Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1957, p. 11

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held at the meeting in Decem-1 also announced that ail the1 dens of the Church are cne- w at- -k¶1 "\îcL N..,L iic1 Rs.fobert Ruther-! next, meeting will be at the ber. Cook Books had becii sold. tainin-, the members of :'e in Sm»ri. 11-;. th i Lke1ioe -UO- o. -priit StulcNd v1wtl home of Mrs. Bill Lake, Nov. 2 0. The Ladies' Guild of St. These cook books were recipcs other twa churches ln the Pai- flc\v nads and 1 s.R îpc à M"h W. . daill-. Paul's Church were enjertain- 1 gathered from the local ladiee ish, from Trinity Church, at t:'c Wood.' -%,r. and M C..Xxn. _11-zt~. r:LI Lako. Nanced at the home of the Presi- made up in attractive book. Marsh and St. Mary*s Churc. far-nilv spent Sur.uýa:.v .'- r u:Suilday \it Ottawa. Canada*s capital. iii dent, Mrs. Morgan Bigelow, for fom1hrebsbe sm e ifford, on November 15 aid and Mrs. Norman Avc:ry, S. i7 ' r. ; *rtt Broxvn,ione of the showplaces of the their meeting on Tuesday even- mand for further books and a themmbrs of the Guiid were Volunteer 'workers of the Mr. and Mrs. Aif Holdr.x P'x O:oi-' world and the "Mounties" its ing. The fowl supper held pre- discussion took place as to or- asked ta co-operate with tho Canadian Red Cross served an laPr rtiset~bLksoeLdes K.S. and their brilliant red uniforms ai. viously was reported as a fi- dering a further suppiv, which entertainment. A social bout 768,825 meals and snacks at! Sunday with Mr. and Mrs . Bey '1C. Cub was held at the home ways prove a first-rate attrac- nancial suuccess. Mrs. Bigelow will be decided later. The War- followed with lunch served by eigbt Red Cross Lodges ln 1956. Jaynes. 1 of \"s. B;11 Javnes, Nov. 6. The tion at the Parliament Buildings. Test Soils Now Durham Cou nty îSpring Crops Ifyou have flot yet taken that soil sample for analysis, better do it naw before freeze- Up, advised T. J. Heeg, Salis Department, Ontario Agricul- > 0 OA.C. Soils Department 'cently been able to incor- orethe latest technique in its soul testing program, and adopt more accurate testing pro- cedures. Fertilizer and lime re- Commendations, for more econ- amical yieids, can noxv be given with increased accuracy., A good sali sample is very Important. Increased accuracy in the laboratory xiii nat be af benefit ta the grower unless the sample truly represents the field. The following procedure is recommended: Take indivi- dual samples from 10 ta 1.3 places in a 10-acre field, and more in larger fields. Mix tiie samples together weli, and send a pint of the mixture ta the Souls Department, O.A.C., Guelph. Your agricuiturai re- presentative can supply ln- structians for taking a goodl sali sample, and lie ako lia.; questionnaire sheets wehmus' be fiiled out and sent with the sample. While large numbers of soi' samples are arriving in the tes! laboratory of the O.A.C. Soils Department every clax' farmers who send their samples in be- fore December 1 are as. ured of a report on their soul in tin'e for fertilizer disç.ount:s on mid- winter. OBITUARY MRS. EDWARD DILLTNG The death occurr'-d in Men'- anial Hopiol. B -. -- Tuesciay, Nov. o' ' . ward Diiiing, of 61 king Street East. Mrs. Diliing was the former Ella Maud Ottan, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Ou- ton. She was born on the Fish- eries Farm at Newcastle and attended Shaw's public schoel and Bowmanville High School. The familv moved dloser ta Bowmanviile, occupying the farmn near the aid CKG\V radio station for some time. Mrs. Diliing was known ta rnany iu Bowmanviiie and sur- rounding district through ber years of association with the bake shop at the corner of Kir:g and Division Streets operated by Thomas Tod and later by Perey Corbett. She was a faithfui member ~f St. Paul's United Cburcb and ,4f the Women's Missionary So- ciety and Women's Association îp01re. She brougbt pleasure ta agreat many people in tht calîs which she made an sick and sicut-ins. F u era1 service was conduct- edIb' her minister, Rev. Harold rat the Morris Funerai on Thursday, Nov. 7tb. Pa'earers were Messrs. James Abernethy, Harold Stevens, George Diliing. Ray Dilling, Roy Neads and Aimon Flet- cher. Interment was lu Bow. rnanville Cemetery. Mrs. Dilling is survix-ed bv her husband. and one sister.j Mrs. L. M. Roach of Bowman- ville. BETHANY e îth ........ PLAN #1 FLAT ATE NORMAL SERVICE FOR AVERAGE FAMILY 0F 6 $ o»nly d 50 «. mn.nth gus included PLAN 4#2 HEATER RENTAL UNLIMITED SERVICE FOR AVERAGE FAMILY 0F 6 $ only 75 « month gos ex3tr« Mr. Dennis Challice, Rose- mont was home for the xveek- end with bis mother, Mrs. Rich- ard Challice. Mrs. Thamas Jennings and Mrs. Ralph Preston attended the three-day sessions of the Women's Institute Area con- vention beld lu the Royal Yack Hotel in Toronto last week. On Thursday, seven others at- tended for one dav: Mrs. Job:. White, Mrs. Clarence Rowan, Mrs. Hector Morton, Miss Joan Morton. Mrs. Mansel Finney, Mrs. William Mark and 1\Irs. Clara Armstrong. During the latter part of the evening ses- sion. Mrs. Clara Arnistrong waz stricken with a sudden lieart attack and removed ta the1 Women's College Street Hospi- tal, where she xiii reniain for several da vs. Mrs. Florence Johnston andi her sister, Miss M\ar.v McKen- zie left on Saturdav ta spendr the v.inter maths in St. Pc- tersburg, Florida. Mvr. Thomas Corrne, Ganan- oque, bas miovcd ta the villagýe. Mr. Currie is the nw-teller in the local branch o,' Thc Toron- to-Pominion Daink. Mrs. Roy Bretncil and sn Douglas. wha has heen iti witb ber mother, \Irs. Ina Pa'- mer, for the past nionth. ce- turned ta ber home in Belle Plains, Sask., on Tuesda\. The Bethan *v Badintiion Club heid their first mieeting of the season on Thursda.v ngh.with Vincent Jackson elected as Pre- sident and l\'rs. Glenn W,ýent- woctb as secret arv-t re isxrer. LAC Victor Wood, with the ROAF at Clinton. Ont.,.%vas home for the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Wood. Miss Mildred Sisson, Toron- ta, spent the weekend witb Mr andi Mrs. Wnm. AMark. The Women's Institute held a successful sale of home bak- ~dng in Watsan's Store on Sat- I% urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Fraser visited witb relatives in Toron- to on Wednesday and Thurs- oDouglas Smelt enter- StainWtbe members of St. Paul s Woman's Auxiliary- for their meeting on Thursday af- ternoon. with Mrs. Roy Jarvis presiding and leading the de- tionated al o ou'n Cheer he vI frxrn ed to the St Faýt'b zMiz3O-lfl Christmnas Calendars wece or- dered. Mis. William Ph3iillîps and is, (G.E. Meade5 the bostess in serx îng lunclh. Ln oect4iLof etfficerâ wiU bu~ FOR INSTALLATION work done by Consumers' Gos MAINTENANCE anmd REPLACEMENT by Consumer&, Gos TANK .. featuring *Modern desigt< *Gieaming blue enol finish *Choose-a-Temp Thermnostat * Insjlated with 3" of Fiberg las * 33.3 imp. gai. capacity * Convertible to "High Recovery" burner. FREE SERýVICE by Consumer$' Gos This plan is best suited to homes where gai la used for no other purpose. .4 o e 1~ o > b. glad jO'~ MAT URAL CAS NMATURAL GAS ADVANTAG ES CLEAN a SILENT 0 DEPENDABLE NON-POISONOUS 9 ECONOMICAL NO INTERRUPTION IN SUPPLY onsunÀers FOR' INSTALLATION work done by Consumnera'Ou$ MAINTENANCE uned REPLACEMENT by Consumer&' Gus TANK *Choose-a-Temp *Re-heating FREE installation of gas service up to 50 Thermostat rafedutaatc feet from street line. Meter installed frie. FREE SERVICE Ail Fiat Rate and Rentai Autamnatie Naturel Gus Water Heaters are unconditionaliy guaranteed by Consumers' Gas. Fauity or worn out tanks are replaced free. Your mnonthly payments guaraintee you a tank in good condition cil the time. 0*0* When you instaîl or replace ci Water Heuter il will puy you to instail Natural Gus. . . . by Consu mers' Gm-s GAS IS EXTRA ... When a Rentai Wafer Heater is used alone. gus costs about $3.75* fo $4.25* a monfh on "optional" rate. When used with bous. heating, water heatin gugs costs are about $2.75* a month. *(Fuel cosU oniy: tank rentai $1.75 month extra.) This pian is best suited to homes where gasi s used for other purposes. 1asAE *.. foaitiurng *Modern design *Gleaming blue enamel finish *Insulated with 3" of Fibergias *25 imp. gel, capacity i; abiify tanken hour. For particulars and contract, see your local Natural Gus Appliance Dealier, Plumper, Heating Contractor or contact uny office of .4 0/% SATU~ GAI THE CAMADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVrLLE. ONTARIO PAGIE MEIMN IWUPMAY, NOV. 14th, 1957 ýïv 0 0 1 E ee 1

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