Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1957, p. 17

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LUNIDAT, WO'V. l4th, l95~? _______________________________ - - - -. - - - - --. . -. -.' ~ -.----- FAUX ?~ CANADIAN UTATUMAN. flOWIAWffZW ~ Social and Personal .*ru.E~ tthews .of Lon- n9 n. by her son Ro NW.attbews o! Toron- ,Visite6j iJlfth the Rev. M. C. d Mmc. Fisher and Wendell on aturday. * Mr. and Mmc. Percy itlare eme in Toronto on Saturday ttending the fuceral o! the venirig W.A. tans Many ctivities P4ewcastle: The regular bi. flthly meeting of the Even. Branch o! the Woman'. Auxiliary o! St. George'5 Chiurch was held on Wednes- diy evecing, Nov. 6th in thE Parlsh Hall. The Prayers werE 1Iollowed by the readîng o! the. m2inutes o! the hast meeting and rekorts by the treasumer anc Ilower scmetamy. It was announced that thE Little Helpers' group and their Inothers Will meet in the par- Ish hall on the a!ternoon of 'Tuesclay, November 19th, and that a Military Whist will bc held that same evening under the auspices o! the Afternoop )Bracch o! the Auxiliary. Mr. E. ]Belsey consentcd te show pic- turcs following the annual Christmas Banquet of the ]Branch on December l8th. Duricg the meeting, church Caendars weme distributed to the members and plans for ca- teing te the Horticultural So- ciety Banquet were further dliscussed. AUl members are urged te attend the next meeting when tees will be paid and nominia- tiens will be held for the off i- cers o! the Branch for the cern- Ing year. The meeting was brought te a. conclusion with the serving et refreshments. C. C. GOULD Warm Air Heafing a Specialfy EAVESTROUGHING Free Estimates Phone Newcastle 3686 s .late Mrs. E. A. King. I Mm. and Mrs. C. J. Agnew and family of Port Coîbomne visited with Mr. and Mmc. Gem- don Agnew and Mmc. Biscoe on Satumday. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Magili and daughtem, Jacice Ruth of Woodstock 'were weekeed vis- itors with her parents, Mm. and Mrs. George Allin. Mrs. P. F. LeGmesley bas me- turned home following a week's visit with ber brother, Amch- deacon C. W. Balfour and Mrs. Balfour in Peterborough. Mr. and Mms. Sidney Byam and son Terry o! Toronto, weme Sundav visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt and family. Mr. Frank Batty and daugh- ter Doris o! Brooklin were Sue- day guests with the Rev. M. C. and Mïrs. Fisher. Mr. P. F. Hare spent Mon- day visiting with fiends in Brighton. The rite of infant baptismn was dispensed by the Rev. M. C. Fisher at the United Church on Sunday morning with the recipients being, Gary EarI Johnson, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnson and Diana and George Bouwmeester, childmen of Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Bouw- meester, ail o! Newcastle. We could make this colume mnuch more interesting if you, Our readers would just take a few minutes and Dial 3621 when 'gou have visitors from eut of town, or when you go eut of town te visit, te tell us about it. Won't you co-operate? Conversations In Japan Topic W.M.S. Study INewvcastle: The egular menth ly meeting of the Woman's Mis sionary Society o! the Newcas tie United Chumch was held i the Sunday School room co Thursday afternoon with Mrm M. C. Fisher presidîng, and op ening the meeting with coni worthwhile thoughts on thi subjeet o! "If Jesus Came t( Your House as a Guest", foe lowed by prayer. The meeting was ie charg( o! Mrs. George Allin's gmoul and the wership service on tii theme "Thine is the Glemy' and "Unte Him Evemy Kne Shall Bow". This service cor. sisted o! hymns, Scripturi reading, meditation and pmayei and was conducted by Miss Fer. guson. Mrs. Allie and Miss R. Han. cock ably prcsented a chaptei from the Study Book entitled "Conversations on Japan', dealing with the poblems fac- ing the Christian Chumch ir many lands like Japan toda: created by the entry o! womc: into industrial, business an. professional fields. As Japan- ese women now have equal sta- tus with the men they are tak- ing their place in the govcmn- ment, education and religion of the country. Mrs. Fisher bougbt a few interesting !acts from the So- per Mission je Oshawa and particulamly the Wednesday af- ternoon meeting when Dm. Sa- per addressed the women. In a brie! business peid,a committee o! the tbree -;ce presidents wvas appointed to present a slate o! officers for the ensuing year. Member, were asked te bring good used chothing te thb cburch en Thursday evening, November 14th for overseas relief. The meeting closed with the benediction. MUNICIPAL, ELECTEON Public Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Municipal Electors of the Villag.e of Newcastle will be heid in the Community Hall, Newcastle -ON - FR1., NOV. 22 1957, nt the bour of 7:30 o'clock p.m. for nomina- tion of candidates for the office of Reeve and four Councillors for the cnsuing year, three members of the Board of Education and one member of the Hydro Electric Commission for two years for the Corporation of the Village of Newcastle, in con- formity with provisions of the Municipal Laws of the Province of Ontario. If more than the necessary number of Candidates are nominated and a poli is required) the proceedings wili be rned until ON., DEC. 2 1957-, ý*in a poli wili be opencd at 9 o'clock in the ornq4W and continue until 6 o'clock in the after- bon 6 . the saine day and no longer, in each W>Ilingub-Division of the Village of Newvcastle. And that a, said Nomination Meeting Mrs. Nettie Butler, Village Clerk, shall be the Returning 0f ficer. of which ail persons are required to take notice and govern theniselves accordingly. MRS. NETTIE BUTLER, Clerk of the Corporation of Newcastle. sh- ci- las rs. 2p- ne he ge 1- he re er dr n- in id of MI Remembrance Service Honours War Dead Newcafle: A Civic Service Gomme, G. E. Howard and A. of Remembrance was held in B. Bloom. (1939-45) Murray the Newcastle Community Hall Butler, Alfred Alldmead, Glen on Monday morning, Novem- Brooks. (Korea)-J. E. Belsey. ber llth in honour of the men Clarke Township- (1914-18) of Newcastle and Clarke Town- -D. C. Law, F. W. Gibson, ship who paid the supreme sa- Leyland Hooper, Lewis Spry, crifice while serving their Roland White, Sam Glanvil le country in the two great wars and Leoneal Bowen; (1939-45)1 and the Korean conflict. -Cecil Bruton, Norman Bru- Ex-Service men of the vil ton, Alfred Waddell, Joe Gold-ý lage and district, members vif stink, John Grady, Maynarai the ewCstleCubPackandClough, Sidney Morgan, Jack the Sigma-C group met at the Forbes, Giebertet Hl,Milog UntdChurch earlier and pa- Morto, SieyReiHal, MGeog rdd to the hall, with Geo. otn inyRiGog Meadws s Mrshllwhee ~Rolph and Donald Powell. go nuMrofshol hild-a Wreaths were laid at the goodnumer f shoo chld-base of the bronze memorial ren and older cicizens had ga- tablets at the entrance to thel thered for the service which Memorial Library by Mrs. M.] was led by Reeve J. H. JoseA. de adMsE.Bley and opened with the hym;n " A0 readMr.E. esy God our help in ages past"' representing the mothers of withMr. orma Wiliamspre-the fallen, after which two min'- in th Mr.eNoranoW.imspe utes of silence was observeid sidin at he pano.followed by the Last Post and The Rev. M. C. Fisher led in Reveille sounded by trumpeter the responsive reading of Mr. Jack Allin, and prayer led Psalm 124, and Councillor Fred by the Rev. Mr. Fisher. Couch read the names of the The hymn, "0 God of Love, men who were being remem- 0 King of Peace", was sung and bered at the service; From the Rev. D. R. Dewdney of St. Newcastle.- (1914-18) - W. E. George's Anglican Church gave Lockhart, D. M. McDonald, D. a most interesting and instruc- W. Parker, W. W. Jose, G. N. tive short address on the sub-1 Noden, E. A. Couison, P. C. ject of "Rememnbrance". Inter-Club Meeting Planned by Lions Newcastle: The regular bi- monthly dinner meeting o! the Newcastle Lions Club was held le the dining room of the Queen's Hotel on Thumsday evening and despite the deer hunting season, was faily well attended. Following the dinner, Lier. President Roy Forrester an- neunced that the speaker ex- pected for the meeting was fomced te cancel bis appearance at the last minute due te the 'f lu". Durîng a brie! business dis- cussion the matter o! the Com- munity Auction being planned by the club on December 7th in the Newcastle Commucity Hall came up and it was an- nounced some articles had been o!fered but that many more would be needed te make the preject a success. It was point- ed eut that aey persen having any article te donate for th,- Auction should contact any member e! the club and the article will be picked up. There was aise considemable discussion regardieg the pro-, posed purcbase of a portable public address system and the possibilîty of repairing the present system owned by the club. It was le! t to the proper- ty committee to look into this problem more thoroughly and report back to the club.- The president, said there basý been some talk of an inter-clubi visit with some club in the area and it was decided to have the secretary contact the Lindsay Club inviting them to one of the local clubs meetings with the assurance this club would return the visit at a later date. Boys and Girls Committee Chairman, Floyd McKinley me- 'ported on the annu,.l Hallow- e'en party stating the attend- ance was flot quite as large as in some former years, but tbat the costumes were excellent and everyone enjoyed a most pleasant evening. He said there had been considerable candy left and Lion Percy Hare had delivered it to Mom Whyte's Home for Children where it was gratefully received by Mms. Whyte. Busy Coun cil Meeting Discusses Street Lines Hears of Closing Roads *Newcastle: The heaming c id sevemai delegations, considera f- tien o! cormespondence and dis cussion o! genemal business gavi members e! thc Newcastle Vi] a lage Council a busy night or ,e Monday evening. They met foi ttheir November meeting witl )r Reeve Jose and ail members o. Cs couni except Ross Dickinsoi ýd in attendance. ýn Discuss Street LUne >r A delegation o! four proper. ty ownc -s on Andrew streel ýewcrc present te lied eut whai council intcnded ta de aboul finding the location o! the streetline which seems te bc je doubt. A letter ie answer t< the mecent icquiry made ta the legal department o! the Muni- cipal World made sevemal sug- gestions and these were discuss- cd without too much success as the problein is immediate, the Hydmo Commission refusing ta give power te Mm. DeBruin un- til the street lice is defincc (Hydre pales cannot be emect- cd on private praperty. A proposai for the pmoperty owners involved and the muil- icipality te co-opemate in bav- ing a sumvcy made o! the whole block, dividing thc cost, met with little succcss. A motion was finally passcd je which council agreed te have a sur- veyor establish the street lice and let the owners look a! ter the surveys o! their own pro- pcmty if and when desired. A sumveyor will be contacted im- mediately ta bave the work donc at the eariiest possible moment ta ahlow the Hydre Commission ta get a power liai' in as soon as possible ta the new home now under construc- tion by Mr. DeBruin. Areas of Taxes Increase Mr. E. W. Fisher, village tax collecter gave a report e! taxe*s collected ta October 31st show- ing arrears e! taxes amounting ta some $15,500, censiderably rcr than je recent years, though the collector stated he was remsonably sure that much o! the armears would be collect- cd befome the end o! December. The colhcctom's report bmougnt up a question of inconsistency between the village by-law governing the collection of tax- es and the way in which the tax bill is printed. The m atter %vas discussed at somne iengtli but it was decidcd nothing could bei donc about it during the cur- ment yeam and se was le!t ever for the 1958 ceuncil ta edai with. Renew O.P.P. Contmact After some discussion, on mc-: quest !rom the Provincial o lice, a motion was passed re- newing the contract for the O.P.P. te Police the village on a part time basis at a cost te the municipality of $100 per month plus Il cents per mile car expenses, $15 monthly of- fice rent, telephone account and office furnishings and supplies. Roads to be Closed E. Richard Levekin, counsel for the village in the August hearing of the application of the Department o! Highways before the Ontario Municipp.l Board, was present and infom- ed council the written judg- ment of the Board had been received approving all road closings requested by the De- partment in the heaming. Mr. Lovekin explained that on re- ceipt of the decision be bad written the Minister o! High- ways to find his intentions now that he had received the ap- We hurry to give you down-to-earth help on insurance p ro blerms Our policyholders cait always ceunt on us for prompt, fricndly, effective insu rance service. Particu. larly in case e! fine, acci- dent, burglary or other mishap. Whatever your nced, we'Il respond te your cali for help in a bumry. STUART B. JAMES, INSURANCE Offie MA 3-5681 King Street E. IREAL ESTATE Residence MA 3-54931 Bowmanville1 àpJon Âgo Edilor Phone 3621 Mr. Albert Naylor Invited members of the ceuncil, acd the press, te attend a meeting o! the Northumberland-Durham Fireman's Association te be bcld in the Newcastle Corn- munity Hall on November 28th whee special instructors will be present te explain !ime-fight- ing mcthods etc., teail present. This will be the first indoor meeting of the Association ta be beld in Newcastle. BURKETON Menday was a holiday for, the school childmen due te ob- servance o! Remembrance Day. Mrs. Frank Mamch, Mr. acd Mmc. George Walien, ailiof Mamkbam, wcre Sunday visit- A baby showem le honor of Mmc. Don Archibald, was beld 1 Monday cvening o! last wcckin tbe home o! Mms. Stan MeCul- lougb. About 18 ladies attend- ed. The gucst o! boneur was the mecipient o! many beautifu! and useful gifts. The evening' was plcasantly spent playing bingo, with Mms. McCullough calling tbe numbers. Following the binge Mrs. Boce cenductcd an amusing game, during wbicb the participants spent more time on the floor than on their chairs. A jumbled trans- portation contest was the ncxt Item on tbe pmogram, which re- sultcd le a thmcc-way tic be- twecn Mmc. H. Abbett, Mrs B Dean an dMrs. G. Alliseni. Mmc j Abbott was the final winer by means o! cutting cards. A lovely lunch was scrvcd byJ Mmc. McCuliougb, Mrs. Carne-j chan acd Mms. G. Irons. A wild cat bas been heard and sigbtcd by village and eut- side mesidents. Its wcird dry' heard during the night bv Mrs. Bone ene night hast wcek and a day or two later one of the, truck drivers, Bert Simpson.i who was trucking trees icto th station yard caught sigbt of iti ie the beam o! the beadligbtq. It was aimost damk when the1 tuck came in witb the lea d of Chr*stmas trees and the driveri spici the wild cat. The social cvening held at the home o! Mm. and Mrs. R. Bone last Tbursday nigbt was, net as well attended as hopcd fer. Hewever those wbo wcre prerent report baving cnjoycd tbemnselves. Euchme and varioue, other games were cnjoycd. The bigh and low cuchre scorers were ladies. Mmc .W. Oke, high, and Mrs. S. McCuliough, iew;! gents. Mm. E. M. Adams high. and Mm. S. McCuliough low. In varieus other games, the prize winnems were: Mrs. E. M.! Adams and Floyd Argue. A' lovely lunch wvas servcd bv! NTrs. L. Argue, Mrs. S. MeCul-! lougb, Mm. A. Hubbard mnd Mms.! Banc. A vote of tbanks te Mr' and Mvrs. R. Bone was given for the! use e! their home for the pr pose of holding these ýsocial evenings te maise funds fer tbc church Hall Building Fund. It i w.as announced that the nexti social, evening will be bcid on: ['humsday, Nov. 21. Donations! of articles suitable for prizes; wiii be vcry gratcfully recpiv- ed. Mr. and Mrq. Orvus Smitfl pent Sunday le Oshawa, visit- î ing hem mother, Mrs. Vera Vie-:1 kers. Mm. mnd Mrs. Robt. Carter, cnd cbildmen, Wbltby, Mm. and Mrs. Albert Adams and girls,! Bowmanville, were Sunday vis- iters of Mm. and Mmc. E. M. Adams. Wres lb e The JoUly Wrea lbme 1 Jahnson's Hard Glose GLO-COAT Maple Leaf LIQUID DETERGENT Regular Reg. 2 1-lb Monarch Margarine Makea 12 Quarts of Skim Ml A&P INSTANT MILK Jane Parker APPLE PIE Jans Parkçr Bpanish BAR CAKE A&P Fancy APPLE SAUCE EVAPORATED MILK proval o! the Board and a let- ter rcceived froru the Minister stated that his departrnent planned the physical closlng of the roade as soon as possible, stating seme of the contracts for the structures had already been let and would be pro- ceeded with immediately. He stated that level crossings would be made across the high- way rlght-of-way duing con- struction o! the structures. So, once again we cee this Depart- ment ignoring the rights and wishes of municipalities and citlzens witheut even waiting te see wbether an appeal is to be filed. Mr. Ed. Barchard, Sec. Treas. o! the School Board, speaking on behaif of the Board reques- ted the erection of "No Parking Here To Corner" signs be erec- ted on Mil street at least fil ty feetfromtheintersection cf Robet sree toallow children a cearvie ofthe mead when going to and from scbool, as a safety measure. The value of such signs was qucstioncd by the Reeve and members of the council who believed parking was not the cause of most of the trouble but rather careles divng within the school amea. Members stated dloser super- vision on this corner by Con- stable Tilîson would be of more value than any signs. Tbere are almeady "School Crossing Drive Slowly" signs and the poliçe- man signs eected by the Lions Club te mark the school amea. Drivers are net beeding themn se that there is ne assurance the "No Parking" signs would be observed witbout igid e- forcement. It was decided te ask Constable Tilîson to wage a campaign against offenders at this corner at noon heur and other times when children would be using the 'crossing. The Scbool Board aise ne- quested better street ligbting in the school amea te accom- momdatc the nigbt classes and ceuncillor Fred Couch, chair- man of the Property Commit- tee was autbomized te look Into the situation and order neces- sary improvement. Aise on the question o! street lighting, councillers discussedj the pessibilities of installing Memcury Vapor lights (simiar te those ln use at the clover- leaf west o! the village) in the' King Street business section, moving the present larger llghts te other locations in the vil- lage. A motion was passed te bave an estimate of the cost of this change pepared for ceun- cil. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gatcheli, Oshawa, spent Sunday wlth Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. E. &. White, McLaughlln Fiherles, were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mme. R. Bone. The W.A. met at the home of Mns. E. Carnochan on Nov. 7. Attendance was qulte smal! due to quite a number of mem- bers belng ill. Several articles were brought in for the bazaar. Final plans for the bazaar were made and convenors for the different tables were appoint- ed. After the business portion was concluded, a short program in the form of a reading, en- titled "Fresh Air Caller", and a flower contest was conducted by Mrs. Bone. A lovely lunch was served by Gin'up Two, with Mrs. Wotton, Mrs. Abbott and Mrs. Carnochan as hostess. The service on Sunday was flot very well attended but Rev. Mr. Green's message on "Re- membrance Day" was vemy in- spiring. Two minutes' silence was observed. Next Sunday, Nov. 17, Mr. Green will speak on the Ontario Temnperance Federation. Mrs. John Carter and Fred, University of Toronto, attend- ed the Remembrance Day ser- vice at the cenotaph in Black- stock on Nov. 11. Mrs. Carter had the honour of laying the wreath, in memory of ber son Roy. ber busband, nephew, and brother, and all those who fell in both world wars from this HIGHLY STYLED MODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR La Vogue ga cque/tne Cor. Athol & Celina, Oshawa Weekend Specials! Corduroy Lined JEANS WITHK Matching Flannel SHIRT Sizes 2 to 6 Regular $3.45 SET $2.4,5 KIDDIES RUDEER *BOO0TS Sizes 10 to 12 $225 Pr. BOWMANVILLE SURPLUS STORE 42 King St. EL ]Phone MA 3-3211 Coin Seo A&P's Easy-to-Choose Favourites At: A" EASY-TO-TA&KE SAVI NGS'e SUPER-RICHT QUVA1TffY MEATSW PORK LOIN SALE à t. SI/a-lb Ave rage RIB END 16 3 9( 3te 8'/2-Ib Average TENDERLOIN END 1649C b 63 C PRODUCE SPECIAL! Golden Ripe No.1 iGrade BANANAS 2.ls29C Wid & MelIaw, Custom Ground 3-lb Bag $213 8 O'(LOCK COFFEE Pricea Efftetive Until Saturday, Novembeg. l6th, 1957 Reg. Olo-SAVE So piriltin .5 3c 12e Off Deýal 24-oz tin 69 c pkgs 54o-SAVE 2o 2 1-lb pkgs 53 c Reg. 99o-SAVE 10o 3-bbox 89 c Re.5#-S4AVE 100 ecdi49c Reg. 48.-BSAVE 4* .ch 39c 7 es-oz tins 1.00 7 16-oz tins 1.00 at the home of Mrs. Anthony en to do thc same at Bunketon Smith lest Wednesday evening. Station very seen. Nov. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Slinger- area. land and Lindy, Oshawa, were The G. R. Kirk Ca., ai Taco- Sunday visitors of Mm. andi nma, Washington, repmesented Mrs Merle Hubbard. ily building the piles of Christ- mas trees along beside the tracks and expccts te begini loadlng them ln box cars for ** shipment te various destina- tions in the States, about Nov. 15 or 16. Altbough net a great deal o! snow emained on the ground, children wcre quick te take ad- vantage of what there was and tied their luck on Uic hilîs ' with toboggans and sleda. Word bas keen eceived that the materials for installing the hydre ln the station has arriv- ed at Cavan Station, wbich bas* ne hydre eitber. Se It Is boped that as soon as Cavan Station and Section bouse have been wlred, serpe action may be tak- Centre (uts or Chops FUK and WAGNALL'S Universal Standard ENCYCLOPEDIAc VOLUME NO. 10 ON SALE THIS WEEK FOR ONLY 99y laclc Copies Available For 99c Volume No. 1 Available For 25c WITH ANY PURCHASE L - 7TODA Y! no obligauion. as Iow es $119.00 JACK BROUGH PLUMBING and HEATING Division Street South MtA 3-5615 BOWMANVrLLE -0 - . TM CANADIM BTATESMAN. BOWIL4NVff2.x emvpAim m à à%ffl m il KIDDIES

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