Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1957, p. 17

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D t. om. le ,19"? connection with the rexular Cluss fied Nov. 17th when the following were presenteci for baptism:. Aucton Sales Terry Lorne, infant son of Mr. _____________________and Mrs. Kenneth Clark, Rob- A quantity of good furniture ert Charles, infant son of Mr. wM lb. aold at Pethick's auction and Mrs. Kenneth Clark; Wil- shed on rday, November 30. liam Ronald, son of Mr. and 'A liatof ticies in next week's Mrs. Norman Eley; Sylvia June, pape. lIord Pethick, auction- infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ee. 4 Jack Kimbal:; PhiliP James. ini- 471fant son of Mr. and Mrs. James I.E.J. Brown, Lot 25, Con. Caswell, Glenda Lynn, infant 69 Clarke Township, one mnile daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James north of Orono, has sold his! Caswell; Carol Louise, infant frmn and will seli by public daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh a p on Saturday, Nov. 23rd Saltn .t m., ail his farm stock; The sympathy of this corn-. rbreeding ewes, Ferguson rnunitv is extended to Mrs. W. Mard sprayer and equipment, of her son, Lawrence Hilliard 3,000 bales o! hay, grain and. Porter at Sunnybrook Hospi- somne furniture. Further par- tal, Toronto, on Monday. The ticulars see bis. Terms cash. funeral service was held at the No reserve. Lawrence Harris, George Funeral Chapel, Port clerk;* Jack Reid, auctioneer. Hope, on Thursdav. Intermezît 45-31 in We] orne cemetery. ,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maulson The undersigned auctioneer' and two daughters, Toronto, WiIl seil by public auction farm visited their nephew, Donnie implements and livestork for: Maulson, who is staving for a Frank Dorland, Lot 18, Con. 9, j timne wîth Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Darhington Township, mile and Wade. hallf orth of Enniskillen, ofl Mr. Wm. Milligan who has Saturday, Nov. 23: cighit cows, been in failing health for somne Jour caiveSI three yearling steers, timne, passed away at Memnorial 3 yearling heifers, 20 stockcrs, 3 Hospital, Bowmanville, on sOws, 25 pigs 6 and 8 weeks aid, Wednesda.v, Nov l13th. The fun- 600 bales straw, 850 baies hay,' eral service was hcld at North- Cockshutt spreader No. 3, 15- cutt and Smith's Funeral Home tooth cuitivatar. 2-drum rolcr, on Fridiay. Intermnent was in horserake, 5 sections of harrows, Lakcview cenieterv, Nevton- 3 sections of harrows, Cockshutt ville. We extend ou'r svmpathv fertilizer No. Il drill, Me. mow- to those remnaining. The flow- er, Me.-Deering potato planter,_ ers in the United Church on John Deere potato dligger, wagon. Sunldav morning were in lov- and rack, wagon bo7':. sleighs, ji enr ftelt r cutter, colony house 8 x 8, ig Pnr !th at r wagon with rack. The farm Milligan. rented. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1:00. Clifford .qi Pethick, auctioneer. 47-1 ITk redati A c Repairs l-J ri11Iu RA4DIO and television repairs ria .J I Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lamae Dorean. 85 Kinglo Bre ki E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf. REPAIRS ho al] mokas of refrig ,I Tre 1ear old youtbs Who eratrs.dometie and anipleaded guilty ta charges of Jnercial; milking coolers. Hig- brcaking and entaring in court there Tuasday morning wcre 4 gon Electrie Limited, 42 KingStrr- nedm cs ody onoe E. P a e M - 4 82 -f w eek. T bey w ill appear beforeas b g n t a :e ay f r h e B k Notic ta recttors Magistrale R. B. Baxter Tuas- Demolition hît eu amk a o h al Notie toCredtors day ta reccîva sentence, building in Mon treal's financial district, a modal of whîci AND OTHER S __ Lyla Blighb and Lionel Rowe, damed head office building on St. James Street. Thet IN THE SAE0FLUAboth of Bowmianvillc, were site of the bank's first permanent home, built in 1818 ISOBEL ALDWORTH, late of, rbarged in cannection with a pletion in mid-1960. The original buildingy was torn doý the Town o! Bowmanvillc. in r break-in aI Bowmanville Merm- thc Counhy a! Durham, Widox,! orial Arena Thursday afler- d'Armes post office was buit. The new B3 o! 1\1 buildii Deceased, who died at Bowman-'i noon o! last wcek. Bath youtbs will provide the Most modern banking accommodation j ville, on or about bbc 29th day , had been released on probation o! December, 1955, Intestate.1 just one month ago on other The Trustee Acf, R.S .0., 1950,j charges. Ch. 400, Sec. 51. j Kenneth Cavelman. Oshawa, Local M en Lose W ay Credlitors and othars bavingý appearing on tbc same break- dlaims agaînst the aboya astata' ing and entcring charge, plead- are reciuired ho send parhiculars i cd guilty ta a second offence S e d N g t i Sw m lîndersigncd an or before bbc' wibh possession o! stolan pro- 1 Two local men, a fter spending starled bo leak profusely. 23rd day o! Dacembar, 1957, Iparty. Ha pieadad guilty ta this l a wet night lost in a swamp, ara Wibh a roaring fire and o affer which date the assets o!f charge. Il was laid in cofinec- ,taking a regular ribbing fromn relatively dry shielter their im- the estate will ha disributad h av- tion with an antry at Bowman- 1 thair friands due ta the episoda. mediate fcars and quainis soon in g regard to bbec daimns that villa High School on fthe nigbt- The incident accurred whcn subsidcd. Hoxvever the situatibn have then 04:zt recaived. o! Wednesday, Novambar 13. Ted Woodyard, front streat ap- was aggravated by the lack of DATED o4 wmanville, On- pliance dealer, invited Bowman- food. tario, this ~~~ day o! Novem- ville solicitor John Regan ta Bath were assured thaf bhcy ber, 1957. Tf inspeet his new farm a few could find their way in bbc Lawrence O. Mason, Top rlCes miles north-eas1t o! Apsley last morning but thay werc concern- 30 King St. West, Wednesday aflemnoon. cd as ta how soon their wives ]Bowianville, Ont., f ' , A Mr. Regan had a hunting gun would sfarf worrying. Solicitor for the Administrator. ralu ait A nnuai wifh hlm and bhc hwo werc pok- Mr. Regan managed ta catch 47-3 îng around in the swamp which a few mîntîtese of rest during ON ILL ~ ' S leis about a 20-minute walk fromn the night but Mr. Woodyard was F-eeder S l Woodyard's !orm. Howevar bhey not so fruae !ailcd ta notice the dackncss as Once daylight came bbc hwa *' r7ON ILLESame 287 head o! catle were if quickly closed in around the men oriented theniselvas apd1 sold ah the Fifth Annual Dur- swamp. struck off for bbc nearby fanm.1 Mr. Earl Walkey is aftending ham Farmers' Feeder Sale held Confusion arase as bath men Upon arriving ah the farm their County Councîl ah Cobourg. at the Durham Counfy Sale itad diffament ideas as the routae soie thought was food and neyer Mrs. McComb a! Orono is Arana in Orono Thursday o! ta baka out o! the swamp. But was a serving of baron and eggs atayîng with Mrs. Wm. Uglow. last waak. instcad o! risking life and 11mb more eagerly dex-ourcd. Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lana Auctionear Jack Raid report- saarcbing around for bbc route, Bath Mc. \Voodyard and M. 1 speéit thc weekend with Mr. cd il was ana o! tbc bast salas the bwo men decided that the Regan spent Thursday in bcd' and Mrs. Hamry Lane, Dundaik., held and proved mast succcss- only logical solution was "ta hale1 recupcrating f rom the night in Congratulations ta Mr. and fui. AIl consignars were pleas- up for the nighh". bbce swamp but naithar suffered Mrs. Raymond Shaw on the cd with the prices receivad Wbila one built a lean-to any il1 affects.E bîrth o! a son 0f Mamorial Hos- 1 and are Iooking forward ta a shalter the ather startad a fire -Being their first test of sur-1 piaBawmanvillc, on Friday, larger sala next yeor. using a couple pieces o! Kîcen- vival the twa men cansider il Nov. 15th. Top price fac the day was e x as kindling. The but bnci- quite an experience whicli will Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glovar, 19 cents a pound. If was paid denfally was ideal until about remain clear in their minds foi' Joan and Billia o! Oshawa, for two choice consigniments o!f 2 a.m. at which time the ofi a good many yaars. zPent Sunday witb Mc. and Mrs. steers. which wcre purchased C. M. Joncs. by W. J. Harvey, Brantford, We are plaasad to hear that, and Roy Haward, Cobourg.'1 ln Memri~al Hospital, Bowman- was $17,75 per hundd weihtl C anada Leads W orld ville, is improving Largest buyer for the day sli M. and Mrs. Harry Wade Dan Boyingfon, Makham, who 1 In A @ven Sunday with Mc. ard purchasad 85 bead. W. J. Har- n A ui F d j tIf l Mvrs. wm. Brown, Scarborough. vev, Brantford, --w Our pasf or, Rev. R. C. Whitçe largesh buyer. H held a Bantismal service i hei- Pre-Chri*stm SA&L E We are offcring a large amouint of our mi nt 10% DISCOUNI See the following sale items displayi in our window Tools - Tricycles Bicycles and Accessories Eleciric Appliances - Blani and niany more ont display. SALE LASTS ONE WEEK ONLY Quantities are limited so shop early for these bargains - -f ummIG ST. W. MA 3-3134 FA.1 Prq THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWbLe;vIL&E ONTrARIO PAGE SEVENTEEX lie, r I , *and Mrs. Roy Jackcson o! Little I-istory nofrciucation Bian for Norm Wilson and the twiis Given Io Rotarians by AnadNrao udywt Annand Norakon Sinday wiih High School Principal Li d ilso 'Royal Wintcr Fair on Satur- "Our greatest asset lis aur! standards of the boys are taken da V. On Tuesda.v the Jack chîldren," L. W. Dippeli tald int considaration. Wil-sons and the David Wilson& the Bowmanville Rotary Club Two birthdaY celebrants at are scheduled ta a tend. Friday in his address on the the meeting were Ted MannI an MrBuloîlso cvelopment af public educa- and Jim Hogarth. MndS.ano!etrs.Biloroug oa - - -Onaio.n ecig tnad A nine-year perfect attend- Saturday tteRlh Ml Onara ance pin xwas- presented ta colmS. On Sunday the Clair- The guest speaker, an activei Walt DaGeer. ec otr fPtrooR Ratria ad frme pst res jVisitars ait the meeting w-ere were guests there. ais ~ . idnta!th Bwmnvll cub, Stan Smith. George Fletcher, On Friday evening . Nov. -_) is principal of Bowmanville Charles Elliott, Ian McDonald, Manvers Township wiii be hold- High Sehool. Harold Sproule, E .A. Loveil, ing its annual nomination day. '~ Public education first made Lloyd Hayne and George Char- Alrcady te utrfis ar Sifs appearance in this province Itonr, all a! the Oshawa Club. emcîrging from their cocoons ait the lime the United Empire? Others wcre Ken Morlev, Ajax, where they have been resting f , Lovalists immigrated ta Can- 1 and Captain John Haîn, Braip- passiveiy since lasi nomination ada. The systcm at the time ton. day ta start fluttering their big -was similiar ta the English strong wings way down deep -Grammar Schaols and proved iiisidc; then boa those tight littie ta be unsabis!actory for the Y L E T Nkiiots are starbing ta tighteri setes E V R O their grip int a complex mess IomnScol of 'le,-vous c'ontraction that evert Comun cholsA bong-axvaited avent (araund ýHoudini biniseif couldn't untie. - Legislation in 1816 called for 25 y'ears) took place an Wed- ýAl1 this because we look for- -th s btablishing a commosenensdav cvening in Janatville ! vard (?) in prospect ta those seol btu!rtn1lyteeC.OF. hall - the presantation1 few seconds (each ane tin schools were placed under the -for Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Heas- minutes long) when we stand * contraI o! local sehool trustees. ip. Attesting ta the popular- (hvradsae nfoto These trustees were aliowed ho' iya h groom in thoe comi- a handfui of ratepavers any one chose a course o! studv, desig- miiisadafr eiet o hmidvdal eae' natth teisandhir »nÉjmccl bis -une and oni',,' thea'the le;ast bit scared of, but cl- dismiss the teachers. hall was jam packed for the ,lactiveiv create throughaut 1he ng depanded on the personal- ton who assisted with provid- case of 'terror- mort is" (R sort 11*v o! the teacher. "The whole ing music were Mr. and Mrs. lo!Partie avec paraivsis) -- The pi ctu"c anaoaeto bright,", .Terry Bristow, Mr. Clai-en(e jo)ys of participating in publie IIMr. Dippeli commanted. Page and Mrs. David Wilson. life! j Fducation Grant Mi'. Ed. Lawson assisted as On udaMisF Hner In the 1830's the total grant calaer. Mr. John Burns actccf viOnsitedawi Misshe Ra Hendersç for educat ion was onlv,, 25M1 sM.frtepeetfinteJc Wilsons ta the Roy pounids. This grant did lt' with Mrs. Horace Hcaslip read- Nottinghams of Raglan. ceet ail the expenditures and ing baer well arranged pac'tie Mrs. John Kingsbury o! Achon; it was necessarv ta charge a addrass. Mr. and Mrs. Haaslip M ~r. Arthur Evans o!f Worzley. fea 'a cach pupil. A stipuîla- rap]ied and tbankcd ail for Ilie a sk.,wth the Rowa mies tion was also made at the lime iovely gifts whicli included 's. ia ails that teachars' salaries coîîlà two matching stcp end tables fo exceed 12 pounds, 6 sbillh and matching fable îarnps, a'ý The Statesman SoId i ri g s.set bf wa swivel TV chairs and Tas. smoker.hig sAIl- l oin in welcom-A Fo S re To m oe htl eaehi setand-ing Mrs. Heaslip ta aur coin. tFi-w Soe ads model tisehs novetu rn i.v -'ti certain this chic Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany teachers would watch exper- lay will ha an assat ta oýir Johnsan's Drug Store, Newcastle ienced teachars go about their neighbourhood. T. Enwright. Newcastle wok. Last wcek the Jack Wilsons S. Brown, Newtonville of Montreal's new 14-storey I One of the biggest advance- mtrdt igr ai ta Portcr's Gan. Store, Newtonville n is seen adjoining the bank's f ilnts in education orcurred visit Lorna's sistei', the Jiîn C. Pctbick, Enniskillen building-, to be erected an the when Rycrson securad author- Tavlors. Aecompanving them T. M. Siamon, Enniqkiiien (inst), s shedued or îm- cd sehool tax and a uniforin '%vas Miss Eni Ilendars who vis- F. L. Bvam, Tyrone inst) i sheule fr om curse of study for the pro- îl.ed an aid friand of nuirsjn-., G. A. Barron, Hampton *vn in 1876 when the Place 1 vince. Strong opposition was davs, Mrs. Walter Sheppard of Trull's Store, Courtice ing xviii rise an this site and voiced from the taxpax'ers who Qucenston. A. E. Ribey. Burkc'îon n Canada. had no sehool cbildren and Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan 'Blyýth's Gen. Store. Blacekqtock faIt they sbould flot be requîr-j did a spot of entertaining Ibis Keith Bradley, Pontypool cd fa contribute bhc sehool box. week - Mr. AI! .Jackson,* Mr. C. B. Tyrraîl, Oronn adult educabion, Mr. Hawkins j In 1871 high srbool entrance and Mrs. Dotiglas Jackson -and Wm. Turanskv, Kendai said. Il provides research pub-' exanis wcre written for tbe family on Tbursdav, also Mr. Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa i(ations and other lilerîiture ta first tuae and Ibis lad ta in-- -- House That Jack Bitilt groups. A national canference i ese interest inlliah scbools R.R. 4, Oshawa is beld everv two yalterandae and continuation schools. regional con ference' iaen ae Rcalizing tbe sborbcomings Gel Your Price - BownVille years ta pool and exehianga ideas. of thc modal scbool programi, R. P. R 1ckab.v - "Big 20" and information. The motta lastI educatoî's îried ta estaîq~ FrVu1 j~IL W. J. Bervy yaar mas a Pepys' quotation, normal sehools but ah the time 1 FrYYur ivestoc Jack's Smoke Shop Each rnan's mind is his vary it was tbougbt tbat the cast or throuigh Rite's Smokc Sbiop self." A periodical is published such a venture would abc-tal TTSGA obeen's Handv Store by the Association. great, and modal scbools wereST ESA Jury & Lavl "Wherever facilities ara pro- sf111 dominant. CLASSIFIEDS Dilling's General Store veted ancfinds a atun urns a- Normal S8ehool Phone MA 3-3303 106 Duke St. v e r t s e d , o n e f i n d a a s t u m -T h e S h a t e s m a n O f f ic e ber of people ready," Mr. Hawk- However bxr 1909 norma' -________ ins said. sehools weî'e eshablished in VitalDemoracyLondon, Hamilîton and Toron- Vital Damocra1 ta. and by 1913 there was a Ain Ii~w ll V ,D< "We have iin Canada fa-day jstifficient number o! well quaI l W W111 11111I the picture of a vital democracy' ifiad teachers, Mr. Dippe 1 SH WA W OODuwwwwmT f think," Mr. Hawkins stated. jpointed out. -The 'world situation to-day A scarcihy of teachers dîd doesn't make for complacency, arise in 1920 as tbe Adolescents but mie bave ta ba assurcd tbOa School Act was passed making (bat there is no cause for partic. it compulsory for ail eblîdren It is good ta know that sone jta attend sehool untîl the age preparabion for the future ls 1 o! 16 ycars, going on," lie concluded. BY this lime changes were b1The speaker was introduced being mode in teaching metb- byMrs. C. A. Wight and hbank- ods aspecially in reading and cd b Mr. Care lli. ispelîing but fa Mr. Dippel] A pleasant bal! hour wh an hea teachîng mnetbods have re- was served and a social limeI enjoyed, preceded the meeting. mîe arvwI osat lM'rs. C. H. Dudley was at the' tencoigM.Dpalo pian foropeing nd e.os n enbd on bhc rising costs oa, ~îao fr oenng nd l9sngeducat ion. Ha feit Ibat educa-l exerc 15C5.I tian costs Were reasanable as compared with other items of expanse sueh as roads wbere thbcocsts have risen 82 percent S chool Heads in the past bwo vears. Sehool .i F o itit wherc' near Ibis, lie poinhad JI= Mr. Dippel] wos introduced AA ~ I-lIrrg~ bv Forbes Hevln nItý ~' ,,asthesecod 2Ir &*V 8 y wqýl 1 Io wed by Bob Stevens. e bought 53. A meeting of district Super- Character Aivard S p ak r e ls L l bvising Public Sehool Principalsf The character award forth ' p a e Te l C l bwsheld in onavleW -bstoytthOtri Train--77*: ForCandas ppultin, r- ec isearic onby caersipnesday. The six menl attendîng 1ing Sehool for Bovs, Bowman- ForCanda' poulaion or jct s crrid o byleaersipinspected the three Bowman-i ville, was presented ta William ganizations carrying on soi-ne, from thecir owfl ranks. The in- villt Public sehools and after-i Miller by Rotarian Bruno Mil- form of aduit education are terest this project aroused wasi wards discussed various m-utual j 1er. chairnian of the Youth 1 9; ý: ,T: greater in number and more. shown by Ilhe fact that 4,000 problemis periaining 10 staff,1 Service Comniittce. CI I advanced than inc vrld other, attended a rally at the cnd of administration, supplies arnd 1TI introducing William ta the countres ofthe oltothe season îast 'year. curriculum. Rotarians John Morrison ,sup j Women's Canadian Club was l An interesting summer school1 This is the first time such a erintendent of B.TS.. sfated told on Monday. scrcdo nteLunia conference has been lheld and that discipline and aeademic The speaker wvas Mir. Gordon'tois ,ýrta nin tah e ar e Bownianvilie is honoured ta - Hawkins, Acting Director of the 'ircij. ad n1ih pakn be the fIrst town chosen for Pan Canadian Association of Aduit! Gdult educationists meet, and 1 such a gathering. Those attend- M a eIi Education, Toronto. Mr. Hawk- i'ho:gh rman vdo îiot speak both ing included Supervising Piin- M a e Pln 'childsens has been associate director 0f; angtîageý, an uiiderstanding is ripaIs Earl Fairman, W\ýhitbx', rhnie the association for more than is estab]ished. There are no Howard Jordan, Port Hope, I two years and prior to that was arrangements for translation.i Graham Pikne.v, Ajax, Roy Fo rBuild ng with the Extension Dcpartmcnt This sechool i:ý uniqur on the iCornish,. Port Perry, and Or- g of the University of Alberta. IHfcNorth American Cntnet. vilef Bdr on, xbidg.A.viR" L was born in England and receiv- M lam.nsCotien. ie pneion, UBowlridl A.; . C .hurcîi cd hi eduationther. :ý1. 1-aýý,,ii nenlioned the(I acted as host for the meetina cd hs. Eduaiotheroie. dcexcellent and 'vell known 1La1ke sx-anadvisory committe N at the meinwihporîrsied CoIlcichling Conl'crence heldiihas been set up ta supervise te iSt. John's Parish Hall. cstîmrner :nOtroý,ceibidn n Lrihn fthe Cnd edleretafisaedsusdilyd A r new St. Joseph's Roman Cath-, lis qivletin Frech! cle ChrLloydBoA nvilere tries are visiting Canadla con"- summer institute at Mount Al 1 e rs in the Town Hall Sunday tinually, Mr. Hawkins said, ta lîson University at Sackville,%.CaptIure o atroo ahe .K.Ml lexamine t he %work being donc NB. Prz explained that a property on1ý teion thenfct>lProf inces Sheep Liberty Street South, opposite ntlln g of the work f thences and .qchool., con-! purchased as a site for the association, which has been in ;ducied iin almost everY province iLloyd Ay,îc, R. R. 4, Bow- 'chtirch. existence for 21 yearg - a matter wretauched on by the speaker. manv ie, captured sevel'al top The church lot he said will ofsurprise ta many people - Mr He finds the intcrest and iC .aw~ai ds for market sneep. and have a frontage of 147 feet and Hawkins did not dwell an the sponse to these projeets great,ý three other district f armers !a depth of 265 feet. The width kes Imore gcnerally knawn forms and growing. A course for e thei , o i Arincu se ltua W intrfee the frot tor235 feet at such as university extension ecutivesinte iarlarsaAwonpiis i tsed lass tro! theapcttaisfo 4 courses or night classes conduet- !Banff. and wveekend courses for Fair in Toronto this week. the back boundary. ed by variaus sehools. organized labour are attracting, Mr. Ayre had the grand1 The plan submitted by a Hm He told instead o! some of the many. champion pen o! three at the lilton architect, Frank BrHm- less publicized ventuires which1 The Canadian Association for show. He won first place ini cails for a church on the north We also Il Joltheres n suc raeteisb- fnor! s of thc Farm Fso rumfth ol ntrstadiniirtonfrAdi Euato s n o1h the market sheep division with side o! the property, with the 16" centre r ling carried on on the northcrn programs in conjuniction with !his pnorheadfisao etr oth ot.Tevsr shoe ! N\vBruswck anth CB ad he eprtmnto!his pen o! ten. ;and offices will be along the area populated by 56,0(10 people 'Agriclture, and with the CEC, First anl d ecn placei tlseo! The church l edsge Jmost of whom are farmers and Isponsors the Citizens Forum on aflee oljudgingtsigereas'o sTeatchur eopll e FdtesigMe-Free fishermen. Some have hadj radio and TV on whîeh current aaddt l.T h ige asa 0 epeFte a littie appartunity for formai affairs arc diseussed. The se are class for sheep he won second ' lane pointed out. There will be education. gond Pxamiples o! the use of and fourth place, ;a balcony for the choir. The Std Gopsmssmda o aut dcain John Swain, Nestieton, won;stained glass windows from the The average income there islaime.d at the ordinary listener ortpiei h ascastapeetcuc ilb sd $900 ta $1,200 and around 200 or viewer. win the 4-H award. Joln 'centre the larger windows in O h * ED sall study groups are exam- A recent succcssfuil experi- Cruickshank, Hampton, waq 'the new church. Wiseth roleso!thi ment wvas a course in Shakos- i l4th in the oats class. Garnet' The six member advisory cor- ecanomy with a view to improv- nearran drama set up al Water- B. Riekard, Bowmanvila, plac- mittee xi] consist o! Frank Bat- ing their stafus and also enrich- loo Colleze iin conjuriction witîî cd 201h in the barlev division.. treli, George Chard, Joe Cooper. ingthir ivs troghstiult- heStatfrdFesivl.Norman Hannan, Glenholme Yard.? inBhirlvsthog tiua- h tatodFstxa.Hughes and John Ragan. The a nd ý( BOD ing discussion and g r e a t c r Central Body Pure humanit. friendshîp.lCal.holic Women's League wii Phone op. 1knowledge. The Univcrsity o!f The Association is the central home, thec interchange o! lave, , alsa he asked ta elect two wompn Pon te Sacred Heart lends some bodv co-ordinaiitiz Ilip scittersri bring ta earth a forefaste of as additional members of the aaaistance, but mainly the pro- 1projecta and experimenta in i heaven.Mary Baker Eddy. commtte. Centres for panel eff.ct bave available plain INVERTI-BOARD in es and the poptîlar walnut grain in the andum width INVERTI-BOARD. Estimates on ail your Building and Rernodeiling Needs! mwa Wood Products M4ain Office 'howroom [tRTIÇCE MA 3-%130 Phone RA 8-1617 Limited Lpiown Office & Showroom 84 Sim<'oe Stq.,Snth OSHAWA N V k ZIUL ViUe iiezia,

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