Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1957, p. 16

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PUBLIC SKATI NC ADMISSION Aduits - 40c Children THE CANA>1AI'I bA.LLbMAr4, UWMYAN VILLE, ONTARIO Cartwright Couple Fifty Years Married Blaekstock: On Nov. 6, 1907, Edith M. Franklin and Akrthur-- Leith Byers were- united in t Inarriage by Rev. I. Snell a, the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Frank Franklin, Shir. ley. On Wednesday, Nov. 6, 1957 a very pleasant event took place at their home in Black- stock where Mr. and Mrs. By- ers have livcd since retiriîîî from their farm on the first concession of Cartwright 14 years ago. In the afternoon their only daughter Jean (Mrs. Herb Swain) and only daughter-în- kaw Eileen (Mrs. Murray By- ers) received the guests at the door and ushered them to the living-room where Mrs. Byers, wearing an Elizabeth blue dress with corsage of yellow and white baby 'mums and Mr. By- ers with a yellow boutonniere, received and were congratulat- ed by around 140 guests duriîîg the day. A tbree-tier wedding cake and yellow candies in silver candelabra graced the dining- room table where Mrs. Rupt. Byers, Bowmanviile, and Mrs. Adam Sharp. Enniskillen, pour- cd tea in the afternoon, whiie Mrs. Harold Swain, Mrs. Earl B"adburn and Mrs. Bruce Ash- ton served the guests. In the evening MurrayBys and Herli Swain received at the door and Mrs. Harold Hockin, Port Perry, and Mrs. Austin Franklin, Oshawa, poured tea. Jean and Eileen assisted the other three eladies in serving. The grandebjîdren were in charge of the guest book. Yellow and white chrysanthe- mums and yellow candles de- corated the buffet and coffee table. Mr. and Mrs. Byers were the recipients of two beautiful platform rockers from the fam- ily, a floor lamp fromn the brothers and sisters, a step ta- bic from neighbors, a table lamp and flowers fromn the grandchildren, Miriam, Donald and Ralph Swain and Jirn and Janice Byers, as well as many other gifts and numerous cards and messages of congratula- tions, ail of which were very much appreciated. Guests were present from Oshawa, Toronto, Columbus, Port Perry, Uxbridge, Bowman- ville, Enniskillen, Shirley and surrounding districts. YELVERTON Special Decoration ta Mark 60 Years af Army Service On Tuesday evening the Dur- ham County Co-Op Medical Services held their annual meet- ing - a banquet in Yelvertonf Church Hall with around 100 in attendance. Followîng the de-1 liclous meal served by Yelver- ton W.A. (nothîng like patting our own ladies on the back). Rev. P. Romeril of Blackstock was the guest speaker. Other entertainment consisted of Mast - er Leonard Bradimore, cowboyj vocalist from Bethany; Miss Lor- raine McGill and Mr. Lloydf Wilson a duet; Mrs. Ralph Mal- colm, a reading. Officers of t'e4 Co-Op for another season are: President-Elmore Scott; Vice- Pres.-David Wilson. Re-elected' for another term were Mrs. Clar- ence Page, Mrs. Ray Stewart, Mrs. Eric Fallis and Mr. Harry On Thursday Badminton Club started as per sehedule with a limited attendance due to pre- valence of the flu bug. On Friday night Family Club also started the Faîl season with a wiener roast. Chairing the business session was Vice-Pres. - Ral1ph Malcolm. Balance of cv- This weekend, during the special five-day Gospel band. They include, back row: Capt. Norman Coles, ening was spent socially in Crusade at the Salvation Army Citadel here, an unusual Alfred Huggins, Mabel Huggins, Johnny Lockhart. Ritson games followed with wîcners feature will lbonor Bandsman George Charrington who is Kinnear, Ronnie Garvock, Gary Neil, Allan Bothwell and and delicacies. Mr. and Mrs1 David Wilson and Mr. and Mrs: marking 60 years of unbroken service to the Salvation Brian Forscy; front row, Bandsrnan George Charrington, Howard Malcolm were conven- Army. In this photo, the 77-year-old bandsman is continu- David Conroy, Loyal Hopson, Barry Conroy, M'ar.jo-rie r.f hancMr.JonWih ing with his instruction of the youthful members of the Henry, Ronnie Morrisey; absent, Shirley Carter. have started excavating, etc., for their new service station on NO. o(-I Hospital, Bowmanville on 35dNighway, ncthof No. 7A Ti me O.ut ta Inspect Lir r cale M de riday. The funeral siPrvîice was Quite a successful farm saler Sunday visitors with Mr. and jura: D cale the terit ciet dlsc A tee cer Ing 25c INTERMEDIATE "A" HOCKEY Saturday, November l6th ai 8:30 p.m. Port Hope Bowmanville Orono Combines ADMISSION - Aduits-----------------75e for Reserved Seats and General Admission Students and Children- --------- e CHILDREN'SSKATING Wednesday, November 20 3:30 la 5:30 p. ADULTS ACCOMPANYING CHILDREN - 25e No Skating Wednesday Evening I JUNIOR%"C"/ HOCKEY Wednesday, November 20 ai 8:30 p.. Whitby vs. Robson Pontiacs ADMISION- - - -ADULTS -50 STUDENTS AND CHILDREN - 35e SPECIAL NOTICE ffideof ai raw Tickets on 1958 Pontiac may pick up their season's tickets starting at 5:30 p.m. Monday, November ISih AT THE ARENA On Friday evening, while about a dozen Rotarians were sanding floors, paint- ing and doing carpentry work at the new Library building, several of their Rotary Anns were assisting and preparing coffee and sandwiches to revive their men after their unaccustomed activity. This photo shows a few of the ladies, gathered around the scale model which shows shelves, tables, etc., which will appear in the cornpleted building. Fromn left to right, they are: Mrs. Wm. Rudeil, Mrs. George Vice, Mrs. Howard Rundie, Mrs. Ken Morris, Mrs. Morley Vanstone, Mrs. Walter DeGeer. Incidentally, the huge thermometer registering donations ta this worthy Library renovation cause, has flot been rising too rapidly. Anyone who wishes to contribute should contact one of the Rotarians who will be delighýted to accept the funds. was held on Saturday evenin g1u at the Wesley Wrights, east of Dethany W.A. Has Guest Yelverton, despite inclement gals also did a brisk business S e k r f o e e b r with the coffee pot, sandwiches Bethan', Mrs. John Sandy of shared bv the other churches andpis.Peterborough brought an in- in Manvers parish. A further Mrs. Harvey Malcolmn, Mitzi spiring message to those at- contribution will lie gîven and Marti spent Wednesday tending the Woman's Associa- when final costs are determin- with her family near Cooks 4 lie, tion of the United Church ed. while yours truly attended a meeting held on Tuesday at th-, Lunch was served bv the session of the Ontario Federation home of Mrs. Ross Davidson. hoste ss assisted bym beso of Aricltur anual eetng -In a Christian democracy," Group four. with a happy note which included the Hon. Wm. Mrs. Sandy said "We must i trodced as al the ebr Goodfellow's address to the have endurance, the %jibiliyt I o1cmbr Confrenc. liy tjoined in singing "Happy Birth- Conerece.last and to measure up to what dayl' to Mrs. Thomas lcnnings. The population of Canadian is required of us. Every groupi Mrs. R. Cari, expressed the horses reccntl *v jumped from meets with minor problems thanks of the members to the 800,000 to 800 001 12 - a slight 1rom time to time, but we must guest speaker; to Mrs. David- orvesai offrtunes.asThernsy remember that they are onl o foir her hospitality and to I our- euinfrinds Thw 1 minor. What would your church all who had taken part in the for- r.an Ms.G.E.Spnc- b lie itou aW..?Wht rora; lI expressing wish- ley accompanied Mr. Emil Lei would the community be like es for a safe .iourney andhap Blanc of Ottawa to Harrisburg- without a Church: There j olidayv to Mrs. James Fraser Penn. (U.S.A.), where they at- would lie no Church without and ber husband, Who wW.1 tended the Speed Sale. The God. What would your couni- soon lie ]eaving to spend the Spenceleys acquired a brood try lie like without God?" wiermnsinFodau- mare from WahYult Hall Farm s w asb sinte. otsi lrd ui of Kentucky and are thrilled toi The speaker, who bseecn si the teeth with their new pur- past presîdent of the Domîni- chase. People sure are funny - ion W.M.S. of the Uniteà ifi eean Angus heifer we Church and chairman of tbcNETO IL state of excitement. mittee in Ottawa Presbytery, as well as holding many active of- Mr. and Mrs. Murî'av Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Monk and fices in hospital auxiliaries Sandra and Donna spenit Sunday Margaret o! Peterborough on Woe"hitinTmeac with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKay' clsuna. ihteRlhMl Union and other womnen's of Bronte. com.church groups, was introduced' About 40 ladies attcnded a! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harold by the programn convener, Mrs t linen shower for Mrs. Roy' Stinson were Monday evening Walter Rowland. Cochrane (nec Jean Wade) held supper guests of the Dalton at the home of Mrs. Sid Lan- Browns of Fleetwood to wel- Mrs. Ralph Preston read aicseTusdyecig corne back Douglas Brown who poem with Armistice Day sîg- Mrs. Cecil Stapleton uncler-1 had returned recently from a nificance "Building A Nation." went a serious operatbon at two-year stint in Germany in Mrs. R. R .Bonsteel, Mrs. Mer- Oshawa Hospital last week. the Armed Forces. Another 1 vin Porteous and Mrs. Preston Mr. and Mrs. R. Bowen of' brother expects to leave fori Neals sang -Leave your burden Bronte and Mrs. Pal l.nrson of home later in the month. at the place of prayer.' Orono spent thc wveckrnd with Mrs.W. . Sinso spntiMrs. John White presided for Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown. Mr. . . tiso sethebsness session and wor.- We are sorry f0 hear that Thursday with the Morris WaIk- sîiip service in which M'.tKnehSaltn letsno ers f Jaetvile.Ross Davidson and Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton! On Thursday evening the Rowland took part. Seçretary will have to have one ]c'g in a' November W.A. meeting was Mrs. Mervin Porteous read a cast for several weeks. owing, to held in the Church Hall %vith 1 letter of thanks fromn Mr. and so trul i hkle average attendance. Mrs. Robert Burgess. oreMroubVleis oc n d Mr ki. Belated visitors ai Malconia - It was decided to give an jW. Jones spent the weekend two baby chicks hatched out in initial contribution of $300.00I with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Jones o! complete secrecy met a rather ~ towards the installation of a London. cold reception here this week. new oil furnace in the Parson-j After a short illncss Mr. Victor Have to knit theni some îiockccs. age, the total cxpcnsc 1.0 bc Maulson passcd awa.i, at Mcm- Mrs. George Stapleton were Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Williams, Port *Hope; Mrs. D. F. Shaw, New- castle, and Mr. and Mrs. Marîson *Patton, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce Ispent the past week with relatives a! Bancroft. Mr. and Mrs. Victor' Bourgerie wcre in a car accident a few days ago. Mrs. Bourgerie is at present with one o! bier family at Oshawa. jMr. and Mrs. Arnold Wade, ýMessrs. Lloyd Clysdale, Wayne E lliott, Fred Saunders, Jack Huggins, Melville Joncs and Mr. Redmond attended the funeral service for Mr. Victor Maulson held at Toronto on Tuesday. tMrs. Leland Payne is a patient in Memnorial Hospital, Bowman- tjville. A very enjoyalile turkcy sup- per was held in the liasement o! the Newtonville United Church. by the memnbers of the Women's Institute last Saturday night. Primarily honouring the home town baIl team, the Newton- ville Royals, for again winning the League Cbampionship, and the Durham County Trophy, it w as attended as well by about 130 interested friends and rela- tives. Rev. R. C. White and Mr. C.. Return Ope ln Traffic E A coroner's jury returned a-, open verdict at an ihiquest Wet.- nesday of last wcek into the deaths of Nancy Mitchell andi Therma Larson in an auto acci- dent on July 31. Both girls were killedt in aui auto truck collision at the ini- tersection of Highway 35 and 115 while they wcre returning from swimming at Newcastle Beach. A third girl, Betty Gibson, I Newcastle, driver of the car, was seriously injured in the ac- cident. She is presently at home and remembers nothing about the incident, it was reportcd by Recommend Entrance The jury recommcnded that a merging traffic lane lie bu;lt at the inte",section to permit Highway 35 traffic to merge with that o! Highway 115, in- stead o! being required to come to a stop. 11. was determined by tl'e jiury that both girls died at Bowmanvillc Memorial Hospi- tai a! 5 p.m. as a result of head injuries received in the acci- dent. Dr. Allan B. Sylvester testified that they were dead on admission to hospital. il. Lane, who acted as chairman, iled in singing "The Queen'" fol- lowed by C;race, ater which the really bountiful supper o! fowl, sevoe-al kinds o! vegetables, salads, jellies, pickles, rolîs and pies of aIl kinds was enthusiast- ically entered into. Mr. Lane introduced Mr. John M. James, who, after a short congratulatory speech to the team, presented them with his Trophy. Captain John Holman replied on behaîf of the boys. thanking Mr. James, as well as the ladies o! the W.I. for their kindness in again pro- viding a lovely supper. The President, Mrs. Milligan, re- sponded, with the good wishes O! the Society as well as a small donation, which was also ac- knowledged by the Captain o! the team. Chairman Lane then intro- duced the following members o! th Royals: Alec Martyn, Ross Bron, edLane, Doug Rowe, Bob Holman, Bill Wade, John Holman, Ed. Rowe, Laurie Stapleton, Phil Gilmer, Rollie Spencer, Howard Quantrill. The only absentees were Mico Ash- ton, Ted Boughen and Coach Stan Rowe. Rev. Mr. White and League I President Arnold Wade both spoke briefly and humorously, after which the gathering dis- persed, with the general feeling that the occasion had been quite successful. EMPRESS 0F ENGLAND 19 day cruises Jan. 31 and. Feb. 2 1, as low as $47 5 from New York, calling at St Thomas, Fort-de-F rance., Grenada*, Bridgetownt, Port of Spaint, La Guaira, Curacao, Cristobal, Kings- ton, Port-au-Prince, Havana..L 'ian. 31 cruise only. t Feb. 21 cruise only. 1ý 14 day cruise MAR. 14, as low as $350 from New York, calling at St. ThomTas, La Guaira, Curacao, Cristo. bal, Havana. Euit iformetion from Jury and Loveil MA 3-5778 Bowmanvllle SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES TO ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR TORONTO, NOV0-23 FARE AND ON@LLF for te Rouday N, Good going-Thursday, Nov . 14 t Satrda, , ov.231 inclusive. Return-LeaeýèT- later than midn Nun-L day, Nov. 24. Full information from any agent. à' M ic M11 SoI Ou We have completely sold out of our $17.95 Suburban coat ini both the silver grey and charcoal blue shades. IVe hope to he restocked in both these popular shades within two weeks. Full stock of other styles and colours for your seleclion. E K' ,1 f tfJ{enri sfl7en'9s {xea r 37 King St. W. '<Quality First" * *~. . . .. .,j , PAGE SIXTEEN Asn~iail deposit wili hold any article until Christmas MEMORIAL ARENA .Bowmanville 8 to 10 p.m. Friday, November l5th 8:30 ta 10:30 p.m. Tueday, November l9th à orwv rqA"ATTAW In PITTS a A %ýý e - -.- . --- ý*lý THURSDAY, NOV. 14th, 1957 n Verdic j )eaths Skull Fractures Caus ýtatlr Miss. Larson sustained a frade tured skull, while Miss Mit. cheli suffered a fractured skuîl and fractured pelvis, he to]d the jury. The skull fractures were the immedia cause 0, death in bothcs~ said. y Other witnesses 1d, T. 4 F. McCurdy, driver o tras- " port which struck the 'Gibson I car; J. McDonald, driver of a 1t:- second transport which wasat1 the intersection when theaci j dent occurred and O.P.P.coj.. stable Bruce Tilison, the inves. tigating officer. Dr. Charles Austin presided at the hearing. He was assistel$ in the questioning by H. R, Deyman, Q.C., Cobourg. Men,-. bers of the jury wvere: GarneV ý, Goheen, Don Boe. Frank Jam- ieson, George White and JosePh Flett.

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