Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1957, p. 18

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-'4 jHý CANADIAN STAT.141 E&SMADWAVLE NA ILOTn FOUND e SRI b b 81 a t th - -J I .~., 1: -a i I a 4 I J tl. riso leputywn-2ncarly ncw, brick veneer MA 3-3098 cfrOO!2 iIb.mdfo Onîtario, an or before th 2th;S xsamples 25ec 24 samples Phones ed. op orntb I s ai a riýiv of Noveniher I$1 00. Mail Orden Dcpt. T-28 A3-92MA 3-37011 ordoor for large or small RoxFnIHe oldeunture iet uneaosi o mnil ih euiu eron bi d~ o N'.emer 957, fulpar-! Nov' Rub' m a..Box91.Har1 _____________________made pcuewindows, full basements, ungalow. Large lîving-noam * ArCRD r A lîinin ar of iev ar le si i-tn' m r e. M atB h ny R . Ont 1-52 quantities. We have ur ow n k n w kitchen cu boards, hardw od and ile floors, ilidining-roo mn, modern kitchen, 4- ~ ca wr iha mnm m C inrciîlvafe u siOlo.Ont-mrhf .Faf BtayRRdav of 'Noveniber, 1957, the ý SKINNY men, women! Gi , .Poecolleet ta Bethany bedroorn suites, etc. For free furnaces, raI heîciiaîo hotbeo, 5absdNw epfa. n<j 7 1. 8 f stiats hoe M 3537 n afe, -pecnbahram, ad Gaine. 5,stto wil e' o 15.bs Plione oo T- iMA 3-5055. 4 c ithnswfhbil-n d air ail beafing. A meal bu: > MIlAE T b e s1boards. Pr ces $11,000 and a f only $12,500.00. G od ferm s. *3.0 ir iaz o e n ld trîb u tc d a n g t e p a rt i 1f a m o u b rsuOstr e o n c l ef s $PU M I G$ 1 , 0 w t er s 2.0 0 0 .0 0 d o w n w ill b u y a 3 1 M M O AI ûn Yctcdaclaims of wic te adouble m; esuvifo.Otxasoy FEL ILRpis LMIG -HEATING Bsde boemetone ebedioom nbrick and frame bunga- 10 î'Ica1~ o eu slctrfoth xutr hl mrvspo peiedetiRADIO and felevision -repains. EAVESTROUGHING baeapxiaey20mrîo.Lgeivn-onbg shonh aif no f ric e uar s a I oimp r s on appatie due . aars Aditiu200w'm oai h*lsam Dat d af Bowmanville, t is sieany 6 e Af ua i tdg sfSTOVE OIL Promlt service. Pick up and poete ocos rm ice, ol haig an r 29ti day of October, 1957. sz nl46. t aldr g its iE Y. L r e D en. 85 Ki g! T Contact tb. Easy terms on balance. ~wt i m ta.m i R osslyn C. Stevens, _ _46-1__ __ __ _ __ _ _A utom ati e M etered E. Phone M A 3 -5 7 13 . 2 - f f 66 K ing St. W . M A 3-5172 Tont. ac t hfu n e n d -8 o brvy w imigtl ~ la p rm a Exctr 43 T n e s W n e 4H u eiey Srie REPAIRS fa ail makes of refig- BOWMANVILLE UJohnLF . De W t.$soo.oo zd h.Do e la y . . wiriicnlogatrhr Exec tor 443 T n de s X ante 24 Hou Deive y S rvi e caos lo et'an a -39-8 Realtor and Çeneral Insuraner W e need listing., of ail type s . 1 'lc lO. W d.d y N o i es Neendets Phonbc for wailing cIie1. r Lisf witb u and gave 1 November 23 for the installingA H. STURROCK on Electric Limitd. 42 King St.NecslPhn341fr%,ainglet.Lstwhw i u I A r tal d tem ikin g c oo3-5 4. H g.4 6- 1 F I E O E 1fe ti\dt Iwil no longerof newfoulet facilitics at Salern IE SOShneM -53. 25-fl Il trng Repairs saesBowmanvlljc M acion he responsible for anv dtehts in-lj SehcrnI. S.S. No. 9, Darlington.I WaDtedNS QUICK SERVICE DnadMA 3-3950 wanvLivsokSllendytzuhFla irrrcd in ni-nain(, by Gladys; Particular information neressary JPRIWaUntDed IAI) ~ --M M.JA o3n-3950_- -.-~Nar ve la n d Ab o a r d a n t i r î l e o L i a d f f i M .' D E A D a n d ni p p l e d f a r m n i s t o c k , M A 3 - 2 1 7 5 DI . . f u3l ga . m . 1 2 ( bcd and board. J Hbbs, Ennî.Skilen, N A 329 4 Pliole MA "-5516 îrrnJ icked UP Pronptly. phone MA IR . L . T A F TDa il o hm - P r fop l t i gr w , a d 4 John Alldread. tO Mwhom tenders shouId be sent. BOIIMeVNIA E I -ý7 arwliFn am,1,F, S.. M - J01Dane TUBehm-04ort far wet aoldybu Pr, fRsfxCaslidA vc 11-3 6-1 I . .3-679. arjzwll Fu Farm 6HaKngldtHepburn,500 fir-5t4Zfarmialt oArknbiokIPrk30R 6.'o f T y ro n e . 26-ti 1 6 4 1 46 -1 R . 2, W iitb y . 45 -2 * . 4 < . s ~ 4 PAGE ETGIflTEM Births___ In Memorim Articles for Sale Aýrticles for al For Rent Real EtaotelY for Sale Healp Wane fo Cornish-rc apy an nouncid, e o Aold Beaok whmorassd 3-131.rail sleigh. Phone MA iMODERN floor lamp shades, THREE rooms and 3-piece bath- $50 DOWN, $5 per week will FARM consisting of '75 acres i ILo oaY osk CORNISH-rc.apy aon s. id. arod-In oving mpaeory-3A31.46-1 wil fit new and old style base, room. Apply MA 3-5466. 46-1* buy lot 75' x 200' with tiled lxell, workable except for creektoligpsto.R aigw Ilie- bi rthi of their daughter,1 awiiy Nov. l4th, 1956. 1 givc your old lamp new life. cistern, uvradtmoaýlrebrs orroe Mary Grace, on Sunday, Nov' Looking back with memories DRY stove wood. Apply Nelson Special $4.50 each, reg. $6.95, FIVE-room farm house, $35 per powr.Onlve.ndmor ar Z yre blrtsofowarero onedhoue s ec oi 4, 1 oth, 1957, at Memorial Hospital: Upon the path you trod, 1Robbins, Hampton. 46-3* while they Iast at Hooper's month. Phone Clarke 39r33. powr. one Mile.3oth2f8ionhydlos tsPofrtHoero.ihwyCndin$1saPo Jowmanville. A sister for We bless the years we had withi 120 TONS dry corn, $32 ton on Jewellery & Gift Shop, 28 King 4 46-1Chrh Phone MA324. coeTUPort2Ho. 1,o.90Bwanle. And leav the res to God field. Inquire Clarke 23 r 04. St. W. Phone MA 3-5747. 46-1 FOUR roomed apartment in DYKSTRA-Mr. and Mrs. Bill1 -Lovingly remembered by wife) 45-2* SNOW tires-Firestone e-cap Orono. Phone MA 3-3644. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CalsRnie wr oe saah Dykstra are pleased to announicel and family. 46-1 BERKLEY electric heater, new TowEandCounrictrepp$1iances, live in, god, ente th it fterduhe condition. Phone MA 3-3621 and a recappable tire; two only, FOR-ome oueonN. 2 Managed and Appraised REAL ESTATE BROKER WieAvrisr72coCn Ge1dn1Rsi Mmra BEACOCK-In loving memory after 5. 16-1* 15-inch Suburbanites, slightly-omdbus n$,0-nl 200dw Hopia, owavile n o. o darfthrHrodBea- - used, each like new for only Hig.ayMP. o ne Nwcatleranch bungalow, brickBo avil.4 HopialReal Estaonte BrokerrfahrHaol 256 4-1*frame; 3 bedrooms, forced iro ]'-th, a sister for Louise. 46-11 cock, who passed away Novem- GENDRON baby carniage, in ex- $1250 aMAKE money at homea Esat Brke ber l4th, 1956: cellent shape. Phone MArketCo,14KnStE. Bowman- APARTMENT - three rooms,[IPhone 2566 . Newcastle, Ont. heating, 4-piece bath, lawn od PoWE,'l.L-Master Ricky Pow- Te depth of sorrow we cannotf 3-2954. 4- villa~ Phone MA 3-5689. 46-1 heated, aduits only. Phone M wo boalohffdd Imdaepseso. seblgorIe. 1 A T bocsNewc o astle sig $8 ,850-$2,500 down, 3bd oTo, 0ýa fhsbb ssePtii f the loss of CAR Radio, eigh t tube RCAHETD w-om pam room, almost new brickanSeigrepelne1eaq Maureen on October 30, 1957, at i ell,1 Victor, $40. Don Laird, Phone SURPLUTTT(' -oon rtet TO BE REMOVED frame bungalow. Very attracve .ow m.,50W3r Meoia opia, omn-jAn hleh sep apacfl46-1* U E R N' with conveniences. Apply 101 Several rural homes atba-LsAees4,Cl ville. A daughter for Russell sleep CINOLEAdcodiio;Ceto SALE 1 Scugog St. 46-11I Three five-roomn cottages, me- -gain prices. PIANO,________condition;___setof cently built, hydro, sanitary fa- Two, new summer cottgsGTheftsLeusho and Maureen Powell. 46-1 His memory we shall always books, Author Charles Laver. You can SAVE up to 30% 122 ACRES of workable land, cilities, modemn kitchens, ply- well-built, heavy wired. Prcdhww1av epdohr Engaemets .~.-ovinly eembre y MA 3-5492. 40-1 on Paints, Rubbem Footweam, (ready for fall ploughing. Phone wood finish. Can be easily at $ 1,000 and $1,200 each.Tobbemeinnalynepd Egg m ns -oigyrmmee yhs1Overalis and Pants MA 3-2360. 46-1 winterized. Onth highway a moved. These would beesiyeligRwihPrucsG ___________________son, daughter-in-law and fam- MAN'S C.C.M. skates and boots, Nov. 14 - 15 - 16 IFRIHDrocnrlb Pontypool. Asking $1,500 each winterized. ______61__ 'nw iz 0 Tlphn FUNSEDro, etall-or best offer. Contact ha2 Co. ndSB.wmWnille. Wm Mr. andou .N rmeangagementMArket 3-3533. 46-1* *E A VIT E cation, kitchen privileges. PO2.n t W omnll Rweg' et.J109î of lheir daughter, Pearl Mary TAYLOR-In loving memory of SIE6an3 ox 738, Bowmanville. 4.IPN1POLM:-43or3261iheiu oteaQe ~ a dear husband and father Nor- .IZ erfectd girls' used cloth- GE NERAL STORE TYRONE -__Phone_________20_r_111W Lrîîise, to Gary James Lane, Phone iBethanyconitin20hor 4511W ______________ ,ço condition. Fan mn ayorPhonese aay46-1* APARTMENT - in Newcastle. 4- Lane. The marriage will take November 13, 1955. y Akt329.4-*eetrcrne aae adn placeof Mr.lan dars. Frank man aylrhoepassed snc AGNrket 3-2190. 46fr col* eateleric e rane garageaN. L, arae gewte-Peter Feddema e otyslswrW a plac evquiT.lA. on rigay, Dic. jtwoyahaved assdsneGNRO ge ry ih International Harvester top castle 3231. 4- cuyadK ELETT RK 6th Re. T A Moganoffc- tha sa da jchrome trim, whitewall tires. quality ethylene glycol base anti- ~ cuyadKdd 20reL ESTATE brckER tm ereethvs ods îating. 46-1* When one we loved was called Phone MA 3-3410. 46-11freeze - Wll do evcrything if FIVE-room bouse, with bath- REALTORS20ace,8robikbusorexlivchncyta . Fensn amewah ms _______________dw hydro, large barn, 2 lien houe ivewr.N Mm. and Mrs. Roy McCracken iGod took him home, it was His FRESHLY killed turkeys flc ot more than any other anti- room, heavy wired for stove. Members Oshawa and District garage. Asking price $9,010.0tatv dvnecmiso j yla qatt dsons.SPone freeze of th is te on the market Garage, heat, self-contained. Real Ett Board Low down payment. wish to announce the engag- In our heants, he livethsqy dOshwaAe-92. 4-*ad ilne tems igid Phone MA 3-3805. 46-1 $,Cubbage, 5Oshawa R5 are wthnie tra Ailenoft Willia ThomasLan -Ever emembered by wife and 1-tests of Canadian winters. Rust by omisl 50arswt ieream 2 alifa, onofllria ndhms. C:e family. 46-1* QUANTITY of new brick, hard prevention - protects cooîing THREE rooms and bath, modern brick house with 14 acres of acres garden soil. Pnice $4 5000.393,lclrpeettv lan heatedikilea.FFine Arts. o dwn aymn. Laliea,NesonvifMe. The mr- C.rug; also cement type. L. Turn- system - will flot cause corrosion hatD 1patment; aduits only. ln 3a4Ensklen ac rieV res w on Hpayet ___2,__________ Lng e wtake place n ar- MceGLr n1o ingc, Phone MA 3-3231. 4-1 t any part of the cooîing sys- Dec. 1. $65. Dial MA 3-3810 or only $6,000. rigewtemk pac only $2.69 iLI -In1 vin galon,$11 Oshawa RA 3-3972. 46-tf We have a good selection of building site. Price $4,5000.$0wel(psil.W o day, December 7th, 1957, at memory of William John c HITAtres aeand $69 in quatst$Cowa TRCIE3moe et farms, homes, businesses and Down $ 1,500.00. wmnt e ed-u a~ three o'clock in the United Laughlin who died November spruce or pine, 6 - 15 ft. CalEquipment Co., 134 King S.EaATeT CTIEnraîyoc hated acreages. 5acewihlrebr.rcesospreimatoe!A Church, Port Hope. 46-1 20, 1956, a lovîng husband, Blaekstock 87 r 4 affer 5. 46-1*Bowmanx'ille Phone MA 3-5689. eprae ntaneand batroom. ,177 CWALh tER F AK3-3 $26750.0acrerms.men r 'e'ome t ddneste father and grandfather. _46-1_________________________ Tehonhurch St. Mi 3-39861 5 ars w eafl. tream eoe n rpr et Marig The depths of sorow we cannot BABY'S traver bcd, chrome, col- M -46 46-1 4mdat6-s1son eepoeBomnvlegodsnigwel rieonymihn.Sipees, m- arria'-~e tell lapsible, folds ta car seat, like APPLIANCE Specials-Kelvin- jM -46 614- 1l00.al oeok o no LOSCH - SMALES - Mr. and 0ftelsofoewloesonw PheCare23.4- ator Il cu. ft. refrigerator, reg- BASEMENT apartment, two fae aeet aae Mr.JmsSaeHmtn elular $389, special $289; Inter- large rooms, perfectly dry and fr$,.b. asm enisgaa.eneoet:hparAgc announce the marriage of their And while hie sleeps a peaceful ALSCO aluminumn doors and national Harvester 8.2 cu. ft. dlean, ail converiienees, private Leask Real Estaie $40.0.Estem.63 CoovStinig daughter, Isabel, to Mn. Kui't sleep windows, Canada's finest. Lamne refrigerator, regular $339 for1 bath and entrance, hydrosp18Scggt. BwavleMn4- Loseh, Toronto, son of Mn. and Hsmmr esa lasAln hn A337.44 $239; Firestone 20 cu. ft. freezer,1 plied. Imeiaepsein 8 oomed bouse, central, 4 Cali MA 3-3644 Mrs. A. Losch, Hamburg, Gem- keep. I it ps3-ssil3.eta7 onr o.IIeit many. The marriage took place -Sadly missed by wife and be'r,SQUARE' soundhbarnftim- b aaiy ny$8;te$5mnhy hn A351 bedrooms, new furnace, garage,461TWSP0FATRIf ______ 611 engh,8 0'usedbmefrigeratorsom $350; re46-1 tl hneM perssoner$1lot0. IedteApiatomwllbsr.le on October l8th, 1957, at the family. 46-1__ length. Phone MA 3-2563. Kelvjnator 30 inch deluxe elec- possinJ1,00 aytrs ames Nixon ,Nv 95,frGa pans nage Ha pton 46- M O NTJO , M a gar t-m oy- 6 1 trie range, egular $329 for $259; 5 roo mn new brick bungalow ,,To n WasaEEKE HamptO on46N ov. wb oYassed otherSPT o at sar 46h -1 1Firestone 30 inchipush button uctofl Sales ail furnaee, 3 bedrooms, aîum- Oeatr ndRodSpi îng memory of a dean ohrSOR ot matlgtsiaae, deluxe electnie range, regular inm-resadst ! RA SAE RKR tnet-ppiat osaea 8th, 1957, at Donway Unitedf1W5- awaThon Nov. 17, size 36 - 38, like6ne. Reason- $319 for $239; Kelvinator wash- Th nesge utaerthrougbout, d o ublie garage, 47 Queeii St. Bowmanvil xeineadslr xe IhrhCae, o ilb able. Don Laird, Phone MA ing machine, regular $189 for, will sel by public auction, fam roomy lot. $11,000. Terns. Box 941 MA 3-562b h ot n yteya th rch Cae lD E gron Mi.îsrm- The depths of sorrow we cannot 3-5908. 46-1*j $118 and your ad washr; usd implements and ivestck, for Choice building lot n Ontario 4-room frame bungalow, 3A y pp cat w hngt sthr everendoy e t o n C. A m-o tell Easy Spindry washer, a real bar- Frank Dorland on Saturday, St. near the shool, 66' x 100'. pece bath, oul furnace, $6,s o e ve o ni, pes o Ro tr g o McCoy id owg t of f fthc loss of one we loved so SAVE on lumber. direct fom gain at $49; Firestone eu e1N vember 23: 40 head of W ae m n oss u g- Tr s Mn. ad Mm. E. A. o Andwhlesesep pecfl mili to you. Phillips Lumber electie clothes dryr, regular c attle, 3 sows, 25 pigs, 6 and 8 lows and businesses fo num- 4-room frame ouse, hydo . W. S E T Mr.an M s.E.A.Angood o n hl h sep e fl C., Kinmount, Ontario. P bone $ 249 for only $199; Phlips and w eks ad, 600 bales of sr w, eus f0 list. wbnga 1 eîî a n wae vilbesareCek K e n or , fa e org e W illi m sîe p 17 11. 3 tf jW e st n g h o u se fe le v isio n fro m 50 b a le s o f h a y . L ist o f a rticle s w l , t w aIr a a l b e '$adWee f oot.ke.199 at Cowan Equipmnt C., in next wek's paper. Sale af List with Leask lot, $4,000 with $700 down. BaktcOt Weke, on o M. nd Mm. He m m4y6csh- lw y KEYS eut automatically, while f 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. 1:30. Tcmms cash. Cliff Pefl- M. E. LEASK, BROKER 4ron fappr bigayone, 4- -Ever remembered by family.1 you wait, af Mason & Dale'ad hneM -69 46-1 iek, auctioneer. 46-1 65 Onai3-5919 o 3-522 aed od U IRCS LR D eaths 46-1*, wae, 36 King St. E., Bowman- îatcly a cr neah n ae __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ville. 46-ff a s fo a eM . E. J. Brown, Lot 25, Con.M A 3 5 1 or - 5 2 46-1 . Tw a rgisfemd lots, appr x BYERS, Ethel Mary-Af Mem Crlso Taks BARD and soft water delivened. 6 lrcTwsiacml od 40ec.M1~ oril Hsptal Bwmavileon e oul lie o tan Prompt service. Robet H. Cale. USED cars and frucks-1954 noth of Orono, has sold his -LL Dl t wi o n i l H s p t a l B o m a v i l e . n e s m w o u a d l a t h a nef i c P h o n e M A k e t 3 - 5 4 7 6 o r M A I F o r d 2 - d o o r , r p a i n t e d , e w f a msnd w iD ecî l b y p u l i1 1 1 R e a i l E s a f e b d r o am s e c a d i n o r a r c u d J n o a r c u a i o e t j Ethel Mary Bycrs, beloved wifc fricnds 0whos580votes brounght usd 66 hyL .Byrwoevte ru s48t iesgnllgt n iîî kbl i SalesNv. 1rdB man: Nina yeas.Rete a Nnfef nz n h6o6 hw. EETIA RpisPop shicld washcrs; 1951 Monare a 1 p 1.,al is fanm stock;' 95 acre dairy farm, near Osha- amnil. E ed of emcy L C Be rs, agrtet h z n t he blSo. EETIA ear-rmt4-door, radio and ncw tires; 1950 Suffolk bmceding cwes, Fergusan wa, ailwokae land witli aemn Nn .Na Smith Funenal Home, 53 Div- Rod and Jerry. service fa electnical appliances, Pontiac 4-doon, rcpainted; 1949 tractor and tractor maehinery wclls, 100' x 48' bank barn with 9V2 King East MA 3335A-l:npesnt ision St., Bowmanville. Service 46-1 large and small. Landen Hard- Pontiac 4-door, $135; 1941 orchard sprayer and equipmcnt' waien os, i plent ils;c, ow8nlle 46 was held Monday, November ware.thn findnegi Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf Plymouth 4-door, good con- 3,000 bales of bay, grain anc1le ospgpn,2sls 98_______________ Ilth Inermet Btheda Cm 1wis to han frends negh-dition; 1953 Chevrolet sedan de- some furniture. Futhen par- roamed frame bouse, beavy dut lîfi. nte men Behcs a C bous and relatives for gifts and DO y u own flars.Rent a ivey, 1956 Internain 3tn ticulars sec bills. Terms csh w rd. Price and ternis anan H c T r G o etery. 4-1 cards during my y in liospital, sander or a floor polisher from with vnboyat oa Eu-tn ecv.Lwe cansh. .Pd el ~R I~ K EN T, also the nurses asda stan, pavcd raad H ariwre,10 Kacres. inREAtLCESTATE KBRgKER E.,WB oNère H .E and sta f, ev. Lan er ard are 7 ing St. E., m en Ca, 1 4 K ng t. ., o w- c erk ; Jack R eid, auctioneer. 7 acre p operty in N ew castle ENCarl Bedfod-In Bow- Herbent, Dr. Hubbard and Dr' Bawmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. manville. Phone MA 3-5689. -J53o 46-ra it 0ars n RA STT RKI manville on Wednesday, Novem- Rundle. -f461Young orcliard, barn, cneek,1 100 acres, Lot 12, Con. 8 ber l3fh, 1957, Carl Bedford ________________________46- double arge 6 romd bik Clke Tnhip oee Kent, belovcd busband of flc MshMeoieSae Undersigncd auctioneer wiîî egg, rae i r wspcvndwt 'I sAlie Luby publicd dar a-1ctRion esflicc ibouse-a ilbungalow with ail fumnace, 1 - d- - trees, 30,000 pine, same goo late Ahic Louise ill, d 461 FOR flc best pnce inpcobina- .LUtiwaodtad file flors, 4-pndc I timer, fieecreek, a ood in- AN'S wallf, confaning Elu fahe o oh, t a nd Arur,_ tion aluminumn storm windows Be o e Yo u hold ffects of Mrs. Ethel Cle. .,. . i f fat en of Joh , tt wa; Arhu , 1 would like t a thank ail m y cal R. Pelletier. P lone O rono An fi il g f H m t n a bath, m odemn k tchen w ith built-1 vestm nt at $7,000 w it1± g ao r s, d i e s jc n e t. Toronto, and Robent af borne, in friends wbo, sent me flowers, 13 r 11, agent for Weather Scai. i n hCilaeofHmto nincpoad ndrnin o trs bis 89tli year. Rcsting at Northi- fruit and cards, while in tflic- 'Jiv'<1 tew .A.Tr1 Saturday, November 16, includ- ind cupods an rnniang ttes 0rms wod.PBanseA 3567. 4- cut & Sm th5un2a Ho e,53ing rangette, electie irn, edc- a nd c l w t n Pieand f nms 20a ceslnd o baselings. a' cu t S it F ne al Ho e, 53 M em o ial H os ital, B ow m an-- N EW O R U E trie fea ke fle, A stral refrige a f- a r n e .w r a l a d o b i d n s h o i e Division St., Bowmanvillc. Ser- ville. Special pthanks for Dr. INSULATION, blawing metbod, NEVER UNDERSOLD jI~ rc~n haramcar 200 acre gencral fanm with 75 anly good land I know of «f______________ vienSturowmavi2leCmefIer-r,5ocin cais,.r c ares okbcca-om$0.0 nar.TWSI FCRWIR iet Safudaya 2 pm. ter-, Hubbard and flic hospifal nuns- witli rock wool. Workmanship Top Price For Your Trade 4 tons aof coal, fruit jars, .lad 1 acres fn rk bush land am bous0 n cei efovle 46_-1 ing staff.j guaranteed. Fr ee estimates. Thirty Day IVitten Guamantcc kitchen chairs, vacuum cleaner, asursteml5' T0'i Tii]etr ot n o 2H M IL LIG A , W illi m S.- A fThos. K . Stew art. H arry L . W ade. Phone C larke Easy T erm s tw o card fables, tw o toilet sets, a stnrs r a , 5 ' x 3 ' b n i h e t a lo, o o i i i r L 1 T r S e MILGN ila .S-t46-*j 2420. 9-f r-i re 3-pice bedroomn suites, 2-« an (nearly new), implementj way, $4,500 witli $1,000 down. Mcoil optaBwani, 9-'5 iiiiman $15 icce cliesterfieîd, 2 cnd tables, shied, lien bouse, garage; 8 room- New house, 5 rooms, wibCrksNtcofFrtPth MmnaHsptlBwmnilWe would like ta express ouri1 PIANO, fwo Qucbec licaten's, anc $195 prlu suite, halce admr d brick bouse ingaod rpai unceadbt, ast afcw- on Wcdnesday, November 13f h' fhanks toailwha sokindly r-bunk bP LlchrmeI tchtrtabem in- av ut iin gmeairdfuae ondNo.batihwaet 1, 19,37, belovcd husband of Amy' ta9 ahme-j bcdochrome kitchengltablebi4et$195rarlourlhall and wit$11du00 on 2$.000oftVtrrsis.s 'Taylor and fafheim1 of Berneice, m m b rd us on ur fif ieti nce flr e-quarter b d. Case 48 LdeV O ei -non floo suamp, glass abint, w i h e ay- wi i g anaa tlnogH g w y.V t rsd.. 1 5 Jean (Mns. Roy Hall) and Jobn. wedding anniversary with gifts,IjNo. 2 tractor, rangette, chester- tdileng-ro o ute, ot tcawaar, hnwo los Pie$100dWnehasyverans. ofg(o uiiayo Resting at Nortliutf & Smithcalîsadcras hse h il. hn lrk 34 1 ihevrolet $25-cen taml, four foottols, 6 98 acre farm situated 1ý mile farms and small acreages, and Twsî fCrwlh mth b ad casrvs, lsotosncied honanClpkeu2346-1Ikaicenotableha2sl6 tables,6from small town with 70 acres houses witb low down paymenf.Cut c tra FnrlHomc, 53 Division eSpt.serealunch andpourt4a-1$425 harsomtsm cr 6 kiteenunder cultivation, 60' x 60' bank IMoney tfa ban.NOIEilerbgvnth ]Bowmanville. Service Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Leiti Byers. TWO-bumner oil licafer with cn ,bar ihselsaci I a hneNwate35 Novemer lth a 2:3 p.m h~fn, 5 ~ .~AE cest f drwers sewng m- ar wî see± tancions watr Phne Nwcasle 356 jI bae capmae wie Secion INoermben t hwmnv1c em-46 two 45-gallon drums and p iv.5 Mteeor $445 chine, drop-leaf table, rug 9x12, garamp gmntsed,9pig pes 61o h oer'LssAtac Inemn 3wavleCm-one space heater for wood or coal w 85 ashing machine, 100 gallon ail bick bousewth3-'ee 1a ey.4 1I wish ta tliank nurses anrd1 witli pipes. Bath in cxcelet5 hvoe 85tk, dishes, pots and pans, furnace, hardwood floorns T Fv-omofc a csoko i t PENFOUND-On Tuesday, No v.1 staff of Memonial Hospital, aiso 1condition. Phone MA 3-5848. 1 i1nevroiei - g lawn mowcr. The ninewhdayadof November, 1957,e fie lisom 121, 957 T MadePcnouDrs Hii. Rundie and E. D. Hub- 1 46-li 5~ above articles are ail in good ing bot2and0o0 wt er000 Ask <forme1957,fT.law's), n onbril o rcare received during a II 1 1evoei condition. No reserve. Terms i2 12are500 w am ith$00 anpU G LWi lc adMncpht- rÉi th car. caîghter of flic latei recent major aperation. With HEARING adsrvcfstnias.Sloa x'cak îif 26acre daresnmwith ap- Sinion i"andî Calherinr Penfound. ,tbanks. service and complete stock of 6Met eor - ý,451AO hikauctianeen. 46-1 lrgpromatly1'acres0worab A modr Muniipa Ehomios an th Fi-xiîîng ai Ile Morris Funerali Mrs. R. Cayley, batteries and cords af Higgon 5Sl anwt unn aeipe trciesoefot C,'apcuîI Bowmanville. Service' R.R. 1, Bowmanville. Electrie Lirnited, 38 King Sf. E., AND MANY MORlE Pets f or Saeean thdruhning waernpe-t atractestoin front.AdIb bych pna in~ tl-rn Chape)l on Friday at 3 46-1*Bowmanviîce. Telephone MA _____________________ mntsblochekbus, eietlao-etra, ncudng vofrsfatae imeiae ro Iie-ye t B w a v le T13-5438. 20-tf 1 95 a b e n e ae o r m nls od nc n e m m a g d THE CAMADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVffýLE. ONTARIO

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