov\ed. The Chrimas meeiing vl he held1 at the home of Doreen Palk and] roll eall ii a Chrisîrnias idezr.j recli a temperance readiig and j Mis. Ralph Larmier somîe -Re- nv-nbrnce Day Mernorials". Mrs. Ralph Lainmer expresscd thanks 10 the hostess and ali vvio assisted. i ne mccti n, viin a poni"Four Sîie of oflicers for- 1958 a Loxlv hii ~fol îows: Presidn.M rs. Cec-i l 'Ch n t t ',1)(' Humîîhle a dMi ii]: c President. Mrs. Rex Chirst : hd \% 10iICV Tavlor: Secretar. Mr,. Rusel1 for b ho tfin-- lch'iotiua po . MOU itoy: Treasorer, Mrs. Stu- giv'n h Mrs. Rov Ta,,bor âftli art Dorreil: Stexsýardship Secre- readmoir th(- c"pur as.'e arv. 'Vrs. Lloyd Wright; Citi- Rollo L(.a]a] wi. Tra- enship. Mrs. Ralpb Larmer; Ilowto Lve eauchIv" T ijîrature, Mrs. J. Carnaghan; s îîrrsrepr hidteIl- Commimnitv Friendship. Mrs. J. rianers 1oniingaiong fvrb A. Jolînston; Supply, Mrs. Ja.s. Srierai than k 'ou nlotes \vrre Henrv. iiead aiîan thrre donations from ivissionarv IVonthlv and iliterested nemhers of thle W'orîd Frîends. Mrs. RBov Ta, (lilrc-li vere gaI cii ceciv' lor: C.G.I.T. leaders. Mrs. Boyý rcd. Mrs. Carîîaihaîîîrsit6'lagln and Mrs. P. Rom- blic report of Itie nooîjnating el-il; FE'plorer leaders. Mrs. C. Committee. Aa qadIvIrs. P ie tsi. fj, Mies. Ll oyvd Wri'Il fg a ve anl fillcrest ing accomnt of thle clîap- tr of Stiidv Bock--".Jal)iiii 'f Vo '~ ay.Mci. Stuarti Dor- sion Band. Mrs,. Hai and Vrs. F. Biîtt (on, be appoumntedi: BabY I Žxrn]d avli oo WHEREVER YOU STOP FOR REFRESHME rreLiefl Smith Beverages Limited Bowmanvil le AUTfHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR Great preparations are urîder wav for the rnany attractive Christmas decorations which -will be for sale. booths at the annual Fall Fair of Trinit.v W. A. to be heid Pictured left to right are Mrs. M. Slute, Mrs. F. Jamieson, in the Chureh Hall on FridaY, Nov. 22. Here convenors Miss Mary Jewell, MVrs. B. Heavvsege, Mrs. C. H. Paimer-, of the Christmas boolh are workingI on some of the 1\'rs. J. Van Nest, Mrs. A. Steele. SOLINA Several from here atteiîdud- the Soper mission meetings ini trotd K\te e more. te .Mi.o h a d Cheer, On Tciesda v eveiîîg-, the Thrýee IVI's gr-oup vwcre piivil- eged te have a coîîdccted tour NT ot the GoodYear planît in Bfow- manvilie. As the tour -Progreýss- ed the guides kinilv pr-ovici- erd intberestin i n i oi-ma t ion ce- )LA gaî-dinp t he variocus nîachini-s siered o;ndexplained flic part cach crie pla *\S iin the manulfactcîr- ing cf the hose anîd heits. Wlien the toureîîded eveycue reai- ized that a grcaier inîsight jute blhe prýocessing andmdnanufac- biring of r-uhhec lad beeîî gaiiîed. The gicoup r-eiuied Io blie home cf Bac and Dor-oti, Mci. 'Harold Martvn: Grccp leaders, Mesdames Cjarl Wright, Fred Da ' es. Ernest Larmner and Gordon Stroîîg. Afier the meetinig lunch w-as ser%,ed and a. social half-houc spenot. Pasce for refreshments. John Werrv, Peggy Milison, I On Friday evening, Nov. 29, Murray Yellowlees and Briar, Mr-. Alec Gordon of the Orl- Knox, gave recitations and the J lrio Sulhooi foi' the Dea f, class sang 'Jesus Loves Me".1 Belleville. will speak at the Tj il urtte ee ThrNe Ms eetn.Evro and Pat Knox, Gail Baker and la \clcommc.Pat Davis, sang two numbers Mis. Raiph Davis and MrFs.ant the church service on Sun- -Harold Pascne, were in Orono, day rnorning at Hampton. Tucisdai'v anîd Wednesclav J'or The Women"s lInstitute fam- the Wl1. Extension Course OPnl, ih a eypesn The Third Mleal. y0itwsave paan eet on Fridav last in the Congratuflai ions In Allan iComiîunitNv Hall. There wccci* Frazer wvho \vas I li le 101 iiof, amnes and coniests for al] bbce rtyhi c Sîr(aki ng coin uebl- 1c and a' lovely lunichi con- t mu 11lc]dai Orono. H-e xiii iow cîuded tlîis hîappy occasion. take P art inthie District Con- Mc. and Mrs. Bruce Timîk andJ test at Brighton on Marci 7.1 familv xisited on Suuîdav at Mr. Mr. James Lovekin. president1 Bruce Ormiston's, Col umbus. of bhe Durharn Couinty C lub.1 «Toronîto, prescnted the Club', M rs. Addie Tink spent thîe 1 hield to Allan. whose subjeet weekend ai Mr. ai-d Mrs. Percv-'sThe Earth's Brother plan-. Deweil's, Hanîpton. ets'. Mrs. Wm. Ashton andi Mr. Seveal lin lades ave Chas. Langmaid attended te atiended bazaars ai Ebetîezcr, fuuîeral of their cousin,.*Frank Enfield aîîd Hampton. EI]ins, in Toronto on Monday. Mcmbers of the Primary Mcii. H. Malcolm, Mr. anud Class iook part in the wrîi Mrs. Robt. Malcolm. Bruce ana service at the opening of Sun1- Elizabeth. Brougham, visitec; da.v Schîool on SundaN a fteî- at John Knox's. i ooiî. Brian Knox readi a storyv; Mr. and Mcii. M'ii. Knoix.1 Brougham, visited at George Kii o xs. Mrs. Sid Hoar, Tyrone, Mis.: Lorîîa Wallis, wece *Sundayý, tca guests at Wes. Hil11<. Miss Lena Taylor,Bo'ia- -ville, anîd Miss Evelyn TaylovIr, Peterborough, xisited M\r. and jMrs. E. R. Taylor. Mrs. E. Spires attcndoed the funera1 of lier uncle, McI. L. Crouse at Napance. Mr. and] Mrs. E. R. "vm and] Miss Evel 'Nn Tavlor ir visitors at Don Tav lIor-.s on Suiîdav. Mr.' aîd Mr-i. C. hhlaîi ai;11(! fanîilv, \-isited at Don GeIrow:\\. Scucog Islanid, on Sundax-' . ers. .1. D.ver, Osha\wa, vîsmi ed at Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pas coe s. Mr. anîd Mcii. Staî M illsoîî Mr. --nd Mrs. Mii ca N Vice. i\[i. and Mcii. Ewart Lceaslç and] M;s' Eunice Leask atth-nîdcd a part,at the home of Mr. and Mrs D. Wilson in Wbithv. Mcii. Sain Dewe%,ll. Mcs. Eliner Wilbui, Mcii. Lcc Miikcr. Hampton: Mr. anîd Mrs. Win. James, Oshawa. visited at Mc1. and] Mrs. N. Woiien's. w. A. Prepares for Fail Fair - Marin presented Mrs. McHolIa MORRISH wt gift of rooney from her mianY friends at Morrish in ap- Sun dý School mras held at the, preciat ion of over 30 years of hour I11a.m. conducted! faithful work for church and bv 11-' Superinitcnidcnt Mvrs. Fred comnmunitv and also be of some '1Co I.There was a slight help during unexpected medical icrcaýýc iii Ilie number present expenses. Thouigh completcly -,x-hich we arc pleascd tb note.In overconie for a few seconds Mrs. "le o e f ibe regular pianist McHolm rallied to tl*loccasion ,he music w-as shared by Mrs. F. and express-ed hcr s* cre a p- \ýIcConncll and Joan Marvin. preciation for ibis t ougltfuil School next Suinday at il a.m. gift. with the hope she may~. rolIom-ing church service atIcontinue 10 serve in ]Css active I0 amn. 1 ork for a long lime yet. Mrs. F. Cornish and Jick remained Thilaks t'O Mrs. Harold os- for su pper and an cvcning of b)ornie for providing transporta- er it is ektt n tion, a ftew of us spent a ver ' hostess. enjoyable afternoon at the an-: Inial Wclcorne bazaar. After- Mrs. Wrn. McHoIni and, noon tea was scrved. There was Beckett hiad tea with MiS a grand collection of gifis for Wilson on Tucsday. Nov. 12 wx4 Christmîas. Congratulations arter pleased to find lier \vc'ry due to the President and menm- 'Illich improved and cxpecting bers of Welcomne W.A. for this to return te duty wvithin a fe\v happyoccason. dys* Meanwhîile Mii-. Ken A well planticd surprise partylSynions of Wclconie is kîndly for Mrs. William McHolnm -,,a,,carry-iig on. bieid on Thursdav aftcrnoon, IV isilors with Mrs.. Me. Nov. 14. Rain and sickness kept' Holrn on Sundayl werec Ir. and rnanY awaY but everyone enjoy- Mrs. Perey Hinbert. Mr. ai-d ed this inform-aI. get-to-ehe.Mils. Ralph Cuffe and son Mr. During the tea hour Mrs.. Bill Cuffe. aillof Toronto. New 1958 Rogers Majeslil:, Te.eevision Picture Compensation Control High Fidelity Sound Ail chiannel 17HF and VHF reception 1~ Model -7730 Sii:ierblyerif1ed <cabinet with deep Iustrouîs %vood fiish Big 21-inch wide angle aluiinized picture tube See this and rnany other models from $259 AT Mason &Dale Hiardware Limited NIA 3-5408 Bowinanville 36 King St. E. CONTINUES BOYS, PULLO VER SWEATERS Ail Wool - VI-Neck in sc"cral colouirm. Sizes 10 to 16 $2o99 Valuie $3;.95 DUT AT TOPCOATS MNeu)s all wool zabardine, tnweed or wvool anid cashmiere toptoats. Ciloice of col<>urs. Ite.~ te'S-)5<00 OUT AT $38.88 Sport Shirts Val 3len's plaid. pli n anid f.îîî&ts. WNinter îwî,.,hts. lie ~;9 2 i "S1.50 OUT AT Wi ndbrea kers l1e\Ii-h t wei.-ht plain gabardine, ivy I eague strîj)es and fanicies. MI 1sizes. N'a11 se t o SI11.95 DUT AT MEN'S PYJAMAS These 1)'y.i'as bh'v a nahioially kuowini niaker. Ail size-s. Ri-lit for (hi stina%. Reg. S.5.95) and 3.79 2 for $7.50 i 'I M 'I MENS SUITS. DRESS TROUSERS Yes, we have sizes 40, 42, 44, as well Many ini dark shades. There, are Pic andi Pic. Mlanels, and R g .5t .5O T A Ail WooI Worsted Patterns and Plaini Rg .5t ~ DTA $6099 9Reg,.111,.95 to $12.95 DUT AT $8099 Value $59.50 Io $69.50 DUT AT$ 9 9AflWool Worsteds DTA 09 HATS By a famlouis mlaker. We hiave good colours and sizes. Valuies to 11 95 DUT AT $7.99 Sport Shirts Sizes 9 to 18 Thesp shirts are real v'alue. In corduroy, splash, plaids and plains. Value 2.98 - 3.95 $2059 OUT AT Suburban Coait Now~ is the senson te buy an-d sav e on these coats. Plains, tweeds and fancies. Value $19.95 - DUT AT Value $24.95 - OUT AT Value Io $32.50 - OUT AT BOYS' Sport Coats &Blazers Sizes 8 to 19 Jus( in linie for the many holiday events ahead. Tweeds and fancies Value to $15.9- $17e99 $19,099 $23.99 2 For $5,00 Men rs Suits, Alil wool w~or steds an-d flanniels. Both plain and patterns. Regular 49-5<0 to 69.50s29 OUT -ATs249 SStar Special Famous Firth Bros. Lasi Ends Made-to-Measure SUITS Vou r (hoice of several c<lou rs and st ' Ied tg) vouir peirs<iial needs. 1<es. hav'e your suit tailored to yotîr own likinjg. 3)-%veek dclivery. Value Io $82.50 - NOW $59-50 MEN S Dress Socks Ribs - Pattertis and Plains Sliop for Christmas DUT AT $1.29 TRO Siz Plain flaînn i with self belt Valuie to S5.95 DUT AT BOYS' >USERS ;s 9 Io 10 Sand sJ)Iash weavel It Sev~eral colours. I I I SORRY -If you weère one of the many that missed many.of early bargains lasV"_ week. Shop early for these! WE ARE OFFERINO A 10% DISCOUNT ON GOODS THAT HAVE JUST ARRIVED. White Shirts .Just the thing for that Christmîas Gift. Good fine comit shirts. Button on double cuff. Reg. VIS9 NOW Valu, Boys' Shirts ln flannelette and cotton. Plaids - Terrifie value e$i1.98 $1.79 OUT ATr TIES Beautiftil selection of ties. .Just in tinme for Chris imas Reg. to .$2.50 - NONV $1.00-2 for $l.7 BOYS, Melton Windbreckerc1 (Winter Weight) Just the moat for school or play. ln two tones - Sizes 12 t» 16 Value $1 0.15 ______________________ aU" AI NO0TI1C E BUE1INS4LOHN Duc tg) extrerncly Iow price<s we are BRC IN LTIGN fuce e hag fralerton. 29 King St. E. GARRY VENNING, MGR. Bowrnanville ALSLSCS Bla ckstock W.M.S. Has Election of Officers I h I I $ 2e79 2 Vi' $5.50 2 l'or $3.50 r5 MMwcZmý 77 ý.-, 1 il $8,j99

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