Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1957, p. 3

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'~RURSDAY, NOV. ?th, 1957 T~ CAKAD!A!~ STATESMAN, EOWMM~V!LLE, ONTA~1O PAGE TEREZ Durham's Prince and Princess RAASS -BROCK shrimro net over satin with matching head-dress and gloves In a quiet ceremony in the and Fhe carried a cascade cf znanse of St. Pauls United yeîov mus Church, Bowmanville. on Octo- Mr. Henry Haass, Taunton,, ber 12. 1957 at 2 p.m., Joan Ma- brother of the groom, wvas hast ry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.* mani. Lyle Brock became the bride, A reception followed at the of Herman Haass, son ai Mr. home cf the brides parents for and Mrs. Herman Haass, Tau fl- the mmdaefarily. ton. Rev. Harold Turner off - For their honevmoan trip ta ciated at the double ring cere- aitn igr aî n 1TOiY Algono uin Park, the bride The bride worc a partraîtý chose a navv dress, with navy gown of wvhite lace and nie! and white accessories and a over satin. fashîoned with aý corsage of pink and white car- f itted bodice of Chantilly lace.; nations. Acrown embroidered withr- 1 On their return the couple ouins and pearis hcld ber fin- w ireide at 37 Jane St. Bow- gertip veil and she carried a, manvilie. cascade of red roses and white carnations. Her only attendant wash_ WADE- BROWN abalierina lengtih go-,'n cf tender young genpeais 9a.dainty and delicious A double ring ceremnony in Ncwionviile United Church on Saturda ' v afternoon. Oct.-1 jined in marriage Margaret Joan. Brown. d caughitc' ofMr. and MIrs. Clinton Brown, and William John Shutct Wadc. soi, rf Mr. and Mr,--. Harry Wadc.' Ail are of Newtonviilc. Ycllow and white 'mnums, white gladiolus and ferns form- cd a pretty sctting for the coco- many xvhich was pcrformed by Rev. S. J. Pike. Mrs. Frank Gi'- mer plaved the wedding musc and Miss Gloria Lane was solo- ist. Givcn in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride xvo-e a gown of white brocaded French satin with Sabrina neckline and lin- cd bouffant skirt witb soft bus- tIc back. The full lengilh sîceves w'cere pointed over the hand. A crow.n cf tulle arc! French laenilmhroicircd :h çrvs' aI bsaIfd ci tcadrops held her voit of French tulle illusior.1 She carried a white Bible on which rested pink rases and lil v-of -the-vallcv. Miss Marie Brown %vas her sister's maid cf bonour, and bridcsmaids were Miss Bever- ley Barton, Oshawa, and Miss Helen Haliowell, Ncwtonvillp. The i3ridc's niece, littie Brendla Henderson. was fiower girl. The maid cf honour was in a ballerina length gown cf crys- tai charm in two shades cf French rose. The bridesrnaids' dresses were in two shades cf apple green crystal charma and the littie flower girl who car-. ried a basket of white and yel- low 'mums, wore a pink nylon cress with a large pink satin bow. The attendants warc matching feather headpieces and carried nosegays of yeilow and white 'rnums. Mr. Francis Tufford was groomsman. and acting as ush- ers were the brides brother. Mr. Rass Brown, and Mr. Jim Caswcli. A reception foliowed la the basement cf the church, the bridles mother wearing a dress cof Dior blue silcatta witb pink 'AI Wi itten and oral tests on farm organizations were! deait vith in a recent contest sponsored bv the Federation of Agriculture in Durham, when Gerald Brown, R.R. 2, Newvcastle, and Miss Betty McHolm, Port Hope, werej chosen winners from this county. The competition xvas. expanded to a zone contest recently at Peterborough wheri Miss McHolm wvas chosen to represent the county at the annual meeting of the Federation in Toronto, this week, wvhcn provincial winners will be selected. -nd blielk accessories and cor- sagýe cf Sweetbleart rases. Th'e groom .s mother who assisted. was in chaccoal grey silk faille with accessaries cf orchid pink and corsage of orchîd pink Imu ms. For their wedding tnp ta Ncw York Cit, ite bride don- ned a royal blue sheath dress with black and vAhitc accessor- les and corsage of white 'mums. Tbe couple will reside in New- tonville. A graduate cf Part Hope Higb Sebool and Bowmanville Busi- ness Sebool. the bride is a steli- ographaer with the Nicholson File Ca. Part Hope. The groota is also an emoDloyee cf the same comoan.y,. Bath are membersc Newtanville bail tcarns. Prior ta ber marriage tbc bride was entertained at severpi sbowvers. Miss Helen HalIow3liý, Newtanvilie, and Miss Beverley Barton, Oshawa, gave a mis-l cellancocus sbower at bbchernoe of Mrs. Sid Hallo,,well. On Oct. 26 thc bride andI groom werc surprised by mac', fricnds at Newtonviile Hall when they were presented wvubl a china cabinet and a bridge set. When You Tally Vour Weekly Bill At A&P, You'll See \HONESI TO GOODNESS "Super-Right" Ouulity Meuts! Blade Bono Remnoved Blade Roast Full Cut Shoulder Roast lbc Nleaty Short Rib Roast 1 3 Super Rght, Smoked Rindlesse1 SIDE BACON 1-b Pkg 69 c Thinly Sticed COOKED HAM 1lb Pkg845 c M a rgar rMne MARGENE Reg. Price 33c-SAVE 2o 1lb3lc Jersey Cream Reg. Price Me-SAVE 6o McCORMI(K'S SODAS 1-lb pkg 29c Chef Boy-Ar-De. <with Meat) Reg. Price 47c-SAVE 4o SPAGHETTI DINNER 18-oztn 43 c Amn Page Reg, Prire 25c-SAVE 2a CHILI SAUCE 11-oz b23c Jane Parker Reg. Price S9c-4-AVE 10o MINCEPIE eacil9 c Jane Parker Reg. Prie. 49c-BSAVE 4o LEMON PIE each4 5c Bulk Reg. Price 2-lb 31c-SAVE 2o PITTED DATES 2-lb 29c Ions Standard GREEN BEANS 720-oz tinsl1.00 f ,1,f KEDRON A niasquerade parts ý was held at Kociron Recreabion Centre on Saturday evening with prizes awarded Io Gloria Moui-tjioy, Donaldi Werry, Norma Wood- ivard i-nd Maya Soreniseni. Mrs. RosnDk. Mrs. W. Davis and Mrs, W. Wcrry canductcd a prograrn cf games for the yculngel folk proscrnt. Sqiia:-e cancing was cnjaycd ta canclude the ev on in, sixteen teams cf vstr i-re commissioned for their task at a service iinarking 'ýàsit- abion Day an Sunda.y morning. Rev. R. H. Riekard spoko on -The Church - God's Instru- ment for tbe Salvation cf the World." Jack Francis addressed tbc congregation re the aftcr- noon's visitatian projeot. As! materials chairman for the1 Sectar Plan. Jack brought ai1 conclusion tne series of talks by thcex-arious Plan chairmen at Kedron. Frank Hancock contnibuted two vocal solos. Lavel -v chry,- san thcmums wero provided for teservice by Mrs. H. Farndalc and Mrs. R. E. Lee. A film ",Pilots and Alcohol" xvas keenly watched by thc Sunday Scbool scholars. Nar- ration %vas bv Charles Sutter. Fallowing a motion by Mrs. Lamne Tregunna, seconded by Mrs. J. Dyck, it wvas passed bvy thc Sunday Sehool members, ihiat a Christmas concert be -r ranged with each class contni.!- buting ta the program. Grant Spencer gave a fine temrperance reading. Ontario County Judging teain has been meeting with Durhain County and ather county tearns for sioecial coaching during tha past week. ai-d will continue ici so do until Winter Fair timo lb was the privilege cf the' teams ta enjoy the splendid lcadershi p cf Durham's Agri- cultural Representatîve. chelabo Mr. Ed. Summers, until his sud- den passing last wcek. Local ,Junior Farmers with Ontario County Associate Rcp. Sidney ,McDonald were shockcd bu learn an Saturday rnorning that their coach cf the previaus dayý culd be with them no more Kedron Junior Fari-ers were amanr the macv who gathe:- cd at the weekend ta pav tri- bute ta this fine friend cf the voung rural folk, ance vhosce rncmcry wili long be cherished by those who knew him. Mrs. Douglas Love \vas mat- con of honour for tbc marriage cf ber sster, Norma Booth, la JTames Haire cf Oshawa, on 1 Saturday afbernoan. Other Ked- ron guests at bbhewxcdding in King Street United Chuch and at bbc reception included C Douglas Love. Igrs. C. E. Love; and Mrs. H. A. Wcrry.t Pilot and Mrs. .James Pen- gelly, Jimmy and Muriel Anne! have been recent visitors in the i Foster Snowdcn hame. Our, congratulations ta Mr. and Mis. Pcngelly on the arrivai cf their second son an October 3Oth at 1 Oshalva Ceneral Hospital. Mr.t Pengeli 'y bas noNk gonie ta Mont- ceal ihe is work takes hiîn for a bime, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover loft on Fnidav morning %vîtn their son John and bis wife for a two-weck motoî trip ta Florida. Several Kedron ladies luere among dinnerý guests of Mrs. ý Pero'- Langma id. Oshawa, an~ Tuesday afternoan. Mrs. Harvey Crossman was among prize-winners at an. evening cf bridge in Simcoe Hall on Wedncsda-.i Bcst wishes ta Mr. J. Eliiott' who bas been a surgcry patient this past week at the Shouldice2 Hospital, Tbornbill. Misses Marie and Helen Col&:.. MP'kbharn;Mr. and Mr-, Bort iLuke and Olive Luke, Toronto; Miss Doria Battv. Brookli..witki iother local friends, were guests at the Harold Werry home for 'an evening of movies and pic- tures on Saturday. Mr. Everett Mountjoy' suffer- cd a faîl this past wveek when the ladder frôrt which he -%as picking appies was knocked over by young cattle. resulting in bruises and other injuries for the apple picker. jSome very unusual costumies completely .disguised certain local folk abroad on Hallowc'en t the usual round of parties at the schools 'vas about the cx- tent of activities connected with Oct. Il in this area. Sunday Sohool and Church iwill be held-ait the usual morn- i ng hours next Sunday, Nov. 10, at 9:45 and 10:45, to permit attendance at the Soper marýs meeting for those who so wish. The Supreme Court of Can- ada, cstablished by Parliament rn 1875, consists of a Chicf Jus- tice and eight puisne judges. In the most recent year of record, of the 3,410,160 Cana- dians who paid personal income fax, only two per cent were in the $10.000 a year and aver in- corne bracket. Attractive, Colorfuil 5-piece Chrome S UIT E Genuine 'irborite table top ln your choice of patterns anti colors, with glistening chromo legs; four matching heavy tubular chrome chairs. Film Portrays Hazards Near Railway Property The nurnerous hazards faced i ever prevalent threat, especial- by children who play in or ly to young children who van- around railwav property were turc onto railway property. Mr. broughit to the attention of pub- Despins pointed out that rai' - lic sêhool students in Bowmarî- way property w-as private pro- ville last week by membeis of perty and the children found the Canadian Pacific Railway there could be prosecuted, if the Department of Investigation. I railway so wished. In specially preparcd filmsl Threat To Saf' ;y the children were shown wvhat The ehildrcn wer .iown just could happen as the resultof what could occur , the result risking their lives and limbs by of playing near railway propor- using- railway property for Itv. A slippery rail might result shorteuts and playing areas. G. il- the loss of a iimb if the per. H. Gray, Constable L Despins son walking along wcre to fall and Constablè J. L. Legere. of under the whcels of a train. the C.P.R. Investigation Depart-. How such an accident could ment showed the films. easily happen was shown ta the Constant Danger 1 children in the film. "The Long Way Home", a Being crushed by freight cars film sliown to the aider pupils while playing around a siding clearlY pointed out the peril in- was another of the possible haz- volved in trespassing on raîlway ards pcinted out to the children. propcrty. There is a constant, Endangcring the safcty of rail- impending danger in or around ,I,-av passengers by throwing railway property for inexperi- stones, discharging* fircar'ins enced persans. This fact wasI and placing obstacles on the forcibly brought to the child-1 trackq or tampering with swit- len's attention in thc film. ches 'vas also emphasized. Lo-s of life or iimb is an An over anxious automobile OR Conxfort Plus BOX SPRING with Matching Spmhig-filled M attress 0f hlgh qnality "Irestonlc' super- comfort fully guaranteeti con- struction. driver. who momentarily for- gets his safety rules and faits Io wait for the wig-way at rail- way crossings to stop is also en- dangering his life. This xvas an- other point brought to the chil- dren's attention in the film. It is especially important to be doiblyf safe and make sure the \v!g-wag signal has stopped be- fore crossing the track. Mr. Des. pins told the children. He obligingly answered num- etous questions concerning the railway for the children. In con- clusion. he emphasized the iin- portance of practicing safety andi urged the children flot to pla,ýr around with the perils of tre's- passing. A thoughtless act couid resuit in serious or fatal in- jury, he said. Turn Old Furniture inioCash with STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 24th l yF4RSx NT Ed. Wilson Says... You, the people of Oshawa andi district, have tndeedi been kind Io us . . . your continucd and faithful patronage bas been most gratifying. Your confi- dence in our endeavours to brinz to you only the finest quality Home Furnishings at, the rnost rcas- nnahie prices possible has made possible our con- tinuinz service ta you ..The oast 24 years with you have been most pleasant ones.Now', on the eve of our 24th ycar in business, we re-dedicate ourselves to that pletige: "The Finest Possible for the Most Reasonable Price"! . . and ask you ta help Ius celebrate our 24th Birthday by putting your w%%hole-hearted support into aur Gigantic "24th ANNIVERSARY SALE". We know you wiII appreciate the Terrific Values we are offeriiig . . . we knnw you %will enjoy their grarious luxury and durability In your l.orne. Comc ini soon...1 make your Money-Saving Selectian . . . and, at the same time, take advantage of our 24th ANNIVERSARY BONUS OFFERS. SCOOP Floor Lamps Moad er n tri-lite floor lamps, iith poly-plastic wasliabl e shades. Reg. 24.95 AN NIVERS AR V SALE ---------- * FREE STORAGE FREE DELIVERY SCOOP Buynk Beds 2 MATTRESSES 2 SPRINGS Guard Rail and Latider Sturdily constructed mnaple finish wood hetis. May ho used as tw in beds. Anniversary Sale COMPLETE 458.t5 0 SCOOP SPACE SAVER Davenpori Sprlng - filleti construc- tion. Slecps two. Stor- age compartment. Regular 59.95 ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE 34.95 10.77 0 SCOOP Continental Bed Bargain Reg. 49.95 Tops 'cm ail for lower prices on supcr-comfort- able Continental beds! Consisting of inner-spring mattress andi matching spring base %vith six hard- wood legs. single size. ANNIVERSARY SALE 27.50 SCOOP Sensational Values 3-pce. Gorgeous Seamist Bedroom Sui!e Tour bedroom will be a picture raom wvith this ultra-modern suite. Book- case bed with door pan- els, Mr. and IrMs. Dresser has large sparklin- bey- elled mnirror, huge 4- drawer chest. Distinctive styling at a GIVE-AWAY PRICE for such quality, only possible during this grcat sale. Reg. 1.59.00. Terrifie Bargain. $188. Our Froc Bonus Offer Plus - ~SCOOP- Sensational Savings 1 SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES Absalutely the most out- standing beddîng value on the market today! There ,vill be a rush for these at this GIVE-AWAY LO W PRICE. ANNIVERSARY SALE WHIILE THEY LAST $13 Just In Time Ta Save For Christmas Aà1LE e SCOOP PLEXTONE Baby Cribs Large size, full panel, 4- mway adJustmont. Plastic teething rails Save $20. ANNIVERSARY SALE 29.50 SCOOP Airfoam Pillows Fancy quilted covers f111- rd with non-allergie chlp foam. Sorry, one pair t aa customor. ANNIVERSARY S PECIAL 15 9 Each Modern, Smartly Styleti anti Attractively Finîsheti 3-PCE. IVJNG-ROOM OCCASIONAL OR TABLE SET Cansisting of tuwo arboritp, tnp stop tables iith'-matching arbor- Rte top raffee table with shapeti legs andi ln choice of finishes. Funk & Wagnali's UNIVERSAL STANDARD Encyclopedia Volume No. 9 On Sale This Weck ony 99C W,îh Any Purchase PRODI/CE SPECIA 1! Crisp, Swveet. Large Size No. 1 Grade Bradford Marslh Pascal CELERY STALKS ED. WILSON'S FABULOUS 24th ANNIVERSARY BONUS OFFER TO YOU F:RE E!l In appreciation for y-our, most loyal and continued patronage ... and ta help us celebrate aur 24tb annivesr . w .ie are giving yau, absoltitely f ree, your choice of one of the following with your purchase of a Wilson quality bedroom suite or* a Wilson value living-room suite . .. YOUR CHOICE : Prices Effective Untul Saturday, November Oth, 1957. with Purchase of Living Room Suite or Bedroom Suite Ed. WilIson Furniture Co. 2.0 Church St. RA 3m311 op zmmmmýýý 9NUMDAY, lqov. ?th, 1957 il - TEE CANADIAN STATEMAN. IROIrMANVTLLE, ONTARIO -- PAGE T BRU General Electrie Sieam or Dry Irons Reg. 19.95 Eti. Wllson's13 5 Annlversary Sale-139 Genuine G.E. Keties Reg. 14.50 Ed. Wilson'n 9 Anniversary Sale 99 C.E. Floor Polishers Complete with twn bruýhes and lambq wool buffing pads Reg. 49.95 Ed. Wilson's 3 5 Annhversary Sale _ 49 Electrohome Mantel Radios Reg. 32.95 Eti. Wilson'ç 99 Anniversary Sale -1.5 A SmalI Deposit IVili HoId Until Christmas SCOOP FAMOUS BAFFIN BAY Blankets Big soft fluff y hiankets made from modern mir- acle fibres. A combina- tion of wool-catton-ray- on %vith hi-lustre satin binding. Reg. 8.93. ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE 4.99 SCOOP Luxury At Low Cort NYLON COVERED Sofabed and Chair Double spring construc- tion, upholstered in Du Pont nylon. This suite is a lovely chesterfield by day andi a doubl 'e beti at night. Storage compart- ment. Reg. 239. $1d44. Plus Our Fabulons Bonus Offer

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