Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1957, p. 10

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PAGE TEK TEE CA1~ADIAN STATESMAN. BOwi~rA MVTT .?~. ONT~!o W~TTD~tA¶7 I..WI~? 914h 1O~ Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mns. Leroy Hamilton were Judge Frank and Mrs. Hamnil- ton framn Winniipeg. Mrs. Ham- iltOn continued her visit a few days into thîs week. Rev. John Kitchen, Niagara Faluj, spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ardron and son Allun, Toronto, visitea Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall, Sunday. Miss Mldred Holdway, Pe- terborough, visited her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Han cock. Mrs. H. Mercer and Mrs. O. CoWan spent the weekend vis- iting Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Branton and chldren, Wind- sor. Mr. Harry Jackson, Toron ta, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ginn, Peter- borough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ginn. Mr. Wayne H-ooey, Western University, London, spent the weekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hooey. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boutillier, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Harlock and son Gary, New Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and1 Mrs. W. B. Hoar. Miss Pearl O'Neil. Toronto, I CARRUTHERS SCOUR TABLETS Dose for Scours: Give caif six tablets every six hours for three doses. Preventative Dose- Give three tablets dally for first seven to 10 days. TABLETS ___$2 .25 TABLETS ___$4.00 Available at Cowling's McCregor's Jury & Loveli DRUG STORE DRUG STORE DRUG STORE ICarruthers Druts Limited Lindsay, Ontario spent a week as guest of Mrs. Wm. Seymour and visited fniends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Johnson and family, recently arrived f rom England, have moved into the Lycett house. Mr. Johnson is a brother of Mrs. Keith Mc- Donald. Mrs. Robert Allun visited her daugbter, Mrs. H. McGowan, Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ressor, Markham, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. M. Sherwin and Lawrence, and attended the d?dication service of the new cenotaph. Mrs. Laura Cooper is now staying with Mr. and Mrs. S. Hughes. Congratulations ta Mrs. Frances Jackson, formerly of Orono, on her 93rd birthday, Nov. 7th. Mrs. Jackson is now a resident of Fairview Lodge, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson visited their son, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson, Betty Ann and Larry, Waterdown. Mrs. R. E. Logan visited her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hay, Islington. Mr. Logan at_ tended three-day sessions at Scottish Rite - Hamilton last week. Mrs. O. Bulpitt, Toronto, Mi. Wm. Gardon, Ajax; Mr. and Mrs. C. Taylor, Bowmanville; spent Sunday with Mr. andý Mrs. Wm. Mitchell and attend- ed the unveiling of Orono's new cenotaph. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Bowmanville, visited Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Wood, Saturday. Mr. Wm. Robinson returned home last week after visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall, Tononto. *Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Robent McGowian, the former Doreen Moroney on their marriage in Sudbury, Oc- toben 26, 1957. Mr. McGowan is a grandson of Mrs. Rabt. AI-- lin and a frequent visiton ta Orono. Miss Bertha Cain bas return- ed ta teaching at Orona Public School after several weeks' ab- sence due to illness. Col. J. C. Gamey and Mrs. Gamey entertained the special speakers and friends Sunday fallowing the dedication and unveiling of the new cenataph. Rev. John Kitchen, Niagara Falls, Ontaria, was their aven- night guest Saturday. Rev. Philip Rameril, Black- stock, was the guest preacher Sunday morning at Orono Un- ited Church. Air, Rail or Steamshlp TI1C KE TS TO EVERYWHERE Consult JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Bowmanvil le qi ~excellent condition OnIy $1.*095 w. He BROWN CASE DEALER 91 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5497 I mpressive Color Party at ber. The first few Saturdays iews will be used as practice games. Listed below are the tearfis and £le reaton tkeview's practice times for this caming i Raiders 14By Douglas Riggr Vince Molloy, Dennis Clarke, ; __________________________________ Harold Mutton, John Clark, Brian Howcraft, Irving Gill, MINOR HOCKEY Essery) tied the score for the Gary McCullough, Dan Cattran, TheReceaton epatmet'sLions midway through the fin- Tom Grills, Brian Butson, Mur- TheReceaton epatmet'sal period. No penalties were ray Walker. Bantam and Pee Wee Hockey issued in the game. Orphans Leagues got underway last In the second garne the Tig- Lnrry Hancock, Allun Cale, Saturday morning with twelve enIcrderly i te fnlWni asoe an h teas i acio. Te Aomperiod ta defeat the Cubs 1-0 tel], Donald Welsh, Richard League xvent into action last James Rickard of the Tigers McLean, Robert Allun, Bob Monday afternoon with four collected the only goal of the IOhre on Mle.Pu teams playing. XVe ran into aagam.bNoresTurnrnoMitelMrulPauh few problems with the new Tigers picked up a holdingCmt ruling of changing the lines penalty. Cont every three minutes. It i In the third Bantam game of Ray Twist, Bob Wallace, haped ta have these difficulties the marning the Huskies de. Wayne Mavin, Ken Park, Ran- ironed out by the end of the feated the Pirates by a 4-1 ald Welsh, Laird Wilton, Non- month. In the Bantamn and score. John Twist (2), Daug' man James, Bill Osborne, Fred Pee Wee Leagues we have James and Don Smith were' Vanstone, Michael Murphy. made one change in the ruling. the goal getters for the Husk- The lines will now be changed les. David O'Raurke of th e every four minutes. Huskies picked up an assist o n Bantam League one of Twist's goals. Leigh Braves 1 Lions 1 Sommerscales (Doug Gibson) I t r s Tigers 1 Cubs 0 scored the lane Pirates goalI Huskies 4- Pirates 1 late in the final period. Phihip In te fist Bntamgame o awles (cross cbecking) and In te frstBanam.gam OfLarry Piper (hoaking) of the the marning the Braves and HUskies callected the only nen- Lions played ta a 1-1 lie.atisothgae Grant Flintoff scored the lane Braves goal late in the first Pee Wee League period. Don Bagnell (Scott -Hawks 3 ,- Bruins 1 Wings 4'- Canadians 3I Leafs 3 - Rangers 2 *In the first game of the Peel Wee League the Hawks broke ___________ a 2-2 tie in the last minute of play ta defeat the Bruins 3-2. culDon Rickard of the' Hawks callected aIl tbree goals. Davi d Allisan and Bradley Yaurth! (Alan Hooper) were the goal scorers for the Bruins. >A LhEIn the second Pee Wee game teRed Wings came fram be- ~~A LE ffind to defeat the Canadians....*i quipmentthRe Brian Bradley accaunted for the Canadians goals. Ralph flCale (slashing) pîcked Up the! onlv penalty of the game. l'-UlMentin the thîrd and final Pee kblpannsi Wee game of the morning the' a32soe Gryo CoveLeafs defeated the Rangers by N E' David Woolner and Mickey Dickens (Rod Taylor) scared' e s - r e yorneeds for the Leafs. David Thamp -ns T e na buyn yu son and Jon Hancock (Tbomp- GREATEST ADVANCE SM 41Wee inust clear Our son) were the goal scarers for et7 r15 usiness. the Rangers. Brian Dawn Only McClary has it 00d oStiflg trade-in (tippng) and Mickey Dickens Burner that gives you1 autoi and bosting(tripping) of the Leafs picked )ta to hang Ol0 d up the only penalties of the ~ or aryiflg game.A . U Atom League Rams 4- Bears 2 Hornets 5- Barons 1 In the first Atom game of the afternoon the Rams defeat- ed the Bears by a 4-2 score. John Hughes (3) and Henry Kaoy (Wayne Burgess) weie the goal getters fon the Ramrs. Wayne Harrison (Ronnie Car- ter) and Brian Forsey (Carter and Harrison) collected the Bears two goals. In tbe second Atom game the Hornets defeated the Bai- ans 5-1. Rickey Gay (4) and Steven Burns accounted for the Hornets goals. George Moorel (Bill Depew) collected tlhe Barons lone marker early in the first peniod. Games scheduled for this Saturday are as follows: PEE WEE '7:00 a.m.- Canadians vs, Hawks 7:45 am.- Rangers vs. Bruins (dlean ice) 8:40 ar.- Leafs vs. Wings BANTAM 9:25 a.r.- Tigers vs. Lions (dlean !ce) 10:20 am.- Pirates vs. Braves 11:0.5 a.- Cubs vs. Huskies Atom games scheduled for Mondas', Navemben lRth, aie as follows: 4:30 p.m.- Bisons vs. Harnets 5:10 p.m.- Indians vs. Barons MIDGET HOCKEY LEAGUC The Lions Club Midget Hoc- key League will get underwav this eoming Saturdav after- moan at 3:00 p.m. at Memonial Arr na. A four teami league U ilIl e uPeiated each Satur- day afterooon with the league j îtarting some tin. in Decem- MVCWIC le, was in charge of the Legionnaires who are seen above ind the color party. William Mitchell, Orono, was parade Dodgers Department, bas formed a Bill Sheehan, Don Oke, graup again this year and Charles Hester, Gerald Balson, meets from 7:30 ta 9:30 p.m. Bill Crossey, Glen Blackburn, eveny Wednesday evening at' Bryan Hughes, Don Milîsori, the Lions Centre where Mr Robert Burgess, Ron Pollard, Ed. Mor'ley will be glad ta wel- Bob Capp. came further meinhers and. Practice Times: viitors who are sLi-e In eti.n- 3:00 p.m.-Raiders and Cornets this popular series. The fee 4:00 P.M.-Orphans and for this course is $5.00. Dodgers Plans are now in process ta Thee ae sillsom opn-orga.nize a Reading and Dis- Thee ae sîlisam opn-cussion graup which will en- ings for players in the Midget compass a study of Great Lit- League for any boys sixteen eaue ad isrcin i. and under as of August lst, methods of analvsis and formal 1957. We are also in need Of discussion. These meetings will coaches for the Midget teams. be held once a week. Regis- Anyone interested in caaching tration for this coursb will be a Midget team please contact held on Thursday, November the Recreation Office at MA, )jst. at the Lions Communit-jt 3-5761. 1 Centre. The registration fee PUBLIC SPEAKING is $.50. 'The Public Speaking class HOME NURSING COURSE sponsored by the Recreation Meeting in Memorial Park I ted ln Natural The Orono News Telephone 127 ARE YGUR TROUBLES LITTLE ONES? Do you ever worry about the future of your young family Fhrolld vou s-uddInly be cralled b ' dleih? Famrlv In'rome aý-ur- ance ivili replace your rncome while the children are growing up andi takie care of your widow for life. Protect your loved ones with a Family Incarne palicy of the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. Banner Passant Representative M1A 3-3258 53 Brown St Bowmanvllle Gos? Enjoy Care Free Cookinqý with these McClary Natural1 Gos Sf ove Features w rm Burner NJCE AUTOMATIC OVENS! ,the new Senso-Therm matic heat control on your range top - where 80% rof your cooking is done! By signalling a hidden thermostate, McClary Senso- Therm brings your utensil ta the desired heat, then automnatically keeps it at that tempenature - even if you add cold water! Fats won't smoke. Foods won't scorch. Yes, eveny utensil becomes automatic, thanks ta this exclusive McClary miracle! iry Miracle Oven NEVER A FLAT CAKE OR BURNT COOKIE! Acclaimed Canada's most efficient oven by leading test kitchens. Yes, top ta bottom, back ta front - yau get balanced heat in every corner of this McClary Miracle Oven. And look at the size of it . .. a 20" Broadway Oven in Styline and Superline models, a 25" Double-Roaster Oven in the Space-saver line. Cleaning is easier-than- ever too, because the entire oven can be stripped bare in only 12 seconds. EXCLUSIVE! THERMO-MATICI COOKING TIMER Wonld's easiest-to-use auto- matic timer! No camplicated fussing ta get the exact caak- ing time you want, Automat- ically turns aven on for caoking peniod then tunns it off when meal is dane. Includes Minute Timer, accurate Io the second for periods of one minute ta an hour. CENTRE-SIMMER BURNERS Actually twa bunners in one! The centre section supplies a low, keep-wanm flame . .. the outer ring lights when you turn up the gas, for a full, intense heat. Full control from tiniest flame ta full heatl MICRO-LITE PILOTS Now a pilot light for each burner! McClary Micro-Lite ignites the hurner instantly... and these four tiny flames actually use less fuel than the old-fashioned single pilot light.' Also Automatie Oven Ignition at the turn of youn dial, with 100%,, safety shut-off. only McCLARY protects you with this complete 3-year guarantee! Whatever McClary Range you choose-whatever dealer yau buy it fromn - General Steel Wares Limited protects you with a full three-year wnitten guarantee against defects in workmanship and matenials. This warranty covers the complete range - yes, even the special-formula porcelain enamnel produced by GSW in its own plants! And remember, McClary is the only range manufacturer that gives you this assurance . extra proof of quality. SEE THESE STOVES ON DISPLAY AT COL E Phone MA 3m3348 O ron o Cenotaoh Dedication Club}iouse on Tuesday. Novemn- ber 19th. at 9 p.m. Ail thoe iiierested in taking this course arc invitcd to attend meeting. The class will be under.- the direction of Mrs. AI. Wither- spoon under sponsorship of tne Bowmanville Recreation De- partment.1 Information regarding Ae classes can be obtained 43y phoning the Recreation Depart- ment at MA 3-5761. Royal Conserv~ of Music of Toronto MIDWINTER EX AMINATION S 1 9 58 Apjlitcutions end f.., mue aCh the Conservatory not leter thon DEC. 10, 1957 \ i 133 COILEGE SRE RONTO ...2.ONT. "J A.E. 55 King St. W. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLIC. ONTARIO TMTRqnAV- 9MV- 14th. IM This impressive color party led the Remembrance Day parade to of Bowmanvîll the new Orono Cenotaph, Sunday. They are shown above with flags falling in behi naised in front of the Cenotaph. In charge of the color party was Ed. marshal. Rundie, Branch 178 of the Canadian Legion, while Ross McKnight, also D ffls, [iýWD

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