Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1957, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN TE CANADIAN STATESMA4N. BOWMANV!LLE. ONTARIO ESDTNO.1h ls Rotary Ann's Serve Lunch at Robson M'otors "Open House' I I .1 i I.- New Buicks and Pontiacs attracted almost 400 people photo, several intereàted visitors are inspecting the 1958 at Robson-Motors "Open House" on Saturday evening. In Pontiac "Strato Chief " which will be won by some lucky addition to the gleaming cars, other features of the evening ticket holder. At the right of the car, from left ta right, included door prize draws, free lunch served by Rotary Salesman Earl McQueen, Proprietor Bill Steven and son1 Anns who were making money for the Library Fund, and Barry. The lower photo shows Rotary Anns in action, a special draw to take place Inter, probably at one of the from lef t ta right: Mrs. Bill Steven, Mrs. Keith Slemon,1 Junior hockey games at the end of November. In the topi Mrs. Wm. Rudeli and guests Mrs. and Mr. LewRundle.1 leader in one of thes.e Bible Va- was a social hour spent in the cation schools held in Haml- Sunday School Hall. Mrs. R. R. Y oung P eo p ie Take -ton, in the downtown indus- Bonsteeel led in a sing-song. trial section. .R . Bonsteel hwdaI Miss Rowan said, "It was ap.. colored movie "On This Rock" paling ta find how many of a dramatie story of the open- reliiou, tainng. omehadat-at SvenIslndsandKnob Bethanyý A special Young the Christian way of living. tended a Sunday School, but Lake, Quebec; the story of the People's service was held 'in "You can do your share to they were in the 'minority. struggle of man against Naturc the United Church on Sunday change the world!" Many of them spoke in foreigii and the part the Church has evening. The Mount Horeb Miss Carol McAlpine of languages. We taught them played in it; giving brief J choir was in attendance ana Mount Horeb, told of attending stories of the Lif e of Christ and glirnpses of the lives of three1 sang two anthems "I Love Quin-Mo-Lac summer camp, of His love for littie children; ta ministers stationed there. Thee Lord" and "When Ye which Rev. R. R. Bonsteel and sing and to pray; to learn var- Lunch was provided by mem- Pray" accompanied by their or- Mrs. Bonsteel were two of the ious crafts. We held daily wor- bers of the Women's Associa-, ganist, Bill McAlpine. These Directors. Giving a day-by-day ship service and organized re- tion and served by the youngr teen-age singers are making a calendar of their activities, creation periods. Several after- people. The church was filled name for themselves and con- Miss English said "At camp we noons we entertained senior ci- ta capacity for this service, tributed greatly ta the service. learned to play together, work tizens at the Centre. We also with many from the outside Miss Donna English "f Jan- together and worship together. did considerable survey work, points of Janetville, Mount Ho-1 etville told of her experience We enjoyed a Christian fellow- cal]ing at the homes in the reb, Manvers, Cavan and Mill- in attending The School l'or ship in its true sense". community and were again dis- brook attending. Leaders at Whitby, where they Miss Eleanor Rowan of Beth- mayed ta find how many fami- Rev. R. R. Bonsteel thankcd learned. more of what the any, who had giveti of her own flies had no church connections ail those who had taken part Church as a whole is doing to i vacation time ta take part in whatsoever. There is a great in the service. promote Christianitv. "Itw,ý3 Christian Youth training, as a work ta do and a great need for a rewarding experience" said member of Caravan tearns volunteer workers ta share iii Miss English. who advised othei working throughout ail Canada. the work." E IA E TV T~ Young people ta learn more of told of her experience as a Following the service there E IA E H IL rTuesday evening the Young folk met at Bannister's, Garden Hill, for play practise. For Wednesday the Institute meeting was called off until December. The W.A. is ta bc, * ê ft held at Mrs. H. Muldrew's on' ------------Tuesday of next week. Church services and Sunday School was held. Rev. Brysoii wvas ill and Mr. H. Lander of Cold,;pring, spoke. On Thursday, M\rs. Thickson along with some Garden HIE.; ladies, went ta Toronto on thei 1954 Ford 2-door 1953 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan b Otiwh W stfiel t t h ne Good dlean car, motor In AI condition, a Iocally owned Royal York Hotel. The morn-' recently $1 9 car. su i session was the elcto ___________________________$1_____M___9____5__________$119_____5 quet was held with Miss Mar- garet Nix, assistant, Professur of Medicine at McGili's UniverI THIS EEK' SPE IAL!sity wvas guest speaker. In the THIS W EKS SP CIA U.evening Dr. Hilliard of Womr-i en's Coliege, spoke. also aur' 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN DELIVERY Federal President, Mrs. Haggar- CON ERTE TOSTATON WGONMr. and Mrs. McLeod, Hec., CONV RTE TO TATON W GONtor and Cathy and niece Sher- In A coditonlow ilegeoneownr, lcaly onedcarrY, Peterborough, visited with I n A c o d it o n , o w iil a g e o n e o w n r, o c al y o n e d c a rM r. a n d M rs. . M e rc e r, S u n - ! $1195 ~day. b~î~î per at Newtonvilîe,. on Satur- Air hevrlelday evening. 1953 Chevrolet BelAi 1947 hvoe 2-door Miss Donna Mercer and A]-: 4-dor sean, ith ii A E an Mercer, Toronto, were haone: cud sed c nditonl19for the long holiday. 1948 sadomco$1195- $ 9 5 1' r adMrVictor Peacock. 1Mrs. Vernon Peacock on Weci- 198Pontiac 4-door 1%îany more models f rom which to choose nesday. Ms.Aa Peor. coiton ei adlo te vrKirk]and, are home for the Cornedntaionook$2e7 5overweekend and are taking John and Janet, their children, homne wha have spent the last mnonth wihtheir grandparents, Alr. Robson M otor Limited Don't forget the Home and this week when Dr. Hornei BUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER wil Speak.eength -I 66 King St. E. Bowmanville MAA 3-3321 an midtet a' VX I leil hLunch waà âerved,.- and Mr. and Mrs. David But: j Don Bickell, Bth. Senior - Ken 1~ __ 1 CoId Weather Brings Increase Car Accidents 'Wnter #drîving places, a spe- cial strain on drivers and au- tomobiles, accarding ta the Ai Canada Insurance Federation. Each year, as the first snow and cold weather are felt across the country, accident statistics show an upward trend. Ta prepare for winter driv- ing, the Federation, which re- presents more than 200 Cana- Idian fire, automobile and cas- iualty insurance companies, re- commends these driving pre- your automobile. 1. Slow down. "Normal" speeds are excessive on slippery streets. 2. Watch carefully for pedes. trians who may be dressed ir dark chothes and unable ta see because cf scarves and parkas. j3. If you expect ta do a con- siderable amount of driving un- JJder adverse conditions, invest in snow tires or chains. 4. Have your car checked for mechanical condition. Steering mechanisms and brakes are es- pecially apt ta break down as the result cf the extra strain cf cold weather and thickenirig cf lubricants. 5. Make sure that your car's heater and defroster are il' good condition.1 j6. Check for leakage in your exhaust, muffler and tailpipe. Many persans are kihhed each year by monoxide poisoning. 7. If yaur car skids. on icy pavement, turn your wheels in the direction cf the skid, but do flot apply your brakes. 8. Starting and stopping on ice are bath best done gently. Pump your brakes as you stop; start off slowhy in second or high gear ta obtain extra trac- tion. ]KENDAL jMrs. N. McKay and Harvey Mclnnis, spent Saturday witlî Roy ïMercer and David. Wilfred Little and son, Bar- ry, Oshawa, and Murray Gar- don, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Rough- hey have their furniture move'! into their new home in Orono but theyNand Mrs. Edith Fergu- son and Freddy were with Mrs. 1Alva Swarbrick, Sunday. jMr. and Mrs. Charlie Roach, Rose Marie and Doris, Lake- view, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. 1Mercer, Sunday afternoon. jHunting time is here again. Among those trying their luck in the north are Reg. Elliott. jRoss and Neil Elliatt, and Bihl and Bob Winn. Guests this weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux and IM r. and Mrs. Carl Langstaff were their parents, Mr. anîd Mrs. A. Couroux and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Couroux You'I wake up any rnorning- now and find that the cold weather bas arrived. Then you'I1 either wish you had anti-freeze in your car or be glad that you have. Don't put it off, let us put it in . . . NOW! PHONE MA 3-3136 Hap's B-At4 Service Statidn CORNER KING AND WAVERLEY ROAD A PROGRES S 80 WMANVILLE'S REPORT NEW PUBLIC LIBRARY w. $ $932 * 291 * 2,000 TotaltIodate . *. . a.0.0.a a * .0$3,423 As the above figures indicat e, those who have given have been most generous, but their numbers are disappointingly small. With an objective of $8,000 to provide a completely furnished and equipped Library, there is stili a long way fo go. We had hoped for wide volunfary support of this worthwhile civic project, and we once again invite the contributions of business and private citizens so that a more forceful solicitation will not be necessary. If you have not already made your contrib~ution, please do'so today. Contribu- tions are deductible for income fax purposes, and will be accepted by ai,., ?Roiarian, or can be made ai the present Library or The Canadian Bank Commerce. Rotary Club of Bowman ville REITH Mr. SLEMNON, P re side nt. W. REX WALTERS, Chairman, Lihrary Coînrniltee. f Work parties of Rotarians are on the job each Monday and Friday evening, and rapid progress is being made- in the hope that the Officiai Opening will inaugurale the Centennial Year of 1958. The public is cordially invited Io drop in any time the 'Work In Progress" sign is displayed. This new Library belongs to the People of IBowmanville, and their active interest is an encouragement. Resuits To Date of Financial Campaign Jnduslry and Commerce - 15 donations totalling Privaie Citizens - 15 donations totalling. . . Rotary Club Donation. . . . . . . . Rotary Anns - Bake Sale and Catering. * cher of Cache Bay, also Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore and sons of Tarante. Mrs. Jessie Tremaine visîted her sister, Mrs. Milt Robinsoni -this weekend. Neigyhbours cf Miss Viola Og- den became alarmed hast Tues- day when there was no answer ta their knocking. She had nt been over for her pension cheque nor been seen for a few days. They broke in the door and found she had passed away. Miss Ogden had been living alone here for sonie years and had no chose relatives. The police and coroner, Dr. Austin, were notified and took charge. Relatives later arrived from Toronto. The funeral was held Saturday in Orono with interment in Orono cemetery. The Kendal W.A. were enter. tained Wednesday evening at the home cf Mrs. Charles Thompson when Miss Cather- ie Stewart gave a talk and showed pictures cf her trip to Montana. Mrs. Stoker, Mrs. H. Foster and Mrs. Luxon were namned to bring n a shate cf officers for next meeting. In- stead cf sending flowers for the deceased friends, the W.A. are giving an article to be kept in memory of them. A lovely pic- ture had been secured ta Lie put UP in memory of Mrs. Roy1 Mercer and Mr. Lamne Bell. Milt Robinson wvas a guest« at the banquet at Newtonville, Saturday ex'cning when Newv- tonville hard hal, tearn was fe- ted in honor cf winning the championship cf the north and South Durham rural leagucs. Bey. R. C. Whyte is holding a Christian Youth Service Sun- day morning, Nov. 24, wlien a baptismal service will be heid. Williamson, 7th; Bill Allison. H.S. were the McCullouglx unable ta finish. brothers, Paul and Gary, cap.. Jack Ross, former popular tain Dan Cattran, and Dav. Physical Education teacher at "lýeftyv' Reynolds. On the line B.H.S. returned last week cýI Vanstone, James, Hughes andf his way ta Toronto and paid us Luke played outstanding a& a very short visit. usuai. On Nov. 15 the Boy's Athletic Aiready the team iJooking Society is holding a Sadie Ha\w-; forward ta next year,à*wIth kins Dance in the auditorium. the coaching of Mr. Ilohnston The dcue will star at p.i and Mr. Mathewson we are The cosume wil be do-patch sure they'll have another great style and the ones caming in1 seasan, but let's not expect an- this fashion will get in for 35c.,! other undefeatcd season as this while those coming in jeans year, because th mit help will pay 50C. iformi a league e'!i Lindsay, There will be prizes for Pcterbarough ai.. e'1he two dances and aiso for the best O shawa schools, &'ch will costumes. Pop will also be soki give much harder opposition. and those wishing ta bring Congratulations once again, guests may obtain passes from Redmen! Mr. Wtherspoon. The girls who are playing inter-sehool volleyball this yearE began practice this week. To- N night after school the seniorN OIEY girls will play Port Hope sen- iors in an exhibition volleyball AVAILABLE FOR Congratulations ta the B.H.S. M O RT GAGE S Redmen. The Redmen endedA their football season hast Fni- day at home against Lindsay. ~ L The score was 8 ta 7 in favour B lh S oe of the Redmen. The only B.H. S. tauchdown of the game as Barrister and Solicitor scored by number 52, Paul c_ 65 SimeoesSt. S. Oshawa Cullough, co-captain of tneRA -32 team.RA532 Stars in the backfield of B. 1 cScreeci4 (9wI Dy Charlie Trim On Nov. 6th Bowmanville High was hast te the COSSA Lakeshore C r o s s Countrv Championship race. The nighft was very cold and windy and slowed down the time f al the races. Bill Allison, B.H.S., tripped over bis shoe lace and hurt bis leg and was unable ta finish. Standings The school standings: Picker- ing, 33 points; Lindsay, 34; North Hastings, 39; Cobourg, 42; Bowmanville, 4p; Ajax, 59; Lakefield. 67. Bruce Ogden f B.H.S. won the junior two mile race in 11:46. John Webster, Picker- ing, won the intermediate race cf two miles in 11:50, four sec- onds slower than Ogden, the winner cf the junior race. In the senior race cf three miles Ken Langford won in a time cf 16:20. B.H.S. runners' results are: Junior - Bruce Ogden, st; Deug Thompson, 12th. Inter- mediate - Wayne Mavin, 7th;-

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